A Psychotic Debut.

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October 2, 2018.
A Few Days Before Super Showdown in Melbourne, Australia.

It was supposed to be just a normal night for the Smackdown Live brand as it was the go home show before the Super Showdown in Melbourne, Australia. And I was to make my debut in a big way. What they didn't tell me was that I was to play jobber to Big E of the New Day. But I was not about to give him an easy match and they found that out as I unleashed just a quarter of my rage and nearly dislocated his shoulder and his knee. It was only when I felt that I had enough fun did I let him put me in the Big Ending and cover me for the win. Paige was angry when I reached the back.
"What the hell was that Boyce?"
"You told me to give them a show so I did. What? Was that not a show?" I asked her.
"Well, I guess you did put on a show for the fans and put over Big E enough. So I'll let it slide just this once."
"By the way since your here, I was wondering about a spot on Super Showdown?"
"Sorry Daniel. If you were in the company a bit sooner you may have been on the card. I mean if I had my way you would have been on the card but since you were held in the Performance Center until Hunter felt good enough to let you come on here. I do think you have the talent to get yourself over. But there's nothing I can do. However, if you really want to come with us. Maybe you can just come as extra security or something." Paige said trying to cheer me up.
"As enticing as that sounds. No. I'd rather just stay behind in obscurity." I said as I sadly walked by her to my locker room. But when I got to the locker room. I tore the whole room apart. I ripped the large monitor from out of its place between two lockers and smashed it over my head and tossed it aside, I mean I just obliterated the room.

I was sitting against the wall running my thumbs under my fingers back and forth and slightly rocking back and forth. When a knock came to the door of my locker room which was in ruins. "Enter at your own risk." I said trying to keep my temper under control The door opened to expose a long blonde haired beauty. The Queen herself, Charlotte Flair.
"Hey, what happened in here?" She asked.
"Me," I answered honestly.
"Ohh, wow. You did all this damage in under an hour?" I nodded not looking up after looking ahead when she came in. "Look. I'm here to offer you a way you can go to Super Showdown but not as a competitor. More less as a spectator. Besides if nothing else. You get to see Melbourne, Australia." I was beginning to see her point. I stopped rubbing my thumb under my fingers and stopped rocking.
"I'm listening."

That Thursday afternoon I was up, packed and ready to go. Charlotte had done the one thing no one has done for quite a while convince me to do something. Like, go to Melbourne or more specifically Super Showdown without being on the card.

When I arrived at the airport, I was met by Charlotte. Or Ashley which is her real name.
"Daniel, over here." She called out. I saw her and headed over to her. "Here you go. If need be. You can say you're my bodyguard." She smiled
"I can pull that look off." I grinned.
"You know. Your quite handsome when you smile."
"I haven't had much reason to smile or be happy period."
"Well, hopefully, this trip will be the first step to change that." We boarded the flight for Melbourne and were seated in economy class. Not coach the step above coach. I caught up on some sleep and meditation which I learned from my girl when I was still in Japan and when she was still alive.

When we arrived in Melbourne I headed to the hotel to settle in and then went out to be a tourist for a while. I was mobbed most of the way by people who saw me in NJPW and on Smackdown the other night. I signed some autographs and took some pictures and as the groups became smaller and smaller I just decided to head back to the hotel since the Super Showdown wasn't until the following afternoon. Which would be Saturday afternoon.

When the event came around I stayed in the back being moral support for my fellow Smackdown Live brand-mates. When the match between Triple H vs The Undertaker came up. I saw the perfect opportunity to make my presence known and felt at the same time.

Halfway through the match, my theme, 'Butterfly Wings' by Machines of Loving Grace came over the speakers and I ran out to the ring and took apart Kane, Undertaker, Triple H and Shawn Michaels in mere seconds. When the smoke cleared. I was the only one left standing amongst the twisted bodies. I was smiling and looking maniacally into the camera as the crowd looked on in shock and horror as just one man took apart the Phenom, The Big Red Machine, The Heartbreak Kid and The Game like they were paper dolls. I started laughing and slid out of the ring as Hunter started to stir. I stood on the stage laughing at what I had just done and I could tell that Hunter was not happy one bit as to what I had just done.

Ashley approached me after I had calmed down a bit in the locker room provided by the arena. "Hey, you are quite the conundrum. But you seemed to have gotten over with the crowd here. But if I know Hunter he'll be looking for revenge soon."
"Oooohhh, I'm quaking in my boots or is it him quaking in his orthopedic loafers. I forget sometimes." I said making her laugh.
"You really love causing chaos don't you?"
"Chaos? No. I just don't like how someone like Hunter thinks it's okay to continuously come out of retirement whenever he feels like it when his prime was close to three years ago. I was just reminding him that he's no longer relevant to this generation. And if he wants to disregard the lesson I was trying to teach. Then he' s dumber than he looks."
"Well, I'm happy that you took the initiative but you may want to be more selectful as to how you go about it."
"Noted." I smiled. As she was walking away I couldn't help but ask, "Hey, Ashley?"
"Hmm?" She turned to face me.
"Since tonight is our last night here. Would you mind going out with me tonight?"
"Are you asking me out on a date?"
"If you want to call it that."
"Well, I'm not sure I'll be able to do much on one good leg. But if you want to. I guess you can come to my hotel room tonight and we'll have a night in my room."
"I'll take it." I smiled. She limped up to me and told me her room number and when to be there. "Okay, see you then." Even though I hadn't been here for very long. I couldn't stop smiling as I had a date with the Queen herself. A night in. But still a date in my view.

Later at the hotel, I was just putting the finishing touches on my attire for my date with Ashley and after a quick twice over in the mirror. I grabbed my phone and keycard and left my hotel room and headed to hers which was five doors down from mine. I knocked and Ashley opened the door. "Right on time. Come in." She stepped aside and I walked in as she closed the door.
"Nice room," I said.
"Thank you." She smiled.
I took a seat on the room's sofa and she sat next to me.
"You know. You really impressed me. I mean you were absolutely amazing tonight. You took apart a lot of history in that ring tonight. Most people would be very skeptical as to whether or not you did that because of ego or vanity."
"What do you think?" I asked.
"I think that you did it because you wanted to make an impact but also because you were tired of mediocre matches. I mean. You were the top star of New Japan. Then you come to the WWE with promises of being put in big matches only to be a jobber right away. I just think that they could have used you better. I mean. I followed your career. And I was impressed even then. But when your girl died. I really wanted to catch the next flight down to Japan."
"As it just so happens. I owe a great deal to a Flair." I smiled.
"My dad."
"You betcha. Ric made it clear that when you lose someone in this business. You either do one of two things. Either go ballistic like I did. Or. Find something that makes you happy or someone." Ashley smiled as she leaned into my left shoulder. "And as much as I'd like for us to go a little further with this. I'd really like to take it slow."
"That sounds good." She smiled. "Your not like most guys I've met."
"In what way?"
"Your sweet, polite and the only guy I've known to not wait for permission to make an impact." She kissed my cheek. "I think life in WWE is going to be a lot more interesting with you around."
"Well, just be warned. Hunter may not only come after me for what happened tonight. So just be on your guard."

I talked with Charlotte and I pointed out that she confessed to being a fan of my work prior to the WWE. She blushed heavily. But I found it rather adorable. I even told her the one thing only my girl knew. That I had a crush on her.
"So your girl knew you had a crush on me?"
"Yeah. She had her pass and so did I."
"Who did she have a crush on?"
"Ugh. John Cena."
"Yeah. Mr shits red white and yellow himself."
Ashley laughed and smiled. "You miss her?" She asked.
"Yeah. But at least I don't have to listen to her talk lovingly about Cena."
"Talked about him a lot did she?"
"In the morning, afternoon, in the kitchen in the shower. And worst yet although it was rare. In bed."
"She didn't." I nodded.
"When she was in one of her moods. She would actually say out loud mind you, 'I wonder if John would be better than you." Ashley slid in closer to me and wrapped her arms around my left arm.
"Well, not to speak ill of the dead. But I think it was unfair for her to talk about him lovingly when she had you. Out of curiosity, did you talk about me?"
"I only brought you up when she wondered if John was better than me in bed. So I'd retaliate with 'I wonder if Charlotte is better than you since you bring it up?" Ashley smiled.
"So you rarely brought me up or talked about me."
"You were my guilty pleasure. I didn't feel it was right to bring you up as much as Kennedy brought up John. Do I miss her? yes. Do I miss her bringing up John Cena like he's the ultimate male? Hell no."
"So, why do you say I was your guilty pleasure?" I smiled at her
"I said you were my guilty pleasure. Is because I would imagine you in bikini's, lingerie, all while Kennedy was away on tour as I held down the fort in Japan."
"So in other words. You got off on me?"
"Not in so many words. But yeah, I guess I did." I giggled.
"Hoo, I like dates like this, because there's really no distractions, nothing to pull your attention away."
"Actually I can think of one."
"You." I grinned. "Being here with you is making me feel like a little kid again. I mean. I'm sitting here. With the girl that was my pass. And all those fantasies and visions of you are coming back and I don't want to ruin this. I want this possible relationship to be about more than physical attraction. And, sexual attraction. I want this to be a full disclosure relationship. No secrets. No lies."
"I understand that. And it's getting late and we both have a plane to catch tomorrow morning." I stood up and so did she. "I really enjoyed tonight. And your company even more." I couldn't resist any longer. I leaned in and kissed her. She held out her arms in surprise and after a moment she embraced the kiss and wrapped her arms around my neck as I pulled away.
"Always wanted to do that." I smiled. Ashley blushed as I wrapped my arms around her waist.
"I was wondering if you and I would kiss tonight or if you would wait. Which I wouldn't have minded that either. But I'm glad you kissed me. And judging by the intensity of it. You really like me."
"No. I love you." I smiled.
"Come here. Just one, more, kiss." She pulled me in for one last kiss for the night. "Mmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm. I wish you and I could stay in the same room."
"It will happen, Ash."
"I know. But your such a great kisser." She whined.
"You know. Your kind of cute when you whine." She blushed and smiled.
"And you're a little more handsome when you snap."
"Ohh, finally someone noticed." She playfully slapped my arm.
"Ohh, well we have a flight to catch early in the morning. So."
"You know what. I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to stay here tonight."
"You sure?" I nodded.
"I just need to go back to my room momentarily to get my stuff. Be back in a sec." I ran to my room and grabbed my luggage and two duffel bags then returned to Ashley's room.
"You don't waste time do you?" She smiled.
"With what I learned in my life. I can't afford to waste time. Unless I want to." Ashley smiled.
"Well, lover boy. Would you like to waste a little time with me?"
"I'd waste an eternity with you." I grinned.

We changed into some sleepwear and I slept on the right side as she slept on the left side of the bed. She slid next to me and folded her right arm between my ribs and her chest and rested her head on my shoulder and her left hand on my chest. "Goodnight, Daniel."
"Goodnight, Ash."

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