The Iron Fisted Outlaw Vs The Beast Incarnate In A Roadhouse Brawl.

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The next morning, I woke up to Sasha still sleeping and heard Becky puking up a storm in the bathroom.
I leaned down and kissed her on the lips and she smiled as she woke up. "Morning, baby." She said.
"Hey, how do you feel this morning?" I asked as I caressed her cheek.
"Not much better than Becky. But I'll survive." She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. Then we both heard the bathroom door open and saw Becky walk out holding her stomach. Sasha and I sat up and I patted the spot on my right and she sat down.
"I swear even though this is my second pregnancy. I don't think I'll ever get used to morning sickness." She said.
I smiled as she slid to my right side and I rubbed her back. "Oh, my poor ex." I said as Sasha and I giggled as she slapped my chest.
"Jerk." She grinned.
"Thank you, for finally noticing." I smirked as she smiled and giggled.
"So what's on the docket today?" Sasha asked.
I rubbed the back of my head, "Well as far as I know we'll have today to act like tourists but that's about it. Unless you guys want to head to Salt Lake City?"
They looked at each other and Becky said, "We'll travel to to Salt Lake City for Raw."
I looked to Sasha and she nodded. I smiled and got up out of bed and got changed for the day. After we changed for the long trip to Salt Lake City, we grabbed our bags and headed downstairs and handed in our rooms keycards. But before we left Tulsa city limits we dropped by a convenience store and loaded up on water, ginger ale, crackers, chips and hoagies. Then made our way to Salt Lake City.

We stopped close to eighteen times as the girls needed to use the bathroom of a gas station for various reasons. Gassed up the car every other stop or so. When we got to a hotel in Karval, Colorado. Becky and Sasha were tired. We checked in for a one night stay in the Comfort Inn. Got our bags and headed to our room. The moment we got in the room. They both made a mad dash for the bathroom. I slept on the floor so they could share the bed. When I turned off the light they were out. I grinned as I kissed Becky's forehead, "Goodnight, Becks." I walked over to Sasha's side and did the same. "Goodnight, Sash." Once I made sure they were okay. I slid under the covers of my makeshift bed and fell asleep.

Next morning, same thing. This time it was Sasha in the bathroom puking up a storm. And Becky was just watching me from the foot of the bed. "Morning, Dan." She smiled.
I sat up and stretched out. "Ha. Morning, Becks." I yawned.
I got up off the floor and sat next to Becky, then not too long after I did, Sasha came out of the bathroom holding her stomach. "Hey, you okay Mercedes?" Becky asked.
"Yeah, how did you get through it the first time?" She asked.
"Honestly. I don't know myself. When I was pregnant with Robert. I was sick constantly. But of all the things I regret, aside from dating Rollins. Is not telling Dan that I was pregnant with our son." She sobbed. Mercy and I held her in a hug. She soon smiled as she hugged us in return by gripping my left shoulder and Mercy's right shoulder.
After I got a shower in. Along with Becky and Mercy. We packed up, took our bags down to the car, then headed to a diner for a quick breakfast. And once we stocked up on crackers as we still had a lot of ginger ale left. We hit the road. Only stopping every some odd miles or so, allowing the girls to use the restroom and do their business.

When we finally made it to Salt Lake City. Which was late Sunday afternoon. We headed to the hotel and checked in. But when we arrived at our room. The girls didn't feel the need to dash to the bathroom. At least not right away. I sat with them on the sofa and watched Netflix and they would run to the bathroom every now and then to do their business and/or puke courtesy of their morning sickness.
They decided to just eat some toasted bread and ginger ale along with it. I grinned as I watched them head to bed. But Becky walked over and pulled me to my feet and Mercy walked up and she and Becky pulled me along with them to the bedroom.

Once we were changed into some sleep wear. And got in bed, Becks on my right. Mercy on my left.
I rubbed their backs until they fell asleep. I smiled as I closed my eyes and fell asleep soon after.

I woke up to an empty bed and heard some chatting in the living room of our hotel room.
I got up and changed clothes and went out to the living room of the hotel. And found some of the Raw Women's locker room there giving Becky and Mercy gifts for the impending babies. I couldn't help but smile as Stephanie approached me and hugged me and congratulated me on becoming a dad.
"It hasn't happened yet, but thank you all the same." I smirked.
"What are your feelings about becoming one?" Stephanie asked.
"Honestly, I'm over the moon about it. " I replied.
"Come on, how do you really feel?" She asked.
"I'm a little nervous, and scared about being a dad. But I'm also excited about it." I told her.
She then said, "Can I tell you something, Daniel?"
I nodded.
"When Becky told me that she lost her baby, and yes she did tell me, I knew it was yours and hers." Stephanie looked like she was disappointed in herself.
"Stephanie. I made peace with her over it and to be honest. I'm feeling a lot better since we mended fences." I grinned.
"You have been happier since Becky moved in with you and Mercy." Then she asked an off hand question. "Are you planning on marrying Mercedes and Becky at some point?"
"Never really thought about it." I told her honestly.
"Have they?" She asked.
"If they have, they haven't said a word to me." I smirked.
"Well, I better rejoin the impromptu baby shower." She kissed my cheek and hugged me again. "Congratulations again." She walked over to the group of girls. I couldn't remember the time Becky or wait, I remember Mercy being this happy when I proposed to her Christmas night. But Becky I haven't seen her this happy in a long time. I mean of course she was happy when Mercy and I helped her give Rollins the hard goodbye. But I haven't seen her this happy since I asked her to be my girl when we were part of NXT. It felt good to see my girls smiling and laughing with friends.

Pretty soon after everyone left, Mercy, and Becky got a shower in before getting ready to head out for brunch before heading to the arena. Which meant that we had to grab our arena bags before heading downstairs to the car and heading to a diner. I had the country boy platter which included biscuits and gravy, chicken fried steak, scrambled eggs, sausage and hash browns. The girls ate toast, bacon and pancakes without syrup.

Once we were done and I paid for breakfast and we went out to the car and headed to the arena for Raw.

When we arrived I was told that Becky wouldn't be wrestling tonight, but I was to go against Rollins. In hopes of quashing this rivalry for now. I was not going to bet my life on that.
But that was for the main event.
Becky kicked off the show as she stood dead center of the ring. "Now, I'm sure all of you are wondering why I'm out here so early in the show." The crowd cheered before she continued. "I'd like Kairi Sane to one out here please." Kairi and Asuka came down to the ring. And Kairi entered the ring. "Now I know this might come as a shock to all of you. But circumstances being as they are. I'm officially dropping the Raw Women's Championship to you Kairi." Becky smiled as she slid the Raw Women's Championship off her shoulder and handed it to Kairi. "And I know you'll defend the title with courage and honor. Asuka and Kairi looked at Becky in disbelief. "Now you go and be a warrior. And I'm going to go and be a mother."
Asuka was the first to rapidly process what was said. She nudged Kairi and told her what Becky just said. Kairi and Asuka both grinned as Asuka asked, 'Your going to be a mother?' Becky just nodded and tears were starting to well up in her eyes. Kairi and Asuka hugged her and smiled as Asuka repeatedly said, 'Becky, Becky, Becky.' After another hug from Asuka and Kairi. Becky waved goodbye to the crowd and took one last look to the crowd and waved to them.

When she reached the back, I was walking up and she was smiling until Rollins came up behind her. "Your pregnant?" He asked furiously.
"You and I are no longer together, Seth." She growled. "I'm back to being friends with my Iron Fisted Outlaw. Which is where I belong. I made a mistake leaving him for you. But the fun thing is I don't have to care about what you have to say or care about your opinion. I may not be dating Daniel, but I am happy for him. Having Mercedes as a fiancée. But I'm really happy that he's opened his home for me to stay as long as I wish."
"Where is that?" He asked. I approached Becky and pulled her behind me.
"On the corner of Kiss My Ass Avenue and None of Your Business Boulevard." I said as he looked at me angrily. "Becky is under my protection." Don't come looking for her or come near her again. You do. Your dead." I escorted her to our locker room and Mercy smiled as she came in.
"Seth wasn't really happy with the news that Becks is pregnant." I grinned.
"Yeah. Seth was extremely angry. When he came up to me after I got to the back. But Dan came up to us and told him off and warned him not to come near me or his house." Becky smiled.
"And that's if he finds out where it is." I said as the girls grinned.
"Well as much as I'd like to wait until Friday. I'm going to hand in the Smackdown Women's Championship." I grinned as I held out my arm and she took it.
"Becky. Lock this door and Mercy will be back soon." She walked over and looked to Mercy.
"Go on kiss him. I mean 'we' are carrying his babies." Mercy giggled as did Becky.
Becks kissed me and smiled as I left the room with Mercy and the moment we left she locked the door.

I escorted Mercy to Hunter's office I waited out in the hall while she handed the Smackdown Women's Championship to Stephanie. "Well it's official, you've relinquished the Smackdown Women's Championship." Stephanie and Hunter smiled.
"Well, I'll be back for it, but I have something more important on the way as does Becky." Mercy grinned.
"Well, you and Daniel and Becky will be taking a major step and enter the world of parenthood. And we think you guys will be great mothers and father. So if we don't get the chance. Welcome to the club." Stephanie giggled as she hugged Mercy and Hunter got up from his desk and hugged Mercy as well.
"If you need anything while Daniel's on the road. Let me or Stephanie know. Okay?" Hunter asked. Mercy nodded.
Then left the office.

"Everything alright?" I asked.
"Yeah. Just can't wait to go home to Boston. But there is one thing I'm not all that happy about." She looked at me. "Being away from you."
"Ohh, it's gonna be okay. Mary will be there your mom just a few blocks away. If not more." She giggled when I said that. "But I'm gonna miss my girls more. Especially you."
We headed to our loocker room and arrived in time to watch the remaining matches and when my match with Seth came up, I kissed my girls on their foreheads. Then head to the gorilla.

Seth was already out in the ring when I reached the gorilla. Once my music hit I headed out and was ready for war.

16 minutes into the match, Seth wrenched my arm and I fell to a knee. He wrenched it again. I stood up and rolled relieving the pain that I felt when Rollins wrenched it. Once my arm wasn't in pain I got up and punched Rollins five times and the fifth shot knocked him down. I flexed my arm and lashed it out a few times.

45 minutes into the match, Rollins did a rip chord knee strike on me and I fell to the mat. I slowly turned over and barely pushed up on my hands before Rollins did a Curb Stomp on me. He rolled me over and went for the cover. Only for me to kick out at two and a half. Rollins pounded the canvas and yelled, 'Becky is mine. Regardless as to what she says and no matter what you believe.' When I rolled over and got to a bent over position. He went for an elevated Curb Stomp only for me to lift my head up and catch him in a stunner. I went for the cover and got the three count. Once the bell rang and I was declared the winner. I pulled Rollins under the bottom turnbuckle and looked under the ring and pulled a kendo stick, and a steel chair. Once I tossed the chair next to me. I nailed his head with the kendo stick repeatedly. I tossed it after it started to fray. Then put the steel chair by his head, walked a few feet then did a ring post baseball slide right into the chair and his head. I stood in front of his bloody face after pulling the chair from in front of his face.
'I hope your going to listen this time. Cause the next time. It won't be chair's and kendo sticks I use. No. You won't even see me coming. You. Ever. Say that Becky is yours again. Or say something about my Sasha. I won't won't bother hospitalizing you. I'll kill you. So once again. Stay away from my Becky and my Sasha. Or your next stop. Will be the morgue.' I walked to the back and was met by Sasha and Becky.

"Great match, baby." Mercy grinned. She and Becky hugged me.
"Ohh, you were amazing tonight, Dani." Becky smiled.
"Now are you saying that as a friend, the mother of the second half of the incoming bundles of joy or because I took Rollins to hell?" I asked.
"Closer to the third." She grinned.
"Okay." I chuckled. We headed to the trainers room and I got checked out. When there was nothing found broken or bruised. We left the trainers office.

We went to our locker room and grabbed our arena bags after I changed into some clean casuals and we headed out to the rental. And were met by everyone on the Raw roster. Pretty much a procession to the car and we were interviewed by Charly Caruso. Everyone got their chance of saying congratulations and good luck to Becky and Sasha.

After the interview and the congratulatory hugs. We loaded up the car, headed to the hotel, grabbed our bags and the girls dropped by the bathroom. And puked before we headed to the airport and hopped the red eye to Boston.

We got some sleep on the plane and I smiled as I looked at my girls and kissed them on the forehead and closed my eyes and fell asleep.

When we arrived in Boston and when we deplaned, we were met by Mary who just arrived from Ireland.
"Well, isn't this a coincidence." Mary smiled. "I'm arriving from Ireland and you three are coming from Salt Lake City."
"Good to see you too, Mary." I grinned.
"Hey, momma." Becky smiled as she hugged Mary.
"Come here, dear." Mary said as Mercy approached her and hugged her.
"Glad your here, Mary." I grinned.
"Glad your having me stay." Mary giggled.
"Shall we, Mary took her one suitcase, while me and the girls grabbed our bags and headed to baggage claim to get our suitcases and then with Mary in tow we headed to long term parking, tossed our bags and suitcases in the back and got in. Once we all buckled up, I started the engine and headed home.

We arrived at home to find the lights on and Isabella walked out to the front door from the house.
I grabbed my duffel, suitcase and Mercy's as well and opened the door for Mary and Mercy, Becky, Mary and I approached the front door. Mercy hugged her mother, Becky did as well along with Mary.
"Can you believe our daughters are going to be mothers?" Isabella asked Mary.
"I would say no. But I somehow do." Mary chuckled along with Isabella.
We headed inside and me, Sasha and Becky took our bags to our room and headed downstairs to hangout with Mary and Isabella. I did at least as Mercy and Becky went to sleep. Initially I thought jetlag.

I walked into the living room to see Mary and Isabella talking.
"Where's Mercedes and Becky?" Mary asked.
"Oh their sleeping off the jetlag I believe." I told them.
"Well I for one am glad that they have you, Danny boy." Mary smiled.
"As am I." Isabella said.
I just smiled and said, "Can I get you ladies anything. Water, juice."
"Nothing for me dear. I'm gonna go settle into my room." Mary grinned.
"Okay. I replied as she grabbed her bags and went to the room closest to the kitchen like she did at Christmas.
"So, Isabella. Are you going to be able to do whatever the girls need done while I'm on the road?" I asked as I sat down next to her.
"Of course. Don't worry about it. You should have seen Erick when Mercedes was on the way. That man was a ball of nerves. Jumping at any groan I made when I would reach for something." She giggled. "So you have nothing to worry about. The girls will be in good hands." She patted my shoulder.

The entire week, I set up times for FaceTime even if it would be Mary who answers. She told me that she would update me on appointment results, etc.

The night before I went back on the road me and the girls were watching Raw when Lesnar and Heyman made their way to the ring.
Heyman started talking, "Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. And I represent the reigning, defending WWE Champion. Brock Lesnar!" He pointed to Lesnar. "Now we know that the Iron Fisted Outlaw has quite the reputation for being unbeatable. But my client would like to put that myth to the test. And he's willing to put his WWE Championship on the line in any match of Daniel's choosing. If he chooses to accept the challenge. He will be guaranteed a one way ticket to Suplex City. Thank you for your time."

The rest of the night, me and the girls enjoyed watching the rest of the show. When Raw ended with Andrade being dismantled by Lesnar resulting in a disqualification since Lesnar wasn't part of the match. I guess he thought he'd send me a message. Accept or else.
It ended with Lesnar laughing.

Me and the girls headed to bed and Isabella headed to her home, Mary headed to her room.

"What are you going to do about Lesnar?" Mercy asked.
"He's scared. And normally I would just ignore him. But with his little cowardly display I don't think I have much choice than to accept the challenge." I told the girls. "Because it won't be beneath him to threaten you two. And I'm not about to let that happen."
"We know, Daniel." Becky smiled as did Mercy.
We got in bed and went to sleep.

The next morning, at the airport. Becky and Mercy hugged and kissed me goodbye as I was going to the next Smackdown show.
"You be careful baby. And don't overwork yourself." Mercy told me.
"I will babe." I smiled as I kissed her.
"And don't let Lesnar bother you, or bulldog you into anything." Becky said.
"You know I'll try my best Becks." I smiled as she kissed me. Isabella and Mary just hugged me and kissed my cheek. I grabbed my bags and my girls hugged me once more and I boarded the plane.

I made it to the Smackdown show in Vancouver, BritishColumbia, Canada. But I had a promo instead of a match. And I made one thing perfectly clear. I interrupted a match between Big E and Cesaro.
With a hard right hand, punched Big E and Cesaro out cold. I demanded a mic. Once Cesaro and E rolled out of the ring. I spoke, "Lesnar! You challenge me to any match I want, and say you'll put the WWE Championship on the line. Well, I accept your pathetic challenge. And the match I want. Is a first of it's kind. I want you in Roadhouse Match."  The crowd roared to life and I looked dead into the camera and continued, "The thing is, you may think you will walk into the Roadhouse and come out champion. You have another thing coming." I dropped the mic and just headed to the back to my locker room and just grabbed my arena bag and headed to the hotel.

When I got there I called Mercy.
'Hello?' She greeted.
"Hey, honey." I said as I smiled on my end.
'Hey, baby.' She replied happily.
"Just thought I'd check in and see how you and Becky were doing?"
'We're doing as good as we can be for four to five weeks pregnant women.' She joked.
"I miss you girls." I told Mercy.
'We know, baby. Caught your promo tonight.' She said happily.
"What did you think?" I asked.
'I loved it as did Becky and Mary.' She told me.
"Good. Is Becky near ya?" I smiled.
'Yeah.' She said.
"Put me on speaker." I requested. She did and I heard Becky say hello and ask how I was doing. "I'm doing fine Becks." I grinned.
'Good. So what is the plan for you until Elimination Chamber, which is in March this year?' She asked.
"So I've heard. I think I'll have a few matches between this Monday until the Smackdown before Elimination Chamber as I don't think I'll be invited or involved to go with some superstars to Super Showdown in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. So only time will tell. Well I better let you guys head to bed or do whatever you've got planned. And I'll check in here and there." I made a kissing sound which they returned. And said goodbye for the week or for a few days.
I went to bed and fell asleep.

Monday night we or I was in Everett, Washington for Raw. I arrived at the arena and Lesnar was in the ring demolishing Lashley. I got changed in a hurry and headed to the stage. And sat on a steel chair and when Lesnar won. I yawned and golf clapped. Once I was done, I folded the chair and headed to the back. When I was going against Angel Garza near the main event. Lesnar got involved and did repeated German Suplex's. I won by disqualification. I was barely able to walk backstage and got checked out by the trainer. I soon left the arena after changing and grabbing my arena bag. Becky and Mercy texted me as they thought I wasn't in the mood to talk to them and they were right. I put their minds at ease as best I could and reassured them that I'll be fine. After they settled down  and said goodnight, I put my phone down and just slid into bed and fell asleep.

For Smackdown in
Glendale, Arizona. I was to do a promo for my face off with Lesnar as the WWE announced on Wednesday that it would be me vs Lesnar in a Roadhouse Match for the WWE Championship at Elimination Chamber. I started Smackdown in the ring with a mic in my hand. "Lesnar. You aren't a beast or a man. You. Are. A coward. Cause only a coward would attack someone from behind. And call himself something he's not. You have been getting a free ride for too long. And come Elimination Chamber on March 8th. You'll get another free ride. Either by hearse or ambulance." I dropped the mic and headed to the back.

Monday Night Raw was broadcast in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Hunter told me I'd be in a match against Drew tonight. But when I asked if Lesnar was in the building he said no. But Paul Heyman was.
When my match against MacIntyre came up and he was in the ring while I was in the gorilla waiting for my cue. When my music hit I made my way to the ring.

35 minutes into the match me and Drew were letting loose on each other. Each move we did to each other were high impact. Drew even went for a Claymore Kick a coouple times. He hit me with one and tried to go for the cover and I kicked out at two and a half. I kipped up and fell into the corner and waited for MacIntyre to get up, once he did I nailed him with a thunderous superkick and fell on top of him and the ref counted the three count victory. I slowly got up and helped Drew to his feet and he smiled and hugged me as we raised our arms and made our way to the back. Once I was checked out by the trainer. I then went hunting for Heyman. When I found him. I beat the hell out of him. I didn't let up until I felt good enough to stop.  "You tell Lesnar. His days as WWE Champion are numbered." I stood up and kicked him in the gut.

I just went to my locker room and got calls from Mercy and Becky. They told me how much they enjoyed my match with Drew. And I told them that the contract signing was next week and that Hunter said he had a guest referee for the Roadhouse Match the would make even me die of shock.
They also told me that they had their first ultrasound appointment on Wednesday. I told them to keep me in the loop. They said they would and hung up after telling me they love me and I told them I loved them.

When the show was over, I headed to the hotel and made a short trip to a fast food place and once I finished eating and tossed the bag, I headed to bed and fell asleep.

I was however right as no one invited me to go to Super Showdown in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The Smackdown after, was broadcast from Boston, Massachusetts. Which meant I'd be able to sleep in my own bed tonight. I went home to visit my girls and was mobbed by Mercy and Becky who had slight baby bumps showing. They told me that the babies were on schedule and I was very happy to hear that. They also told me that they would be coming with me to the arena tonight.
When we headed to the arena and the moment the girls got out of the truck, they were besieged by everyone. I had to laugh as last week Lacey Evans actually won a six woman elimination match for the vacated WWE Smackdown Women's Championship. While the girls caught up with everyone, I went to the white board and found out that I was to go against Xavier Woods that night only for Lesnar to take him out along with Kofi Kingston. Sheamus stepped up to be my opponent for the night.
My match was scheduled for the top of the second hour. So I escorted my girls to the locker room and changed for my match and just hung out with them until my match came up and when it did. I told them to lock the door and not to open it for any reason. They understood and I headed to the gorilla, ready for my match with Sheamus and he was already in the ring waiting for me.
When my music hit I headed to the ring.

40 minutes into the match. Sheamus and I were on the mat and as we hit a double clothesline. The third one of the match, but the first one to knock us both on our back. I crawled over to the corner and pulled myself up until I was leaning against the top turnbuckle. When Sheamus was barely doing the same. I ran towards him and leapt into the air and nailed him with a corner splash. He stumbled out of the corner and I spun him around and dragged my thumb across my throat and performed a Reverse Impaler DDT and covered Sheamus and got the three count. I rolled out of the ring and made my way up the ramp. Only to be attacked by Lesnar from behind. He kept wailing on me until security got him off me.
Medics and EMT's got me on a gurney and Becky and Mercy went with me to the hospital. Hunter told Lesnar that if he no showed at the contract signing or the match itself. He'll be stripped of the WWE Championship, fired and fined $20,000.⁰⁰. Lesnar wasn't happy about what Hunter said.

Meanwhile at Massachusetts General. I was rolled in and examined by doctors and nurses. Once a room became available, they wheeled me into it and Mercy and Becky sat in a chair on either side of me. When I woke up I noticed I was in a hospital bed and I looked around and found Mercy sitting to my left and Becky sitting to my right. I grinned as Mary and Isabella came into the room. "Hey, Daniel." Mary smiled.
"Hey. Thanks for watching over Mercy and Becky." I grinned.
"It's no trouble at all Daniel." Isabella asked.
Mercy and Becky woke up and saw me awake and smiling.
"Baby." Mercy slid into bed with me as did Becky. They hugged my sides and I smiled as they did so. "We were so scared that that we lost you."
"It'll take more than a beating from babbling bumbling babboon like Lesnar." I smiled as they kissed me one at a time. "It will take an act of god before either of you lose me."
Then a knock came to the door as Hunter walked in. "Hey, how are you felling, Daniel?" Hunter asked.
"I'm doing just fine. Just can't wait to get my hands on Lesnar though." I growled the last part.
"Well, I have a surprise for you and he's actually out in the hallway." He opened the door and in came a legendary western actor. Who occasionally did more modern films. "Daniel Boyce, meet Sam Elliott. He's also the guest referee for the Roadhouse Match."
"Honor to meet you sir." I said.
"It should be me saying that to you." Sam grinned. "I've heard a lot about you. Tough as nails and no nonsense. An old fashioned brawler."
"That's our Daniel." Mercy smiled as she kissed my cheek.
"And you must be his fiancée. Mercedes Vernado. And that would make the red head Rebecca Quinn." He shook the girls hands.
I grinned and said, "The ladies behind them are their mothers, Isabella and Mary."
Sam shook their hands and talked with me and Hunter and the girls a little longer. Then left with Hunter, Mary and Isabella. I was able to go home the next morning and spent the next couple nights at home in Boston and when it was Monday morning. I kissed and hugged my girls goodbye and took a taxi to the airport to New York City.
I arrived in JFK and called Mercy and Becky when my flight landed and told them ariived safely. I went to the rental car desk and got a Dodge Challenger, then after putting my bag and suitcase into the trunk. I headed to the Plaza and checked in, then once I settled into the room. I grabbed my arena bag and headed to the arena. When I arrived, Hunter approached me and told me that the Roadhouse for the match this Sunday was being built outside of Houston and needed a name. I told him 'The Devil's Hand.' He grinned at the name. And nodded as he walked away.

I went to my locker room and changed into my entrance and ring attire and got ready for the contract signing.

When it came up, Lesnar made his entrance first and smirked like he knew I wouldn't be able to make it. He got a rude awakening when I came out with a baseball bat. I got in the ring and stood on one side of the table  and he stood on the other side. I didn't even wait for Hunter to say anything and signed the contract and slid it to Lesnar. Once he signed it I brought the bat down onto his forearm making him cryout in pain. I took out his right knee and  he fell the the mat. I grabbed the WWE Championship and held it above my head. 'This Sunday. Your reign ends and mine begins!' I laid the title over his face and stomped on it. Knocking him out and definitely breaking Lesnar's nose.

I returned to the back and met with Ashley, Andrade. And we talked for the rest of the night or at least for the remainder of the show. When I was changing into some casuals. Hunter knocked and came in. "I'm going to give you this upcoming Smackdown  off so you can relax and I have some of my private security looking after Becky and Mercy. In case Brock tries anything."
"Thanks, Hunter." I grinned.
"Would you like a couple days off to heal or recover from the Roadhouse match?" He asked.
"I'd love that. But, you'll have to ask Mercy or Becky about that." I told him.
"I'll do that. Although I'm sure they would want to spend time with you." He replied.
"True." I smiled. "So, yeah I'll need a few days off to recover from the match." I told him.
"I'll arrange it." He smiled as he left my locker room. I finished changing into some casuals and grabbed my arena bag after packing my ring and entrance attire. And headed to the hotel.

I stayed in New York City for a coouple more days and did some promotional stuff for WWE Elimination Chamber. When I flew to Houston in preparation for the Roadhouse Match. I called Mercy and Becky when I landed and got Mary instead. I told her that I was in Houston, Texas for the Roadhouse Match. She was happy that I called as the girls wanted to know if I'd be taking a few days to a week off to recover.
I told her that Hunter asked me the same thing. And I told him yes on the time off.
And I also told her that he'd arrange it and that I'd be coming home directly after Elimination Chamber or at least the next morning. I told Mary to give the girls my love and that I'll be home in a few days. She said she would and that it would be nice to have me home for then a few days. I laughed and agreed and said goodbye and hung up.

I took a taxi to the hotel and checked in, then settled in before a taxi took me to where the set of the Roadhouse Match was to take place the day before Elimination Chamber. I took a walk around The Devil's Hand and found it to be perfect. The stage for live acts. The bar looked good as well as the dance floor and the second floor. Once my walk through was over. Sam came up.
"Everything up to your standards?" He asked.
"More than I expected." I replied.
He chuckled, "Well I think tomorrow. There will be a new sheriff or 'Cooler' in town."
"Wouldn't that be nice." I joked.

Sam and I went to a steakhouse and got some lunch. I paid for myself and he dropped me off at a rental car place. I rented a GTO Classic Black in color.

The night of Elimination Chamber. The Roadhouse Match rules were explained. The only way to win is by TKO. Or make them say the words, 'I Quit'.

When the match was up. Lesnar was taken to the Devil's Hand in a limo. And soon after that. I arrived in the Black GTO. Sam was shown at the door to The Devil's Hand and smiled as Lesnar walked in. And I walked up and into the building and Sam followed.
Once inside he explained the rules and before it started. He locked Heyman and the WWE Championship in the office along with Heyman. The match started. Sam took a seat at the bar. As Lesnar and I went at each other like a pair of pitbulls.

25 minutes into the match I grabbed a chair and smashed it over Lesnar's back. Which made him wobble to the stairs leading to the second floor. I nailed him across the back with a mic stand.

12 minutes later. Brock rocked me with a light fixture that was attached to the balcony and I stumbled back a few feet and he held it up and attacked me, or at least try to, I ducked and did a spinning back kick that caused him to break through the bannister and fell down the stairs. He crawled on his hands and knees until he was right underneath the balcony and I leapt over the railing and landed on my feet and once he got up, I ran at him and performed a thunderous superkick to him, knocking him out.
I walked to Sam and poured myself a shot of Jack and slammed it.
"He's not looking so good." Sam said.
"He's about to look worse." I said as I poured the whiskey all over the bar and went behind the bar and found a box of matches and lit the bar on fire. Once it was burning, I walked over to Lesnar, picked him up and set him up for a Reverse Impaler DDT and lifted him up high enough that his lower back was planted onto the flames. He screamed in agony he writhed down the bar. I smiled as Sam asked if he quit and he shook his head.
"Sorry kid." Sam said as he took a fire extinguisher to the bar to put out the flames.

20 minutes later. Brock tried his best to make a comeback and when he tried to lift me up for an F-5. Only for the burnt skin on his back to be the perfect way for me to get out of it. When I slid behind him, I laced my arms around his and performed a release Tiger Suplex right into the office window of the office and he crashed right through it.
"Jesus Christ. That kid means business." Sam chuckled. I Stepped through the shattered window.
I looked to Heyman. Sam walked up and stepped through the shattered window.
"Shit this match is over. He's out." Sam said as at the arena a bell rang and Heyman shakily handed me the WWE Championship. I took it from him and with Sam in tow, exited The Devil's Hand and the EMT's went in and got Lesnar on a gurney. I gave Sam a ride to the hotel and when we arrived at the hotel, I shook Sam's hand.
"Thanks for doing this, Sam." I grinned.
"Your welcome." He smiled. "Take care of those girls."
"I will." I hugged him and headed to my hotel room, called Mercy and Becky who were gushing over the fact that I won. I smiled as Mercy and Becky said or yelled rather that they were proud of me. I thanked them and told them that I'd be catching the next flight out to Boston in the morning. They told me they couldn't wait to see me, I told them that I couldn't wait to see them and that, if the situation permits. We'd have some fun on my week off. Once we said our goodnight's and I love you's. I hung up and changed into some sleep wear, looked at my new WWE Championship that was draped over the top of a chair near the closet of the bedrooom. Slid into bed, turned off the light, closed my eyes and fell fast asleep.

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