Boyce vs. Strowman. Universal Championship. WM 36.

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The next morning I woke up although I was sore as all get out. But I ignored the pain of my sore muscles, got my bags packed then checked out of the hotel, drove the rental to the airport and got on the first flight I could get from Houston to Boston.

Once at the airport I handed in the keys to the rental and checked my bags and went through the security checkpoints, went to the gate and boarded my flight to Boston.

On the flight I got a call from my girls. "Hey, how are my girls?" I asked.
'We're fine, baby. We're just excited to see our WWE Champion.' Mercy grinned.
"And I can't wait to see my girls, as well." I told them. We talked about what we were gonna do when I got there. I was told Erick would be bringing my pickup when he picks me up. We continued for a little while longer and we said our goodbyes and love yous, then Mercy hung up the phone.

When I arrived at the airport in Boston. I grabbed my arena bag and deplaned and went to baggage claim and was met by Erick. "Hey, there he is. The WWE Champion." Erick smiled.
"Hey, pop." I grinned as I hugged him.
"Hey, the girls are excited to have you back home for a week." He told me.
"Yeah I could tell by the way Mercy was sounding during our call." I said.
"She and Becky are due in September or early October. At least that's what Isabella told me." I walked by him to get my suitcase and then we headed out to the pickup and I got in the driver's seat. Then tossed my suitcase into the back along with my duffle.
He got in and I started the engine and we headed to my home.

Once there Mary came out and greeted me.
"Mary." I smiled.
"Oh, Daniel, ha, ha. Congrats on your win." She grinned.
"Thank you, Mary. Where are my girls?" I asked as I got my duffel and suitcase. I even took out the WWE Championship and draped it over my left shoulder.
"Their in the kitchen, cooking a special dinner for you." She said as Erick headed to his home and waved and I did the same and headed inside. Mary smiled as I crept up behind Mercy and Becky as they were cooking the special dinner Mary referred to.
"Hey girls." I smiled as Becky did the same as Mercy leapt in my arms.
"Baby, your home." She cheered. I grinned as I put her down onto her feet. "At least for a week." She frowned.
"I know Mercy." I said. I kissed her. "How's everything going Becks?"
"Just fine. Congratulations on winning the WWE Championship." She smiled as I kissed her cheek and Mercy returned to cooking.
"Thanks girls. Mercy. Your man did it." I put the WWE Championship on the counter and smiled. "And I had two very compelling reasons to win this Championship."
"What's next?" Mercy asked.
"The Universal Championship." I said. "But, I am looking forward to being married to Mercy." I kissed her cheek. I then got to my knees and kissed hers and Becky's stomachs, making them giggle. "And I have a few other reasons to have won the WWE Championship and to win the Universal Championship as well. And I can't wait to meet them."
"And we know that they can't wait to meet you either, Dani." Becky grinned.
I stood up and asked, "Anything I can help with?"
"Baby. This dinner is our gift to you and me and Becky are sure your gonna love what we have for you as a reward for winning the WWE Championship later tonight." Mercy grinned.
"And yes we looked up positions that wouldn't hurt the baby's." Becky added as she smiled.
I kissed their cheeks and picked up the WWE Championship and took it upstairs. Along with my bags. "I can't wait to marry Daniel." Mercy smiled.
"I know." Becky smiled. "I wish I hadn't ignored him. I envy you Mercy. Daniel is a great man, an incredible wrestler. And he's gonna be an amazing father."
"Don't worry, Becks. I might just have a plan so we can both have a happy ending." Mercy grinned.

I got settled into me, Mercy's and Becky's room and felt jet lag come over me and I fell onto the bed and slept it off.

I woke up to the unmistakable smell of sausage gumbo and jambalaya. Not to mention the smell of old fashioned lasagna. I smiled as the girls cooked my favorite dishes. I changed into some clean clothes and headed downstairs. Mary grinned as I came into the dining room. "Okay. That's scary. Usually you'd have to be dragged from a kitchen, kicking and screaming. And yet. Here you are sitting patiently. That concerns me." I said as Mary giggled.
"I gave them a pass when they told me they wanted to cook for you." Mary grinned.
Then the girls came in with a couple of trays and put them on the table. And sat down.

Halfway through dinner, Mary asked, "Are you sure Hunter will allow you to go after the Universal Championship?"
"I won the Royal Rumble. And Lesnar challenged me to a match for the his WWE Championship. That's now mine. And since I didn't use my Rumble win for that I'll be using it for a shot at the Universal Championship at Mania. I'm sure I'll have to defend the WWE Championship on night one and I'll be going after the Universal Championship on night two." I explained.
Mercy and Becky smiled, "And we have no doubt that our Outlaw will win that Championship." Mercy grinned.
Mary grinned and we continued eating. Once dinner was over Mary took care of washing the dishes, while me and the girls headed upstairs and they had me wait in the hall for a few moments while they got changed into a set of lingerie. When Becks opened the door and waved me inside the room. I grinned as I saw Mercy in a sheer diamond white set and when Becky closed the door she has on an emerald green set.
"My girls planned all this for me." I smiled as I continued, "I'm touched." Becky grinned as she pushed me to the bed and Mercy pulled me onto the bed as Becky followed suit. They took turns making out with me and gently took my shirt and pants and boxers off along with my shoes.

For the next three hours, me and the girls had a nice long, hott, passionate round and we were careful about what positions we did, so as not to hurt the baby's.

When all was said and done. Becky was cuddling close to me, holding my left arm like it was a teddy bear. Mercy had her head on my shoulder, and had her right arm draped over my chest and her left arm folded between my ribs and her chest. I smiled at them as they slept. I kissed Mercy on the forehead and and leaned over and kissed Becky's forehead as well then just looked at them both one more time before laying my head on the pillow and closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

For the next few days Becky, Mercy and I went maternity clothes shopping, Isabella even dropped a few things off that she thought that Mercy would like in terms of maternity clothing, and I put together a couple of cribs in the nursery which was the guest room Snoop stayed in during the Christmas holiday. But on Friday, the day before I was to leave for the next event. I got a call from Hunter, telling me that until further notice Raw, Smackdown and NXT events and PPV's will be held at the Performance Center. I didn't ask any questions as me and the girls saw on the news that there had been a pandemic causing stores and businesses to close down along with airports. And I just smiled as I was happy that I wouldn't have to travel for a long while aside from a hotel to the Performance Center and back. But that meant that I'd be talking to my girls would be taking either by phone, FaceTime or Skype. He also asked if he can have Stephanie pick me up in a limo she was taking to Orlando. I said I wouldn't mind it as it would save me the gas and wear on my pickup. He understood and would have Stephanie make a side trip and pick me up and bring me to Orlando with her. When I hung up I told Becky, Mercy and Mary what the phone call was about and what would happen for the next month or two. They smiled as they understood. And when I went to go pack. They started talking.

"So, Daniel's gonna be stuck in Orlando for a couple of months." Mercy frowned.
"Sounds like it." Maybe he can stay with Charlotte and Andrade?" Becky suggested.
"No. If I know Ashley. Her and Andrade, their probably having sex daily or nightly." Mercy giggled. "And as much as I would like him to miss us. I couldn't do that to Daniel."
"What about Bayley? She broke up with her boyfriend a couple weeks ago. I'm sure she'd love the company." Becky said.
"That would be nice. I'll call her." Mercy grinned.

Mercy went to the backyard and called Bayley. After a little while. Bayley asked, 'Mercy, I know that you and Becky love Daniel. And I know that I maybe overstepping my bounds. But if I feel the need or urge. Can I have sex with Daniel?'
"Bayley. It will be fine with us. But there will be conditions." Mercy smiled.
'I'm all ears.' Bayley grinned.
"1. When Daniel gets close to cumming, you make sure he pulls out, and as to where he cums is up to you. 2. If you don't like that you can have him wear a condom."Mercy grinned.
'I think I'd rather have him pull out.' Bayley giggled. 'Oh before I forget. What is the plan for his birthday?'
"You know, I'll clear it with Becky. But maybe have him call us. Then you and Daniel can do whatever you want for it." She grinned.
'Which means if me and Daniel had sex, I wouldn't have to have him pull out, I would have to take a morning after pill?' Bayley grinned on the other end.
"Yes. It does. But make sure to take the pill the next day." Mercy grinned.
'You know I will, Mercy. Daniel's your man. And Becky's. And I don't want to ruin the relationship you guys have with Daniel.' Bayley chuckled. 'So consider him taken care of in terms of a place to stay, and a ride to the Performance Center.'
"Thanks, Bayley." Mercy smiled as she hung up. Then went back inside and told Mary and Becky that everything was taken care of.

I came down with my arena bag and a suitcase. I put them near the door. "Well I'm ready. But I'm not a fan of leaving my girls for the next two months." I said.
"We'll be fine baby." Mercy smiled as she walked up and kissed me. As did Becky.
"Ohh, my girls. I'm going to miss you." I held them tightly against me, which made them smile and giggle.
"Their in good hands, Dan." Mary grinned.
"I know. It's just going to be hard to be away from them." I said.

At dinner, Mary had prepared an old fashioned country dinner. Potatoes and country gravy, fried chicken, meatloaf and corn. When I had my fill. I excused myself and went to the study. Becky and Mercy before they headed to bed came to the study and said goodnight and to not be in the study for too long. I told them I wouldn't and they kissed me before heading upstairs to bed. I smiled as I went through the ledger and looked at the paid bills and before I could do anymore bill paying. Mary knocked and came in.
"Hey, how you holdin' up?" Mary asked.
"Oh, just fine. I'm going to be a dad in less than seven months, hoping I can stand the distance between me ans my girls for the next month or so. And on top of that. I don't have anywhere to stay." I said.
"Dan. Have known you long enough to know that that's not all your worried about. Are you worried about being a good father to your impending arrivals?" Mary asked. I just nodded. "Well, if you want an old woman's opinion. I think you'll be a terrific dad. You may not think so. But I do." I grinned as she said that. "Daniel. You are an amazing young man. And I know that you'll make a great father. You may not have gotten the chance to be one with Robert. But I know that Mercedes and Becky are looking forward to being moms. And by extension are looking forward to seeing you be the father they know you can be."
"Thanks, Mary. I'm just going to pay some bills then head to bed." I said.
"No. You leave that to me or Isabella. You just focus on the girls." She told me. I smiled and got up.
"Thank you, Mary." I hugged her and she kissed my cheek.
"No problem. Now go and get some sleep." She grinned as I headed out of the study and she turned off the light and closed the door. And I headed upstairs and went into my bedroom and found Becky and Mercy asleep. I slid between them and wrapped an arm around them, kissed their foreheads and rested my head on a pillow and fell fast asleep.

The next morning there was a knock on the door and Mary answered the door. "Come in." Mary said.
Steph walked in and stood to the side of the door as Mary closed it. "You must be Becky's mom. Whose looking after Mercy and Becky during their pregnancy." Stephanie said.
"Me and Isabella. Mercedes mom." Mary said. "Daniel should be down in a minute or two." Then Mercy and Becky came down the stairs and smiled as they hugged Stephanie.
"Dan's in the shower. He'll be down in a few minutes." Mercy said as her and Becky went to the parlor and sat down.
Stephanie asked, "When are you two due?"
Becky answered with, "September 15th."
"That's fantastic. And that would explain why Daniel was adamant about dropping the titles after Money In The Bank." Stephanie grinned.
"That's our boy." Mercy replied with a smile.
They talked a little more and laughed as I got out of the shower and got dressed for the long trip to Orlando.

When I got downstairs. Mercy and Becky got up and hugged me. "Oh, my girls. I'm gonna miss you so much." I told them.
"We're going to miss you too, Dani." Becky grinned.
"Yes we will, baby." Mercy smiled.
Stephanie stood up as me and the girls broke our hug and I kissed them both. Then Mary walked up.
"Here's some toast, sausage links, small tupperware bowl of scrambled eggs. As well as some buttermilk pancakes." Mary handed me a paper bag and it made me feel like a little kid with a bag lunch.
"Thank you, Mary." I smiled as she hugged me and Stephanie opened the door and led the way to the limo as the driver grabbed my suitcase and as I had my arena bag over my shoulder which also had the WWE Championship in it. Stephanie got in first and I took one last look at the house and my girls as I'd be away for two months. I waved to my girls and blew a kiss to them. Then got into the limo.
I opened the bag breakfast and gently pulled a couple pancakes and some sausage links and put them together and ate them.

For the next 18 hours aside from a couple stops for bathroom, gas and snacks. We drove straight through to Orlando. When we got to the Performance Center. I got out of the limo with my arena bag and retrieved my suitcase. And before I made my way to the nearest hotel. I heard a honk and a 'Hey' come from behind me.
"Hey, Daniel." Bayley smiled as she approached and hugged me.
"Bayley. What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Well I have a place here in Orlando and since you were coming after a small break after the hell you went through to win the WWE Championship. Mercy called me and asked if you can stay with me for the next month and a half to two months." She smiled.
"Well, it is better than staying with Charlotte and Andrade. I love them but they would probably have sex nightly and all that would do is make me miss my girls too much." I grinned.
Bayley smiled as she led me to her car and opened the trunk and I put my suitcase and arena bag in and closed it. Then me and Bayley got in her car and it was a nice black Impala. And I liked how Bayley looked pretty good driving. Bayley smiled as she noticed me watching her. "You know, you can take a picture. It will last longer"
"No. I don't think my girls would like the competition." I joked.
Bayley grinned, "Maybe."
"Something your not telling me, Bayley?" I asked.
I could tell she wasn't sure how I'd respond or react. But she took a deep breath. And said, "Mercy gave me permission to sleep with you, and if the urge or need becomes too unbearable. Have sex with you."
"Probably wants to make sure I'm taken care of in every way. Which doesn't surprise me. I'm gonna miss my girls like crazy." I said.
"We can try and be roommates at first." Bayley suggested.
"Yeah sounds good. In theory. But rarely succeeds in practice." I chuckled. "But we can at least try to be roommates first."
"Agreed." She grinned.

She drove to her home and the moment we got there. I got out and went to the trunk and when she popped the trunk and I got my arena bag and suitcase. Closed the trunk and she led me into her home. She smiled as she closed and locked the front door. Then led me to her master bedroom. And I got settled in a bit. Before we both changed for bed.

She went to change first and I just went through my suitcase and found some sleep wear. When she got out of the bathroom. She was wearing a pair of booty shorts, and a black midriff tank top. I smiled as she walked up to me. "Something I can do for you, Bayley? Or would prefer Pam or Pamela?" I asked.
Okay, I'll tackle the last one first. I don't mind being called Pam or Pamela." She sat in my lap.
"And the first question last?" I smiled.
"I don't think I can look at you as just a roommate." She rested her head against my right shoulder. "Okay. Truth is. I broke up with my boyfriend a couple weeks ago. And it's been hard not having a guy around. I mean. I can take care of myself. But..."
"You'd prefer to have someone with you then living alone." I finished for her. She nodded. "How about this? We try being roommates for this week. And if you feel like you can't see me as a roommate. Then Saturday. We can have some fun." I told her.
"So, let me get this straight, if I still can't you as a roommate up to Friday night. Then Saturday. We can have some fun." She asked. I just nodded. "Sounds like a plan." She smiled. As she got up from my lap and I stood up as well. I kissed her forehead and smiled.
"And the clock starts, now." I grinned as I went into the bathroom to change. When I got changed Pam smiled as I wore a pair of Mercy's 'Blueprint' pajama bottoms men's size and one of Becky's 'The Man' shirts.
When I put my dirty clothes in the hamper. And slid into bed. I turned off the light and Pam slid in close to me and rested her head on my shoulder as I just rested my head on the pillow and fell fast asleep.

That afternoon as Pam picked me up at three in the morning which was when I arrived in Orlando. I woke up to an empty bed and got up and sleepily walked into the bathroom to splash cold water in my face to wake me up some more. But when I came into the bathroom. It didn't register that the shower was going. When I looked in the mirror I saw the distinct shape of a woman as the glass of the shower was rain patterned textured glass. I blinked a few times and I saw Pam in all her glory. I could tell she was smiling. Even though she was trying to hide it. I just took my leave and went into the bedroom and got some casuals and waited for Pam to come out of the bathroom. When she did, I couldn't help but notice the mile wide grin on her face.
"Get a good look." She asked.
I chuckled a bit and said, "Yes, I did. And it's gonna be a long week."
Pam giggled at that. "Don't worry, Dani. I'll go easy on you."
"Bull." I smiled. "And maybe I'll tease you every now and then." I walked into the bathroom.
"Looking forward to it." Pam grinned. I closed the door and locked it and started the shower. Then took off my sleep wear and boxers and got in the shower. For the next forty five minutes. I washed my body and hair and rinsed off. But I spent the extra fifteen minutes just letting the water loosen up my back and shoulder muscles. And when I turned off the shower. I got out and got dressed in the clean casuals. Left the bathroom only to Pam smiling like a cheshire cat in July. I put my sleep wear in one of the drawers Pam made available to me. Then just sat on the edge of the bed and started putting clean socks and my shoes on.
"I really appreciate you opening your home to me while I'm here for the next two months." I said.
"Ooh, I'm sure you'll make it worth my while someday." She grinned.
I got to my feet and went downstairs with Pam.

After breakfast she showed me to her garage gym as since the pandemic started. Gyms, restaurants and other public places to be shut down.

After a two and a half hour workout we headed inside. And cooked dinner. Once dinner was cooked. I called Mercy or I should say I FaceTimed her. Pam sat next to me.
"Hey, how are my girls?" I asked.
'Oh, we're fine baby. And Bayley thank you so much for taking care of our Outlaw.' Mercy grinned.
"It's no problem, Mercy. He's been nothing but a pleasure to have in my home." Pam smiled. "And don't worry we haven't done anything too risqué. I may have teased him this afternoon when he legitimately on accident walked into the bathroom to splash water on his face to wake him up and when he turned around. He saw me and he put a hand over his eyes and walked out of the bathroom."
'And I'm sure you told him that you have my permission to have...' Mercy started.
"Yeah, I did." Pam grinned.
'Good.' Mercy smiled.
"We're going to try and be roommates first, honey." I told Becky and Mercy.
'Nice idea, Dan.' Becky said. 'But knowing you, Daniel. You came up with a designated time when you stop being roommates and be lovers.'
"You know sometimes I think you girls know too much about me." I grinned. "But I'd prefer to have friends that know me. Than ones that don't. Especially a fiancée and friend." I chuckled. "But yes. This Saturday. If we still can't see each other as roommates. We have some fun."
'So you and Pam are going to go through a hell week of sorts?' Mercy grinned.
"Yeah." Pam and I said in unison.
'Okay. What's the plan for you leading up to Wrestlemania, baby?' Mercy asked.
"Well, as far as I know, I'll be giving my 'winning the WWE Championship' speech. Then a face off promo with my Mania opponent. On Smackdown I'll be in a six man elimination battle royal. For a shot at the Universal Championship on night 2 of Mania." I told Mercy.
'Okay, Dani.' Becky smiled. 'Take care of our boy, Pam.'
"I will guys." Pam grinned.
'Goodnight, baby.' Mercy blew me a kiss.
"Goodnight, honey." I smiled as I blew her a kiss.

Once they hung up. I put my phone right next to my plate and Pam and I started eating dinner.

After dinner, we just went to the patio and sat in loungers. And just looked at the stars. Pam got up from hers and walked over and laid down between my legs and rested her head on my chest.
I wrapped my arms around her and she held my hands in hers. "Cold, Pam?"
"Yeah. But I'm okay now." She smiled up at me. "You may not be my boyfriend." She shivered close to my chest which made me chuckle. "Your better than a boyfriend. For the next two months. You'll be my friend with benefits." She grinned.
I kissed the top of her head. "Well, after Saturday. That will be true." I smiled.

We soon went inside the house after a while and after we closed and locked the door. Then we started to turn off lights all throughout the house. We soon made our way to bed and changed into sleep wear. Then slid into bed. Pamela grinned as she cuddled close to me. Before I wrapped an arm around her. I turned off the light and fell fast asleep.

The next morning, Pam and I went to the Performance Center for a Covid test. They just swabbed our mouths and took a blood sample. From each of us and when they were done. I drove Pam's Impala home and we got some lunch and just waited for Raw. Pam told me good luck as out of both of us. I was the only one who was on both brands. But I wanted Pam to come with me. So I told her after she told me goodluck to get bet jacket on as she was coming with me. She smiled as she grabbed her jacket and went with me and drove to the Performance Center for Raw. And we found the list of matches for tonight. It was a promo with me doing a victory speech. Then it would turn into a face off promo with Drew MacIntyre. I was looking forward to that as I believed me and Drew had great chemistry in the ring and on the mic. Then Charlotte would have a promo about her upcoming NXT Women's Championship match against Rhea Ripley. And it just went from there.

I went to my locker room as Pam hung out in catering. When I was changed into my entrance and ring attire. I grabbed my WWE Championship and headed to catering.

When the show began, I was in the ring with the WWE Championship over my shoulder. "I know I was to do this last week. But I was recuperating from the long tough fight that is the Roadhouse Match. Lesnar's grip on this and any Championship is done. He's gone and I'm now the reigning, defending WWE Champion. Except unlike that mouse posing as a man. I don't need to hide behind my 'contract' or hide behind his advocates skirt. I am a real man. I face my problems than run from them. I don't send messengers to do my dirty work. I conquered the Beast Incarnate. And I find myself rather disappointed. Perhaps my next opponent will prove more of a challenge than Cry Baby Lesnar. Who as I understand it will be out of action for quite a while. Possibly until his precious contract is up. If I were him. I'd stay away from the wrestling business. Spend time with his kids. Where its safe. Because the moment he steps into this business or this ring. Scorched earth doesn't even begin to cover it. That burn on your back Lesnar is just a taste. Of what happens if you come back." I looked into the camera. "Now I hear my Mania opponent wants a face to face. So let's bring him out here."
Drew's theme hit and he made his way to the ring. He got in the ring and was handed a mic by one of the techs at ringside. "Thanks for that lovely introduction, Daniel." He grinned. "Now a do think a congratulations are in order. But, no, mistake. I'll be coming for that championship with everything I've got."
"Okay. Now let me respond. I'm going to defend this Championship, with everything I've got. And like my dad would have said if he were still around. 'The only way you'lll get this championship is if you pry it from my cold, dead hands.' I've always loved that." I grinned. Drew left the ring and walked backstage and I followed once the camera's cut to commercial.

When I got backstage, Drew and I discussed my pending new arrivals. "So, how's Becky and Mercy doing?" He asked.
"Ohh, their fine. Baby bumps barely starting to show. And it's killing me not to have them nearby." I told him.
"But he's staying with me and I've been charged with keeping an eye on him for Becky and Mercy." Pam smiled as she walked up and sat next to me.
"I can't say that I'm not surprised, Mercy trusts you, Pam. And I'm sure after your breakup, it's comforting to have this guy close." Drew grinned.
"It has. Daniel may only have arrived at three in the morning. But I was happy to pick him up. And to be honest I am happy to have him as a guest for the next two months." She smiled.
"Well, best of luck to ya, Pam." Drew grinned as he walked away. Pam and I ate at catering and when the show was over, we headed to my locker room and she stood in the doorway on the inside of the locker room and smiled as to what she wanted to do to me if the timeclock on us trying to be roommates was up. She took a few peeks at me changing and noticed an outline in my boxers and bit her lower lip and briefly smiled.

Once I was ready to go. I looked a Pam who tried very hard not to smile. But was ultimately failing. "Are you smiling for a reason?" I asked.
"No." She quickly replied.
"Uh huh." I smiled. "You were thinking of what your gonna do to me Saturday, weren't you?" I asked.
She sighed, "Yes. I was." I hugged her and she hugged me back. When she pulled away from me. We headed to the Impala and headed to her home.

For the next few days.we went to her garage gym, read books, watched movies, went for walks around the block or two. I even called my girls every night to see how they were doing after thecall on Wednesday night, they told me to call them every other day so I wouldn't look like I was being a helicopter father to be.

When it was Friday. We went to the Performance Center and I found out that the six man elimination battle royal was moved to next week. Which means I wouldn't be on the card tonight. But Bayley was. And I wasn't about to leave her at the PC. On her own. One, because Mercy would most definitely kill me. And Two, because I'm not the type to leave a friend when their on the schedule, even though I'm not. She went against Alexa Bliss on her own and barely won.

While she was with the in the trainers office and headed to her locker room to change to go home.
I called Becky and Mercy and talked to them for a bit and once Pam walked up I told Becky and Mercy how much I missed them.
'I'm sure Pam has a full day of fun planned for tomorrow.' Mercy smiled. 'Don't you Pam?'
"That I do." Pam grinned.
'Well sounds like Pam is ready to go home. So we'll talk to you Sunday.' Becky said.
"Looking forward to it, girls. Love you both." I smiled and blew them a kiss and they said they loved me and did the same in kind.

Once I hung up. I stood up and asked, "Ready?" She just nodded. We left the PC and headed home. We cooked a healthy dinner, sat down and ate and when we washed, dried and put the dishes away. We went out to the patio and when I sat down in the lounger I did last night. Pam sat in my lap.
"You okay, Pam?" I asked.
She nodded and said, "I am. I'm just not sure if I should tell you this?"
"Pam. Breathe in through your nose." She did as told. "Out through your mouth." She smiled as I acted like a western Mr. Miyagi. "Feel better?" I asked.
"Yeah. I do." She grinned.
"Now what did you have doubts about telling me, Pam?" I smirked.
"You see I have this fetish or kink that I usually like to explore with a partner." She smiled.
"Okay, I'm with you so far." I joked.
"I want to explore it with you." She leaned in and whispered, 'I love anal sex.'
I grinned and said, "Hmm. Mercy and Becky would be pissed that you didn't tell them about your little kink. But I'm not gonna say a word. You know me better. Nor am I gonna hold it over your head." I slid my hand up and down her right arm. "And I think it will be fun."
She grinned as she leaned down and kissed me. "I wish it was Saturday." She bit her bottom lip.
"You know what?" I looked at the patio and grinned. "Let's go and have some fun." She ran into the house and went straight to the bedroom. With me not far behind. When I locked the front door, back door, all the windows. I headed upstairs and walked into the bedroom and found Pam, not a stitch on her and she smiled as she was covered by a sheet. "I was delayed by five minutes and in that time. You come into the bedroom and with like a fire under your ass get undressed and by the time I come through the door. I see. This." She smiles as she gets up and walked up to me.
"Well, I wanted our first night of fun to be special." She slid her arms around my neck and interlocked her fingers and let the sheet fall to the floor.
"Well, congrats. You did." I said with a smirk.  "Come here." I pulled her in for a kiss and she leaned into the kiss and I grinned through the kiss as she was getting her wish a few hours early.

And for the next four hours. Pam and I pushed our limits and I tested how much of a beating her ass could take. And when came inside her ass close to six times. But she wanted the last load to be in her mouth.

When it was all over, both of us were breathing heavily and were caked in sweat. Pam rolled over on top of me and kissed me.
Then smiled, "I can see why Mercy and Becky love you so much. And love being with you. You my dear Iron Dick. Are an incredible lover."
"Thank you.  Iron Dick. I feel like a bad Austin Powers joke." I chuckled.
"Okay, maybe Gifted Outlaw?" She asked.
"That's better than Iron Dick." I laughed.
"It is." She rested her head under my chin. "God. I thought one more thick load from you in my ass, and my colon would have possibly exploded." She sighed and relaxed on my chest a little more. "But I will say this much. I needed that deep anal drilling. And now until you have to go home. I'll be using that dick as often as I can."
"I would hope so. I'd hate to not be put to use." I smiled and slid my hands up to her ass and gave it a nice hard squeeze.
"Mmm, I'm so sensitive there, Dan." She smiled. "And if I wasn't so sore. I'd go another round with you."
"It's okay Pam. I'm just glad we could do this. And that I can help you relax." I kissed the top of her head.
"Ohh you did more than that. And I'm so thankful for it." She wrapped her arms around me.
"Your welcome, Pam." I grinned as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Over the next week, for the March 23, 2020 edition of Raw, during Drew's match I went on the stage and distracted him as he was facing Bobby Lashley. He won the match and I gave him a golf clap. Of course I updated Mercy and Becky on the progress of my six man elimination battle royal was rescheduled for this week as last week they said they couldn't because they wanted to make sure they could have real good wrestlers for it  the match competitor card was as follows, Shinsuke, Cesaro, Kofi, Miz, Jay Uso and myself. They hoped I would win and I told them that I will come hell or high water, after the phone call and another update call a day or two later.
It finally it happened.

On the March 27, 2020 edition of Smackdown. Me and Pam arrived at the arena ready to kick some ass. She was in a match against Dana Brooke. And I was told that the six man was going to happen as scheduled. I was excited to get it over with. Pam was happy that I'd have a  match the same night as she did. I got ready for my match in her locker room and we shot coy if not flirtatious glances at each other. Soon I was ready and headed to catering as she continued to redo her knee pads and boots.
My match was part of the first hour and Pam's was during the second hour. And when my match was up I went to the gorilla and when my music hit I went to the ring and waited for the others to come out.

When they did and introductions were made. All hell broke loose when that bell rang. I attacked Miz, Jay attacked Shinsuke, and Cesaro attacked Kofi.

35 minutes into the match, Jay eliminated Shinsuke, I eliminated Cesaro, Miz tried to do a Skull Crushing Finale but I powred out and tossed him in the ropes and hit a picture perfect superkick that made a tooth fly out of his mouth. He spun and around and I set him up for the Reverse Impaler DDT and pinned him and eliminated him. I just slid into a corner and watched as Jay and Kofi were battling it out. While Jay was on the outside. I tried to hit Kofi with a superkick but he ducked and tried to do Trouble In Paradise. I rolled under neath and did a Tiger Suplex and held his arms as the ref counted the three count. Then it was only me and Jay Uso. He slid into the ring and tried to go for a spear only for me to leapfrog over him, sending him into the ring post. He sat in the corner and I did a missile dropkick to the corner and kipped up and smiled.

When he got up and stumbled towards me. I ran at him and performed a swinging DDT. And quickly locked in the Anaconda Vice. Jay  tried to reach the ropes. Only for me to just wrench on it until he tapped. And apparently. Braun wanted to get an advantage as he laid me out with a big boot and a running powerslam. I was barely able to peel myself off the canvas and Braun explained that he thought it would be a good idea to play the opportunist champion. I just smiled and told him next time warn a person.
I went to the trainers office and got checked out. When he found nothing wrong I limped to catering as a tech gave me my hat and jacket.

Pam's match was cut short as she was a heel. She resorted to pulling on Dana's tights. So I guess you can say that she won on a technicality.
When she got checked out by the trainer. We went to her locker room and got changed into casuals before packing our arena bags and heading home.

When we got home. We just plopped our arena bags near the bedroom door and just slid into bed. I held Pam close as we fell asleep.

We woke up sore as hell. At least I was. Which quickly became a joke to Pam. But she took care of me, even gave me a massage which seemed to take the bite out of my sore muscles and body. I told her I'd make it up to her the next day.

And following day, I did, again and again and again. She was one happy girl. We took a break to eat and drink as we were nearly were running on empty in terms of energy. During said break. Mercy and Becky FaceTimed for an update on my matches for Mania night one and two. I told them that the contract signings would be this week. When they asked what me and Pam were up to. Pam told them that we were taking a food and drink break and were going to pick up where we left off in ten minutes. Mercy and Becky told her not to break me for a few weeks after they wanted their Outlaw in perfect condition. Pam promised that I would be. The girls blew me a kiss and I did the same to them. I waved goodbye and me and Pam went back into the bedroom and went two more rounds before falling asleep.

The next morning, we took a shower together and went to her garage gym and went upstairs to the bedroom and changed out our ring and entrance gear at least I did. And when we arrived at the PC. I was told my contract signing would start the program. There would be a little fight after it was signed and the camera would cut to commercial.
I went to my locker room to get ready for the contract signing.

The show started with a table a contract and Hunter at the head of it. He grinned as he told the camera before him was the contract for Drew MacIntyre vs Daniel Boyce for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 36. Once he said that. Drew came out first and I came out not long after with the WWE Championship over my shoulder.

After a few words were exchanged. Once he signed it and I did too. He went for a lariat only for me to duck under it and nailed him with a thunderous superkick. That made him fall onto the table and knock it over. I picked up the WWE Championship and dusted it off. And slung it over my shoulder. Then just headed to the back. When I got to the back. I hungout with Pam and once the show was over. We headed to my locker room and I changed into some clean casuals.  Before putting the WWE Championship in my arena bag then head home.

Pam drove us home and we decided to cook dinner, prepare a movie for the night and once dinner was ready. We sat down and started the movie. We watched Batman Begins and the Dark Knight. When the food on our plates were gone. We just cuddled close together and fell asleep on the couch as the movie ended.

The next few days, we worked out for an entire day, cleaned our clothes, read books and that and Becky and Mercy calling me with updates on what's going on at home and me updating them on what's going on in Orlando. I told them that I'd be defending the WWE Championship on night one of Mania. And will be facing Braun for the Universal Championship on night two.
After my conversation with my girls Pam and I went for a run around the neighborhood.

On the April 3, 2020 edition of Smackdown.
We arrived at the PC Pam was scheduled to fight Sonya.
And I was scheduled for my Universal Championship match, contract signing.

Pam and I went to her locker room and changed for her match and my contract signing.
When we were done she headed to the gorilla and I headed to catering. I watched Pam's match and celebrated when she won. Albeit barely.

After she got checked out by the trainer, she came to the table I was at and sat next to me. "Great match Pam." I grinned.
"Thanks my Outlaw." She grinned.
"Somebody's trying to score some browning points." She gently kissed my cheek.
'After night 2. You and me are going to have some fun. So much fun in fact,' She devilishly grinned, 'that your balls will be drained dry.' She whispered.
'Can't wait.' I grinned.

My contact signing came up. Pam kissed my cheek once more and I headed to the gorilla as Ashley approached her.
"So, I heard through the grapevine that your knocking boots with Daniel every weekend." She grinned.
"Yeah. And I have Mercy's permission." Pam replied.
Ashley grinned. "I'm glad Daniel's staying with you while he's here. And I'm sure you are happy for the company. And I'm definitely sure he appreciates the distraction. It can't be easy with Mercy and Becky being in Boston and he's here."
Pam grinned. "You know. You are gonna help me with his birthday present." While Pam explained to Ashley what she had in mind for my birthday.

I was in the ring standing next to Braun Strowman who had the title over his shoulder. Hunter pushed the contract to me and I signed it. I pushed it to Braun. He signed it as well and we shook hands and did a stare down. Then went to the back.

I saw Ashley smile as she got up and approached me and kissed my cheek and asked how I was holding up and if I was enjoying staying with Pam. I told her that I was holding up real well and that I was enjoying my stay with Pam.  Once she walked off. I walked over to Pam and we just hung out in catering until Smackdown was over then went to her locker room and got changed into casuals and just packed our ring gear into our arena bags and headed home. Where we ate a couple TV dinners and headed to bed, cuddled close together and just fell asleep.

The next day for day one of Mania 36.
I FaceTimed Becky and Mercy as Pam was in the shower and getting ready for the day.
'Hey, baby.' Mercy grinned.
"Mercy, honey" I smiled. "How are you and Becky doing?"
'We're doing good baby. Can't wait to see your Championship matches.' Mercy said with a smirk.
"And I can't wait to win the Universal Championship for you, Becks and our kids." I smiled.
'Well, I better get going, baby. I need to go to the restroom. I'll give Becky your love. Love you baby.' She blew me a kiss. And hung up.
After Pam was done with her shower I took one myself.

When we were ready. We grabbed our arena bags and I made sure the WWE Championship was in mine.  And we headed to the PC for the first night of Mania. Pam was going to be involved in the women's battle royal for a title shot for the winner's brand Women's Championship.  She almost won but Peyton won it. I hugged Pam as she came through the curtain. She sighed deeply and we headed to our locker room and waited for my WWE Championship match against Drew MacIntyre.

Pam grinned as I bowed my head and gathered my focus. When a tech knocked on the door a couple hours later. I hugged Pam and kissed her forehead before heading to the gorilla and waited for my cue. The song that sounded through the Performance Center wasn't my usual 'I'd Love To Change The World' by Jetta. It was replaced by Trace Adkins 'Fightin Words'.
I made my way to the ring and lifted the WWE Championship over my head, went to a corner  and waited for Drew to make his entrance. When he did. And I handed the belt to the ref and he showed it to Drew. He gave it to the ring announcer and called for the bell and the match was under way.

45 minutes into the match, Drew leveled me with the secondClaymore Kick of the night and pinned me. I kicked out at two and a half. Drew was stunned. And the look on his face proved it. I slowly crawled to the corner and pulled myself upright using the ropes. When he got up. I ran towards him and did a Swinging DDT. We were both down again. I found a burst of energy and kipped up and fell into the corner. Drew shakily got up and when I went for a superkick. He ducked under it and bounced off the ropes and went for a third Claymore Kick only for me to dodge it and set him up for a Reverse Impaler DDT. I went for the cover and got the three count victory. I laughed as I couldn't believe I survived the match. Drew got up and helped me to my feet. We hugged each other and raised each other's arms in respect.
Drew and I went to the trainers office to be checked out.
When nothing was found broken. I headed to Pam's locker room and after we changed into some clean casuals. We headed home.

The next day, for day two of Mania 36.
I drove to the PC as Pam wanted to stay home to prepare for a victory party, once I arrived I went to my locker room and got ready for my Universal Championship match against Strowman.

When it came up after a great night of matches, I headed to the gorilla and waited for my cue. Once my music hit. I made my way to the ring. Then when I got in the ring. Strowman made his way to the ring. Once introductions were made, the title handed to the ref and he showed it me, and handed it to the ring announcer. The bell rang and me and Strowman collided like two bulls fighting over ground.

50 minutes into the match, Strowman did the fourth Running Powerslam of the night and covered me and I kicked out two and three quarters. Braun could hardly believe it. I rolled to the ropes and pulled myself upright via the ropes. He straightened up and I ran a bit and did a thunderous superkick and just fell on top of him. The ref counted the pinfall and held my hand up as I was now the Universal Champion. Strowman smiled as he helped me to the back and the trainers office. "Your a tough little man." He giggled.
"Thanks, Braun." I grinned. I picked up the Universal Championship once the trainer didn't find anything broken or stretched. He did suggest that I take a day or two to recuperate.

Once I went to my locker room and changed into some clean casuals and packed my arena bag and with the Universal Championship slung over my shoulder. Headed to the Impala and headed home.

When I arrived home, I parked the Impala, grabbed my new title, and my arena bag and after turning off the engine and locking it up. I headed inside. Locked the door, and the entire lower level and went to the master bedroom, where I found Pam, gagged, and hand cuffed to the bed frame. I dropped my arena bag and the Universal Championship on top of it. Stripped down to nothing and grinned as Pam slowly moved her ass from side to side. I took out the gag and she grinned as I kissed her neck.
"Mmmm, use me my Outlaw. Please use me in any way you want." She begged.
I grinned as I whispered into her right ear, 'Ohh, I'll use you alright.' I lightly bit her neck. Making her moan. 'Tonight, you are going to be my personal cum slut.' She grinned as for the next four hours, Pam and I wore each other out as we went five rounds. When it was all said and done. Pam was resting on my chest with a mile wide grin on her face.
"Mmm, that was incredible Dan." She kissed my chin and I smiled as I looked down at her. "My ass is gonna be sore for a few days from the deep tissue railing you gave me and not to mention the number of loads you deposited in my colon." She giggled. "But it was so worth it." She kissed me and smiled as we said goodnight to each other and I shut off the light and we closed our eyes and fell fast asleep.

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