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A week had passed since I had that annoying meeting with Leo. Today, I was meeting him again. Thankfully Gigi would be there with us.  I would be running around the town to scout potential venues, so I had to wear something chic yet comfortable. So, I chose a pair of jeans and a shirt with black and white stripes. I paired my outfit with a black tote and heels. I even threw a necklace on my outfit. Normally, I wouldn't care much about accessorizing but today was different.

I left home early. Leo was meeting me at The Aquamarine Palace – the nicest hotel in the entire city. They had the best ballroom and it went well with Leo's masquerade theme too. Since I knew how stuck-up Leo is, I had other backup venues too.

I took a cab till Aquamarine Palace because my damned car wouldn't start. Fortunately, I reached on time. I wasn't in a mood to hear Leo's patronizing talk on punctuality – he made it very particular that he expected me to be punctual.

The cab dropped me to the other side of the street. I got out of the cab and stood outside the swanky gates of Aquamarine. The place always baffled me with its opulence. When I was busy gawking someone bumped into me.

"Hey! Watch where you're going." I shouted at him.

I could vaguely notice the hazy figure of that idiot who bumped into me. He seemed like a young guy who was wearing a blue hoodie. That idiot didn't even bother to say excuse me or sorry. People are stupid and rude.

I looked around and saw papers strewn everywhere. My folder was open and papers were flying out. I chased a stray sheet of paper being blown by the wind. Bit by bit I gathered all the papers and stashed them in my file. Now, I just need to find my tote, put this file in my bag and I was good to go. But, the only problem was, I couldn't find my tote.

Where did my damn bag go?

I looked around everywhere but I could not find my tote. I searched everywhere but I couldn't find it. Then, it hit me – that idiot stole me bag. A wave of panic rushed over me when I realised – my phone was in my bag as well. I hadn't just lost cash and credit cards but I'd also lost all my contacts. My phone had all the numbers of my clients, venue owners, and caterers. Yet, being the fool that I am I never bothered to take backups.

I tried to think of what to do next but there wasn't anything I could do now. I'd watched in news that such kind of muggers were so adept that within fifteen minutes, they sold everything in black market. Thus, leaving no trace or evidence of their alleged crime. This was the main reason why muggers were never caught in Trinity.

My precious tote was probably dumped somewhere. My phone would be dismantled into pieces and sold piece by piece. The thought of having my phone go through this was enough to make me cry. Tears gushed out of my eyes. I felt so lost... so hopeless and so alone. I buried my face between my palms and sobbed.

"Meg? What's wrong?"

I recognised that deep voice immediately.

Great. As if my day wasn't already bad enough to have my bag stolen, now it'd get worse having to deal with Leo's sassy comments. I hated being so miserable in front of Leo; I'm sure he is never going to let me hear the end of this.

He'd probably grumble about how unprofessional I'm being and how I'm wasting his precious time.

"I lost my tote." I said.

I explained the entire story to him, sobbing. I thought he'd mock me but he remained quiet. His eyebrows furrowed deeply and his lips twitched into a scowl. He listened to me intently, without interrupting for even a second. Finally when I finished, he spoke up.

"Here." He said and handed me a pristine white kerchief.

I guess he must've noticed the way my tears ruined my eyeliner. I must be looking like a panda. Note to self – invest in good quality waterproof eyeliner next time.

"Thanks." I said.

I inhaled the sweet scent of lavender with traces of clove from his handkerchief and wiped my tears. A person's favourite fragrance tells a lot about their personalities. Lavender was supposed to be a calming oil and the favourite essential oil of most people. Lavender had a sublime floral scent. Clove on the other hand had such a spicy and zesty scent. Its feistiness was certainly an acquired taste. I didn't expect Leo to be the kind who mixed two most distinctly opposite scents. But the results were amazing because I couldn't get over the fact that his handkerchief simply smelled divine.

"Did you see the guy who bumped into you?" He asked, after I'd finished telling him my story.

"I don't remember seeing his face. Just that he was wearing a blue hoodie and he was short." I said.

"And tell me how did your bag look like?"

"Black leather tote. Thick straps. It had the letter M monogrammed."

"Hmm." He said. "Give me a minute, I'll see what I can do."

In an instant, he flicked out his phone and called up someone.

"Listen, I want Remy at Aquamarine Palace with that black leather tote he flicked. Tell him he has five minutes or he has a meeting with me."

With that Leo disconnected phone.

"You'll get your bag." He said, with an air of confidence.

He looked at his worn out leather watch and checked the time.

Exactly after four minutes and fifty-five seconds, a man wearing blue hoodie approached us. To my surprise, it was the same guy and he was carrying my tote.

"Remy." Leo said. "You made this pretty lady cry."

He said it calmly but the suppressed anger in his tone was evident.

Wait a second, did he just call me pretty? I wasn't surprised at being called pretty, I already know I was drop-dead gorgeous. But, I didn't expect him to call me pretty. I was kind of happy to have gotten a compliment from Mr. grumpy.

"Sorry boss. Sorry mam. I didn't mean to do that. I wouldn't have done it had I known she was your girl." The guy said.

Wait a second again! Hell no, I am not anybody's girl; I am my own girl. I was about to protest but the rational side of my mind told me that Leo knew what he was doing here and I'd be better to keep my mouth shut. At least by pretending to be Leo's girl I was sure to not get mugged again.

Remy asked Leo, "Anything I can do for you?"

" you may go. But, I owe you one. Don't hesitate to come to me if you need a favour." Leo said.

Remy flashed him with a mock salute before leaving. Surprisingly, he looked happier receiving a favour from Leo than he did after stealing my bag with all its belongings. Leo's favours better be a rain of diamonds.

Leo handed me the bag. My fingers brushed against his when I took the bag. He flinched his hand away a little too abruptly as if my touch burned him.

He said, "You were lucky this time. Next time be more careful."

He shoved his hands in his pocket. Was he trying to hide something from me?

"Thank you." I said.

He did help me out and consoled me, a thanks was the least I could do. I guess I may have judged him a little too harshly due to our first impression.

"It was nothing." He shrugged nonchalantly.

He led me towards the entrance of the hotel. I felt his hand grazing lightly on the small of my back as he pulled the door for me and ushered me inside. His touch sent heat surging through my entire body.

"No really... thank you so much. I owe you one."

Leo stopped in his tracks. I watched, as the smirk in his face became a scowl.

"Don't." He said.

The intensity with which he said made me shudder a little.

He leaned closer, almost towering me. This closeness made my cheeks heat up. I lifted my head up to meet his gaze. His eyes were so cold and cryptic – I could never figure out what secrets lay beneath them. But whatever it was, I knew it was closed off to me.

"Don't say that." He said, his voice a hoarse whisper.

"Wh – why?"

"Believe me, someone like you would never want to be indebted to someone like me."

I could feel his warm breath on my face. For a moment, I scrutinized his face. He was very handsome with his sharp cheekbones and sturdy features. It was almost like his stern face too had an edge – like his personality.

I glanced at his dark eyes and then briefly at his dainty and well-shaped lips.

"Maybe, you just don't know me well. Maybe, I do want to be indebted to you."

A gentle and elusive smile played on his lips. He pulled away and laughed bitterly. I thought he mouthed 'oh really' but I guess I was mistaken. He shook his head and then returned to his usual stern self.

"We must hurry... Gabriella is waiting for us." He said, curtly trying to change the topic.

I don't know what he meant but I was pretty sure that something didn't fit right.

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A/N :

Sorry for the late update. My vertigo was triggered and I couldn't write for a long time. But I promise updates are coming soon.

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