Chapter 36: Katherine POV

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A few hours before Erin's escape...

We had hooked Scott up in one of the medical rooms. We were draining a pint of his and Erin's blood in hopes that we'd find the source of their powers. Especially since Scott's showed up so suddenly. I was also hoping to have a one-on-one talk with Scott...maybe then he'd cooperate.

He was still asleep in the chair, and Gem was staring curiously at the blackstone around his forearms.

"What are you thinking?" I asked her.

"I want to know what would happen if we took it off." She said.

"Right- right now?" I stuttered.

"Yes. Without him controlling it."

"That's...that's kind of smart. To test the extent." I agreed. "We need to get Fwhip in here to take them off though."

Ten minutes later we got him in the room.

"You want to do what!?" He said after we explained.

"Just for a second. While he's still sleeping." I cut in.

"Alright...if this goes wrong, I'm blaming it on you two." He said, after a while of trying to convince him, and stepped in front of Scott. He pressed his thumbs into each of the grooves of the cuffs and they unlatched. Instantly, frost crept across Scott's face and fingers, leaving them red. His hair began to get matted with snow and his breathes came out white in the frigid air around him.

Frost covered the chair he was in and crept up the walls onto the ceiling.

"Oh my god..." I said slowly and crouched down in front of him. I brushed his cheek with my finger and instantly drew it back from the severe cold.

I turned around slowly to look at Gem and Fwhip. Both had looks of shock on their faces. I looked back down and saw the blood crystalizing in the tube. I really quickly reclipped the cuffs and the frost began to melt again, and his body temperature returned to normal. But even touching the cuffs for a second drained me.

"Can- can you go get me a towel?" I asked them, and both of them left the room. A few minutes later Gem came back in with a towel.

"Fwhip's checking up on Phoenix, I'm going to see how Shrub's doing." She said, leaving me alone with Scott and the rest of the scientists.

Scott woke up in the next hour, after I had dried all of the melted frost off of him. We were done taking his blood and everyone had left the room. I wanted to talk to him alone.

"Hm?" Scott mumbled and opened his eyes.

"Hi Scott." I said with a smile, sitting down in a chair in front of him.

Scott looked around then down at his arms clamped to the chair.

"Oh sorry, I meant to take those off." I said, taking the metal off his arms, but keeping the blackstone on.

He frowned. "What are you trying to do?" He asked suspiciously.

"Nothing." I answered honestly.

He looked around. "You're setting me up! Where's everyone hiding?"

"Scott- No one's hiding. It's just you and me. Please calm down." I pleaded. "I just want to talk to you."

Scott's anger slowly faded. "Why?" he asked, catching me off guard.

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you want to talk to me?"

I couldn't answer that. "Because- because-" I said, trying to think of an answer. But I really didn't have one.

"Right." Scott said, tightening his lips.

"No- Scott- that's not what I- Ugh." I sighed, rubbing my face with my hands. "Please."

He didn't answer, but he did look at the ceiling. "Wha..." he started, then a look of realization came to his face. "Oh."

I cringed. "I just wanted to see..."

"Well now you have." He said harshly.

This was not going how I wanted it to. "How- how long has...that been happening?" I asked, trying to turn this away from the other subject.

Scott bit the inside of his cheek.

"I won't tell the others." I said quietly.

"It started to get extreme a week before we went to see Gem." He muttered. "But I suppose there were little incidents for as long as I can remember."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Making it snow when I was little. Freezing water..."

I rested my chin in my hands as I thought. "Do you know why?"

"No." he said. "I- I wish I did."

"So, it just kind of happened?"


I frowned. "That's not normal."

"Well duh." He snapped. "Why do you think I'm in here getting experimented on!?"

"Right..." I said.

"Katherine!" I heard Shrub call from down the hall.

I bit my lip. "I got to go...but I need to-"

"Chain me back into the chair?" Scott asked in a bored voice.

"Yes..." I said. "That."

"What if I don't let you?" He asked.

Quicker than he could react I slammed the metal claps over his arms. "Sorry. We'll move you back to your cell in a little bit." And I felt his glare follow me out of the room.

An hour later...

I sprinted out of the wall surrounding the prison after Fwhip and Gem.

Phoenix had been caught in a net that had been shot from one of the towers...we needed to find where she had landed.

We followed the wall where she had been running, on the outside to the building she had jumped from. I managed to take over Fwhip and Gem and run ahead of them down the alleyway she had fallen into. That's when I skidded to a halt.

She was lying in a heap on the ground, her back to us, and her limbs tangled in the net. I saw a pool of blood by her head, and I thought the worst. What would Scott do if she was dead?

Gem almost ran into me, and I heard her clap her hand over her mouth.

"Uh oh." Fwhip peeped.

I crept slowly around her and crouched by her head. "Don't move her." I said quietly. "She might still be alive." I held the back of my hand to her mouth to check if she were breathing, and I felt her breath on my skin. "We need the med team. Now." I said, trying to stop my voice from shaking. If she died...we might never get Scott back. Plus, we could get in big trouble because she hasn't had a fair trial yet.

Fwhip nodded and sprinted back down the alley.

"That was too close." Gem said. "If she got out..."

"I know." I finished. "It would have been very, very bad."

"I didn't think- this girl may be a genius..." Gem said and bit her lip. "An evil genius. But a genius, nonetheless. We've got to be more careful of her tricks."

"If she wakes up." I pointed out. "I'll need to run some tests to make sure there's still brain activity..."

"Scott's gonna kill us." Gem said, finally saying what I had on my mind. "He's going to kill us."

I stayed silent, still crouched by Phoenix. The marking on her forehead was pretty distinct on her pale skin at the moment. "Where do you think she learned it all?"

"Eastvale probably wasn't the best place for her to grow up...especially as an elf." Gem said quietly. But that's when I heard the pounding of feet and looked up to see Fwhip running with a few people carrying a stretcher.

"Be careful with her." I said, as they began to try and move Phoenix onto the stretcher, holding her head to make sure it didn't tip backwards. From this angle I could see she definitely cracked her head open, even if it was a little bit. The left side of her head was covered in blood.

Then they started to move her back to the prison, us three following behind.

"Idiot girl." Fwhip muttered. "Didn't she know what would've happened?"

"She was desperate. I bet she already knows what you're planning Fwhip. Her thought process probably went something like 'better escape or die on my own terms.'" Gem sighed.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The trial. It's likely she'll be executed afterwards."

My jaw dropped. "WHAT!? SHE'S 15!" I cried.

"Yes, but, if they're found guilty, which they definitely will be, we can't risk her breaking out. Especially after this." Fwhip answered grimly.

"What- what about Scott? He'll never cooperate-" I started.

"Well, he'll have to learn to if he doesn't want the same fate." Fwhip said with a tone of finality. Gem clenched her jaw, but she didn't say anything. Clearly, she wasn't as fond of the plan as Fwhip was. "We'll discuss both their punishments during the trial."

Shrub was standing at the gate. She had some bandages wrapped around her forehead and arms where Phoenix had really gotten her good. She clapped a hand over her mouth when she saw her on the stretcher.

"Is she...?" she said slowly.

"Not yet." I answered. "But we have to hurry."

We got Phoenix back into the prison as fast as possible...the only problem was the closest room we could operate was the one Scott was in.

I saw his face when we walked in behind the stretcher Phoenix was on.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" He screamed; his face filled with pure rage.

"It was her fault for trying to leave." Fwhip shrugged.

I could feel the room dropping in temperature as Scott's anger rose. He couldn't even control it with the blackstone on.

"She'll be ok." I said, hoping I wasn't lying.

His eyes flashed a shade of icy blue, and he started to strain against the chair. "LET ME OUT!" He screamed again. I had never seen him so furious. I could see the blackstone frosting over.

"Scott, chill out." Fwhip said, his voice raising. Wrong choice of words Fwhip.


"SCOTT, SHE'S GOING TO BE OK!" Gem shouted over him.


"Scott, she's alive." Shrub said, trying to calm him down by being quieter than everyone else.




"Scott, she is not dead!" I cried, practically in tears. Shrub was already crying from Scott's reaction. "We're trying to help her!"


"Scott, QUIET!" Gem snapped and crouched down in front of his chair, so they were eye to eye. "You are making this harder than it has to be."

The glare he gave her was filled with the most hatred and fury that I had never seen on him. Gem's expression faltered for a moment, and she stood back up.

"Fine. Be like that."

Scott screamed again in frustration and began writhing in the chair, trying to break out. I could practically feel his pain. His sister was dying and there was nothing he could do...but there was something I could do.

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