Chapter 12: Bachelor and Bachelorette Parties

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Here we see you at your Bachelor Party as you see everyone is having a good time.

(Y/N): "Man, the girls really went all out on the bachelor party."

Barry: "I'll say, you have a lot of girls on the guest list."

(Y/N): "Alright."

Mya: "Yep, also since when did Pam Anderson have a twin sister?"

Mya then points to two girls who look just like Pam Anderson.

(Y/N): "Well one of them is Erotica Jones and the other is the real Pam Anderson, sometimes you see people who look alike."

Erotica: "Yeah I get that a lot."

(Y/N): "I still can't believe Kyouka and Zee invited Pam Anderson."

Pam A: "Oh Zee and I hung out at parties sometimes whenever her dad was doing some shows, also since when is she trans?"

(Y/N): "She's a late bloomer, the human body can be a real mystery."

Pam A: "True."

Erotica: "Yeah, anything unpredictable can happen."

Barry: "Say where are the others?"

(Y/N): "Oh they're having their own bachelorette party."

Barry: "Oh nice, I wonder how that's going?"

Meanwhile with the girls, we see them having fun at the bachelorette party and we see Riko and Mizuho performing songs for the Bachelorette party as we see the girls enjoying themselves.

Zee: "This is so amazing!"

Jessica: "I know right, I can't believe you and Kyouka found these girls who want to marry (Y/N)."

Erina: "I still can't believe you found Riko and Mizuho yesterday." *To Riko and Mizuho* "It's such an honor to meet futas such as yourselves."

Mizuho: "No problem ma'am."

Tatsu: "Diana, is that your mother?"

Diana then sees Hippolyta drinking some fruit punch from the punch bowl.

Diana: "Mother!?!"

Hippolyta: *Sees Diana* "Oh greetings Diana, what an amazing party."

Diana: "What are you doing here?"

Hippolyta: "I have heard of your wedding party that was told to me by (Y/N)."

Diana: "Are you here to marry him as well?"

Hippolyta: "No...."

Diana: "Mother..."

Hippolyta: "That is the last thing I-"

Kyouka: *pulls out a list of names*"She is, her name is on the list of girls who met (Y/N) and want to marry him."

Diana: "Mother!"

Hippolyta: "Well can you blame me? That man can really melt the heart of an Amazon Queen. He has a way to charm women without even trying at all."

Diana: "It is true."*sees Verosika and her crew*"What are these succubi doing here?"

Kyouka: "Oh Verosika and her gal pals? Yeah she's the succubus (Y/N) and she tried to give him a BJ while he was sleeping on the beach and then she froze up from what he's packing."

Diana: *Remembers* "Oh yes, I remember that."

Kyouka: *Sees Riko and Mizuho's bulges* "Although, I think Verosika and her girls are gonna be busy with you two."

Riko: "What do you mean?"

We then see Kyouka push Riko and Mizuho to Verosika.

Verosika: "Woah, who are-" *Sees Riko and Mizuho's bulges* "Wait are you two-"

Kyouka: "Futas, yep, wanna warm up before your honeymoon with our soon to be hubby?"

Verosika: "What do you say girls?"

Milky: "Let's suck some futa cocks!"

Apple: "Yay!"

Coco: "Let's suck some lady dicks!"

Kyouka: "I wonder what's going on in the Bachelor party."

Back with you, we see you sitting with Erotica, Giselle, Persephone, and Catt at a table.

(Y/N): "So let me get this straight, you want to be a bride and marry a guy that is right for you in every way?"

Erotica: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "Well your dreams are about to come true cause I'm a good fit for all of your criteria."

Erotica: "Thanks babe."

Persephone: "Guess we found a man we can all share."

(Y/N): "Glad you feel that way girls."

Giselle: "Thanks, man you are so sweet, I can't believe we are marrying you."

(Y/N): "Yeah some guys are lucky to marry one stripper and now I'm marrying 4."

Erotica: "Well you must be very lucky then."

(Y/N): "Or I just don't let my lust get control of me, if that wasn't the case then you girls have to work on routines that can be safe for your precious cargo."

Giselle: "Precious cargo, what does that mean?"

Catt: "He means our goods."

Giselle: "I don't think he means that."

Erotica: "What he's trying to say is that we have to do our jobs as strippers with pregnant bellies."

Giselle: "Ooh."

Catt: "That makes sense, can't dance if you have a baby in you, well not unless you're really good at it."

(Y/N): "I think we should come up with routines that keep the babies safe and keep you all in top shape."

Erotica: "Good call."

Giselle: "I wonder how the bachelorette party is going?"

Meanwhile in the Bachelorette Party, we see Verosika and her girls exhausted after being gang banged by Riko, Mizuho, Jessica, and Zee as we see them resting on a couch.

Verosika: "That was the first time I fucked with futas."

Riko: *Pants* "It feels nice to... have sex with a girl... and not... receiving dicks from guys."

Verosika: "Let me guess, your manager tried to get the audience to gang bang you for money?"

Riko: "How did you....know?"

Coco: "We know what it's like, and believe us, it was pretty."

Apple: *Shivers in discomfort* "The county jail was so cold, and those dicks were so gross...!"

Coco: *Comforts Apple* "Shh, shh it's okay Apple, they're gone."

Verosika: "Plus I had a manager that tried to do the same thing and you know what I did to him? Well let's say he went from a John to a Jane."

The girls were a bit confused by what Verosika said until they immediately realized what she did."

Riko: "You didn't..."

Verosika: "What I fired him first, then I ripped his dick off of his body."

Riko: "You think you can do that to our former manager?"

Verosika: "Yeah I wish but I think some of my gal pals want to do it."

Apple: "I'll do it!"

Riko: "And what happened to the police officers when you went to jail?"

Milky: "Well they were policemen before they became policewomen."

Girls: "Oh god."

Jessica: "Yeesh, I don't normally condone violence, but in a situation like that, they don't really deserve it."

Verosika: "Oh please, most of the Sinners in hell are corrupt police officers and I've banged enough sinners to know that using their positions as police officers to bang women is a gateway to becoming corrupt cops, and the only way to reason with them is force. And sex but mostly force."

Jessica: "But there's gotta be another way, right?" *Doesn't get a response* "Right?"

Coco: "Jessica, we're from hell, it's force against force, sinners, imps, hellhounds, even hellborns do what they gotta do to protect themselves, no matter what."

Kyouka: *got a text from you*"Holy shit, I got a text from (Y/N), he said that he bought a strip club from this guy named Valentino. Whoever that is."

Verosika: *Surprised* "Wait what the fuck?!"*grabs Kyouka's phone*"Give me that!"*sees the text*"How!?!"

Kyouka: "Oh (Y/N) made a deal with Val by giving him a luxury resort in one of the rings of Hell but it was a ruse and Valentino sold his strip club to him and now he can't get it back and (Y/N) took Val's place as a Overlord of Hell."

Apple: "Holy shit, did he use force?"

Kyouka: "Yeah legal force, he has a very good lawyer."*points at She-Hulk*"She's right there."

The succubi all see She Hulk at the buffet table and she just ate all of the food at the buffet.

She-Hulk: *burps*"Sorry, Hulk sized metabolism."

Jessica: *Sighs* "Zee?"

Zee: "On it."

Zee then summons another buffet only this was larger and hulk sized.

She-Hulk: "Thanks."

Verosika: "You're his lawyer?"

She-Hulk: "Yeah, I'm his lawyer, I helped him buy off a lot of land in the Pride Ring of Hell in the most legal way possible."

Succubi: "......................Holy shit!"

Verosika: "How?!"

She-Hulk: "Oh he made a very convincing business contract for all of the Overlords of Hell, he is very persuasive, even Alastor signed the contract. He just needed legal help."

Coco: "It's that easy huh?"

She-Hulk: "Yeah and surprisingly, he made good use of that land he now owns."

Verosika: "What did he do?"

She-Hulk: "He made a museum but it's more like a building that helps people be up to date with current events on Earth, made a whole bunch of restaurants for people to enjoy food from Earth and hell, and he made a bunch of schools for the hellborn demon children."

Milky: "Huh, neat."

Coco: "Well that was nice of him."

Jessica: "It sure was, but why would he do that?"

She-Hulk: "Well he said someone has to make the world a better place and Hell is part of our world so he did that."

Jessica: "Wow, that's nice of him."

Zee: "Yeah, I guess he has solutions for a lot of problems."

Jessica: "That's (Y/N) for you."

Verosika: "I wonder what he's doing right now."

Back to you, we see you sitting on a couch and we see you sitting with Erotica and she is cuddling with you.

Erotica: "Well it's a good idea that no one has spiked the punch."

(Y/N): "Yeah I put up a sign for that and if that fails I have security."

You then point at Vortex, in human form, and he was wearing sunglasses and he sees Hal about to spike the punch.

Vortex: "Do that and you die."

Hal: *gulps in fear*"Okay."

Back to you.

(Y/N): "See."

Erotica: "Yeah, and I can't believe some of the brides are Erina and Kelly."

(Y/N): "I do, one of them got a sperm donor to have a kid and the other has a bad relationship with her ex by giving their daughter fake awards. After realizing I'm the right guy for both of them, they decide to have a change in their lives and have me as a lover instead of a jerk as a husband."

Erotica: "Yikes."

Giselle: "That's awful."

(Y/N): "Yeah the richest families are always the most dysfunctional."

Meanwhile back with the girls we see Weiss sneeze.

Ruby: "Weiss, you okay?"

Weiss: "I dunno, I feel like (Y/N) said that rich people always have dysfunctional families."

Yang: "You think he was talking about your family? Uh no offense."

Weiss: "No, no, he's right cause my dad was a corrupt businessman and my mom is an alcoholic. My sister was almost corrupted by the Atlas military and my brother almost became a clone of dad."

Ruby: "You were kind of a jerk back then, but you changed now, you're not your dad."

Yang: "And you were never your mom cause you're not old enough to drink 100 year old wine."

Blake: "Which she's doing now."

The girls looked to see Willow is drinking multiple shots and we see Antiope drinking some shots as well.

Antiope: *Notices Willow's condition* *concerned* "Um, ma'am I think you had enough."

Willow: "I am not losing to-"*burps*"-you!"

She-Hulk: "Ms. Schnee, please just sit down and I'll get you some water."

Willow then drinks the last shot and then puts it down.

Willow: "Ha! Beat you!"

Willow then burps then passes out onto the floor as Weiss and Winter facepalm.

Weiss: *Embarrassed* "Mother."

Winter: "Ms. Walters, we're so sorry about our mother, she's celebrating the death of our father."

She-Hulk: "Hey the guy was evil and she's happy to find a new man, uh sort of."

Winter: "Sure she's happy, but it's more than that, she's been through a lot after we lost Atlas and the dust company."

Weiss: "And with what our dad did to her, she has been a mess. (Y/N) has her going through therapy with the rest of our family."

Winter: "And while it worked well with Whitley, our mother is another case."

She-Hulk: "And after (Y/N) marries you guys, he will help your mother get over her alcohol addiction."

Weiss: "I hope so..."

Willow: *Muffled* "Weiss, help me up, I think I drink too much."

She-Hulk: "You think?"

Winter: "I bet (Y/N) hasn't put up with this in his Bachelor Party."

Back to you, we see you sitting in between Erina and Kelly as they were a bit tipsy too, or more specifically Erina.

Erina: "(Y/N), have you ever drank any wine before~?"*hiccups*

(Y/N): "Never have, never will, and the only beverages we will have in our household will be non-alcoholic beverages like milk, orange juice, soda, and or Apple Juice."

Erina: "Aww, what about Apple cider?"

(Y/N): "Non-alcoholic Apple Cider is acceptable."

Kelly: "That's reasonable, too much booze can be bad for you."

Erina: "Yeah, I guess you're right."

(Y/N): "And it would be bad if you girls get drunk and have sex with a different guy and then 9 months later you have a baby made from irresponsible sex."

Kelly and Erina: "Yikes."

Erina: "Okay yeah good call."

Kelly: "Agreed, although I can't say the same about Willow."

Erina: "The girl with the white hair?"

Kelly: "Yeah that's her, she's been through a lot."

(Y/N): "Death of her terrible husband, losing her city, and having her kids be at each other's throats for years, it can do a number on anyone to the point where they drink away their pain."

Erina: "Yeah that's terrible."

(Y/N): "Yeah and Erina, you can get off of my lap now. Your butts are a bit heavy."

The camera zooms out to show Kelly and Erina were sitting on your lap.

Erina: *pouts*"But it's comfy."

(Y/N): "Well Erina, all of those BJs went down to your hips and now they're too heavy for my lap."

Erina: "Okay, okay I know when you reached your limits." *gets off*

Kelly: "Yeah we don't want you losing the feeling in your lap." *Also gets off*

(Y/N): "Which is why we have an indoor gym at the Apartment complex."

Erina: "Okay, I'll get to work out after our honeymoon."

Kelly: "I hope Taylor is doing okay with the girls."

Erina: "I'm sure she's doing fine."

Meanwhile we see Taylor with the succubi along with Riko and Mizuho, and they were having sex with Taylor both futa and lesbian sex.

Taylor: *while having sex with the futa idols* *Moans* "Ah~ oh man, I'm tapping out~. Please, I have had enough."*feels both futa idols cum at the same time* "Ah~!"

Riko and Mizuho pull out of Taylor as they were also exhausted too.

Mizuho: *Pants* "Taylor's butt was the best."

Riko: "So does her pussy~. it was tight."

Taylor: *Pants* "I don't think I can handle you girls anymore... good thing I took birth control before this happened"

Milky: "Then let us take over~."

We then see the succubi making out with Taylor and both Coco and Apple put their tails up Taylor's butt and we see Milky french kissing.

Riko: "Aw why does Taylor get to have all the fun."

Verosika: "Got me girls~."

Back to you.

(Y/N): "Well if you ask me, I think she's having futa and lesbian sex with two dick girl idols and a group of horny succubi."

Erina: "That seems... accurate."

Kelly: "Thank goodness Taylor took those birth control pills before that happened."

(Y/N): "Yeah, you should check on her, Kelly."

Kelly: "Good call."

We then see Kelly go to the girls' party and she sees Taylor getting gangbanged by the succubi and futa girls.

Kelly: "Oh my gosh Taylor!"

Taylor: *Moans* "Mom, it's okay I took birth control."

Kelly: "Okay this is a bit much for one person."

Verosika: "Good point."*spanks Kelly's butt*"Why don't you join your daughter~?"

Kelly: "I-hmph."

Verosika then starts making out with Kelly at first she resists until she melts into the kiss. Kelly was then stripped naked and she joined Taylor with succubi and futa girls having sex with them from all sides as Jessica and Zee saw this.

Zee: "Should we try to stop them?"

Jessica: "I feel too horny to try to stop them."

Zee then notices that Jessica's boner was showing as Zee starts to get horny as well.

Zee: "Yeah let's join them, then stop them later."

Frenchie: 17 minutes later.

We see both Kelly and Taylor laying on the ground exhausted and they lost feeling in their lower bodies.

Kelly: *Pants* "Oh my, that was.....too much...."

Taylor: *pants*"I....need.....10 days.... To get back up..."

Verosika: "Sorry about that, we kinda get carried away with sex."

Coco: "Our bad."

Kelly: "It's... okay."

Taylor: " more lesbian sex."

Verosika: "You know Taylor, you could have made a great succubus with the proper training of course. You have so much potential."

Kelly: *struggles to get up*"You want to turn my daughter into a hussy?"

Verosika: "Hey now being a succubus is not all about sex, maybe 25%. The other 75% are getting humans to go to hell for committing sin of lust."

Kelly: "Still sex."

Verosika: "Hey don't knock it if you try it."

Coco: *To Jessica, Zee, Riko and Mizuho* "You girls okay?"

We see the futa girls, who are bottomless, exhausted, and covered in who knows how much jizz and sweat.

Mizuho: "I think I should stop having sex for months."

Riko: "You're just realizing that after what the manager had the audience do to us? I actually wanted to leave and quit being an idol."

Mizuho: "Really?"

Verosika: "Well if you want you can be my backup-singers, which means you can be idols but no sex with the audience, that's what my crew is for."

Riko: "We'll think about it."

Mizuho: "Although to be fair, it was kind of my fault our manager started focusing on our dicks rather than our music career, sorry Riko."

Riko: "It's okay, I forgive ya. I just didn't want to say anything."

Jessica: "Why?"

Riko: "Well it's just Mizuho looked so happy and I didn't want her to be left out so when I came out as being a dickgirl, she felt happy to not be the only one. But when the manager started making more dick related content especially when he had the audience have sex with us, and that dick shaking even, I wanted to quit and leave."

Mizuho: "What? Why didn't you tell me?"

Riko: "Because I don't want to abandon you, because I love you so much." *Blushes*

Mizuho: "Oh Riko...I love you too!"

We then see both Riko and Mizuho making out and the girls see this too.

Zee: "Aww, that's heartwarming."*sees the girls having sex now*"And now it's steamy."

Jessica then takes her clothes off and she was fully nude.

Zee: "Really Jess?"

Jessica: "What? It was getting hot, plus you know you want some of this."*wiggles her butt at Zee* "Come on, you know you want to."

Zee: "At this point, you will carry my baby before you carry (Y/N)'s."

Jessica: "Well you don't have to do my pussy." *Shows her butthole to Zee*

Zee: *Realizes* "Alright."

Back to you, we see you sitting with the demihuman girls and you.

Mya: "I hope the girls don't go overboard."

(Y/N): "I'm pretty sure they did, but that's the point of the bachelorette party. Letting the bride have some fun before the big day."

Cerea: "He has a point."

Doppel: "Yeah, it's only natural for either the groom or bride, err brides, to have some fun."

(Y/N): "Yep and speaking of fun, Rachnera and Lilith are having fun."

The girls then see Rachnera doing BDSM with Lilith and Lilith was moaning in pleasure.

Zena: "This is starting to become more of a brothel than a party."

Mya: *Notices Erina isn't here* "Hey where's Erina?"

(Y/N): "She's having fun with Rachnera, apparently she enjoys BDSM as a hobby."

The demihumans see Rachnera pleasuring Erina and Lilith at the same time with BDSM.

Erina: *moans*"Mistress, please punish me, I've been a naughty mother~."

Rachnera: "And punish you I will~."

Rachnera then tightens up Erina's bindings as she moans in pleasure.

(Y/N): "Should I join Erina?"

Miia: "I mean you want to have fun, have some fun."

Later on, after sometime, we see the girls at their party cleaning up the mess they made as then see Riko and Mizuho doing a puppet show, only with their dicks.

Mizuho: "This is our dick puppet show, hope you all enjoy it."

The girls then see Riko and Mizuho's dicks are decorated to look like a married couple.

Mizuho's dick: "Please I beg you, don't leave me!" *Sheds a tear*.

Riko's dick: "Shut up! I've grown tired of you!" *Evil laughter*.

Mizuho's dick: "What is it that you don't like about me? Is it the way I look? The way I smell?"

Riko's dick: "Look, not only are you harder than me, but you're thicker than me!"

Riko's dick was close to Mizuho's as it turned around embarrassed.

Mizuho's dick: "Don't say that!"

Riko's dick: "You know it's true!"

Mizuho's dick: "It's not! You're bigger than me!"

Riko's dick: "Stop lying to me!"

Mizuho's dick: *Rubs against Riko's dick* "I'm not! Your... half an inch bigger than me!"

Riko's dick: "That doesn't matter, you are big and thick and you are more fertile than me!"

Mizuho's dick: "And your... an inch bigger than me! And I love you!"

We then see the dicks touch each other and make them look like they're kissing.

Jessica: "So um... was anyone following the plot?"

Zee: "I think they're an old married couple trying to figure out who's the better dick?"

Jessica: "Uhh, maybe?" *To Verosika* "Verosika what about you?"

Verosika: "Not sure." *to Coco* "Coco?"

Zee: "I think it's a dick measuring contest in the form of a rom com."

Verosika: "Huh, well it's better than watching Hella Novela."

Jessica: *Surprised* "Do you watch romantic dramas?"

Verosika: "Yeah we have that in Hell, it's my favorite show to watch."

Zee: *Surprised* "Really?"

Verosika: "Yeah, why?"

Zee: "Well it's just, you're a succubus, we thought you'd be more into pornography?"

Verosika: "Yeah I watch that too, and that is stereotyping, I have other things on my mind other than sex."

Zee: "Sorry."

Verosika: "Eh don't worry, I only watch the porn that involves the women becoming pregnant because someone will be suffering the consequences of not planning for parenthood."

Jessica: "Why pregnant women?"

Verosika: *Shrugs* "Mm-mm, succubi has different kinks. Mine are more realistic."

Zee: "Hey (Y/N) has a fetish for pregnant women as well, well it's not really a fetish but more like a real world lesson for those who don't wear protection."

Verosika: "Yeah unlike most succubi, I prepare for motherhood."

Zee: *Surprised* "Really?"

Verosika: "Yeah, I mean I know, a succubus being a mom, that's crazy. Hell has a lot of succubi because they don't know how to keep it in their pants or plan their lives as parents, that's what (Y/N) did for my people by making schools for different hellborn species like succubi to control their lust and urges."

Zee: "That seems reasonable."

Verosika: "Plus thanks to his lawyer She-Hulk, he can legally go into the other rings of hell despite the fact that he's a human."

Jessica: "Makes sense."

Riko: "Why would he do that?"

Verosika: "He wants to explore more than just one ring of Hell."

Zee: "Makes sense, he's a curious person."

Verosika: "I just hope the 7 don't do too much with him."

Jessica: "The 7?"

Verosika: "You know, The 7 princes of hell, Bee-lzabub, Asmodeus, Lucifer, Saten, Leviathan, and Belphegor."

Zee: "Gluttony, Lust, Pride, Wrath, Envy, and Sloth?"

Verosika: "Yep, those guys and girls are no joke." *Sees the buffet table is empty* "Oh come on, not again."

She-Hulk: "That wasn't me that time."

Jessica: "Well if it wasn't she hulk then who-" *feels honey drip onto her* "Oh, what the?" *Wipes it off and sees it's honey* "Honey?"

Verosika: "Why would there be honey he-" *realizes* "Oh shit."

Kelly: "Verosika, what is it?"

Zee: *Hears buzzing noises* "Uh, you guys have a vibrator in you?"

Girls: "No."

???(Bee): "Oho, this party is just getting started!"

Verosika: "Oh god dammit, not her, anyone but her."

Everyone looked to see it was a tall, fox-like demon with insect-like features, such as multiple arms, a pair of antennae attached to her ears, and a small pair of insect wings. She has yellow and pink-striped fur like a bee, and black markings that give a dripping appearance down her arms and legs. Her hair and tail seem to be made of either honey or lava lamp fluid and glow bright pink, blue, and orange, with her stomach also being a lava lamp. She has a pink stripe on her head that opens up into a third eye when she becomes angry. Her outfit consists of a pink sleeveless crop top with a heart-shaped cutout, white markings underneath turning into a paw with claws, and a white pair of short shorts, this was Beelzabub or Bee for short.

Bee: "Sup everyone!"

Verosika: *Backs up* "Oh fuck..."

Jessica: "Uhh, hi? Um, who are you? Or what are you?"

Bee: "Names Beelzebub cutie, you can call me Bee girl."

Zee: *Surprised* "Your Beelzebub? I imagine you to be more... bug."

Bee: "Eh, that's what humans think, this is the real me blackberry." *Summons some pie* "Pie?"

Zee: "Uh no thanks and who invited you?"

Beezlebub: "Someone left a portal open." *Sees Verosika* "Verosika? Oh you got some nerve showing your cotton candy face around here."

Verosika: "I did not expect you to be here, unless...."*to Vortex*"Dang it Vortex!"

Vortex: "What? I don't want her to be left out."

Jessica: "Woah hang on, why is Bee so mad at you?"

Bee: "Because this succu-bitch threw my juice in a human ocean and mutated a fish." *Glares at Verosika who hides behind Zee*

Zee: "Your juice?"

Vortex: "Belez-juice, it's booze in hell."

Zee: "Oh."

Jessica: "Why are you here, this is a bachelorette party."

Bee: "Oh Vortex invited me, I would have been here sooner but I had some other royal stuff to do."

Jessica: "You know I don't know why (Y/N) didn't invite you."

Bee: "He thinks I go overboard with the partying but when it comes to parties, there's no such thing as overboard." *sees the empty buffet table* "What happened to the food?"

She-Hulk: "It wasn't me this time."

Jessica: "Um Bee, you ate all of the food."

Bee: "What do you mean?"*burps loudly*" "Oh yeah, heh that was me, but no worries I got food covered."

Bee then snaps her fingers as a large buffet appears with large food and drinks, non-alcoholic of course.

Jessica: "Um, I don't think (Y/N) would like this."

Bee: "Oh come on, nothing bad will happen."

Frenchie:10 minutes later

We see everyone in the bachelorette party on the ground in a sugar induced coma.

Bee: "Hm, maybe I added too much sugar."

Vortex: "You think?"

Back to you, we see you having a bad feeling.

(Y/N): "Something tells me that Bee-lzebub is at the girls' bachelorette party."

Erina: "Who?"

(Y/N): "The Princess of Hell who governs the Ring of Gluttony."

Kelly: "So she's in charge of overeating?"

(Y/N): "It's not so much overeating but more like being too indulged into stuff like knowledge, sex, or even other stuff like investments."

Kelly: "Soo... she's a party girl?"

(Y/N): "Yep, I'm gonna check on the girl's bachelorette party."

You then went over to see the bachelorette party and you see everyone in a sugar induced coma.

(Y/N): "And this is why I don't invite you to parties Bee."

Bee: "Sorry."

(Y/N): "No matter how many times I tell you not to go overboard, you still go overboard."

Bee: "I'm the queen of gluttony, what did you expect, but I know when people feel a little uneasy, I make them normal portions."

Bee then summons another buffet only they were normal portions and sizes.

(Y/N): "Well, they look okay."

Bee: "Not the way I wanted it, but I can make an exception."

(Y/N): " Can you please wake everyone up."

Bee: "On it."

Bee then used her demonic power to wake everyone up and they were in a daze after the sugar induced coma.

Zee: "Ughh, what happened?"

Jessica: "Why does my mouth taste like every skittle on Earth?"

(Y/N): "Sugar induced coma thanks to our resident Princess of Hell from the Gluttony Ring, that's why I never invite her to parties cause she always goes overboard."

Bee: "Hey I said I was sorry."

(Y/N): "You need to learn how to control yourself when you're at parties, you might get people killed by giving them diabetes."

Bee: "Alright guess you have a point, I will try to keep it on the downlow."

(Y/N): "The last time you tried to do that you gave 500 people diabetes, may I suggest you go to group therapy? It's something I came up with for the 7 Princes of Hell."

Bee: "And why would I need therapy?"

Jessica: "Cause you are an out of control party animal that nearly killed us with candy and sweets."

Bee: "Well this stuff never happens at my parties, guess it's different for humans."

(Y/N): "Because the guests can tolerate it, and for humans it's different."

Bee: "Right."

(Y/N): "After the honeymoon, we'll have that group therapy."

Bee: "Okay then."

Later on, we see both bachelor parties are starting to calm down and we see you taking a nap in Miia's coils.

Miia: "So how long is this party gonna be?"

Cerea: "Not sure." *yawns* "Does anyone have the time?" *Sees Zena is asleep* "Mother, wake up." *sees you taking a nap in Miia's coils* "Looks like our master is fast asleep too."

Papi: *Yawns* "Papi's tired."

Suu: *tired* Suuu..."

Mya: "Something tells me this party is coming to an end."

Erina: " Yeah."

Later, after the bachelor parties, we see everyone arrive home with Riko and Mizuho now moving into the apartment complex.

Riko: "Thank you for saving us (Y/N)."

Mizuho: "And thank you for letting us into your apartment complex."

(Y/N): "No problem, hope you enjoy the place.,"

Riko: " We will."

Jessica: " So now that you're not idols, what are you gonna do for a living?"

Riko: "We can make cock clothes."

Zee: " Cock clothes?"

Mizuho: "Clothes that we wear on our cocks."

Jessica: " What kind of clothes would our dicks wear?"

Riko: "Like these."

Riko then shows Jessica a bra made for balls and a lace cock cover.

Zee: " Oooh, that looks amazing."

(Y/N): "Well, hope you all enjoy your stay."

Verosika: " I sure did."

You and the girls then see Verosika and her crew with their suitcases and they are ready to move in.

(Y/N): "So you are also staying?"

Verosika: "Yep."

(Y/N): "Good to have you here."

Miia: "Hey darling, I've been practicing my hypnosis for awhile, wanna see it?"

(Y/N): "Sure."

Miia then looks into Hippolyta's eyes and hypnotizes her as we see Hippolyta under her spell.

Miia: "I've been practicing."

(Y/N): "Nice work."

Diana: "You can't use your power on my mother!"

Miia: "Don't worry I won't make her do anything weird and or sexual, I'm not my mom."

Mya: "Yeah, I would just do this to your mother."

Mya then wraps Hippolyta in her coils and starts kissing her on the lips.

Miia: "Mom!"

(Y/N): "Okay come on, we've all had a long day, it's time for bed."

Mya: "Alright, alright, but 10 more minutes with the Amazon Queen~."*fondles Hippolyta's breasts*"She doesn't seem to mind."

Miia: *Deadpan* "Because she's hypnotized."

Mya: "Eh I don't think she doesn't mind cause we're both from only female civilizations."

Jessica: "That seems reasonable." *Yawns*

Mya: *gropes Hippolyta's butt*"Mmm, she's been working out a lot, she is a really busy woman~."

Zee: "You seriously groped her butt?"

Mya: "What's wrong with that? Do you want to grope a milf's booty yourself~?"

Zee: "Well I don't really want to."

Mya: "Alright, what about you Jess?"

Jessica: "I am tired right-"

Before Jessica can finish her thought Mya then hypnotizes Jessica and then goes down to her crotch and then pulls out Jessica's cock and sucks on it.

(Y/N): "You hypnotized Jessica and you suck on her cock."

Mya: *while sucking on Jessica's cock*"It's a skill I learn back with the other lamias."

Miia: "Mom come on! It's been a long day, can't we go to bed already?"

Mya: *feels Jessica's cock cum inside of her mouth**gulps it all*"Just a little drink before bed~." *snaps her fingers de-hypnotizing Jessica*

Jessica: "Ughh, what happened? And why is my cock wet?"

(Y/N): "You had a blowjob while you were hypnotized."

Jessica: "Really Mya?"

Mya: "Well you are gonna become a communal wife for the lamia tribes so might as well get some practice in."

Jessica: "Fair enough, but no hypnotizing."

Miia: "I should snap Hippolyta out of it as well."

Miia then snaps her fingers as Hippolyta was no longer in a trance.

Hippolyta: "Ugh, what happened?"

(Y/N): "Mya made out with you while you were hypnotized."

Hippolyta: "I see, well that is understandable, I often enjoy such things."

(Y/N): "So you like something making out with you while you are being hypnotized?"

Hippolyta: "Well being a queen is a bit stressful, and I do need relief."

(Y/N): "Make sense, anyways Miia can I sleep in your coils, they feel like a good sleeping spot."

Mya: "How about you sleep in mine tonight~?"

(Y/N): "I don't see why not."

Miia: "Mom don't do anything weird to (Y/N)."

Mya: "I promise I won't."

Zena: "I'll make sure she doesn't try anything."

Zee: "(Y/N) why do you want to sleep in a lamia's coils?"

(Y/N): "They're like a blanket made out of scales."

Jessica: "Makes sense."

Sometime later, we see you in bed with Mya and she has wrapped you up in her coils. While she is sleeping, Mya pulled your head into her breasts.

Mya: *In her head* "Mmm, oh (Y/N)."

Next: Chapter 13: Wedding Day

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