Day Ten: Drifting

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While I was in the shower I stared at the ring on my finger; I couldn't get over how identical it was to Emma's. It was the same ring, just a newer one without the scratches. I began to wonder if there was any meaning behind this particular ring. That was just another question I would never have answered. I stepped out of the shower and dried my naked body.

After I was dressed I walked out of the bathroom and fed Precious. Rachel was in the kitchen getting our cereal ready. She brought the bowls to the table and we both sat down and ate. We were both silent, there was nothing to say. We knew what we had to do and we both were scared to death. I know my plan is going to be perfect, but nothing is guaranteed. The reminder killed my appetite; I stood up and took the short steps to the kitchen. I dumped out my cereal and cleaned the bowl. Rachel gave me a concerned look. I don't know why but I felt so angry.

"You need to eat to gain your strength." Rachel reminded me.

"I know I'm not hungry though. I'll eat something later." I rolled my eyes.

"Alice, I know this is scary. I mean I'm beyond scared; I can't imagine how you must feel."

"I feel fine!" I screamed. Rachel's eyes turned glossy and a few tear drops rolled down her face. "Don't cry I'm so sorry I didn't mean to yell at you like that, it's just stressful. It's my fault you're here and I have to deal with that every day. I had to kill somebody to keep you somewhat safe, and now I have to marry this asshole." I said angrily.

"I didn't tell you to kill her, you could of let me die. This isn't ideal for me either. Do you actually think I want to be locked down here with you waiting to die?" Rachel snapped back.

"I wish we never met, I wouldn't even be down here if it wasn't for you!" I yelled. Rachel looked at me like she couldn't believe what I just said. "Yeah I said it, it's not like I'm lying. This is your fault, if you didn't sign me up for that stupid site this wouldn't have happened."

"I can't believe you, don't even think about talking to me again!" Rachel cried and ran to the bedroom.

"Good, I don't want to anyways!" I yelled so she could hear me. Rachel slammed the bedroom door shut.

I walked to the couch and turned on the television. I sat down and watched my favorite TV show. It's going to be a marathon that should keep me busy for a while. When the commercials came on I started thinking about what I said to Rachel. I feel so bad; I can't believe I took my anger out on her like that. None of this is her fault, it's mine. I'm the one that met up with him, and I'm the reason she's here. If anything she should have been blaming me. I'm such a horrible person, after everything she hasn't blamed me once. I guess I just needed somebody to blame; as if it would make everything better. If I could go back in time I would fix this. I wanted to go to the room and apologize to her, but I couldn't do it. I didn't want to see her cry the tears that I have caused. It's bad enough that I could hear her loud sobbing. My heart would be breaking right now if I had any heart left. I just sat on the couch waiting for Travis to burst through the door, but he didn't. I lowered the volume of the television to listen for footsteps, there wasn't a single sound other than Rachel's sobbing.

Just when I was about to go check on Rachel; I saw a shadow moving in the corner of my eye. I looked to see who it was but there wasn't anybody there. I kept my head turned to see if there was any movement. There was nothing, my mind was playing tricks on me. I felt the couch sink in as if someone sat next to me; I slowly turned my head to see who it was and I couldn't believe it. I felt like my eyes were playing tricks on me and began to cry. My dad was sitting next to me; I closed my eyes thinking he would disappear and opened them up again. He was still next to me, I must be dreaming.

"I told you I would always be with you." He said as I leaned against him crying. "You have a bright future, baby girl. Don't let this define you when you get out. You are going to have one more obstacle when you get out. I hope you will make the right decision and make me proud."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I wiped the tears off of my face as more rolled down.

"That is something I can't tell you, baby." He said as he moved my hair out of my face. I looked up at him and he looked exactly like I remembered him.

"Daddy, please tell me. I need to know." I begged

"I'm sorry but I just can't do that. I have to go now, just know that I love you no matter what happens. When you make it out of here; tell your mother that I love her. I miss you both so much, promise me you won't push her away. You both need each other more than you can imagine. Stay strong baby."

"Daddy, pleasedon't leave me!" I yelled. My body hit the couch as he disappeared; I wasno longer leaning on him. It hurt so much that he went away. I was crying sohard I couldn't stop. Being in this place was making me crazy. The mosttorturous part of it all was seeing my dad when he wasn't even there.    


Short chapter I'm sorry.

Comment and tell me what you think about how Alice treated Rachel.

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