Raw May Have Won Survivor Series, But The Night Belongs To The Lunatic Royalty.

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It wasn't until early the following morning before we headed to the next Smackdown Live event that we heard that Becky also suffered a concussion along with her broken nose. It wasn't until we go to the arena that we found Becky sitting in catering with her head in her hands.
"Hey, Ash. Why don't you get your attire on. I'm going to check on Becky."
"Alright. Just be careful. She's been through a lot." Ashley kissed me as I smiled as I watched her walk away.
"Hey," I started.
"Hey," Becky replied giving me the tone and look that I knew all too well.
"Uh oh. There's a sound and look I've heard and seen before."
"I have been medically removed from my match at Survivor Series." She said as she looked at me.
"Hmm. I know how it feels Becks. I was medically removed for close to a year when I went ballistic and tore people apart after my girl's death in the ring in NJPW. I was so frustrated with the system that I wanted to tear apart anyone that even looked at me wrong."
"What stopped you?"
"Remembering the fact that Kennedy wouldn't want me to do that." I smiled weakly. "Trust me, I get that you're angry with the system. But if you choose your replacement wisely. You may just pull off the upset of the century without even lacing up a pair of boots at Survivor Series."
"Well, they do want me to choose my replacement. I do appreciate your advice and I'm glad that someone on this roster knows how I feel right now." She smiled.
"Just know you have friends on this roster and on the Raw roster as well." She nodded and hugged me.
"Thank you, Daniel." She smiled as I stood up as Ashley came up to us.
"Hey, Becky." She smiled.
"Hey, Ashley. Your boy here is very smart. Not to mention that he is very wise. Especially for a psycho."
"Well, I better let you girls catch up or chit chat or whatever you guys do." I left them alone but not before kissing Ashley on the lips and Becky on the top of her head.

Later that night, Becky chose her replacement for her match against Rousey. And she chose my girl. My Queen. Charlotte Flair. After Smackdown Live went off the air we were given a day or two to go home and get ready for Survivor Series.
So we went to my home in Eagle since Series was going to be in Los Angeles, CA this year. She took advantage of the extended and extensive regiments I tested myself for stamina, strength, and endurance among other points. I even was able to see her take to the Salmon Ladder a few times. By the time we were to head to L.A. She and I felt physically and mentally ready.

When we arrived in Los Angeles we headed to the hotel and checked in and immediately went out to our scheduled promotion points. We hyped our matches on the radio. Local sports podcasts. But when the last one finished which was around 230 the afternoon of Series. Me and Ash made our way to the arena with our arena bags and immediately after arriving at the arena went directly to our locker room and got dressed and ready for our matches. Mine against Hunter was one of the first major matches of the night, and it was an asylum match. Hunters idea to try and prove he wasn't afraid of me and could beat me in a match type suited for someone like me.

I was at the gorilla as the rivalry video started playing. I was stretching and warming up when Hunter came up with Stephanie at his side.
"You better get ready to lose." He said as if he had already won the match.
"Who said anything about losing." I smiled at him.
"Well, one way or the other. You will lose. Because last we checked. You work for us."
"I hadn't noticed considering Hunter here was running like a coward. And last I checked. You're not allowed at ringside Stephanie." I told them. "And if there is any interference from anyone on your behalf Hunter. You will only be given a harsher beating from me." I smiled. Fear started to grip him as I could read it in his eyes. "See you out there, Game." I headed out to the ring to my music and once I was in the ring Hunter's theme started.

37 Minutes into the match. I was bleeding from repeated shots with a kendo stick and chair to the head. Hunter was bleeding from his head and back from shots received from a barb wired bat. And since in essence, an Asylum Match was a cage match with weapons. That meant I wouldn't be able to do 'Electro-Shock'. So once I noticed he was getting more and more exhausted by the move and minute. I reversed a pedigree attempt and performed two 'Lobotomy's' in a row then pinned Hunter and got the victory. After the cage was raised and Hunter rolled out of the ring I slowly climbed out of the ring and headed to the back and was met by Ashley.
"Easy babe. I'm still somewhat bleeding here." I smiled.
"Come on. Let's get you to the trainer's room." She placed my right arm over her shoulder and helped me to the trainer's room. After my cuts were patched up, "So how's he doing?"
"Oh, Daniel's got to be one of the toughest guys I know. He's going to have a migraine for a day or two. Some muscle pain but all in all. He's just fine Ashley." The trainer told her.
"Good to hear." I stood up carefully and followed Ashley to our locker room and she helped me sit down carefully on the sofa as the monitor was on in our locker room.

When it was time for Ashley's match which was close to a full hour after mine. She stood up and looked at me. "Time for me to go out and show Rousey who the better brand is."
"Make me proud my Queen."
"I always endeavor to do so." She smiled as she leaned down and kissed me then headed to the gorilla.

Barely fifteen minutes into her match. She rolled out of the ring and Rousey thought it would be best to roll out of the ring near the ramp and run at her from there as Charlotte was on the opposite side of the ring. Only to be smacked deadstick in the stomach by a kendo stick. Charlotte continued her assault on Rousey even after the match was called making Rousey the winner by disqualification. After breaking two kendo sticks over her back and front. Charlotte started to use a steel chair and I got up and walked to the gorilla as she slid Rousey's head between the back of the chair and the seat after performing a blockbuster onto the chair not even a few minutes before. Once she took out the refs. Charlotte stomped on the bar between the legs snapping the chair on Rousey's neck. I walked out on stage to no music and no video. Ashley looked at the scene in the ring as she walked backwards up the ramp and when she was close enough, I spun her around and kissed her. "I'm so proud of you my Mad Queen." I picked her up by her waist and spun her around. I even reached behind my back as I was back in a pair of jeans. And pulled out a small silver/black box and she started to tear up and clasped her hands over her mouth and nose. "I hope I don't have to show it but I am going to ask it." I got on one knee as the LA crowd erupted as they noticed what was happening. "Charlotte Flair. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" She smiled as she removed her hands from her face, then nodded.
"Yes." I rocketed to my feet and kissed her. We smiled at each other and headed to the back. The entire locker rooms of both brands met us backstage and congratulated us.

When we got back to the hotel after leaving Series early considering our matches were already over. We kissed and made out and it evolved from there. After a two hour round, found us in the shower cleaning up from our matches, then the end of a second round found us on the sofa of the hotel room. But our final round which was three hours found us in bed asleep holding each other close.

The next morning we woke up and got showered and ready to see what the backlash if any of Survivor Series would be or was.
Every place we went to gave us glowing reviews of our matches. Both mine and hers singles matches. After we got back to the hotel since Raw and Smackdown Live were to stay in LA after Series. Which gave us at least a day and a night to enjoy LA before we were to go to Charlotte, North Carolina for Thanksgiving with her family. Ashley soon opened up the box and found a diamond engagement ring with the diamonds making the shape of a crown. She smiled as she took it from the box and put it on her ring finger.
"I see you're enjoying your engagement ring." I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her waist as she and I were standing on the balcony of our hotel room.
"Yes, I am. It's so beautiful." She grinned as she turned her head as I turned mine towards her and kissed me. "When did you find time to get this much less find it?"
"I have my ways." I giggled while she did as well.
"You certainly are a marvel, honey." She leaned into me and held my arms in place around her waist with both hands.
"Not as much as you, my Mad Queen." I kissed her neck and she grinned.
"Now. I just think that dad may hate the fact you didn't ask him first."
"I actually thought about that."
"Yeah." Before I could say anything her phone went off.
"That might be him."
"Twenty bucks says it is." I smiled as she nudged me in the ribs. She picked up her phone from the balcony table and looked at the ID screen and it said plain as day. 'Dad'. "I hate it when I'm right."
Ashley answered.
"Hey, dad."
'Hey, what's this I'm seeing on WWE.Com. About you and Daniel engaged to be married?'
"Actually I can explain that Ric," I said.
"I'm listening."
"It was a dry run and creative thought it would be a good idea. For me and Ashley's characters to be engaged after she beat up Rousey." I said making Ashley a little angry.
'Well, just make sure if you do ask her to marry you. That you ask me first.'
"Of course Ric."
'Anyway, Wendy and I are really excited to see you two in a day or two. So as Ashley told us you'll be flying here to Charlotte and will be staying with us until Saturday as you two have a full schedule before TLC.'
"That's correct dad." Ashley smiled.
'Okay. Well, we're really excited for you guys to come here for Thanksgiving. I better let you go. Bye, you two.'
"Bye, dad." Ashley hung up. "A dry run?"
"I had to tell him something to keep him at bay until I asked him if I could marry you."
"And when you do?"
"Tell him that I had already proposed."
"That's risky. But as much as I want to be mad at you for calling the proposal last night as a dry run. I can't do anything because. You love me that much to risk incurring the wrath of my father. The man that helped you through your grief to some extent. By proposing to me without his permission."
"You got it." I smiled. She and I went to take one last shower before going to Raw since the next night we would still be in LA. Then we would leave first thing Wednesday morning to head to Charlotte for Thanksgiving with the Flairs. I continued to look at paper headlines and saw one from Boise that caught my attention. 'Raw May Have Won Survivor Series. But The Night Belongs To The Lunatic Royalty.' The headline read. I smiled at the headline and I didn't notice Ashley walk up behind me until she hugged me from behind and kiss my cheek. She looked at me and smiled as I briefly looked to her and smiled and continued reading the article. She looked at the article and read the headline.
"Hmm. I kinda like that headline."
"So do I." I turned my head and my lips met hers. Once we finished reading the article. I gently put my phone down for a few moments and rubbed my eyes.
"Mmm, I don't want to go to Raw tonight." She whined as she slid into my lap.
"Well, we don't have to. We can just watch a couple of holiday comedies. Order out make a night of it." She smiled at the thought of it. "How does that sound?"
"Perfect." She grinned.
"Alright." I kissed her and as promised. We ordered out and watched holiday comedies on Vudu among other apps on my tablet and she and I did make a night out of it. We soon felt exhaustion slowly overtake us, but we decided to take one last shower together which evolved  into another round or two, the end of the first round found us just on the bathroom floor and the end of the second found us in bed, dry of shower water but caked in sweat.

"Tomorrow, let's be like a couple of tourists and just spend as much time driving around LA looking at all the landmarks and visiting all the hotspots before we head to Smackdown Live." She smiled as I told her this.
"Sounds good to me baby." She kissed me after I took my glasses off and she turned off the overhead light. "Goodnight baby."
"Goodnight my Mad Queen." She giggled as I kissed her neck since her back was to me and I pulled her in tightly against me. We soon fell fast asleep.

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