Day Eleven: Love, Hope, And Happiness

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This chapter is for justma10


I woke up on the couch to precious rubbing her fur against my face. I sat up and saw Rachel at the table eating breakfast. I stayed seated on the couch because wasn't quite ready to approach Rachel. I didn't know what to say to her; telling her sorry wouldn't be good enough. I watched her as she ate, she didn't look at me once. I couldn't let her stay upset because of me any longer; so I built up my courage and got off of the couch.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked as I approached her. Rachel didn't say anything, she pretended like she didn't hear me. "I'm really sorry, Rach. I don't know what got into me yesterday. None of this is your fault, if there was anybody to blame it would be me. I know you were only trying to help me, and you did. I met Alex and in that little time that I've known him, he made me so happy. That's because of you Rachel. You always brought the good to me. You're the one that was always there for me. When my dad died, you were there. You're the most amazing person I have ever met, and I'm so thankful that you're my best friend. I didn't mean anything I said yesterday, I guess I just needed someone to blame." I tried to explain as she sat there.

"Don't worry about it; I knew deep down that you didn't mean it. It just hurt so much to hear you say that. The only thing we have is each other, it's important that we don't turn against each other. Travis is the real problem; he is actually the only problem. I can't lose you as a friend, not now and not ever. You're a sister to me, Al. When we get out of here it's still not going to be easy, and honestly I don't ever want to be away from you when we are out. I've been thinking a lot about when we get out; the thing that scares me the most is being alone." Rachel said as she shed a tear.

"You're never going to lose me, and you're not going to be alone." I said trying to ease her conscious.

"Maybe at first I'll be surrounded by people, but after a while I'll be alone. After Travis brought me here, I realized that I'm never going to be safe. Think about it; when you're alone you are more vulnerable. Anything could happen, we are never going to be able to go anywhere without watching our backs." Rachel started panicking.

"I know what you mean but we can't be thinking about that right now, we have to carry through with our plan first. Once we are out we can panic all we need to, we can cry until we can't cry anymore, and we can go out and do whatever we want because nothing will be holding us back anymore. The first thing we are going to do is call the police. The second thing we can do is have a sleep over at my place. Then we can talk about you moving in with me, you are my sister. I can't be without you either, you are my motivation. If Travis didn't bring you here, I probably would of attempted to kill myself again. You make me want to fight and stay strong, I have to do it for the both of us. Do you remember our plan?"

"Yes, I remember the plan. It's going to be hard for me; I don't want him to hurt you. I mean he won't see me, I'm just worried about you." Rachel explained.

"You don't need to worry about me; as long as you listen for the code word then everything will be fine. I need you to stay strong because I want this to happen tonight; if he comes down that is. We can't spend another day here, this is hell and honestly I don't even know what time it really is." I told her honestly.

"I remember but maybe we should practice before he comes down." Rachel said as she looked at the door at the top of the staircase. I nodded in agreement and we made our way to the bedroom to practice.

After practicing our plan a few times we were positive that we had it down, the only thing that was missing was Travis. He didn't come downstairs at all yesterday, so he should be down here any minute now. As Rachel and I waited, we went into the kitchen to make something to eat for lunch. We needed our strength and energy more than anything. Every second that passed made my heart beat faster. I stood up and started pacing around the basement in circles.

I don't want to kill Travis; thankfully it isn't a part of the plan. Rachel and I both know that if things don't go as planned then that was going to have to be our last resort. We only have one chance; if we fail we are dead. I wonder if the girls before us tried to take him down. I'm sure we aren't the only ones that thought about it; but there is no way of knowing if any of them actually went through with it. I walked into the bedroom and went straight to the closet. I knelt down on the floor and pulled the corner of the carpet back. I took Emma's ring and pushed the carpet back down. I patted the corner down once more so it looked normal. I walked to the bed and hid the ring in the pillow case. Rachel came in and handed me a sharpened plastic knife and the syringe. I put them both in the pillow case with the ring.

"Now all we have to do is play the waiting game." Rachel said in a nervous tone.

"I'm tired of the waiting game; I guess one last time won't hurt." I replied annoyed.

"I know, I just hope he comes down, if he doesn't then maybe he got caught." She said trying to calm me down.

"If he got caught he might not tell them where we are, we could end up dying down here. They might not even know he took us. Who knows though, the police are probably close to finding us." I explained. She needs to know the consequences of certain things. I already thought about that before. I used to hope that he got caught, but then I realized that nobody would find me if he did. This might not even be his real house. I don't know where this place is actually located; we could be in the middle of the woods for all I know. There isn't any windows down here, hell it probably isn't even the afternoon. It's not like I would know the difference.

"Are you going to want to see Alex when you get out?" Rachel changed the subject and looked at me with curiosity in her eyes.

"I'm not sure, why do you ask?" I questioned her.

"I talked to him before Travis kidnapped me; he wanted a picture of Sam. He cares about you I hope you know that." She told me as my cheeks started getting hot.

"Why didn't you tell me that before?"

"I'm sorry, it's not like I really had the chance or really even thought about it." I looked at her with understanding; this isn't really a place you would want to talk about your boyfriend. In this world of ours; we could get killed for talking about it. If Travis was to hear any of this, then that would be the end of us.

"It's fine but I don't know, I guess I would have to figure that out when I get out. Do you want to see David when you get out?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I miss him so much. We still never had our double date." Rachel joked. I guess the both of us knowing this would be the end made us happier. We are now able to talk about things we couldn't talk about before; things that weren't on our mind. I began to laugh.

"We are going to get our double date, maybe we could all move in together. If we do that then we will never be alone." I said my wishes out loud as Rachel looked at me in excitement. "Don't worry Rachel; we are going to have a great life after this is all over." She didn't say anything; she just threw herself into my arms. It was a long drawn out hug full of love, hope, and happiness.


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