Chapter 2: Three...Weeks Later?

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***I know, I know, he's dead but S I L E N C E, you'll see***


I blinked, still staring slightly into violet. 

My vision adjusted, taking in the rest of my brother's rather confused expression. "You okay over there?" Xornoth asked from the couch across from me.

"Heh?" I exclaimed, snapping out of my daze.

"You've been off. Are you alright?" They repeated, frowning. He was currently braiding his hair, looping waves of magenta over one another into the intricate plait. 

The fire crackled in the fireplace, casting a warm glow on the living room. The living room I remember, the same as back home— well, this was home. At least, it was the same as home. The layout, the palace. The people however... 

Three weeks. Three weeks and I still wasn't used to waking up, my brother normally awake in the next room...My brother. The man who had tried to kill me... Who I had killed myself to stop... It felt like a fever dream every time he spoke to me, smiled at me... like nothing had ever happened at all. I guess in their mind, it hadn't. This was a different Xornoth... 

I wasn't used to calling my sister Phoenix, and I wasn't used to the strange look I got every time I let Erin slip. I had quickly learned that Phoenix and Erin were two completely different people. One brash and rude, the other quiet, content...happy. She was happy. 

So why did I miss the old her?

My parents...I wasn't prepared to fall under my father's stern gaze again, to feel my mother's eyes flick towards me, silently telling me to stand up straight when I slouched. 

I wasn't prepared to see my— no, my father's crown on his head, instead of mine...

My hair was longer than before, but I quickly connected the dots. My parents never died, which means I never cut it. The absence of my antlers was...unsettling. Sure, I shed them every year, but this was the longest they had ever been gone. I kept ducking under doorways I could clear easily by simply walking beneath them. 

Servants asking me what I needed, following my every move, my 'princely' responsibilities lessened to the point it felt pathetic compared to what I had as king.

Sometimes I could hardly breathe, I was so overwhelmed. 

However, all of this, everything I felt...was hidden by a simple word. "Yeah." I replied with a small shrug. "Tired, I guess."

"Hm." Xornoth exclaimed shortly, definitely not completely believing my lies. But he didn't press it. "Did you hear father at breakfast? We're to attend the council meeting with Phoenix today. The Helianthians will be arriving in a couple of days."

"What." ...why hadn't I been aware of that? I suppose I do zone out at breakfast, but how did I seriously miss that important aspect of my schedule? Pearl was coming? At least my day would be more...interesting.

"Yeah. Apparently athair wants us to get more involved." Xornoth shrugged, finishing the braid off with a gold ribbon.

"Why...?" I murmured to myself beneath my breath, too quiet for my brother to hear. Father had always gatekept the ways of ruling, before at least. I didn't know so much as the manners of the courtroom before...and then of course he and my mother died, and I was left to figure it all out by myself. Fun. "Strange." I finally spoke, loud enough to reach Xornoth's ears.

"Slightly." He shrugged, seeming unbothered by the fact. "Speaking of our sister, she should be home soon."

I bit my tongue to avoid asking from where, because I had already asked the question multiple times.

School. She was at school. Matter of fact, the same high school I attended. What a strange thought. "Right..." I mumbled, running a hand through my own, loose hair.

As if on cue, a muffled sound rung through the living room, of a large door being shut, followed by someone speaking rapid elvish. Phoenix. It was still very unsettling, hearing my own sister speak my first language. 

But it was very clear, she was talking to someone. 

Xornoth blinked, one of his ears flicking slightly as our silence filled the room. "Oh, not him again..." They suddenly grumbled, getting to their feet and swinging their braid over their shoulder.

"Who?" I asked, also standing in confusion.

"You know him uh...Phoe's friend, their name is...Or something—" He said, gesturing for me to follow as he exited the living room, striding towards the entrance hall.

Still incredibly confused, I followed quickly, my wings ruffling and closing tight to my back so I could walk through the doorway. 

"Phoenix where are you going—?" Xornoth asked as we entered the hall. 

Phoenix stopped speaking, stopping in her tracks in the middle of heading towards the stairs. Her dark hair was pulled back in a messy bun, her eyebrow raising above the rim of her glasses.

Gods she looked like mother.

But what really caught my attention, was the boy standing next to her. He was...strange looking, at first. They were short. And by short, I mean, shorter than Phoenix. So really short. He had messy, jet-black hair which hung in his face, however, like his height, it was shorter than the typical elf's. Perhaps a recent death in the family...? 

My eyes lingered on his ears, floppy like a sad puppy's, very few black piercings scattered along the edge of the cartilage. His sharp amber eyes went slightly wide upon seeing us, and their posture instantly straightened, though slightly masked by the navy blue, oversized hoodie he wore.

" my room...?" Phoenix said, giving Xornoth a look, to which the boy nodded to confirm.

"Why?" He countered suspiciously, eyes narrowing at the dark-haired elf. 

"...because we have homework...? You know sometimes I doubt if you ever actually went to high school." She deadpanned.

"Just homework?" Our brother asked, ignoring the comment.

Phoenix wrinkled her nose, looking annoyed. "Of course, what else would we do? Orlo—" So that was his name? "—doesn't even like people like that if that's what you're suggesting.

"Yeah, I don't like people like that." Orlo agreed, bobbing their head up and down. His voice was kind of squeaky, and high, with a vaguer accent than any of us three.

Xornoth pursed his lips, arms crossed. "Just— keep the door open—" 

Phoenix rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Rachamaid, Lo." She said, gesturing for her friend to follow as she began to jog up the stairs.

(Let's go) 

Orlo quickly scrambled after her, adjusting their backpack strap over his shoulder. They both disappeared around the bend, Orlo waving to us almost in a timid way. A minute later a spiteful slam of a door made its way to my ears.

"She is ridiculous..." Xornoth sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment. 

I shrugged. "Eh, I trust her." At least, I trusted this her. Sort of. 

It was so bizarre...the smoothness of her voice, the dark hair, the absence of her fury, violence, had all been erased. 

And I wasn't quite sure if I liked it yet.

I had wanted this, hadn't I? I had brought myself here...

But was this really what I wanted?


Okay, okay, I know, it's a short chapter. The next Scott pov will be more interesting, I promise. This is just an introduction to Scott's 'new life'.

And, drumroll please...I'm very happy to introduce a new character! Orlo! Full credits to the character go to Tsuki (aka Jimmy_Solidarity) who created him :>

Don't worry, you'll be seeing a lot more of them soon.

As always, comments, votes and suggestions are always appreciated :D

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