Day Four: Surprise And Suicide

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Travis woke me up and he was overly excited, it felt like my heart stopped. He is going to kill me today. He is crazy I don't know how much longer I can deal with this. I prayed that is was him that was caught by the police, but it obviously wasn't. If I die I would rather it be at my own hands, not his.

"Hurry up and get your shower, I have a couple of surprises for you. Don't come out until I tell you to." Travis pulled me out of bed and he looked so happy. I wanted to know what was going on. He threw some clothes on the bed for me, is he going to let me go? That would be the greatest gift anyone could possibly give me at this point. I took the clothes and went into the shower. I turned the water on and quickly got in. I washed my hair and my body as fast as I could; it was the quickest shower that I've ever taken. I brushed my teeth then brushed my hair. My heart was pounding, I don't know what to expect. I stayed in the bathroom and put my ear to the door, I could hear Travis coming down the stairs. I stayed there listening. I heard things hit the ground and then the steps again.

"What the hell is going on?" I quietly asked myself. I heard him coming back down the stairs again.

"You can come out now." Travis yelled so I could hear him. I walked opened the bathroom door and saw Travis holding a small black and white kitten. I immediately felt depressed; no living creature should be down here. I frowned.

"I buy you a kitten so you don't get lonely and you're still not happy. I'm trying to my best; I want you to like it here. This is your new home; I understand you may feel a little uncomfortable still. It takes time to adjust to a new place." Travis yelled at me, I need to say something to calm him down.

"Thank you Travis, I was just surprised. I'm not used to surprises, I'm sorry." The tears were flooding my face.

"She's a girl; you can name her whatever you want. I brought down everything she needs. The litter box is over there, the cat litter is in the corner with the bag of cat food and the bowls are by the kitchen. I'll leave you two alone so you can bond." Travis said as he was pointing to the directions of where the things were. I don't want to be responsible for another life down here. This place is hell on earth. Travis put the cat down and went back upstairs and locked the door behind him. I picked the cat up and brought her to the bedroom. I shut the door and went on the bed with her. I hugged her close and cried. The kitten started climbing my shirt with her claws and sat on my shoulder. The kitten let out a cute little yawn.

"I'm sorry you're down here with me, you deserve better than this." I spoke to the cat. She kicked my cheek with her sandpaper like tongue. I pulled the cat off of my shoulder and put her down next to me. She curled up into a little ball and fell asleep. I pet her while she purred. She was so soft and sweet, she can't be here. This place is too dangerous; I don't want him to hurt her.

I got up and let the cat sleep on the bed. I went to the living room and saw a box. I opened it up and all that was in there was makeup and nail supplies. I pulled out a couple of nail files and went to the kitchen. Tears filled my eyes; I know I'm never getting out of here. I went in the small drawer and took out a small handful of plastic butter knives. I brought the nail files and butter knives to the bathroom and shut the door. I didn't worry about locking it, I just wanted to get this done and over with. I grabbed a plastic knife and I started filing it down until it was sharp. Once it was sharp enough I filed the other plastic knives until they sharp, also. I hid all but one of the plastic knives in a towel under the sink, just in case my plan doesn't go the way I want it to.

I sat on the bathroom floor crying, I have never been suicidal before until now. This made perfect sense to me. I would much rather have my life ended by my own hands instead of anyone else's. I took the sharpened plastic knife and held to my wrist as I cried. My eyes were so teary I couldn't see straight, everything was blurred. I cried and I cried. I know this is going to hurt my mother and everyone else. I just hope that everyone understands that I would rather do it myself than meet the fate that was coming to me. I started cutting my wrist, back and forth until the blood oozed out. The pain was intense but beautiful. I made more cuts, sawing through my skin back and forth. There was so much blood, I cried even more. Everything went black.

I heard noise and I opened my eyes. I saw Travis wrapping my wounds, I felt disappointed that I didn't die. All I wanted was to be out of this hell that I was in.

"You are never thankful; I did this all for you. I made it to where Steven can never hurt you again! What more could you possibly want? Can't you see that I did it all for you? This is how you thank me? You can never leave me Alice, I won't let that happen. You are mine!" Steven screamed once he saw my eyes opened. He taped the bandage on my wrist. "What is it that you want? Tell me and I will get it for you, I would do anything for you, can't you see that?"

"I just want to go home. I want to be with my mom, and I want to see my best friend again. If you would do anything for me then let me go." I whispered.

"You're not going anywhere, you are home. How many times do I have to tell you that?" Travis screamed. "I will get you one thing though; I hope it will make you happy. Don't try to leave me again, Princess. Take this pill it will help you sleep."

"I'm not taking anything." I said quietly. I don't have much energy to speak loud enough. All I could manage to do was cry.

"If you don't take it then I will kill your mother." Travis threatened. I quickly grabbed the pill and swallowed it. I don't want anybody to die because of me, it's not fair. "Good girl, I'll take you to your room." Travis picked me up and put me in bed and covered me up. He walked away and grabbed the cat. He put her down next to me and kissed me on the lips. Travis left the bedroom door opened and I heard him going up the steps. I wiped my lips off and cried myself to sleep. 


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