Day One: Where Am I?

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I woke up and I was afraid to open my eyes. I don't really remember what happened but I know it wasn't good. I slowly opened my eyes just enough to peek through my eyelids. I didn't see anybody so I opened up my eyes. I was in an unfamiliar place in a bed that wasn't mine. My head is pounding. Where am I?

I sat up on the bed waiting to hear someone's voice. There wasn't a single sound. I quietly stood up and tiptoed to the bedroom door. I placed my ear to the door and still, there was nothing. No voices, no televisions, nothing. I removed my ear from the door and looked around the small windowless bedroom for clues. I turned the light on and there wasn't anything. It was just a plain bedroom with a bed, a closet, and a small dresser. I quietly slid the closet door open and my heart dropped. I think I'm going to be sick. How the hell did my clothes get in here? I quietly shut the closet door and went through the dresser. It was all my stuff! I sat on the edge of the bed. Tears rolled down my face.

The worst thing is waking up in an unfamiliar place not remembering what happened, or how I got here. I started thinking about what happened, but my memory is foggy. If I was safe I would have my phone, right? I quickly stood up and checked my pockets, no phone. I searched under the pillow and blanket, then under the bed. Still no phone. I'm going crazy, is this even real? I closed my eyes for five seconds, expecting to be back in my room when I opened them. I slowly opened my eyes and I was still in a room, just not mine. Maybe I passed out and someone brought me to their place. That still doesn't make any sense though, my clothes are here!

I wiped away my tears and got up. I started walking slowly to the bedroom door. I hesitated before I put my hand on the door knob. I slowly turned the knob and opened the door. I'm surprised that it wasn't locked. I poked my head out of the door way, nobody was there. The place looked like a small apartment, except there were stairs leading to a door. I ran up the stairs and tried to open the door. It wouldn't budge; it was locked from the other side. I walked down the stairs as tears filled my eyes. I'm scared for my life.

I searched the place the entire place for anything that I could find. I ran into the sad excuse to call a kitchen and searched for a knife that I could use later. All of the silverware is plastic. What the hell? I went into the small bathroom and searched under the cabinet. There was nothing besides my brush, pads, toilet paper, toothpaste, an unopened toothbrush, towels, and lotion.

"This is bullshit!" I screamed. I went into the small living room area and found a note taped on a small boxed television. The note read "Hey princess, sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up. I really wanted to be. You said you didn't want to be alone so now you have me, forever. Make yourself at home; this is your new home after all. I know it isn't much now but it'll get better, as long as you follow the rules. I'll explain everything to you tomorrow. Oh! I brought some of your stuff for you so you could be more comfortable. If you get hungry there is food in the kitchen."

I put the note in my pocket and started thinking of a plan. When he comes back I'll smash the lamp over his head and make a run for it. I walked over to the lamp on the side table. I tried to pick it up to see if it was heavy enough. The lamp wouldn't budge. Maybe it's just heavy. I tried pushing it to a different spot on the table. It wouldn't move. I tried to move the side table and that wouldn't move either. It's bolted to the ground! I ran around the place checking all of the lamps and furniture. They were all stuck. I don't even have a chance. I checked to see if the TV worked and it actually did. That's surprising. I turned on the news and there was nothing about me. My mother doesn't know I'm missing? I don't even know how long I've been down here. It could have only been an hour for all I know. I walked back up the stairs and pounded on the solid steel door.

"Somebody help me!" I screamed as I banged on the door. "I've been kidnapped!" I screamed as loud as I possibly could. I pounded on the door until my hands were sore. What's the use? Nobody can hear me. I went back to the small couch and sat down waiting for news about me on the TV.

I must have dozed off on the couch. I went back to the bedroom and fell back asleep facing the opposite side of the door. I don't want him to be the first thing I see when I open my eyes.

I dreamt the same dream about Steven. When I woke up, my face was wet. I must have been crying in my sleep.

"I want to go home; I want everything to be okay." I told myself as I cried. I reached in my pocket and took out the note. "This will never be my home!" I screamed. I'm so hungry but I refuse to eat anything here.

I wish I could remember how I got here. I could almost see it in my head but when I try to reveal the truth, it disappears. I must have been drugged. The last thing I could remember was walking to the convenience store. I had to of made it to Sam, he's the only one that calls me princess. I tried to piece together all of the information I had and that I could remember. I took another look at the note. I remember this handwriting; I've seen it before somewhere.

I know who kidnapped me.


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In the next chapter we will find out who Sam is!

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