Chapter 22: James POV

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I was in the medic's tent.

Pearl and Shrub were out cold. Pearl was all bruised and scratched up. She had already broken her ankle in the previous battle, now it was even worse. Shrub had deep cuts along her forehead and arm, and her jaw was already purple and blue with a bruise. Erin had gone for the smallest in our ranks on purpose. She knew.

And the way she had looked, like she enjoyed it. I can't believe this is happening. Erin used to be, if I'm being honest, still a little evil, but funny and sweet when she wanted to be. And Scott...No, don't think about him. I can't think about him.

Katherine was helping the Overgrown healers. She seemed incredibly concerned about Shrub. We all did, and all were. She and Pearl had taken the brunt of Erin's blow.

"An assassination attempt is low, even for Scott." I sighed and rubbed my wrist.

"It's not for Phoenix." Sausage growled. He was kneeled by Pearl's cot. He brushed some of the dried blood from her forehead. "She's gone lower."

"That girl could cheat and break every rule of every game and still be happy that she won." Joey snarled with just as much ferocity, rubbing his bare upperarms from the cold.

"She's a weapon at this point." Pixl said nervously. "How do we defeat her?"

"We need some type of leverage." Gem said, pacing back in forth. "Any ideas?"

We all looked at each other hopelessly. That's when I heard a rustling and turned around. Fwhip stepped into the tent, completely out of breath.

Gem gave him an expectant look, but he shook his head. "I lost her. She made it across the border." He panted.

"But how? The barricades." Pixl frowned.

"I don't know...she just sort of, ran for it and blasted herself across the chasm." Fwhip shrugged. "There was nothing we could do at that point. We can't get across and she was way too fast to shoot. How're Pearl and Shrub?"

"Not sure." Katherine sighed and brushed a curl from Shrub's face. "Phoenix got Shrub pretty good."

"Not to mention she tried to literally assassinate Pearl while she was sleeping! That was my thing." Sausage snapped and crossed his arms. We all gave him a look. "Was. I disbanded the Assassins Guild ages ago."

"Hm." Gem exclaimed. "Jimmy, do you have any ideas?"

I jumped at being addressed. "What? Why me?" I asked.

"You probably knew them the best. Considering..." Gem said. I bit my lip.

"Right." I sighed. I had actually been thinking about this a lot and I rubbed the back of my neck. "Well, I know Scott cares a lot about Erin, and vice versa. If we can pin one, we can get the other to surrender."

"That, might be the first time Jimmy has had a smart idea." Sausage said.

"Hey!" I shot back. "I have plenty smart ideas thank you very much."

"Like dating the man we're trying to imprison?" Fwhip asked with a raised eyebrow. I flinched. Obviously, it was a sore subject.

"Fwhip!" Gem scolded.

"What? It's true!" Fwhip shot back. "He's dating a madman!"

"Was dating." Lizzie corrected.

"Sure, was dating." Fwhip corrected.

"He's not really a madman." I muttered. "It seems like he's just trying to protect himself...a little excessively."

"You're really still defending him?" Joey sneered.

"You're still defending Xornoth!" I snapped.

"Who's Xornoth?" Joel asked.

"Seriously Joel?" Gem sighed. "The demon. The one we crystalized that was trying to destroy the world?" Joel stared at her blankly. "The one that threw you off your roof?"

"Not ringing a bell." He said.

"You are so difficult." Lizzie sighed, before turning to all of us. "He refuses to believe the demon ever existed."

"What? Did you throw yourself off your roof then?" Sausage asked. "Where did Phoenix come from if Xornoth never existed?"

Joel blinked. "Who?"


"Ohhh, right." Joel said. "Never mind."

Sausage slapped his forehead with an exasperated sigh. That's when Pearl started to stir. Sausage, Fwhip and Gem immediately dropped by her cot.

Pearl started to cough, and her eyes fluttered open. Gem grabbed her hand and helped her sit up against the wall behind her. "Did- did we get her?" she asked in a hoarse whisper.

Gem shook her head. "She just barely made it across the border." She sighed. Pearl gritted her teeth.

"The nerve of those Majors..." she muttered.

"I'm starting to think that kid doesn't have a conscience." Pixl said and crossed his arms. "I mean, we had a retreat. An agreement to recommence tomorrow. Doesn't that break a lot of rules?"

"Elven rules may not be the same." Katherine pointed out.

"I don't care. I'm confronting Scott about it tomorrow." Fwhip growled.

Pearl glanced at Shrub. "How's she doing?" she asked.

Katherine bit her lip. "It might take her a while to wake up. She hit her head hard."

Pearl nodded. "Did you put the fire out?"

"Yes, but it destroyed most of the tent. We moved all your stuff out. But I'm sure I can make some room for you in mine." Gem said and squeezed Pearl's shoulder.

"Thanks." Pearl said with a small smile. "Well, I need to rest. I'm gonna need it to kick some Major butt tomorrow."

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