How It Began

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Steven and I broke up two weeks ago; we spent three years together, he was the only thing I was sure of. He cheated on me with Ashley; the head cheerleader at our school, it's so typical. From what I know, it started at her birthday party. The party I didn't go to, I wasn't ever the partying type. I would go to a select few with Steven and that was about it. He really wanted me to go that night; if I did then maybe things would have been different. Ashley and I never got along though, so why would I want to go to her party? Ashley was one of those people that think the world revolves around them; she thinks that she could get whoever and whatever she wanted. I wouldn't feed into her false reality, so that made me a target for her.

After the party, Steven was supposed to come over to my house, but he never showed up. I was worried about him, so I called him and he didn't pick up. I thought that he probably forgot and went home and passed out. I was so naïve; the next day there were pictures of them kissing all over social media. There was even a video of them going into a bedroom; the moment I found out I broke it off. He still insists that it meant nothing, he expects me to just forgive him and take him back. That is one thing that will never happen. I still get random phone calls and text messages from him; I wish he would just leave me alone. Its bad enough we go to school together; it's pretty much a sport trying to avoid him. I'm just thankful that we only have one class together, it's not like it matters though there is only a few weeks of school left until we graduate.

"Hello? Earth to Alice, are you there?" Rachel said as she waved her hand in front of my face trying to get my attention. Rachel has been my best friend since we were five. She comes to my house just about every day after school; it's pretty much a tradition. We usually do our homework together, do each other's nails, watch a movie, and talk about boys. Well we actually talk about boys every day.

"Sorry, I must have been lost in my thoughts." I replied.

"You better not be thinking about Steven! You need to move on, show him what he missed out on." Rachel was getting frustrated; I could hear it in her voice.

"I know but I can't help it. Do you know what it's like to lose someone you've been with for so long? I'm still in shock, what am I supposed to do?" I slammed my binder shut and laid back on my bed.

"Just do what I did after Austin and I broke up! Make an account on Chat and Meet. It's a dating site and it will definitely get your mind off of him. Everyone has it; you don't even have to worry about long distance relationships, it only shows you the locals." Rachel explained as she laid down next to me to show me the app on her phone.

"I'll think about it. I don't want to look desperate; I did just get out of a relationship." I don't think I could talk to someone online then just meet them in person, it sounds a little weird.

"Look Alice, it's nothing serious. You don't even have to meet these people if you don't want to. Just talking to other guys will make you forget about Steven. He didn't deserve you anyways, if you ask me. There are a lot of hotties on there." Rachel is always about the hotties, I just laughed.

"Yeah if only forgetting him was that easy, he broke my heart. I still have to see him practically every day; he's in my Math class, and he keeps calling me. He says he's 'sorry and that it didn't mean anything,' like I'm supposed to believe that!" My voice started cracking like I was about to break down. My phone started vibrating in my pocket; I pulled it out to see who it was. "Speaking of the devil, guess who is calling." Rachel yanked my phone out of my hand and answered it; she put it on speaker.

"Alice, please talk to me. I'm sorry I don't want to lose you over something so stupid. It didn't mean anything, why don't you believe me?"

"Actually, this is Rachel; she doesn't want to talk to you. You broke her heart! You blew your chance; don't ever talk to her again! Do you understand?" Rachel screamed then hung up the phone. She tossed it next to me on the bed. I couldn't help but smile, she always defends me like a best friend should.

"Fine, I'll make the account." I guess this will be a good thing for me, even if I don't meet anyone. I grabbed my phone off of my bed and opened up the app store. I searched for the app, Chat and Meet. It was the first one on the list. My finger hovered over the download button. I looked over at Rachel and she was giving me the "what are you waiting for" look. I looked back at my phone screen and took a deep breath and clicked download. Once the app finally installed I opened it up without any hesitation and clicked on 'create an account.' Rachel rested her head on my shoulder and stared at the phone screen with me. All I need is a username and password. This shouldn't be too hard, right? Wrong! My mind completely blanked out.

"I have an idea!" Rachel said enthusiastically.

"Yeah, so do I. Alice98." I joked.

"That's so lame!" Rachel snatched my phone out of my hands and started typing. I'm not going to lie; I was getting a little nervous.

"Here, come up with a password." Finally after what felt like forever, she handed me my phone back.

"Really thatbabealice is what you made my username?" I giggled. I started thinking of a password for my Chat and Meet account; who knew it would be so hard to come up with one? I began looking around my room for ideas. I needed something easy to remember, but not easy to guess. I finally set my eyes on the perfect thing for my password. It was my blueberry waffles candle. So I entered my new password 'waffles98.' I was taken to a page to create my profile and I had to write an 'about me,' I started thinking. Who am I? What do I even like? The questions flooded my brain. I can't remember the last time something was actually about me. When I was with Steven everything was always only about him. Nothing was ever about me. I stared blankly at the screen of my phone. What do I know for sure? I started typing. My name is Alice, I'm 17 and I just got out of a relationship of three years.

"OK Rach, I'm done." I proudly showed Rachel.

"I can't see!" She took my phone before I even had the chance to hand it over. "Are you kidding me? Alice that's so lame, just let me make your profile."

"I don't see what's wrong with it." Rachel ignored me and started typing. After about five minutes she proudly handed me back my phone. Her smile was making me nervous. I read over what she wrote, and man she didn't do that bad. The name is Alice I'm a senior in high school. I like to have a good time and chill with my best friend Rachel. Let's talk, don't be shy. Well I guess it was kind of bad but it's not like I could've done any better. I scrolled up and noticed that she even picked my profile picture. Now all I had to do was sit back and wait for a message.

"Al, I have to get going. Don't forget to ask your mom if you can come with me to the concert on Wednesday." Rachel hugged me as she spoke.

"I'll ask her when she gets home. I'll see you on Monday." I walked with her downstairs and locked the front door after she left.


I actually got a message. To be honest I didn't expect to get one after only half an hour. I went to the inbox and opened up a message from a guy named Joey. He was kind of nerdy looking but who cares? This is just for fun.

Joey: Hey beautiful, how are you doing today?

Me: Pretty good actually, how about yourself?

Joey: I'm great now that I'm talking to you.

Me: Um, thanks I guess?

Joey: Are you down to meet tonight? We can chill at my place, if you know what I mean.

Me: Gross, no thanks.

Joey: Come on babe, it'll be fun.

What a creeper, I started laughing and blocked Joey. I rather just talk to people and get to know them before I even consider meeting them face to face! I closed the app and went downstairs to wait for my mom to get home from work. She should be home any minute. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. I turned the TV on and clicked through the channels. There wasn't anything on, so I settled for the news. "16 year old Chelsea Hanson is missing. She was last seen on Thursday at 1:30 pm she was wearing dark blue shorts and a white t-shirt with a gold elephant on it. If anyone has any information please contact the police department." She's the third missing teen this year from my city. Las Vegas is a big place, she could be anywhere. She's only been gone for a day, I'm sure she's just out at some friend's house. I heard the garage door open and quickly changed the channel; I can't have a story about a missing girl on the television when I ask my mom to go out on Wednesday. A minute passes and my mom walked into the house, I tried to sit casually on the couch.

"Alice, can you help me with the groceries?" I heard her yell from down the hall.

"Okay mom, just one second!" I yelled loud enough so she could hear me. I got up and slipped my shoes on. I opened the door to the garage then walked to the opened trunk; I grabbed a couple of bags and brought them to the kitchen counter. I made about three trips back and forth. After the groceries were all brought in I helped my mother put them away. I kept the steak out though because I've been craving that for a while now. All I have to do now is help her cook dinner so I can butter her up and ask if I could go. An hour passed and it was finally 5:00 pm. Time to cook dinner. I walked to the kitchen and found my mom putting spices on the steak, so I started peeling potatoes.

"How was school honey?" My mom smiled as she put the meat in the fridge to marinate.

"It was good, how was work?" Mom is a lawyer and a pretty good one at that.

"It was great; I actually got a new case today. I have to go over the papers tonight." I smiled to her. She looked nervous, but she always does when she gets a new case. I don't think she should be because she's good at what she does.

"What's this case about?" I asked, trying to start a conversation. I don't like small talk.

"I'll tell you more about it later; I still need to look over more of the details."

I cut the potatoes into small cubes and put them into a pot of boiling water. I waited for a good 20 minutes for the potatoes to soften. I then drained the water and mashed them up. I added milk, garlic powder, and parsley. While my mom was taking the steak out of the oven, I set the table.

I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket during dinner; I ignored it. I never use my phone during dinner time, I think it's rude.

"Who is texting you?" My mother asked out of curiosity.

"Oh, it's probably Rachel." This is the perfect time to ask her. "She wanted me to ask you if it's okay if I go to a concert with her on Wednesday." She didn't say anything at first; I could tell she was thinking.

"What time does it start? Are her parents going, too?" I felt like I was being interrogated. I guess that's what happens when your mom is a lawyer. She has to know all of the details.

"It starts at 5:00 pm and ends at 7:30 pm. Her dad is going to be there." I started doubting that she would let me go. It's not that she's strict; she's more of the overprotective type.

"Only if you promise to call me when you get there and when it ends." I could see the regret in her eyes, she knows about the missing girls. I could tell she's worried about me; I hope she doesn't start with that safety speech that she's been giving me since the first missing girl. I'm almost eighteen; I know what I'm doing.

"Thank you Mom, you're the best!" I took the plates to the kitchen so I didn't have to listen to it. I started washing the dishes. My phone started going off again, I still haven't checked it. When the dishes were done, I went to see where my mom was. I walked by her office and she was there, as always. I climbed the stairs and went to my room. I pulled my cellphone out of my pocket and opened the text from Rachel.

Rachel: Al, did you ask your mom yet?

Me: Yeah, she said no.

I waited for a few seconds before I sent the next message.

Me: I'm just kidding! She said yes!

I love messing with Rachel. She's so gullible.

Rachel: I hate you! You scared me for a second; I really thought she said no.

I started laughing at the last message.

Rachel: Did any hotties message you yet?

Me: Well I did get a creeper earlier, I haven't checked again yet but my phone was buzzing a lot during dinner. I guess I should check it out.

Rachel: Well I have to go; you go on there and find some guys to chat with. I'll see you on Monday. Bye!

I didn't reply to Rachel, I went straight to my Chat and Meet app.

Five new messages on Chat and Meet.

Patrick: Hey there sexy.

I looked at his picture, he had to of been like 50. I blocked him; I don't want creepy old perverts messaging me I'm not into that! I went to my next unread message.

Alexander: Hey. I think you're really beautiful.

Me: Thank you!

Wow he was just gorgeous. I went to his profile and looked at his pictures. He's so hot why is he even on here? I'm sure he could find someone easily; I mean I would jump at that. After I finished looking at his pictures I read his "About Me."

"My name is Alexander but I go by Alex. I'm 19 years old and I'm just here to find a girl that wants to get to know me like I want to get to know her. I'm looking for something real."

Man isn't he just perfect. I went back to his pictures and just stared at him. His eyes were blue, just dreamy. His hair was short and brown but styled. It looked longer on the top than on the sides. I really hope he messages me back. I went to check on the last three messages and they were just your average creeps so I blocked them. While I was waiting for a reply from Alex, I decided to take pictures for my Chat and Meet account. I swear I took about 20 pictures and only ended up liking seven of them. I started uploading the seven I liked, one by one.


Alexander: No problem beautiful. What are you doing?

Me: Not much, I just took some pictures and uploaded them. I thought my profile could use more than one picture.

Alexander: I'll be sure to check them out! So tell me about yourself.

Me: Well, I actually just got out of a three year relationship two weeks ago. I love animals. I don't know what else.

Alexander: That's a long time. I just broke up with my ex of a year about a month ago. How about I ask you questions and you can answer them so I can know more about you?

Me: Sure. I'm sorry about your break up.

Alexander: Don't be! She just cared more about her social status from being with me than she actually did about me. Anyways, when is your birthday?

Me: April 23rd, I'll be 18. When is yours?

Alexander: March 27th, so I just turned 19. You said you love animals, so what's your favorite animal?

Me: Dogs! They are so loveable. What's yours?

Alexander: I'm a dog person, too. I have two of them. I read that you're a senior, what do you plan on doing after school finishes?

Me: I think I'm going to take a year off. I'm not sure yet. It would be nice to have a whole year not worrying about school.

Alexander: That's cool, that's what I'm doing right now.

Alex and I talked all night long; I was smiling like an idiot. I went downstairs to get a glass of water and passed my mom's office. This case must be serious she's still in there. I filled my glass and went back upstairs to my room. I checked my phone and Alex was offline. I took a sip of water then yawned. I checked the time and it was already 2:30 am. I decided that it was time for me to get some sleep. Thank God it was Friday, well technically Saturday now I guess. I crawled in bed under the covers and fell right to sleep.


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