'Madhouse' Shows His Dedication To The Queen.

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When we got back to the states I was immediately called into the office suites of the hotel we were staying at. I knew that I was going to have a major chew out session from Hunter. "What was that little act you pulled at Super Showdown?" He asked. "And what do you mean that I am irrelevant?"
"You are. You yourself have told the fans that you wouldln't be one of those old dogs who didn't know when to hang up their tights and boots. But I and the fans have seen that is not true. You are so afraid of becoming irrelevant that you constantly come out of retirement to soothe that gigantic ego of yours. And along with it that you are working under the delusion that you still matter. But at least your doing what's best for business. Yeah if you call making deals with foreign countries who take offense to women competing in matches or any other type of sport. Then your doing what's best for business alright. If you mean what's the best way to run this company into the ground."
He got really irrate at this point and did something stupid. "You know maybe I should hold Ashley responsible for not only your actions. I mean you weren't even on the card in the first place."
I stood up and walked around his desk and when he stood up I gripped his tie and slammed him down onto the desk and stabbed a sharp sword looking letter opener through his tie.
"You even go near Ashley. What I did to all those superstars in NJPW. Will be quite rosey in comparison as to what I will do to everyone on both rosters. You see loyalty to the fans or friends may not mean much to you except for a means to an end. But I'm of better stock. Friends are very important to me. And if you actually listened to your fans. You would notice that trouble is brewing in Saudi Arabia but like Vince. You turn a blind eye to everything but money." I leaned in close to his ear. "One last thing. If you threaten any of my friends. I'm going to make sure you understand how I got the nickname 'Madhouse' Boyce. And I have the perfect first victims of my retalliation." I pulled the letter opener. "Play ball, or you will get a war you will not win." I started walking out of the office. He stood up and stared at me angrily. "Oh, and Hunter." I threw the letter opener and it stuck in a portrait behind him. "Never. Turn your back on a lunatic of my caliber. And if you come after Ash anyway. You or anyone connected to you. That pain your felt at the end of the beatdown I gave you, Shawn, Taker, and Kane at Super Showdown. Will feel like a tickle. Jackass." I left his office.

I soon gathered my arena bag and headed to the arena that was going to be the home for Smackdown Live. Ash was waiting for me in catering and when I arrived in catering after dropping off my arena bag to my locker room. I noticed that Trinity, CJ, Becky, Mandy, and Sonya were all sitting at a table with Ashley.
"Daniel, over here." Ashley smiled.
I walked over to her. "Hey, babe." I smiled. I kissed her cheek and everyone was surprised.
"Hey, baby. I heard what happened in the office suites of the hotel earlier this afternoon."
"How did you find out?"
Ash pointed at CJ.
"I didn't mean to eavesdrop. But the way you stood up for Ashley and for all of us women superstars. Just made it rather special to just listen to all of what you had to say." I smiled.
"Thank you for saying that. I tried to put him in his place but when he threatened to go after Ash. I had to go off book."
"We know that Daniel. And to be honest. Anyone that would stand up to Hunter for us and point out the truth about him. Deserves to have my best friend." Becky smiled.
"Thanks guys."
I found out through the girls that I had a match against Rusev. Which I was excited for. After a while Ashley and I headed to my locker room and I got ready for my match. "You really are something else, baby."
"Thank you." I smiled as I tightened my belt on the jeans I was wearing and put on a loose short sleeve shirt. Then put my boots on. I noticed Ashley staring at me as I tied the laces of my boots. "Enjoying the show?" She smiled and stood up. After I finished lacing up my  boots she gently slid both her hands on either side of my face and gently pulled me to my feet. Then kisssed me. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her waist. "I'll take that as a yes."
"Good, thats what I wanted you to do." She giggled.
"Ohh, I wish my match with Rusev was already over."
"Why is that?" She asked.
"Because that would mean that I would be done with tonights punishment from Hunter."
"Hey, you'll do okay. I know it."
"At least some one knows." I laughed.
"Would you like me to go out with you."
"I would noramally say no. Since you already have your own storyline going with Becky Lynch. I think it would be best if you stayed back here. Besides if I'm not mistaken, Rusev has his own storyline with English. So I think I should be fine." Ash started to frown. "Now don't be like that. I'll tell you what. Regardless as to what happens tonight. You and I can do whatever you want tomorrow." She smiled and kissed me and hugged me.
"I'm going to hold you to that." She grinned evilly.
"I'm counting on it." I kissed her once more as I finished putting on my jacket.
"Here. Let me help you with that." She smiled as she pulled the jacket on the rest of the way and helped me zip it up to under the rib cage. "You know. We can take our time. But I'm sure people will think that we're together. But I'm more than happy to take things slow."
"Good. But I may just do something rather. Impulsive."
"Now, now. We agreed to take things slow. And we will." She kissed me once more. "Now you better get to the gorilla."
"Yes, your majesty." I smiled as I headed to the gorilla.
"God, I'm in love with a comedian."
"Better a comedian than a deadman."  I said loud enough for her to hear.

While I was waiting at the gorilla Rusev and Lana came up to me.
"Hey, Daniel." CJ hugged me.
"You ready for the match?" Rusev asked.
"Ready as I'll ever be." I smiled.
"Hey, for what it's worth. I'm happy to hear that you stood up to Hunter for Ashley and the rest of the girls." He gave me a high five and a hug. And once his theme started he headed out. Once he was out in the ring. My music hit and I came running down to the ring and rolled quickly into the ring. Hitting the ropes and clubbing the turnbuckles. Even going as far as headbutting them.

Thirty minutes into the match...
Rusev and I had traded control of the match and we were both getting tired. Then Charlotte's theme hit and she came down to the ring. I was in the corner near the time keepers table just leaning against the bottom turnbuckle. I looked to her and said, "I thought I told you I'd be fine."
"I wanted to make sure you were okay."
"Ha. Okay. Just promise me that you won't get in anyone's path of destruction." She kissed my cheek and smiled and nodded. "Alright then." I slid up to my feet and found more energy and just tore into Rusev. Once I thought he had suffered enough I delivered a swinging facebuster which I called 'The Lobotomy'. Once he was laying on his back, I looked to Charlotte and she was smiling. I quickly found myself on the apron of the ring near her and did a springboard 450 elbow. Which soon fans would call 'Electo-Shock'. I pinned Rusev for the three count victory. I slowly crawled to the ropes near Lana and pulled myself upright. Then walked over to Rusev who stopped shaking and I extended my hand. He took it and I pulled him up to his feet and he raised my arm and I returned the favor. I then walked to the ramp side of the ring and just leapt over the top rope and to the floor where Charlotte was waiting for me.
"Come on. I'm sure you'll need a massage after what you've been through my Psycho." She giggled as I sported an unhinged look.
"Right behind you." I wrapped an arm around her waist and she leaned into me. The rumor mill worked overtime by the time me and Ashley left the arena headed to the hotel to get the rest of our stuff and then directly to the airport. Some superstars both male and female already knew that me and Ashley had a relationship going. But the WWE Universe didn't. Which is what I originally intended. I got myself and Ashley a ticket to Eagle, Idaho. Which incidentally is where my new home was. On the flight to my home. Ashley and I talked about what happened tonight and what would happen for the coming weeks in her storyline since I knew I wouldn't get a storyline of my own for quite a while. Even if I did. The only upcoming pay per view for guys apparently was Crown Jewel which I had no interest in being part of. But we talked about what would possibly be happening at Evolution between her and Becky.

When the plane landed, we gathered our bags from the overhead bin and the rest of our luggage from baggage claim. I then had a taxi take us to Eagle, Idaho and to my home. Ash fell asleep before we reached my place. So, once there. I gently got out of the taxi and very carefully pulled her out of the taxi and picked her up bridal style and carried her to the front door and sat her in  neo classic chair that came with the place. Then I all but rushed to the driver as he took out the last piece of our luggage from the trunk of his taxi. "That will be $116.00" He said.
"Here you go." I handed him four dollars more plus another twenty in a tip."Keep the change."
"Thank you." I made sure he was out of sight before I returned to Ashley's side and unlocked the door and picked her up carefully and carried her to a guest room. Then once I put her to bed and made sure she was comfortable. I headed downstairs to get her bags first and put them carefully just inside the guest room door. Then once her bags were all in the guest room. I got my things and put them in my room. Then returned to the guest room and sat on the bed next to Ashley. I leaned in close to her left ear.
"Ashley Fliehr. Would you be my girlfriend?" I sat up and smiled and as I got up to go to my room. I kissed her cheek and she smiled and sighed as she got more comfortable in bed. "I love you my queen." I was about out the door heading to my room when I hear.
"I love you too my Lunatic." I smiled as I went to bed.

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