Falling Apart

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When I woke up the next morning my eye lids were swollen from crying last night and my phone was on the floor dead. I picked it up and put it on charge. I picked out an outfit and went to take shower. While I was in the shower I cried some more. I got dressed and went back to my room and laid back down. I checked my phone to see if I had any messages. I didn't, not even one.

I know my relationship with Steven wasn't perfect but I still cared about him. I feel like he killed himself because of me. I can't think of any other explanation. I need to talk to Alex he always makes me happy.

Me: Hey.

Alex: Hey baby. What's wrong?

Me: My ex-boyfriend killed himself. I feel like it's all my fault. ),:

Alex: I heard about that this morning. Don't feel that way; you didn't make him do it. It's all going to be OK. I'll take you out for ice cream tomorrow after work.

Me: Can you come over in a couple of hours?

Alex: I really wish I could, but I have work babe.

I would be smiling right now after him calling me babe and baby, but it's not a happy time for me.

Me: OK I understand. See you tomorrow then.

Alex: Stay strong, beautiful.

I didn't message Alex back. I really don't want to be alone right now. My mom is gone at work and Alex can't come over. I should ask Rachel.

Me: Hey Rach, I really don't want to be alone right now. Can you come over?

Rachel: I'm sorry I can't my dad needs my help remodeling the basement.

Great the only important people in my life are all too busy for me. I cried even more. Does anybody even care about how I feel? I need a shoulder to cry on. All I have is a stupid pillow instead of someone to hold. This isn't supposed to happen. Everything is falling apart. I just need to go back to sleep. It's just one long nightmare. When I wake up, none of this will be real.

When I fell asleep I had a dream. A dream that I was on the football field with Steven. He wasn't acting like himself. He took me over behind the bleachers because he said he wanted me to see something. He blindfolded me and guided me to where he wanted me to be. He told me to stand where I was and not to remove the blindfold. I did as he said. He kissed me on the cheek and I heard him walk away. I heard walking on the bleachers above me. He told me I could remove I blindfold so I did. I looked around and I didn't see him. I heard him say "I did it all for you, Alice." I was confused. I asked him what he did. Then he slipped through the bleachers. I didn't know what was happening. I saw a noose around his neck, he hung himself. I cried and screamed. I tried to save him but I couldn't reach him. I climbed the bleachers all the way to the top and untied the rope. I heard his body hit the ground hard. I ran down the bleachers over to his body and took the noose off of his neck. I checked his pulse and he was dead. I was too late. I couldn't save him. I just sat down on the grass by his body and cried. "I did it all for you, Alice." repeated in my head constantly until I woke up.

It was 3:57 pm when I woke back up. I can't sit here alone anymore. I'm desperate to hang out with someone and I don't care who. I don't want to be alone. The only other person I could think to hang out with was Sam.

Me: Hey.

Sam: Hey princess. What's up?

Me: I'm depressed I need someone to hang out with. My ex-boyfriend killed himself yesterday.

Sam: I'm sorry to hear that. Do you want to meet me somewhere?

Me: Only if that is OK with you.

Sam: Yeah it's OK with me. You shouldn't be alone.

Me: Thank you. Nobody else seems to care. I can't stop crying, I really need someone.

Sam: I'm always here. Just tell me the time and the place and I will be there.

Me: Is 20 minutes OK? We can meet at the convenience store on Washington and Hacienda St.

Sam: I don't live far from there. I'll be there waiting for you.

Me: Thank you so much, Sam. You're the only person willing to hang out with me today.

Sam: Anything for a friend. I'm going to start heading over there. Message me when you get there.

Me: OK thank you. ):

I brushed my hair and slipped some shoes on. I went outside locked my door and started walking to the convenience store. It's significantly close only about a ten minute walk if you walk slowly. I was walking pretty fast so it only took me five minutes. When I got there I only saw one car in the parking lot. Sam must not be here yet.

Me: I'm here.

Sam: I'm inside just picking up a few things. I'll be right out

Me: OK. I'll be waiting on the side.

Sam: Perfect.

Sam was taking a while. I wonder what he was buying. I didn't want to go inside I didn't really like this convenience store that much. I walked over to the side of the building. I was pacing back and forth.

Sam: I'm coming.

I turned around facing the front side of the building waiting for Sam. I didn't see him.

"Alice, its Sam." I heard a familiar voice whisper in my ear. It gave me chills down my spine. I turned around to look, and it definitely wasn't Sam. I screamed and everything went black.


Who do you think it was?

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