Three Weeks Later

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Rachel, Alex, David, and I have been talking about getting an apartment together for a while, today it was actually happening. I stood in front of the mirror on my closet door checking out my outfit. Alex and I were going to get the keys today. I wanted to wear the perfect outfit; this is going to be my new start in life. I'm happy again, well not completely but I know I'm getting there. Rachel seems to be doing well, too. Last week was amazing; my old high school had a special graduation for Rachel and I, since we missed it. There were so many people there; I was nervous at first until I realized that everyone was there for us. I could see some people crying in the audience, it was an emotional moment for everyone. I honestly didn't think that there were so many people that cared. There were also those nosey curious people that just showed up to see us.

I smiled to myself in the mirror and walked out of my bedroom. I heard the sound of Alex's horn so I raced down the steps. My mom was standing by front door, she looked upset.

"You don't have to move out, baby." She told me as she tried to hold the tears back.

"I know, but I really need a new start. The place isn't that far, I'll come and visit all the time." I said to make her feel better. I could see the worry in her eyes; it's understandable considering what had happened. I just needed a fresh start; I'm old enough to make my own decisions. The last three weeks had been a little rough for me. I had to go out and get new clothes; going in my closet was a constant reminder of Travis. He was in my bedroom stealing my clothes. I didn't want to be here anymore; I can't convince myself that I'm safe. I gave my mother a quick hug and ran out of the front door. My eyes met Alex's as I ran to his car, I couldn't help but smile.

"Are you ready to pick up the keys and make that place officially ours?" Alex asked me while I buckled up my seat belt.

"Yes, you have no idea how excited I am! Is David and Rachel going to meet us there?" I asked as Alex put the car in drive.

"They are already there waiting on us." Alex replied.

I turned the volume on the radio up and stared out the window. I watched people walking down the street and kids playing at the park. Everyone seemed happy, today is a good day. Alex made a right into the parking lot in front of the apartment office building. David and Rachel were waiting outside of the building; Rachel's eyes lit up when she saw me get out of the car. We both ran to each other and met halfway. We gave each other a short but tight embrace. Once Alex caught up we all walked into the office together. I stood by the office window admiring the beautiful complex while Alex got the keys.

All four of us walked into the apartment and looked around. Rachel and David decided to let Alex and I have the master bedroom. Both rooms were about the same size; the only difference was that ours had a bathroom in it. I walked out of the bedroom down the hall. I turned right into the kitchen, it wasn't huge but it was nice. All of the appliances were up to date. The laundry room as across from the kitchen and the other bathroom was down the other hallway by Rachel and David's bedroom.

While I walked down the hall to get a second look at Rachel's bathroom; I started to feel nauseous. I ran to the toilet and lifted the lid; I almost couldn't hold it any longer. I lifted the toilet seat and dropped to my knees; I made it just in time. I started vomiting, I could see the particles of the eggs I had for breakfast earlier.

"What's wrong, Al?" Rachel asked me once she entered the bathroom.

"Nothing, I just got sick out of nowhere for some reason." I replied. I leaned my back against the wall, I feel miserable.

"We should take you to the doctor." Rachel said while she held her arm out to help me up. I grabbed her hand and pulled myself up then flushed the toilet.

"This is the second time in two days, I guess we should go. I want to knock this out before it gets worse." I took my hair tie off of my wrist and put my hair up into a bun.

"Are you feeling alright?" David asked me after I walked out of the bathroom with Rachel.

"I'm fine; I think I have a stomach bug or something. Rachel and I are going to go to the doctor so I can get medicine." I told him. Rachel and I started to walk towards the front door.

"Where are you going?" Alex asked once he walked out of the hallway.

"Alice doesn't feel well; I'm taking her to the doctor." Rachel answered.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Alex asked.

"No, we'll be fine. You can start bringing our stuff over. My things are already packed." I answered then walked out of the front door.

15 minutes later.

Rachel parked the car in the hospital parking lot, and then we started walking towards the automatic doors. Once I reached the desk I took the clipboard and sat in the waiting area. I quickly filled out the paperwork and brought it back up to the desk, handing it to the lady behind the counter.

"Thank you, have a seat in the waiting area. Someone will be with you shortly." The black haired lady behind the counter told me. I turned around and walked back to my seat next to Rachel. We sat in silence while we waited. I crossed my legs and started wiggling my foot; it was a habit of mine when I had nothing else to do. It helped me concentrate during the finals in school.

"Alice Jane?" A nurse called once she came out of the double door. I stood up and looked back at Rachel.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Rachel asked me.

"Yeah, only if you want to though." I answered. I already knew she wanted to come, I could see it in her eyes. She stood up and we walked to the nurse together.

"Family members only." The nurse said as she looked at Rachel.

"I'm her sister." Rachel replied.

"Alright, follow me." The nurse turned around and walked through the double door, we followed. "Take a seat here; we need to check your blood pressure and temperature." She pointed her finger to the chairs. I sat down while Rachel stood behind me waiting.

The nurse put the blood pressure monitor around my arm. It started getting tighter and tighter. Once it finished she took it off and put a small plastic tube on the thermometer. She brought it to my mouth; I opened my mouth and let it go under my tongue. The nurse pulled it out of my mouth not too long after; she disposed the plastic tube and wrote the information on her chart.

"Your temperature and blood pressure are fine. Now follow me." She said as she smiled. I stood back up and followed her, Rachel wasn't far behind me. The nurse stopped at a hospital room door and gestured for me to go in. "The doctor will be with you shortly." She turned around and walked away.

I sat on the bed and Rachel sat on one of the chairs. She started reading a magazine that I assume she took from the waiting room.

"Hi Alice, I'm Doctor Greer." The tall man introduced himself as he walked into the room. "Now on a scale from one to ten, how bad is the pain? One being the least." Doctor Greer asked.

"One, it doesn't hurt at all. I just start throwing up." I answered quickly, hoping that it would make this visit quicker.

"How long as this been going on for?" Doctor Greer asked while stared at his clipboard.

"Since yesterday." I answered. The doctor started writing on his clipboard.

"We are going to take a blood and urine test so we can see what's going on with you. I'll be back in a couple of minutes." The doctor walked out of the room and I leaned back on the bed. I started to get nervous, blood made me nauseous.

A few minutes later the doctor came back with a small cup and handed it to me.

"The bathroom is right over there, I'll wait in here with your sister." He pointed to the other door in the bathroom.

I grabbed the cup and got out of bed. I walked into the bathroom and peed into the cup; I put the lid on it and washed my hands. I walked back into the room and handed the doctor the cup; he put it on the counter.

"Have a seat on the bed so we can draw your blood." Doctor Greer instructed. I walked to the bed and sat down. I started to get shaky; Rachel noticed and stood by my side. The doctor walked towards me with the needle and a few vials, I tried to control myself. I grabbed Rachel's hand and squeezed it.

"Please make this quick, I don't like blood." I whimpered.

"This will only take a minute; I need you to hold your arm out. Look at your sister, it will help." He advised. I did exactly as he instructed. I could feel him tie the band above my elbow, he didn't stop pulling until it was tight enough; not even a second later I felt the needle push through my skin. I tightened my grip on Rachel's hand. I heard him change the vials; it felt like an eternity until he pulled the needle out of me.

"He's done now." Rachel reminded me so I could stop squeezing on her hand. I let go and turned my attention back to the doctor.

"I'm going to go run a quick test on your urine, if nothing comes up then I will call you tomorrow night after the results from the blood test come in. Wait in here and I will let you know if we have any results." He said as he gathered everything before he left the room.

"What do you think it is?" Rachel asked me.

"Probably a stomach bug, I don't know though. Nothing hurts, I just got nauseated." I responded while I stared at the white tiled floor. She sat next to me on the corner of the bed. We sat in silence waiting for the doctor to come back. I was waiting for half an hour until he came back.

"Your results are in; would you like to speak in private?" Doctor Greer asked while he extended his arm that was holding the papers.

"No, whatever it is my sister can know." I looked over at Rachel then back to the doctor. He pulled up a chair and sighed.

"Alice, you're pregnant." I froze once he said the last word "pregnant." I was in immediate shock; I couldn't believe him, I didn't want to believe him. My heart was beating rapidly, what am I going to do?



What do you think she should do with the baby?

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I want to hear your thoughts.

And I'm sorry for the long update.

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