Tragedy Brings Two Together

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I didn't sleep much last night; after overhearing the cop say Travis was here made me worry. I didn't tell Rachel about it because I didn't want her to worry with me. It's not like anything would happen, we had an officer guarding our room the whole time. I couldn't help but think about all of the things that could happen. I was also afraid of waking up in the basement again, I didn't want to wake up finding out this was just a dream. A knocking on the door snapped me out of my thoughts. My mother was standing in the doorway with a smile on her face. She slowly walked in and sat in the chair that was next to my bed.

"I wasn't sure if you were going to be awake or not so I decided I would come in anyway." My mother whispered to me so she didn't wake Rachel up.

"Thank you, I'm happy you're here. I've missed you so much." I whispered back while I reached for her hand.

"How are you two doing?" She asked in a concerned tone.

"We're doing good; we just want to go home. I'm sorry about everything you had to go through because of me." I replied. Her eyes started tearing up.

"It's not your fault sweetie. I'm just so happy you're safe. I spoke to the doctor he said you can come home today, we just need to wait." The tears escaped her eyes as she spoke softly. My heart raced, I couldn't believe I was going to go home. I missed my home, I missed my room, and I just missed everything.

Rachel woke up and she turned her head towards us. My mom stood up and sat with Rachel, she was like her second daughter. They started talking, I didn't listen because my eyes were fixated on the door way. I knew I had nothing to worry about and I felt safe, but I couldn't help it. I didn't want any surprises.

Hours passed people came by to see us and left. They were all so happy while I felt like a zombie. All I wanted to do was go outside; I wanted the heat from the sun to caress my skin. I wanted to do so many things; I just didn't know where to start. I want to take things slow but then again after my experience with Travis, I should live my life to the fullest. There are so many crazy people out there, people I would never expect. The truth was a scary thing for me.

A couple more hours passed and we were finally able to go home. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. Rachel and I were dressed and walking out of the hospital. We were walking hand in hand behind our parents, whom were also holding each other's hand. My smile grew big once the sun kissed my skin. I couldn't remember the last time I was in the sun. Once we approached my mother's car we all got on and Rachel's father drove. It felt like a short ride home, but it didn't matter. I was home; I was in the place that I belonged. Once Rachel and I walked up the stairs, I went straight to sleep. I was beyond exhausted. It felt amazing to be in my own bed, it almost didn't feel real.

A few hours later I woke up and went down stairs. My mother and Rachel's father were sitting on the couch watching a movie together. I was happy they were getting close. Sometimes it takes a tragedy to bring two people together. I joined them on the couch and my mom paused the move.

"Can we talk?" My mother asked me and she turned her head towards me.

"Yeah, what's going on?" I asked.

"I know you just got home and everything, but I would like you to tell me what happened. I know it may be hard to talk about but you can't keep it bottled up."

"I rather not talk about it, I'm not ready yet. What's going on with you and him though?" I changed the subject.

"We will talk about it another time; we want to spend time with you girls." Rachel's father chipped in. I really didn't care if they were together or not, I was just happy.

It's disappointing when two people should be together but they aren't. It's even more disappointing when they find their way together because of a tragedy. I guess it isn't that bad, nobody should go through something like that on their own. I couldn't imagine how they could have possibly felt. Losing someone you brought into this world has to be the worst feeling any person has ever felt. They were lucky enough to have us back, while other parents weren't so lucky. There were cracks in my shattered heart for each person that died because of Travis. I feel terrible because I made it out alive, the others before me weren't so lucky. Only two bodies that I know of were found and I doubt that Travis will say where the others are. I just hope that the families are able to get the closure that they need. I also need some kind of closure; I know I will have that when I see Travis behind bars. I'm going to fight for those other girls and for Steven of course.

"Take me to the police station." I said. They both looked at me in shock.


I know this chapter wasn't that great but the ending is coming up only a few chapters left. I am also working on another book called House Guests. I actually released a chapter in it. We'll it's not am actual chapter for the book but you guys can read the summary of it.

The partner in writing book will be out Idk when. We will see.

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