Chapter 10: Unhentai

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(A/N): This is a first for me to use Hentai characters, so please don't get the wrong idea about me.

Here we see you walking down the sidewalk and you hold up a list of groceries and you are walking to what looked to be a large mansion.

(Y/N): "Huh, maybe I should send a picture to Kelly. She could know who owns this place because I don't know a lot of rich people."

You take a picture of the mansion and send it to Kelly. Meanwhile we see Kelly and Taylor getting their back massages in their in house spa as Kelly heard her phone go off.

Masseuse: "Ms. Kelly, you have a message."

Kelly: "At this time?"*grabs her phone and sees the text from you*"Huh a text from (Y/N), hmm I recognize that house it belongs to-" *Realizes who it is* "Oh no..."

Taylor: "Mom, what is it?"

Kelly: "I know whose house it is, and the... things that go on in there."

Taylor: "Who?"

Meanwhile with you, you get a phone call from Kelly and you answer the phone.

Kelly: *Over phone* "(Y/N), I got your picture, whatever you do, do not go into that house, it's a brothel."

(Y/N): "Why is it a brothel?"

Kelly: *Over the phone* "The woman that lives there has a... promiscuous lifestyle, and while I don't judge people, I judge her, especially how she's okay with her daughter having sex with... older people."

Taylor: *Off-screen* "What?!"

(Y/N): "Why would she do that?"

Kelly: *over the phone*"It's how she is, and believe me, I am against it, especially now she has her daughter employing students in her brothel."

Taylor: *over the phone*"Oh my gosh!"

(Y/N): *publish a yelp review*"Oh sorry, I just used your opinions on her business and posted it on Yelp."

Kelly: *over the phone*"How is that gonna help?"

Just then we see men leaving the mansion in fancy cars and limos as we see Erina the head of the brothel, and her daughter, Leona along with another girl named Kyouka Shirashi seeing this.

Erina: "Noo come back!"

(Y/N): "Guess a Yelp review can bring down business, turns out women in first class have a strong online presence on the internet. And I posted her review on Yelp, now everyone knows, problem solved."

Kyouka: *Sees you* *Surprised* " (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Do I know you?"

Kyouka: "It's me, Kyouka."

(Y/N): "Oh the girl that goes to the guys bathroom? Yeah I still have no idea about who you are, like at all."

Kyouka: "From math class?"

(Y/N): "Nope."

Kyouka: "Okay I used to have darker hair."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, I was wondering what happened to ya."

Leona: "What's wrong with him?"

Kyouka: "He's autistic."

Erina: "I see, and why did you post a Yelp review?"

(Y/N): "Ask Kelly."

You then call Kelly on the phone and you hand it to Erina.

Kelly: *over the phone*"Erina!"

Erina: "K-Kelly hi... are you um, still mad?"

Kelly: *over the phone*"You mean the fact that you almost turned my daughter into a sleeze, then yes."

Erina: "Your husband thought she would be good at that."

(Y/N): "Actually I've been tutoring her on some things and now she got a license to drive a racecar."

Kelly: *over the phone*"And you mean ex-husband cause I divorced him and found a better man!"

Erina: "Who?"

(Y/N): *hand raise*"That would be me."

Erina then looks at you and she was shocked that Kelly would go for someone like you.

Erina: "You're dating an autistic kid?"

Kelly: *over the phone*"Yes, is that a problem?"

Kyouka: "No, no of course not."

Erina: "We didn't expect you to."

(Y/N): "Well Kyouka if you need money you can always ask me so you don't have to do sexual favors for other people. Or at least get a better job with a better rate of pay and doesn't increase your risk of you becoming a teen mom."

Kyouka: *Ashamed* "Y-your right..."

(Y/N): "That goes for you too, Leona."

Leona: "Alright."

(Y/N): "And Ms. Erina, find a better business like a restaurant that serves all kinds of food like pizza, sushi, over mexican food."

Erina: "But... ah, okay..."

(Y/N): "Welp see ya and as an apology ma'am, I'll do this."

You then spank Erina's butt and you leave the area.

Erina: *After being spanked* "Eep!"

Kyouka: "Lucky..."

Later, we see you walking down the sidewalk as you then pull out a list of groceries.

(Y/N): " Okay, let's go back to shopping."

As you were shopping, you were picking up some things for the house and you see 3 demihumans in one aisle that look like Cerea, Miia, and Papi but older.

(Y/N): *In your head* "Is that... no it couldn't be they're at home."*to the lamia and outloud*"Excuse me, does the name Miia mean anything to you?"

???: "Oh yes, I'm her mother."

(Y/N): "You're her mom? But where's your homestay person?"

???: "Oh I told Smith I would be just visiting her. My name is Mya by the way."

???(Cerea's mom): "And my name is Zena."

???(Papi's mom): "And I'm Pipi."

(Y/N): "Nice, I'll have you all know your daughters are doing well under my care."

Zena: "Hmm, and thou are Cerea's master?"

(Y/N): "Uh yeah, nice to meet you ma'am."

Mya: "Well my daughter can find a nice young man~."

(Y/N): "What makes you say that?"

Mya: "I'm more into younger men like you and if I'm gonna be married it would be someone who can handle my needs."

Zena: *Sighs* "Mya remember the rules, Lady Smith told us we cannot violate humans."

Mya: *Sighs* "I'm aware."

(Y/N): "Not only your daughter has me as her lover, but also a girl dragonewt named Draco."

Mya: "Draco? Why would she date a dragonewt?"

(Y/N): "Well she's giving Draco a second chance and after a while they're dating."

Mya: "Hm, well as long as she treats Miia well, I'm okay with it."

Pipi: "What about um...Papi? Is that right?" *Sees Mya nodding yes* "Papi, is she okay too?"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, she laid an unfertilized egg a while back and I gave it to Kuroko to keep it safe."

Pipi: " Oh yeah the lady in the black suit told me about that, I just forgot it."

(Y/N): "Your daughter made friends with a slime and a dryad and now they're under the same roof."

Zena: "I see, I want to see for myself that my daughter has chosen the right person to be her master."

(Y/N): "Um, okay, would you like to hang out with me?"

Zena: "Indeed, all 3 of us will be joining you."

(Y/N): "Alright."

Sometime later, we see you and the demi-human moms at a Taco Bell and you are making the order.

(Y/N): "I'll take the 5 layer beefy burrito with no sour cream and a bean burrito with extra red sauce and cheese but no onions."

Mya: "Two beef burritos for me."

Pipi: "Does this place have toys?"

Zena: "I want a salad."

(Y/N): "Are you sure you want the bean burrito with a side of nacho fries?"

Zena: "Hmm, as appealing as that sounds, I'll pass, but maybe I'll try the fries.."

(Y/N): "Okay Zena will have the Burrito Supreme with Nacho Fries and what do you all want to have for a drink?"

Mya: "I'll take some water."

Pipi: "The blue freeze."

Zena: " I'll have a soda."

(Y/N): "I'll have water."

Sometime later, we see you and the demihuman moms eating some food.

Zena: "You paid for all our food, very generous of you."

(Y/N): "How's the nacho fries?"

Zena: "Delicious."

(Y/N): "I know a lot of fast food places that have good deals."

Papi: *Sees the toy* "I love the toy."

Mya: "What do you know about this place?"

(Y/N): "Well when it comes to Taco Bell, the food can really go right through you."

Mya: "What does that mean?"

After lunch, we see the moms are in the girls bathroom grunting and making fart noises, as you are standing outside. You then see the girls come out of the restroom as they were panting and feeling intense pain from their butts.

(Y/N): "Congrats on experiencing going to Taco Bell."

Zena: "What kind of human would do such a thing?!"

Pipi: "I felt like I was laying an egg! And it was not an egg!"

Mya: "It was like our bodies were on overdrive trying to release all of our lunch down the toilet!"

(Y/N): "This is the same reaction your daughters had. Anyways, wanna come to my apartment?"

Zena: "If we do not have to eat that laxative induced food, then of course."

Mya: "Let's go."

Sometime later, we see Papi and Pipi hugging each other as Cerea and Miia were looking at their moms.

Miia: "Mom what happened to you?"

Cerea: "Mother are you okay? You look like you ran all the way here?"

Zena: *Blushed* "We were... in the bathroom..."

(Y/N): "We had Taco Bell for lunch."

Miia and Cerea: *Winces* "Ohhhhhh..."

Mya: " Well (Y/N) told me you have a girlfriend, sweetheart."

Miia: "Yeah me and Draco are going steady but my heart belongs to both (Y/N) and Draco."

Mya: "Well sweetie, I see that you're in good hands with your host family that is (Y/N)."

Zena: "And I see your master is capable of protecting you Cerea."

(Y/N): "Yep and don't forget Sharptooth, he's on your horse butt."

Zena then turns around and sees Sharptooth along with 3 other Hobgobblers on her butt.

Zena: "Oh my goodness!"

Cerea: "Mother, they're harmless."

(Y/N): "They just tend to pop out of nowhere and multiply."

You then pick up the Hobgobblers from Zena's butt as Mya then sees 10 more on the kitchen table.

Mya: "Goodness, are they always like this?" *Feels a bite on her tail* "Gah!"

Miia: "Are you alright mom?"*sees a hobgobbler biting Mya's tail*"Hey get off of there!"

Miia pulls the hobgobbler off of her mom's tail and puts it on the couch.

Jessica: *Comes in* "Hey what's going on?" *Sees the hobgobblers* "Hobgobblers?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Zena: "Why are they even here?"

(Y/N): "Oh they see me as their master cause I brought Sharptooth home. My friend Diana thinks they're a bad omen."

We then see Diana come into the room and she sees all the Hobgobblers in the room.

Diana: "Gah!! We're cursed!"

Jessica: "Diana, we've been over this, they're not a curse, they're just..." *feels a bite on her butt* "Gah! Very bitty."

You then whistle as we see the Hobgobblers get out of the window except for Sharptooth since he's still sitting on the couch.

Jessica: "Well that takes care of that."

Diana: "Indeed."*sees Zena, Mya, and Pipi*"Who are they?"

(Y/N): "They're the moms of Cerea, Miia, and Papi. Girls, this is Zena, Mya, and Pipi."

Zena: "Greetings."

Mya: "Hi."

Pipi: "Hello."

Jessica: "So what brings you all here?"

Pipi: "We're here to... um... here... uh... I don't remember. Why are we here?"

Jessica: "Uh can someone else answer my question?"

Mya: "We are here to see our daughters mostly. But I came here to find a new communal husband for the lamia tribes."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, since lamias are a female only species, they need a communal husband to reproduce their numbers. Same goes for their subspecies like Echidnas, Medusas, Melusines, Sea Serpents, and Jormungands."

Jessica: *Hugs you* "Well, (Y/N) isn't gonna be a communal husband."

(Y/N): "I can do it part time."

Jessica: "(Y/N)!"

Mya: "Hmm... while that does sound fun, I doubt (Y/N) can handle that many girls, even if he can do it part time."

(Y/N): "Maybe I can demonstrate so that I can handle girls like you?"

Jessica: "Are you serious (Y/N)!?!"

Miia: "Are you sure?"

(Y/N): "Well the lamia birth rate is low these days so maybe I can help."

Mya: "Alright prove it, give me a nice grope on my breasts."

You then grope Mya's breasts as Mya then moans in pleasure. As you continue to massage Mya's body she continues to moan more.

Mya: *in her head*"Oh wow, he is making me feel so good, not only does he have what it takes to be a communal husband but also a man that I want to marry!"*outloud*"No more, I can't-"

Mya then comes and then collapses onto the couch next to Sharptooth as we see Sharptooth lick his eye.

Zena: "Mya, are you okay?"

Mya: *Pants* "(Y/N), you have my blessing to marry my daughter, her girlfriend, and me."

Zena: "Mya! Snap out of it!"

Mya: *Snaps out of it*" Gah! Uh, Wh-what Happened?"

Miia: "You said that you want to marry (Y/N)!"

Mya: "Well I did want a man that can handle my needs."

Miia: "And by needs, you mean your bedtime needs, mom you know the rules."

Mya: "I know sweetie but once we're married then we get to making love with each other."

Miia: "Mom! He's my boyfriend! I get dibs on him because I was here the longest!"

Cerea: "Miia, if anyone deserves to take his purity it would be me cause I am his servant!"

Zena: "Cerea, as your mother you must know that humans aren't built to handle our weight, but I get dibs on being gentle with him."

Cerea: "Mother!"

Papi: "Then I should go first cause I'm not that heavy at all!"

Pipi: "Sweetheart I should go first because you are not ready for that kind of commitment, cause you might forget you committed to him."

Papi: "But you might forget mom, but I want to take turns with Suu, Kii, and Lala cause they're not too heavy."

Mia: "Can Suu even get pregnant?"

Suu: "Pregnant?"

Papi: "Hey where's master?"

The girls then look around and see that you are not in sight.

Jessica: "Oh not again."

Meanwhile somewhere else, we see you in camouflage at a hotel and you see a sniper aiming for someone and you pull out a pen and you click it a bunch of time in morse code.

(Y/N): *From behind* "Hi there."

Sniper: *Gets startled* "Gah! Huh?"

The sniper shot the round by accident and then hit something or someone and that someone was Kara Danvers aka Supergirl.

Kara: "What the? Where did that come from?"

Kara looked down and used her x-ray vision and saw it was you or at least a silhouette of you cause you can't be seen with X-ray vision and a sniper.

Kara: "Oh boy..."

Meanwhile with you and the sniper.

Sniper: "What are you doing here? It's a secluded area here."

(Y/N): *Points to the news lady in the other building* "Tell that to her and the angry kryptonian lady."

The sniper saw Etsuko, Mayumi, and Damesuke as they were accompanied by Kara who stopped both of them.

Kara: "You were gonna let that dweeb didle that other girl?! What the heck is wrong with you?!"

Etsuko: "Hey I need footage of the crime in action and she was gonna be famous!"

Mayumi: "She's lying!"

(Y/N): "Lying how?"

Mayumi: "She didn't do anything to save me! She let that guy almost rape me!"

Etsuko: "No I-"

(Y/N): "That's all I needed to hear, same goes for everyone else."

Etsuko: *Unaware that the camera is Rolling* "No! I was supposed to be the hero! This was gonna be ratings gold! If I let that guy did it with the company owner's daughter and I stopped it I would have been the hero!"

Everyone gasped in shock except for you cause you were expecting her to say that.

(Y/N): "And that's the kind of person that would have to do something to get attention. Like stage a scene to be a hero or just show off to the point of almost destroying the city, or getting the girl killed from where the sniper was." *Points to the sniper* "He's right there."

Sniper: *From the distance* "Uh..."

(Y/N): "Anyways, I'm gonna go. Hey Supergirl, mind giving me a ride?"

Kara: "Sure, but how did you get all the way here? In Japan?"

(Y/N): "I have my ways."


We see you walking into a warp pipe and you are in the Mushroom Kingdom and you head to the castle. By the time you got to the castle, you knock on the door as we see two guards open it and you see Princess Peach herself.

Peach: "What are you doing here?"

(Y/N): "Do you know where the warp pipe to Japan is?"

Peach: "Oh of course."*pulls out a map*"I mapped out all the warp pipes that lead to your world."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

You then head to the one that leads to Japan and you head into it and the next thing you know you're in Japan.

(Y/N): "Neat."

End of flashback

(Y/N): "And that's what happened."

Kara: "Wait, there's a princess who lives in a world filled with mushrooms and she's the ruler of that place and she calls herself Princess Peach?"

(Y/N): "Yep, I also brought back souvenirs."*pull out some ? boxes*"See."

Kara: "Huh, neat." *to Mayumi* "What do we do with her?"

(Y/N): "I got some ideas."

Later, in the Mushroom kingdom, we see you and Mayumi having a tea party with Princess Peach and you explain what happened.

Peach: "Yikes, that's messed up."

Mayumi: "Right? And to think, that news lady promised I'd be famous."

(Y/N): "Well she and that other guy are in jail so you don't have to worry about her, oh and she got fired too, not only for what she did to you, but for public indecency by flashing her panties to the camera."

Peach: "Okay, not to self, don't go to Japan."

(Y/N): "Anyways, thanks for keeping Mayumi company. I'm gonna head out."

Peach: "See ya."

You then leave the room as Mayumi and Peach talk to each other.

Peach: "Okay, do you have a feeling that he's kind of cool?"

Mayumi: "Kind of? He saved my life, so he is cool."

Peach: "Yeah that's like one time for you, being kidnapped and rescued is basically a weekly thing for me."

Mayumi: *Slightly surprised* "Your... used to it?"

Peach: "Oh yeah, it's been going on for so long that I can set it to my clock."*looks at the time*"And I'm about to be kidnapped in... 3, 2, and 1."

Princess Peach was ready for Koopas and or Bowser to kidnap her but nothing happened.

Peach: *checks her calendar*"Did I read my calendar right? I swear it was supposed to happen today?"

Mayumi: "Maybe you got the date wrong?"

The doors open and reveal Bowser as he then walks in covered in scorch marks and bruises and then passes out onto the floor as you then walk by him.

(Y/N): "Hey I used some of my souvenirs from your world and stopped this guy from kidnapping you, and his army are either beaten up or retreating."

Bowser: *in pain*"The pain! The pain! Both to my ego and my body!"

Peach: "Uhh..."

Mayumi: "That was like almost 2 minutes."

Peach: "How?!"*sees you holding up ? boxes*"Oh yeah."

Mayumi: "What are in those boxes?"

(Y/N): "Stuff that gives you powers."

Bowser: *in pain*"I was supposed to get 15 minutes of fame! Not 2 minutes of pain!"

(Y/N): *holds up a Super Crown*"I found this crown thing in one of them and I don't know what it does. Should I put it on?"

Peach: *Sees the super crown* "Woah, hang on, don't put that on!"

(Y/N): "Why?"

Peach: "We don't know what it does, so you should probably put it down."

(Y/N): "But I purchased those ? Boxes from the gift shop and one of those hold this, I wonder if this can fit me."

You then put on the super crown and then you transform into a woman with a dress like Peach's and you have a well endowed figure as well.

(Y/N)ette: "Huh neat."

Peach: *sees your female body and looks at her body**sighs sadly*"I can't believe he has bigger breasts than me."

(Y/N)ette: *fondles your own breasts*"I must have a J cup or an I cup?"

Mayumi: "Why would you put on the crown?"

(Y/N)ette: "I have a natural sense of curiosity, I should show this to the girls."

Sometime later, you are back at your apartment and the girls see you in a female body and they feel jealous of your proportions.

Jessica: "What happened to you?"

Zee: *pouts*"And why do you have a bigger bust than us?"

(Y/N)ette: "I put on this crown and now I'm a woman."*looks into the mirror and sees how big your butt is now*"Hmmm, looks like I have a bigger butt than Jessica and Zee combined."

Zee: "Seriously!?!"

(Y/N)ette: "Yep."

Kara: "Zee don't you know some body modification spell or something?"

Zee: *Remembers* "Of course, but if I word the spell wrong (Y/N)'s body might be horrifically disfigured or make him a more attractive girl than us."

(Y/N)ette: "Let me try something."*hugs Zee between your breasts*"How does this feel Zee?"

Zee: *muffled*"Soft, and I can't breathe!"

(Y/N)ette: "You do this to me all the time."

Zee: *pulls her head out of your bosom**gasps for air*"Good point."

Jessica: "So about that spell..."

Zee: "Well I can give it a try on myself."*pulls out her wand*"Egnahc ydob!"

Zee then casted the spell on herself as we see Zee looks normal from the waist up, but when she looks down she sees that her legs were transformed into octopus tentacles.

Zee: "Dang it!"

(Y/N)ette: "Wouldn't it have been easier to say breast enlargement backwards?"

Zee: *Realizes* "Oh right."

(Y/N)ette: "And you know I have tentacle hentai sex on my bucket list when I transform into a woman."

Zee: "Woah slow your role, I don't know how to use these and we're still in high school."

(Y/N)ette: "But didn't you say you want to try tentacle sex with your friends?"

Hero girls(except Zee): "What?"

Zee: *stammers and blushes* "I told you that in confidence!"

Diana: "Zee is that true?"

(Y/N)ette: "Yeah she told me that when we were-"

Zee: "Okay (Y/N), why don't you let me talk." *To the girls* "Yes it's true, ever since I found that spell I just want to try something with you girls but I figured you'd find it too weird."

Babs: "Oh man, I thought I was the only one who wants to try that."

Kara: "Yeah I want to try it cause it was on my bucket list."

Karen: "Um I had a dream about being married to (Y/N) who had tentacle arms."

(Y/N)ette: "Wait what?"

Jessica: "I liked octopi using their suckers on me when I was 10."

(Y/N)ette: "Diana?"

Diana: "I was curious about it."

(Y/N)ette: "Welp better head out."

You then take off the crown and change back into a male as we see you leave the room and the girls look at the crown.

Zee: "That's it? That's all it took to change him back into a guy."

Diana: "I guess she err he did not want to have intercourse and change back into a he."

Jessica: "Yeah, I wonder what he's up to now?"

Kara: "Who knows."

Jessica: "So Zee, what else can you expand with that spell?"

Zee: "Well I can expand body parts. Wait, are you saying you want to boost the size of your butt?

Jessica: "No, no my butt is fine the way it is, I was thinking... my breasts."

Diana: "But why?"

Jessica: "I always wondered what I'd look like with bigger boobs like a D cup. Also read the room."

The girls then look around and see other girls like Rias, Chel, Cerea, and Tio and they have bigger breasts than them.

Diana: "Well I am fine with my current chest size."

Babs: "You sure Diana?"

Diana: "I am certain Barbra."

Babs: "Okay, come on Zee hook us up with some boobie magic."

Zee: "Alright, but Diana, are you sure you don't want bigger breasts? Cause it might get you more attention from (Y/N)."

Diana: *thinks for a moment and realizes*"Zee.....give me a bigger chest size, but not too big."

Zee: "Okay then." *Pulls out her wand* "dnapxe!"

Zee then cast the spell on herself and the girls as they all got larger breast sizes. Babs was a 34D, Jessica was a 36D, Zee was a 36DD, Kara was a 38 C, Karen was a 34 C, and Diana was a 38 DD.

Jessica: *Looks at her boobs* "Wowie, 36D alright!"

Diana: *looks at her boobs*"Hmm, this is quite impressive."

Kara: *Looks at her boobs* "Dang they're big, but I bet I can handle bigger."

Zee: "You sure Kara, you might get a back ache."

Kara: "Hey the only thing that can give a kryptonian a back ache is holding up a planet on your back for like 40 weeks, 70 tops."

Babs: "How do you know that?"

Kara: "Clark told me himself yesterday."

Rias: "Girls I know you're all happy with your large boobs but remember, as someone with large proportions, there are some downsides with them."

Zee: "Well if either one of us wants to go bigger than I would just use a levitation spell to make sure no one gets backaches."

Jessica: "I'm fine with my current size."

Karen: "Me too."

Babs: "Same here."

Kara: "I could go bigger though."

Diana: "No thank you Zee."

Rias: "Hey where's (Y/N)?"

Meanwhile with you, we see you with a woman named Arisa in a house in Japan and we see Kenta Suzumura on the floor with a tranquilizer dart shot at his neck.

(Y/N): "You okay?"

Arisa: "I'm fine, but why did you do that?"

(Y/N): "Ma'am he was lying to you, he only said that stuff so he could have sex with you, in other words he was taking advantage of you. But don't worry I knocked him out and recorded your whole conversation on my phone and sent it to the police."

Arisa was shocked to hear this and she kicked Kenta Suzumura in the gut.

Arisa: "All this time I thought he was teaching me about Japan and what the people do... but why did you save me?"

(Y/N): "He was raping you, plus you need a better tour guide than him."

Arisa: "I guess so, but after finding out what Kenta really wants, I'm not sure if I want to learn about Japan."

(Y/N): "Don't worry, my friend Tatsu will give you the tour."

You then head to the closet and open the door as we see Tatsu come out of the closet like a ninja and bow to Arisa.

Tatsu: "Welcome to the land of the rising sun that is Japan, I am Tatsu and I will be your tour guide." *looks at Kenta* "(Y/N) what shall we do with this... former guide?"

(Y/N): "Well he took advantage of Arisa and raped her, so let the police deal with him."

Tatsu: "Good call, I will alert the authorities."

(Y/N): "By the way Tatsu, you have fitness training with me later."

Tatsu: "Understood."

Later on, we see Tatsu giving Arisa a tour of Japan and we see them at a sushi joint.

Arisa: "So do you like (Y/N)?"

Tatsu: "(Y/N) is an honorable man with great wisdom and my fitness trainer."

Arisa: "I see... he doesn't try anything with you... does he?"

Tatsu: *Gets what Arisa means* "Oh no, no, he's never like that."

Both Arisa and Tatsu then hear something outside and turn to see you giving Looma and Warmonga a training exercise by pulling two delivery trucks worth of anvils and you are on one of them and Attea is on the other.

Tatsu: "He's the kind of man that helps women with their fitness goals.

Arisa: "That does sound like a good trait, unlike Kenta."

Tatsu: "Indeed and right now he's giving those two some strength training."

Arisa: "By dragging trucks?"

Tatsu: "Full of anvils, yes. You see those women are stronger than any man on the planet and (Y/N) has to come up with ways to train their bodies."

Arisa: "Hm okay."

Later on, we see you, Looma, Attea, and Warmonga are in a room with General Monger and he was shocked that there were more aliens on Earth.

Monger: "How in the world did you manage to get 2 aliens to agree to marry you and one to be her fitness trainer?"

(Y/N): "Just being me."

Susan: "He's autistic General Monger."

Monger: "That explains it and how do you know him, Ginormica?"

(Y/N): "Oh she was my babysitter."

Susan: "Yeah he was very hard to manage since he's always going somewhere on his own whim."

(Y/N): "Yeah I just go wherever the wind takes me at the time."

B.O.B: "Just like me!"

(Y/N): "Did you swallow a grenade?"

We then see the grenade blow up B.O.B as he reformed again.

B.O.B: "That's so weird, I thought it looked like a pineapple."

(Y/N): *to Monger* "Is he always like this?"

Monger: "Wouldn't you like to know."

Link: "Yeah he's always like that."*sees that you're gone*"Where did he go?"

Susan: "Yeah he's very sneaky."

We see you walking down the halls and we see Vornicarn on the loose and you make a hand gesture to exert dominance over him as he then stops and looks at you. We see the monsters and aliens look for you and they find you with Vornicarn.

(Y/N): "What is this thing?"

Sta'abi: "That would be Vornicarn puny human."

(Y/N): "So he's a pet from where you're from. Sit boy."

Vornicarn then sits down as Sta'abi was dumbfounded to see that.

(Y/N): "Guess he needed to be calm. Down."*sees Vornicarn lay down*"Roll over."*sees Vornicarn*"See, all you have to do is show him you're the alpha dog. It works on dogs all the time."

Sta'abi: "How can you tame the Vornicarn!?!"

We then see Looma, Warmonga, and Attea head to you as we see Coverton come into the room.

Coverton: "What's going on here-"*sees Warmonga, Attea, and Looma*"AHHHHH!!!! Flee for your lives!"*hides behind Monger*"Save me!"

(Y/N): "What's up with the guy on the flying chair?"

Coverton: "I know their kind! They are warriors set to conquer everything around them!"

(Y/N): "Oh, don't worry they're not here to conquer anything."

Link: *Comes in* "Hey what's with all the comotion?"*sees Warmonga, Looma, and Attea*"Woah more alien babes, check out the ceps."*flex his arms*"Check it."

Looma then hit Link on the head so hard that he was sent flying into a wall as he was stuck in the wall.

Link: "Ow..."

Dr. C: "And this is what happens when you meet new people."

(Y/N): "Hi there."

Dr. C: "Oh well hello there."

(Y/N): "Hey I went into a room and I found a board with a lot of math and some idiot forgot to carry the one which could have blown up the whole base."

Dr. C: *Surprised* "That was one of my experiments."

Susan: "You're taking it well."*sees Dr. C running around screaming*"Or not."

Sta'abi: *to Looma, Warmonga, and Attea*"Why is a tetramand, Lowardian, and an Incursion following a weak human around?"

Looma: "He's our betrothed."

Sta'abi: "How can a tetramand get bested by a weak human?"

(Y/N): "I'll show you."

Sometime later, we see you playing chess against Sta'abi and we see you have beaten her in 2 moves.

(Y/N): "Checkmate."

Link: "How?"

B.O.B: "He beat Sta'abi with the little horsey duh."

Dr. C: "You know how Chess works?"

B.O.B: "Do you?"

Sta'abi: "Again!"

Frenchie: 400 games later.

We then see Sta'abi get furious and then destroys the chessboard with her staff and looks at you with fury and then she bows to you.

(Y/N): "Um, what's she doing?"

Sta'abi: "Mighty master (Y/N), you have bested me in battle. Can you teach me the ways of combat?"

(Y/N): "Uh, sure."

B.O.B: "She did that to me too when I was pressing buttons."

Dr. C: "You were playing a video game."

B.O.B: "I was?"

(Y/N): "I'll teach you how I do combat."

Sometime later, we see you and Sta'abi walking down a street as we see you both go into a restaurant.

Sta'abi: "What are we doing here master?"

(Y/N): "Getting something to eat, it's lunchtime."

Sta'abi: "Ah I see, sustenance to help us restore our strength to spill the blood of my enemies."

(Y/N): "Nah, I'm just here cause I'm hungry."

We then see you and Sta'abi eating a burger and fries.

(Y/N): *While eating* "How's your burger?"

Sta'abi: *While eating*"Quite filling."

(Y/N): "You know how I defend myself, I just make a routine of what happens on a daily basis. After lunch I'll show you what I mean."

After lunch, we saw you and Sta'abi were walking down the street.

(Y/N): "Lesson 1, expect something that no one expects."

Sta'abi: "What do you mean?"

(Y/N): "Duck."

You then lean backwards onto your back and you get Sta'abi to do the same as we see Hal flying over you and Sta'abi at incredibly high speeds.

Sta'abi: "That Green Lantern nearly crashed into us!"

(Y/N): "Yeah that's Hal for you, he's not all that bright. The point of this lesson is to expect what's not gonna happen on the norm."*gets up*"You understand."

Sta'abi: "Yes master, I understand."

(Y/N): "Now onto lesson two, if you can't find a route. Make one of your own from scratch, to do that you need to know where to go by knowing where you've been. Here's an example, Zee's room. Just follow me."

We see Sta'abi follow you down a subway tunnel and then you get onto the track and you lay in the middle of the track and Sta'abi does the same and then we see a Subway train go over you and Sta'abi and you both grab the bottom of it. Then you let go of it and then you both get up and see that you're on a railway bridge and then you see an I-Beam being lifted by a crane and you and Sta'abi got onto the I-Beam and it takes you to a window washer and both you and Sta'abi get on it and you took it down to the floor where Zee's room is and you see the back of Zee's room of the casino and you throw down a rope and you climb down as Sta'abi follows you.

(Y/N): "And that's how you make your own route. This skill is also useful to get rid of some people or get them off of your back."

Sta'abi: "Yes master, I understand."

You then head to the door and you knock on it as Zee opens it and sees you and Sta'abi.

Zee: "Oh hey (Y/N), who's this?"

Sta'abi: "I am Sta'abi, I have become (Y/N)'s pupil when he defeated me in combat. And you must be Zee, master made a route of his own to get to your home."

Zee: "Still using those routes, even though we told you a thousand times not to do them."

(Y/N): "But they're efficient."

Zee: "And dangerous."

Sta'abi: "You dare underestimate my master! You are pathetic to not learn his ways!"

Zee: "Uhh..."

(Y/N): "Sta'abi, she means well for my safety."

Sta'abi: "Yes master."

(Y/N): "And here's a trick to lure a foe with 360 vision."

Sta'abi: "What is it?"*sees you make a weird face*" "Huh?"

You then knock Sta'abi off of her feet as she falls on her butt and she sees you holding her weapon and pointing it at her.

(Y/N): "See."

Sta'abi: "Yes master, I see."

Zee: "He actually taught Diana and Tatsu that move."

(Y/N): "Which reminds me."

Sometime later, we see Tatsu, Diana, and Sta'abi all dizzy and you are training them on how to use their dizziness as a weapon.

Tatsu: *while dizzy*"What is the point of this training?"

(Y/N): "To learn how to use your own dizziness as a weapon."

Diana: *while Dizzy* "It is not a weapon, it's a distraction."

(Y/N): "Which is why you need to learn to use it like a weapon."

We see the 3 girls dizzy fighting each other, although it wasn't much of a fight as they tried so hard not to puke.

Diana: *While dizzy* "I do not like this..."

(Y/N): "Now let's try it in practice."

We then see Kara come into the room and she is ready to fight them.

Kara: "Alright I'm ready to-" *sees what's going on* "Uh what happened to them?"

(Y/N): "They're training in using their dizziness as a weapon."

We then see Diana dizzy fight against Kara as Kara tries to fight Diana but she can't land a hit on her or dodge Diana's attacks and Diana uses her dizziness to take down Kara.

Kara: "Uh okay D, why don't you just sit down till you're good."

Diana: *While dizzy* "Yes, yes! (Y/N)'s training worked!"

Diana then throws up onto the ground and pukes on Kara's boots by accident. Sometime later, we see the girls recover from being dizzy.

Kara: "Come on Diana, these are new boots!"

Diana: "My apologies, (Y/N) was teaching us on how to use dizziness as a weapon."

Kara: "Being dizzy isn't a weapon, it's an inconvenience."

(Y/N): "But Diana did use it to beat you."

Kara: "She barfed on my new boots."

(Y/N): "After she beat you in a fight."

Diana: "I would not count that as a victory."

(Y/N): "You might end up fighting a foe that will memorize how you fight and fight just like you, Dizzy Fighting allows you to counter the opponent's ability."

Sta'abi: "Yes master, if I get stung by a creature that injects me with a dizziness inducing ability, I will use the training I learn to vanquish my opponent."

Kara: "Yeah if they don't barf on your shoes."

(Y/N): "Anyways, I'm gonna head out, wanna come along Sta'abi?"

Sta'abi: "Of course master."

Sometime later we see you and Sta'abi at a school and we see you wandering around as you then hear someone.

???(Ryo): *From inside* "Stop it! Let go of me!"

???(Dojima): *From inside* "This is for the good of the club, do you want them to quit?"

You then look inside since the door was open and you see what's going on between Ryo and Dojima.

(Y/N): "Sta'abi, your next lesson is putting the needs of others first before your own."

Sta'abi: "Understood."

Sta'abi then slashes the door in half as she then charges in and kicks Dojima to the floor.

Dojima: "Gah! You bitch!"

Sta'abi: *grabs Dojima by the neck*"You are pathetic! Preying on those weaker than you is a dishonorable thing to do! If you dare lay a hand on a single hair of that girl's head! I will pull out your heart and feed it to Vornicarn! If that is the wish of my master."

You then come into the room and look at Dojima.

(Y/N): "Nice work my student." *to Ryo* "What was he trying to do?"

Ryo: "He and the rest of the cheer squad were with no panties on, and have the girls do whatever they want with me, it isn't the first time he had me put a vibrator inside me through the last half time show."

Sta'abi: "He what!?! Grrr!"

Dojima: *Gets scared* "B-but i-it was for the-" *Sta'abi chokes him* "Gah!"

(Y/N): "Sta'abi remember, no killing, you can hurt him really badly but that's all. But I can't stop ya from following your culture."

Sta'abi: "Thank you master."

Sta'abi then throws Dojima onto the floor and forms a fire circle using her weapon while chanting groundecoot.

Ryo: "Wh-what's she doing?"

(Y/N): *Puts a bathrobe on Ryo* "It's a ritual from her home planet, any form of dishonor or weakness from anyone either by whatever you did to this girl, woman or man you will be hunted down. Even just saying sorry is a dishonor to her."

Ryo: "Oh, but what's with the bathrobe?"

(Y/N): "Can't go around public naked."

Ryo: *Realizes she was naked* *Blushes* "Gah! Oh my god, thank you for the bathrobe."

(Y/N): "Your welcome."

Sta'abi: *finishes the circle*"Now the hunt begins."

(Y/N): "Give him a 30 minute head start."

Sta'abi: "Yes master."*to Dojima*"You start running or die!"

We then see Dojima run out of the room and scream like a girl. Sometime later, we see you and Ryo playing some cards and we see Sta'abi come back with the corpse of Dojima and she throws it onto the ground and you see that his heart is missing.

(Y/N): "Nice job Sta'abi."

Ryo: "Although it wasn't necessary, thank you um... Sta'abi."

Sta'abi: "What he has done to you is an insult to your ancestors and your descendants so I simply avenged their past and future honor."

Ryo: "Um... thank you."

(Y/N): "So what are you gonna do now that your molester is dead?"

Ryo: "I don't know, but after what Dojima did to me, I think I wanna transfer schools."

(Y/N): "Metropolis High is a good one for a start."

Ryo: "Thanks um..."

(Y/N): "(Y/N) and you are?"

Ryo: "My name is Ryo Okawa, it's nice to meet you and thank you for rescuing me."

(Y/N): "Your welcome."

Later on, we see you all in Metropolis High, where Ryo was talking to the hero girls and explained what happened to her and why she transferred here.

Zee: "That's horrible!"

Diana: "And (Y/N) saved your life."

Ryo: "Yeah he had Sta'abi loose on Dojima and he was killed in a alien ritual from Sta'abi's planet."

Jessica: "Where are those two anyways?"

Meanwhile in the gym, we see Sta'abi wearing 100 pound dumbbell rings on her back and you are on her shoulders carrying you as she then walks around.

(Y/N): "This exercise increases your strength by carrying around heavy clothing everywhere you go."

Sta'abi: *Struggling* "Yes master."

Sometime later, we see Sta'abi take off the weights and she wipes the sweat off of herself and she feels stronger after the exercise.

(Y/N): "Nice work."

Meanwhile we see Ryo with the girls at their lair.

Ryo: "So this is where you all live?"

Babs: "Well we have our own houses, this is our home base."

We then see you and Sta'abi come into the lair and you see the girls talking to Ryo.

(Y/N): "Hi girls."

Jessica: "Hey (Y/N), so why did you bring Sta'abi to the lair?"

(Y/N): "She's my student when I beat her at Chess multiple times."

Kara: "It's that easy huh?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Sta'abi: "He is my master and he has taught me many things. I have learned how to make my own routes and to expect what people normally don't expect."

(Y/N): "Like a flying moron with a power ring or walking through a battle between witches and angels."

Jessica: "Yeah, so Ryo, how are you adjusting to Metropolis High?"

Ryo: "It's a lot better than my old school, now I don't have to have a vibrator in me to get people to stay on the cheer squad."

Babs: "Uh, wha?"

(Y/N): "Let me explain in much greater detail."

One detailed explanation later.

(Y/N): "And that's what happened."

Jessica: "They had her do all that sexual stuff because they threatened to quit the cheer squad?!"

Kara: "That's just sick!"

Zee: "And wrong!"

Diana: "He deserved to die!"

(Y/N): "Which is why he died in a ritual from Sta'abi's planet."

Jessica: "Ritual?"

Kara: "Oh yeah, I've heard about it, Sta'abi's people hunt down anyone who disrespects them, even an apology is considered disrespect to them."

Babs: "Yikes."

Zee: "Hey Sta'abi, this may be a bit personal but have you found a boyfriend for yourself?"

Sta'abi: "No I have not, I have no time for such a thing. I am a mighty warrior who spills the blood of 1000 men, men fear the name Sta'abi!"

Zee: "Well (Y/N) doesn't fear you."

(Y/N): "Yeah I just think you're a strong and independent woman."

Sta'abi heard what you said and she blushed bright red.

Kara: "Okay let's just hope we don't have another Diana going gaga over Steve."

Babs: "Because Steve is her kryptonite?"

Kara: "Babs, we talked about this. Kryptonite is from space and Steve is from Earth."

(Y/N): "Well to be fair Steve does affect Diana just as much as kryptonite affects you so Babs is kind of right on the analogy. It's not a physical weakness but more psychological."

Diana: "And I do not know why this happens, despite my heart and my body belonging to you, I do not know why I keep going gaga over Steve."

(Y/N): "Only one way to fix this."

You then kiss Diana on the lips and give her a french kiss and when you pull away we see Diana collapse onto the couch and she looks like she's in a daze due to that like how she's always in a daze when Steve is around.

Zee: "Um, Diana you okay?"

Ryo: "Is she okay?"

Babs: *holds up a bucket of water*"Incoming!"

Babs then poured the water on Diana but it didn't work.

Babs: "That didn't work. Anyone else got something?"

Zee: "Don't worry, I'm Dr. Delicate touch." *Goes over to Diana and slaps her* "DIANA PRINCE! WAKE UP!!!!" *Nothing happened* "Well that didn't work."

(Y/N): "Diana, there's a special kind of sundae made for amazons like you."

Diana then instantly snaps out of it and holds up two spoons and she looks like she's craving sweets.

Diana: "Give it to me! Where is it!?!"

(Y/N): "That worked. Now for the results"*holds up a picture of Steve and sees Diana blushing*"Still the same, time for plan B."

Kara: "Let me guess another kiss?"

(Y/N): "No, therapy."

Sometime later, we see Jazz in the lair with Diana and we see Jazz with a clipboard ready to take notes.

Jazz: "Diana, would you tell me why you have a crush on someone else even though you have a boyfriend?"

Diana: "I do not know why, sure he was the first I met and (Y/N) is kind hearted and nice despite his autism, but I am certain why I am drawn to Steve."

Jazz: "Tell me why?"

Diana: "Well it all started when I first arrived in the world of man, there on the beach I met Steve, naturally I offered my hand in friendship with him."

Jazz: "What really happened?"


Here we see Diana holding Steve's hand and she was a blushing mess and she tripped on her own feet.

End of flashback

(Y/N): "That's not how I recall."

Jazz: "What do you mean?"

(Y/N): "Here's what really happened."


We see you and Steve using metal detectors to look for loose change and other discarded metals.

(Y/N): *picks up a nickel*"Found a nickel."

Steve: "Nice one (Y/N), let's see what else we can find."

You then see a ship come in and you see a woman come out of it and it was Diana Prince. You then shrugged and walked past her and she saw you and Steve using your metal detectors looking for more loose change.

Diana: "Hello people of the world of man, I am Diana Princess of the amazons and I am here to greet you all."

(Y/N): *to Diana*"You're really good at being a cosplayer, nice work at staying in character."

Diana felt a bit insulted and dumbfounded at the same time as she then stammered and blushed for a bit.

Diana: *Blushing* "I-I am no pretender, I am telling the truth."

(Y/N): "Alright let's prove it."

You then grab Diana's hand and she blushes a bit.

(Y/N): "Are you a princess of the amazons?"

Diana: *blushes*".....Yes..."

(Y/N): "You didn't squeeze my hand cause you were telling the truth."*sees Diana collapse onto the ground and faint*" Guess she needed to take a nap."

End of flashback

Jazz: "So what did you do after she passed out?"

(Y/N): "I took her to my apartment and gave her a place to stay until she found a place of her own."

After hearing what actually happened, Diana was blushing redder than Kara's cape and she was completely embarrassed and she stammered like an idiot.

(Y/N): "It's common for people to have a crush on someone when they forgot how they met their crush in the first place."

Jazz: "That's a good point."

Diana: "..............I am so....ashamed....."

(Y/N): "What's there to be ashamed about?"

Jazz: "Well she thought she had a crush on Steve but she was too much of a blushing mess to realize you were her crush."

You then lay your head on Diana's lap as she looks at you as we see the hero girls come in and they see you laying on Diana's lap.

Zee: *pouts*"How come he lays on her lap and now ours?"

Jessica: "He did meet her the first time she came here."

Jazz: "And because he gave her a place to stay until she can find her own home in the city."

Zee: "Fair enough."

Jazz: "I gotta say, you girls are lucky to have a guy like him."

Babs: "You don't have a boyfriend?"

Jazz: "Uh well, I sorta had one, but my mom said I couldn't see him anymore."

(Y/N): "Cause he's a ghost that is only using Jazz to get Kitty out of the Ghost Zone."

Diana: "How did you know that?"

You then get up, hold up a soda bottle and rub it and we see Desiree come out of it.

Desiree: "Kitty and I are gal pals."

Zee: "Makes sense, but why was he using Jazz to get Kitty out of the Ghost Zone? Couldn't she go through the portal?"

Desiree: "The portal was closed and her body was damaged, so she had Johnny transfer her consciousness to another body so she could possess Jazz via her items."

Jazz: "Yikes."

(Y/N): "It's a good thing she broke up with Johnny and now she's single."

Desiree: "I went back to the Ghost Zone and all the ghosts there heard about you turning the ghost king into a gold statue and they are eternally grateful for your selfless action."

(Y/N): "Huh, guess I'm a celebrity in the Ghost Zone."

Desiree: "You have no idea."

(Y/N): "Well I wish my fans from the Ghost Zone were here."

Desiree then snaps her fingers and you see Spectra, Kitty, and Ember wearing shirts that have your face on them and they were excited to meet you.

Kitty: "(Y/N)!"

Ember: "Thank you so much for saving us from the Ghost King!"

Spectra: "We're your biggest fans!"

(Y/N): "Cool, Desiree talked a lot about you girls."

Desiree: "Hello."

Kitty: "Man she's lucky, I wish I could live with you (Y/N)."

Ember: "Same here."

Spectra: "Me too."

(Y/N): "Desiree, if you please."

Desiree then snaps her fingers and we see luggage that belongs to Kitty, Ember, and Spectra appear near them.

Ghost girls: "Yay!"

Zee: " Uh well okay, this is really happening."

Sometime later, we see the ghost girls flying around in your apartment as the demihuman girls were a bit unsettled with them around.

Mya: "Oh dear, we have ghosts in here."

Cerea: " Is this the time we call sir Phantom?"

Miia: "Maybe."

(Y/N): *comes into the room*"Nah, they just moved in and are not causing trouble."

You then sit on the couch as we see Desiree appear next to you.

Babs: " And you're okay with this?"

Jessica: " Babs remember, he's autistic and he has a bunch of demihumans living in his apartment."

Babs: "Oh yeah."

(Y/N): "Oh by the way, Mya, Zena, and Pipi, I asked Kuroko if I can be your host family and she said yes."

Cerea and Miia: "What!?!"

Papi: "Yay!"*hugs Pipi*"Mommy you can stay with her with me and my friends."

Cerea: "Master be reasonable, my mother can be high strung at times."

Miia: "And my mom keeps pestering me about my lovelife and she even tried to steal my lovers."

Papi: " And my mom is nice so I don't mind her staying here, plus Kii and Suu would love to spend time with her."

You then see Pipi spending some time with Kii and Suu.

(Y/N): " Well I guess it's unanimous, the moms are staying."

Mya: *hugs you between her breasts*"Why thank you sweetheart."

Miia: "Mom!"

Mya: "Oh hush now Miia, you know he will be our communal husband back at home with the other lamia tribes."

Zena: "It is an honor to be your servant master, I will do my best to serve you in any way possible."

Cerea: "Mother!"

Zena: "I am your equal as a servant of our master, he can do what he wants with us. It is the way of the centaurs."

Cerea: *to you*"Master, please reconsider."

(Y/N): *pulls out of Mya's breasts*"Cerea, listen to your mother."

Cerea: "Yes, my apologies."

(Y/N): "Although with this many guests we definitely need to expand the place."

???: "Leave that to us."

You see Kuroko and a bunch of construction workers as everyone sees them work in your apartment.

Kuroko: "Since this place has gotten crowded, allow us to remodel it."

(Y/N): "Thank you Kuroko and one more thing."

Kuroko: "What is it?"

You then kissed Kuroko on the cheek as she blushed bright red.

(Y/N): "Jessica saw that you were feeling left out so I thought that would make up for it."

Kuroko: "U-um, thanks."

(Y/N): "While the remodeling is in progress, I better not get in their way."

Kuroko: "So you need a temporary home?"

(Y/N): "I know a good place."

Later, at Erina's house, we see you sitting on the couch and Taylor is sitting with you and you both see Kelly and Erina looking at each other as there was an awkward silence between them followed by crickets chirping.

Kelly: "Erina..."

Erina: "Kelly...."

(Y/N): "So how did you two first meet each other?"

Kelly: "Well, she tried to employ me at her brothel ever since she heard about my messy marriage with my husband."

(Y/N): "And before that?"

Erina: "We met in high school and I tried to convince her I know a way we can make money."

(Y/N): "What was it?"

Kelly: "Doing sexual favors for boys."

Taylor: "Why does that sound familiar?" *looks at Kyouka*

Kyouka: "Hey when you have a body like mine, options for a job are limited."

(Y/N): "Well Jessica works at a pet shelter even though she has a large butt."

Jessica: "Accurate but true."

(Y/N): "But is this what you want or is it what guys say you should do?"

Kyouka: "I... um... " *looks down* "I guess guys want me to be a slut who gives out BJs for money."

(Y/N): "How much?"

Kyouka: "10 hour...."

(Y/N): "Well you don't have to be that, you can be more than that, like Jessica, you can work with her at the pet shelter."

Jessica: "Yeah."

Erina: "So how did you two meet?"

(Y/N): "Oh I adopted her as a bunny rabbit when she was in a sexy bunny outfit when the shelter had bunnies to adopt."

Kyouka: "Wow... I was a slut but even I know not to dress in that kind of outfit to get attention."

Jessica: "(Y/N) saved me from becoming a teen mom, and believe me, being a teen mom is the last thing you want Kyouka."

Kyouka: "Hm, I guess you're right, maybe it's time I get a better job, one that doesn't make people see me as a slut or a bimbo."

(Y/N): "What would you do Erina, now that your sex work business went down?"

Erina: "I honestly don't know, what should I do?"

(Y/N): "You can run a strip club. It's like prostitution but minus the sex. Despite what many people claim, it's actually a well paying job."

Kelly: "Hmm, that seems reasonable, I guess."

Erina: *thinks about it*" I would put that under consideration."

(Y/N): "I know someone who can teach you some moves."*hands Erina a slip of paper*"Here's her number."

Erina: *Takes it* "Thanks."

(Y/N): "Thanks again for having us here while the apartment is being remodeled."

Kuroko: "Oh it's no trouble at all."

Jessica: *Stares at Kyouka's breasts* "Um, what is your cup size?"

Kyouka: "Oh I'm a K-cup."

Jessica and Taylor: "A K-cup?!"

Taylor: "Please tell me you didn't get plastic surgery?"

Kyouka: "No, mine are all natural."

Jessica: "Wow..."

(Y/N): "There's only one way to know for sure."

Kyouka: "I know, I know."

You then start groping Kyouka's breasts which didn't surprise her at all.

Kyouka: "And?"

(Y/N): "Yep, definitely a K-Cup."

Kyouka: *To Jessica* "Told you."

Jessica: "I'm guessing that's why your... popular?"

Kyouka: "Yep."

(Y/N): "Lindsay is a size J."

Kyouka: "Huh, a girl that is one cup smaller than me."

(Y/N): "Yep and Erina, here's another apology in a language you understand."

Erina: *feels you spanking her butt*"Eep!"

(Y/N): "Sorry, you have a spankable butt."

Erina: "It's fine, I get that a lot."

Jessica: " You get used to it, I should know."

Kyouka: "He spanks your butt too?"

Jessica: " Sometimes, I did trick him into searching for the want-ads if you know what I mean."

Kyouka: *Gets what Jessica means* "Ohh, nice."

(Y/N): "That would be the one and only time that would happen. Unlike some people I maintain boundaries and not give in lust like a wild animal."

Kyouka: "Hey I can show restraint."

(Y/N): "I'll pay you 50 bucks to bang Hal Jordan."

Kyouka: "Who's Hal Jordan?"

(Y/N): "See?"

Kyouka: "No this isn't for sex, who's Hal?"

(Y/N): "He's the jealous guy outside crying in the bushes about how poor he is because I'm staying in this house."

Kyouka then looks outside and sees Hal Jordan outside crying.

Kyouka: "Oh that guy, he tried asking me out on a date but I turned him down."

Jessica: "Why?"

Kyouka: "I'll give you a hint, it's not because he broke up with a girl over text."

Jessica thought for a moment and then realized what she meant.

Jessica: "You mean he's..."

Kyouka: "Not well equipped, yeah Carol doesn't have to deal with his tiny weenie."

Jessica: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "So you don't have a boyfriend?"

Kyouka: "No, I don't have a boyfriend."

(Y/N): "Well then, Erina, would you and Kelly like to go out?"

Erina: "Oh of course."

Kelly: "Fine, but I'm only coming along so that Erina doesn't take your V-Card."

Kyouka: "Wait, did you ask out two moms on a date?"

(Y/N): "Yep, would you like to come along?"

Kyouka: "Uh well... okay."

Jessica: "Seriously? You asked 3 girls out on a date and two of them are nymphos for sex."

Kyouka: "Former nympho."

(Y/N): "Another chaperone for you Kyouka would be good for ya."

Kyouka: "Plus, I... I want to go out with a boy and not give him a bj."

Jessica: "Alright."

Sometime later, we see you and the girls at Sweet Justice and we see you eating ice cream.

(Y/N): "So, Kyouka, how are you feeling now that you're not being... you know...having a sausage down your throat?"

Kyouka: "I guess I I'm free."

(Y/N): "That you don't have people seeing you as a harlot?"

Kyouka: "Yeah, I only did those things to pay my phone bill, then Erina exported me and I... just kinda went with it, I never thought not doing sexual favors would be so liberating."

(Y/N): "Guessing that's why you don't have someone special?"

Kyouka: "Yeah, well I did but we broke up after I used a strap-on on him."

(Y/N): "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

Kyouka: "It's okay, I'm used to being alone and being used by guys."

(Y/N): "Well you don't have to be used anymore, you can be with a guy you love."

Kyouka: *Smiles* "Thanks."

(Y/N): "What about you Erina? Were you ever married?"

Erina: "Um... sadly no."

Jessica: "But you have a daughter, did you have a wedding or something?"

Erina: "Oh well I was married, but it was an arranged marriage, to give birth to a daughter, and that's how our marriage went down."

(Y/N): "For real?"

Kyouka: "Nope, she had a sperm donor and well... had Leona."

Jessica: "So you never got married?"

Erina: "Nope, and as for the sperm donor. I had the sperm inseminate my egg the fun way and not the boring way."

Jessica: "The fun way?"

Kyouka: "She means she had sex with her sperm donor all night."

Jessica: "Ohh..."

Kyouka: "Yep."

(Y/N): "Well at least the pregnancy did wonders for your body Erina. The baby weight has made your butt and boobs bigger."

Erina: *giggles*"Oh (Y/N) you flatterer."

Kyouka: "Was (Y/N) always this blunt?'

Jessica: "Yeah, he's autistic."

Kyouka: "Oh yeah."

(Y/N): "Kelly, you have to make peace with Erina. The reason why I got you both in the same place is to make peace with each other."

Kelly: "I guess you're right, but I never really hated Erina, I just didn't like her job method, but that doesn't mean I can forgive her."

Erina: "Thank you Kelly."

We then see Kelly and Erina hug each other and then you join the hug.

Kelly: "So uh is it true that you did it with your maids?"

Erina: "Oh yeah, but it's mostly just to blow some steam."

(Y/N): "Well it's nice to see you two getting along."

Erina: "Yeah thanks to you."

We then see both Kelly and Erina hug you into their breasts as Jessica and Kyouka sees this.

Jessica: "Seriously? I can't believe you two made up and the first thing you do as friends is to smother (Y/N) with your breasts?"

Kyouka: "Want me to do it to you too?"

Jessica: "Thanks but I'm good, by the way Kyouka I have to ask, have you ever done it with a futa before?"

Kyouka: "Hm, not really, but the old me would do it with a futa, why? Are you a futa?"

Jessica: "Uh, no I'm not, but if I was I wouldn't be able to control my sex drive."

Kelly: "Well I say (Y/N) is enjoying our mommy milkies~."

(Y/N): *muffled*"Human female breasts are like a fleshy set of pillows if they're big enough."

Kyouka: "Mine are big too."

Jessica: "Well when it comes to moms, they have us beat."

(Y/N): *pulls out of their boob hug*"Yeah, I almost lost consciousness there for a minute. I could've died."

Kelly: "At least you could've died happy."

(Y/N): "True, but you two couldn't just suffocate someone to death with your boobs."

Erina: "Sorry."

(Y/N): "It's okay and who can blame you."*fondles Erina's boobs*"These are gigantic."

Erina: "Mmm, oh you flatterer~. Don't get too handsy there~."

(Y/N): "Sorry, your breasts are very soft."

Erina: *to Kelly*"I can see why you like him, Kelly."

Kelly: "Yeah, he can be a bit handsy but he means well."

Kyouka: "Why is he handsy?"

Kelly: "He measures a woman's breasts just by touching them."

Kyouka: "Really? And he doesn't get hit when he does it?"

Jessica: "Remember, he's autistic so he has different ways of doing things."

Kyouka: "Oh yeah, hm is he still a virgin?"

Jessica: "Yes' cause he respects our boundaries and he's not the kind of guy who jumps at it when there's a hot girl like us."

Kyouka: "Hm, alright we can go out with him and when the time comes we can do it with him, if he wants to of course."

Jessica: "Yeah trust me it would be awhile until we get married. But until then, we always have fun with (Y/N) in different ways."

Kyouka: "Like what?"

Jessica then explains to Kyouka how she does it and then Kyouka gets it.

Kyouka: "Gotcha, so we have to trick him in order to do foreplay, but is he okay with it?"

Jessica: *does a so-so gesture* "Ehh, sometimes. He doesn't like it when we trick him into doing foreplay, now we have to ask him for permission."

Kyouka: "Really?"

Jessica: "Yep, but after the first time he learned his lesson so we rarely trick him into foreplay. We can't use the same trick twice."

Kyouka: "Gotcha, we're so lucky to be here and not with the Maid Masters."

Jessica: "Maid who?"

Erina: "The maid masters are a notorious group of maid obsessed perverts that capture women in their maid cafe and rape them to the point where they become sex slaves."

Kelly: "Well (Y/N) might come up with something to put them in their place."

Kyouka: "Why?"

Kelly: "Cause he's gone."

The girls then look to see that you're gone and they turn to each other.

Kyouka: "Man, he makes a quiet exit."

Jessica: "Yeah he does that a lot, I just hope he doesn't do anything too drastic."

Erina: "(Y/N) seems like a nice boy, he wouldn't be the type to do anything drastic, would he?"

Kelly: "Well, he's not violent so he gets someone else to do the job cause he's not equipped."

Meanwhile, we see the Maid Masters bruised and beat up by Looma, Warmonga, and Sta'abi while you were watching the whole thing while eating a sandwich made by the maids.

(Y/N): *while eating a sandwich*"This is a good sandwich."

Miwako: "Thank you, um, do you require anything... else?"

(Y/N): *Gets what she means* "No thanks, just the sandwich."

Looma: "What is wrong with these girls?"

Sta'abi: "Is it not obvious? They have been subject to so much sexual slavery they assume any man wants to do it with them."

Warmonga: "These men deserve to have their blood spilled by us."

Looma: "Girls remember, we can't do that without (Y/N)'s permission." *To you* "Do you allow us to eliminate these criminals beloved?"

(Y/N): "Just beat them up for the next 10 minutes and then have the maids beat them up for an extra 45 minutes and then let the maids decide."*finishes the sandwich**to the maids*" Are you all okay?"

Reisa: "Yeah, thank you for helping us."

Warmonga: "Hm, and your mentality? How is it? You do not crave any sexual desires?"

Reisa: " Um, just a little bit."

(Y/N): "Hold on, let me slap some sense into her."*slaps some sense into Reisa*"Now how do you feel?"

Reisa: *After being slapped* "Ow!" *Sighs* "Much better." *looks at the others* "What about the other girls?"

(Y/N): "If they feel like they want to suck on a customer's dick, just slap them in the face to slap some sense into them."

Reisa: "Right."

Reisa then slapped Miwako, Asuna, and Ai as the three other girls came to their senses.

(Y/N): "A good slap in the face can be the best sure for any sexual thoughts."

You and the maids then see the alien girls beat up the maid masters for 10 minutes and we see the Maids beat up the Maid Masters for 45 minutes.

Miwako: *After beating up Teruhiko* "This is payback for all the times you raped me and the other maids!"

Reisa: *After beating up Kouya* "Yeah!"

Ai: "Rip their clothes up! And let's push them outside and let the world know what they look like!"

Maids: "Yeah!"

We then see the girls rip apart the maid masters clothing and shove them outside where everyone saw them naked much to their embarrassment.

Girl 1: "Ugh! Where's your decency, you pervs?!"

Girl 2: "Yeah!"

We then see police officers come in and handcuff the maid masters.

Officer 1: "Gentlemen, you are under arrest for indecent exposure! You have the right to remain silent! Anything you say will be used against you in court of law!"

(Y/N): "They also raped a bunch of cosplaying maids, and they're the maid masters."

Everyone: "What?!"

Officer 2: "Sounds like a rape crime."

Miwako: "They've been doing it for months now!"

Officer 1: "Months?! Oh that's it! You two and any other maid master are arrested for life!"

We then see the cops and throw them into the police car and they take them away.

(Y/N): "I want another sandwich."

Reisa: "Okay and thank you for saving us."

(Y/N): "You're welcome."

Looma: "What will you girls do now?"

Ai: "Well I don't know about you, but I don't think I can work in a maid cosplay cafe."

Miwako: "Same here."

Reisa: "Yeah."

Asuna: "Agreed."

(Y/N): "Hm, well you girls can always work at Sweet Justice."

Miwako: "Sweet Justice?"

(Y/N): "It's an ice cream place in Metropolis."

Ai: "Sweet."

Sometime later, we see you, Erina, and Kyouka at Sweet Justice and Erina then sees the maids now employed at Sweet Justice.

Erina: "Who are these girls?"

Miwako: "Oh we're the maids that (Y/N) saved from the Maid Masters thanks to his strong alien girlfriends."

Kyouka: "Where are they?"

(Y/N): "Over at a booth eating protein shake sundaes."

The girls then see Warmonga, Sta'abi, and Looma eating their protein shake sundaes.

(Y/N): "I'm their boyfriend and their fitness coach."

Kyouka: "Yeesh, they look like they can bench press the Daily Planet building."

Reisa: "Given their strength, it could be possible, but where are the girls gonna live?"

Miwako: *Remembers* "Oh yeah, I didn't think about that."

(Y/N): "Well there's my apartment complex, it has plenty of space and don't worry I won't do anything weird to you all. Plus, did you know the cafe you worked at had a one way mirror in the girl's shower?"

Reisa: "We did not know that." *shudders in discomfort* "That means, those two saw us naked while we're showering."

Erina: "Why did you bring that up (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Well while my apartment complex is being remodeled the girls put suggestions into the suggestion box and one of them was a one way window for me to see the girls in the group shower room."

Zee: "Gee wonder could have thought of that." *Looks at Erina who whistles innocently*

Ai: "Well I don't mind if it's you (Y/N)."

Reisa: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "Well to be honest it was actually Jessica's idea to have that one way window, she just asked Erina to write that suggestion down to avoid suspicion."

Jessica: "Um, yeah it's true."

Kara: "It's always the nice ones, but seriously Jessica?"

Jessica: "He never pays attention to us when I'm half naked and doing yoga."

(Y/N): "That's because I am watching a dinosaur documentary, but if you want the one way mirror in the girls group shower, I won't stand in your way."

Kara: "Seriously?"

(Y/N): "Well Jess does require a lot of attention, and I don't want her to feel neglected."

Jessica: "He's right, I am his pet bunny after all."

Miwako: "Um, what?"

Zee: "Uh, long story short, Jess dressed up as a playboy bunny at the animal shelter since it was bunny day and people got the wrong idea and (Y/N) saved her by adopting her and from becoming a teen mom."

Reisa: "Ohh."

(Y/N): "And now I clean her, brush her hair, and clean up after her when she does her business."

Jessica: "Yeah, as embarrassing as it is, it's true."

Kyouka: "Wow..."

Reisa: "And this is not unusual to (Y/N)?"

Jessica: "No, because he's autistic."

Maids: "Ohhhhhh..."

Ai: "That explains a lot."

Miwako: "So if we were naked right now, he wouldn't be phased by it?"

Kara: "Nope, anything weird to us is normal to him."

Reisa: "Okay."

Ai: "So he's just looking at the world from a different point of view?"

Jessica: "Pretty much, I do half naked yoga in front of him all the time and he's okay with it."

Reisa: "Wow he's a good boyfriend to have."

(Y/N): "Yep, you're free to do what you want girls, just as long as it's not sex related, but if it's really bothering you, I can help."

Reisa: "Really?"

Jessica: "It's true, he is good at foreplay but he draws the line at sex."

(Y/N): "It's true, I'm not one of those lust fueled jerks."

Reisa: "That's a relief."

Kelly: "You know, I heard there's an all girl's school where the doctor has some... questionable methods."

Erina: "What do you mean?"

Kelly: "One word: Hypnotism."

Erina: "He uses hypnosis to get girls to have sex with him?! That's low!"

Reisa: "Hey where's (Y/N)?"

The girls then see that you are gone and they look at each other.

Miwako: "Where did he go?"

Zee: "I think I know where, and the person that's gonna pay."

Kelly: "Who?"

Zee: "The doctor you mentioned, his name is Shinta Murakoshi."

Tatsu: "Shinta Murakoshi? I've heard of him, he's the new doctor at an all girls school."

Kara: "That guy is gonna pay dude."

Meanwhile, we see you looking through the medicine cabinet for some medicine as we see Shego beat up Shinta.

Shego: *While beating up Shinta* "You know Draken is bad, but guy is on a whole new low!" *to you* "Hey, how are the girls?"

(Y/N): "I've checked on them and I use a trick to break them out of hypnosis and now i'm doing an inventory check in the medicine cabinet."

Shego: "Why?"

(Y/N): "This office must be prepared for anything when one of the girls here has a cold or has a sore throat."

Shinta: *Struggling* "Please have mercy!"

Shego: *holds up a glowing fist*"Here's mercy right here!"

Shego then continues to beat up Shinta as you then find some Advil and you see a girl come in and she has a headache.

Girl: "I have a headache."

(Y/N): *gives the girl some advil*"Just take these until the headaches go away."

Girl: "Thank you."

We see the girl leave the room as we see Shego throws Shinta to a nearby wall. You then put some bandages on Shinta.

(Y/N): *writes on a piece of paper*"And here's your bill."

Shinta: *reads the price*"534 yen!?!"

(Y/N): "Yes." *To Shego* "Is there anything you can do so he can't hypnotize anyone?"

Just then we see the police come in as they see Shinta.

Shego: "Like calling the cops?"

Police officer: "Police! Shinta you are under arrest for rape!"

Just then we see a student come into the room and she sees Shinta getting arrested.

Sayuri: "What's going on?"

(Y/N): "Shinta hypnotized the girls of this school and rape them."

Sayuri: "But I'm not hypnotized."

Shego: "What? How?"

(Y/N): "He hypnotized people by saying words that will trick the mind, like this."*clears throat*"Dance like an angry ballerina."

Shego then gets hypnotized and then she dances around the room like an angry ballerina and then uses some dance moves to beat up Shinta and then you snap your fingers to get Shego out of the trance.

Shego: "Wait, was I dancing just now?"

(Y/N): "Yes, yes you were."

Sayuri: "Am I hypnotized?"

(Y/N): "One way to find out."*clears throat*"Once I snap my fingers you are free from Shinta's hold on you."

You then snap your fingers as Sayuri was freed from the hypnosis.

Sayuri: "Ughh, my head what happened?"

(Y/N): "Here's a detailed explanation."

One explanation later.

(Y/N): "That's pretty much everything."

Sayuri: "Ohh... I knew there was something about that doctor, I tried to save my sister but... but..." *saddened* "He got to me too. And the rest of the girls."

Shego: "Wait rest of them?"

Sayuri: "When he hypnotized me, he did it to everyone in the school."

(Y/N): "Do you know where the microphone to the school's PTA system is?"

Sayuri: "Yes, come on."

As you and Shego went with Sayuri, Shego noticed how most of the girls were either half naked or fully nude and acting as if it was normal.

Shego: "So uh... is being naked like a thing around here?"

Sayuri: *Sighs* "No, more of Shinta's manipulation and hypnosis. He made them stay naked and well...did things"

Shego: *Gets what she means* "Man, that guy really gets on my nerves!"

Sayuri: *arrives at the office*"Well here's the office. The microphone to the PTA system is in there."

You then head into the office and you then turn on the microphone.

(Y/N): "Attention students and staff, hear this."*clears throat*"Once I ring the school's bell you are free from Shinta's hold on all of you."

You then ring the school's bells all over the campus as the girls of the school were freed from Shinta's hypnosis and they all looked at themselves and covered themselves and screamed in embarrassment. You then get out of the office and you turn to Shego and Sayuri.

(Y/N): "Done and done, and I recommend a good therapist after what you all the other students have experienced."

Sayuri: "Noted."

Shego: "Glad I was in the neighborhood on my vacation."

(Y/N): "I had a feeling you were, now Sayuri what would you and the rest of the school do now after getting out of Shinta's hypnosis?"

Sayuri: "Well for one, we're gonna need a new doctor, one that doesn't hypnotizes and rape the students."

(Y/N): "Alright and after that?"

Sayuri: "Some of us might go to a new school or stay here."

Shego: "Well there's always Metropolis High, hypnosis free."

Sayuri: "Okay, my friends and I can go there."

(Y/N): "And my apartment complex has been remodeled to hold more guests. Also there's a one way mirror in my room that allows me to see the girls in the girls communal shower, just so you know. My girlfriend Jessica put that into the suggestion box for the new additions to the apartment complex."

Sayuri: "Okay it sounds like a nice place to live."

(Y/N): "I'll give the girls the news on you all coming to the apartment complex."*sends a text to Jessica*"There."

Sayuri: "Is she okay with it?"

(Y/N): "Yeah we have an open relationship."

Shego: "Fun fact about (Y/N) is that he has autism."

Sayuri: "That explains why he didn't react when he saw all the naked and half naked girls."

(Y/N): "Speaking of which."

You then go to the PTA system and speak into the microphone.

(Y/N): "Look through the lost and found for some clothes to wear until you go to a store to find some clothes to wear."

The girls did what you told them. After sometime, we see girls wearing clothes from the lost and found.

(Y/N): "Everyone all covered?"

Girls: "Yes."

(Y/N): "Good work, and it's a good thing there's a lot of stuff in the lost and found."

Sayuri: "Most of our uniforms were in there so that part was easy."

(Y/N): "So Sayuri, would you be so kind as to introduce me to your friends?"

Sayuri: "Of course, this is Yumeko, Etsuko, Chisato, Rie, and my sister Manami."

Manami: "It's nice to meet you."

(Y/N): "Nice to meet you girls."

Yumeko: "You too, and thank you for helping us and getting that doctor arrested."

(Y/N): "You are welcome."

Sometime later we see you all at the apartment complex and you all see how much it was remodeled.

(Y/N): "I see it's much bigger now."

Kuroko: "It sure is."

Jessica: "You should see what they did to the bathrooms."

You then open a door to the bathroom and you see how big it is now.

(Y/N): "Very spacious."

You then head to your bedroom and you see how big it is now.

(Y/N): "Now my room is bigger."*notices the large mirror* "Is that the-"

Jessica: "The one way viewing mirror to the girls communal shower room, yes."

(Y/N): "Looks nice."

Jessica: "Thanks babe."

(Y/N): "Anytime. Oh and the girls are in the living room."

Jessica: "The ones from the school?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

We later see the hero girls and Ryo talking to Sayuri and the others as they explained what happened to them.

Ryo: "Oh my god, that's horrible!"

Jessica: "What happened?"

(Y/N): "Here's what happened to them."

One very detailed explanation later.

Jessica: "That is horrible!"

Diana: "Truly despicable!"

Babs: "A crime against women everywhere!"

(Y/N): "Should I explain what happened one more time?"

Sayuri: "I think they get it."

Zee: "So you girls were hypnotized by a doctor at your school and you were all forced to have sex with him?"

Yumeko: "Unfortunately, yes..."

Zee: "Yikes, that's awful."

Ryo: "Yeah, it's almost as bad as what I had to go through, if it wasn't for (Y/N) here and Sta'abi saving me."

(Y/N): "You are welcome."

Reisa: "I love your apartment, it's really nice and I heard there's a one way mirror to the girls' communal shower room, why is that there?"

(Y/N): "Jessica suggested that, among other things."

Reisa: "She wants you to watch doesn't she?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Jessica: "It's true, he hardly pays attention to me while I am doing yoga half naked."

(Y/N): "Because I'm watching a documentary."

Jessica: "Well I am your pet right? And a pet requires attention."

(Y/N): "Well you're not wrong on that part, alright after remodeling the apartment complex, I should start paying attention to you more when you do your half naked yoga."

Reisa: "Pet?"

(Y/N): "I adopted Jessica as my pet bunny rabbit from a bunny day at the animal shelter to save her from being a teen mom."

Jessica: "It's true and now he doesn't treat me like a slave."

(Y/N): "And I do clean up after her, brush her hair, and give her food when she's hungry. And I do this to her."

Jessica: *gets spanked by you*"Eep."*giggles*"And I don't mind it one bit."

Sayuri: "You are so weird Jess."

Ryo: "Weren't you hypnotized by a crazy doctor."

Sayuri: "Fair enough."

(Y/N): "And speaking of weird."*to Jessica*"What other suggestions did you make for the remodeling of the apartment complex or did you make only one?"

Jessica: "Only one suggestion."*sees you that you're not convinced*".........followed by several other suggestions."

Zee: "Someone has it bad."

Jessica: *to Zee* "Like you wouldn't do the same?"

Zee: "Fair enough."

(Y/N): "So what kind of suggestions did you make?"

Jessica: "Well it was a bit tricky since I know you don't wanna have sex, so I kept them to a somewhat decent level."

Babs: "He means what kind of suggestions did you make about the remodeling of the apartment complex?"

Jessica: "Ohh. Uh well, other than the mirror, I did ask for a BDSM room, an apartment complex library with a porn section, a strip club for the apartment complex-"

Zee: "You suggested a strip club?"

Jessica: "(Y/N) is the owner so he would go to the strip club."

(Y/N): "And demi humans are allowed there too."

Kuroko: "Yes it is for both humans and demihumans both guests and dancers alike."

Zee: "And the porn Library?"

Jessica: "That was Paulina's idea."

Babs: "Your cousin?"

Jessica: "Yep."

Zee: "We haven't heard from her in a while, how is she doing?"

Jessica: "Oh she's doing great, in fact she's moving here."

Zee: "Really? Huh, I wonder how her school is taking it."

(Y/N): "If I have to guest, it might be going through a school wide apocalypse right now, or just crying whichever comes first. Or both."

Meanwhile at Casper High, we see a school wide apocalypse and everyone is sad and crying in sadness.

Paulina: "Uhh..."

Danny: "Don't go!"

Paulina: "You know you, Sam and Tucker can come visit right?" *whispers* "Ghost boy."

Danny: *Remembers* "Ohh, right..."

Back to you, we see you looking around the strip club and you see that there's a lot of girls here, both human and demi-human.

(Y/N): "Nice bar, good services."

You then put up a sign that says: Don't touch the dancers.

(Y/N): "And good rules too."

Zee: "So um, who are the entertainment?"

Jessica: "Oh since (Y/N) suggested doing a strip club to Erina so she and her crew are the entertainment along with veteran strippers like Erotica, Persephone, Catt, and Giselle."

Zee: "Gotcha."

Jessica: "That's just the human dancers, here are the demihuman dancers."

You then look at the demihuman dancers and you see a lamia, centaurs, kobold, and a harpy.

Zee: "Okay, I understand the lamia, harpy and kobold, but, and I'm not trying to be offensive, a centaur? How can a centaur dance?"

Kuroko: "We are currently working on that."

(Y/N): "While you're doing that, I think it's best to have the centaur girls be waitresses in maid outfits."

Jessica: "Yeah good call." *Outloud* "Okay to any centaurs here, you're the waitresses, it's not a specific thing but we don't want anyone getting hurt, sounds good?"

(Y/N): "Short version of that, we are currently making dance routines for centaurs that will prevent workplace injuries and property damage."

Centaur 1: "Okay."

Centaur 2: "That seems reasonable."

(Y/N): "Now is that all the demihuman employees?"

Kuroko: "We have doppelgangers so they can shapeshift into different girls or change their bust or waist size. We have Ogres both for entertainment and as guards for the door. And other demihumans that will be arriving here."

(Y/N): "Like Zombies?"

Kuroko: "Yep, and we have a private stage for you only."

(Y/N): "Where is it?"

Kuroko: *points to the door*"That door will lead you to it."

You then head through the door and you see the private stage and you look to see the bar has a lot of non-alcoholic drinks.

(Y/N): "Looks nice."

Kuroko: "Yep, we made it to your specifications thanks to Jessica."

Zee: "Non alcoholic drinks?"

Jessica: "What? I may have needs but even I draw the line at booze, plus (Y/N) doesn't drink alcohol even if he's in the legal age to drink."

(Y/N): "It's true, I drink only juice boxes and milk cartons."

Jessica: *Remembers* "Oh that reminds me, I gotta meet up with Paulina, she's coming soon."

(Y/N): "I'll take a look at the library if you need me."

Sometime later, we see Jessica meeting up with Paulina after her folks dropped her off.

Jessica: "Hey Paulina, how was the trip?"

Paulina: "It was great, I saw a lot of things on the way here."

Jessica: "Nice, I hope your friends took you moving out well."

Paulina: "It was... something. Where is (Y/N)?"

Jessica: "He's in the apartment complexes' library."

Paulina: "Can you take me to the library?"

Jessica: "Sure thing."

We see Paulina follow Jessica to the library and they see you reading the book about the philosophy of the Ship of Theseus.

(Y/N): "Hmm, I see. The new planks of the ship and the cleaned planks are the ship of theseus, it's the wood rot of the ship. Interesting."

Jessica: "Um (Y/N)? Why are you reading the book about the Ship of Theseus?"

(Y/N): "Oh because I want to tell the truth about your mothers' family van to your parents with philosophy."

Jessica: *nervously laughing*"Don't tell them."

(Y/N): "Alright." *Sees Paulina* "Hey Paulina, how's it going?"

Paulina: "Hey (Y/N), so what's the Ship of Theseus about?"

(Y/N): "It's a philosophical way of thinking of a boat called the Ship of Theseus and how every time it's been cleaned, repaired, and have parts replaced over the years and people asked is it still the Ship of Theseus or a normal boat that looks like the Ship of Theseus. A real life example of this paradoxical question is Jessica's family car, it's been crushed by Gigantic and torn to pieces and broken down by Jessica's friends so much that you have to question is it still Jessica's family van?"

Paulina: "Umm..."

Jessica: *Sighs* "(Y/N) I love you, but please no more philosophy."

(Y/N): "Well you have a lot to explain to your parents because they overheard my Ship of Theseus philosophy analogy on your family van while my phone was on speaker to your parents."

You then hold up your phone and Jessica sees that her mothers are on the phone.

Jessica: *Facepalms* "Why would you do that?!"

(Y/N): "Payback for making too many modifications to the apartment complex. But at least some are improvements."*hands the phone to Jessica*"Have a nice talk with your mothers."

Jessica: *talks on the phone to her mothers*"Hi mom and mama."

(Y/N): "At least they don't know about the superhero thing." *realizes* "Crud."

Siobhan and Angela: *over the phone*"What!?!"

Jessica: *to you* "(Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "My bad."

Siobhan: *over the phone*"You're a superhero!?!"

(Y/N): "Well at least I know where you got your big butt Jess, cause you got it from Siobhan's side of the family."

Jessica: "Not the time (Y/N), not the time."

Soon we see Jessica sitting on the couch with you and we see Siobhan and Angela looking at her.

Siobhan: "Soo, that ring you had wasn't a toy ring?"

Jessica: *Sighs* "No, I didn't want to tell you about it, and about my... other life" *looks at you* "But apparently someone couldn't keep it to themselves."

(Y/N): "Either you speak the truth or I speak it for you."

Jessica: "Fine, moms, I'm a superhero, and a space cadet at the Green Lantern Corps." *Gives you a brief glance*" I didn't tell you because I was trying to keep you safe, and a secret identity is supposed to be a secret."

(Y/N): *Feels a bit guilty* "I apologize for any stress between you and your daughter."

Jessica: "You forced me to tell them."

(Y/N): "Well I tell my parents everything, even what I had for lunch. Which is a guacamole sandwich."

Jessica: "Well there are some things you don't tell them, like being a superhero!"

(Y/N): "I'm sure your family will understand. Right Ms. and Mrs. Cruz?"

Siobhan: "Yes and Jessica, we are not mad but we are disappointed because you kept it secret from us."

Angela: "We can be very understanding Jessica."

(Y/N): "Especially when she doesn't use violence to defeat her villains, she just makes her foes beat themselves up."

Angela: "Well for everything you have done for the city and the world, we are proud of you."

Siobhan: "But you lied to your mothers, so you have to clean up the house for a week. And please don't bring in any more insects."*shivers*"I still have nightmares about those cockroaches."

Jessica: "Alright mama."

Then suddenly you spanked Siobhan's butt as you then spank Jessica's butt as well.

Jessica and Siobhan: "Eep!"

(Y/N): "Theory confirmed and-"

Jessica: "Not the time (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "It's in the name of science."

Jessica: "Well our bottoms aren't scientific."

Siobhan: "Uh what is the theory?"

(Y/N): "Jessica got her large butt from your side of the family."

Siobhan: "Oh uh, I see..."

Angela: "(Y/N), you're a nice boy but please don't do that to my wife even if it is scientific.."

(Y/N): "Alright."

Siobhan: "Angela, sweetie, he's just curious, you know how people with autism are."

Angela: "Alright, alright but still though I thought he would become a sexual deviant when Erina and her folks moved into his apartment complex after they added a strip club."

(Y/N): "Guess you're wrong and if you two wanted a couples retreat here, we have a spa here apparently cause Zee put the spa idea into the suggestion box. Or get off in our BDSM room."

Siobhan: "Oooo, Angela we should try out the BDSM room."

Angela: "Why?"

Siobhan: "Remember your new year's resolution that you want to try new things with me?"

Angela: "Yes?" *Realizes* "Oh."

Siobhan: "It would be fun."

(Y/N): *holds up a sheet of paper*"Wanna sign up for our rewards membership, it will give you enough points to give you a discount for your every stay."

Siobhan: "Oh sure."*writes her information on the sheet*"Done, now Angela wanna try out BDSM?"

Angela: "Alright, but nothing too intense, remember your back?"

Siobhan: "Right."

(Y/N): "I have a simple trick for your back problems."

You then pick up Siobhan from behind and then shake her up and down and then you put her back on the ground.

Siobhan: "Wow, I had some back problems for a while and thanks to that trick I feel much better."

(Y/N): "You're welcome and go wild Ms. Cruz."

Siobhan: "Thank you."*kisses you on the cheek*"Goodbye."*to Angela*"Come on baby, let's get kinky~."

We then see Siobhan take Angela to the BDSM room as you turn to Jessica.

(Y/N): "Your parents understand why you're a superhero, your moms are fulfilling their new years resolution, and this place has customers."

Jessica: "You have a way to convince people."

(Y/N): "I do."

Jessica: "And now my moms are gonna be trying out BDSM for awhile."

(Y/N): "Yep and one more thing."

You then kiss Jessica on the cheek as you then head back into the library. Later, in the library, we see you reading pron but you are not mastrabating cause you are reading for the story and not the erotic stuff.

(Y/N): "I don't get why people find these enjoyable, can't they just put in an actual story without overdoing it with the sex?"

Meanwhile with Paulina, we see her unpacking her stuff and settling into her new room as we see Jessica coming by.

Paulina: *Sees Jessica* "Hey Jess, how did it go with your folks?"

Jessica: "It went well, they understand and (Y/N) knows I got my big butt from mama's side of the family."

Paulina: "Oh come on, your butt isn't that big cuz."

Jessica: "(Y/N) think it's big."

Paulina: "Well it doesn't look that big, no offense."

Jessica: "None taken."

Paulina: "Although, to be fair you make the couch shake a bit."

Jessica: "What about you? Is your butt big as mine?"

Paulina: "Uh, well no."

Jessica: "Oh really?"

Then without any warning, Jessica lunged at Paulina and pulled down her pants and panties in one fluid motion as she saw her cousin's butt which unlike her's was plump and round and bubble butt like too but not as big as Jessica's butt.

Paulina: *Yelps* "Jess!"

Jessica: "Well your booty isn't as big as mine, but it's round and plump too."

Paulina: *sarcastically* "Oh real mature Jess, pantsing me again."

Jessica: *Gets up* "Oh don't act like you don't like it."

Paulina: "Oh yeah, back at you!"

Paulina then pulled down Jessica's pants and her panties too, much to Jessica's surprise.

Paulina: "There now we're even."

Jessica: "Okay I deserve that."

Paulina: "Yeah, oh hey where's (Y/N)?"

Jessica: "He's in the library reading porn and he's not masturbating he's only reading for the story."

Paulina: "Makes sense for him." *Gets out of her pants and panties* "Ah, that's better."

Jessica: "What are you doing?"

Paulina: "Just getting comfortable, besides you used to do this too when we had to share a room remember?"

Jessica: *Remembers* "Oh yeah, we go bottomless to get comfy."

Paulina: "Yeah, don't you still do that?"

Jessica: "Uh, well, I do even when (Y/N) is in the room cause I want him to spank my bare booty."

Paulina: "Has he?"

Jessica: "No."

Paulina: "Oh, looks like someone's in a dry spell huh?"

Jessics: "Yeah, look I love (Y/N), but he often doesn't catch the hint that I wanna have some fun. He can be a bit clueless sometimes."

Meanwhile in Amity Park we see Danny sneeze as he looks around.

Sam: "Danny you okay?"

Danny: "Either someone is talking about me or I smelled pollen."

Sam: "Probably pollen."

Back with Jessica and Paulina who are now bottomless and the door is closed.

Paulina: "Jess you know he's autistic right?"

Jessica: "I know, but sometimes I just wish he can just take a hint."

Then suddenly, both Jessica and Paulina feel something spank their butts as they turn around, they see nothing until we see you taking off a stealth suit that helps you blend into the walls.

(Y/N): "I can take a hint, just when you least expect it."

Jessica: "Alright, but this was a private conversation."

(Y/N): "Sorry about that, but I kept your conversation private by activating noise canceling earphones."

Paulina: "Guess (Y/N) has a lot of surprises, cousin. Almost as much as Hiro."

Jessica: "Hiro?"

Paulina: "This new girl at my old school, and her boyfriend Kouji."

Jessica: "Oh that's nice."

Paulina: "Not really, when I talked to Hiro and Kouji I could tell they weren't really in love, and Kouji was using her and her friend Rin as sex slaves."

Jessica: "That's awful."

(Y/N): *sent a text*"And done. Now we wait."

Jessica: "Wait for what?"

(Y/N): "You'll see, in 5 minutes from now we'll see Hiro and Rin come into the room thanking me for sending a ghost after Kouji."

Jessica: "Wouldn't it be easier to shoot Kouji with a tranq gun?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, It would but this is much more entertaining."

We then see a ghost portal open and we see Desiree come into the room with a cube containing Kouji and we see Hiro and Rin come into the room through the portal.

Hiro: *sees you*"You must be that guy who sent this ghost genie after Kouji!"

Paulina: *sees Kouji trapped in a prison cube*" He's in there?"

(Y/N): "Yep, I told Desiree about what Kouji does to Rin and Hiro and she just went ahead and put him in a prison of her own design."

Desiree: "No man should treat women like they are their own toys!"

(Y/N): "Hey Desiree, I got an idea for a ghost girls day out. Chase the bastard named Kouji."

Desiree: "What a great idea."

(Y/N): *sent a group text*"I sent a text to Kitty, Spectra, and Ember about it and they agree to it and they're bringing more of their ghost gal pals."

Kouji: *Scared* "Wh-what?!"

Desiree: "Don't worry, we'll give you a 30 second head start."

Sometime later, we see Kouji being chased by the ghost girls as we see Hiro and Rin eat popcorn while watching it.

Paulina: *to Hiro* "So did he really rape you and Rin?"

Hiro: " He was my sort of childhood friend. At first it was just harmless friend sex, but he got more aggressive and even started doing it with Rin, so yeah it was rape."

Jessica: "So after all of that, what are you gonna do?"

Hiro: "I honestly don't know, maybe we'll transfer to Metropolis High."

Rin: "Maybe move here."

Paulina: "Just so you know, there's a one way mirror to the girls' communal shower room in (Y/N)'s room because Jessica put that idea into the suggestion box."

Hiro: "Why?"

Jessica: "Well... it's just I have needs, and when (Y/N) adopted me as a pet saving me from becoming a teen mom, I just want him to have fun with me."

Hiro: "Ohh, Jess, I've been there before, sometimes things happen when they happen. We can't control everything, you just have to deal with it."

Paulina: "That's right, (Y/N) doesn't control everything, he just lets things happen and makes the best of it."

Jessica: "True."

Hiro: "So he's the autistic guy that's your boyfriend?"

Jessica: "Yep." *realizes* "Wait, how did you know he's autistic?"

Hiro: "He was at Casper High and humiliated that dumb jock in front of everyone by taking his belt."

Jessica: "I'm not even gonna question how or when he did that." *looks at Hiro's boobs* "Speaking of questions, what cup size are you?"

Hiro: "37H Cup."

Jessica: "That big?!"

Paulina: "Wait really?"

Hiro: "Yep, my sweater just fits me well."

Rin: "And I'm a F cup."

Jessica: "Jeez does every girl have boobs?"

Paulina: *Looks her own boobs* "Eh, I'm fine with my size."

Hiro: "One thing I don't get though, why are you two bottomless?"

Jessica: *Realizes she's bottomless*" Oh yeah, me and Paulina were just getting comfy, It's what we do."

Paulina: "Yeah."

Then both girls feel a hand on their butts as they see you touching their butts.

(Y/N): "I guess you're both equally plump after all."

Paulina: "Yeah but Jessica is the bigger one."

(Y/N): "I'm sure you might get a growth spurt."

Paulina: "Maybe when I'm 16."

(Y/N): "Okay."

Later on, we see Jessica doing her half naked yoga as usual and then suddenly she feels someone spanking her butt and it was you.

(Y/N): "Hey Jess, you're looking well."

Jessica: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "I thought I might give you some attention."

Jessica: "Like what?"

Frenchie: 10 minutes later

We see Jessica laying on the couch with her face warped in pleasure as you then get up.

(Y/N): "Now I see why guys want girls with big butts to sit on their faces. To trigger pleasurable stimuli on where the female parts are."

Jessica: "Or in simple terms, to pleasure girls, can you help me to my bedroom. Your tongue felt so good that I lost feeling in my legs."

(Y/N): "Sure."

You picked up Jessica in a bridal style and took her to her room and you placed her on the bed.

Jessica: "I think I might have wet dreams of that experience."

(Y/N): "Well you didn't want me to stop so it's natural, are you gonna be okay though?"

Jessica: "Yeah...that was so intense....I never knew your tongue was like that."

(Y/N): "Years of eating ice cream on waffle cones makes for good practice."

Jessica: "Huh, neat."

Later on, we see Paulina setting up her new room and feels like she needs a shower and to confirm that she smells herself.

Paulina: "Bleh, I need a shower."

Paulina then goes into the communal showers as she takes her clothes off and takes a shower with the other girls.

Paulina: "Hey girls, how's it going?"

Zee: " Hey Paulina, are you settled in yet?"

Paulina: "Just got my room setup, hey do you think (Y/N) is watching us while we're taking a shower?"

Diana: "It is possible, Jessica did say the glass is one way." *To Zee* "Which I do not understand."

Zee: "It means we can't see him but he can see us." *Sees Paulina's mole* "Oh, I didn't know you had a mole, Paulina."

Paulina: "I know, I know it's embarrassing but yes, my skin is nearly flawless, and I'm a little ashamed of it."

Diana: "But why? You have beauty and grace that rivals that of Aphrodite."

Paulina: "Yeah but it's on my booty though. Plus only people that know are Star, Valerie, and most of the girls back at Casper, and they swore never to say anything, except Sam."

Zee: "And now (Y/N) knows cause he might be watching us while we're taking a shower."

Paulina: "Key word being might."

Meanwhile, we see you reading the newspaper and you are reading about politics.

(Y/N): "Let's hope this next guy doesn't cause World War 3."*looks into the one way mirror*"Is that a mole on Paulina's butt?"

Back to the girls.

Leshawna: "He must be watching us take a shower in our birthday suits while he's reading a newspaper. He's not the kind of guy who would wack off on girls taking a shower."

Reisa: *Bitterly* "Unlike some people I know."

Leshawna: "Still thinking about your old boss?"

Reisa: "Yeah."

Leshawna: "Girl, don't think about your boss and think about your new man. The one man we all have the hots for."

Ai: "She's right, maid masters are arrested and can't hurt us Reisa."

Lindsay: "Yeah and now (Y/N) is on the other side of that mirror watching us getting ourselves cleaned."

Reisa: "Okay, but why would Jessica want to add a one way mirror to the girls communal showers?"

Lindsay: "Isn't it obvious? She wants (Y/N) to see us naked."

Reisa: "Make sense."

Paulina: *Notices freckles on Courtney's butt* "Huh, I didn't know you have freckles there."

Courtney: "Yeah, I know it's kind of embarrassing."

Paulina: "Not really, I mean I have a mole on my left butt cheek, that's embarrassing."

Courtney: "Really?"

Leshawna: "Girls, (Y/N) would call those beauty marks."

Courtney: "True, but this is (Y/N) we're talking about, he doesn't judge us by how we look, or our boobs or assess."

Lindsay: "Especially Leshawna's booty."

Leshawna: "And he cares about our feelings and not our bodies. Especially when it comes to girls who have booties like mine."*spanks her own butt*

Courtney: "And mine, I'm a 36 DD and my butt is 35 inches."

Lindsay: "Plus you said you're like a mini Leshawna."

Courtney: " Yeah, plus he doesn't mind Sierra stalking him."

The girls then see a window open inside the wall and they see Sierra stick her head out of it.

Sierra: "Whenever he's out and about, he eats the same sandwich from Subway. Cold Cut Combo with double meat and cheese with bacon, honey mustard, and mayo all on white bread."

Reisa: "How in the world do you know that?"

Sierra: "I see him come home with that sandwich for lunch."

Lindsay: *Realizes* "Wait, does that mean you know his fetishes?"

Courtney: "Lindsay that's... actually yeah, do you know?"

Sierra: "I tried looking into that and came out with nothing about fetishes. I looked through his search history, his collection of books, and I even asked him and he said he prefers pregnant women."

Girls: "Pregnant women?"

Diana: "Why do men in general like a woman bearing a child of their own?"

Lindsay: "Maybe it's like holding a gift?"

Diana: "Or perhaps our bellies?"

Paulina: "But why does he have a thing for pregnant women?"

Sierra: "I asked him that and he said it's the result of the consequences that both men and women endure because they forgot to use protection or they're too dumb to use protection or both."

Ai: "Oh, wait so Sierra, why are you in the walls?"

Sierra: "Oh I put in a suggestion to add secret halls in between walls of rooms. (Y/N) said it was a great idea to maximize my skills as his stalker."

Reisa: "Why are you stalking him?"

Sierra: "He wants me to get to know him better the only way I knew how. By stalking him and recording everything he does."

Courtney: "Makes sense, wait you do you stalk everyone?"

Sierra: "Yep why?"

Courtney: "Just a small question but, is my butt 35 inches?"

Sierra: "Nope, it's 40 inches cause you were crying while eating a lot of food because of a really sad movie."

Courtney's eyes went wide in shock after hearing the news from Sierra.

Lindsay: *to Courtney* "I told you not to watch that movie."

Paulina: "Which movie was it?"

Sierra: "It was called Big Fish by Tim Burton."

Courtney: "I eat when I'm sad okay!"

Sierra: "Which is also the reason why you ate all of Chef's food when Duncan got with Gwen."

Paulina: "I always knew you two had a messed up relationship, uh no offense."

Courtney: "Don't worry, I'm over him."

Leshawna: "Hey, while you're here, can you watch over (Y/N) and see if he's watching us taking a shower?"

Sierra: "Sure."

Sierra then closes the small window in the wall and leaves.

Lindsay: "So if Courtney is a Double D and has a 40 inch butt, that means she is a mini Leshawna."

Courtney: "Still calling me a mini Leshawna huh?"

Leshawna: "It's alright, after some sad movies you might get a booty like mine. If you're lucky, Leshawna 2.0."

Courtney: "Leshawna 2.0?"

Lindsay: "It's better than being called Princess or Doll Face."

Courtney: "Why?"

Leshawna: "You would be a plus sized girl with bigger boobies and a bigger booty."

Courtney: "I guess but I don't wanna be too big."

Leshawna: "That's understandable, I just don't get how you can fit in those capri pants."

Paulina: "Oh easy, get a expandable waistband or switch to pants made out of silk."

Courtney: "That's what my capri's are made of."

Paulina: "Yours too? I thought I was the only one."

Lindsay: "What is (Y/N) up to on the other side of that mirror?"

Meanwhile with you, we see you playing chess against an ancient set of armor and you put your queen by the opposing king.

(Y/N): "Checkmate."

You then look under the chess table and you then work on the mechanisms that only require an AI to move the chess pieces from below.

(Y/N): "Now that's done."

Just then we see Weiss and Blake burst in, jumping on the table making a mess and they're armed with their weapons looking for danger.

(Y/N): "Hey Weiss, Blake how's Yang?"

Blake: "She's okay."

Yang: *From a distance* "Babe, where are you?!"

We then see Ruby and Yang come in and see the mess their partners made.

Ruby: "Seriously Weiss?"

Weiss: "He said Checkmate and you named our combo move Checkmate so it's basically your fault."

Yang: "Yeah but why here of all places?"*sees you working on a mechanical chessboard*"What's with the chessboard and the suit of armor?"

(Y/N): "I thought someone would like to challenge themselves to a game of chess against a suit of armor. Which is actually an Ai that I made myself to operate the mechanisms to move its own pieces."

Yang: "Oh, uh well sorry about the mess."

(Y/N): "I thought you would be the one who makes messes and not your girlfriend."

Yang: "Why?"

(Y/N): "Cause Blake told me why you aren't allowed to open pickle jars."

Blake: "Sorry hun."

Yang: "Hey those pickle jars had it coming for my little sister and my girlfriend starved."

Blake: "It's a shame that you destroyed the kitchen at my parents house."

Yang: "I said I was sorry."

(Y/N): "And you need to watch your weight cause most of the food that you eat goes right to your thighs and breasts."

Yang: *Red eyes* "What?!"

Weiss: "Easy Yang, remember, he's autistic."

Blake: "But he's right, you have put on weight."

Ruby: "Why do you think we keep on giving you vegetables for your meals?"

Weiss: "Coming from the girl who eats cookies all the time?"

Ruby: *Blushes* "It's the cookies! They make me do it!"

Weiss: "Sure they do."

Yang: "Alright, alright I'll eat healthier."

Blake: "Thank you."

Yang: "Although, I can't say the same to you, Ms. Bellabooty."

Blake: *Blushes* "Touche, that would explain why you get handsy in bed."

Yang: "Well you can't blame me, you have a big kitty booty."

(Y/N): "It's true, it matches these."

You then grope Yang's breasts as she then blushes as Blake was shocked to see you do that to Yang of all people.

Weiss: "Yang... remember autistic...."

Yang: "He groped my boobs even though I can break him like a twig.......that took guts. And I respect him for that."

(Y/N): "Thank you and I think it would take even more guts to do this."

You then spank Blake on the butt as Yang saw it happen right in front of her.

Blake: "Eep!"

Yang: "It's like you're not even afraid of getting killed. Respect."

Weiss: "He's autistic Yang, remember, he thinks differently, what we think is weird is normal to him."

Yang: *Remembers* "Yeah but still, pretty gutsy moves for a guy like you."

(Y/N): "Yeah I guess."

Blake: "Yang do you think that you're letting (Y/N) go a bit far?"

Yang: "Nah, I'm thinking we should spice up our relationship."

Blake: "How?"

Yang: "We can be (Y/N)'s girlfriends."

Blake: "Alright, I guess I'll give it a try and see where it goes."

Weiss: "I can't believe you two agreed with each other on having the same boyfriend while being girlfriends at the same time."

Blake: "Well if we want kids, I don't want my kids to be from someone who is a bad person."

Yang: "Yeah ditto on that cause I want my kids to be bad but not bad-bad more like motorcycle bad kid bad."

Ruby: *To Weiss* "Plus, other than a sperm donor, how are they gonna have kids?"

Weiss: "Good point."*sees a one way mirror*"Why do you have a window to the girls' communal shower room?"

(Y/N): "It was Jessica's idea."

Yang: "Oooo kinky~."

Blake: "Yang please."

Yang: "What? Isn't it exciting, girls taking a shower and you get the front row seat to it, plus I might see that bare bellabooty of yours when you're taking a shower."

Blake: *blushes*"Why do you keep mentioning my butt?"

Yang: "Hey, be proud of a booty like that babe. It definitely got my attention."

Blake: *Chuckles* "Yang."

Blake then kisses Yang on the cheek as we see Yang pull Blake in for a kiss on the lips and then she pulls away.

Weiss: "Ever since they got together, they got weirder."

Yang: "Hey love makes you do weird things Ice Queen."*picks up Blake in a bridal position*"Wanna have some fun in bed~?"

Blake: "Anything to make this kitty purr~."

We then see Yang and Blake head back to their room as you then turn to Ruby and Weiss.

(Y/N): "Wanna try out this chess game with the suit of armor?"

Weiss: "Anything to get that image out of my brain."

Next: Chapter 11: Yes Day

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