Alex's POV: Interrogation

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I was in the middle of stocking shelves when someone placed their hand on my shoulder. I turned around and there was a blonde woman with her hair tied back, I have never seen her before.

"Are you Alexander Ross?" I gave the woman a confused look.

"Yes, who are you?" I questioned her. It was odd to me that she knew my name.

"I'm Officer Williams; I need you to come with me to the station for questioning." She held up her badge. "I already talked to your manager; you are free to leave work for the day."

"What is this about?" I asked her.

"We will talk about it at the station, let's go." I followed her to the parking lot and she put me in the back of the police car. I haven't done anything illegal so I don't know what this is about.

When we arrived to the station, Officer Williams had me wait in an interrogation room. I was waiting for about ten minutes until the door opened. She came in with another cop.

"This is my partner, Officer Scott." She said as they took their seats across from me.

"What's going on?" I asked

"Does the name Alice Jane ring a bell?" Officer Scott asked while raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah she's my girlfriend, well she was anyway. I haven't heard from her in days." I answered him truthfully.

"Where were you this last Sunday?" Officer Williams asked.

"I was at work, where is Alice?"

"We could ask you the same thing; she has been missing since Sunday. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, now would you?" Officer Scott asked while insinuating I knew something.

"She's missing? No, why would I know anything about that? I was at work, she asked me to come over and I said I couldn't. I haven't heard from her since!" I yelled.

"Do you have anybody that can vouch for you?" Officer Williams stepped back in with her questions.

"Yeah actually everyone at work including the customers that come in regularly. Plus the security cameras that are throughout the entire store." I was getting angry; I wouldn't do anything to hurt Alice. I thought she was blowing me off this whole time.

"We will be checking your alibi." He assured me.

"I saw her online two nights ago; every time I clicked on her profile things started missing." I told them as I remembered. "I tried messaging her but I never got a response."

"What kind of things went missing?" Officer Williams asked while Officer Scott started taking notes.

"Well there were comments on her profile from some other guy and they disappeared, all of them are gone, even mine."

"Do you remember the name of the other guy? It is important that we know." She tried pushing me to remember.

"I remember I even messaged him that night to leave her alone because she's mine. His name is Sam, he's not in my messages anymore he must of blocked me or something." I told them everything I knew.

"What is his last name?" Officer Scott jumped in.

"It didn't say." I answered

"I need you to go and have Alice's profile completely restored. We need to find Sam. It's important her life is in danger. The girls are connected; we need to put an end to this." Office Williams whispered into Officer Scott's ear as if I couldn't hear them.

"Thank you Alexander, I'll take you back to your car. Call us immediately if you see the profile back online or if you have any more information." She smiled and we went back to her squad car.

She dropped me off in the parking lot of where I worked. I went to my car and drove home. I decided to do some of my own investigation. I went into my apartment and got onto my computer. I clicked on to Alice's profile page and went to her about me. Her best friends name is Rachel, that's where I'll start. I searched her friends list and clicked on the only Rachel there. It was definitely her; she had a picture of her and Alice together.

Me: Hi you don't know me, but my name is Alex. I need your help in searching for your friend.

Rachel: I'm not helping you! You probably took her, I'm telling the police.

Me: I already spoke to the police. She just became my girlfriend; I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that.

Rachel: Fine what do you need?

Me: Look up a profile for me his name is Sam.

Rachel: Just Sam?

Me: Yeah.

Rachel: There are a lot of profiles that come up. Why am I looking this up anyways?

Me: He may be responsible for Alice's disappearance. Send me a screenshot of the list.

Rachel: Here.

Me: Click on the fifth one and send me his profile picture.

Rachel: Okay.

Me: Thank you, that's all I needed.

I ended the conversation and pulled up a picture search. You just drag the picture to the box and it searches the whole Internet for profiles with that picture. It took a while for it to find a profile but it finally did. The picture came up on a popular social network. I clicked onto the profile and that guy's name wasn't even Sam. His real name is Kyle Wayne and he lives in a different state. I picked up my phone and called Officer Williams. I told her everything I have just learned and hung up the phone. She told me to send her an email with the picture and profile so I did.

I couldn't stop thinking about Alice, I felt horrible. I was so angry with her this week for not talking to me. It wasn't even her fault. I miss talking to her every night. I got to know her better than I have ever known anybody. Alice is all I have; I don't want her to be gone. I need her back, I think I love her. I want to be able to tell her that.


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