Two Deliveries, And A Wedding.

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After a visit from Pam, I kept my word and asked the girls to extend the deal Pam was gonna get to include Ashley, they said it was okay with them which surprised me, and after many food runs, and false alarms over the next few months. The day arrived, September 15, I was in the study and Mary came in nearly out of breath. "Daniel. Mercy and Becky's water broke. You need to get them to the hospital." I made a mad dash for the front door as I loaded their overnight bags into the trunk of the car. I went back and helped Mercy as Mary helped Becky. Once we were in the car, I gunned it to the hospital, Mary went inside the hospital and came out with nurses and a couple wheelchairs. They wheeled them inside and Mary took care of the paperwork as I was led to a room to put on a gown, head cover, booties for my shoes and a mask and then was taken to the delivery room. Where Becky and Mercy were already prepped for delivery. It was real interesting to have my right hand crushed by Mercy's left and my left hand being crushed by Becky's right. I've never been in so much pain. But I persevered and fought through it.

After an hour or two of them crushing my hands to the point where my index and middle fingers cracked and under the immense pressure of their grips, and of course cursing my existence. They finally arrived. Mercy had the boy first, black hair patch on his head, while Becky had the girl first a little patch of dark red on hers. Dr Stein dealt with Mercy while another obstetrician dealt with Becky.
Then after another half hour, Mercy had the girl, brown patch of hair on her head, and Becky had the boy, a blonde patch of hair on his head. I could barely move my fingers after the girls released their grip.
"Congratulations, guys." Stein said.
Mercy and Becky were smiling as was I. "Thank you, Dr. Stein." I said on behalf of me and my girls and kids. I kissed their foreheads as I went out to the waiting room and found Mary, Isabella and Erick.
"How's the girls?" Mary asked.
"Their fine. As is the new additions to me, Mercy's and Becky's merry brood. And they should be moved to a more private room by now. So if you'll follow me. I'll take you to your daughter's and grandchildren." I grinned.
I led the way to Becky and Mercy's room. And two cribs on Mercy's right side and Becky's left were near their beds. The smiles and 'awws' from Mercy's parents and Mary made me and the girls grin.
"What are their names?" Erick asked. And before we could say anything a nurse came in with the birth certificates.
"Okay, let's start with the Quinn's." She said. "What's the girls name?"
Becky grinned as she said, "Cadence Marie Quinn-Boyce."
"And the boy?" The nurse asked.
"Daniel Mathias Quinn-Boyce." Becky said as she looked at me with the smile I loved so much years ago.
"Now for the Vernado children. What's the girls name?" She asked Mercy.
"Destiny Gabriella Vernado-Boyce." Mercy replied.
"And the boy?" She asked.
"Mikael Jay Vernado-Boyce." Mercy said.
"Okay, I'll get the rest of the information later." The nurse left the room while Mary, Erick and Isabella picked up the newborn babies. I picked up and held Cadence, Mary held Mathias, Isabella held Destiny and Erick held Mikael.
Mary, Erick, and Isabella took pictures and video of me and the girls with our kids. Me holding Cadence and Mathias while sitting at Becky's right side and another of me holding Mikael and Destiny while sitting at Mercy's left side.
After a while a nurse came in and told Mercy's parents and Becky's mom that the girls needed rest. So after another round of kisses and hugs and congratulations, they said goodbye for now. Erick and Isabella took Mary to me and the girls home. I just stood between Mercy and Becky. Looking back on what had happened over a decade. I fell in love with Becky, broke up with her after she started going after Rollins, went into self exile for three to four years, came back, started dating Mercy and mended fences with Becky by Christmas. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at Mercy, her hair disheveled somewhat, but still beautiful. As was Becky. I then looked at our newborn sons and daughters. I couldn't believe that it finally happened or that they were finally here. But be that as it may, I was a dad. I approached Becky's side and looked at Mathias and Cadence. Both were sleeping like little angels. After a moment or two I went to Mercy's side and Mikael and Destiny were asleep as well, well at least Destiny was. She woke up and I picked her up and held her in my arms. She didn't fuss, she just yawned and drifted off to sleep again. 'You just wanted to be held didn't you?' I grinned as I kissed her forehead. Destiny was going to be a handful. The question running through my head was which of Becky's set was going to be a handful.
After an hour or two, Becky woke up and whispered, 'Now there's a pretty sight.'
'Yeah, I think so too.' I grinned as I sat on her bedside.
'You look so natural, holding you and Mercy's little girl.' She grinned. 'Daniel.' She started tearing up. I slid my right hand into hers.
'Becks, it's okay. I forgive you for losing Robert. I really do.' I smiled at her as she did the same. 'In fact I was trying to think of a way to keep us together as a family. You, me, Mercy, our kids. And I believe I have an idea but for now, get some rest. I'll be right here.' I leaned over, being very careful not to crush Destiny and kissed Becky's forehead as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
I got up, walked to Destiny's crib and put her gently in it and kissed her forehead as she quietly slept. Then I heard Mathias starting to wake up, I went to his crib and picked him up. Once I held him against my left shoulder, he fell back asleep. My question was answered right there. Mathias would be the handful ouf of Becky's pair of twins.
Mercy grinned as she woke up and saw me holding Mathias.
'Hey,' She whispered, 'And who's awake?' She asked.
'Just Mathias.' I told her.
'Oohhh, poor boy. And how is his dad?' She asked as she held out her arms.
'I'm doing okay.' I replied while passing Mathias to Mercy. 'How are you feeling, Mercy honey?'
'Better now that our kids are here. Especially this little man and his sister.' She kissed Mathias' forehead. 'You know, he looks alot like you, baby.'
I smiled as she looked at Mathias. He slept peacefully in her arms and I leaned over, kissed the top of his head and kissed Mercy.

A few days later, Becky, Mercy and our kids were brought home by me and Isabella.
When we got home the entire place was decked out in balloons, steamers, etc. I helped my girls inside, Becky was holding Cadence, Mercy was holding Mikael. I carried the carriers that had Mathias and Destiny. Erick came out and grabbed the girls overnight bags. We spent the next few hours just settling the kids into the nursery.
Then Mercy and Becky and I sat in the nursery watching our kids just garble and giggle. Then we announced to the world or at least our friends that our kids were here. We didn't pay any attention to the feedback or responses as we felt that it was enough to at least let our friends know.

Over the next few weeks, Becky and Mercy carefully started training. Some light lifting at first then just increased their workouts every following week, then when the girls felt that they were ready to return to work which was around Hell In A Cell time, so we bought a house in Orlando. So after we packed a few things, we sent the stuff to our new home in Orlando, then we caughta flight there and brought Mary along, which made Becky happy. We took turns changing our kids diapers and calming them down.

When we landed, we were met by Pamela and Ashley. They actually went nuts when they saw the kids. "So good to see you guys." Pam said as she hugged Becky and Mercy along with Ashley.
"And it's good to see you too, Daniel." Ashley grinned. She hugged me tightly. Then Pam did the same.
"Good to see you two as well." I smiled. Then we headed to baggage claim and got our bags and headed outside Ashley had gotten a GMC 2015 model Sierra four four door quad cab pickup, and Pam brought her car. "You trading up there Ash?"
"Yes and no. Yes by way of the fact that I found someone new. And no as in as long as your here. It's your pickup." She handed me the keys.
"No, Ash. I can't ta..." I said before she put a hand on my shoulder.
"Daniel, its okay. Really, besides, you can't just walk everywhere." She giggled.
"Good point." I replied. "By the way." She looked at me. "Whose the someone new your dating, and don't lie to me."
"You'll meet him at the housewarming party we set up for you guys and everyone is excited to meet your little ones." She smiled.
"Okay, I'll back off for now. But this ain't over." I hugged her and she headed to Pam's car as Becky, and Mary rode with them as Mercy and I put the kids in car seats our and Becky's and Mary's bags in the back. Once we were ready, I started the pickup and headed to our new home. Pam followed us and when we got to our home we found it decked out in a banner that said, 'Welcome to Orlando.' When I shut off the engine for the pickup, Mary and Becky came up to the back doors of the pickup. I leaned in and unbuckled the carriers and pulled them out of the backseat of the pickup. Mary took one, Becky, Mercy took one each. Leaving me with Destiny's carrier. When Pam and Ashley gathered the girls bags we walked into the new house and saw all our friends from Smackdown, Raw and NXT. I even got to meet Rhea's boyfriend. A nice guy by the name of James Phillips, or to fans known as James Fatality. He had brownish blonde hair, a beard that came to the center of his neck, and stood about six foot eight, which meant I had to look up a bit to meet his eye. He had his arms covered in tattoo's, gauges in his ear, a nose ring.
"Daniel, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, James Phillips." She introduced.
"Daniel Boyce. So your the elusive boyfriend I've heard about but never met, until now that is." I grinned as he chuckled.
"And your the famed Outlaw she's told me about." He kissed Rhea on the cheek.
"Oh?" I smiled.
"Yeah. I remember how you were so welcoming to me. When I appeared in the two May Young Classics I was in." She grinned.
"Its an absolute pleasure to see you in action. I had a feeling you would be great in the US, but you took a detour through NXT UK, but hey, your here now. That's all that counts." She hugged me and decided to introduce her man to Becky and Mercy.
Then Ashley came up to me with a guy I got all kinds of bad vibes from. "Daniel. This is Jason Smith. We met at the gym."
"Huh. Jason. Daniel Boyce." I looked him in the eye and had a very heavy, bad feeling about the guy. So I looked to Ashley. "Can I speak to Jason alone, for a moment Ash?" She nodded as she kissed him and walked to the girls and the two sets of twins. "Let's go outside." He led the way to the back patio and pool. "I want you to listen to me very carefully, I'm very protective of my friends. And when I feel that someone is bad for them. I try not to get involved with their relationships and just let them find out that I'm right or that my instincts were correct from the get go. But make no mistake," I got in his face, "You so much as make her sniffle or look sad. Or do anything that resembles hurting her. You and me will take a ride. Where I can guarantee, you won't come back. We clear?" He swallowed hard. "I asked," I gripped his ear and twisted it, nearly making him scream, but he just seethed. "Are, we, clear?" He nodded. "Good. Now you be on your best behavior when your with Ashley. You step out on her or out of line with her. The ground is going to open underneath you and swallow your ass whole. Keep, that, in, mind." He looked at me with fear in his eyes. "Glad we got that sorted out." I walked back inside and he stood by the pool rubbing his ear absolutely terrified as to what I had in mind if he hurt Ashley.

He came in shaking like a leaf. I met his eye and he turned away and nearly sprinted to the door. Pam had fun holding Destiny, Rhea was having fun holding little Cadence. Alexa was smiling as she held Mathias. And last but not least Ashley was having a grand time holding Mikael. After a while, I tapped on a glass of champagne. "Excuse me. May we have your attention please." Everyone fell silent. "Thank you. Well, me and the girls have our kids finally. Umm. We have thought about godparents for our kids. If we call your name and you don't want to be the or a godparent. Let us know." I looked to Mercy, "The godparents of Destiny and Mikael. We want Pam to be godmother and for the godfather, we chose Finn, and we hope there will be no problem with that."
Finn and Pam shook their heads as they approached us and hugged me and walked over and stood next to Pam.
"Now for Mathias and Cadence. It took a lot of thought, but Becky and I want Ashley and Drew." I smiled as they approached us and did the same Finn and Pam did and stood next to Rhea.

When the surprise house warming party was over, everyone left and headed home.
Pam and Ashley helped clean up the aftermath. When everyone started to head out, Jason couldn't get out fast enough. Ashley looked at me and smirked, "You threatened him didn't you?" She asked while Mercy, Becky, Pam and Mary looked to me.
"All I did, was have a conversation with him. And if he got my point. Then, bonus." I said.
"Daniel, I know you. And how overprotective you are or can be." Ashley replied.
"I just got a bad feeling about him. So sue me if I want my friends to be safe." I grinned. "But if he hurts you in any way. You come to Pam or us. I don't care about the hour. You call or come to any of us. Understand?"
"I know Daniel." Ashley smiled as she hugged me.

Over the next week, Mercy and Becky were training and getting the baby weight off and to get back into fighting shape. While Mary and I took care of the kids. They arranged to come back a couple week before Hell In A Cell. And I decided to have my last match with Rollins along with my girls at Hell In A Cell. One on one in a last man standing match. When it was a week and a half from HIAC. I had Erick and Isabella fly to our home in Orlando, as Mercy and I were planning to get married before Hell In A Cell. We worked overtime getting the invitations as we just told a few friends the date of our wedding and it spread like wildfire. For bridesmaids, Mercy chose Ashley, Pam and Lacey. With Becky as her maid of honor. Which to me kind of fit as they were pregnant at the same time so it made sense that Becky would be Mercy's maid of honor.
For best man, I chose Drew, and for groomsmen, I chose Kevin, Braun and James.
Over the weekend, we had everything set up and WWE promoted our wedding on their Twitter and Instagram pages. And the reason I know is because a day or two before our wedding which was the Tuesday of Hell In A Cell. I got a surprise visitor in the form of my dad.

Everything was going well as Mercy and I went out to get our wedding rings for Thursday.
When we returned home with our wedding rings in their boxes. The moment I walked into the living room. My blood ran cold. "What's the matter baby?" Mercy asked.
I ignored her and said to the man that was holding Cadence and Mikael, "You have some balls coming here."
"Baby? Who's this?" Mercy asked.
I breathed in and out carefully. "Mercy, Ashley, Becky, Mary, Erick and Isabella. Meet my dad. Kenneth Williams."
"Heard that you were getting married. Is this the lucky girl?" He asked.
"You walked out on mom when I was three, and you think you can just waltz back in my life and ask that question. Or any other question." I was fit to be tied.
"Daniel!" Mercy scolded.
"You know what, I'm going for a walk. And when I get back old man you better not be." I said as I left the room and house.
"Rebecca, go with him." Mary told her. Becky got her jacket and Mercy sat next to dad.
"Is everything he said true?" She asked him.
He looked at her with a sorrowful look, "Yeah, it is. I uh got too wrapped up in work and my success. I soon abandoned Daniel and his mom. I didn't even know his mom died until a friend of mine mentioned it when I went back to Idaho Falls years ago. When I asked where Daniel was. He told me he was living with his grandparents on their ranch." He sighed deeply. "I have wanted to apologize to my son for years. Just never got up the nerve to do so. Now that he's getting married, I was hoping to you know,apologize to him for leaving him and his mom."
Mary sat across from Ken holding Destiny. "Well, if you ask me? Daniel just needs time to clear his head. Can you tell us about little Daniel and his mom. He's pretty tight lipped about his childhood." Mary said.
"Would you little ones like to hear about your dad when he was your age and a little older," He snickered as they grinned.

While my dad was telling true stories about my childhood. I was walking the block just clearing my head with Becky by my side. "Daniel. I've known you for a long time. Now what's the story between your father?"
"Don't want to talk about it." I said a little less angry than I was when I stormed out of the house.
"Come on, Dan. You can tell me. Or did I have the wrong Daniel's kids a month ago." She smirked. "Cause the Daniel I know the Daniel I know would at least tell me what the story was between him and his dad, not to mention he would have listened to what said father wanted to say before flying off the handle."
I laughed a bit and nodded. "Okay. The story is, is when I was three years old, Ken abandoned me and my mother, just to be successful at his job which was at the time making deals for a big company in IF which he took over as memory serves. But mom and I moved on the best we could. Until she died. She never blamed him for leaving us. She convinced herself that if or when he was ready to be with us as a family. He'd come through the front door. I guess I was the one that never forgave him for walking out on us all those years ago."
"Daniel. Your mom may not be here, but me, Mercy, Isabella and Mary are. And not to mention the little ones are going to follow in the example you set for them. So for the sake of our little ones. Just hear him out and go from there. But seriously, don't you think that your grudge against your father should end?" She asked.
"Your right. I should hear him out. I owe it to the kids. Yours, mine and Mercy's." I grinned as she kissed me.
"That's my Outlaw." She smiled as we walked for a few more blocks before turning back towards home.

"Daniel was such a loving and sweet boy. There was hardly anything that couldn't make him smile. Me and his mom always loved that about our boy." He grinned.
"He still is sweet and loving. Just depends on the day." Mercy smiled.
"Sounds like my son." Ken replied. "Well if your interested, Mary, Isabella, Erick, Pam, Ashley and Becky when she comes back with Daniel. Maybe you all would like to go to lunch so I can get to know you all." Mercy nodded, as did Mary, Ashley, Pam, Erick and Isabella. "Okay."
"Well I better go. Jason and I have some plans tonight." Ashley grinned as she patted Mikael, Cadence, Destiny and Mathias who was held by Isabella on their head. "Bye little ones. Bye guys."
"Bye." They all said as she left.

A moment or two later, Becky and I came through the door. "Hey, here's Daniel, calm and collected, mostly." Becky smiled. I approached dad and he got up carefully with Cadence and Mikael in his arms.
"Dad. Umm. I just want to say that I shouldn't have just went off like I did. And uh, as much as I hate admitting this. I'm sorry for the way I reacted and for not hearing you out." I sighed.
"Son. I've debated about how to do this for years. I should be the one to apologize here. When I uh, walked out on you and your mom, I was too blind by my ambition to care about the two of you. And I must admit. Your mother raised you right. She'd be proud of you. Just as I am. And another thing I need to say is that your lovely bride to be is very beautiful. And your kids." He looked to Cadence and Mikael. "Are just adorable."
"Well, Cadence and Mathias whose in Isabella's arms are a set of twins. And Destiny who Mary is holding and Mikael whose cradled in your right arm. Are another set of twins. Cadence and Mathias' mom isn't Mercy. Their mom is Rebecca. Destiny and Mikael's mom is Mercy." I explained.
"That would explain the slightly darker color or hue to their skin, Destiny's and Mikael's I mean. But all four are absolutely adorable, son. I also invited your in-laws your friends and what Mary tells me your extended family out for lunch tomorrow." I grinned as my phone went off. I looked at the screen and it had Ashley's name on it.
"Sounds good dad. Hold on let me take this call." I answered the phone and said, "Hey Ash. Ashley what's wrong?"
'Daniel, Jason left me.' I need you here, please.' Ashley said.
"On my way." I hung up and without saying a word Pam, Becky and Mercy got on their jackets.
"Mom, can you dad, Ken and Mary watch over the kids?" Mercy asked.
"Of course." Isabella replied.
After we made sure the kids would be taken care of for a moment or two. Mercy and Becky loaded up the pickup and Pam drove her car to her place with us not far behind her.

When we arrived, Ashley ran out to us and straight into my arms. "Daniel, I feel so stupid. He said we should have plans for tonight. I didn't expect him to leave me for someone else."
"What's his number? I'm going track his ass down. You three stay with her or better yet pack a couple bags and take her to our house. I'll be getting in late." Ashley wrote down his number and after calling a few old friend's that were Jefferson County deputies that now lived in Orlando or Miami, and knew me growing up and were fans of mine. I got Jason's address. I nearly went in with a tire iron. But thought better of it and grabbed a bat that I had in the toolbox in the very back.
Once it was in my hand, I walked up to the front door and knocked with the bat. He answered and went pale when he saw me.
"Thought I was kidding about what I said Jason?" I pulled him outside and to the pickup. I opened the back passenger side door and said, "Get in." He hesitantly did. I got in and started driving. "Let me get this straight, you made plans with my friend. And decided to just step out on her with another woman."
"I'm sorry, if I could take it..." He said.
"Shut up. The bottom line is, is that you hurt my Ashley. My friend. Broke her heart. So you have a choice to make. I drove into a junkyard and parked, shut off the engine and got out with my bat, opened the back passenger side door and pulled him to a wreck. "You have twenty four hours to leave Orlando, the state of Florida and never set foot on the east coast or Midwest. Which restricts you to the west coast. Cause after the twenty four hours. I'll come looking for you. And if your not out if Orlando by then. We're going to take a trip to the everglades. And I'll leave you there for the crocs to have for dinner. And instead of taking you there and are here in this junkyard now, is because I want to do right by Ash by giving you one chance to pack up and run for the west coast. And you better stay there." He swallowed hard. "And your twenty four hours. Started the moment you stepped in my truck." I headed back to the pickup.
"Wait, you can't leave me here." He cried.
"Your lucky I'm allowing you to walk at all." I got in the truck and drove off and headed home.

When I arrived, I slammed the door and walked into the house and locked the truck, I was met by Becky and Mercy. "How is she?" I asked.
"Pam's with her." Mercy said.
"What of her ex?" Becky asked.
"He's taken care of." I said. Then dad approached me. "Hey, pop. You going to be in town long?"
"Yeah. I'm going to be in town for your wedding. And I'm actually looking for a home in Tampa. So I can be near you and your family. " He grinned as he looked at Mary, Isabella and Erick playing with the kids.
"I'm sure that you know that you can't really make up for lost time. But I'm hoping you can be a good grandpa to me, Mercy's and Becky's kids." I told him.
"Oh I will, son." He hugged me and said, "Well, I better go. I'll see you all tomorrow for lunch tomorrow." He kissed Becky and Mercy's cheeks and went to the kids and kissed each one on the top of their heads. "Nice meeting you all, And keep me posted on Ashley's condition son."
"I will, pop." He left in his rental car and we cooked Spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. And when it was ready, Mary, Eric, Isabella, Pam, Becky, and Mercy sat down, while little Mathias, Mikael, Cadence and Destiny were in high chairs. I noticed Ashley was missing. "Hey, Pam. Where's Ash?" I asked her.
"She's in the guest room at the top of the stairs." She told me. I put a plate together.
"I'm going to take her a plate." I headed upstairs and knocked. "Hey, Ash. You hungry?" I tried the knob and opened the door. Found her lying in the bed and just looking at the window. "Hey," I approached the bed and put the plate of food on the beside table. She looked at me. "Brought you some food if your hungry."
"Thank you, Dan." She sobbed.
"Hey," She looked at me. "Your going to be okay. Your ex, is taken care of. Don't worry I didn't kill him. Yet." She giggled. "That's the Ashley I know."
"Same old Daniel. Always looking out for me, Pam, Becky and Mercy. " She smiled.
"Hey, it ain't broke, don't fix it. Besides. I'm engaged to Mercy, dated Becky, and had a lot of fun with you and Pam within reason, while I was away from my girls." I smiled as she grabbed the plate of food and the fork that was with it and started eating. "Your going to come to lunch with my dad along with everyone else."
"Sounds good." She grinned as I got up and kissed her forehead. "And Daniel." I looked to her as I reached the door. "Thank you, for being there for me."
"My pleasure, but your forgetting about Pam, Mercy and Becky." I said. "But I'll always be there for you as well Becky, Pam and Mercy."
"I know, Dan." She grinned.
I eft the room and headed downstairs and ate with everyone else. I watched as Mathias, Mikael, Cadence and Destiny eat some spaghetti chopped up with a little baby food mixed in. I smiled as they made a mess like all babies do.
After dinner, we all just hung out in the living room and went to bed. Mercy and Becky and I put our kids to bed and turned on the baby monitors and headed to bed after kissing our kids goodnight and I sung them a lullaby.

The next day we all went out for lunch with my dad. We all had some fun and he enjoyed quality time with his grand kids. He got to know my in-laws, Isabella and Erick along with my would have been mother-in-law Mary. Along with the girls.

After lunch, I got ready for my bachelor party that Drew was in charge of. And Mercy and the rest of the girls got ready for the Bacelorette party Becky set up, which was a girls night, full of pampering, fun and games.
Erick and my dad went with me to the bachelor party. Drew, Braun and Kevin rented a boat for it. And despite my promise of paying them back they didn't allow it.

When I went onto the boat, I was greeted by everybody practically, Roman, Miz, John, etc. We had a fun time of night fishing.
While the girls had fun with their girls night/bachelorette party.

A couple hours later, me and the boys were just laughing and just having fun. "So, you looking forward to being married to my daughter?" Erick asked.
"Ohh, I most definitely am." I told him. "In all honesty, I'm happy and excited to marry Mercy. And even more happpy that I mended fences with Becky. But Mercy's my girl, and my love. And our kids mean everything to us. And in my opinion, nothing is more important than family. Nothing." I smiled as the party continued.

Meanwhile at the house, Rhea asked, "So you nervous about marrying the Iron Fisted Outlaw?"
"No. Not in the least. Daniel's the perfect man. He's just amazing. And I hope Becky doesn't hate me, but, I had a little crush on him. When he started dating Becky, I didn't think I'd get the chance to date him as I dated and a few months later married Mikaze. But it just felt wrong to stay married to him. But I didn't expect Daniel to disappear after things between him and Becky blew up. And then things went bad between me and Mikaze. Now, nearly a full year later, I'm marrying the man of my dreams, the father of my and Becky's kids. And I couldn't happier." She grinned as did the girls.
"Well we couldn't be happier for you, honey." Lacey smiled.
As the party continued at the house.

The bachelor party was winding down.
"Gents, raise your glasses." They did as Drew told them. "Daniel, you are one lucky man. You, in less than twenty four hours. Will leave bachelorhood and join the ranks of the married men club." Drew smiled. "To Daniel."
"To Daniel." The boys said.

When the parties were done, Erick and I went home while dad took a cab to his hotel.
By the time we got home. The aftermath of Mercy's bachelorette party was not as substantial as I expected. Then again, Mary and Isabella were cleaning the mess up before the tomorrow as the reception and the ceremony would take place at our home.

When me and Erick walked in the door we saw Rhea and Toni leaving the house, Rhea smiled as she said, "Good luck tomorrow Dan."
"Thanks, Rhea." I said as she walked by me and to her car. Erick went into the house as Toni approached me.
"If I may say so. Mercy is a lucky woman." She smiled.
"Thank you. But I think it is me that I'm the lucky one." I hugged her and she ran to Rhea's car and got in. I waved to them as they drove off.
Then I heard, "And there's the man of the hour or I should say for the next thirty-six hours." She grinned as did I as she hugged me from behind.
"Well, after Hell In A Cell, there will be another ceremony. I've already cleared it with Mercy while we were out shopping for our wedding rings. And I'm sure your gonna love it, Becks." I smiled.
"Can I at least get a hint?" She asked.
I grinned at the excitement in her eyes. "Well, lets just say it involves you wearing a very special dress." Was all I said.
"Wait, your marrying Mercedes tomorrow. And I know you can't have two wives." She said a little worried.
"That may be. But why do you think your mom has been going to all the churches around town. She was looking for a priest who would be discreet when we have our secret wedding, away from prying eyes. Besides, I want to keep this family you, me Mercy and our kids together." I explained.
"What about Pam and Ashley?" She asked.
"They'll live with us. Here and in Boston if they so choose. Either way, we, will be one big happy family." I smiled.
"Okay, but you better propose to me before or after Hell In A Cell." She giggled as I turned in her arms and kissed the top of her head.
"I will. Don't worry." We headed inside.
"Whose going to give me away?" She asked.
"My dad. He actually volunteered when I told him about the secret wedding between you and me." I told her.
"Mom must have went into shock when you told her." She said about Mary.
"Actually, I think she was kinda relieved that I was going to marry you in a private if not secret wedding." I replied honestly. She smiled like she actually liked the idea of being married to me secretly.
"Well you better get upstairs and go to bed as you have a big day tomorrow. And I know you'll be a very handsome groom. And Mercedes a stunning bride." She smiled as she kissed me. "Goodnight Daniel."
"Night Becks." I smiled as I kissed and hugged her. She spent the night with her mother. While I spent the night with Mercy.

When I walked into the room and found Mercy laying in bed with a comfortable shirt and just a pair of panties underneath the blanket. "There's my Outlaw." She grinned.
"And there's my Blueprint, my Boss, and one of the mothers of our four kids." I approached the bed and sat at her feet. "And in four to five hours, she'll be my wife."
She slid into my right arm and kissed my cheek.
"And I am excited to have the Iron Fisted Outlaw as my husband." She grinned as she kissed me.
"Well, let's head to bed, Mercy honey." I kissed her and stood up and started changing into sleepwear and after depositing the clothes I wore to the bachelor party in the hamper, I slid into bed and held Mercy close as we fell asleep.

Early the next morning, I woke up, kissed Mercy's cheek, got up, put on some clean casuals, grabbed my suit and headed to the gym which had the weights, treadmills, bench press was against the wall, Mary brought breakfast to the gym for me and she directed my groomsmen and best man to the gym. The bridesmaids and maid of honor went upstairs.

An hour later in the impromptu brides ready room...
"I feel so happy right now, much happier than when I married Mikaze." Mercy grinned. "Don't get me wrong, I loved Mikaze, but I loved Daniel even more."
"Yeah. And I know that you had a thing for him when we were in NXT." Becky smiled. "And what you told Rhea at the bachelorette party, actually confirmed it. And surprisingly, I'm not mad about you having a thing for my then boyfriend, now your soon to be husband. I had my chance with him and to be honest. The better woman won."
Mercy grinned as she hugged Becky. Then a knock came to the door. Pam opened it and my dad walked in. "I know it's just moments before the wedding, but I wanted to give Mercedes something that means so much to me." He reached behind his head and unclasped a chain that had a ring hanging around his neck. "My wedding ring. I kept it all this time, in hopes of giving it to Daniel's bride on his wedding day."
"What will you give Daniel?" Mercy asked as Ken helped her put the necklace with the ring around her neck.
"This." He said as he pulled his sleeve up to reveal a watch. "It belonged to my dad who got it from his, and I was hoping to give it to my son. But I've taken up enough of your time." He walked to the door. "And before the ceremony starts. You look look gorgeous sweetie." He smiled as did Mercy. When he left the room. Becky, Ashley, Pam and Lacey smiled.
"I see where Daniel gets his charm from." Lacey smiled as Mercy giggled. "Not that he'd admit it."
"That's true." Mercy said as she put on her veil. "And I love how modest he is about certain things."

While the girls were talking, me and the boys well more me than them, were finishing up getting my suit on. When a knock came to the door and James opened the door.
"Oh, hey guys. Where's my...oh. You look good son." Dad said as I grinned.
"Thanks dad." I hugged him and introduced the boys to him. "Dad, this is Drew MacIntyre, Kevin Owens, Braun Strowman and James Phillips." He shook their hands as smiled. "Guys this is my dad."
"Good to meet you boys. Now I'm here to give you something special, Dan." He reached up his sleeve and unclasped his watches wristband. "This." He held up the watch and grinned as be handed it to me. "That watch was given to me by my dad on my wedding day as it was given to him on his by great grandpa Williams. And I was hoping I could give it to you on yours and I'm glad I can."
"Dad. I don't know what to say. But thank you." I put the watch on and smiled.
"Your mom would be so proud right now. Just as much as I am." He hugged me and left the room and I straightened my tie before we headed out to the altar.
I looked to Mary, Isabella, Wendy and Ric who were holding me Mercy's and Becky's kids. I smiled at them as the wedding march started.
I looked up the aisle and my I was met by a vision of perfection. Mercy was wearing a beautiful diamond white with flecks of sapphire blue dress with matching veil and train. Drew had to nudge me hard in the side to bring me back to reality.
I met Mercy and Erick at the bottom of the altar and took Mercy by the hand and led her to the altar.

The reverend went through his spiel and when it came to the vows, we decided to do our own.
"Mercy, I've known you for a long time. All the way back to our days in NXT. Then I disappeared for personal reasons." I said as I looked to Becky. "But when I came back last November. I didn't expect to fall in love with the Blueprint, the Boss. But I did more than fall for you, I found a once in a lifetime love. And today, I get to marry my soul mate. And the mother to our son Mikael and our little girl Destiny. And I can't wait to see what life has in store for us and whatever it is good or bad, we'll fact it together."
"Daniel, its no secret that I had a crush on you since our days in NXT, but I didn't act on it as you were dating someone else. And I was happy for you. But when things fell apart with her. You disappeared. But when I saw you after so long that night at Survivor Series. I felt the love and all the feelings I had way back when we were part of NXT. Now I'm going to have you as my husband and the father to our kids. And like you I can't wait to see what life has in store for us and we'll face whatever life throws at us, together." She grinned.
The reverend smiled as he said, "Daniel William Boyce, do you take Mercedes Justine Vernado as your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do." I grinned as I looked at Mercy.
"And Mercedes Justine Vernado. Do you take Daniel William Boyce as your lawful wedded husband?" He asked her.
"I do." She smiled at me.
"If are those that don't believe these two should not be wed. May they speak now or forever hold their peace." No response came. "Okay, by the power vested in me. I now pronounce you man and wife. You may..." I was miles ahead of him as I lifted the veil and kissed Mercy.
We smiled as we headed up the aisle and outside to the setup tent for the reception.

At the reception, we did all the usual stuff. Photos of me and Mercy, as a couple, holding our kids, of Mercy and her bridesmaids and maid of honor, of me and my groomsmen and best man, a family picture complete with Mary and Becky holding me and Becky's kids. The toasts, the traditional couples first dance, then the father daughter dance in which Mercy danced with her dad then mine. The cutting of the cake, the taking off the garter, throwing of the bouquet and the garter, the bouquet was caught by Rhea and the garter was caught by Finn. When everyone left. Me, Mercy, dad, Isabella and Erick cleaned up the mess left by the reception. Once it was cleaned up. Mercy and Becky took the kids to bed and I talked to dad.
"Well, your a married man now. Just one more ceremony left. But I'm sure your excited to have your last match this weekend." He grinned. "But I am proud of you."
"Well, don't think I didn't notice the ring on the chain around Mercy's neck. She looked beautiful with it don't get me wrong. But I'm glad you and I have buried the hatchet and that you gave me the watch." I told him as I escorted him to his car.
"Well I'll be there Sunday to see your last match son. Take care of your family." He smiled as he got in his car.
"Always pop." I waved as he drove off. Then headed inside and just walked into the nursery and looked at my sleeping kids. I leaned down and kissed each one on the cheek or forehead. Then continued to the master bedroom where I found Becky and Mercy smiling as they were waiting for me, so I took off the suit, put it on the chair neat to the vanity mirror and slid between my girls. They kissed me and cuddled close to me as we turned off the lights and fell asleep.

(I'd like to give a big shout out to RLDbeast for allowing me to use his oc James Phillips 'Fatality')

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