Day Twelve: Beauty Is Ugly

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"Good afternoon, girls." Travis greeted us as he walked down the basement steps. I turned my head and saw that he was carrying a long white bag. He walked into the bedroom and placed it on the bed. "Come here, Princess! I have something for you." Travis called me from the bedroom. I stood up and quickly walked to the bedroom, I didn't want him to find our weapons. They weren't much of a weapon but it was all we had. I stood in the doorway while Travis sat on the bed staring at me.

"What do you have?" I asked him while pretending to be flattered that he had brought me something.

"Come here and open it, I went all the way to California to get this for you." Travis slightly blushed. I walked towards the bed and unzipped the long bag. I saw a long white dress; it was so beautiful, but being in this situation made me hate it. With the hatred I had toward Travis, it made every beautiful thing ugly. "Well take it out and get a better look at it." Travis said as he pushed the dress closer to me. I pulled the dress out of the bag by the hanger. I looked at it from top to bottom. My eyes glanced over to Travis. He was looking at me waiting for me to say something.

"Travis it's so beautiful, thank you." I thanked him as I tried to sound sincere. His eyes lit up in happiness.

"I know the two week processing isn't over, but there isn't any need for it anymore. You already proved yourself to me and I know that you are the one. I love you, Princess. You are safe with me, just do as I say and Rachel will be safe too." Travis smiled as he spoke, I could tell that he meant every word that he said. I was happy he felt that was; he's right where I want him.

"That's really sweet of you, Travis." I smiled as I put the back in the bag.

"We're getting married tonight, isn't that great?" Travis' eyes lit up as he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Sure, that sounds great." I answered, trying to sound happy. I wasn't going to let this happen, we needed to leave tonight. Rachel and I can't push this off any longer. Travis stood up and walked out of the bedroom. Once I didn't see him anymore I flipped the pillow over to make sure my stuff wasn't still there. Once I heard him talking to Rachel I quickly flipped the pillow back over and joined them in the living room. I sat down on the couch next to Rachel.

"I have dinner cooking in the oven for us, why don't you two get the table ready while I go check on it?" Rachel and I nodded at the same time as if we were in sync. Travis turned around and walked up the basement steps. I watched him as he took the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door. My eyes never left Travis until he was on the other side of the door closing it. I heard the door lock and quickly stood up.

"Tonight is the night we do this, it's important that we do it right. We will never have another chance." I bent down and whispered into Rachel's left ear. She looked up at me with fear in her eyes. It looked as if she was having second thoughts. "Look at it this way; if we stay here then we aren't getting out alive, if we fail then we still aren't getting out alive. What do we really have to lose at this point? If we try then we at least have a chance. I'm just as scared as you are; but I know that this is the only possible way to get out of here. There are two of us and only one of him; he's out numbered. This will catch him off guard; so are you in?" I explained while I tried to keep my voice down, that would be the end of it if he heard me.

"We are in this together. If anything goes wrong and you are able to leave, then I want you to go. If that means leaving me behind then do it, can you promise me?" Rachel's eyes turned serious as she spoke. I never seen her this serious before.

"I'm not leaving you, I would never do that! If things go bad we fight until we can't fight any more. If it gets to that point then we have to kill him. I don't want any more blood on my hands but if that's what it takes, I'm willing to do it." I replied with anger in my voice. I wasn't angry with her, I was angry with what she said. I could never leave her, if anything like that happened I would rather her leave me. I wasn't going to tell her that though, I didn't want to put any more fear in her mind. I grabbed Rachel's hand and pulled her off of the couch. I held her hand and walked her to the kitchen with me. I took out three plastic plates and put them on the table. Rachel got out the napkins and plastic forks; she set them on the table next to each plate.

The door swung open and Travis was standing in the doorway. He was carrying a large sheet pan. He carefully shut the door and locked it. He slowly walked down the stairs; he didn't want to drop the pan. When he was fully down the stairs, I could see the food. He had three steaks and asparagus. As much as I hate to admit it, the food looked good. I could feel myself getting hungry just looking at it. Travis put steak and asparagus on each plate; he looked at me with the look of accomplishment in his eyes. We all sat down at the table and ate quietly.

After dinner Rachel and I cleaned up the dishes. Travis walked into the kitchen once we finished.

"Go ahead and shower, Princess. We have a big night ahead of us." Travis winked.

"I showered this morning; Rachel should go and get her shower." I smiled to Travis and watched Rachel walk out of the kitchen. She stopped for a second and gave me the look. Soon after she walked away. A couple minutes later I heard the shower turn on and then bathroom door closing shortly afterwards.

"Are you nervous?" Travis asked me while he whispered into my ear. I could feel is disgusting hot breath on my neck.

"No, I'm just excited." I lied as I whispered back to him. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight. I felt his hand rub my back. His hand was slowly making its way down my back. Travis' hand stopped moving down once it reached my ass; he squeezed it and as I tried to keep myself together.

"You're all mine." Travis said in an aggressive tone as he squeezed harder.

"I want you right now, let's go to the bedroom. I want one last time with you before we are married." The words escaped my lips; I didn't think I would actually say it. Travis let go of me and started blushing. He picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. He lifted his foot and pushed the door closed with it. He carried me to the bed and threw me on it in a roughly perverted manner. I felt sick to my stomach, but this is what I had to do. This is the plan after all; I like to think that I'm good at surprises. Travis stripped down naked before he go into the bed to take my clothes off. He threw the dress off of the bed and onto the floor so it wasn't in our way.

"You're so damn beautiful." Travis complimented me as he took heavy breaths. I faked a smile as a response. He climbed in bed on top of me and took my shirt off. He was surprised to see that I wasn't wearing a bra, it was dark in the room but I could tell he was blushing hard. His cheeks were so red they could light up the room if it was possible. He squeezed my boobs before he slid my shorts off. My eyes focused to the closet door that was cracked open. Once I was completely naked and my clothes were on the floor; Travis started making his way with me. I slowly reached my hand into the pillow case to grab the syringe and plastic knife. I started to fake moan so he didn't think something was up. He started thrusting faster.

"I love you, Travis!" I screamed. He started grunting and becoming rougher. I looked at the closet door and watched it slowly open up. Rachel's shadow was soon into sight. I could see her shadow crawling on the floor towards Travis' pants. I saw her take out the knife and walk to the edge of the bed. Tears were rolling down my face; I could no longer hide them and pretend to like this any longer. I pulled my arm out of the pillow case and left the plastic knife on the bed next to me. I gripped on to the syringe and jammed it into the side of his neck. He didn't do anything at first; he was in shock. Before I could get out from under him, his hands were wrapped around my neck. He had the death grip on me. I struggled to get the plastic knife. Everything was slowly turning black. Then out of nowhere I watched Travis go down, his body fell sideways onto the bed towards the wall. Rachel was standing there with a bloody knife in her hand.

"You stupid whore, I'm going to kill you!" Travis screamed as he whimpered in pain. I jumped out of the bed and grabbed my clothes that were on the floor. Rachel took the keys out of Travis' pants pocket. We ran to the bedroom door and opened it. Rachel ran up the basement stairs to unlock the door while I looked for Precious.

"What are you doing? We need to before he gets up!" Rachel screamed.

"I'm not leaving without the cat!" I yelled back. I know if I leave Precious he will kill her. I ran around the basement naked while carrying my clothes. I didn't see her, so I looked in her favorite hiding spot. She was there, underneath the couch. I set my clothes down on the floor and reached under to grab her. After I pulled her out I grabbed my clothes and ran towards the stairs. I saw Travis standing in the bedroom door way, he had the look of murder in his eyes. It was a look I have never seen before, not even from him on the bad days. It was a look that I would never forget. I ran up the steps as fast as I could while he ran after me. I barely made it up to the doorway before him. He was almost arms reach away. I ran through the open door and Rachel slammed it. He started banging on the door while we were looking for the lock, there wasn't a lock, and it needed the key. The door started to open, so I dropped Precious and my clothes so I could hold it shut. Rachel's hands were shaking as she tried fitting every key into the keyhole. Finally after trying five different keys, the sixth one worked. I pushed the door even harder to get it to close all the way, but I wasn't stronger than Travis. Rachel left the key in the keyhole and helped me push the door closed. After what felt like five minutes, we got the door closed and Rachel quickly locked it. She left the key in the door so when we were able to call the police, they would be able to get down there. I put my clothes back on and picked up Precious. Rachel and I searched the house for a phone, we couldn't find one. I walked up the stairs and searched the first room I found, it was a master bedroom. I looked through all of the drawers and I couldn't find any mail or phones.

My gut told me to look under the bed so I did. There was a little shoe box, so I pulled it out. I opened it up and I felt sick. There were so many pictures of me. There were pictures of me walking to the diner, pictures of me eating at the diner, pictures of me at the pond with Alex, pictures of me standing by my bedroom window, pictures of me from before I even had my dating account. It wasn't the account that got me kidnapped; he was stalking me for a long time. How did I not even notice? I always payed attention to my surroundings, I have never seen Travis outside of school before; then again these pictures weren't taken up close. It almost looked like they were, but you could tell that they were zoomed in on. What really made me sick was the fact that these pictures were printed; whoever printed them for him never said anything. Maybe if that person would have said something he would be arrested for stalking me. Then again he would probably be out of jail because I would have been stupid enough to say that he wasn't because I didn't see him. Once I got to the bottom of the pictures I found our cellphones. I turned them both on and sat on the floor waiting for them to load. Precious started clawing at the carpet and I let her. When the phones were both on I picked up mine first, I checked the battery and it was almost dead. I grabbed Rachel's and hers was half way dead; I dialed 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" The operator asked.

"Hello, my name is Alice Jane and I've been kidnapped." I said quickly as I panicked. My heart was racing, I was afraid that Travis would somehow get out of the basement.

"Do you know your location?" The woman's voice on the other end asked.

"No, I don't. I think we are at Travis Gale's house. I'm not sure if it's the house he lives in regularly or a different one. He's the one that took us." I answered as I continued to talk fast.

"What do you mean 'we,' is there someone else with you?" The operator asked in a concerned voice.

"Yes, my best friend Rachel. He took her too. Please hurry; I don't want him to get out!" I yelled into the phone.

"Please stay on the line while we find your location, it's important that you do that." She told me.

"Okay, I'm not going to hang up." I cried.

"The police are on their way, it will be a couple of minutes until the first unit is there." She said in a comforting tone.

"Thank you so much!" I cried into the phone before hanging up. I put both of the cellphones back into the shoe box and put the lid back on it. I picked up Precious and the shoe box then ran back down the stairs.

"What is that?" Rachel asked me while she stared at the shoe box.

"It's a bunch of pictures of me from when he stalked me; our phones are in there too. I called the police, we should wait outside." I told her and we both searched for the front door. When we made it to the other side of the house the front door was there. Rachel unlocked it and once she opened it we saw a police car pulling up. We sat on the front steps waiting for what was going to happen next. It was already dark out and all I could do was worry. I was so scared that he wouldn't be there when they went in to arrest him. There was no way out for us so I tried to use that to calm me down. If there wasn't a way out for us then there wouldn't be one for him. I started thinking in what ifs, like what if there was a hidden key that I didn't know about? The police officers approached us.

"Are you Alice?" The woman cop asked me, she looked so familiar.

"Yes, I'm Alice." I answered quickly.

"I'm Officer Williams; I've been working on your case." She said to me, I could see the relief in her eyes. She looked relieved because of the fact that I was alive. An ambulance pulled up along with three more police cars. Officer Williams walked us to the ambulance and helped us climb into the back of it.

"Thank you for coming so quickly." Rachel thanked her as she sobbed. Officer Williams nodded her head.

"Is he still alive?" Officer Williams asked me.

"Yes, he's in the basement. The keys are in the door, he is bleeding though. We stabbed him, we had to there was no other way." I answered as I completely broke down.

"You girls arelucky to be alive; we have been trying to find the person responsible for thekidnapping and homicide of the women for years. They are going to take you tothe hospital; there will be police there waiting for you." She told usbefore the paramedics closed the back doors; before we knew it the sirens wereback on and the ambulance was moving. 


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