Chapter 8: Space Shenanigans

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Here we see you reading the newspaper and you see some help wanted ads for some jobs you never heard of before.

(Y/N): "Hm this is interesting. Altera and Kindred, sounds interesting."

While you were reading the newspaper for different job ads we saw Jessica doing some yoga with Tio and Doppel.

Tio: *While in a downward dog* "Mmm, Jessica, how long do we have to stay in this position?"

Jessica: "Long enough for (Y/N) to notice us while we're in this pose."

Doppel: "Guess we'll be here awhile cause he's been reading the newspaper for hours now."

Jessica: "Don't worry he'll notice soon."

Frenchie: 3 more hours later.

Doppel: "He'll notice you said, he will crack you said."

Tio: "Doppel come on, he's autistic remember? He thinks differently."

You then put the newspaper down and was met with the girls' butts in the air.

(Y/N): "Nice work with staying limber."

Tio: "Thanks sweetie."

Jessica: *Smiles* "Is there something else you notice~?" *Wiggles her butt*

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, Doppel, have you decided on what clothes to wear while off duty?"

Doppel: *gets up*"Well just this."*change her appearance into that of a gyaru girl*"Should I go with this look-"*changes her appearance into that of a teacher*"Or this one?"

(Y/N): "Either one is fine to me. Oh and Jessica and Tio your tushes are looking good today."

Jessica: *Smiles* "Thank you sweetie." *To Doppel* "And seriously, a gyaru?"

Doppel: "What? This is my natural skin color so why not dress up like them?"

Tio: "She's not wrong."

Jessica: "Fair enough, but I have to ask Doppel, why don't you wear any clothes? Are you a nudist?"

Doppel: "Well my clothes are my hair. If I wear actual clothes then I can't use my powers."

Jessica: "Really? So does that mean all doppelgangers are nudists?"

Doppel: "Uh, well yeah kind of, it's just our natural looks. Like you're naturally like this."

Doppel then transforms herself to look like Jessica as Jessica sees that Doppel made the butt 2x bigger.

Jessica: "Woah not bad, but my butt isn't that big."

Doppel: *As Jessica* "Eh, agree to disagree. I couldn't get the proportions right so I made it a bit bigger."

Tio: "Doppel is sometimes accurate when shapeshifting into other people."

Jessica: "So does that mean she can shapeshift parts of her body too?"

Doppel: *as Jessica* "Yep. I can even make myself into a futa if I wanted to, wanna see?"

Jessica: "Uh...."*sees Doppel make a large bulge between her legs*"Woah.... Would I really look like that if I had a boy-part?"

Doppel: *as Jessica* "Yeah, but I can make it average if you want."

Jessica: *snaps out of it*"Wa? Oh sorry I got distracted with how big it is."*sees Doppel change back to her normal look* "Aww... I-I'm mean oh you changed back."

Doppel: "Oh looks like someone was intrigued."

Jessica: "Well that's just a matter of penis- I-I mean opinion, opinion!"

(Y/N): "Jessica is bisexual."

Doppel: "Oh I see, she's into guys and girls."

Tio: "That's why she would be aroused."

Jessica: *Blushes* "I was not prepared to see that, that's all, and besides (Y/N) once put his hand in my butt."

(Y/N): "It was a health check up, anyways I'm gonna be looking for a job in space."

Tio: "You're gonna be an astronaut?"

(Y/N): "Yeah I'm gonna be gone for a couple of years helping Kindred find planets to colonize."

Jessica: "But how are you gonna travel into space?"

(Y/N): "They have ships."

Doppel: "And who are you gonna call to bring you into space?"

(Y/N): *hears your phone ringing and answer it*"Hello? Yes I am (Y/N). You've been looking for a guy like me? Okay."*hangs up*

Jessica: "Who was that?"

(Y/N): "It's the CEO himself and he wants me in space immediately."

Girls: "What!?!!"

Jessica: "Wow, that was fast."

Tio: "How did you manage to get the CEO himself to hire you?!"

(Y/N): "I sent Kindred my resume."

Doppel: "And he approved?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Jessica: "How long are you gonna be in space?"

(Y/N): "He said 10 to 20 years."

Girls: "10 to 20?!"

Tio: *Referring to Jessica* "But-but who's gonna take care of your pet?"

Jessica: "You told the new girls that you adopted me as your pet rabbit didn't you?"

(Y/N): "They wanted me to know how I met you."

Jessica: "Fair enough."

(Y/N): "But on the pet care, how about Doppel and Tio?"

Doppel: "Sure okay."

Tio: "Sounds good to me."

(Y/N): "Thanks, oh and Jessica's heat week is coming up soon so be prepared."

Tio: "Heat week, what's that?"

(Y/N): "It's when Jessica gets really frustrated and needs release."

Doppel: "What why would she need rele-" *Realizes* "Ohhh, that kind of relief right?"

(Y/N): "Yep, so just be prepared."

Sometime later, Jessica told the girls about your job at Kindred.

Girls: "What?!!?!?!!"

Kara: "Say it isn't so."

Jessica: "It's true, he's gonna be on the job for 10 to 20 years."

Papi: "NOOOOOO!!!!"

Zee: "He'll come to visit right?"

Jessica: "He won't come back until his mission is finished."

Diana: "So what will we do now?"

Doppel: "I can always shapeshift into (Y/N)."

Zee: "Thanks Doppel, but it won't be the same. I wonder what he's doing right now."

Meanwhile in space, we see you on the starship called the Javelin and you are taking a nap in the bed. Meanwhile outside of the ship we see an incursion ship put the javelin into a tractor beam. Back to the girls, we see Jessica has a bad feeling that you are in danger.

Diana: "Jessica what is wrong?"

Jessica: "I just got a bad feeling that (Y/N) is in danger."

Kara: "Jess, he's been in space for... how long has it been Karen?"

Karen: "10 minutes."

Kara: "Yeah, besides it's not like he would get kidnapped by space frogs."

Zee: "Kara, our boyfriend went through different worlds and he's autistic."

Rias: "And survived all of them."

Jessica: "Yeah, I bet there wouldn't be a galactic wide war cause two girls want him."

Rias: "Speaking of, Jessica are you feeling those... urges?"

Jessica: *Blushes* "No. Maybe just a little."

Doppel: "We'll deal with that later."

Jessica then hears a buzz from her ring and she got a call from Kilowog.

Jessica: "Yes Kilowog?"

Kilowog: *over the phone*"Cruz, the Green Lantern Corps needs all hands on deck. Emperor Attea and Princess Looma are about to go to war and us they're basically fighting over the same guy."

Kara: "So? How is that our problem?"

Kilowog then points the camera at the two fleets of tetramand and incursion battleships and they see your ship the Javelin.

Karen: "...Oh shit."

Girls: "Karen!"

Karen: "Someone had to say it."

Meanwhile with you, we see you eating some Grob which tastes like chicken and we see Incursions and Tetramands surrounding you

(Y/N): "This is good stuff."

Attea: "What are you doing here?"

(Y/N): "Eating lunch, want some?"

Attea: "I've been looking for a better man for awhile now and he's right there."

Looma: "He defeated me and he has won my hand in marriage!"

Attea: "Fat chance, he's mine! And how did he even beat you!?! You're 50x his size!"

(Y/N): "I beat her in chess, want some Grob?"

We see Looma grab a can of Grob and she ate all the Grob in it and then crushed it with her forehead and threw away the can.

Looma: "Thank you my beloved."

Attea: "He's gonna marry me! You might crush him on your honeymoon!"

Looma: "You're calling me fat!?! I am very dainty!"

Attea: "Really? You're literally holding one of your soldiers in a chokehold right now."

You see that Looma is holding one of her soldiers in a chokehold as he was gasping for air.

Random tetramand: "Help...."

(Y/N): "I think he's gonna suffocate to death, anyways can you let me pass cause I'm on a mission for Kindred to colonize a planet."

Attea: "I'll take your ship there myself, my ships are faster."

Looma: "No mine is!"

Attea: "Then this means war!"

Looma: "Fine by me!"

???: "Stop!"

We then see the hero girls burst into the room and they see you with Attea and Looma.

Zee: "You've been into space for 10 minutes and now you're about to be in the crossfire of a war?"

(Y/N): "What war?"

Jessica: "They're gonna declare war against each other because they want you."

(Y/N): "Oh. Well it won't be easy if they shared it with you girls?"

Attea: "Wait... he's taken?"

Rias: "Yes and we have an open relationship and I am his betrothed."

Looma: "And I am his betrothed as well, he defeated me in combat. That is how you win over a woman's hand in marriage on my planet."

(Y/N): "I'm not much of a physical fighter so we played chess." *Whispers loudly to Jessica* "And she was having trouble with the game for some reason but I don't know why."

Looma: *Blushes* "Uh... um..."

Kara: "And how did you win Attea over?"

(Y/N): "Therapy."

Attea: "I have a lot of problems growing up like betraying and usurping my dad, trying to conquer Earth with a man by my side, that sort of stuff."

Zee: "You usurped your own father?"

Attea: "Yeah, I have a lot of daddy issues. And my dad doesn't approve of (Y/N) cause he's a human."

(Y/N): "Didn't he say the same thing about Ben?"

Attea: "Well yeah, but I'm over him now."

Millus: *offscreen and on coms*"Attea, I don't care who the human is, you are not marrying a human."

Attea: "Ugh!"*faces a direction*"Dad, I love him! And I'm not gonna marry some dweeb from engineering!"

Babs: "Hm well if he does marry both Looma and Attea, that means their armies would have to work together?" *Sees some surprised looks* "What? I know alien things too!"

Looma and Attea: "Good idea!"

Millus: *offscreen and over coms*"Terrible idea! If my daughter is gonna unite our people with the Tetramands, then she has to marry a tetramand."

Attea: "Dad! I don't want to marry a dumb muscle bound oaf!" *To Looma* "No offense."

Looma: "Actually I'm with you on this one."

Karen: "Well if both sides do marry a human, which is (Y/N) that would mean the incursions would have a place to call home right?"

Attea: "Hm, that is true."

Looma: "And that also applies to the tetramands too."

Mllius: *offscreen and over coms*"That was my idea to make Earth home and it would've been easy if you didn't call off the invasion."

Attea: "I don't want to conquer earth Dad!"

(Y/N): "I think you two need to talk with each other and come to an agreement." *Referring to Millius* "Without any interference from the former Emperor. It's their choice and their decision."

Kara: "Ohho, snap."

Attea: "Alright."*to Looma*"We'll unite our forces and colonize Earth and make it our home once we marry (Y/N)."

Looma: "Agreed, besides my father approved of my relationship with (Y/N)."

Kara: "Huh, neat."

Jessica: "So, everyone cool?"

Attea: "Yeah, he may pass to his destination."

(Y/N): "Neat. Oh Jessica did you-"

Jessica: *Blushes* "Yes, before I came here Doppel helped me with my... urges."

Looma: "Urges?"

(Y/N): "It's Jessica's week."

Attea: "Her week?" *Realizes* "Ohhhhhh..."

(Y/N): "Well anyways I'm gonna take a nap."

Looma: *to Attea: "I did not realize human females also had a... week."

Attea: "Yeah, and people say were the aliens here."

Jessica: *Blushes* "Uh...I...uh."

(Y/N): "I adopted Jessica to be a pet rabbit of mine when we first met. I got the legal documents to prove it. I just don't want her to end up as a teen mom when she wears a sexy bunny suit."

Attea: *Blushes* "Uhh... wow..."

Looma: "I have not realized green lanterns were this... adventurous in... bedroom activities."

Attea: "Yeah, that's bold for a cop."

Jessica: *Blushes* "It was for helping the animal shelter adopt bunnies, and people saw that suit of mine were really getting pervy when they got around me though...."

Attea: "Ohh, gotcha. Well we're gonna let (Y/N) pass."

(Y/N): "Thank you."

Sometime later, we see you arrive at your destination, you then get out of your ship in a spacesuit and you look around the area and you see it's a jungle of trees.

(Y/N): "Hmmm, this is weird, it has the necessary conditions for human settlement. I wonder why?"

Meanwhile on Earth, we see the girls crying in tears because you will be gone for 10 to 20 years.

Jessica: "Everyone! Let's be strong and pull ourselves together."

Diana: "Yes on a count of 3 we pull ourselves together. 1, 2-"

The girls then get into a group hug and cry with tears of sadness. Meanwhile we see the demihumans relaxing on the couch as Miia has a feeling that you are in trouble.

Miia: "I have a strange feeling that (Y/N) is in trouble."

Cerea: "How so?"

Miia: "Don't know. I just have a feeling that's all."

Meanwhile with you, we see you tied up and being carried by giant women with neanderthal-like appearances.

(Y/N): "This is unexpected, a planet full of life and they're in the stone age."

Thog: "What tiny man talking about?"

Kug: "Mmmmhmmm?"

(Y/N): "I'm talking about the fact that this place exists and the inhabitants are uh, um, not up to date and based on your clothes, your amazons right?"

Thog: "Tiny man is right?"

Ornik: "Tiny man smart."*holds up your gun*"He uses a boom boom stick."

(Y/N): "Uh yeah, you wouldn't happen to know someone named Queen Hippolyta right?"

Thog: "Hmm, who?"

(Y/N): "Nevermind, I'm here on a mission to colonize planets for the human race and yours is suitable for colonization."

Thog: "More tiny men coming to us?"

(Y/N): "Yes."

Thog: "No, you stay here!"

(Y/N): "I wish I could, but I have girlfriends back where I'm from, and one of them is an amazon."

Thog: "You be away for long time?"

(Y/N): "10 to 20 years, yes."

Thog: "Then you stay here for a long time."

(Y/N): "What am I gonna be doing here in the meantime?

Kug: "You only man here, you do snu-snu with us."

(Y/N): "Which means?"

Thog: "Make babies."

(Y/N): "Oh...."

Meanwhile back on Earth, we see the girls watching TV and sad that you're not here as we see Doppel turn herself into you.

Doppel: *As (Y/N)* "I know this doesn't help but, does it make anyone feel better?"

The hero girls then start crying in tears of sadness as Doppel then changes back.

Doppel: "That's what I thought."

Jessica: "Maybe I should check up on him, since I can survive in space."

Kara: "Woah hey, you're not the only one."

Jessica: "Well I'm an officer of the Green Lantern corps, and you might get a speeding ticket."

Kara: "In space?"

Jessica: "Yes."

Kara: "Fine."

Sometime later, we see Jessica arrive at where you are and she sees you being thrown into a bedroom and she sees Thog with you and Jessica instantly knows what she's gonna do to you.

Jessica: "Oh hell no!"

Jessica then fly in and then use her ring to make a hand to grab you right out of the bed.

Thog: "Hey who-" *sees Jessica in her uniform* *gasps* "Green person."

Jessica: "What?"

Thog: "He is... your mate?"

Jessica: "Uh, yes, he's my mate and I've claimed him already." *To you* "(Y/N) what's going on?"

(Y/N): "Oh they were gonna populate their planet with my help since there's only women here and no men."

Jessica: "Only women? So they're amazons too? Like Diana?"

(Y/N): " Uh, well kind of but not, these amazons are from the stone age."

Jessica: "So they're... alien amazons?"

(Y/N): "In a way, yeah pretty much."

Jessica: "And was this the planet you were supposed to go to?"

(Y/N): "Of course, it says so in the mission log."

Jessica: "And what was the mission exactly?"

(Y/N): "Oh simple, find a planet that is suitable for colonization."

Jessica: "And it looks like this place has everything, but were you really gonna let these amazons-"

(Y/N): "Amazonians."

Jessica: "Right, were you really gonna let them... do it with you?"

(Y/N): "They're many times my size, they're stronger than me, and I've checked the genetics that we're compatible for breeding."

Jessica: "Okay true, but focus on the many times my size part, they'll crush you."

Thog: *sees Jessica's butt* "Oh, green person has large bun-bun."

Jessica: "My bun-bun?"

(Y/N): "She's talking about your butt Jess."

Jessica: "Oh."

Thog: "You will grow up like amazonian?"

Jessica: "Uh, no no, I'm just uh, heavy bottomed. And uh, like I said, this man is my mate."

Thog: "Hm, you have made snu-snu with this man?"

Jessica: "Snu-snu?"

(Y/N): "She means sex."

Jessica: "Oh uh no I haven't, but um, he did give me a prostate exam." *Sees the confused looks* "Oh uh, he put his arm in my um... do-do hole?"

Thog and other Amazonians: "Ooooh."

Kug: "We know tiny man is small and weak, we let him do the work for us, and not be crushed."

(Y/N): "We made a compromise that I do the work myself."

Jessica: "And what about the amazonians? What do they get?"

(Y/N): "Oh they get to be mothers of their own children."

Jessica: "But uh, how? Won't they crush you? Cause... size difference."

Thog: "We stick bun-buns in air and he snu-snu us. Good idea right?"

(Y/N): "Yep and I teach them how to invent new things that would benefit their world."

Jessica: "Hm, okay as long they don't hurt you. You know the others miss you."

(Y/N): "Well this place is already ready for human colonization anyways, guess it was faster than I thought. Time to head home."

Jessica: "Wait, really? But I thought you said it would take 10 to 20 years, wait, what time is it now?"

Thog: "Night time?"

Jessica: *Sighs* "(Y/N), what time is it now?"

(Y/N): "That would be 2 am and the date is June 14th 2043."

Jessica's eyes widened in shock after hearing that.

Jessica: "2043?! H-how?! I got here over an hour ago."

(Y/N): *Remembers* "Oh right, time moves differently here."

Sometime later, we see you and Jessica return home and you see the girls aged up after 20 years.

Jessica: "Hey, we're back."

Girls: "Jessica! (Y/N)!"

You and Jessica then get hugged by the girls.

Karen: "We haven't seen you in 20 years!"

Jessica: "20 years? We've only been gone for an hour." *remembers* "Oh right, time difference."

Zee: "Time difference? What are you talking about?"

Jessica: "Long story short, the planet that (Y/N) was assigned to, has a time differential thing and... it's a bunch of time stuff and science and other stuff okay?"

Babs: "That makes sense."

Jessica: "It does?"

Diana: "(Y/N), many things have happened since you left."

(Y/N): "Like what?"

Babs: "Like I'm married to Dick Grayson!" *covers her mouth*

(Y/N): "How did that happen?"

Babs: "Arranged marriage. And he's still the big show off when he was Robin."

Jessica: "Figures, what about the rest of you?"

Kara: "I became a roadie."

Zee: "I am a successful magician."

Diana: "I have become queen of the amazons."

Karen: "Successful inventor."

Jessica: "What about the guys? And the villian girls?"

Babs: "Oh Hal is a test pilot, Doris is a gym teacher, Carol is a romance novelist, Selina is a master thief, Harleen is a circus clown, Leslie is a radio person, Pam is a landscaper, and everyone went to pursue their dreams."

Jessica: "So, that's it? No villains, no heroes, anything?"

Kara: "Not really, I mean, we did all that stuff back when we were in highschool and well... stuff happened you know."

Jessica: "I can tell. And Zee's butt is definitely still the same."

Zee: "Really? Even after 20 years you're still making cracks?"

Kara and the girls: *snickers*

Zee: "Girls come on."

(Y/N): *looks at Zee's butt*"Actually now that I look at it, 20 years of aging has made your butt 5x bigger than Jessica's."

Zee: "Hey! I've been keeping my tush in shape with daily exercises, yoga routines Jessica left behind, and etc and furthermore and-" *realizes and sighs* "I missed that blunt attitude of yours (Y/N)."

Kara: *Snickers* "Behind."

Zee: "Seriously Kara?"

Kara: "Oh come on, like you're not laughing at that either. Plus you remember what happened to Oliver right?"

Zee: "Ugh, don't remind me."

Jessica: "What happened?"

Babs: "Uh well, at Oliver's bachelor party we had the idea of Zee being the exotic dancer and grinding against Oliver for fun, but then..." *imitates bone cracking*

Jessica: *Realizes* "You didn't..."

Zee: "I did, I accidentally broke his pelvis."

Jessica: "That doesn't seem physically possible."

Kara: "Try telling that to Oliver."

(Y/N): "Well anyways, it's good to see you girls again."*spanks Zee's butt* "And your tush Zee."

Zee: *After being spanked* "Eep!" *chuckles* "It's been 20 years since I've been spanked."

Karen: "But what about that self spanking spell you casted on yourself?"

Zee: *Blushes* "Karen!"

(Y/N): "Maybe perhaps we can make things back to normal by making a simple change in the past."

Kara: "Uh, dude are you sure you wanna do that?"

Babs: "Yeah, messing with the past can lead to some bad mojo, and I should know from experience."

(Y/N): "Why do you think I have the basement level apartments for."

Babs: "There's basement level apartments?"

Karen: "Why didn't you tell us?"

(Y/N): "Well-"

Zee: "And don't say you never asked."

(Y/N): "But you didn't ask."

Diana: "He's right."

Jessica: "Hang on, I have to ask, what videos did I leave behind and how were my moms?"

Zee: "Well, first your moms volunteered themselves to be surrogate mothers and (Y/N)'s mother donated her sperm so that they get surrogate children, which by the way all have autism."

Jessica: "And the yoga videos?"

Zee: "Oh yeah, before you left, we found these videos of you doing bottomless yoga, which got a little... saucy."

Jessica: *Blushes* "D'oh those videos were supposed to be a gift for (Y/N)." *To you* "Sorry sweetie."

(Y/N): "It's okay, it's the thought that counts. Besides, what am I gonna do with one saucy yoga video let alone a set of them?"

Zee: *chuckles* "Same old (Y/N)."

Jessica: "I made them as instructional yoga videos just in case if something happens to me, but my... desires got me all... hot and bothered."

Babs: "Yeah, we can tell when you did the downward dog and how you added sex toys to the yoga instructions. Using your ring."

Diana: "Didn't you find a good stress reliever?"*sees you are gone*"Where is (Y/N)?"

Jessica: "He's not here is he?"

Girls: "Nope."

Zee: *Sighs* "Brings back memories huh girls?"

Kara: "But where is he?"

Karen: "Zee, didn't you make a tracking spell just in case one of the autistic kids wanders off?"

Zee: "Oh yeah."*uses the tracking spell*"He's at an electronics store?"

Kara: "Why would he go there?"

Meanwhile with you, we see you asking the store manager Jeffrey Price for the Time-Jump device.

Jeffery: "You want to use the Time-Jump device to prevent yourself from going on a mission from Kindred?"

(Y/N): "Yes."*grabs the time jump device and input a code*"This code will allow me to do a paradox free time travel."

Later, in the past, we see your past self about to get a newspaper until your future self comes to your past self.

F. (Y/N): "If you take a job at Kindred your girlfriends will grow up without you cause once you're on another planet time will be dilated.

P. (Y/N): "Okay."

We then see your past and future self then merge together the same way babs did when she time traveled.

(Y/N): "I should unite two alien races."

Sometime later, we see you talking to Attea and Looma and they are having a diplomatic meeting.

(Y/N): "Since you both like me, maybe you two marrying me will benefit both sides and have them share a home planet."

Attea: "Well then deal."

We see Attea and Looma shaking their hands in agreement as the hero girls were dumbfounded that you managed to bring two sides together.

Jessica: "It's like he did it before."

Kara: "But... how?"

Karen: "You don't think...?"

Zee: *Gets what Karen is talking about* "He time traveled."

Kara: "No way, there is no way."

(Y/N): "20 years from now Zee's butt will be 5x bigger than Jessica's."

Zee: "Wait what?"

Jessica: "How would you know?"

(Y/N): "I time jumped, it was a paradox free time travel experience."

Babs: "Wait what, how did you make it paradox free?"

(Y/N): *holds up a picture of a robot*"Look here."

The girls looked and saw it was a picture of a robot as we see Babs use a magnifying glass and see a binary code for paradox free time travel.

Babs: *Reads the code* "Paradox free time travel?"

Kara: "Where? All I see is a bunch of ones and zeros."

Babs: "It's in binary."

(Y/N): "Yeah I input it into the time jump device."

Babs: "And that's what happened to you, which explains how you have a whole basement level of rooms occupied by mes from alternate timelines."

Kara: "Wait there's a basement level?"

Zee: "Yes, (Y/N) showed us the basement level, remember?"

Kara: "Oh yeah, I forgot all about that."

(Y/N): "Yeah one of the Babs is a boy, don't know how that happened."

Babs: "I'm guessing it had something to do with a certain magician." *Look at Zee*

Zee: "Still mad about me switching your mind into your dad's body?"

Babs: "Yes! I still have nightmares about that!"

(Y/N): "Actually Boy Babs told me that he used to be a girl but Zee used a gender swapping spell on him."

Zee: *sees Babs giving her the look* "Oh come on, I didn't do that to you!... Technically"

(Y/N): "You know I should put that on my calendar."*writes on a portable calendar*"5 days as the opposite sex starts next monday."

Zee: "Uh wha?"

Kara: "I think that (Y/N) wants to be a girl for a week."

Jessica: "Seriously (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "I thought it would be a social experiment."

Karen: "Well... It would be nice to see how autism works with women."

Zee: "Well as long as he doesn't do anything weird with his body as a woman."

Jessica: "Zee, (Y/N) wouldn't do that, this would be normal for him soon to be her. Plus he saw me half naked and didn't even flinch."

Zee: "Alright."

Jessica: "Plus, let's be honest, who here has flashed and/or mooned (Y/N)?"

The girls were a bit hesitant but they reluctantly raised their hands.

(Y/N): "To be honest, I didn't notice any of you flashing or mooning me."

Zee: " We kind of figured that out, which really made us look stupid after you said that."

(Y/N): "Well if you keep it up you might end up becoming teen moms."

Diana: "Well we wouldn't do it to other people or in public, just at home with you."

(Y/N): "Okay, hey can I make one phone call?"

Sometime later, we see you playing chess against Warmonga and she has lost against you for the 50th time.

(Y/N): *moves the Pawn next to the king*"Checkmate."

Warmonga: "Gah! Bested by a human again!"

(Y/N): "Thought someone was a god because their skin was blue?"

Warmonga: "...Yes."

(Y/N): "It's okay, it happens to some people."

Warmonga: "For once I want to best a human but I can't! I'm a laughing stock on my planet!"

(Y/N): "Well you did your best and that's what counts."

Warmonga: "I guess you're right."*lifts you up to her height*"You understand how I feel and now I must find a man who is right for me. And I found him and he's you."

(Y/N): "Cool."

Later on, we see Warmonga, Attea, and Looma in your apartment and we see Warmonga and Looma arm wrestling.

Looma: *Struggling* "Yield Lorwardian!"

Warmonga: *struggling*"I will best you in this test of might!"

Attea: *While watching* "You've been at this for hours."

We then see you peck Looma on the cheek as she blushes a bit as we see Warmonga beat Looma in arm wrestling.

Warmonga: "Victory!"

Looma: *Blushes* "No fair! I was distracted!"

(Y/N): "Warmonga needed a win after all the humiliation she suffered on Earth."

Looma and Attea: "Thought someone was the great blue?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, but how did you two know?"

Attea: "Word gets by fast, it's on the extranet."

(Y/N): "Okay then."

Warmonga: "I can't believe everyone knows my failure."

(Y/N): "The best part about losing is that you can learn from your mistakes."

Looma: "Wise words to live by."

Attea: "And true too."

(Y/N): "So what do you girls want to do?"

Sometime later, we see a group of guys watching in awe at the sight of Warmonga and Lomma pulling 50 train cars while you and Attea were on top of them.

Attea: "Yeah, yeah, look all you want, we're dating that guy." *Points to you*

(Y/N): "This is a workout regiment fit for them."

Attea: "What he said."

We see both Warmonga and Looma stop pulling the trains as they then grab their sweat towels and wipe the sweat off of them.

(Y/N): "How was the work out?"

Looma: "Not bad, though I feel like I can do 100 train cars."

Warmonga: "I want to go for 300 train cars."

Attea: "Well guess (Y/N) will be your fitness coach."

Looma: "His methods of keeping us at our peak condition is impressive."

Warmonga: "Is there anything heavier than these train carts?"

(Y/N): "I need to make a phone call."

Sometime later, we see your old friend Susan Murphy and you see that she's a giant now.

(Y/N): "You certainly hit a big growth spurt."

Susan: "Yeah I've noticed, but now I can control it."

(Y/N): "Cool, hey can they borrow you for their work out cause they need something heavier than train cars."

Susan: "Uh, who's they?"

(Y/N): "Looma and Warmonga. They're the alien girls who are putting a whole group of football players and wrestlers to shame right behind you."

Susan then turns to see Warmonga and Looma overpowering and beating multiple football players and wrestlers in wrestling and football.

Susan: "Oh, wow they're.....beefcakes."*sees Looma suplex a wrestler*"Yikes, that has to hurt."

Wrestler: *in pain*"Every bone in my body is broken!"

Susan: "And you want me to fight them?"

(Y/N): "Nope, just sit on them."

Susan: "What?"

(Y/N): "Hey girls push up position, this exercise requires you to maintain the position for long periods of time, we'll go for 4 to 9 hours."

Looma: "Yes our beloved!"

We see Looma and Warmonga go into a push up position and we see Susan sit on them as she feels them still maintaining their push up position.

Susan: "So I'm just gonna sit here for 9 hours?"

(Y/N): "Yes."

Frenchie: 9 hours later.

Here we see Susan, in her giant form, and she has been sitting on both Looma and Warmonga for 9 hours as you then hear the timer.

(Y/N): "That's time."

Susan: *gets up and looks at both Looma and Warmonga*"Man, I think my butt fell asleep, are you two okay?"

Looma: "I feel great, though I could use a shower."

Warmonga: "Agreed, I smell like the back end of a wild animal."

(Y/N): "But you girls smell manly."

Looma: "Thank you (Y/N). Although there is such a thing as being too manly."

Warmonga: "Agreed. Also it would have helped if our weight did not... pass gas."

Susan: "It was taco tuesday at the mess hall so cut me some slack."

Looma: "Fair enough, though you could have at least held them in."

(Y/N): "What size bra do you use when you're giant?"

Attea, Looma, and Warmonga: *in their heads* "Why would he say that!?!"

Susan: "Oh I had my bra made with a special elastic material my suit is made of, so whenever I go giant it goes giant with me."

(Y/N): "Oh neat. So what is your breast size exactly?"

Susan: " 36 E."

(Y/N): "Huh, neat. And as a giant?"

Susan: "Hm, I'm not sure."

(Y/N): "Okay then. I think I would call it 90000 ZZZ."

Attea: *to Susan* "How are you so casual about this?!"

Susan: "What do you mean?"

Looma: "He's asking about your bra size."

Susan: "He's autistic remember, when he touches a girl's breasts he does so out of curiosity and not out of perviness."

Looma: "Au... tistic?"

Attea: "What's that?"

Susan: "Autism is a brain thing that some like (Y/N) have, it makes them think differently."

Looma: "I see."*feels your hands on her breasts*"Ah! My beloved (Y/N), what are you doing?"

(Y/N): "Measuring your breast size based on touch."

Susan: "And this is what he does."

Attea: "And this is normal?"

Susan: "Pretty much."

(Y/N): "Seems like you're a size L or K."

Warmonga: "And touching a woman in that area is normal to (Y/N) who has this, Autism?"

Susan: "Yeah his girlfriends were insistent on him touching their breasts that he only does so by measuring their size or giving them massages or health check ups."

Attea: "So wait he has so many girlfriends and he's still a virgin?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Attea: "Wow so you never had intercourse with any of the girls in your apartment?"

(Y/N): "Nope, but they've tried to. Around 370 times in a row."

Attea: "Okay now I'm concerned, I get you don't want them to be moms just yet, but have you ever actually... done it with them? With protection?"

(Y/N): "Nope, neither one of us have done it yet."

Attea: "Alright it's your call if you wanna do it or not but you're gonna have to do it sooner or later."

Sometime later, we see you watching TV and we see the hero girls really riled up.

Kara: "I can't take it anymore, with or without a condom we need to do it."

Jessica: "Kara control yourself. We can't just jump (Y/N) and force him to do something he doesn't want to."

Zee: "Maybe we can ask him nicely?"

Karen: "Yeah I'm sure he'll agree."

Jessica: "Well if it makes anyone feel better he did have his hand in my rectum. And it felt amazing."

Babs: "That was just a health check up."

Jessica: "I know but having something that big in me did help my sexual needs."

Diana: "Jessica is not entirely wrong, the health check up is the only time release we ever get."

Zee: "Let's do it."

(Y/N): "The health check ups are monthly."

The girls were shocked to hear that and they groaned in disappointment.

Zee: "Dang it." *To you* "Sweetie, if it's not too much to ask, we could use some... sexual release, but if you don't want to, we understand we won't force you to do something you don't want to."

You then give the girls porn to read as we see the girls look through them.

Jessica: "Not what I had in mind."

Kara: "We'll take it."

(Y/N): "The reason why most people have these in their rooms is because they need a sense of relief."

Diana: "While this is resourceful, do you desire to mate with us?"

(Y/N): "Babs has planned to have 6 kids and she's planning her motherhood right now."

The girls then see Babs writing on a notepad as she then hides it behind her back.

Kara: "Seriously dude?!"

Babs: "But I feel like I'm ready for kids."

Jessica: "You're still in highschool Babs, I'm not gonna be a teen mom and neither are you."

Babs: "Actually most people get married while they're in high school."

(Y/N): "It's true."

Kara: "Fair enough."

(Y/N): "But to answer your question on having sex with you girls, due to your most of your abilities there is a high risk of mortality that might ensue."

Kara: "Huh?"

Zee: "He means we might crush his pelvis by accident."

Kara: "Oh."

Jessica: "Well I know Kara and Diana would be the best possible." *To Diana and Kara* "No offense."

Kara: "Nah we understand."

Diana: "Our strength would definitely crush his pelvis."

Zee: "Won't it be easier just to do it missionary style?"

(Y/N): "Well sex is not on the calendar right now."

Zee: "Alright, I guess you're right."

(Y/N): "And Kara has a hymen that is just as durable as the rest of her body."

Kara: *Remembers* "Gah, dang it you're right! I wouldn't be able to punch my card if I wanted to."

Babs: "You probably need kryptonite just to... do it."

(Y/N): "Probably gold kryptonite."

Kara: "Where am I supposed to find that!?!"

Karen: " Well I still have that gold kryptonite from when we fought toyman. I kept it in a lead box."

Kara: "Great! Where is it!?"

Zee: "Kara I know what you're thinking, you can't force (Y/N) do it."

Kara: "Everyday is No Nut November to him Zee!"

Zee: "Well yeah but it's his choice, we can't force him to do something he doesn't want to."

Jessica: "Zee's right, it's his choice."*sees that you're gone*"Where did he go?"

Meanwhile, we see you walking down the sidewalk and then we see you heading to the market and you see Antiope and Hippolyta surrounded by Hobgobblers.

(Y/N): "I see they like you two."

Antiope: "They are trying to eat us!"

You then see one Hobgobbler biting Hippolyta's butt.

Hippolyta: "Gah! Get this dragon off of me!"

(Y/N): "I think he likes you."

Antiope: "He wants to eat us."

You then clap your hands as we see the Hobgobblers fly away.

Hippolyta: "Thank you (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "You're welcome."

Antiope: "Where are you going?"

(Y/N): "I'm going to the market to buy some groceries."

Hippolyta: "I see, what would you be doing when you get those groceries?"

(Y/N): "Um, make dinner."

Hippolyta: "I see."

Antiope: "Sister, we should bring (Y/N) back to Themyscira."

Hippolyta: "Antiope, we have been over this, you how the others get when they want their... needs."

(Y/N): "I haven't been to Themyscira yet, I would like to go with you two."

Hippolyta: "Are you sure, the other girls can be a bit... feisty."

Sometime later, we see you and the amazons heading to Themyscira as we see you taking a nap.

Antiope: "Should we not inform Diana of this?"

Hippolyta: "Let's not worry her."

Antiope: "I do not know, what if she does get worried."

Hippolyta: "She will not, she is a strong warrior and princess of the amazons. She will not worry about little things."

Meanwhile, we see Diana panicking while looking for you all over the city..

Diana: "Where is he?!?"

Back to you, we see you taking a nap in a lounge chair and the amazons see you.

Amazon 1: "A man?"

Amazon 2: "Why did the queen bring back a man?"

Amazon 3: "Perhaps he is our communal husband?"

Hippolyta overheard this and decided to explain to the girls.

Hippolyta: "Fellow amazons, this man is here to lounge here apparently."

Amazon 3: "So is he our communal husband?"

Amazon 4: "Is he bigger than Zeus?"

Hippolyta: "No, no he is not our communal husband, and he's not here to mate with any of us."

Amazons: "Aww..."

Amazon 6: "Are you certain?"

Hippolyta: "Yes."

Amazon 7: "Is he an offering for Aphrodite?"

Hippolyta: "No he is not."

Amazon 8: "Is he your husband?"

Hippolyta: "No! He is no one's husband!"

Amazon 9: "Is he a virgin?"

Hippolyta: "Yes he is."

Amazon 10: "Then we can offer aphrodite a virgin sacrifice."

Hippolyta: "No! Why do you want to sacrifice him!?"

Amazon 11: "Because Aphrodite keeps using us as sex toys."

Hippolyta: "She's the goddess of love, I am sorry that we have to experience her using us for her pleasures but we have to endure it."

???: "Are you trying to give me a virgin sacrifice?"

The amazons then turn to see aphrodite herself as she sees you taking a nap.

Aphrodite: "If you want to take a break from me you could have just asked."

Hippolyta: "Aphrodite, please leave him be, he's not a virgin sacrifice for you."

Aphrodite: "(Y/N)? Oh he's just a friend of mine who helped me up my game as the Goddess of Love."

Hippolyta: "Oh okay then."

Aphrodite: "So what's he doing here?"

Hippolyta: "Taking a nap apparently, and I am worried that the amazons might do something to him."

Aphrodite: "Yeah, try telling that to Diana, she's super worried about him."

Antiope: *to Hippolyta* "I told you!"

Hippolyta: "We will take him home."*sees you gone*"Where did he go?"

Meanwhile, we see you at the hot springs in your swimming trunks and we see you surrounded by amazons who are naked at the hot springs.

Amazon: "Um, why is there a man here?"

(Y/N): "I need a place to relax for a bit. And why are you all naked?"

Amazon: "We are women and why are you wearing clothing at a hot spring?"

(Y/N): "These are my swimming trunks."

Amazon: "Swimming trunks? What are they?"

(Y/N): "It's a swimsuit that covers up a part of your body in a public pool."

Amazon: "Why can you not take it off?"

(Y/N): "Because this is a public place. And it would be indecent, although since you're all comfortable with yourselves, I guess it's okay for you girls."

Amazon: "Are you gonna take it off?"

(Y/N): "Nope."

Amazon: "Are you sure? We would not mind, but if you do not want to, it is okay."

(Y/N): "Alright."

Once you take off your swimming trunks the amazons were immediately shocked at what is between your legs as we see Hippolyta enter the room.

Hippolyta: "What is going on here?"

(Y/N): *stands up*"Just relaxing your highness."

Hippolyta was about to say something until she saw your johnson and she was shocked and amazed by it. For a brief second, she pictured herself getting penetrated for 2 hours by you.

Hippolyta: "Ohh... my...."

(Y/N): "I knew it was a bad idea."*put on the swimming trunks*"There we go."

Amazons: "Awww..."

Hippolyta: "Aww..."

Sometime later, we see you on a boat back to Metropolis with Hippolyta and Antiope with you. As each passing hour, Hippolyta struggles to keep control of herself and she wants to do it with you.

Antiope: "Sister, contain yourself."

Hippolyta: " legs are burning hotter than Helios......I must!"

Antiope: *Holds Hippolyta* "No! He's Diana's lover, you can't!"

Hippolyta: "Release me sister!"

Antiope: "Never!" *To the others* "Restrain her and make sure she doesn't break out."

Amazon: "But she's the queen!"

Antiope: "Queen or not, she needs to be restrained, now do as you are told!"

Amazons: "Yes ma'am!"

(Y/N): "Hold on, allow me to help her."

You then walk up to Hippolyta and you start to feel her up. Sometime later, we see the hero girls get on the boat and they see Hippolyta laying on the ground with her face warped with pleasure.

Diana: "Mother?"

(Y/N): *Directly behind Jessica*"She was riled up so I calmed her down with a health check up."

Jessica: "She saw your weiner didn't she?"

(Y/N): "Yeah along with the rest of Themyscira, except for Antiope."

The girls then see that the other amazons were on the ground in pleasure comas except for Antiope.

(Y/N): "They'll be out for a while."

Kara: "Okay how is it fair they got to see it but we didn't?"

(Y/N): "They asked."

Jessica: "Can we please look at it?"

(Y/N): "Nope."

Girls: "Dang it!"

Antiope: " Well all we can say is that he is very... large."

Diana: "How large?"

Antiope: "How should I know I have not seen it."

Diana: "Oh but mother had seen it?"

Antiope: "She will once she wakes up from her pleasure coma."

(Y/N): "Well I'll be heading home. Come on girls."

Zee: "Can we stay until they wake up first?"

(Y/N): "No."

Girls: "Alright."

We later see you and the girls are back home as they were a bit jealous that Diana's mom got to see your manhood but they didn't.

Kara: "Great, we didn't see what's in his pants but Diana's mom did."

Diana: "This is very infuriating, I am so envious of my mother now."

Zee: "Kara, can't you just use your x-ray vision on (Y/N)?"

Kara: *Remembers* "Oh yeah but no, he's wearing lead underwear."

Jessica: "Dang it, Zee? You know any spells that make things... see-through?"

Zee: "No way, remember what happened last time we made something see through?"

The girls then look at Jessica with a serious look on their faces.

Jessica: "What?"

Kara: "You used Zee's spell book to make yourself invisible just to see him naked and it backfired when you were hit by a car."

Jessica: *Remembers* "Ohh, yeah."

Babs: "Any more ideas?"

Zee: "Well, we could just rip his clothes off?"

Diana: "Zee!"

Zee: "Got a better idea?"

Diana: "...............No."

Jessica: "Then let's jump him!"

The girls were about to jump on you and they saw that you were not in the room.

Girls: "Dang it."

Meanwhile, in a small bunker under your bed, we see you watching the news and doing sudoku puzzles.

(Y/N): "They're not gonna stop until they see, might as well let them see so they have some closure."

Sometime later, we see a paper airplane fly around the room and we see Jessica catch it, she then unfolds it and sees a picture of your manhood and she blushes bright red and faint onto the floor as the hero girls see her on the floor.

Kara: "Jess?"

The girls then see the picture and once they saw it they were shocked and terrified of how big it is.

Zee: "........its......huge...."

Diana: "Great Hera..."

Babs: "I think it might kill us if we do it with him...."

Karen: "Yeah he's as hung as a horse."

Kara: "Let's get him to agree with a Yes Day."

Diana: "What is a Yes Day?"

Zee: "It's a challenge where you have to say Yes to everything for 1 day. No matter how ridiculous, weird, or perverted it is."

Diana: "Hmm, if what you say is true then he has to be obligated to mate with us."

Babs: "Yeah, but Diana, we don't wanna be teen moms."

Jessica: *wakes up*"Yeah and I speak from experience when I was almost one."

Diana: "How difficult is raising a child?"

Zee: "When you're a teenager, it's very difficult."

Diana: "How so?"

Kara: " Well you have to deal with school and taking care of a baby."

Diana: "Jessica is a babysitter."

Jessica: " True but I'm no teen mom. Let's just keep what we ask at a level where none of us become moms, agreed?"

Zee: "Okay."

Kara: "I can live with that. But just so you know I am part of an endangered species okay."

Babs: "With an indestructible V-card."

Jessica: "Diana? Are you seriously thinking of becoming a teen mom?"

Diana: "I am not!"

Kara: "You are literally writing down a grocery list for babies."

Diana was holding a notepad and she hid the notepad behind her and sheepishly chuckled.

Zee: "Diana please, we don't wanna make our boyfriend do something he doesn't want to."

(Y/N): *walks by*"When I was on Amazonia, I didn't mind the Amazonians wanting kids with me since they're a female only race."

You then head out the door as we see Diana continue writing in the notepad.

Zee: "So he doesn't mind that we end up with kids during highschool?"

Jessica: "I... guess not? But do you girls wanna have kids now?"

Babs: "Well... not really."

Kara: "Well I have to have kids cause again endangered species, but I'm in no rush. "

Zee: "I can wait until graduation, or college."

Karen: "You know I want kids after graduation."

Jessica: "Same here." *To Diana* "What about you Diana?"

Diana: "Well... while I do want offsprings of my own, I can learn to be patient when the time comes."

Jessica: "So we're all in agreement, we can wait for kids?"

Girls: " We can wait."

Jessica: "Okay. But that doesn't mean we can get (Y/N) to do... other things."

Zee: *Gets what Jessica means* "Yeah we can do a lot of stuff with him until we end up in pleasure comas."

Jessica: "I was out for hours or a day at least when it happened to me. There's gotta be a way to stop that."

Zee: "Well there is this one spell I know that prevents comas."

Jessica: "Really?"

Zee: "It's a stamina boosting spell, meaning no comas and you'll have lots of energy."

Jessica: "How much energy?"

Zee: "As hyper as a guy who drank 500 Monster energy drinks." *glances at Babs* "Or as hyper as Babs, no offense Babs."

Babs: "None taken."

Jessica: " So, we can do the Yes day?"

Zee: "Maybe not, but let's put it on the calendar, there's so much we can do in one day."

Kara: "So which day can be Yes Day?"

Jessica: "Not sure, how about... Wednesday?"

Babs: "How about on the weekend, so that we can have no school."

Kara: "Works for me."

Karen: "Me too."

Jessica: "Okay."

Next: Chapter 9: Anonymous Letter.

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