Chapter 3: The Sorcerer's Plan

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Fwhip's voice was sharp as he spun in the direction I was facing, kicking up gravel, his eyes widening.

"GUYS!" Sausage called out, nearly tripping over his own feet as he quickened his pace. His expression had lit up as soon as we had spotted him, a grin spreading across his face. He was running, his face red, but not even that could mask his excitement.

"SAUSAGE?" I repeated after a moment, finally processing the fact that he was really there, heading towards us. I jolted forward to meet him, his staff clattering to the ground as I dove into his chest, pulling him into a hug that even took me by surprise.

"Woah—" He yelped, voice going shrill as his book followed his staff to the ground. That was before he laughed, and I felt his arms wrap around my shoulders. "Well, you are much more excited to see me than I thought you'd be—" 

"What are you even doing here?" Fwhip asked, grinning and moving in to hug his friend as soon as I moved away. I was breathless with shock, unsure of how our luck for once had played out into our hands. "How did you even find us? We haven't been in contact for months—"

"I was looking for you!" He grinned, picking up the tome that had fallen from his hands, laughing again as Violet nosed his shoulder, her dark tail swishing against the rocky ground. "Had a feeling to start here...normally my gut feelings are incorrect but this time it worked in our favor—" Sausage added. I watched his eyes stray to the graves for less than a second before snapping back over towards me and my brother.

"Why- wha—" I exclaimed through a laugh that I couldn't control, still having a hard time believing Sausage was really right there. 

"I know right!" Sausage continued, the smile never leaving his face. 

"How- how are y- how have you been? Are you alright?" Fwhip asked, his words slurring together slightly as he tried not to trip over them with excitement.

"I'm great!" Sausage replied so enthusiastically I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

"That's surprising." I said, retaking in his appearance. His cloak was rather tattered, and he had bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept for days...yet he seemed to have enough energy to take on the sun.

"Very! Just barely escaped Joey's army last week though- That was a close one." He said way too cheerfully. Clearly, something was up. And I was just hoping it was a good thing.

"What happened?" I asked, trying to find the source of Sausage's glee. "You seem...way too happy for the state of things."

"I found somethinggg!" He declared in answer, his eyes lighting up, like he had been just waiting to say something about whatever he was speaking of. He held onto the large, ancient book he had been carrying even tighter.

"Found what?" Fwhip asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Something that could fix everything." Sausage replied breathlessly, the hope in his expression nothing short of complete.

"Everything...?" I questioned, the skepticism I felt showing through my voice as my eyes flicked towards the graves that lay covered in vine and ivy...

"Everything." Sausage repeated in confidence, beginning to flick through the old and weathered pages of the book that seemed similar to a spell book. "I've been searching for years for something to fix what we save them. And I think I've found a way." 

"Save- them?" Me and Fwhip nearly spoke at the same time, thinking the same thing.

"Yes. All of them. I think we can bring them back." Sausage said, his smile wide.

"How...?" I asked slowly, not daring to believe him just yet.

"I've been searching for years, since the meeting, for something to change what happened." Sausage started, bloodshot eyes on the pages he turned. "I've been following a trail, mentions and clues of a spell that can bring back the dead. I thought I had searched every library, every museum, every cove of information, until I found this last one that could lead us to..."

"True necromancy." I breathed, peering over the edge of the pages, recognizing the inked-in symbols. It had been sought after for centuries but never had one worked...that I knew of. "Where did you find this...?" Everything was moving way too quickly since Sausage arrived for me to process.

"A small village in the Crystal Cliffs," Sausage said, finally stopping on a page near the end. "Called Dragomistri. It was abandoned but filled with troves of ancient spells and old texts. I think this is it."

"Read it to me." I demanded, cutting the words Fwhip had started to say off.

"It's written in Draconic, but I've been able to partially translate it. The important parts at least." He said, before clearing his throat. "It speaks of the location of a spell that can bring back the dead, and says, "Beneath the mountains forgotten by man, left by mortals to rot, the cage in which this treasure lies built from brick and stone holds that of great power, of Exor and Fate and the gods of death and havoc. Centuries of lost knowledge, that of immortals, within the shelves of the ancients. What you seek is what you will get in return, to give is to receive, to find is to lose.'" 

"That's ominous." Fwhip commented after a moment of silence.

"And vague." I added. 

"I know. But there's more. In this book we have everything we need but the incantation. The requirements, the consequences, it's laid out in front of us." Sausage said, excitement clear in his eyes. "Tell me, what day did the Great Catastrophe occur?" 

"October thirteenth, 10,015..." I answered slowly. 

"And what day is it?" Sausage asked. 

"I..." I paused, racking my brain for a date. I got worried when I realized I in fact didn't know what day it was. Me and Fwhip had been alone for way too long... "I'm not's October though...10,018." 

"It's October fifth." He said. "And this spell needs to be performed the day of death, beneath the moon at its peak. We have a week to find this location. Do you not see that we actually have a chance?" 

I didn't reply for a moment. I wanted to believe it; I really did. But this chance Sausage spoke of was so slim... "We don't even know if this spell will even work, Sausage." I replied quietly. "This is extremely dark and dangerous magic we're speaking of, if we try and it fails—"

"Isn't it better to try though than to just give up now and never know if we succeeded? What are we doing right now to better the world? We're hiding. I think I'd rather die trying to bring our friends back, to fix this damned world, than continue running. Because right now this is the only thing we can do to make a change and end this mess. We need Pearl. We need Scott. And I don't plan on failing them again." Sausage said, his expression determined. 

I couldn't stop the hope this time that began to build up, something I hadn't felt in ages. Could this really work...?

"Just one question," Fwhip started, speaking for the first time since Sausage had read us the hints about where this lifesaver could possibly be located. "Where do we even start?"




I'm way too energetic today- maybe because it's rainy. No idea

But anywaysss hope you liked it, comments and votes are appreciated, and stay on the lookout for chapter 4 >:D

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