The Outlaws Last Ride At HIAC.

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The next morning, I woke up to see Destiny crawling on the bed. I smiled as I sat up and picked her up. "Hey, did you escape your mom?" She giggled and smiled. "Well you wait here..." Then Becky came in.
"Hey have...ohh you little scamp. Trying to get browning points with your daddy?" She said making her laugh. "You my dear, get dressed. Breakfast is in ten."
"Yes ma'am." I saluted making her laugh.
"Your daddy's silly isn't he." Becky said as she kissed me and I kissed Destiny's forehead.
Becky smiled and left the room as I got a quick shower in, changed into some clean casuals and headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning my girls, in-laws, friends and children." I grinned as I took my seat at the table. Mary I filled my plate with, scrambled eggs, hash browns, and bacon. We all talked about our coming matches for Hell In A Cell. Mercy was to go against Lacey for her Smackdown Women's Championship, Becks was to go against Nia (since Kairi was injured repeatedly by the now known by me, the botch queen herself and had to retire early and go back home to Japan and become an ambassador for WWE) for her Raw Women's Championship. Ashley with Asuka was to go against Bliss and Cross for the Women's Tag Team Championships. Pam was to have a triple threat, number one contenders match against Naomi and Carmella for Mercy's soon to be again Smackdown Women's Championship at TLC in December.

Once breakfast was over, Mary, Isabella, and Erick watched over our kids as we went to the gym and did our usual workouts.
After a few hours. We got showered and changed, Mercy, Pam and I grabbed our arena bags and we loaded the kids and Mary into Pam's car along with the pickup and Ashley joined us in the pickup and when we arrived at the Thunderdome for Smackdown, we got out of the pickup and Pam's car. Then we went to our locker room and got ready for our spots, Mary grinned as she pulled Mikael from his carrier and held him, Ashley pulled Cadence from her carrier and held her, Becky pulled Mathias from his and held him.Pam was to go against Naomi tonight, while me and Mercy were to cut promos and do contract signings for our matches for Hell In A Cell.
Before I could pull Destiny from her carrier, a knock came to the door. I answered it as Mercy picked up Destiny. Hunter and Stephanie walked in. "Hey guys, and how are the little ones today?" She asked.
"Their doing good Steph." Mercy grinned. "Want to hold Destiny?"
"Yeah." Stephanie grinned as she gently took Destiny from Mercy and held her. "Hey, your so cute like your brother's and sister aren't you?" Destiny grinned.
While the girls talked normally or in baby speak. Hunter and I stepped into the hall. "So, you ready for your final match this Sunday?" He asked.
"More than ready to put this rivalry to bed before I go. And hopefully, I know I'm shooting the moon on this one. Actually bury the hatchet with Rollins. Our feud has gone on too long. It nearly has gotten to 'Hatfield's & McCoy's' level." Hunter grinned as I chuckled.
"Your Royal Rumble match was definitely a testament to that." Hunter said. "By the way, we're sorry we missed your wedding yesterday."
"Hunter, we understand. Things come up."  I told him.
"By the way, Rhea told me that you reconnected with your dad recently." He grinned.
"Yeah. And he's gonna be back here for my last match. So you'll meet him at Hell In A Cell." I smiled.
"Well, Pam's match will start the show. Then a there will be a couple interviews, then Bianca and Carmella will have a match then Mercy's contact signing. Then after a few more spots and matches, its your contract signing." Hunter told me.
"Sounds good." I grinned as we walked through the door. Stephanie was holding Cadence and Mikael. Then got up and gave Mikael to Ashley and handed Cadence to me before leaving the room.

When Pam's match was up she headed to the gorilla with me. Mary took Cadence before I left for the gorilla. I wished her luck and when she headed out. She kissed me and smiled.

Bayley and Naomi went at each other at full speed. They traded control of the match and Bayley won with two Avalanche Bayley to Belly Suplex's.
Then after a few spots, interviews, and matches, Sasha's contract signing was up. I went out with Mercy and stood in her corner as she and Lacey sat at the table setup for the contract signing of their Smackdown Women's Championship match. Everything went pretty peaceful, and once their contract was signed, we made our way to the back and after one final tag match. It was time for my contact signing.

Rollins made his way to the ring first and then 'Honkytonk U' by Toby Keith started playing and I made my way to the ring. I smiled as the crowd gave me the biggest pop and ovation of the night.
Hunter stood at the head of the table,  "Okay. Everything is ready for your Last Man Standing match this Sunday at Hell In A Cell. All that is needed is for you two to sign the contract and make it official." He told us. "Seth." Rollins picked up the mic and a pen.
Once he signed it. He put the mic to his lips, "This Sunday Daniel. I prove once and for all why Becky should have stayed with me instead of leaving me for you."
I smiled as he sat down and I stood up and signed the contract, then picked up the mic near me and held it to my lips. "Rollins, I know you feel inadequate since Becky left you. But this Sunday I go out with another victory over the King, and Beast Slayer, the former Architect and the soon to be former Messiah of WWE. Then retire and live out my days in peace and prosperity, and watch as your career falters and crashes." I grinned wider as I dropped the mic and left the ring, heading to the back, and leaving a fuming Rollins in the ring. As soon as I made it me and the girls locker room. Nearly half the Smackdown women's roster were either talking to Mary, Becky, Mercy, Pam, and Ashley, or holding and going baby crazy over the our kids. When I came in I just smiled at the picture of Becky, Mercy, Pam and Ashley just chatting with friends. I got ready to head home and when I emerged from the shoot area. There was only Liv, Ruby, Bianca, Leah, Ember and Rhea and they were leaving as the Pam and Mercy got ready to go. When we were ready to go home. We put the kids in their carriers and took them to the pickup then loaded them up in the pickup, Mercy got in the passenger side after strapping Mikael ans Destiny's carriers in her side and I strapped Cadence and Mathias' carriers on the driver's side. Mary and Becky rode with Pam and Ashley in Pam's car. We loaded our arena bags in the back of the truck. Then headed home where Isabella and Erick came out to the truck and helped get Mathias, Cadence, Destiny and Mikael's carriers. We all went inside after we gathered our arena bags and the kids. We had a late dinner and when dinner was over, Mercy, Becky and I put our kids to bed. Then while they got ready for bed, I checked the main floor to make sure all the windows and doors were closed and locked but before I locked the door. Pam was on her way out.
"See you and the girls and babies tomorrow Dan." She smiled as she hugged and kissed me.
"See you tomorrow Pam. Thanks for helping out with transportation to and from the Thunderdome arena." I replied.
"No problem. Just be careful this Sunday in your Last Man Standing match against Seth Rollins." She said.
"You know I will be. I have a family, and a couple promises I need and want to keep." I smiled as I kissed her once more before she walked out the door and to her car.

After watching her drive away to her car, I locked the door then went back upstairs and knocked on Ashley's door.
"Just a second." Ashley replied. She answered the door and smiled. "Hey, something wrong?" She asked.
"No, no, not at all. Just doing a check up on you. That's all." I said.
"You want to make sure I'm alright since my bad night with Jason." She smiled.
"Correct." I replied.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine. Really. You don't have to worry about me. You have enough people to worry about. But I appreciate the concern." She kissed me. "And I want to know how your feeling about this Sunday being your last match?"
"Nobody is really ready to hang up their boots and jeans. But I have a family to look after. And you of all people know that I want to be there for my kids. And to be honest. I'm happy with my career as it is. So I don't have any regrets." I grinned. 'Well I better let you get to sleep." I kissed her cheeks and forehead, goodnight Ash."
"Goodnight Daniel." She smiled as she kissed me.
I made my way to me and the girls room. I found them in bed waiting for me. "There's our Outlaw." Mercy grinned. I smiled as I got ready for bed. I dressed in some pj bottoms and a tank top. Once was ready, I slid in between Mercy and Becky. Kissed them both goodnight, Mercy turned off the light, we settled in, closed our eyes and fell asleep.

A day and a half later, the day of Hell In A Cell. Dad arrived the night before  Hell In A Cell, dad arrived the night before and had a fun time with his grandkids. Mercy and Becky took turns helping him when needed.
Anyway, throughout the day we prepped for the night in hell. Dad brought his limo so Pam, , Becky, Mary and Ashley and Pam, Isabella and Erick rode with him and the kids rode with me and Mercy in their carriers. We headed to Thunderdome for Hell In A Cell.

When we arrived at Thunderdome, Hunter met us at the parking lot and he already knew Erick and Isabella. But I had the dubious if not interesting honor to introduce my dad to Hunter. "Paul Levesque, meet my father, Kenneth Williams. Kenneth Williams. My boss, Paul Levesque. Known to us as Hunter."
"Mr. Williams. You must be so proud of your son." Hunter said.
"Hunter, I may have reconnected with him but yes I'm proud of him and I'd like to thank you and your wife for looking after him all this time." Dad grinned as he patted my shoulder.
"Well, tonight is his last match. We're gonna be sad to see him go. But I'm sure that he'll make his last match his finest." Hunter gloated.

After the rather interesting chat between Hunter and my dad. Me and the girls got ready ready for the night while Ken, Mary, Isabella and Erick went to catering with the kids.

The night went off without a hitch. Pam won her triple threat number one contenders match, Ashley won her tag team championship match with Asuka against Bliss and Cross, the proudest moment of the night was when Becky won back her Raw Women's Championship and Sasha won back her Smackdown Women's Championship as well. Becky with the Dis-Arm-Her. And Saha with the Bank Statement.
We all were hanging out in catering as my match was after a special Hell In A Cell match between Braun Strowman and the Fiend.

"Nervous baby?" Mercy asked.
"A little. But. It's been coming for a long time, I'm just going to be happy that it's all over. The rivalry between me and Rollins." I grinned. I smiled at Mathias as he giggled in my arms, then looked around as Destiny was in Mercy's arms, Pam was holding Cadence and Becky was holding Mikael.

When the match between Braun and The Fiend was over, it was time for my Last Man Standing match against Seth Rollins. I hamded Mathias to dad and made my way to the gorilla and Becky handed Mikael to Isabella, and Mercy handed Destiny to Ashley and as they accompanied me to the gorilla. When we got to the gorilla, Rollins was already out in the ring. "Good luck, baby." Mercy smiled as she kissed me.
"Come back to us in one piece, Alright." Becky grinned as she kissed me and handed me my hat.
"I will, maybe a little bruised and a few scratches, but over all in one piece." I grinned as my music hit, I put on my cowboy and went through the curtain and made my way down to the ring.
I smiled as I got the biggest pop of the night. All the way to ring I heard either, 'Let's go Daniel' or 'Thank you, Daniel' chants.
I got in the ring and just focused on Rollins.

When the bell rang to start the match, Rollins and I went at each other like a couple of caged pitbulls.

13 minutes later..
Me and Rollins were battling though the halls of the arena, using trash cans, fire extinguishers pretty anything that could be used in the empty halls, we used. I nailed Rollins with a stanchion and knocked him to the floor. He got up slowly and speared me into the wall behind me. Then proceeded to pummel me with rights, while holding me in place with his left hand on my throat.
In desperation I clapped his ears which stopped him from pummeling me and made him let go of my throat. I pulled him in and did an STO sending him face first into the wall.

23 minutes later...
We were back in the arena, and we're just taking turns punching each other down the aisle to the ring. I punched Rollins and delivered a discus clothesline sending him over the barricade. I followed him and picked him up and he punched me and I just tossed him up the ramp toward the stage. I stomped on Rollins right hand  and he wailed in pain. I picked him up again and dragged him to the stage and set him up for a Texas piledriver. Only for Rollins to reverse it by lifting his head up and make me fall on my back on the stage. He smiled and as he picked me up and did a European uppercut and when that didn't succeed in putting me down. He took a few steps and superkicked me off the stage and into a table beside the stage. The ref checked on me and I slowly got up even though I was in a lot of pain. I fought through it. When Rollins went for a cross body I caught him and did a fallaway slam against the barricade near the stage. After I slid to my feet, I noticed that Rollins was pulling himself up with the barricades help. I got behind him and performed a Tiger Suplex making him land on the remains of the table he put me through when I fell off the stage courtesy of Seth's superkick. I slowly crawled to the barricade and got up and leaned against it as the ref started the ten count. Seth made many attempts to get up but he would collapse when he barely got to his hands and knees. Finally the ref reached ten and called for the bell. Declaring me the winner.
I walked over to Rollins and held my hand out and when he took it, I helped him up. We looked at each other for a moment and smiled and hugged each other before lifting our hands in the air as a show of respect then made our way to the back to the ovation of everybody in the locker rooms. After I was congratulated from Asuka to Xavier Woods. I was getting checked out by the trainer when Rollins came in.
"Hey, Daniel." He said
"Seth. What brings you in here to the trainers room?" I joked.
He giggled as he said, "Well, I've been thinking, we've been acting like two boys fighting over an action figure that just came came out. Becky is not a toy, and neither is she a prize. She's a woman who lost her way."
I scoffed, "Practicing a sermon are ya?"
"Would you please listen." He snapped. "I was wrong to steal her away from you all those years ago." The trainer didn't find anything as Rollins finished his sentence.
"Well, this may be against my better judgment, but why don't you come to me, Mercy's and Becky's place for lunch tomorrow." I offered.
"I'll be there." Rollins said.
"If you aren't, I'll come looking for you." I told him as we left the trainers office, we went our separate ways and I arrived in me and the girls locker room to see the kids in their carriers and Mercy, Becky, Ashley, Ken, Isabella, Erick, and Mary ready to go. Becky and Mercy approached me and hugged me.
"So glad your okay, Dan." Becky smiled.
"I'm with Becks, baby."Mercy grinned.
"Well let's head out folks, I'm starving and sore and in desperate need of some rest." I chuckled. Mary, Erick, Isabella, Pam, Ashley, Ken and Mercy got in the limo and Becky and I loaded the kids in the pickup  once, me, Ashley's, Mercy's, Becky's and Pam's stuff was loaded into the very back of the pickup, Becky and I sat up front and led the way home.

When we arrived home, unloaded the arena bags from the very back and the carriers from the backseat. Then Becky, Pam, Ashley and Mercy snagged their bags and a carrier and headed inside. I grabbed mine and headed inside. Dad was holding Cadence. Mary was holding Mikael, Isabella holding Destiny and Erick holding Mathias. I smiled as I headed to the kitchen and found my girls running around to make a rather basic dinner. Which was just potatoes, county gravy and mac and cheese. I felt a little left out. But I got over it as I walked to the sofa and sat down and watched as Mary, dad, Isabella and Erick were playing with the kids.

After dinner and hanging out with everyone. Me, Mercy and Becky put our little ones to bed. Then saw dad off for the next few days. Then when we got back inside, Isabella and Erick were already in bed as they had to catch a flight the next morning. Ashley told us goodnight before going to bed. Pam was about to leave for her place. I accompanied her to her car as Becky and Mercy went to bed.

"Thanks for walking me to my car Daniel. But I'm beginning to think something else is on your mind." Pam grinned.
"I, have thought about this, and talked it over with Mercy and Becky. And we think that it would be easier for you to come and live with us. So that way you can save money and can ride with us to the arena, even though I'm officially retires after tonight. So it would be you and the girls going to the arena while I stay home with Mary and the kids." I chuckled.
"Daniel, thanks for the offer and all, but I'm happy living on my own. And when Ashley wants to she can move back in. I know that your looking out for me and Ashley. Like you always have been." Mercy came out and Pam noticed but didn't tell me. "Look. Just give me a few days to think it over. Okay." I nodded. She got in her car and drove off. I turned and saw Mercy at the edge of the porch smiling.
"I thought you were getting ready for bed with Becky." I said as she approached me.
"I was, but I wanted to hear Pam's response myself." She grinned as she kissed me.
"Well, I pitched it. Now it's up to her." I sighed.
"Baby. She'll come around. Don't worry. Once mom and dad go back to Boston, we should have more than enough room for her in the house." She grinned.
"True." I kissed her and hugged her tightly.
"And maybe we can talk about some additions to the house. That way our growing family can live together and not get in each other's way." She smiled.
"Sounds doable." We headed inside, went to our room, found Becky already asleep and I walked over to Becky and kissed her forehead, then Mercy and I got ready and headed to bed. We kissed each other goodnight and Mercy turned off the light and we closed our eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning Mercy and I woke up to Mary, Becky, Isabella, Erick, Ashley and our little ones eating breakfast. Once breakfast was over, Isabella and Erick brought their luggage down and said their goodbyes to the kids, Mercy, Becky, Ashley and Mary while I loaded their bags into the pickup. Then me and Mercy took them to the airport for their flight.

We got them to the airport a little early and Mercy and I walked them to the counter to check in their luggage and walked them to their gate and they smiled as they hugged us and Isabella kissed our cheeks. Told us to look out for each other and our kids which Mercy and I knew already. But we let it go. Then watched them get on the plane and just left the airport and headed home.
We arrived the same time as Rollins.
"Hey." I said as he smiled and kissed Mercy's cheek.
"Hey man. That was a brutal match last night." He grimaced.
"No kidding. I'm surprised I didn't wake up sore this morning." He laughed at that. "Come on I'll give you the dime tour."
He followed us inside and Becky, Mary and Ashley playing with the kids. "You've met Mary, along with Ashley and Becky." I smiled as Mercy kissed my cheek and joined the girls and played with Destiny.
He smiled as he watched Becky kiss Cadence on the forehead and held her tightly against her chest. Rollins followed me while I gave him a tour of the house. When I finished, Pam walked in and smiled as she saw little Mikael giggling and garbling as he patted the ground.

After the tour, Mary came up to us and told us, "Lunch is ready."
"Thank you, Mary." I grinned. "Now that you've seen the house. Let's eat."
We sat down and he chatted with me, Mercy, Becky, Pam, Ashley, and Mary along with the little ones as we enjoyed lunch.

After lunch. Becky picked up Cadence, Mercy picked up Destiny, Pam picked up Mathias and Ashley picked up Mikael and took them to the nursery for their nap as Mary cleared the table with me and Seth's help. Then we headed to the pool out back.

After a few moments he said, "Daniel. I want to say this before the girls come out here." He looked at me. "I see how happy Becky is with you. And as much as I don't want to admit this. But your the guy for her. Always have been. The better man won."
"Seth. I know for a fact how enchanting Rebecca is. I think uh, if things were different, you two would have been a great couple. But I just got to know. When you found out Becky was pregnant while I was in self imposed exile, did you purposely cause Becky to lose our son?" I asked.
He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "When I found out that Becky was pregnant with your kid. I was upset and hit her hard during a training or practice session. Um, it was hard seeing how much I hurt her by causing the miscarriage. She checked out for I want to say two to three months. She would act like she was okay but. You and I know when she says she is, she isn't." He sniffled a bit as he continued. "I started trying being a better boyfriend to her. Then you came back and well, you know what happened from there." I nodded.
"Well, man. It will take me a little while to forgive you for causing Becky to lose Robert.  But I'm sure you can appreciate that I wanted, scratch needed to hear the truth." He nodded and grinned as we bro hugged each other.
The girls came out and we all hung out by the pool and had a fun day. About an hour before Raw, Seth went home. Pam then pulled me aside.
"Daniel. I've been thinking about your offer. Of me staying with you, Becky, Mary, Mercy and Ashley. And I know that I'm just jumping the gun, but I think since you did promise me and Ashley a baby. That it would be easier on me to stay here and be with my babies father and his or her half brothers and sisters." Pam smiled as she leapt into my arms and kissed me.
The evening was uneventful aside from Nia complaining about Becky cheating to get the Raw Women's Championship back. And Ashley and Asuka were challenged by Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan to a Women's Tag Team Championships the very next week.

That Thursday, at our home, the preacher that Mary arranged arrived, dad showed up at the house to give Becky away. Mercy, Pam, Ashley and Mary sat down as witnesses.
I smiled as I wore my black suit, the same one I wore at me and Mercy's wedding. Then the wedding march started on Mary's phone and Becky came down in a beautiful burgundy color A-line, V-neck chiffon wedding dress. She grinned as she walked down the aisle holding onto dad's arm, once she reached the end of the aisle where I took her from dad. Then walked up to the altar and the preacher started with his usual spiel, when it came time for the vows, Becky and I made our own, on the fly.
"Rebecca, when I first saw you when we were in NXT, I couldn't take my eyes off you. Every time we hung out with Mercy, Ashley, and Pam. Not to mention worked out at the PC. We grew closer to each other and eventually started dating. Now, we grew apart when your ego got in the way of your common sense. But you saw the error of your ways and your here with me. And I can't imagine my life without you. And I know that whatever life throws at us, we'll face it together." I grinned.
"Daniel, ever since our first training session together, I knew, that you were the one for me. Then I was pushed into the Smackdown Women's Championship picture, then won both Championships at Mania 35, drafted to Raw a week later, and lost the Smackdown Women's Championship to Pam." I chuckled as she made a list of her accomplishments. "But the one thing I regret is that I left you for Rollins. Now we've mended fences.  And have two beautiful kids. And like you, I believe that whatever life throws at us, we will face it together." She smiled as she and I looked to the preacher.
"The rings?" He asked. I patted my pockets and found a gold wedding band, I looked to dad and he winked, I smiled as I put it on Becky's finger.
She smiled as her mom walked up and handed her a silver ring. She smiled as she returned to her seat and Becky put it on my finger.
"Alright and if there's anyone that believes that these two should not be wed, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." When no one stood up to object, he continued. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may..." Like at Mercy and I's wedding, I was way ahead of the preacher as I kissed Becky. "Kiss the bride." Becky and I smiled as we pulled away from each other.
"Love you, Becks." I told her.
"Love you more, Daniel." Becky grinned as Mercy approached us.
"And I love you both." She smiled as the preacher left right after the wedding. And had a big private reception. We did everything that we did in Mercy and I's reception, just downsized.
After the small gathering reception, dad decided to stay for a couple weeks as I arranged a romantic weekend with both of my main girls.
Of course Hunter said it was a retirement gift to me. Which I didn't fight him on.

A year later I delivered on my promise to Pam and Ashley. We had a hott couple weeks at a hotel in Tampa while Becky, Mercy, Mary and dad took care of kids.

And nine months later, we welcomed little Savanna Marie (Ashley) and Antonio Koda (Pam). Savanna had a patch of blonde hair on her head when she was born and Antonio had a patch of black hair on his when he was born.

25 years later...
Cadence, Mikael and Mathias are rising newcomers in WWE. Destiny is now a very popular recording artist who is signed with Snoop's record label. And is currently the only one that makes her siblings entrance themes. Antonio and Savanna are in different careers. Savanna is in medical school, working to be a doctor. Antonio is a personal trainer.
We lost Mary a few years ago due to natural causes. Dad is still around as is Isabella as Erick died of a heart attack nearly a decade ago.

WWE went back on the road around mid to late 2021 or 2022. And the girls retired just a decade ago. And to be honest, me, Mercy, Becky, Pam, and Ashley. We're proud of our kids and our careers and how they turned out along with out lives as well.

The End.

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