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I called out to Emily and she rushed into my cabin.

"Em, why did you let this guy in? Don't you know he's crazy?" I blurted.

"Excuse me?" The guy snapped. "Last time I checked you were stupid enough to carry someone else's luggage."

Both of us glared at each other. I looked into his deep dark eyes, trying not to show him that I was unnerved by his presence.

Emily glanced at me and then at him. She was clearly confused with the way we glared at each other.

"I never knew you both were acquainted?" Emily said.

I shouted, "He messed my bag."

"She messed my bag." He replied.

"I hate when anyone messes my bag. Period."

Both of us blurted out at the same time.

I glanced at Emily. She was trying her best to control her laugh. Why was she laughing? Does she think this is a joke?

I mean I'd rather wear a hideous latex outfit than plan this guy's wedding. I'd be sorry for the poor girl who actually ends up with him.

Emily interrupted our glaring contest.

"I hope we can get past the ugly first impression and start on a new page." She said.

"You are Meghana Anand, the famous wedding planner who planned Lady Selene's wedding?" He said, arching his brows skeptically.

I wanted to taunt him but hearing someone call me by my full name made me feel a bittersweet pain in my chest. Only my family called me Meghana and thinking about my family made me slightly nostalgic.

My eyes fell on his sharp face. I straightened myself and regained my composure. No time time for personal stuff when there was work to be done.

"Please call me Meg." I said, mustering up all the professionalism I had.

I flopped down on my chair and found myself being subjected to his direct gaze. I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. God, what's with his intense gaze? Can't he switch to a normal mode sometimes? Why does he always have to be so serious?

"And yes, I did plan Lady Selene's wedding." I said. "So, are you here because you've been stalking me? Or do you actually have some work?"

I heard him curse under his breath. That felt good, knowing that I was getting under on his nerves. Sometimes, I feel guilty for stretching my snarky attitude a little too much. But, this isn't one of those times.

"I suppose we were putting the initial ugly impressions behind us." Emily interrupted.

She glanced at me and mouthed the words – be polite. I rolled my eyes at her. I really need to find crazy best friends who hype me up to start drama, not the ones who make me do sensible things.

"I guess pretending that this is the first time we met sounds like a good idea." He said.

I was surprised by the eagerness in his voice. Maybe, he wasn't that bad. Maybe, I had judged him too harshly.

He got up from his seat and outstretched his hand towards me. I took a deep breath and stretched my hand towards him.

"Leo. Leo Moretti." He said.

He said his name in an Italian accent. That accent coupled with his deep voice made me skip my heartbeat. Fine, I admit he's kinda hot with that angsty and brooding thing going on for him.

"Meg." I said, looking into his dark eyes.

His touch was electrical and grip firm. I was surprised to notice that his touch was so warm; I thought someone as stern as him was probably cold-blooded.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He said in a low voice.

There was a hint of playfulness beneath his voice that caught me off guard. The way he said the word pleasure sounded mocking... almost erotic. Good lord, what was wrong with me? How did I just swing from wanting to almost murder this guy to finding him hot? The way my mind works is a mystery to me.

"Do you plan on leaving my hand so we can proceede to business?"

So much for a second chance! I wanted to roll my eye but I realised he was right. I'd been holding onto his hand a little too tightly.I felt a quick blush creep up my cheeks.

I quickly loosened the grip from his hand and took my seat. I don't know why but I hated the way this guy made me feel. It was almost like he knew what makes me tick.

As I sat, I self-consciously tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. His gaze was scrutinizing my every moment and I felt self-conscious.

"I'm here because I want you to organize my sister's wedding. Ever since Gabriella saw Selene's wedding she's been going on about how she wants you to be her wedding planner. I want to surprise her with the best wedding possible. Money would not be an issue." He said.

"Gigi is getting married. Of course, I'd love to do it." I squealed.

I met Gigi at Selene's wedding and we hit it off instantly. I couldn't believe Leo was her brother. Gigi was like a sunflower and this guy is like a snake. She was so friendly and sweet and him... well, to put it simply he is a jerk.

I said. " Why don't you send me the dates, so I can look up the venue? I have a list along with..."

He lifted his hand to interrupt me.

"You can shorten it down. It's going to have a masquerade theme, so find a place that goes with it."

Normally, I love clients who know what they want. But when it came to him, I found myself getting angry. But, I suppressed my anger. He really knows how to get on my nerves; I'd give him that.

"Very well. I'll shortlist the location and send it through." I said, biting down my anger.

He impatiently glanced at his wrist to check the time. His watch was worn out and looked out of place with his meticulous outfit.

"I'd love to discuss this more but I'm strapped for time." He said.

He abruptly got up and buttoned his jacket.

"Until next time." He said, as he made his way out of my cabin.

When he'd left, I let out a sigh. Somehow his presence made everything feel so tense. I felt like I had no control over my emotions with him around.

I rubbed the temples of my head and took a deep breath. Working with him was going to be a nightmare.

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