Thanksgiving With The Flair's.

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The next morning, I woke up to see Ashley looking at me. "Mmm, morning darling." I smiled.
"Morning Daniel. My Psychotic King." She leaned over and kissed me. "Ready for our tourist day?" She asked.
I smiled and said, "Yes, I am."
"Good. Now we have a lot of ground to cover but whatever we don't see we'll save for next time."
"Sounds good to me." I sat up and stretched and yawned. I smiled as she held the sheet over her chest. "Ohh, we seriously need to do this more often." I grinned.
"You mean the intermittent..." I nodded. "I agree."
"You got to admit. It keeps our love life all the more interesting if not unpredictable. Like us." She smiled as I stood up and stretched a little more. She then stood up and approached me.
"I do admit that. But, I think that our multiple rounds the other night and the two we had last night, may bear some interesting results."
I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her waist. "And what would your reaction be if you are right?"
"I'd probably be a mixture of happy and scared. Happy that we'd be starting a family. But scared because I feel a little unprepared to have children."
"You want my opinion?" She nodded. "I think. That parenting isn't really something you plan. It's pretty much mostly guess work." She giggled. "And if you do become pregnant." I slid my hands from around her waist, down her forearms to her hands. "You and I will love our baby unconditionally." I lifted her hands to my lips and kissed them one at a time, then together. "No matter what Ashley. No matter what life throws our way. You and me. We will face it and weather it together. And quite possibly scare the shit out of some people while we're at it." I joked.
"You somehow know what to say at least to me. To put my mind at ease." She leaned into me and I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. She tucked her arms under her chest and nestled into my chest.
"I love you." I said as I kissed the top of her head.
"I love you, too."

Soon after we headed out and did a lot of sight seeing. I loved seeing Ashley smile and have fun. By the time we got back to the hotel, it was acceptably early in the evening. But me and Ashley ended up not going to Smackdown Live.
So, since we had a flight to catch to Charlotte , North Carolina early the next morning. We just made due. I was happy to have Ashley as my girl. I knew that no matter what we'd look out for each other. And I'm sure she knew I'd do anything to protect her. And I definitely knew that she'd do the same for me. As I laid in bed with a sleeping Ashley on my chest. I smiled as I thought back to how our relationship was a little rocky to start. But we somehow found a rythm and progressed to where we are now. Engaged to be married. Now we just had to act like we weren't when we arrived in Charlotte. Underhanded I know, but a necessary evil if I was to clinch Ric's permission to offcially marry Ashley.
It was nice to just look down and see my fiancée sound asleep. I ran my right hand through her hair and eventually fell asleep.

The next morning we woke up at eight in the morning and made sure we were packed and ready by nine and took our rental car to LAX and caught our flight to Charlotte which was to leave by ten thirty. While on the plane in business class amongst the suits that were checking the stocks every second or minute and reading the Wall Street Journal. Ashley and I were already looking at what the look of the wedding was to be held at my home in Eagle, Idaho.
"That does look good darling." I smiled as she found a look that had flowers and colors that would make the house blend in well with the surrounding area. But we decided to go with a mix of our birth month colors and gem stone colors. By the time we arrived in Charlotte we had the decorations, food and the florists chosen if not widdled down to two or three names and styles. "Well, we're here. We may want to hide the ring darling." I said gesturing to the engagement ring she had yet to take off since she put it on her finger.
"Your right. She took it off and pulled the box from her jacket pocket and put the ring back into it and handed the ring box to me. "I love you, so much Daniel."
"I love you more My Mad Queen." She smiled. I slid my right hand behind her head and pulled her in for one last kiss then we fastened our seatbelts and the plane landed in the airport in Charlotte, North Carolina and we grabbed our bags from the overhead bin then made our way to baggage claim after going through customs and security. Then once we got our bags from baggage claim we made our way to the entrance and right out of the gate.
"There they are." Ric said as he walked up to me and Ashley.
"Hey, dad." Ashley smiled as she hugged and kissed Ric's cheek.
"And that must make you Daniel." Wendy said.
"That's correct." I smiled as I hugged Wendy.
"So, The Madhouse has finally come to the WWE." Ric smiled.
"Yes. I am." Ashley stood next to me.
"And it would appear that Ashley has finally found someone special." Wendy smiled. Ashley just looked at me and I looked at her.
"I'd like to think I found someone special. But either way you slice it. We're going to stand by each other." I smiled as Ashley kissed me.
"Well, what's say we get moving." Ashley and I picked up our bags and followed Ric to his car and strapped our suitcases to the roof and put the duffel bags in the trunk. I told a little of my history to Wendy in case Ric forgot something and once my proposal came up. Ashley and I looked to each other and smiled. "So Daniel. Is there something you want to ask me?" Ric asked.
"Honey, leave them alone. They just barely got here." Wendy said as she inadvertantly bought me some time. Because aside from the not so subtle jetlag. It was a little too early to ask permission yet.
"Alright. But we will have to straighten this out before we all go to sleep tonight." Ric said sounding a little impatient. But since he helped me through Kennedy's death. I let the tone go.

When we arrived at the Flair home. I was met by a very familiar face.
"Daniel." David said.
"David my man." I bro hugged him. "Sorry to hear about Daphne."
"Thanks. So I hear that you and my sister are dating."
"Yes, we are. And hopefully that will change before we have to go back to work." I smiled as I looked at Ashley. I helped Ric and David take our bags inside and I was led by Ric as to where I'd be staying. Imagine my surprise that I was to stay in Ashley's old room with her.

Down in the parlor...
"So, it seems that your relationship to Daniel has gone well. I can definitely see that he loves you."
"Wendy, he's an amazing man. Supportive, loving, caring and he's made me so happy. I just wish that dad would lighten up."
"I know, Ashley."
"What was dad's problem on the ride here anyway?"
"I think the best explanation that I can think of is that he was a little if not pretty upset about you becoming engaged without his permission."
"I get that. I do. But the last two people that asked for his permission first ended up being bad decisions. I love Daniel Wendy. And he loves me. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Have a family with him."
"Where does he live anyway?" Wendy asked.
"Eagle, Idaho." I said as I came into the parlor. I approached a smiling Ashley. "Hey darling." I kissed her lips as I sat down next to her.
"Is it a nice place?"
"Yes, it's beautiful. Daniel's home is in the mountains and it's barely ten miles from Boise."
"That's good. So Daniel. What are your plans with Ashley?"
"Well, in terms of work just remain at her side even if she doesn't want me there." I grinned a bit at Ashley.
"But at home. Be supportive, loving, caring and all around understanding boyfriend that I can be. Ashley's happiness is all that matters to me." I told Wendy honestly.
"Well, you certainly have your priorities straight. What about a family?"
"I hope that we will start a family soon. But if we have to wait until we're married, then so be it. But. It's all up to what we can scrounge in terms of time off or a schedule month by month."
"Okay. Good. Do you agree with what he has planned Ashley?" Wendy asked, as Ashley nodded.
"Daniel," Ric started as he came into the parlor. "I'm sure that your pretty tired from your flight."
"Yes we are." I smiled as Ashley stood up along with me. "Well, we're going to get a nap in and be more ready in time for dinner." I smiled.
"Okay, you two have a nice nap."
"We will." Ashley said as we headed upstairs to Ashley's room.
The moment we disappeared from view. Wendy looked at Ric and gave him a scolding look. "Now I don't want you to do anything that will cause drama or hurt Ashley's feelings." Ric looked sheepishly at Wendy. "Got it?" He nodded. "Okay. Now let's go and get tonight's dinner ready."

Meanwhile upstairs in Ashley's room, I was just barely laying on the bed and Ashley smiled as I yawned and stretched like a cat getting comfortable on a pillow or bed in general. "Ohhh, my baby is tired. Well I'm sure that someone will come get us when dinners ready." She turned for a few seconds and when she looked back, I was completely out. She approached me and sat next to me. "Ohh, my darling, handsome husband-to-be. I love you so much. And no matter what. I'll always love you and be by your side." She leaned down and kissed my cheek. Which made me smile in my sleep. "Always."
When she got comfortable she looked at her phone and checked our social media accounts and even double checked the plans for the wedding we agreed on so far. But jet lag caught up with her and she fell asleep her phone still open. Then barely ten minutes later Ric came in.
"Hey you two. Dinners ready." He saw Ashley's phone open on the ground and picked it up and was gonna put it on the bedside table until he read, 'Wedding Plans.' He read through it and nearly lost his temper. But curbed it as I woke up and he rushed to put her phone on the nightstand.
"Hey, Ric." I yawned.
"Hey. Sleep well?" I nodded. "Good, dinners ready downstairs."
"Okay. We'll be down soon." I told him. He left us alone and I smiled as I leaned over and grinned at how beautiful Ashley was asleep. But since I had a feeling her dad would not like to come up and get us again. I kissed her cheek and she stirred awake
"Hey, dinner ready already?" She asked groggily.
"Yeah. Come on." I rubbed her back lightly. "Let's get up and greet the evening."
Ashley giggled at my comment. "I love you." She smiled.
"I love you more." I said as she sat up and kissed me before getting out of bed and stretching. I got up and changed into some clean clothes while Ashley changed into a fresh shirt, jeans and socks. Once we were ready, we headed downstairs to the dining room. All through dinner I noticed Ric giving me the evil stink eye. After dinner Ashley and I were still pretty tired from the flight. So we decided to go to bed early.

Thanksgiving the next day was fun as I was chosen to carve the turkey and after some games and updates on David, Ashley's and Ric's lives. We just hung out and took a nap. I was the only one still awake as I just looked around to David and Wendy and Ashley as they slept. Ric was finalizing a couple of appearances for himself in his office, so I though now would be a good time. So I gently slid out from under Ashley and kissed her forehead gently. Then made my way to Ric's office.

I knocked and heard, "Come in." I entered his office and smiled.
"Hey, Ric."
"Look. I know that you didn't like the fact that no one told you about the storyline engagement." I sighed. "But I want to make Ashley my wife for real not just a storyline thing. So with your permission. I'd like to ask Ashley to be my wife." When he hesitated I knew something was up. "You looked at me and Ashley's wedding plans so far didn't you?"
"I don't know what your talking about."
"Don't lie to me. You may be the dirtiest player in the game but I've been around long enough to know when someone is lying to me."
"Okay, Yes. I picked up Ashley's phone off the ground and noticed that it was open to a notepad page with the words 'Wedding Plans So Far.' I read everything you two had planned out. It doesn't bother me that you're planning ahead but it bothers me that you didn't ask for my blessing or permission to marry my only daughter." I was getting very, very angry.
"You know. I owe you for getting me through the grief of losing Kennedy. And it looks like you just want me to leave Ashley alone. Fine. I'm going upstairs and packing up and going somewhere. I'm not sure where but with a little luck. I'll find somewhere to go." I snapped to my feet and just walked out of Ric's office.

After I packed, I wrote a note to Ashley. Then put it on her stomach before heading out. She woke up an hour later. And found the note. "Daniel? Baby?!" She went upstairs and found her room empty. She started to worry. She opened the note after sitting on her bed. 'My dearest Ashley. I'm going to check into a hotel. Because you're dad won't approve of me marrying you. And he found your phone open on the floor and read our plans for our wedding. I love you so much that it hurts me to write this as there is a chance you're dad will not allow you to see me anymore. I'll always love you, Ashley. If you ever need anything. Just call me.' She started to cry as she finished reading the note. Wendy heard her sobbing and came running into her room.
"What's the matter Ashley?" She asked. All Ashley could do was hand her the note. Wendy read it and got really pissed. "RIC!!!" He came running into Ashley's room. He didn't even ask what was wrong because Wendy's face said it all. He looked to her hands and she was clutching the note tightly. "I thought I told you not to start any drama. Or make Ashley cry." Ashley was still sniffling but had a look of anger that gave Ric pause before Wendy continued. "She found this note. Apparently Daniel is checking into a hotel. Doesn't say which one. But you have a lot of explaining to do with your daughter." Ashley stood up and approached him.
"Daniel. Is the first to genuinely love me. And all because he didn't ask your permission for my hand. You just scare him off. I love him dad. I know for a fact that he'd never hurt me in any way. In fact he came with me to make up for not asking your permission to marry me. He wanted to ask for permission. But I guess you showed him that he wasn't good enough for your only daughter. Thank you for ruining my relationship with the only guy I truly believe loves me as much as I love him." Ashley started to call all the hotels in the area.
"Your going to sleep on the couch tonight, Ric." Wendy walked past him and headed downstairs. Ric then left the room with his head down.

It took, Ashley close to three hours to find the hotel I was staying at. She packed up her stuff and headed to the door. Wendy walked up to her. "I'm glad you found a man that truly, genuinely loves you. Now you go to him and hold onto him. You deserve to be happy. Both of you."
"Thank you, Wendy." Ashley hugged Wendy then David came up to her.
"Hey, I don't feel the same as dad. Daniel is a very good man. And he's perfect for you. So when you two do get married. I would be proud to walk you down the aisle." David smiled.
"Thanks bro."
"No problem." David hugged her and she went to the Marriott in downtown Charlotte.

Once she arrived at the Marriott, she walked up to the front desk. "Hi. I called looking for this man." She held up a picture of us.
"Oh yes. He's in room 314." The concierge said.
"Thank you." She headed to my room and started breathing as slowly as she could. When she reached the third floor. She walked to room '314' and knocked.
"Yes?" I asked as I had my arm draped over my eyes.
"Daniel. It's me." I got up and opened the door to see Ashley with all her bags. "Can I come in?"
"As long as it's only you. Yes." I smiled widely as she wheeled her suitcase dual set in and carried her duffel bags in. The moment I closed the door and she put her stuff down. I approached her. "I'm sorry for leaving so abruptly. I just didn't want to deal with whatever drama Ric was cooking up."
"You really had me scared baby. I thought you would have left for Eagle."
"It crossed my mind but, I wasn't going to leave you behind." She smiled as she kissed me. I smiled as she pulled away. "I love you too much to just give up on us."
"Well you're note said different."
"I know. Sorry I was mad and wasn't exactly in the right frame of mind." I kissed her. "So. What should we do for the remainder of the night?"
"I got a couple ideas." She grinned evilly.

I picked her up in my arms and carried her to the bed. She grinned as I gently lowered her onto the bed and started to take off my shirt and jeans. I slid into bed and gently kissed her stomach and kept going up, pulling up her shirt as I went along. I could hear her breathing hitch a bit. She soon sat up just enough to take off her shirt and bra. I smiled as she giggled as I kissed a path to the left and to the right only stopping long enough to lick and gently suck and nibble on her breasts. After a moment or two I continued to kiss a path to her neck, cheeks, and lips. She smiled as she wrapped her arms around my neck and rolled me onto my back and gently nibbled on my lower lip. "God, you've turned me on so much that I'm sure there's a wet spot in my jeans baby."
"Well, that is what I was aiming for." I giggled as she kissed me and kissed a path down and when she got to my steel rod, she kissed around it a bit and up and down the sides and licked the tip. "Damn. Your enjoying teasing me aren't you?" I asked with a smile.
"Yes, I do. In fact. I wanted to tell you." She kissed the tip. "That as much as I love my father. I love you so much more." She smiled as she continued to stroke my shaft and said, "I want to have a family with you. I want to marry you. I have never felt this way about anyone. Before you. I thought I knew what real love was with my past two husbands. But. With you. I now. I now know that you are my one true love. Because You risked the wrath and faced the wrath of my father. All because you asked me to marry you without his permission or blessing. You are my man, my gentle riot," She leaned up as I sat up a bit and kissed me. "Your the only man for me. My loving," She kissed me. "Caring." Again. "Deliciously savage, Psychotic King." She kissed me once more and got off the bed for a moment and gently and teasingly stripped out of her jeans and panties. "I want you baby. I want you to give me everything you've got."
"Are you sure that's what you want?"
"Yes. Everything." She slid over me and smiled as I kissed her forehead and lips. "And I don't want you to stop until you can guarantee that I won't be walking straight or at all tomorrow."
"Well, if my queen commands it. I can do nothing less." For the next five to six hours I gave her what she wanted. Everything I had.
It wasn't until her twenty ninth orgasm that was quickly followed by another that she screamed, "Oh my, god!!! I'm cumming again." I was right on her heels as I plowed into her as we were both up on our feet as she was leaning against the wall closest to the bed and I had her right leg resting on my left shoulder.
"I'm gonna cum as well babe."
"Oh yeah. Please cum inside me baby. Do it." When her orgasm hit and this one was the most intense that I ever felt from her. Her pussy walls clamped down on my shaft so much that it felt like it was being strangled which caused me to unload the most massive load of cum into my woman. My bride-to-be. My Mad Queen. Her breathing and mine became ragged for close to five minutes after we dropped onto the floor.
"Damn. That was intense babe."
"Yes." She smiled wide as she held and rubbed her stomach. "It was." I pulled her closer to me.
"Are you having second thoughts?"
"Good. Because after what we just pulled." I smiled. "There is a huge infinite chance that we may start our family sooner than we thought." I kissed her forehead as I wrapped my arms around her.
"Would you hate me." She started nervously. "If I told you that I hope your right."
"Why would I hate you?" I told her. "I love you and I am with you. I hope that we started our family. But we won't know for at least a month or two." I smiled. She nuzzled into my chest and we just fell asleep where we were and held each other close all night.

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