Almost Falling

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

I really hate that stupid alarm, the worst part of the day is getting up for school. This weekend went by way too fast but it was amazing, I'm not going to lie.

It's 5:00 am and school doesn't start until 8:00 am. I picked out my clothes, my favorite pair of light blue skinny jeans and a black t-shirt with a silver heart on it. I took my clothes and walked down the hall to the bathroom. I shut the door and turned on the shower; I took off my pajamas and waited for the water to get hot.

I stepped into the shower and started soaking my hair. I stepped forward towards the shampoo and pumped it three times onto the palm of my hand. I lathered it into my hair, massaging my scalp. The water started to get hotter and it felt amazing.

After my shower I put my clothes on and went back to my bedroom to put my pajamas on my bed for later. I ran downstairs and started a pot of coffee. I made myself a bowl of my favorite cereal. I left it on the counter grabbed a coffee mug out of the cabinet. I brought my mug to the coffee machine and poured myself a cup of coffee. I brought my coffee to the dinner table and walked back to the kitchen to grab my cereal. I brought my cereal to the table where my coffee was waiting and sat down to eat.

Once I finished my breakfast, I went back upstairs to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. I opened plugged my in straightener that was already waiting for me on the counter. While I waited for my straightener to heat up, I bent down and opened the cabinet under the sink. I took out my small pink makeup bag and shut the cabinet. I set the bag on the bathroom counter and unzipped it. I took out my favorite gel eyeliner along with my black and gray eye shadow and mascara. I applied my gray eye shadow above my hazel green eyes; I finished it off with my black eye shadow in the crease of my eyelids. I twisted the lid off the lid to my gel eyeliner and grabbed the brush to apply it with. I lightly dipped the polyester bristles into the gel and slowly applied it to the top of my eyelids. I slowly moved the brush out to a perfect angle at the edge of both eyes to achieve a small winged look. After I was done with my eyeliner I finished my look off with black mascara to my top and bottom eyelashes on both eyes. After I finished my straightener started beeping to let me know that it was hot enough to us. I picked up my hair brush and brushed out all of my knots. I picked up my straightener and started straightening small strands of my long dark brown hair at a time.

After I was satisfied with the way I looked I checked the time on my phone. It was 6:30 am; I had a half hour to kill before I need be at my bus stop. My bus stop is only across the street from my house. Since I only have to walk to the other side of the street, I usually wait inside until it comes. I don't like to wait outside; Ashley lived a few houses down from me so we take the same bus at the same stop. I don't like to be around her any more than I already have to.


I checked my phone and it was a message from Alex. I immediately smiled. We talked nonstop all weekend; we really got to know each other. If someone would have told me I would meet such an amazing person one week ago, I wouldn't believe them.

Alexander: Good morning beautiful, have a great day! I hope to talk to you soon.

He knows the right things to say at all times. Perfection, that's what he is.

Me: You're so sweet! Gosh, I'm so happy we met. I hope that doesn't sound weird or anything but you never let my smile leave my face.

Alexander: Good, that's what I was aiming for. If you need me I'm just a message away. I have to get to work, bye for now.

Me: I'll talk to you later.

I know that I've only known Alex for a couple of days, but I think I actually like him. At this rate, I'll be almost falling. Time flew by while I was thinking about Alex. I could hear the bus coming down the street. That's one thing I like about neighborhood, it's nice and quiet. I left my house and ran across the street just in time to make my bus. I was the last one in line to get on; when I climbed the three stairs to get on I saw Ashley glaring at me. She gave me a dirty look so I shot one back at her. She thinks she's so perfect when she's really not.

When the bus pulled up to the school and the driver opened the door, I was the first one off. I ran into the building straight to my locker, I had to pick up my math textbook. I closed my locker and tried walking through the crowd; people were bumping into me left and right. I hate the mornings at this school, there's so many people hanging around. You can barely make it to where you want or need to go. The school is way too crowded; I literally have to push my way through people that are just standing around talking. You can't even tell there is a pathway; it's like a can of sardines. The first bell rang and everyone scattered around like rats to make it to class on time. It's crazy how fast a place can go from crowded to barley anyone around, but then again my school is strict on tardiness. I climbed the stairs to the second floor and opened the double door to the math hall. Once I walked into class my whole mood changed after I looked around. The new assigned seats were on the board, I normally wouldn't care about new seats but Mrs. Brown put Steven right behind me! I hate this class; I mean I could barely deal with him staring at me from the other side of the classroom. Now I have to deal with this?

I walked to my seat and all I saw was a big stupid smile on his face. I rolled my eyes and began to get aggravated. I stood there in disbelief.

"The last bell rang, Alice. I advise you take your seat before I mark you tardy!" Mrs. Brown threatened. I let out a deeply annoyed sigh and sat down. I didn't want to cause any problems it's the end of the year, she still has time to flunk me if she wanted to.

"Today we will be taking notes. So get out your notebooks and a pencil. We will be having a test on Friday. So I advise you pay attention." How predictable, I rolled my eyes. Every week is the same thing with Mrs. Brown. We take notes all week and test on Fridays. This might actually be the most boring class I have ever had. I took my notebook out of my bag with a pencil and started writing. She never gives us enough time to write the notes so I wrote quickly. Mrs. Brown stood there changing the slides on the PowerPoint; I couldn't help but stare at her. Her short gray hair was curled on the top of her head. Her wrinkly hand held the remote to switch the slides; her thumb was hovering over the button. She is obnoxious. I switched my attention back to the notes and tried keeping up, it was nearly impossible. My hand was starting to hurt and Steven was distracting me by kicking the leg of my chair. Why does he have to be so annoying and childish? I don't know how I put up with him for three years.

After math class was over, I walked to my next one with the feeling of being followed. I looked back and Steven wasn't far behind. He's too stupid to get the message through his thick skull. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Alice!" My heart jumped, I looked back in front of me to see Rachel.

"Don't do that, you scared me!" I yelled as I playfully hit her on arm.

"Sorry. Don't look now but Steven is literary right behind you." Rachel grabbed my arm and started walking. We have the next three classes together, so I was back in my comfort zone. I looked back behind me and saw Ashley walk up to Steven. It totally meant nothing, yeah right. How stupid does he really think I am?

"I know he was following me. What a creep!" I laughed. "He was kicking my chair in class. Now he's talking to Ashley." I rolled my eyes.

"He'll get what's coming to him, don't worry." Honestly, I'm not worried about it, school is almost over. Pretty soon it'll be like he never existed; well not really, but at least I won't have to see him again. We walked into our English class and sat in our seats. I could almost fall asleep in here.


My phone vibrated loudly in my back pocket against the chair. Mr. Gale started searching around the class to see whose phone it was. When he was on the other side of the classroom I took the opportunity to turn it on silent. Mr. Gale is always paranoid. He's tall and skinny, and wears silver aviator glasses. He was bald only at the top of his head. He's really pale; he must not get out much besides for school. He was a strange man; nobody would feel comfortable being in the class room alone with him. I don't know how he keeps his job. Mr. Gale went back to his desk and let us talk for the whole class period. We didn't really have many assignments left in his class. I remember in the beginning of the school year he said it would be like this at the end of the year, I guess he kept his word. He really wasn't that bad of a teacher, he's just boring and he gave out too much school work. People tend to overreact and start rumors, but hey it is high school.

Once the bell rang Rachel and I walked to the next hall over, it was time for our science class. Science is my favorite class; we do a lot of cool things. Ms. Elliot was the nicest teacher at the school, in my opinion that is. She was short with long curly red hair, her cheeks were chubby, and her eyes were golden brown, and her voice was soft. She's a caring person, if I had problems at school she would be the one I go to. I wish I could trade all of my classes just to have hers all day.

Time passed as I went from one boring class to the next one. It was finally time to go home, the best part of the day. I walked to my bus where Rachel was waiting for me. We got on and sat in the second seat on the left. The ride home was long; we didn't say much to each other. I couldn't wait to get home to tell her all about Alex.

The bus pulled over to the house in front of mine and we got off, the other kids that had the same stop weren't far behind us. Rachel and I crossed the street and walked into my house, I locked the door behind us. We went to the dinner table did our homework together. After we finished, we went up to my bedroom. We sat on my bed and before I could say anything she started speaking.

"I think I've found the perfect guy, Alice." Is she blushing? I can't believe her.

"Why haven't I heard about this guy?" I gave her 'the look.' You know the look you give someone so they know they're in trouble.

"Don't look at me like that! I didn't think it would get serious. His name is David and he's 18, he's a total hottie. He actually likes me. We've been talking for a couple of months. He's just the sweetest thing." I could tell she really liked him by the way her eyes lit up as she talked about him. I ignored the fact that she has been hiding this from me for months and decided to share my news about Alex with her.

"I've been talking to someone, too. His name is Alex and he's gorgeous. We talked the whole weekend. He makes me feel good about myself so far. He is the complete opposite of Steven." Just saying Alex's name made me smile.

"Alice has a boyfriend!" Rachel teased and I blushed.

"He's not my boyfriend! We are taking things slow, trying to get to know each other. We both just got out of relationships." I explained. "I don't want to rush into anything." I added. I wasn't lying I didn't want to rush things and get my heart broken again.

"So boring, just kidding. I'm not going to disagree with that. I'm happy you're getting out there though. I really want to meet David; it sucks feeling so much for someone and not seeing them. I mean we are in the same town so why not meet? I mean it kind of is the point, right?" I know she's happy; I don't want to be a buzz kill. I also want her to be safe though. I know it's the whole point of using the app and I know I'm going to feel the same about Alex one day, but I still don't know what to think about it yet.

"One day you will meet him, it doesn't have to be today. If it's supposed to happen it will happen." I assured her the best way I could.

"Yeah I know, one day." Rachel sighed. "I have to get going, I have to babysit soon. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Be safe Rach, love you."

Rachel left and now there was nothing to do. I waited around for my mom to get home and she still wasn't here. I forgot that I put my phone on silent in school, so I put the volume on high. I checked my text messages, it was my mom that texted me while I was in school.

Mom: I'll be working late tonight, don't wait up.

Oh great, now what am I supposed to do? I guess I'll go for a walk; it's a beautiful day after all. I grabbed my ear buds and plugged them into my phone and started listening to music. I slipped my shoes on and walked out the front door. I made sure to lock the door before I left. It's a nice neighborhood nothing bad happens here but better I would rather be safe than sorry.

I adjusted my volume to medium so I could still hear the cars, just in case. I care about safety. I walked down the sidewalk while I was thinking about a destination. I'm craving a milkshake so I guess I'll go to my favorite diner, it's about a ten minute walk. Once I got to the corner of the main street I pressed the cross button. I waited for the traffic to stop and the walking man to light up. Once the walking man lit up I looked both ways then crossed the street. Once I made it to the other side I turned left and kept on walking straight. I could see the diner in the distance; it started to get bigger and bigger as I approached.

Once I arrived, I sat in the same bar stool seat I always sit in. It's a tradition; I can't come here and sit in a different spot.

"Hey Alice, are you getting your usual?" The waitress asked. I come here a little more than I would like to admit, but I have a good reason.

"Yeah, thank you." I smiled to her. She's an older lady but very sweet. I used to come here with my father when I was a kid, but that was before he died. This place will always be special to me. We always sat in the bar stool seats. When I come here it feels like he's with me in a spiritual way. It might sound a little silly but it's true.

"Here's your chocolate milkshake without the cherry just the way you like it." She left before I could thank her. She's been working here for years. Every time I've been here she was working, even when I came here as a child with my parents.


I slid down the notification bar on my phone. New message on Chat and Meet. I tapped on it immediately hoping it was from Alex, but it sadly it wasn't. I wonder what he's doing. I don't want to message him and seem desperate, but I also don't want him to think I don't want to talk to him. I'm just going to let him come to me.

Sam: Hey, what's up?

Me: Drinking a milkshake at my favorite diner, you?

Sam: That sounds good right about now. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? I was just looking for a nice girl to talk to.

Me: Chocolate! Having any luck?

Sam: Yeah. I'm talking to you, aren't I? :)

Me: Aw thank you.

Sam: No need to thank me.

Me: So how old are you?

Sam: 19. I wish I could stay and chat but I need to work on my car. I'll talk to you later?

Me: Sure I'll talk to you another time.

He seems nice and he's really cute; I guess I should keep my options open. I don't think it's wrong of me, I need to look around and see what I actually like in a guy. I think it's hot when a guy works on a car, it's weird but I don't know why. He wasn't as sweet as Alex but he was still nice, from what I could tell at least. I went to Sam's profile and stalked his pictures. His hair was blonde and wavy and his eyes were a beautiful green color. I would like to talk to him again.

After I finished mymilkshake I paid my bill and walked back home. Today felt like a long day, Ijust want to relax for a while. Once I got home I unlocked the door and wentinside. Before I went up to my room I locked the door and walked by my mom'soffice. She still wasn't home. I went up to my room and crawled in bed and tooka nap.    

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