Chapter 9: Anonymous Letter

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Here we see you going through your mail and you got a strange black letter.

(Y/N): "What's this?"

You then open the letter and you see it looks like it's a death threat in the form of a poem.

(Y/N): "Huh weird, I wonder what D stands for?"

Sometime later we see you in the apartment as Jessica was seen doing some yoga.

Jessica: "So, you got a letter from someone named D."

(Y/N): "I asked Diana if she wrote it and she said that she didn't so I got it to Kuroko and see if she can figure out who wrote it."

Jessica: "Well you should be careful sweetie, perhaps someone is out to kill you."

(Y/N): "Maybe it's from a demihuman. "

Jessica: "What demihuman would wanna send you a death-threat?"

(Y/N): "Let's ask one. Hey Doppel, did you write this poem?"

Doppel: "Why would I give you a poem when I'm terrible at poems?"

Tio: "It's true."

You then hand the poem to Doppel and then she reads it.

(Y/N): "Do you think this letter belongs to a demi human whose name starts with D or their species start with D?"

Tio: "Eh, maybe but we can't know for sure."

(Y/N): "One way to find out. I'll draw out the person who wrote it by going out with you girls."

Jessica: "Sounds like a good idea, but who's first?"

(Y/N): *points to Tio*"Let's start with her."

Tio: "Yay!"*grabs your hand*"Let's go now!"

We then see Tio run out the door knocking off of it's henges by accident while holding onto you.

Doppel: "Tio you giant! You broke the door again!"

Tio: *Off-screen* "Sorry!"

Doppel: *Sighs* "I'll call the door repair person." *To Jessica* "Also, Jess, are you always bottomless when you do yoga or is that to get (Y/N)'s attention?"

The camera zooms out to reveal Jessica is bottomless.

Jessica: "I need more flexibility, I don't do it all the time to get our boyfriend's attention."

Meanwhile, we see Tio trying on some new clothes and you were there and you were the only guy in a lingerie shop.

(Y/N): "I'm only here cause she brought me here."

Girl 1: "You mean that girl that is like 20 feet tall?"

(Y/N): "Yeah and she's an ogre and she's a nice girl, she's just very clumsy."

Tio: *From inside the dressing room* "Sweetie... um can-can you help me?"

(Y/N): "What is it?"

Tio: *from inside* "Umm... my underwear, it's stuck and I... need help."

You went inside where you saw Tio in her underwear and then you grabbed onto her undies.

(Y/N): "Alright, on 3 we take these off. Ready and 3."

We see you and Tio pull the undies down and now she's bottomless and you can see her barebutt.

(Y/N): "Huh, one of these butt cheeks is around 20x bigger than a pumpkin at least."

Tio: *Blushes* "Umm....this is...awkward..."

(Y/N): *holds up Tio's underwear*"Man you can fit 3 people in these undies."

Tio: "Yeah, but sweetie can I um, have my underwear back?"

(Y/N): *hands Tio her undies*" Oh sure, here you go."

Tio: "Thanks, sorry you had to see my giant butt."

(Y/N): "Hey it's no problem, you're just wearing clothing that is a bit on the small side for a girl your size. I can always make you clothing that can fit you."

Tio: "Really? Thank you sweetie!" *Hugs you in her large boobs*"You're the best boyfriend ever!"

(Y/N): *muffled*"No problem. Um, Tio, you know you're still bottomless, and wearing only a bra, and all the girls are staring."

Tio noticed and saw the stares she was getting, mostly from the girls which were mostly envious looks.

Girl 1: "I wish I had a body like hers."

Girl 2: "Same here, with boobs like that she's gotta be popular."

Girl 3: "And I wish I had a boyfriend like him."

(Y/N): *Muffled* "Well you should get aching backs and bills for furniture repairs."

Girl 3: "Um, what?"

Tio: *from the dressing room*"He said something about aching backs and broken furniture."*lets go of you*"Sorry babe."

(Y/N): "It's okay."

Sometime later we see you and Tio are in the park and she was hugging an alligator with one arm.

(Y/N): " Tio we've been over this, you can't bring back a pet alligator, especially the ones from the wild."

Tio: "Ehh? But this one is cute."

(Y/N): "If you're gonna have a pet it's gonna be something manageable like Sharptooth."

We then see Sharptooth pop out of Tio's boobs as she sees him.

Tio: "Aww, okay."

Tio then throws the alligator back into the water and sighs in sadness.

(Y/N): "It's okay Tio, you can still look at them, you just can't take them."

Tio: "Okay."

Zombina: *over coms*"Hey Tio, time's up so it's my turn with the kid."

Tio: "Aw come on Zombina, a little bit longer?"

(Y/N): "I think if we stay around long enough, we can feel the green fire of envy from the women around us."

Tio looked and saw the women staring at her with envious stares.

Tio: "Okay, but next time we go to Sweet Justice, I wanna try their ice cream."

(Y/N): "Noted. Or how about this, we all finish the day with ice cream."

Tio: "Good idea."

Sometime later we see you and Zombina come out of a movie theater after watching a zombie movie.

(Y/N): "The special effects team with practical effects rather than CGI, it is much more realistic and they were diverse with the varieties of zombies."

Zombina: "What do you think of the plot of the movie?"

(Y/N): "Killing a girl just to make a cure for a fungal type infection is not scientific, they don't have to kill the girl in order to make the cure. If you want a zombie movie done right, you gotta make sure you combine story and science."

Zombina: *Surprised* "Um, okay."

(Y/N): "If someone is an expert in chemistry they should know that."

Zombina: "Huh good point."

You then noticed that Zombina's left hand was gone.

(Y/N): "Hey what happened to your hand?"

Zombina: "Huh?" *Sees her left hand isn't there and it's on the ground* "Aw crap, again? This is always a pain."

(Y/N): "Don't worry I got some sewing string that will last."

Sometime later, we see you sewing Zombina's left hand back on in a changing room

(Y/N): "There, this string can last up to 12 to 20 months."

Zombina: "Thanks..." *in her head* "There's gotta be a way to make him blush, or at least get him a nosebleed." *Gets an idea* "I got it."

As you were putting away your sewing kit Zombina undoes her stitching holding her right boob as it falls on the floor. You then picked up her right boob and didn't react to it at all.

(Y/N): "Huh, must've come undone on its own. This is a simple fix."

You then casually sewed Zombina's right boob back on as Zombina was completely shocked at how casual you are about sewing a boob back on her body.

Zombina: *in her head* "What the hell?! How is this guy not even freaked about sewing a boob back on a girl's chest!?" *Feels you touching her boob* "Ah~."

(Y/N): "You okay?"

Zombina: *Blushes* "I-I'm fine, I'm dead and so I don't feel anything."*in her head*"But I did feel that... crap why did I make a noise?"

(Y/N): "So your nervous system shuts down so you don't feel any pain? Or anything at all?"

Zombina: "Uh well, I can still taste stuff."

(Y/N): "You have felt me doing this."

You then start groping Zombina's boobs as she then moans a bit.

Zombina: *Moans* "O-okay, my breasts... I can feel t-that."

(Y/N): *stops groping* "I see, so you don't feel pain but you feel pleasure. How does that work?"

Zombina: "Well it's complicated but long story short, most of my bodily functions still work like eating food or taking a crap at the can."

(Y/N): "I see."

Zombina: " I don't understand, how are you not disgusted by this, most people would run away by now."

(Y/N): "Well I'm not most people, I have seen horror movies since I was 3 years of age and I'm numb to anything disgusting. And you're not a rotting corpse, you're a beautiful, strong, and independent woman that is fresh from the morgue."

Zombina: *blushes*"I think I feel my heart beating again."

(Y/N): "Is that another thing that happens?"

Zombina: "Sometimes...."

Manako: *over coms*"I think I should take over before Zombina suffers a reverse heart attack."

Sometime later, we see you and Manako walking in the park and you see that Manako is bumping into things because she's wearing a big hat that is covering her big eye.

(Y/N): "Uh you should take the hat off so you can see where you're going."

Manako: "What?" *Bumps into a lamppost* "Ah!"

You then grab Manako's hat and get it off of her as everyone then sees her face.

Girl: "Oh my gosh..."

Manako: "I was afraid this might happen..."

Girl: "Where did you get those shoes?!"

Manako: "Eh?"

Girl: "I can't believe Monoeyes have a great taste in shoes."

Manako: "So you're not freaked out about my eye?"

Girl: "Oh no your eye is beautiful, I can't believe your boyfriend is lucky to have a girl like you in his life."

(Y/N): "See, your hat is off of your head and no one is giving you a hard time."

Manako: "I guess you're right, I was so worried about people judging my appearance that I didn't know there would be nice people."

(Y/N): "Well your eye is nice to look at."

Manako: *Blushes* "Th-thank you..."

(Y/N): "No problem."*to the girl*"Also Manako gets her shoes at the thrift store a few blocks from here to save money."

Manako: "Ah, (Y-Y/N)!"

Girl: "Wow... thanks for the advice."

(Y/N): "Yeah it's a good way to save money and recycle old stuff so they can feel new again."

Manako: "Uh...yeah..."

Doppel: *over coms*"Okay my turn cause you are so close to making Manako die from embarrassment."

Sometime later, we see you sitting with Doppel at a museum and most of the people there are weirded out by how Doppel looks.

Doppel: "What's everyone looking at?"

(Y/N): "They're probably thinking that you're an exhibitionist and not a doppelganger."

Doppel: " Oh, well who cares what they think cause this is my natural look."

(Y/N): "Yeah."*to the people of the museum*"She's a doppelganger, this is just her natural look."

Everyone: "Ooooh."

Doppel: "Thanks, for not getting people to think I'm some pervert who likes to be seen naked."

(Y/N): "No problem."

As you and Doppel walk around the museum we see some girls feeling down that they're not brave enough to walk around naked like Doppel.

Doppel: *Notices the girls looking down* "What's their deal?"

(Y/N): "They're sad that they can't show their naked body off in public like you do. Because public nudity is against the law."

Girl 1: "The body is a beautiful thing so why can't we show it?!"

(Y/N): "Hey Doppel, got an idea to help these girls?"

Doppel: "Hmmm, a few but I don't think the police or guys would think differently, and accidentally turn them into teen moms."

You then see a statue of the Thinker and get an idea.

(Y/N): "What if they're part of the art?"

Doppel: "What, like volunteering for an art class where they paint portraits of nude people?"

(Y/N): "Not exactly."

Sometime later, we see a bunch of girls naked and covered in metallic paint like gold, silver, bronze and other metallic colors as we see a tour group walk by.

Tour guide: "And here we have a group of people who painted themselves to look like statues. This is called living statue art and it's thanks to our resident Doppelganger named Doppel and her boyfriend (Y/N) who came up with this addition to our collection."

Everyone clapped and both you and Doppel then fist bumped for a job well done.

Doppel: "Oh yeah, now that's what I call using your noggin."

(Y/N): "Not bad for our date at the museum."

Girl 1: " Can we move now?"

Girl 2: "My butt itches."

Doppel: "Don't worry, the manager did say you can take a 30 minute break soon."

(Y/N): "Which starts right now."

The girls all broke their positions and sighed in relief.

Girl 2: "I thought I would be here for hours."

Sometime later, we see you and Monster Ops girls at Sweet Justice and we see them eating ice cream as Lois Lane the school journalist at your school sees you with the Monster Ops girls.

Lois: "Holy smokes, how is he with girls like them?"

Zombina: *Overhears what Lois said* "Excuse me?"

(Y/N): "Oh that's Lois, she writes the school paper and she nearly ruined the lives of the Superhero Girls just to get an internship at the Daily Planet."

Lois flinched a little at your bluntness recalling the time she almost did reveal the identities of the Superhero Girls.

(Y/N): "And almost got herself and her assistant Olsen killed by a giant acid monster by throwing a rock at it and did not add Jessica's column to the school paper."

Lois: "Okay okay, you don't have to-"

(Y/N): "And she ran into the boys locker room while there were still guys in there."

Lois: *Blushing* "........Do you have to bring that up!?!"

Zombina: "Yeesh, and I thought Smith had issues but she's a complete wreck."

(Y/N): "And she sticks pencils in her hair and when she asks for a pencil I would tell her to look into the mirror."

Lois: "That was one time!"*sees you make an unconvinced look*"Followed by 500 other times."

(Y/N): "And she's Leslie's first victim of her pranks."

You then hold up a picture of Lois getting pranked by Leslie as the Monster Ops girls laughed.

Doppel: *Laughs* "Oh man, that's so funny."

Lois: *blushes in embarrassment*"Why....did them that?"

(Y/N): "Because you owe some demihumans some apologies."

You then pull up a newspaper that has the headline saying "Interspecies Exchange: Peacekeeping or Warmongering".

Lois: "Oh yeah...."*sees you take the pencils out of her hair and you break them in half*"Uh....I needed those."

(Y/N): "That's what you get for using the newspaper to make people's lives miserable, bitch."

Zombina: "Yeah, we aren't even doing anything wrong, it's reporters like you that give us a bad name."

Lois: "What about that director guy? He is a professional director of the bill and you chased him out of your house."

(Y/N): "That guy was a perv who was trying to sell Rachnera's webbing, Miia's shedded skin, and Papi's egg to the black market. Plus he wasn't even a real director or even worked for the bill."

Doppel: "Yeah that perv was a criminal."*changes into Lois*"Look at me, I'm Lois Lane and I want that internship, so here's an idea. Make the lives of Superheroes miserable."

(Y/N): "Has it ever occurred to you that your stories have consequences, if you say the wrong words then you will hurt people without realizing it."

Lois: "Okay, I get your point."

(Y/N): "Good, now squat down for a second."

Lois: "What?"

We then see you and Lois squat down and dodge an attack from a girl with dragon wings as we see Tio grab the table and throw it at her. It was revealed to be a Dragon-newt named Draco and she's trapped under it.

Draco: "Dang you! Give me Miia! I know you have her!"

(Y/N): *holds up the letter*"Then did you write this?"

Draco: "What are you talking about, I didn't write that."

(Y/N): "I see, well you better think again when you try to harm a human like me and Lois."

Zombina: "Not her again, she tried to make Miia her bride but what she wanted was a friend who is a reptile like her."

Lois: "Wait, she's a girl?!"

(Y/N): "Um, yeah, you didn't know? Allow me to show you."

Lois: "Wait what?"

You then undress Draco and reveal the undergarments that most women would wear.

Draco: *Blushes* " Ah! Hey!"

(Y/N): "She's not a boy, she's just very petite."

Draco: *covers herself up*"What kind of sick perv does that to a girl!?!"

(Y/N): "Actually I'm autistic and I'm not a pervert, and just proving a point."

Draco: "Oh."

Zombina: "How about we throw her back with the rest of the dragon newts?"

(Y/N): "How about I be her host family, that way Miia won't be the only reptile in the apartment."

Draco: "Heck no! I-"

(Y/N): "Would you rather have Smith angry or have me as your host family."

Draco: ".....Fine. At least I get to see Miia again."

(Y/N): "Now let's finish our ice cream date."

Sometime later, at your apartment, we see Draco hugging Miia very tightly as we see Miia try to push Draco away.

Miia: "Why is she here again?"

(Y/N): "To keep her from causing any more trouble."

Draco: "Miia! I miss you so much!"

Miia: * tries to push Draco away*"I don't."

(Y/N): "Well it looks like Draco is not the one who wrote that letter."

Miia: "What letter?"

(Y/N): *pulls out the letter*"This one."

Miia: *Reads the letter* "Hmm, well it definitely wasn't from Draco."

Draco: "Nope, and who cares!?"*hugs Miia*"I'm with Miia now!"

(Y/N): "You know since Lamias are an only female species that would make them bisexual by instinct."

Miia: "Uh, w-well I do like girls but I do not want to make out with women."

(Y/N): "Don't worry, it's natural to have those kinds of feelings. Besides, you're not the only bisexual demihuman here. Rachnera's species is naturally bisexual as well."

Draco: "It's true, most species are naturally bisexual. But for me, I'm a lesbian."

Miia: "Really? You don't have a boyfriend?"

Draco: *Slightly sad* "Most males just stay away from me because they think I'm a guy."

Miia: "Oh, but what about (Y/N)?"

Draco: "Oh he knew that I was a girl right off the bat."

(Y/N): "You have to make sure to listen carefully to the voice."

Miia: "And was groping them necessary?"

(Y/N): "Nope. I just have good hearing like Rachnera might pop out of nowhere right above your head Draco."

Draco: "Huh?"

Suddenly, Draco was now in Rachnera's webbing and binded from head to toe as we see Rachnera come up from behind Draco.

Rachnera: "My, my, a little dragonewt, what are you doing here?"

Draco: "(Y/N) is my host family here."*feels the bindings get tighter**moans*"Damn you spider..."

(Y/N): "Who needs a guard dog when you have a guard spider right Miia?"

Miia: "Now I can finally breathe without a dragonewt trying to smother me."

(Y/N): "Have fun with Rachnera for awhile, Miia is going clothing shopping with Zee and Jessica. I'm taking Papi and Suu to the forest for an outdoor picnic."

Draco: "What?! No! Don't leave me with this spider!"

Draco gets gagged and we see Rachnera pulling her bindings tighter as Miia thought of something.

Miia: *In her head* "Is this how Darling feels when I do this?"


We see a montage of Kimhito getting strangled and smothered by Miia.

Kimihito: *Struggling* "M-Miia...! Please...! I gotta make breakfast...!"

Miia: *While smothering Kimihito* "10 more minutes."

End of flashback

Miia then had a sudden realization.

Miia: *Embarrassed* "Ohh my god! I'm Draco's darling!" *To Rachnera* "Um, Rachnera, can you let Draco go?"

Rachnera: "What? But-"

Miia: "Just do it."

Rachnera: "Alright."

Rachnera then gets Draco out of the webbing as she then falls to the floor.

Draco: "Owwie..." *sees Miia* "Miia!"

Miia: "Um, look after some thinking, I'll let you hug and or cuddle me, not because I feel sorry, but... because I now know what my dar-... Kimhito feels."

Rachnera was a little surprised by what Miia said, she didn't call him Darling like she usually does.

Draco: "Miia, thank you."

Miia: "But my heart goes to (Y/N), and maybe you if you play your cards right."

Draco smiled with happiness as Rachnera was dumbfounded by this.

Rachnera: *In her head* "Guess Miia living with an autistic kid has helped her to become more mature."

(Y/N): "Guess it takes a guy with autism to help a snake grow up a bit. Welp anyways, come on Papi and Suu, let's get going."

Papi: "Yay!"

Suu: "Suu!"

You, Papi, and Suu then leave the apartment as we see Draco hug Miia's arm.

Miia: "You're not gonna let go are you?"

Draco: *Smiles* "Nope." *Tail wags in happiness*

Miia could only roll her eyes a bit and then she accepted it. Later, in the forest, we see Papi and Suu playing in the forest while you are making sandwiches.

(Y/N): "Remember to stay away from the poison ivy, and anything else that's dangerous."

Suu: "Suu."

Papi: "We promise!"

(Y/N): *Sees a good spot* "This is a good spot Papi, if there's no trash here."

Papi: "Yeah that's a really good spot, but I don't remember why it's a good spot, maybe I've been here before?"

Suu: "Suu."

You could only sigh a bit at this scene.

Kuroko: "I don't get why I had to come along." *Hits a mosquito* "Ow."

(Y/N): "Just in case something happens to me, there has to be someone else equally responsible to watch over Papi and Suu."*sprays Kuroko with bug spray* "Now the mosquitoes won't bite you."

Kuroko: "I am not much for outdoors."*trips on a root*"Woah!"*falls on the ground*"Ow..."

(Y/N): "Which is why I brought you here, and because the others told me you put all your work on them."

Kuroko: *Groans* "Fine."

Papi: "Man, I forgot something important that was so long ago."

You and the others then hear something and you both then see what looked to be a giant plant monster.

Papi: "Now I remember!"

(Y/N): "Run!"

Everyone ran away from the giant plant monster as they were all somewhere else which was under a bridge.

(Y/N): *Pants* "Kuroko, I thought you said that place didn't have any other demihumans."

Kuroko: "How would I know if there was a Dryad here!?!" *sees you doing a "are you serious?" Look* "No seriously I have no idea she was here."

(Y/N): "I'm calling Pam."

You then pull out your phone and call Pam for help.

Pam: *over the phone*"Hello?"

(Y/N): "Pam, hey, listen, we're kind of dealing with a situation here."

Pam: *over the phone*"What kind?"

Kuroko: *Into the phone* "We have a Dryad running amok!"

Pam: *over the phone*"I can see that."

You and the others then see Pam come out of nowhere from behind a tree.

Kuroko: "Were you there the whole time?"

Pam: "Nope, just looking for the people responsible for dumping toxic waste here."

(Y/N): "Toxic waste?"

Pam: "Yes, someone's been illegally dumping chemicals in this forest."

Pam then sees the Dryad and then she transforms into her appearance as Poison Ivy.

Pam: "Is that the dryad?"

Papi: "Yes, just don't hurt her."

(Y/N): "Which is why we're using diplomacy."*walks up to Pam*"One beanstalk please."

Pam: "On it."

Pam then grows a very large beanstalk while you and the others were on the leaves and you all see the person controlling the giant plant monster.

(Y/N): "The giant monster is a giant mech and she's the pilot."

Papi: "That's my friend Kii, she was in a car crash and she was very weak, so I planted her in this forest so she can grow."

(Y/N): "Why didn't you mention Kii?"

Papi: "Because I forgot."

Kuroko: *Sighs* "Typical."

(Y/N): "Try reasoning with Kii."

Papi: "Right."

Papi then flew up to Kii and then talked to her.

Papi: "Kii it's me, don't hurt my master, Smith, and Suu. They don't mean any harm."

Kii: "Papi?"

Papi: "Yes! It's me... I think? Yes it's me!"

Kii: "Then why are you with these humans?"

Papi: "(Y/N) is my master and Pam is a plant like you."

Pam: *Off-screen* "It's true."

Papi: "Kii why are you doing this?"

Kii: "It's humans, they're ruining my forest."

(Y/N): "I'm not an associate of anyone who tossed away trash here."

Kuroko: "Neither am I."

(Y/N): "Can we call a truce?"

Kii then wraps you and Kuroko up in vines before either one of you reacts.

(Y/N): "Guess not." *to Pam* "Pam."

Pam: " Right."

We then see Pam use vines to try to grab Kii as we see Kii fight off Pam's vines as we see one of the vines knock Suu off of the beanstalk and she falls into a large container of chemicals. We see you and Kuroko struggling to get free.

Kuroko: *Struggling* "Gah! I just wanted to take a nap! Is that so much to ask?"

(Y/N): "Afraid so."

Papi: "Wait, where's Suu?!"

Just then we see you and Kuroko then get grabbed by a giant slimy hand and you turn to see Suu as a giant and she places you and Kuroko in her giant bosom.

(Y/N): "Suu?"

Suu: "Hi Master."

(Y/N): "Diplomacy has failed."

Suu: "We use force now?"

Pam: "We can't hurt it, it's against the law."

(Y/N): "Demi humans can't hurt humans and vice versa."

Kuroko: "But that doesn't mean demi humans can't hurt other demi humans."

(Y/N): "Suu gets her off of her feet, the only way to extract the toxic waste is to suck it out of her."

Pam: "And where is she supposed to suck?" *realizes* "Oh no..."

(Y/N): "Pam..."

Pam: *Stammers* "I am not gonna-"

(Y/N): "Suck the breasts, just close your eyes and imagine drinking a bottle of water."

Kuroko: "Well you are more of a plant than a human so I'll give you a pass."

Pam: "Seriously? Why do I have be the one to do it?"

(Y/N): "Because you're the one with plant abilities."

Pam: "Fine. Harley is never gonna let me live this down."

Pam then launches herself at Kii and then starts sucking on Kii's breasts.

Kii: *Moans* "Mmm~... what are you doing?!"

We see Pam get trapped in vines controlled by Kii as Pam tries to reach Kii's breasts.

(Y/N): "Plan B."

Kuroko: "What's plan B?"

You then jump at Kii and then you start sucking on Kii's breasts.

Kii: "Kyah!"

Kuroko: "Uh... um... didn't see that coming..." *mutters* "I wished that was me getting sucked."

And then we see Kii's outer body get limp and collapse onto the ground as we see the others get back to the ground. Sometime later, we see Kii and Suu in smaller bodies and she's talking to Papi and Suu.

Pam: "Ms. Smith, What's gonna happen to Kii?"

Kuroko: "In any normal case she would be detained and arrested but given the... circumstances, I'll look the other way and find a host family for her."

(Y/N): "Pam can be Kii's gardener and make a nice garden for her to call home. Plus I was planning on having my own Greenhouse. I called Barry and he agreed to clean up the garbage dumped here in the forest."

Then there was a powerful gust of wind going back and forth in front of Kuroko and then she saw numerous trash bags piled up and a man in a red suit.

Barry: "Done."

Kuroko: "Huh, neat."

Barry: *looks at the time*"Oh shoot, gotta go, I need to go to my violin practice!"

Barry then runs off in a certain direction as the wind then makes all of Kurko's clothes come off except her underwear as she then covers herself.

Kuroko: "Aw come on!" *Sighs* "Oh well, I'm still wearing my underwear so it's okay."

Pam: "You're just gonna walk home like that?"

(Y/N): "Wearing strawberry undies. But this is Kuroko was talking about."

Kuroko: "Yes."

You then put a towel over Kuroko's body.

(Y/N): "At least cover yourself with a towel."

Kuroko: "Fine."

Sometime later, we see Kii in her own GreenHouse on top of the apartment complex as we see Pam helping her with the garden.

Kii: "Thank you for helping make a home here."

Pam: "You're welcome."

Kii: "I can't believe (Y/N) was nice enough to set this up."

Pam: "That's how he is, plus this is a nice place to live."

Kii: "It's no forest, but it's home."

Kii then sees a large bag of fertilizer and she looks at it.

Kii: "What's this for?"

Pam: "That's fertilizer so that the plants would grow nice and healthy."

Kii: "Is it edible?"

Pam: "Um, hmm for humans no, but for plants yeah."

Kii then grabs a handful of fertilizer and then she eats it.

Pam: "I was not expecting that."

Kii: "Hm, not bad."

Kii then starts to eat more fertilizer as we see Pam grab a pinch of fertilizer and eat it. It tasted good for her and then she started eating the fertilizer with Kii.

Harleen: *comes in*"Hey red where did you-" *sees what happening* "Uhh..."

Harleen sees that Pam and Kii were eating fertilizer and then we see Kii pour water on her head and Pam's head.

Harleen: "Why are you eating that, Green Bean?"

Pam: "What? I've been missing out on this stuff."

Harleen: "You-you know that stuff is for plants right?"

Pam: "I'm a plant, I just look like a human."

Harleen: *Sighs* "Of course you are."

Later on, we see you reading the newspaper and we see Pam walk in a more matured body like she's in her 20s already and when Jessica walks in the room she sees Pam and she is frozen in shock.

Jessica: "Pam....?"

Pam: "Hi, Jessica."

Jessica: "What the heck happened to you?!"

(Y/N): *sees Pam*"I think she ate my homemade fertilizer and drank a lot of water."

Pam: "You made that fertilizer?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, how else do you think all my fruits and vegetables get all plump and healthy?"

Jessica: *Looks at her butt* "Hmm, just like my butt."

(Y/N): "Exactly, although I think Pam might have you beat there. Her butt is 10x bigger than yours."

Jessica: "What?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, give it a feel."

Jessica: "Pam?"

Pam: "It's okay, you can feel it."

Jessica then feels Pam's butt and it's a lot more plump and firm than Jessica's butt.

Jessica: "Aw man, well at least I'm the second biggest, wait would that make Zee the third biggest?"

(Y/N): "Well actually since Pam is in her physical 20s now. You still have the biggest butt as a teenager."

Jessica: "Oh okay then, but is Pam gonna stay that way? Because what if people start to ask questions about how a teenager got the body of a 20 year old."

(Y/N): "Actually this kind of thing happens to Pam whenever she eats fertilizer and drinks a lot of water."

Jessica: "Wha- Seriously?" *To Pam* "Pam, is this true?"

Pam: "Yeah it's only temporary though, plus I usually don't do this in front of Harleen on account of it makes her weirded out. And I do this to get into the movies for free, mostly the ones that are 18 and up."

Jessica: "Ohh so how do you change back?"

We then see two hands pop out of Pam's chest and then we see Pam in a younger body pull herself out of the body naked like her 20 year old body was a bodysuit as Jessica's face turned green like her lantern outfit.

Jessica: *swallows her vomit*"Ohh... that is uh... umm..."

Pam: "Yeah... I-I know, but it's actually very rejuvenating. My skin is smoother, my hair is soft, and I feel like I just bloomed."

Jessica: "So, you're what, part plant?"

Pam: "Yeah, what did you think?"

Jessica: "I just thought you were a human with plant powers, not an actual plant."

Pam: "I'm just a plant that looks like a human, but I am still compatible with humans."

Jessica: "Uh, what does that mean?"

Pam: "It means I can breed with humans."*looks at you*"Like (Y/N) here~."

(Y/N): "It's true."

Jessica: "Oh....Ohhhhhh."

Pam: "Well I better get some clothes."

Pam then leaves the room as you then continue to read the paper.

Jessica: "Looking for another job?"

(Y/N): "Nah, just the news. Dang it the gas prices went up again!"

Jessica: "Why don't you hang out with Cerea, she would like to hang out with you."

(Y/N): "She's busy training her swordsmanship after failing to kill a fly."

Jessica: "Well maybe she can take a break."

(Y/N): "I don't know, Cerea was very determined to beat that fly."

Jessica: *to Cerea*"Hey Cerea, wanna get out of the apartment and hang out with (Y/N)?"

Cerea: *While waiting* "Shhh, no words, I am waiting for the creature to show..."

Cerea then hears the fly and she readies her sword and swings it at the fly. Then she smiled because she killed the fly until she heard the fly again.

Cerea: "Darn it! Every time!" *sees you casually catch the fly with chopsticks* "Aww no fair! I wanted to slay the beast!"

Jessica was a bit baffled, the "beast" as Cerea calls it was a fly and she was throwing a hissy fit because you caught it.

Jessica: "Uh (Y/N), what are you gonna do with the fly?"*sees you eat the fly*" Oh! Babe! Why?!"

(Y/N): "Protein, I have grown with the taste of bugs from summer camp."

Jessica: "I.... Uh okay, fair enough, but do you have to do that? We have pop tarts, that's protein, sort of."

Cerea: *Pouts* "But I want to slay the beast."

(Y/N): "How about we just hang out? Maybe we can go to a lingerie store and find some underwear for your size because most people can see your nipples poking through your shirt."

Cerea then looks at her reflection and she sees that you're right.

Cerea: "Well it's not my fault those bras don't fit me."

Jessica: "Maybe a bra that fits you would be a nice change of pace?"

Cerea: " I suppose so, but the last time I wore one the latch snapped and broke the camera."

(Y/N): "Camera?"

Cerea: "Yes they placed cameras to oversee the development between demihumans and humans."

(Y/N): "I see."

Jessica: "Wait, they see everything?"

Cerea: "Yes."

Jessica: "Then that would mean they saw my.....half naked yoga....."

Cerea: "Well true, but they only observe what demi humans do, anything that doesn't involve demi humans and humans being in the same room is deleted, at least that is what Smith says."

Jessica: "I hope so."

Meanwhile with Kuroko, she's watching 3 hours of Jessica's half naked yoga.

Kuroko: "Definitely saving this, and not sending this to the others."

Jessica: *In the video* "Mmm, (Y/N) can you notice my booty jiggling around~?"

Kuroko sees Jessica jiggling around her butt.

Kuroko: "Hmm..."

Jessica: *In the video* "It's so plump isn't it~? Nice, tight, and round~."

(Y/N): *In the video* "Hm? Did you say something? I was just watching a nature documentary about penguins."

Kuroko could hear Jessica sigh as she then saw her move her butt close to you.

Jessica: *in the video*"Do you notice these exotic and round cheeks waving at you?"

(Y/N):*in the video*"Oh yeah, nice ass."

Kuroko: "Well at least he noticed, but he didn't blush."

Back to you.

(Y/N): "I'm sure she keeps those videos private."

Jessica: "Yeah, I mean, when you actually take notice my butt."

(Y/N): "Like this?"

You then spank Jessica's butt as it then jiggles a bit.

Jessica: "Eep!" *Giggles* "Yes, like that, thanks sweetie."

(Y/N): "You're welcome, I kinda figured you'd want me to do that."

Cerea: "I wish I had a rear like yours Jessica, it's a lot more challenging for a woman of my size."

(Y/N): "Cause you're half horse."

Cerea: "Yes, it is moments like this, that I wish I was born a full human."

Jessica: " Wait, full human?"

Cerea: "Yes, you see Centaurs, unlike other demi humans, are allowed to choose their mates, my mother chose a nice man and well... you know. And after several months, I was born."

Jessica: "But, if your dad was human, and your mom a centaur, that would mean..."

Cerea: "I'm half human."

Jessica: "Woah..."

(Y/N): "So why did your mother choose a human over other dude centaurs? She can literally end a human just by donkey kicking them in their face."

Cerea: "From what my mother told me, she felt something about my father, something no other female centaur has felt."

(Y/N): "I'm guessing a penis that is big enough to match the size of a horse."

Jessica: "(Y/N)! She's clearly talking about love, not his wang!"

(Y/N): "I was being sarcastic."

Cerea: "Jessica is right, she felt love for a human."

(Y/N): "Because he has a donkey dick?" *gets slapped by Jessica* "Ow! Kidding."

Cerea: "Although you are not wrong about my father'"

Jessica: *Sighs* "Really Cerea?"

Cerea: "Well I am not wrong, you flaunt your buttocks in front of (Y/N) and your largest among your friends."

Jessica: "I... yeah okay, that is fair."

(Y/N): "Well female centaurs have two reproductive organs. One for humans and the other for centaurs. So, I'm guessing your father's dong was long enough for the horse's end of your mother's?"

Cerea: *Blushes* "Yes."

Jessica: "Okay, on a completely unrelated note, were there cameras in the bathroom too?"

Cerea: "Yes there are cameras in the bathroom, why?"

Meanwhile with Kuroko, she was looking at a video of Jessica pleasuring herself with a dildo while talking about you.

Jessica: *in the video*"Oh yes (Y/N)! Give it to me! I can take-"*moans in pleasure and came*"Aaah~."

Kuroko: "Man, this girl has issues."

In the video Jessica feels a lower pressure in stomach.

Jessica: *In the video* "Urgh, looks like I gotta use the can, good thing I'm already sitting on it."

Kuroko then sees Jessica grunt and drop her waste into the toilet for a few minutes which makes some audible plops and splashes.

Jessica: *in the video**pants*"Oh man, that was a big one." *sighs* "I love (Y/N) and I know he's autistic, but why can't he be a bit more adventurous with me, no matter how much I show my butt to him it's normal to him."

Kuroko: " There is no way she's gonna get his V-Card. Although, there could be a way to get him to get a girl to punch his V-Card if he wasn't autistic but he is who he is and nothing can change that."

Back to you.

(Y/N): "I'm sure she keeps them private as well."

Jessica: "That's a relief."

(Y/N): "Anyways, let's get to the park."

Cerea: "Yes master."

We later see you and Cerea at the park where Cerea was having a bit of trouble sitting on a bench.

Cerea: *Hesitant* "Hmm..."

(Y/N): "I don't think those benches were made for demihumans like you yet. Perhaps you can sit on the ground like a horse."

Cerea: *Sighs* "I suppose so, although my skirt will get dirty, as always." *Sits like a horse* "Ahh..."

(Y/N): "What's wrong?"

Cerea: "Nothing master."

(Y/N): "Alright, but I feel like we're being watched."

Cerea: "By who?" *Gasps* "It better not be that 'director' again."

(Y/N): "No, he was in prison, I feel like someone else is watching us."

Cerea: "Hmm... how about we go somewhere else then?"

(Y/N): "Good idea."

We later see you and Cerea at a bus stop and you were reading a newspaper.

(Y/N): "I still feel like we're being watched."

Cerea: "Again?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, let's head to the clothing store to see if we can get custom made undergarments for ya."

Cerea: *Blushes* "Uhh...right master."

We later see you and Cerea at the clothing store where we see female employees measuring Cerea's proportions in order to give her a comfortable set of undergarments.

Employee: "I see that your boyfriend brought you here to get some bras for a girl of your size."

Cerea: *blushes*"My master is just making sure I'm wearing comfortable underwear, that's all. Centaurs normally don't wear any."

Employee: "Oh gotcha."

Cerea: "So do you think this bra will fit me? Because I have gone through a lot of bras."

Employee: "Don't worry ma'am, our custom made bras will ensure fit and comfort."

(Y/N): "Trust me, they know what they're doing. I brought Tio here for new undergarments after her previous set was a bit on the small side for her."

Cerea: "Hm, well okay."

Sometime later, we see the employees hand Cerea some prototype bras as we see Cerea enter the dressing room to try them on.

Cerea: *comes out of the dressing room*"What do you think of this one? Master?"

(Y/N): "Well it seems to be holding up nicely."*sees the bra snap in two and see Cerea's breasts exposed*"Never mind."

Cerea: "Ahhh! Every time!" *Sighs* "Why do I even bother?"

Employee: "That was just one of the prototypes. You have 3 more."

We then see a montage of Cerea trying on the other 3 bras, 2 of them snap in half and the final one was holding comfortably on Cerea.

Cerea: "Okay, so far so good..."

Cerea was waiting for the inevitable snap from a bra but nothing happened at all.

Employee: "Yes! I knew I found the right side and fit for you!"

Cerea: "This fits me nicely."

(Y/N): "We'll take 20 of those."

Employee: "Give me your address and we'll deliver it to your door."

(Y/N): "Sure thing."

You gave the employee your address as she then pulled out the receipt.

Employee: "Thank you for shopping and from one Harvard grad to another, you are by far making excellent choices for the women in your life."

Cerea: *A bit Suspicious* "How do you know he was a Harvard graduate?"

(Y/N): "Oh Harvard tried to enroll me early when I was in my freshman year of high school but I got a graduate degree cause I passed all of their classes with flying colors in the first 3 months."

Cerea: "Oh I see then."

Employee: "And the membership discount makes this purchase $12.95."

Cerea: "You have a membership here in a store for women's clothing?"

(Y/N): "There's a lot of women at the apartment, do the math."

Cerea: "Ooooh."

We later see you and Cerea walking around and see the women are looking at Crerea.

Cerea: "I don't think humans aren't adjusted to demihumans yet."

(Y/N): "Or the women are just green with envy because of your bust size."

Girl 1: "Dang that girl has those giant boobs, I wish I had that size."

(Y/N): "Well your options of finding a good bra would be limited if you had breasts that big, you'd break a lot of bras."

Girl 2: "Good point."

Girl 1: "Well at least my boyfriend would finally pay attention to me if my tatas were that big."

Cerea: "I think that would cause more problems than solutions."

(Y/N): "Yep, he would have been watching your breasts for hours with a boner sticking out of their pants and not paying attention to anything you are saying."

Girl 1: "Ugh, you're right."

(Y/N): "Yeah, although some guys do pay more attention to a girl's buttocks than to their chest since the chest is more a substitute for butts."*points to Cerea's butt*"And if anyone has a thing for horses then they would go to town on this booty."

Cerea: *blushes*"Master!"

(Y/N): "Well it's true."

Cerea: *Blushes* "I suppose so, although if you wanted to have your way with me... I wouldn't mind."

Girls: "Oooh..."

Girl 1: "I guess we should get bigger butts then."

(Y/N): "It's your choice, just be careful not to become too big, sometimes less is more."

Cerea: "Of course."

(Y/N): *to Cerea*"And Cerea, it's still against the law for me to have my way with you."

Cerea: "I know, I meant when we get married then you can have your way with me."

(Y/N): "That reminds me."*sends a text to Draco*"There."

Cerea: "What did you do?"

(Y/N): "I sent Draco a text that she's legally obligated to marry me since I'm her host family."

Cerea: "Oh okay then."

We later see you and Cerea at the fair and you still get a sense that you and Cerea were being watched and you then shine your phone with the sunlight as we see a small little girl fall into a trash can.

???(Lilith): "Ow that's my eyes!"

Cerea: "Who is that?"

Cerea then goes over and pulls the girl out of the trash can and you see that she has demonic features.

(Y/N): "I knew someone was following us."

Cerea: "I recognize her, she manipulated me into nearly violating the law."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, she's the same girl who used to be Rachnera's slave pet."

Lilith:"Ah! Y-you know h-her?"

(Y/N): "Yeah I'm her host family, she's not that scary once you get to know her."

Lilith: "Pl-plese don't tell her I was here."

Cerea: "Then why were you following us?"

Lilith: "Old habits I guess."

(Y/N): "Well we don't have to tell Rachnera."

Lilith: "Why?"

(Y/N): "She's been following you and now she's behind you."

Lilith then feels a clawed hand on her head as she is frightened and familiar with the hand of Rachnera as she then looks behind her and sees Rachnera once again.

Rachnera: "Looks like my little pet has come home~."

Lilith: "Don't hurt me!"

(Y/N): "Well I'll call Kuroko about you Lilith."*calls Kuroko*"Hey Kuroko, it's Lilith again."

Kuroko: *over the phone*"That little trouble maker again?"

(Y/N): "Yeah but I think she would feel at home if I'm her host family. Plus Rachnera really missed her."

Lilith: "NO! I'm a kid!"

(Y/N): "Nice try, but you're not fooling anyone, you're older than you look."

Lilith: "Tch, fine."

Rachnera: *hugs Lilith between her breasts*"It's good to have you back, my little pet~."

(Y/N): "Rachnera, you only have 3 hours to do any BDSM on Lilith. Got it?"

Rachnera: "Understood."

(Y/N): "Well anyways, let's head home."

Sometime later, we see Draco reading your text to her and she was dumbfounded on the fact that she's obligated to marry you as we see Miia come into the room and see Draco.

Miia: "What's wrong?"

Draco: "Are we legally obligated to marry (Y/N)?"

Miia: "Well we have to make sure that humans and demi humans can live together in peace so yeah."

Draco: But, "I'm a lesbian, I don't like men."

Miia: "Well I'm bisexual so maybe you could be bisexual as well. You just don't know it yet."

Draco: "Mm, I suppose so..."

Miia: "And besides, have you ever been with a man?"

Draco: "No, they just assume I'm a guy."

We then see you come into the room and you peck on Draco's cheek as we see Draco blushed bright red and passed out on the couch.

Miia: "I rest my case."

Sometime later we see Cerea was a bit on edge on account of someone going after you.

Cerea: "Someone is after our master and we must be ready to protect him."

Chel: "Look, I've seen him go through a robot battle without a scratch after going to get groceries."

Miia: "Yeah, it's like he cheats death."

Cerea then thought about all the times you would have died but you didn't and somehow survived and then it hit her.

Cerea: *to Herself* "No... it can't be."

Miia: "Cerea, what's wrong?"

Before Cerea can say anything we see you come into the room with a headless female body.

(Y/N): "Hey this Dullahan lost her head and she needs a place to stay until she gets it back, can she stay here?"

The girls then see the headless body and they scream in terror, except Cerea, as the screaming can be heard for miles. Meanwhile at Middleton, we see Kim eating lunch until she hears screaming.

Kim: "Did anyone hear something?"

Bonnie: "Hear what?"

Back to you, we see the girls still terrified as they see that you are acting incredibly casual about this.

Cerea: "She's the one who sent the letter!"

Miia: "What?! How could you know that?"

Cerea: "Dulhans only come when someone is close to death."

(Y/N): "Oh that reminds me, I had a dream last night about this skeleton lady who called herself Lady Death and she told me to stop teasing her and she looked really frustrated and I don't know why."

The girls then paused for a second and then realized that you met death herself in your dreams.

Miia: "........(Y/N) just met Death herself."

(Y/N): "That explains the outfit she had on."

Cerea: "But where's her head?"

(Y/N): "Let's ask her, I can get messages across to dullahans by morse code. They collected souls of the dead enough times that they learned morse code."*hands the body pencil and paper*"And something to give us an idea where she is."

You then go down to her feet and then tap your hands on her feet. We then see the body draw a picture as the girls were really creeped out from the sight of a headless body drawing a picture.

Chel: "That's....unsettling..."

You then check the picture and you see her head is at the pier near Sweet Justice.

(Y/N): "Got the location, now let's go."

Chel: "Uh okay."

(Y/N): "Who wants to come along?"

Cerea: "I will accompany you."

Miia: "Wait! Don't leave me with a headless body!"

Draco: "Plus, Cerea isn't exactly inconspicuous."

Cerea: "Excuse me?!"

(Y/N): *points to Cerea's horse parts* "I think a woman with the bottom half of a horse is a lot less subtle than Doppel's nudity." *To Doppel* "No offense."

Doppel: "Nah you're right, no one can't take their eyes off of my natural beauty."*wiggles her butt at you*"And this body is for you only~."

(Y/N): "You are born a nudist Doppel."

Cerea: "But master I must accompany you so I can protect you."

Doppel: "And draw attention to yourself breaking almost everything with your tush in a china shop?"

Rachnera: "She makes a good point, you know, someone of your... size is not exactly subtle, we need someone who isn't recognizable."

(Y/N): "I got an idea."

You then throw a blanket over Cerea and now she looks like she's two people in a horse costume.

(Y/N): "Now she looks like two people in a horse costume."

Cerea: "Um, master, are you sure about this?"

(Y/N): "Trust me, you are a method actress and you are pretending to be a horse. And to make it sell it, I'll do this."

You then get onto Cerea's horse back as Cerea feels you on top of her back.

Cerea: "M-master, I'm not so sure about...this..."

(Y/N): "Do you want to protect me or not?"

Cerea: "R-Right, I'll endure this for you."

We later see you and Cerea walk down the streets as we see Suu and Papi walk with you. People see you and Cerea walking down on a sidewalk.

(Y/N): "One of the people in this horse costume is a method actress so I'm riding her like a real horse."

Cerea: *makes horse noises*

Girl: "Who's the butt?"

(Y/N): "It's another person who's also a method actor and he's playing the role of a butt."

Girl: "I see."

You and Cerea continue to walk to Sweet Justice as we see Suu and Papi walk with you. By the time you all arrive at Sweet Justice, you pull out the picture drawn by the Dullahan and you look around.

(Y/N): "Well she was looking at Sweet Justice from this angle which means her head is over."*points to a direction*"There."

Cerea: "And you are certain that is where the head is?"

(Y/N): "One way to find out."

You then head to the direction which takes you to the beach and you have found the head on the ground. You then casually picked up until suddenly the head spoke.

???(Lala): "Don't you dare pick me up so casually, mortal."

(Y/N): "Wow you sound like an emo goth girl. What's your name?"

???(Lala): "You may address me as Lala of the Dullahans, harbinger of death and reaper of souls of the dead. I am Death incarnate, fear me human."

(Y/N): "Um, it's kinda hard to fear you when you're just a head."

Cerea: "He is right, you're not really that fearful."

Lala: "How dare you call me a pretender!?"

(Y/N): "Sorry, but don't worry your body is at my place safe and sound."

Lala: "Very well, transport my head to my body so I can regain my full strength."

Suddenly Lala started moaning in pleasure and you see a bit of her hair moving in response.

(Y/N): "What's wrong?"

Lala: *Moans* "Someone is...violating me!"

Cerea: "What? How?" *realizes* "Oh darn it! I forgot, Dullahans can feel things even when their head is detached from their bodies."

(Y/N): "The question is who is touching Lala?"

Meanwhile at your apartment, we see Rachnera putting Lala's body into a series of bindings to pleasure Lala.

Chel: "Okay there's a fine line between kinky and creepy."

Miia: "Yeah... Rachnera, stop that! You don't know where that body has been."

Rachnera: "Oh come on, it's not like she likes it."

Back to you.

We see Lala continue moaning in pleasure as we see you gag her with a clean set of socks.

Cerea: " Please tell me those are clean."

(Y/N): "Fresh from the laundry, now let's go."

We later see you, Cerea and Lala arrive back at the apartment and you see Rachnera pleasuring Lala's body.

Miia: "I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen."

Cerea: "Rachnera stop this at once."

We then see Suu slimed Rachnera's body with her slimey tendrils as Rachnera was on the ground.

Rachnera: *moans*"Darn you....Suu..."

(Y/N): "Nice save Suu."

You then pull out a pocket knife and you cut down Lala's body and then you put Lala's head back on her body.

Lala: "Thank you mortal human for helping me regain my strength."

(Y/N): "No problem, so what brings you here?"

Lala: "I have come here because of you."

(Y/N): "Me? So you want me to be your host family?"

Lala: "No, to collect your soul."

The girls in the room were shocked to hear that as you didn't react to what Lala said at all.

(Y/N): "Oh okay. I'll make it easier for ya."

Miia: "What?!"

Lala: *Stammers*

You then head to a window and then jump out of it.

Girls: "(Y/N)!"

The girls then see that you landed in a truck full of pillows, you then get out of the pillows and head back to your apartment and you turn to see Lala.

Jessica: *Hugs you* "Don't scare us like that!"

(Y/N): "It's fine."

Lala: "How can this be possible?! You cheat death like it's a simple task on a daily basis! Did you have knowledge of that truck being there?"

(Y/N): "Nope."

Lala was completely dumbfounded and her composure was broken.

Lala: "Thats ... .uh....this is embarrassing for a Dullahan..."

Jessica: "What? What are you talking about?"

Cerea: "Dullahans only appear when someone is close to death but since (Y/N) cheats death, it's impossible."

(Y/N): *calls Kuroko*"Hey Kuroko, I found the D person, turns out it was a Dullahan named Lala."

Kuroko: *over the phone*"You found Lala?"

Jessica: "You know her?"

Kuroko:*over the phone* "Of course, I'll be there in a little bit."

Sometime later, we see Kuroko at your apartment and we see her juggling around Lala's head.

Lala: "Stop it! This is no way to treat the reaper of souls!"

Kuroko: "Oh shut it."*to you*"Anyways, I have trouble finding her a host family because she always keeps running off."

Jessica: "Running off? But isn't she a grimm reaper?"

Kuroko: "Oh that? She only says that but she's just a child with a high horse."*puts Lala's head back on her body*"Right?"

Lala: "I am no child, I am the harbinger of death and collector of the souls of the deceased."

Jessica: *Notices her Scythe* "So I take it the scythe isn't real either?"

Kuroko: "Oh of course not, it's just for show, it's just made out of lightweight metal painted black. It's not even sharp."

Jessica: "Just like Cerea's sword. So she isn't a reaper at all?"

Kuroko: "No, she's just a troublemaker claiming to be the grim reaper."

(Y/N): "She's cute for a grim reaper."

Lala: *blushes*"How dare you call me such a thing! It's unbecoming for a Dullahan to be called cute."

(Y/N): "And make a pretty cool party trick for halloween."

You then take Lala's head off and you quickly make a jack o'lantern and place it on Lala's body and put an electric candle in it and then turn off the lights as the glow from the jack o'lantern was made.

Girls(except Lala): "Ooooo."

Lala: "How dare you mortal! I am not some cheap decoration, I am the harbinger of death!"

Jessica: "Lala your scythe isn't even real." *To Kuroko* "How many times has she done this?"

Kuroko: "Around 10 times."

(Y/N): "I'll take her since she's interested in how I keep cheating death like it's a routine."

You then turn on the lights as we see Lady Death appear in the room and the girls see her.

(Y/N): "Oh hey, that's the lady from my dreams."

Lady Death: *pouts*"Why do you keep cheating me!?!"

Jessica: "Uh wha?"

(Y/N): "Girls this is Death herself."

The girls then think for a moment and then they realize who she is.

Girls: "Ahhh!!!"

Lala: "How can this be!?!"

(Y/N): "I would just say that I don't die."

Lady Death: "You keep cheating me every second of the day and it's torture! I don't even know when you die!!!"

Cerea: "But don't all humans die?"

Lady Death: "Yes but thanks to his healthy lifestyle he's gonna stay young and alive for years beyond any human on Earth!"

Jessica: "Really?"

L. Death: "Yes!" *Pouts* "He's such a tease, so much so that I don't even know when he will die. But I know when everyone else dies but not him!"

Jessica: "That's because he's autistic, anything weird to us is normal to him."

(Y/N): "Like doing this."

You then peck Lady Death's cheek as she blushes as we see plants in the room wilt and die and then we see dead birds fall from the air outside the window.

Jessica: "What the...?"

L. Death: "Sorry, things die when you're in my shoes."

Papi: *looks outside*"Hey, an old guy had a heart attack."

L. Death: "Oh duty calls."*to you*"But (Y/N), please don't tease me anymore and die so I can collect your soul so we can be together."

Jessica: "Ms. Death you're asking him the impossible, he's autistic remember?"

L. Death: "Well maybe the heat death of the universe might kill him."

Lady Death then teleports out of the room as the girls then look at you.

(Y/N): "I have no idea what that means but I feel like heat death is gonna have a hard time."

Lala: "She means the end of the universe."

Jessica: "I wonder what she means by your healthy lifestyle?"

Rachnera: "Maybe he might outlive us?"

Meanwhile in the future, we see you still young and spry as we see you still going on with your life with most of the girls in their 30s to 40s while you still look like a teenager.

Jessica: "You may look 18 but you are our husband."

(Y/N): "Yep."

Meanwhile further into the future, we see you still 18 and the girls in their 70s.

Jessica: "Do you remember how young we were?"

(Y/N): "Yep, but don't worry I'll take care of our descendants."

Meanwhile further into the future we see you taking care of your descendants in the far future and you still look 18.

Jenny: "Hey papa, what was Great Grandma like?"

(Y/N): "Well your great grandma was a vegan but she has what it takes to be a Green Lantern."

Meanwhile in the further-future, we see you working for the Planet Express Crew.

Amy: "Hey (Y/N), you look 18 and act 18 back in the past, what's your secret?"

(Y/N): "A very healthy lifestyle."

Amy: "Wow, that must be some lifestyle sweetie."

(Y/N): "Yep."

Back to the present.

Jessica: "Huh, that's neat. Thanks for showing us the future, Zee."

Zee: "No problem and (Y/N) cherished every moment with us thanks to his scrapbooking and log books."

Jessica: "And still remembers us, even when he's dating another girl."

Zee: "Or other girls."

(Y/N): "Just because you died in the future, doesn't mean that's the end of our relationship."

Jessica: "Aww thanks babe."*feels your hands groping her butt*"Oh."*giggles*"I need that babe."

(Y/N): "You're welcome, you do have a gropable butt."

Lala: "Is this human always so casual with women?"

Cerea: "He's the kind of person who knows how to please a woman while at the sametime wants to know the woman's underneath the surface."

Lala: "Hmm..."

Sometime later, we see Lala has settled down at your apartment and we see you sitting with Zee and Jessica on the couch and you grope their butts.

Zee: "Mmm, your hands are so nice on our tushes."

Jessica: "Mmm, yeah."

Jessica then feels your finger slip into her skirt as she then feels you fingering her anus as you did the same to Zee as well.

Zee: "Mmm, yeah."

Zee then sits on your lap and then grinds her butt on your crotch.

Jessica: "I think he needs a bigger tush~."

Jessica then moves Zee off of you and then she grinds her butt on your crotch.

(Y/N): "Nice grind Jess."

Jessica: *Smiles* "Thanks, but let me get more comfortable~."

Jessica then pulls her skirt down and her underwear too, as she was now bottomless as you, Zee and Lala saw this.

Zee: "Oh so we're gonna play that game huh?"

(Y/N): "Well they say women has two mouths, but two butts would make 4 mouths to kiss."

You then pull Jessica's butt to you and you start kissing her womanhood as Jessica moans.

Jessica: *Moans* "Mmm, oh yeah that's it..."

Zee: "Well if we're going bottomless..."

Zee then pulls down her skirt, panties and leggings as she was also bottomless as Lala was confused how you were still casual about this.

Zee: "Hey (Y/N), give my second mouth some care~."*sees you make a one minute gesture*"I'll wait."

Jessica: "Oh babe, I think I'm-"*cums*"Ahhh~."

Jessica collapsed onto the floor as she was feeling satisfied and then you moved onto Zee's womanhood and the same thing happened to her.

Zee: "Oh gosh... mmm, stick it in deeper please~."*feels your tongue going deep in her*"Oh yeah give it to m-"*cums*"Ahh~."

Zee then collapsed onto the floor next to Jessica as both of them feel satisfied as Lala felt weird about what happened.

Lala: "Humans are weird."

Next: Chapter 10: Unhentai

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