Chapter 11: Yes Day

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Here we see you setting up a large bowl on the table and you fill it with slips of paper from the girls.

(Y/N): "Alright, has everyone got their slips in?"

Girls: "Yep."

Diana: "I do not understand this holiday, what is Yes Day?"

Jessica: "It's a whole day that you have to say yes to everything."

Diana: "Everything?"

Kara: "Yep, no matter what it is, you have to say yes to it."

Diana: "Hm, I see."

(Y/N): "Now then, before we begin we all have to participate in this. You all agree that I'm not the only person saying yes to everything here."

Girls: "We understand."

Kyouka: "Who's going first?"

Courtney: "I'll go first."

Courtney then grabs a slip of paper from the bowl and reads it.

Courtney: *reads the paper*"Do you want to smooch a Gyaru?"*stops reading*"What's a Gyaru?"

(Y/N): "That would be what Kyouka is. I have to make sure all of these questions are anonymous."

Courtney: " Okay but what exactly is a gyaru?"

Lindsay: "Oh it's a girl who has a tan, blond hair, and dresses revealingly, basically like a bad girl of japan." *To Kyouka* "No offense."

Kyouka: "None taken."

Courtney: "Yes I will kiss Gyaru."

Courtney then gave Kyouka a peck on the lips.

Courtney: "There, that was easy."

Kyouka: "Pfft, you call that a kiss? This is a kiss!"

Kyouka then pulls Courtney in for a kiss and it was a french kiss and when Kyouka pulled away we see Courtney on the floor, dazed.

Kyouka: "That's a kiss."

Leshawna: "I don't think she can handle your smooches girl."

(Y/N): "Diana, wanna give it a go?"

Diana: "Of course, although I hope I do not have to endure what Courtney went through." *To Kyouka* "No offense."

Kyouka: "Hey I'm with you on this cause it took a lot of practice to kiss that well."

Courtney: *dazed*"Mommy, I want my dolly."

Lindsay: "I don't get it, you always kissed Duncan like that, why is this different?"

Courtney: *Snaps out of it*"Because I'm straight and that was my first kiss with a girl."

(Y/N): "I thought Gwen would be the one who would be your first kiss with a girl."

Courtney: "What? Why?"

(Y/N): "Well you do give off a bisexual vibe."

Courtney: "Wha- I-what?"

Leshawna: "Yeah, I watched all-stars and you and her did act like a couple. Both of you were swinging in both ways."

Diana: *grabs a slip from the bowl*"My turn."*reads the slip*"Do you want to try being lazy?"*stops reading*"I do not understand."

Karen: "You work all the time."

Diana: "I take breaks."

Kara: "Remember that B you got on your Spelling Test? You worked non-stop to the bone in everything all at once. You did math homework while doing yoga and pushups at the same time!"

Diana: "I... suppose so you are right. Yes, I will be lazy."

We then see Diana pull out some snacks and drinks and sit on the couch and start watching TV.

Diana: "Hmm, if I am to be lazy, then I need the attire."

Diana then pulls down her skirt and throws it to the side onto your face and wears only her underwear and shirt while she opens a can of soda and drinks it.

Diana: "Ah much better."

Kyouka: "What about the shirt?"

Diana: "Oh yes."

Diana then takes off her shirt and she is now in her bra and panties watching TV.

(Y/N): "Now who's next?"

Leshawna: "I'm next cause I'm no wimp."

Leshawna then grabs a slip of paper and reads it.

Leshawna: *reads the slip*"Want to have the biggest girl in the room lay on top of you and snuggle with you for 3 hours?"*stops reading*"Who can be bigger than me?"

Everyone then turns to Tio who is eating snacks and she looks at everyone.

Leshawna: "The ogre girl?"

Courtney: "She is bigger than you."

Leshawna: "Fine."

Tio: "This is fun."

We see Tio laying on top of Leshawna and she is snuggling with her for the next 3 hours.

Lindsay: "Guess I'll go." *Picks out a piece of paper and reads it* "Do you want to hug a slime?"

Courtney: "How can you hug an inanimate substance?"

Suu: "Suu?"

You and the girls turn to Suu and Lindsay sees what the question means.

Lindsay: "Ooooh, that slime. I guess that's not too hard."

Lindsay then hugs Suu and ends up being covered in slime herself and we see Suu use her tendrils to touch Lindsay all over.

Lindsay: "Hey watch where you're putting those slimy tendrils."*feels slimy tendrils on her butt*"Gah! So slimy!"

Jessica: "Please let it be something good." *Picks a piece of paper out of the bowl* "Do you want a milf to sit on your face?"*stops reading* "Where are we gonna find a milf?"

Erina: "What's a milf?"

(Y/N): "You're a milf yourself."

Courtney: "But what is a milf?"

Lindsay: "Oh It's an acronym for mother I'd like to fuck."

Courtney's eyes went wide in shock after hearing Lindsay explain it.

Courtney: "Why did you say something like that, who taught you that?"

Lindsay: "Oh my mom is called a milf all the time by our neighbors but I didn't know why until I was old enough for her to explain it to me."

Courtney: "Oh...kay... okay is anyone here a... milf? Or a mom?"

Erina: "I'm a mother of one and as you can see."*wiggles her butt and bounces her breasts*"I qualify as a milf myself."

Jessica: "Alright, I'll get ready."

We see Jessica lay on the couch and we see Erina goes bottomless and sits on Jessica's face.

Erina: "Mmm, this is a nice seat." *rubs her butt on Jessica's face*"I bet our vegan friend here agrees this is a nice seat~."

(Y/N): "I think I should go next."*grabs a slip of paper* *reads the paper* "Do you want to have a baby with a girl who is already a mom?"*stops reading*"Apparently someone wants to have another kid."

Arisa: "I think that would be a bit much even for Yes Day."

Jessica: *Muffled* "Okay who wrote that? Because it wasn't me, I have limits."

Reisa: "I think it was Erina."

Erina: "What? Leona is lonely being an only child so I thought of giving her a sibling."

Babs: "Erina, you know the rules, nothing too much on Yes Day."

(Y/N): "Yes but not until we are married Erina."*to Jessica*"How do you feel being under Erina's butt?"

Jessica: *Muffled* "This is actually pretty good, feels really soft and squishy."

(Y/N): "I'll choose another slip."*grabs a slip**reads it*" Do you want to be a girl?"

You then grab the Super Crown and put it on and then you transform into (Y/N)ette.

Erina: "Oh my."*fondles your breasts*"Who knew you have a such a large set of boobs."

(Y/N)ette: "Thank you."

Miia: "I should go next."*grabs a slip of paper and reads it*"Would you like to kiss a Centaur?"*stops reading*"What?! Who wrote these?"

(Y/N)ette: "It's supposed to be anonymous."

Miia: "Fine, Cerea, get over here!"

Cerea: "Wha-"

Miia then pulls Cerea in for a kiss on the lips and then they pull away from each other.

Zena: "Well, at least my daughter learned how to kiss."

Mya: "If you ask me I think your daughter got lucky."

Zee: "Alright, my turn." *grabs a slip of paper* *reads the paper*"Do you want to bring home two angels who are twins after a lunch date with both of them?"*stops reading*"Um...."

Kara: "Seriously? I know these are anonymous but who wrote these?"

(Y/N): "We all took an oath to keep these anonymous."

Zee: "Okay but who knows any angels?"

(Y/N)ette: "There's a blond woman and a gothic woman in Daten City named Panty and Stocking."*hands Zee their address*"This is their address."

Zee: "Okay seems easy enough."

Diana: "I think I have heard of those warriors before, they are.... unruly. Especially Panty, since she only desires intercourse with men, but with women? I am not certain."

(Y/N)ette: "I bet she is open to trying new things."

Zee: "Hm, okay but just in case." *casts a spell* "iranatuF"

The girls then see a bulge appear in Zee's skirt much to their surprise.

Zee: "If she wants to get it on, I'll give it to her."

(Y/N)ette: "Alright."

Frenchie: 1 hour of lunch later.

We see you and the others waiting for Zee to come back and we see panties on Cerea's head, Babs wearing Kara's suit and Kara wearing Babs' suit, and then we see Karen being hugged between your breasts.

(Y/N)ette: "How does it feel in these boobs Karen?"

Karen: *muffled*"Like a soft pillow."

We then see Zee teleport back into the room and she brings Panty and Stocking with her as she then collapses onto the floor out of exhaustion.

Panty: *Pants* "Do not... get rid... of that....dick."

Stocking: *Pants* "She shoots like a firehouse with that dick."

Jessica: "Was it that enjoyable Zee?"

Zee: *pants*"I lost all feeling in my legs because they kept going and going. I barely have any strength to move."

Panty: "So anyways, what's going on here?"

Erina: "We're doing a Yes Day."

Stocking: "Oh nice."

Jessica: *To Zee* "So what's it like having a penis?"

Zee: "I can't describe it..... it feels different but at the same time amazing..." *to you* "Is this what it's like for guys?"

(Y/N)ette: "Yeah."

Panty: *Sees you*"Hey you look familiar."*sees you take off the Super Crown and change back into a guy*"Oh shit (Y/N), I thought it was you."

Kyouka: "You know him?"

(Y/N): "My brother stole funding for special case kids from the school so I have to transfer to a different school and Kelly came along just to find one that is safe for me. But after we discovered that it was my brother who stole the money, I used lantern rings from different corps and sent him to the phantom zone."

Panty: "Oh yeah, he bangs clones of female celebrities on a daily basis and even clones of his moms, so gross."

(Y/N): "He's a shell of a broken man and he's so corrupted that killing him would be like poison to you."

Stocking: "Good thing he's in the phantom zone."

(Y/N): "Who's turn is it now?"

Kyouka: "My turn."*grabs a slip and reads it*"Give yourself a wedgie."*stops reading* "Okay who wrote this?" *To you* "I know these are anonymous but seriously who would write this?"

(Y/N): "Well all took an oath to keep these anonymous."

Kyouka: "Okay but there's one problem, I'm not wearing any panties."

Girls: "What?!"

Panty: "Why?"

Kyouka: "Old habits I guess, plus they dig into my ass and not in a good way."

Panty: "Oof, don't worry I've been there I'm sure there's underwear for ya."

Jessica: "Yeah the same thing happens to me too, when no one is around I have to pull my underwear from my butt, where it would be lodged for hours."

Stocking and Zee: "Eww..."

Panty and Kara: "Know the feeling."

(Y/N): "Is anyone gonna lend Kyouka one of their own?"

Lindsay: "I'll do it."

Lindsay then takes off her skirt and panties and gives them to Kyouka as we see Kyouka then puts on the panties and then she gives her a wedgie.

Kyouka: "Mmm, it's digging' into my butt."

Zee: "I'll go next." *Picks a piece of paper from the bowl* *reads it*" Do you want to say this phrase: snis yldaed neveS?"*stops reading*"snis yldaed neveS?"

Kara: "Wait a minute." *pulls out her phone and uses the text reverser, types what Zee said and reads it* "Seven deadly sins?"

Zee: "What?! Who wrote that?!"

(Y/N): "You have to say yes to that."

Zee: "I'm not saying yes to that, who knows what'll happen when I say snis yldaed neveS."

Zee then unintentionally then cast the spell and we see 7 different versions of her each representing the Seven Deadly Sins.

Zee(Pride): "I'm the hottest girl here and has the best cock."

Zee (Envy): "Good for you!"

Zee (Lust): "Who wants a menagerie on moi~?"

Zee(Greed): "That ass of yours is mine!"

Zee(Wrath): "Who's the wise guy that wrote that spell?!"

(Y/N): "Remember we all took the oath to have them be anonym-"

Kara: "Dude this is serious, who wrote it?"

Zee (Gluttony): "I'm hungry, is there anything to eat?" *Looks at Panty* "I would like to eat some angel ass again."

Zee (Sloth): "I wanna take a nap."

Diana: "Which one of you wrote that spell?" *To you* "And I know these are supposed to be secret but this is a serious situation."

Kara: "It had to be someone who knows about backwards magic."

(Y/N): "I bet the Zee of Pride is too much of a wimpy magician to reverse the spell."

Zee (pride): "Oh yeah! esreveR!"

Zee of Pride then undoes the spell and then we see all 7 Zees are back into one Zee.

Zee: "Ughh, thanks (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "You're welcome, and you okay Zee?"

Zee: "I'm fine, a bit dizzy, but I'm fine."

Panty: "Wait." *Checks Zee under her skirt and sees she still has her cock* "Yep she's fine."

(Y/N): "Who's next?"

Mya: "My turn."*grabs a slip of paper and reads it*"Would you like to French kiss a lamia?"*stops reading*"Oh my."

Miia: "Wait wha-"

We then see Mya give Miia a french kiss as we see everyone in the room were shocked to see that as we see Miia pull away from her mother.

Miia: "Mom!"

Mya: "Sorry sweetheart, it is a Yes Day."

(Y/N): "My turn."*picks up a slip of paper**reads it*"Do you want to charm a lamia?"

Stocking: "Guess that's gonna involve that flute people use to hypnotize snakes?"

You then pull out a snake charming flute and when you play it we see Mya and Miia under the flute's influence and they both did some belly dancing.

Jessica: "I'm next." *Picks up a slip of paper* *reads it*"Do you want to be bottomless?"*stops reading* "Oh that's an easy one."

Jessica then takes off her skirt and panties and now she's bottomless.

Jessica: "Ahh, man that feels nice."

Karen: "My turn."*grabs a slip of paper and reads it*"Wanna grab 10 more slips of paper?" *Stops reading* "Um what does that mean?"

(Y/N): "It means you have to take 10 slips of paper from the bowl."

Karen: "What?! And I have to do 10 of them?"

(Y/N): "Yes."

Karen then takes 10 slips of paper and reads each of them.

Karen: *Reads the first one*"Want to have the body of a full grown woman?"*reads the next one*"Do you want to make an environmentally friendly dildo?"*reads the next one*"Do you want to have a bigger bust?"*reads the next one*"Do you want to be in another girl's body?"*reads the next one*"Do you want to do something that only Diana would do?"*reads the next one*"Do you want to eat a whole bucket of burritos in one sitting?" *stops reading* "Okay how am I gonna do all these?"

Zee: "You said 6 things, what are the rest of them?"

Karen: *reads the next one*"Do you want to kiss an angel?"*reads the next one*"Do you want to sleep with a dildo in your butt for the night?"*reads the next one*"Do you want to marry yourself from the future?"*stops reading*"Okay that last one is too weird."*reads the final one*"Do you want to eat a candy that you never had before?"*stops reading*"Oh boy."

Kara: "So which one are you gonna do first?"

Frenchie: 10 minutes later

(Y/N): "Wow, she did all of them."

Everyone sees that Karen and her future self named Nightsting are wearing wedding rings, she has the body of a full grown woman, she has a full stomach from all the burritos, and her arms are tired from working out all day.

Karen: "I never wanna do those things again."

(Y/N): "And how was that black licorice?"

Karen: "No one likes black licorice, it's the worst candy of all time."

(Y/N): "Have you tried it?"

Karen: "No."

You then give Karen a handful of black licorice and she eats it and then swallows it.

Kara: "How is it?"

Karen: "Like eating cough medicine, bleh."

Jessica: "Okay who's next?"

Kara: "I'll do it."*grabs a slip of paper* *reads* "Can you expose yourself to Red Kryptonite and see what happens?" *stops reading* "Okay who wrote this?! To anyone who wrote this, I might become evil."

Karen: "Well red kryptonite has other effects, maybe it might do something different cause it's unpredictable."

Jessica: "Like what?"

Karen: "Well if I remember correctly, it can alter your body to make you moody and prone to anger, give you bad acne, or just give you a bigger butt?"

Jessica: "Wait what?"

Kara: "Fine, I'll do it."

Sometime later, we see Kara holding red kryptonite and she has back acne, has a bigger bust and butt, and she has grown taller than everyone in the room including Tio and Jasmine.

Kara: "Does anyone have any acne medication on them or acne cleanser at least?"

(Y/N): "In the bathroom in the medicine cabinet."

Kara then tries to head to the guest bathroom but her now gigantic butt is too big for the doorway to the guest bathroom and she gets stuck.

Kara: "A little help!"

(Y/N): "Tio."

Tio: "On it."

Tio tries to push Kara into the bathroom but to no avail.

Tio: "I think she might be trapped in there."

Kara: "And what's worse, I'm on my period!"

Diana: "Oh for the love of-" *to Karen* "Karen, is there a type of glowing rock that can make Kara normal again?"

Karen: "Um no."

Babs: "What if we used that gold kryptonite, wouldn't that help?"

Kara: "Oh no, I'm not going through that again! I'd rather have incredibly bad acne than get myself exposed to gold kryptonite!"

(Y/N): "Fair enough, we'll just wait this out."

You then take the red kryptonite from Kara as you then toss it out of the window. We then see Clark catch it by accident and then he has incredibly bad acne himself.


Back to you.

(Y/N): "Who's next?"

Babs: "Guess I'm next."*grabs a slip of paper and reads it*"Can you kiss an actual bat?" *stops reading * "Nope, no, no, no, uh, nope."

Jessica: "Babs, you know the rules."

Babs: "You know how I feel about bats!"

(Y/N): "Don't you dress yourself as a bat?"

Zee: "He has a point."

Babs: "That's different, bats freak me out!"

Karen: "But your Batgirl, the word bat, is literally in the name."

You then ring a bell as we see a woman with bat wings for arms.

Babs: *Sees her* "Gaaaah! Who is that?!"

(Y/N): "Oh that's Curie Drakulya and she's a vampire, Kuroko said her species is too dangerous for cohabitation with humans or other demihumans, so I told her that I'll prove her wrong. So that makes her a bat, so get to smooching."

Babs then gulps in fear and then she use all of her willpower to kiss Curie on the lips and then pulls back.

Babs: "Ughh... I'm never doing that again." *To Curie* "Nothing personal."

Curie: "It's fine. Since I'm here, when is the delivery of my blood pack order?"

(Y/N): "In a few hours, I told the blood drive about you and they understand, so you have to be patient."

Curie: "Thank you."

We then see Curie leave the room as Diana then takes a slip of paper.

Diana: "Wanna get hypnotized by a lamia?" *stop reading* "Umm..."

(Y/N): "Whoever wrote that one wants to see it in action in the name of science."

Kara: "Was it you?"

(Y/N): "It could be or could be someone else who is curious about that."

Kara then sees everyone looking at Diana and Miia in curiosity.

Miia: "Yeah you think I'll just look Diana straight in the eye."*look into Diana's eyes*"Like this and then start hypnotizing her with my eyes."

For a few seconds Diana's eyes were changing colors and then she smiled as a sign she was completely hypnotized.

Miia: *to you*"And tell her to slap herself right in the face."

Miia then hears a face slap and then turn to the source of the sound and she sees that Diana has slapped herself in the face.

Diana: "Anything else master?"

Miia: "........Pat yourself on the head."

Diana: "Yes master."*pats herself on the head*"Anything else?"

Miia: "Hmm, show me your breasts?"

Diana then takes off her shirt and flashes Miia with her breasts.

Miia: "Hm, not bad, she's gotta be a D cup."

Cerea: "I estimated she would be a F."

Miia: "Yeah and......I can hypnotize people."*to Mya*"Have lamias been able to do that?"

Mya: "Of course, how else do we manage to kidnap men and breed with them in the past before the whole Cultural Exchange Bill was a thing?"

Miia: "Oh my gosh! I have no idea we can do that! Why didn't you tell me?"

Mya: "Well since the bill is a thing, what's the point of using that power at all nowadays?"

Miia: "True but- wait" *to Kuroko* "Does the bill apply to Japan or to every country and state?"

Kuroko: "Well we are far away from Japan, so I don't think that the bill applies to Metropolis."

Mya: *Realizes* "Which means..."

Zee: "Which means what?"

Tio: "Which means that we can do what the bill can't allow us to do."

(Y/N): "Like this?"*points to a spot on Cerea's shirt*"What's that on your shirt?"

Cerea: *looks at the spot*"What spot?"

You then slap Cerea's face as she rubs her face.

Cerea: "Master!"

(Y/N): "Sorry, but it's a simple prank."

Kara: "You're supposed to flick her nose, not slap her."

(Y/N): "There are other ways to do that prank."*points to a spot on Pipi's back*"Papi, there's a small roach on your mom's back."

Papi: "What?! Gross!"

Papi then kicks Pipi's back as she collapses on the ground.

Pipi: "Owie."

Papi: "Did I get it?"

(Y/N): "Nope."

Jessica: "Okay, enough with the pranks can we get back on track?"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, who's next?"

Kuroko: "I haven't got a turn."*grabs a slip of paper and reads it*"Can you write love letters to your colleagues?"*stops reading*"Um what?"

Zombina: "Love letters from Kuroko?"

Tio: "She hasn't written letters in... ever."

(Y/N): "Do it, that's the rules Kuroko."

Frenchie: 4 love letters later.

We see Tio, Zombina, Manako, and Doppel reading their love letters from Kuroko and they were surprised at how much thought and effort was put into the letters.

Zombina: "Wow Kuroko, guess you do have a heart."

Kuroko: "Yeah...."

Jessica: "Guess I'm next." *Takes a slip a paper and reads it* "Do you want to be a futanari?" *stops reading*"Hm, well not the weirdest thing either of us did, sure why not."

Zee: "I'm on it." *Casts the spell on Jessical* " iranatuF"

We then see Zee cast the spell on Jessica and then we see a medium but slightly larger bulge appear in Jessica's pants.

Babs: "Huh, so Jess how do you feel?"

Jessica: "Horny....."

Panty: "Want me to help?"

Jessica: "Well uh, okay." *To you* "Are you okay with this sweetie?"

(Y/N): "I'm fine as long as you relieve yourself."

Jessica: "Thanks babe."

Frenchie: 16 hours later.

We see both Panty and Jessica in bed with each other and they were extremely tired and covered in so much sweat that they basically look like they were in a pool

Panty: *Pants* "Ooh man.... you are definitely amazing...."

Jessica: *Pants* "Yeah... I wasn't too bad, was I?"

Panty: "No, but I could go for another round.... If you're up for it."

Jessica: "My body says no..... but my dick says yes..."

Panty: "Let's do it!"

Frenchie: 3 days later.

We see both Jessica and Panty completely tired and in bed as we see you come into the room.

(Y/N): "Jess, you okay?"

Jessica: "I'm fine sweetie, sorry I took so long."

(Y/N): "Well it's the weekend, you and Panty have been having sex non-stop for 3 days."

Panty: "Yeah, sorry (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "It's okay, I can't believe it took Jessica that long to be satisfied. She could be a rabbit at heart after all."

Jessica: "Heh, maybe. So um, is Yes Day still on or...?"

(Y/N): "Oh it was over 3 days ago."

Jessica: "Oh, uh so what happened to the others?"

(Y/N): "Well, Kara got back to normal and Yes Day went well, oh and Zee decided to keep her new appendage."

Panty: "Huh neat, so um, that's not gonna be a problem right?"

(Y/N): "Nah, I don't mind women who are futanari. I would like to consider them as women who can make men feel what it is like to be on the receiving end."

Panty: "So you're okay with two of your girlfriends having dicks?"

(Y/N): "I don't mind being on the receiving end of intercourse when I'm wearing the Super Crown."

Panty: "Well alright."

Jessica: "Wonder what Zee's doing now."

Meanwhile with Zee, we see her looking at her member in the bathroom, trying to figure out how to use it.

Zee: "Hm, now how to use this."

Zee then starts peeing offscreen in the toilet while standing up and then she finishes up.

Zee: "Well at least I got that part down, hm wonder if I can use it in one of my acts, uh one of my acts when I'm alone."

Zee then pulls out her wand and then she casts a spell on her penis and a small wormhole appears where her penis is and she sees her penis on the sink and she picks it up.

Zee: "Ooo, I can use my own penis as a dildo, better try this out."

We then see Zee on the bed using her own penis as a dildo and she moans from the pleasure from her own penis. And then she came into her anus and she felt good about it.

Zee: "Ahh~!" *pants* "Phew, glad I didn't put it into my pussy, I would have got myself pregnant."

Back to you.

We see you reading a book while you are stroking Jessica's penis and then she comes into a condom she has on which is the 15th one she used.

Jessica: "Ahh, thanks sweetie and sorry you had to do this again."

(Y/N): "It's fine, plus I might donate your jizz to a sperm bank."

Jessica: "After what I produced, it would be enough for lesbian couples."

(Y/N): "Indeed."

Later, at the Sperm Bank, the nurse at the sperm bank was shocked by the condoms full of jizz from both Jesica and Zee.

Jessica: *to Zee* "You too?"

Zee: "(Y/N) said this is how most men make money and how lesbian couples get their babies."

Jessica: "I don't suppose you know a spell that lowers a person's... uh, urges?"

Zee: "Why? Are you tiring (Y/N)'s arm?"

Jessica: "No, no I'm just curious, plus he has a great arm."

(Y/N): "Indeed I do."

Zee: "Right."*to the nurse*"So um would you take it?"

Nurse: "Oh uh sure, but since when-"

Zee and Jessica: "We're late bloomers."

Nurse: "Gotcha."

(Y/N): "And it looks like you're just in time too."

You then point to a bunch of lesbian couples waiting for their chance to have children of their own.

Nurse: "The check will be in the mail, just give me your address."

Sometime later, we see the girls are at school with Jessica and Zee adjusting to their new appendages which they explained to the total drama girls.

Leshawna: "So, you two have dude parts in your pants and you're keeping them? Why?"

Jessica and Zee: "Yes Day."

TD Girls: "Ohhhhhh..."

Lindsay: "What's it like?"

Jessica: "Well (Y/N) has to jerk us off and donate our sperm to the Sperm Bank and (Y/N) made a lot of money. 1 cup of futa sperm is 100 dollars and we donated 50,000 cups of futa sperm."

Kitty: "Wow..."

Courtney: "So he split up the money evenly with you girls?"

Zee: "Yep."

Jessica and Zee then see Leshawna's body and they get raging boners from looking at it.

Leshawna: "Well it looks like you're uh, hung."

Jessica: *while drooling*"Sorry, it's just your body...."

Leshawna: "Nah, it's cool, my bod does have that effect."

Kitty: "I think we should move before we become teen moms."

Courtney: "I'm sure they have some self control."

Frenchie: 10 minutes later.

We see Kitty, Courtney, and Leshawna in the closet and they were tired, naked, and covered in sweat and jizz as we see Jessica and Zee sitting next to them as they were satisfied from having sex with 3 girls.

Courtney: *Pants* "They don't have self control."

Jessica: "Sorry girls."

Kitty: *Pants* "Zee, don't you know a spell that controls someone's lust?"

Zee: *Remembers* "Oh right, I forgot to cast it."

Zee then casts the lust control spell on herself and Jessica and they're sex drives were now at a normal rate for a regular person.

Leshawna: *Pants* "Did it work?"

Jessica: *Didn't get hard* "Yeah I think it did."

Leshawna: "Good, I don't think my booty can take two futas at the same time."

Jessica and Zee: "Sorry Leshawna, Courtney and Kitty."

Leshawna: "It's fine, it's hard to ignore instincts."

Kitty: "Yeah, this one time when Courtney was at my house and asked to use the bathroom, I heard her rubbing her-"

Courtney: *Blushes* "Okay no more sex stories, it was just urges, and stress..."

Kitty: "Yeah, you left it all over the wall in my bathroom."

Jessica: "Yikes, even I don't squirt that much."

Courtney: *Surprised* "You too?"

Leshawna: "Yeah, you didn't think you were the only one who rubs one alone did you?"

Courtney: "I did until now."

Kitty: "Hey do you know where (Y/N) is?"

Zee: "He's at the swimming club, teaching the club members about CPR."

Kitty: "Oh neat."

Courtney: *Gets up and wipes herself* "Good for him, and he's okay with you and your new... appendages."

Leshawna: "Courtney, the boy is autistic remember? Anything weird is basically normal for him."

Courtney: *Remembers* "Oh yeah, now I remember."

Zee: "And to answer your question, yes he doesn't mind, in fact it was his idea to donate our sperm to the sperm bank."

Kitty: "Well that's for him, and to all the lesbian couples out there."

Jessica: "Yep."

Leshawna: "Let's go and see (Y/N) at the swimming club."

Girls: "Okay."

Sometime later, we see the girls arrive at the swimming club and they see you on the ground passing out with the club members and Tio figures out what to do.

Zee: "What happened?!"

Tio: "Something hit him on the back of the head and he fell into the water and there's water in his lungs. Okay if I remember (Y/N)'s lessons on CPR correctly..."

Tio then tries to use mouth to mouth but her breasts got in the way and instead of saving you she's smothering you with her big breasts.

Tio: "Gah! It's not working! I can do this!"

Tio tries again to reach to your mouth but she can't because of her enormous breasts.

Jessica: "You're smothering him with your giant breasts!"

Courtney: "Let me, I know CPR too."

Tio moves aside as Courtney goes to you and gives you mouth to mouth and pumps your chest you then start to regain consciousness.

(Y/N): "Ughh... what happened?"

Courtney: "You got hit in the back of the head and Tio tried to use mouth to mouth but all she did was smother you with her giant boobs and try to kill you faster."

Tio: "I'm sorry baby!"

(Y/N): "It's okay Tio, accidents happen, besides Leshawna would have done the same thing unintentionally because of her F cup breasts."

Leshawna: *About to say something* "That's true."

Tio: "Thanks baby."

(Y/N): "Your welcome." *Sees how sweaty the TD girls are* "Let me guess, Jessica and Zee gave into their lust and nearly turned you 3 into their sex toys by accident?"

Courtney: "Yeah, but Zee used a lust control spell so now they can control their urges."

Jessica: "It's true."

(Y/N): "Oh cool."

Lindsay: *comes into the room*"Hey (Y/N), are you okay?"

(Y/N): "Yeah Lindsay, I'm okay thanks to Courtney and Tio. Even though Tio's breasts were in the way of saving me because they're too big for her mouth to reach my mouth when performing mouth to mouth." *To Tio* "No offense."

Tio: "None taken."

Lindsay: "Wait, who or what hit you in the back of the head?"

(Y/N): *Thinks* "Hmmm."


We see Manako folding laundry and when she comes by Kuroko's blazer she saw that she has shrunk it by accident.

Manako: "Uh..."

We then see Kuroko take it and put it on.

Kuroko: "No time to chatter, I have to go to work."

We see Kuroko leave the room before Manako says anything and we see the buttons of Kuroko's blazer pop off and then the button then ricochets all over the city and then the school until it hits you in the back of the head.

End of flashback.

Kuroko: "Okay... that might have been my fault..."

Manako: "No, it's my fault, I should've told you about it."

(Y/N): "It's fine."

Kuroko: "Thanks." *Sees Jessica and Zee's bulges* "Woah, what-"

(Y/N): "Yes Day."

Kuroko: "Gotcha. So do they work?"

Zee: "Yep, and believe me, going to the bathroom with a penis is no easy task."

(Y/N): "But we did manage to donate sperm to a Sperm Bank."

Kuroko then sees some lesbian couples with both girls pregnant walking by.

Girl 1: "Thanks for the sperm ladies."

Girl 2: "Now we can get babies for me and my wife."

Jessica and Zee: "Your welcome."

Kuroko: "That is the 5th lesbian couple that were both pregnant I've seen today."

Zee: "We were really... pent up."

Courtney: "And you donated your sperm to the sperm bank."

(Y/N): "And we got 5,000,000 dollars from it."

TD Girls: "What?!"

Lindsay: "You got cash from donating sperm?!"

(Y/N): "Well 1 cup of futa sperm is 100 dollars and since futa sperm is rare so it would be very valuable."

Courtney: "That makes sense, futa sperm is really rare and can be potent unlike male sperm."

Kuroko: "Anyways, I've checked with my superiors to confirm that the Interspecies Exchange Bill only covers Japan and Japan only wouldn't apply to Metropolis."

Lindsay: "But why does it cover only Japan?"

Courtney: "Maybe Japan's birth rate is so low that they will do anything to bring it up."

Kitty: "That kinda makes sense."

Kuroko: "Well it would be a starting place to bring demihumans and humans together, maybe that's why the bill only covers Japan."

Leshawna: "Makes sense."

Kuroko: *Notices that Jessica and Zee aren't hard* "Hm, I'm kinda surprised you two aren't excited, especially in front of Leshawna."

Zee: "Well we were, but I casted a lust control spell."

Jessica: "And it's working wonders, we aren't excited by Leshawna's hot body." *To Leshawna* "No offense Leshawna."

Leshawna: "None taken girl. I'm just glad you ain't turning into a mindless sex doll by accident."

Jessica: "Same here."

Tio: "Wait if the Interspecies Exchange Bill doesn't apply to Metropolis, does that mean (Y/N) can spank my butt when he wants to?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, but I won't without your consent."

Tio: "Can you spank it now?"*feels her butt spanked by you*"Eep!"

Leshawna: "You felt that?"

Tio: "Yeah, why?"

Leshawna: "Nothin, I didn't expect a girl with a booty that big can actually feel that."

Tio: "This is how Ogres' bodies are okay."

Leshawna: "Makes sense."

Later at home, we see Jessica on the couch reading a book while you are reading a book and stroking her penis as she cums into a condom fit for her size and fills it up like a water balloon.

Jessica: *Takes off the condom and ties it off* "Phew, another one."

Jessica then notices a small pile of her panties that were now completely stretched out due to her penis.

Jessica: "Man, there goes all my underwear."

We then see Lindsay walk by as she sees the pile.

Lindsay: "Woah, Jess what happened to your panties?"

Jessica: "Take a guess." *Points to her penis*

Lindsay then sees you put a new condom on Jessica's penis and you then stroke it until she cums again and fills it up.

Jessica: "Ever since I got my penis, my panties were ruined."*cums again*"Mm, And now I am panty-less."

Lindsay: "Hm, well I can help you with that."

Jessica: "How?"

Lindsay: "I'll help you, but I see that you're busy at the moment."

Jessica then sees that you are stroking her penis and she is about to cum.

Jessica: "Right."*cums into the condom*"Ahh~. Thanks sweetie."

(Y/N): *Takes the condom and tie it up*"You're welcome, now to donate now."

Later on, after donating sperm, we see you and the girls are in Jessica's room where Jessica was bottomless and Lindsay was taking her measurements.

Jessica: "So how is measuring my dong gonna help my underwear situation?"

Lindsay: *Takes the measurements* "Because I've been working on something special for you."*writes down the measurements* "8 inches long, 9 inches in girth, and softball sized testes... alright it should fit."

Jessica: "What should?"

Lindsay then goes into her backpack and pulls out a special underwear for futas like Jessica and Zee and Jessica saw how it had a special sock for Jessica's penis.

Jessica: "What's that?"

Lindsay: "It's panties for futanari, they sell these at Victoria Secrets, I got Zee a pack too and you too."

Jessica: "And you're sure these are gonna work?"

Lindsay: "Let's have (Y/N) model one."

(Y/N): "Okay, I'm cool with it."

After some time, Jessica and Lindsay see how the futa underwear looks on you and you look at yourself in the mirror.

(Y/N): "Hm, not bad."

Lindsay: "Wow you look great in that (Y/N)."

Jessica: "Yeah, now let's see if it works for me too."

After a quick change, we see Jessica is now wearing the underwear and it felt amazing to her.

Jessica: "Ooh it's so soft."

Lindsay: "Glad you like it and I should get (Y/N) some cause I think he likes them."

Jessica: " Maybe. So how did it go with Zee?"

Meanwhile with Zee, we see her wearing her futa panties.

Zee: "Not bad, quite comfy."

Back to you.

(Y/N): "So how are you liking your new underwear Jess?"

Jessica: "Pretty comfy and it looks good, and why are you still wearing the pair that Lindsay gave you?"

(Y/N): "Well it's like women's underwear but for men too and I thought they would look good on me."*to Lindsay**What do you think?"

Lindsay: "They do look pretty nice on you."

Jessica: "They do, plus they feel roomie too."

(Y/N): "Yeah, should I get some too?"

Jessica: "Hm, well if you want to, sure."

Lindsay: "Yeah, I should get some for you right now."

(Y/N): "Cool."

The next day at school, we see the girls in the locker room changing as they could not look away at Jessica and Zee's members.

Jessica: *Notices the stares* "Um, is something wrong girls?"

Girl 1: "You have penises, how?"

Zee and Jessica: "Late bloomers."

Harleen: "Yowza, well those are definitely some bloomers."

Leslie: " Do they even work?"

Jessica: "Yep, (Y/N) helped us donate sperm to the sperm banks and we split 5,000,000 dollars."

Girls: "5,000,000 dollars!?!"

Zee: "Yep and we have to get new underwear for us futas and (Y/N) got some futa underwear himself."

Harleen: "(Y/N) is wearing underwear for futas?!"

Jessica: "No, the model he's wearing is made for guys."

Harleen: "Oh heh, phew that's a relief."

Zee: "Though he does have futa underwear just to make a variety."

Pam: "That's understandable."

Jessica: "Yeah, plus it looks pretty good on him too." *Felt Selina's touch on member* "Eep!"

Selina: "Feels real, let's see if it actually works."

Selina then strokes the member and then Jessica cums onto Selina's face by accident.

Jessica: "S-sorry Selina."

Selina: "Aw it's okay, no harm done, now I know it's real."

Selina kisses Jessica's member, making her yelp a bit.

Jessica: "Mm, you are such a tease, at least (Y/N) knows how to please it."

Harleen: "Woah, he gave you both handjobs?"

Zee: "Yeah, well mostly Jess, and that one time when me and him were at the library."

Harleen: "Was he milking you two to donate your sperm to the bank?"

Zee: "Yes but also he was helping us."

Jessica: "Plus he doesn't mind."

Selina: "So he's helping you by stroking your penises and helping lesbian couples have babies?"

Jessica: "Pretty much."

Harleen: "Huh, so how do you pee with those big weiners?"

Pam: "Harleen!"

Harleen: "What? I'm curious."

Zee: "Standing up, and believe us, it was not easy."

Jessica: "Yeah."

Babs: "Hey, how do the Demihumans think about (Y/N)'s new underwear when he came home?"


We see you in your new underwear which is underwear made for futanari as we see the demihuman girls looking at it.

Miia: "Wow, you know when I pictured (Y/N) in women's underwear, he got it right."

Rachnera: "Yeah... it kinda makes me wish I had legs so I can wear human girl underwear."

Miia: "Same."

Zombina: "I think it's hot for him to wear underwear only futa girls wear."

Papi: "Why did you pick out a weird underwear master?"

(Y/N): "Well in my head, a futa's underwear is like panties for men."

Rachnera: "He's not wrong."

Miia: "Yeah, that's good logic."

Flashback ends.

Jessica: "And that's what happened." *Feels Selina touching her member* "And Selina quit touching my penis!"

Selina: "Sorry."

Jessica: "It's fine, if you really want it that bad, you can give me a BJ after class is over."

Selina: "Thanks."

Later on, we see Jessica arrive home and she sees Doppel trying on your old underwear and she looks into the mirror.

Jessica: "Doppel what are you doing?"

Doppel: "I'm trying on men's underwear."

Jessica: "Why? You don't wear clothes, at all."

Doppel: "I know, it's just the demihuman girls are curious what girls look like when they wear men's underwear since (Y/N) wears futanari underwear." *sees Jessica's bulge* "Woah, and speaking of futas, what happened to you?"

Jessica: "Yes Day, remember?"

Doppel: "Oh yeah, I had to make out with (Y/N) while I looked like him."

Jessica: "Oh, what else happened?"

Doppel: "Ah let's see, Tio had to sit on (Y/N)'s lap, (Y/N) took a nap in Miia's coils, (Y/N) did Papi's pedicure, (Y/N) gave Cerea horseshoes, have a staring contest with Manako, do synchronized swimming with Mero, (Y/N) wrote dark poetry with Lala, he put Zombina back together, and he did BDSM with Rachnera where they have to take turns."

Jessica: "Wow, looks like I missed a lot."

Doppel: "Yeah, but it's okay you had to... take care of things."

Jessica: *Gets what Doppel means* "Yeah, hey where's (Y/N)?"

Doppel: "Oh he's outside and he's putting on a snake charming show with Miia, Mya, and the other lamias from the strip club."

Jessica: "Oh neat."

Paulina: *From the kitchen* "Jessica, is that you?"

Jessica: "Yeah cus, it's me. What is it Paulie?"

Paulina: "I'm making lunch, any requests?"

Jessica: "Oh well I would like a tofu salad wrap."

Paulina: "Gotcha." *Comes in and Sees Jessica's bulge* "Woah! Uh, what happened to you?"

Jessica: "Oh uh, yeah on Yes Day I became a futanari."

Paulina: "Uh wow it's really big."

Jessica: "Heh, yeah but I got it under control."

Paulina: "I hope so. You do not want to have an incest baby with your cousin."

Jessica: "Yeah that would be so gross."

We then see you come into the room with a large basket full of money and we see Miia and Mya come into the room as well, still wearing belly dancer clothing.

Jessica: "Hey girls, how was being charmed by a flute?"

Miia: "It was amazing."

Mya: "I didn't know I could move like that."

Miia: "Neither did I."

Jessica: "And where did you get the cash?"

(Y/N): "Oh we put on a show on the streets."

Jessica: "That explains the belly dancing clothes."

Mya: *Notices Jessica's bulge* "Oh my, since when did you have that?"

(Y/N): "Remember Yes day?"

Mya: "Oh yeah, it keeps slipping my mind that your girlfriend has a penis, not that there's anything wrong with it."

Jessica: "Yeah."

Mya: "It would be a big help with (Y/N) being the lamia tribes' communal husband."

Jessica: "Wait, you want me to be a communal husband err wife?"

Mya: "Well can you breed?"

Jessica: "Well I got a few lesbian couples pregnant after me and Zee donated our sperm to the sperm bank."

Mya: "Then that's a yes and it won't be just our tribe, it would be the other tribes as well."

Jessica then pictures her life as the communal wife of the lamia tribes and she then gets a raging boner from just thinking about it.

Mya: "Oh someone is eager to be a communal wife~."

Jessica: *Blushes* "Uh, heh, sorry about that."

Mya: "Oh it's alright, these feelings are natural, would you like some help~?"

Miia: "Mom!"

Mya: "Oh come now Miia, Kuroko made it clear that the bill doesn't cover Metropolis. And besides I'm sure your girlfriend wouldn't mind."

Draco: *while watching TV on the couch*"Yeah, you're just helping another girl out with her problem."

Miia: "Okay."

Jessica: "(Y/N) are you okay with this?"

(Y/N): "It's not cheating if they're just helping you with a boner, so it's okay with me."

We then see Kuroko come into the room and then she sees Miia and Mya stroking Jessica's cock as we see Jessica come into a condom placed onto her cock.

Kuroko: *Sees what's happening* "Oh my, did I come at a bad time?"

Mya: *While rubbing Jessica's cock* "Oh no."

(Y/N): "You just showed up at the end of this. By the way, Jessica is on board with being a communal wife of multiple lamia tribes, what are your thoughts on that?"

Kuroko: "Hm, well as long as it's consensual it's okay." *To Jessica* "Jessica, are you okay with this?"

Jessica: "Ahh~."*to Kuroko*"I didn't know lamias were so good with their hands~."

Kuroko: "I'll take that as a yes."

(Y/N): "I'm pretty sure Jess loves the idea of being a communal wife to multiple lamia tribes, either that or it's the arousal talking."

Jessica: "No no, I really want to help the lamias to thrive, and the best way to do that is to breed with them."

Doppel: "Hey what about Zee, isn't she a futa too?"

(Y/N): *received a text from Zee*"I asked Zee about being a communal wife to multiple lamia tribes and she's into it."

Draco: *Surprised* "Really? From what I heard, she sounds so sophisticated and lady-like."

Jessica: "Yeah, I guess it will be one at a time with each girl."

Draco: "Hm, two futas and multiple lamia tribes." *To Mya* "Mya, how many lamia subspecies are there per tribe?"

Mya: "There's 6 subspecies of lamia in the village."

Jessica: "That doesn't sound too bad."

Mya: "Filled with hundreds of lamias in each tribe."

Jessica: "Oh boy..."

(Y/N): "Well I can help you girls with breeding some lamias."

Jessica: "Thanks babe."

(Y/N): "Anytime, so when is it a good time to have the wedding?"

Jessica: "Wedding?"*Remembers*"Oh right, there's a marriage agreement between you and any girl who loves you."

(Y/N): "I only brought it up because Rias has been staring at the calendar for the past 30 minutes."

Rias: "That's not true."

Jessica: "You're looking at the calendar right now."

Everyone then sees that Rias has been looking at the calendar.

Rias: "Fine, I was looking at the calendar."

(Y/N): "I think it's best if we have the wedding soon, because I think that Rias might lose control of herself and do something she might regret."

Rias: "No I won't."

Jessica: *Deadpan* "You're eyeing my penis right now."

(Y/N): "And you bought a lot of baby clothes."

Rias: "Okay fine you got me."

(Y/N): "Welp no time like the present."

You then get on one knee and you hold up a box with a wedding ring.

(Y/N): "Rias, would you and the harem marry me?"

Rias: *With tears of joy* "Yes, yes a thousand times yes!"

Kuroko: "Wow, you girls went from girlfriends to fiances."

Jessica: "You like him too you know."

Kuroko: "Indeed I do."

Later on, we see the girls reacting to the news about the wedding.

Diana: "So we have become his fiances? And now we are gonna get married?"

Rias: "Yes we are, and we're gonna have the wedding soon."

Kara: "How soon are we talking?"

Rias: "Hm, I'd say next month."

Zee: "Okay so that's plenty of time."

Rias: "Well I've been thinking, what would happen if other girls like him too?"

Jessica: "Well marriage is a commitment, so they would have to commit themselves to their new husband right?"

Diana: "That is true."

Kara: "So, do we just have an open marriage?"

Rias: "Well that's what the marriage agreement my parents said."

Zee: "Really?"

Rias: "Yeah, remember?"

Zee: "Oh yeah, they did agree to have your hubby have an open marriage."

Kyouka: "Hey since we're getting hitched, should we come up with wedding dress ideas cause I was thinking I would like to look like a stripper getting married. Like how every guy in Las Vegas gets married to a stripper."

Zee: "Hm, but why do you want to look like a stripper on your wedding day?"

Kyouka: "I thought we would spice things up at the wedding. Plus you and Jess have dicks so it's only fair."

Zee: "Fair enough."

Babs: "Do you think that (Y/N) would make the wedding special like instead of us wearing wedding dresses it would be him?"

Jessica: "Hm, what makes you say that? It's not like he's gonna wear a wedding dress."

Meanwhile with you, we see you at a dress shop and you are talking to the employees there.

(Y/N): "Hey ma'am, do you think you can make a wedding dress in my size?"

Employee: "Uh....what?"

(Y/N): "Well since I'm getting married, I want to flip the script. Instead of the girls wearing the wedding dress, I would wear the dress while they wear the tux."

Employee: "Ohhh, I get it. Before you put on the dress, you need to do some manscaping on your everything."

(Y/N): "Okay, can you get my measurements before I leave?"

Employee: "Sure."

Back with the girls.

Kyouka: "I'm pretty sure he is gonna be wearing the dress on our wedding day."

Jessica: "And I'm guessing we have to wear suits huh?

Zee: "Yep."

Kyouka: "Well if we are, how are you and Jessica gonna fit your uh, trouser snakes?"

Zee: "Well we're gonna wear our special underwear that conceal our little friends."

Kyouka: "Little is an understatement."

Jessica: "True, I'm 8 inches long and 9 inches in girth, what about you Zee?"

Zee: "Oh I'm 9 inches long and 10 inches in girth."

Kyouka: "Oh why can't you girls get bigger dongs?"

Zee and Jessica: "Because we'd rip our underwear."

Kyouka: "Fair enough, guess bigger isn't always better. Sometimes..."

Zee: "Yeah, it's all about girth."

Kyouka: "Hey since we're in an Open Marriage, are you girls gonna take turns on who's getting anyone pregnant?"

Jessica: "You mean before or after we graduate school, because I don't want to be a teen mom."

Zee: "Same here I don't wanna be a teen mom."

Kyouka: "Well (Y/N) always finds ways to make money and we live in an Apartment Complex with a daycare center for families with their own kids."

Jessica: "True. Hm guess we can get pregnant when we graduate highschool."

Kyouka: "That works for me. So what's it like being a futa?"

Zee: "Well we have to manage our own lust without turning our own friends into sex dolls by accident. But thanks to me and a lust control spell, me and Jess got that handled."

Jessica: "Now our lust rate is at a normal spot, although sometimes we do get hardons."

Zee: "Yeah, this one time we got a boner when we saw Leshawna."

Kyouka: "What about me?"

Jessica: "I'm having a boner by looking at you right now."

Zee: "Well lucky for me I'm in control."

Kyouka: *Sees Zee's boner* "Are you sure about that?"

Zee then notices she also has a boner too.

Zee: "Aw dang it."

Rias: "Need help?"

Kyouka: "I got this, girls, let's take this to the bedroom. Let's hope it won't take long."

Frenchie: 19 hours later.

We then see Kyouka, Jessica, and Zee tired on the bed, naked, and they're all covered in sweat.

Kyouka: "So... are you two... satisfied?"

Jessica: *Pants* "Yeah, sorry about that, we kinda lost control."

Zee: *pants* "Yeah...."

Kyouka: *sits up* "It's fine, I'm experienced so this is nothing for me."

Jessica: "So was this your first time doing it with two futas?"

Kyouka: "Yeah, I thought I was gonna be your sex doll if this dragged on long enough." *sees Zee about to speak* "And yes I am aware I used to be, but I mean like in a bad way."

Zee: "Gotcha."

Jessica: "Hey I just realized, I think (Y/N) has gotten his GED."

Zee: "Wait then why is he at school?"

Kyouka: "Isn't it obvious? To get a highschool experience."

Zee: "Oh well I guess that's okay."

Kyouka: "So if he has his GED, does that mean he's legally an adult?"

Jessica: "Yeah I think so, wait we've been dating someone who's legally an adult?"

Zee: "Well he's still 18, so I guess it's kind of legal."

Kyouka: "Although if we're in Canada, he would be way over the adult years by 2 years."

Jessica: "That makes sense, thank goodness we're not in Canada."

Zee: "So what now?"

Kyouka: "Hm, I don't know."

Jessica: "How about we take a shower, we are sweaty."

Kyouka: "Yeah good call, we are starting to stink."

Zee: *Smells herself* "Phew, yeah good call."

We later see you on the couch looking through the themes of the wedding as you then see Jessica, Zee, and Kyouka in bathrobes and they're exhausted.

(Y/N): "You 3 had a threesome in the communal shower room did you?"

Jessica: "Um.......yes..."

Kyouka: "That was kind of on me, they got hard and needed help."

(Y/N): "It's okay I understand."

Zee: "Thanks hun, so how are the wedding plans?"

(Y/N): "They're going well, I'm just choosing a wedding theme."

Jessica: "Great."

(Y/N): "By the way your GEDs came into the mail."

Girls: "What!?!"

Frenchie: 2 minutes later.

We see all the girls in the group looking at their GEDs in disbelief and they're incredibly dumbfounded.

Babs: "How did you do this?! Did you bribe Chapin?"

(Y/N): "Nope."

Jessica: "Threaten him?"

(Y/N): "Nope."

Kyouka: "Then how?"

(Y/N): "Well...."


We see that Chapin's computer is not working right.

Chapin: "Stupid computer!"

Chapin then sees you come into the room and you then help him install an antivirus program and make the computer work again.

(Y/N): "You're welcome."

You then leave the room as we see Chapin look at the computer and see the grades of all the girls that you have a relationship with.

Chapin: "Oh my god, they have the highest grades in everything! I need to give them their GEDs!"

Flashback ends.

(Y/N): "And that's what happened."

Karen: "So the virus made our grades inaccurate and when you installed the antivirus program they're accurate again."

Jessica: "So that means......"


Kara: "How did we get such high grades?"

(Y/N): "Remember our study group nights?"

The girls then think for a second and then their eyes widen and they are shocked to realize that you're the reason why they got their GEDs.

Girls: "Oh yeah."

Jessica: "So, I guess that means we can do adult things."

Babs: "Well Diana can, since she's 317."

Diana: "By Amazon years, by human years I would be 17 years old.

Zee: "Really? I thought you'd be in your 20s."

(Y/N): "Well you all can start being adults by paying your taxes."

Diana: "What are taxes?"

(Y/N): "I'll explain in great detail."

Frenchie: 1 incredibly detailed explanation later.

(Y/N): "And that's all you need to know about taxes."

Diana: "I... see..."

Kara: "Short version, we pay money, we keep our homes."

Diana: "Oh, I see."

Jessica: " Yep, one of the things people do in the world of man."

Diana: "Hmm, interesting. Then I shall conquer these taxes!"

(Y/N): "Remember, it's a yearly thing."

Diana: "Yearly? What does that mean?"

Zee: "It means you have to do it once a year."

Diana: "I see, and I am assuming I pay for it now?"

Zee: "Well not now but soon."

Diana: "How soon?"

Kara: "It depends, it could be next month."

Diana: "I see."

(Y/N): "Now, let's get to work on the wedding. Who wants to work on the guest list?"

Zee: "Ooh I'll do it."

Kyouka: "Hey I want to do the guest list."

Zee: "How about we do it together?"

Kyouka: "Sounds good to me."

Jessica: "But why do you want to do the guest list?"

Kyouka: "For the bachelor and bachelorette parties."

Jessica: "That makes sense, so what's the plan for those?"

Kyouka: "The Bachelor party would have (Y/N) having fun with the girls who want to marry him while we girls have fun with other girls and futas."

Jessica: "So you just want to make sure no one gets left out of the open marriage right?"

Kyouka: "Yep, and lucky for you, I happen to know two futas who used to be idols, Matsuzaki Riko, and Shiratorizawa Mizuho."

Diana: "Who are they?"

(Y/N): " Well from what Tatsu told me, they are futas that used to be idols but then their manager Yasuhiko used them for his own gain making himself more money, and the idols his sex slaves for the audience."

Kara: "Wow, that is so wrong on so many levels."

Jessica: *Shivers* "I know, that is so messed up."

Kara: *To Kyouka* "So where are they now?"

Kyouka: "Tatsu said she's bringing them to Metropolis after she took down Yasuhiko, financially of course. (Y/N) told her how to take him down."

Jessica: " That's a relief."

Zee: "Yeah, they would thank you when they see you."

(Y/N): "They would."

Meanwhile with Tatsu, Riko and Mizuho.

Tatsu: "Are you two finished?"

Riko: *From the girl's bathroom* " Almost."

After a few minutes, we see Riko and Mizuho come out of the bathroom.

Mizuho: "Haah, I feel better."

Tatsu: "I told you two not to drink that much."

Riko: "Sorry, but who really sent you?"

Tatsu: "That would be (Y/N)."

Mizuho: "(Y/N) who's he?"

Tatsu: "He is my boyfriend and the one who told me to save you both from becoming teenage mothers."

Riko: "Does he like futas?"

Tatsu: "Yes, he said that futanari are women who can have their men be on the receiving end for a change."

Mizuho: "That sounds nice of him."

Tatsu: "Yes, but remember he is autistic, so he thinks anything that is unusual is normal to him."

Riko and Mizuho: "Gotcha."

Tatsu: " Then shall we get going?"

Riko and Mizuho: "Yep."

Tatsu: "Alright."

Back to you.

We see you and the girls plan the wedding and the girls are thinking about it.

Girls: *in their heads*"This is a dream come true!"

Next: Chapter 12: Bachelor and Bachelorette Parties

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