The Prisoner

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We exit out of hyperspace and Dad takes us into the Roost Space Station.

He had an old contact there he was hoping would have some work for us. Dad lands the ship in one of the docking bays and we exit out, getting looks from practically everyone we walked past.

???: Mando!

Dad and I turn and see an overweight, gray-bearded man, which I can only assume is his contact. Ranzar Malk.

Ranzar: Is that you under that bucket?

Ranzar extends his hand which Dad shakes.

Dad: Ran.

Ranzar then looks at me.

Ranzar: Well, who's this? Obviously, he's another Mandalorian.

Dad: This is my son, Y/n.

Ranzar looks surprised.

Ranzar: Your son? Didn't realize you had a kid, Mando! How are ya, boy?

Y/n: I'm alright, sir.

Ranzar: 'Sir'? No need for formalities! Just call me 'Uncle Ran'!

Y/n: I'll keep that in mind, sir.

Ranzar chuckles as he turns back to Dad.

Ranzar: I didn't really know if I'd ever see you in these parts again. Good to see you. You know, to be honest, I was a little surprised when you reached out to me. You know, 'cause I hear things. Like, maybe things between you and the Guild aren't workin' out.

Dad: .... I'll be fine.

Ranzar: Well, you know the policy. No questions. And you, you're welcome back anytime.

As our ship was getting repaired, we walked along the catwalk and discussed our 'job'.

Dad: So what's the job?

Ranzar: Yeah, one of our associates ran afoul of some competitors and got himself caught. So I'm puttin' together a crew to spring him. It's a five person job. I got four, though now that I know you got a son, six'll definitely make it work. All I need is the ride, and you brought it.

Dad and I look back at the Crest before looking back at Ranzar.

Dad: The ship wasn't part of the deal.

Ranzar: Well, the Crest is the only reason I ket you back in here.

Dad gives Ranzar a hard stare.

Ranzar: What's the look? Is that gratitude? (laughs) Uh-huh. I think it is.

As Ranzar heads down, I simply lean next to Dad.

Y/n: Just say the word, and I'll blast him in that inflated balloon he calls a stomach.

Dad: No. Let's just get this over with. (sighs) This is a bad idea.

Dad then heads down after Ranzar.

Y/n: Glad I'm not the only one getting that feeling.

As we follow Ranzar, we see a bald-headed man around his late thirties and had a bunch of weapon holsters on his straps and legs.

Ranzar: Hey, Mayfeld.

Mayfeld: Yeah?

Ranzar: This is Mando, the guy I was telling you about. We used to jobs way back when.

Mayfeld: This is the guy?

Ranzar: Yeah, we were all young, tryin' to make a name for ourselves. (laughs) Yeah, but runnin' with a Mandalorian, that was... that brought us some reputation.

Mayfeld: Oh, yeah? What did he get out of it?

Ranzar: I asked him that one time. You remember what you said, Mando? Target practice.

Ranzar and Mayfeld laugh as Dad and I stand quietly. Mayfeld nods at me.

Mayfeld: And the little Mando?

Ranzar: That's his kid.

Mayfeld: I better be gettin' paid double if I'm babysitting too.

I was about to make a move that broke his nose and dislocate his left arm, but Dad stuck his arm, shaking his head at me.

Ranzar looks at Dad.

Ranzar: We did some crazy stuff, didn't we?

Dad: That was a long time ago.

Ranzar: Well... well, I don't go out anymore. You understand? So, uh, Mayfeld, he's gonna run point on this job. If he says it, it's like it's comin' from me. You good with that?

Dad: .... You tell me.

Mayfeld glares at Dad as Ranzar laughs again.

Ranzar: You haven't changed one bit. Yeah, well, Mayfeld, he's one of the best triggermen I've ever seen. Former Imperial sharpshooter.

Y/n: Imps can't shoot for scrap. What makes him any better?

Mayfeld: I'm still around, aren't I, kid?

Y/n: Not for long if you keep calling me 'kid', Imp.

Mayfeld walks up to me and was at least several inches taller.

Mayfeld: How 'bout this: you don't call me 'Imp', and I don't call you 'kid'. Sound good.

Y/n: ... Fine.

As Mayfeld walks towards the Crest, Ranzar leans to Dad.

Ranzar: Don't take long, does it? (laughs)

Mayfeld: Razor Crest? I can't believe that thing can fly. Looks like a Canto Bite slot machine.

Y/n: And you're the one that rode in Imperial dropships that invaded and destroyed people's homes for the Empire. Your point was?

Mayfeld: Your kid's got a real mouth on him, doesn't he, Mando? Alright, the good-lookin' fella there with the horns, that's Burg.

Dad and I watch the giant, red humanoid drop a huge container and looks right at us.

Mayfeld: This may surprise you, but he's our muscle.

'Burg' walks around, staring at us up and down.

Burg: So these are Mandalorians? I thought they'd be bigger.

Mayfeld chuckles as he points to a droid with silver optics and an antenna on his head.

Mayfeld: Droid's name is Zero.

'Zero' walks up to us and merely nods.

Dad: I thought you said you had four.

???: He does.

Dad and I turn to see a purple, female Twi'lek with sharp teeth, spinning a dagger in her hand.

???: Hello, Mando.

Dad: Xi'an.

Xi'an: Tell me why I shouldn't cut you down where you stand?

Xi'an rushes up and levels her dagger at his neck.

Dad: Nice to see you too.

Xi'an giggles as she pulls her dagger back.

Xi'an: I missed you.

She then taps his armor with her dagger.

Xi'an: This is shiny. You wear it well.

Mayfeld: Do we need to leave the room or something?

Ranzar: Well, Xi'an's been a little heartbroken since Mando left our group.

Mayfeld: (teasingly) Aw, you gonna be okay, sweetheart?

Xi'an: Oh, I'm all business now. (points at Dad) Learned from the best.

Xi'an looks at me amused and circles me.

Xi'an: And who's this little one?

Mayfeld: He's Mando's son.

Xi'an smiles, showing her fangs. She brushes her fingers down the right side of my helmet, making me turn my head slightly.

Xi'an: Even though I can't see your face, I have a feeling that you're incredibly adorable under that helmet.

Y/n: Dad, tell me again, how and why did you have a thing for this woman?

Xi'an slowly hisses at me before kissing two of her fingers and tapping the center of my helmet.

Xi'an: Just think of me as your new step-mommy.

Ranzar: All right, break it up till you get on the ship. Right now we don't have much time.

All of them walk away except for Burg, who steps in front of us and growls.

Burg: Tiny. (laughs and walks away)

Y/n: (fuming) Dad...

Dad: Y/n, what did we talk about?

Y/n: Calm and collected. Right.

Dad: They try anything funny, don't hesitate to hurt them.

Y/n: Now we're talking.


Later, we're all around a holo-projection table while Zero was checking the status of our ship.

Mayfeld: So, the package is being moved on a fortified transport ship.

Mayfeld taps a button that produces a hologram of the said ship.

Mayfeld: Now, we got a limited window to board, find our friend, and get him out of there before they make their jump.

Dad: That's a New Republic prison ship.

Y/n: He was never taken by some syndicate, he was arrested!

Mayfeld: So what?

Y/n: Anxious for payback on what the New Republic did to your squad or something like that?

Mayfeld: Hey, I told you that was a long time ago!

Ranzar: A job is a job.

Dad: That's a max security transport and we're not looking for that kind of heat.

Ranzar: Well neither are we. So just don't mess up.

Xi'an: The good news for you, is the ship is manned by droids.

Xi'an traces Dad's left shoulder plate.

Xi'an: Still hate the machines, Mando?

Zero then exits the Crest and walks up to us.

Zero: Despite recent modifications, the ship is still quite a mess. The power lines are leaking, the navigation is intermittent, and the hyperdrive is only operating at 67.3% efficiency. We have much better ships. Why are we using this one?

Ranzar: 'Cause the Razor Crest is off the old Imperial and the New Republic grid. It's a ghost.

Mayfeld: Yeah, and we need a ship that can get close enough to jam New Republic code. (projects a holo-simulation) So, when we drop out of hyperspace here, if we immediately bank into this kind of attitude, we should be right in their blind spot, which will give us just enough time for your ship to scramble our signal.

Dad: It's not possible. Even for the Crest.

Ranzar: (nods at Zero) That's why he's flying.

Dad looks at Zero who just cocks his head, while the others laugh.

Ranzar: Mando, I know you're a pretty good pilot, but we need you on the trigger. Not on the wheel.

Zero: Don't worry, Mandalorian. My response time is quicker than organics. (taps head) And I'm smarter too.

Y/n: Anyone ever tell you you sound like a protocol droid?

Zero: Never. Why?

Y/n: 'Cause you don't seem to know how to shut up.

Zero was about to step towards me, but Ranzar stops him and points at the Crest.

Ranzar: Alright, go on. (to Dad) Forgive the programming. He's a little rough around the edges. But he is the best.

Dad: How can you trust it?

Ranzar: You know me, Mando. I don't trust anybody.

Dad shakes his head as I sigh and we walk up the ramp into our ship.

Ranzar: Just like the good old days, Mando. Huh?

Dad just shuts the ramp closed and heads up to the cockpit to make sure Zero doesn't mess with what he shouldn't.

I sat down across from Mayfeld and Xi'an in the cargo bay as Burg was pacing back and forth.

Xi'an: Will you sit down?

Burg hits the top of the ceiling, grunting as Xi'an hisses back at him.

I roll my eyes as I take out my knife and sharpen it.

Mayfeld: So, kid, how old are you?

I pause sharpening my knife and look at Mayfeld, making him hold his hands up.

Mayfeld: Right, right, no calling you 'kid'. But, seriously, how old are you?

Y/n: ... I'm fifteen.

All three of them laugh.

Burg: You gotta be kidding me, fifteen? How can you even pick up a blaster?

Y/n: Keep talking Horn-Head, and I'll make sure the only thing you'll ever be able to pick up is a toothpick.

Burg stomps towards me, but Mayfeld speaks up.

Mayfeld: Burg! Cool it!

Burg growls at me before he messes with the keypad and opens the weapon locker. He chuckles about to grab one, but Dad just slid down into the bay and shuts the locker with his wrist control.

The locker closes and Burg hits the doors, before turning Dad. He then was about open the door to our bedroom, where we'd hid the Child but Dad grabs his arm, making Burg growl and get into a glaring contest with him.

Mayfeld: Hey, hey, hey. Okay. Okay. Okay, I get it. I'm a little particular about my personal space too. So, let's just do this job. We get in, we get out, and you don't have to see our faces anymore.

Burg: Someone tell me why we even need a couple of Mandalorians?

Mayfeld: Well, apparently they're the greatest warriors in the galaxy. So they say.

Burg: Then why are they all dead?

Burg, Mayfeld, and Xi'an all laugh, making me lose it. I shoot up to my feet and grab Mayfeld by his neck, pinning him to the wall.

Mayfeld aims his left blaster under my chin as I kept my knife at his throat.

Mayfeld: Tell your kid to get the hell off me, Mando. TELL HIM TO GET OFF ME!

Dad: Y/n...

Y/n: You listen to me and you listen good, Imp. The Empire MASSACRED Mandalore! Glassed it dust! The people you used to work for are the reason we're scattered across the damned universe! My mother was there when the Purge happened! She told the story to me in perfect detail about her entire family being gunned by Death Troopers! So never forget that you're the reason that our people our nearly wiped out.

I slammed Mayfeld against the wall, just to emphasize my anger and then got off him. As I sat back down, Xi'an giggled at me.

Xi'an: You are very much like me, little one. Cutthroat! (giggles)

I ignore her as Mayfeld straightens his holster straps.

Mayfeld: For the record, I never knew.

Y/n: Yeah, probably because you were too busy slaughtering other families across the galaxy.

Dad: Y/N!

Mayfeld grits his teeth, before exhaling and rolling his eyes. He then turns to Xi'an.

Mayfeld: You flew with Mando, Xi'an. Is he as good as they say?

Xi'an: Ask him about the job on Alzoc III.

Dad: ... I did what I had to.

Xi'an: Oh, but you liked it. See, I know who you really are.

The hell does that mean? Did Dad- no! Of course not! He'd have never taken it off!

Mayfeld: He never takes off the helmet?

Xi'an: (giggles) "This is the Way."

Mayfeld: Huh. I wonder what you guys look like under there. Maybe they're Gungans. Is that why yousa don't wanna show your faces?

Burg laughs loudly as Mayfeld snickers.

Mayfeld: (to Xi'an) You ever seen his face?

Xi'an twirls her left lekku.


Xi'an: A lady never tells.

Mayfeld: Aw. Come on, Mando. We all gotta trust each other here. You gotta show us somethin'. Come on. Just lift the helmet up. Come on. Let's all see your eyes.

Dad doesn't move as Burg steps towards him.

Burg: I'll do it.

Dad grabs Burg's arm and spins him before punching him into the wall, but Burg hits the panel for the bedroom and it opens showing the Child on Dad's bed.

Mayfeld: Whoa! What is that?

Mayfeld approaches the Child and waves his hand in front of it.

Mayfeld: You two been gettin' lonely up here all by yourselves? Wait a minute.

Mayfeld looks between Dad and Xi'an.

Mayfeld: Did you two make that? Huh? What is it, like a pet or something?

I immediately try to think of a lie.

Y/n: Yeah, Dad, uh, got it for me as a present for when I turned 10.

Xi'an: Oh, now isn't that adorable?

Mayfeld: Me, I was never really into pets. Yeah, I didn't have the temperament or patience, you know? I mean, I tried, but never worked out. But I'm thinkin', maybe I'll try again with this little fella.

Mayfeld picks up the Child and looks at me.

Mayfeld: How much for him, buddy?

Y/n: He isn't for sale.

I stand up and gently take him from Mayfeld as the Child leans against me, somewhat afraid.

Zero then comes on the comm.

Zero: (over comm) Dropping out of hyperspace now.

The Crest stopped so abruptly that all of us had to brace ourselves.

Zero: (over comm) Commencing final approach now.

The Crest immediately swung right, throwing us off our feet. I held tight to the Child, making sure he doesn't go flying.

Zero: (over comm) Engaging cloaking signal now.

I fell face-first into the ground with Burg falling on top of me.

Zero: (over comm) Engaging coupling now.

The Crest shakes and stops as we feel it dock to the prison ship.

Zero: (over comm) Coupling confirmed. We are down. And relax.

I kick Burg off of me, and check on the Child as he was still in arms. I put the Child back in our bedroom and rub his ear to calm him down before shutting the door.

Xi'an: Useless droid didn't even give us a proper countdown.

Mayfeld pulls out a comm-link.

Mayfeld: Z, you sure they can't see us?

Zero: (over comm) The Razor Crest is scrambling our signature and I am inside the prison system. It's impressive that this gunship had survived the Empire without being impounded.

I'm beginning to see why Dad REALLY hates droids.

Mayfeld: Okay, we got a job to do. Mando, you're up.

Dad heads to the door hatch in the floor and attaches a scrambling device to the door. The device beeps several times before turning green and the door hatch opens.

We all look at Mayfeld.

Mayfeld: It's me?

Burg: Always you.

Mayfeld leans through the hatch upside down and comes back up before dropping down completely. I drop after as Xi'an, Burg, and Dad follow next.

Mayfeld: Zero. Get us to the control room.

Zero: (over comm) Sub-level three. Disabling onboard surveillance.

Mayfeld: All right, we're on the clock. When we engage those droids, they're gonna be all over us.

Dad: We know the drill.

Zero: (over comm) Bio trackers activated. I've got eyes.

Mayfeld: All right, let's go.

The five of us then start making our down the halls, past various cells containing criminals, murderers, cannibals, hell even Imperial officers!

Dad: I don't like this.

Xi'an: You always were paranoid.

Mayfeld: Is that true, Mando? (mockingly) Were you always paranoid?

Suddenly one of the prisoners jump-scared Mayfeld, and laughed.

Zero: (over comm) Approaching control room. Make a left at the next juncture.

I walk ahead and stay behind one of the arches, motioning Dad and the others forward as it was clear.

A MSE Droid then rolled towards us and Burg chuckles.

Burg: What? It's just a little mousey.

Burg hides one of his blasters behind his back and steps towards the droid.

Burg: Come here, little mousey.

Mayfeld: Burg...

Burg: Mousey, come here. Come here.

The droid just rolls away and Burg grunts before shooting it.

Mayfeld: No! Burg, what are you doin'?

Burg: What?

Suddenly four security droids come down the hall and start firing at us, making us take cover behind the arches.

Security Droid: Intruder alert! Open fire!

As we take cover I hit Burg in the chest, even though it hardly did anything.

Y/n: Way to go, Horn-Head!

Xi'an: We're too exposed here!

Mayfeld: If they get a signal out, it's not gonna matter!

Y/n: Dad, you got a plan?

I turn back and see Dad was gone.

Mayfeld: Some father you got, kid!

Before I could retort, I see Dad walk around the corner the droids had come from and takes out his knife.

He slides underneath one and slices it's leg off before kicking another to the ground. The third droid shoots Dad in the back, but he just turns and shoots it in the head.

The fourth droid pins Dad against one of the cells and punches him in the face.

Y/n: Hang on, Dad!

I whip out my own knife and as the second droid Dad had kicked got back up, I burn it to hell with my flamethrower. I then jump on the back of the droid that had pinned Dad and I repeatedly stab it in the neck until it fell dead.

The last droid shoots at us both, but Dad yanks it over with his fibercord and I kick it down before blasting it's head to pieces.

Mayfeld, Xi'an, and Burg come out of cover and look at the disassembled droids.

Mayfeld: Make sure you clean your mess.

Mayfeld and Xi'an, who giggles winking, just walk past as Burg shoulders past Dad.

Zero: (over comm) It seems your presence has been detected. Redirecting security alert away from your position.

We then approach the control room.

Mayfeld: Z, open the door.

Zero: (over comm) But I'm detecting an organic signature.

Mayfeld: Yeah, okay. All right. Just open the door!

The door opens and we see a Republic Trooper inside. The Trooper got to his feet and aimed his blaster at us.

Trooper: Stop! J-Just stop right there! You put down the blasters right now.

Burg, Mayfeld, and Xi'an just chuckle as we enter the room.

Mayfeld: Nice shoes. Matches his belt.

Y/n: I thought you said that there were only droids in this ship.

Mayfeld approaches the control console.

Mayfeld: Hang on, let me see here. Cell two-two-one. All right, now for our well-dressed friend.

The Trooper then takes out a small white device with an antenna on it.

Mayfeld: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey. Easy, easy, egghead. Put that down. Put that down. Come on.

Dad: Easy.

Mayfeld: Put it down now!

Mayfeld aims his blaster at the Trooper, but Dad holds his arm out at him.

Dad: Easy. Nobody has to get hurt here. Just calm down.

Burg: What is that thing?

Dad: It's a tracking beacon.

Mayfeld: He presses that thing, we're all done. A New Republic attack team will home in on that signal and blow us all to hell. Put it down!

Xi'an: Are you serious?

Mayfeld: Yes, I'm serious.

Xi'an: You didn't think we needed to know that tiny little detail?

Mayfeld: I didn't think we'd get to this point!

Xi'an: Yet here we are.

Mayfeld: (looks at her) Are you questioning my managerial style, Xi'an?

Xi'an: (chuckles) No, sir.

Dad continues to keep everyone calm.

Dad: Hey, listen to me. Hey, hey, hey. Listen to me, okay? Look.

Dad puts his blaster away and I do the same.

Dad: (looks at Mayfeld) Hey, put it down.

Mayfeld: Are you crazy?

Y/n: Trust him. Put it down. Hey, buddy, what's your name?

Trooper: I-It's Davan.

Dad: Davan. We're not here for you. We're here for a prisoner. If you let us go about our job, you can walk away with your life.

Mayfeld aims his blaster at him again.

Mayfeld: No he won't.

Dad aims his blast at Mayfeld and I aim mine at Burg, just to be sure he doesn't try anything.

Dad: You realize what you're gonna bring down on us?

Mayfeld: You think I care about that?

Y/n: Heartless and stupid, just like a typical Imperial.

Mayfeld: SHUT UP, KID!

Dad: We're not killing anybody. You understand?

Mayfeld: Get that blaster out of my face, Mando.

Dad: I can't do that.

Mayfeld turns his robotic arm on his back on Dad, which had another pistol.

Mayfeld: Get that blaster out of my face, Mando!

Suddenly a dagger hit Davan in the stomach, and he leaned against the control console before falling to the floor, dead.

Xi'an: Would you all just shut up?

Mayfeld: Crazy Twi. (puts away his blasters) I had it under control.

Xi'an takes her dagger out of the body of Davan, giggling.

Xi'an: Yeah, looked like it.

Mayfeld then freezes as he looks at the floor and the tracking beacon was blinking.

Y/n: Oh, no...

Mayfeld: Was that thing blinking before? Was it?

Zero: (over comm) Zero to Mayfeld. Zero to Mayfeld.

Mayfeld: (holds up com-link) What?

Zero: (over comm) I've detected a New Republic distress signal homing in on your location. You have approximately 20 minutes.

Xi'an: We only need five.

Mayfeld: Let's go, let's go. Move, move, move!

Dad and I stare at Davan's body in frustration before following the others.

As we ran down the hall, two heavily armored floating security droids came into view. Burg roars and grabs one, smashing it into the ground before throwing it at the other, making them explode.

We then run past and find the cell we're looking for. Mayfeld hacks in and grabs his com-link.

Mayfeld: Z, open it up.

Zero: (over comm) You have fifteen minutes remaining.

Mayfeld: Come on, come on. Open it up!

The door opens and we see a male, purple Twi'lek that looks a lot like Xi'an.

Dad: Qin.

The male Twi'lek that Dad stated was 'Qin' stands from his bench and looks at him.

Qin: Funny, the man who left me behind is now my savior. Mando.

Suddenly Burg punches Dad into the cell and throws me in too.

The door shuts just as Dad fires a blast that ricochets all around the cell and hits me in the shoulder.

Dad: Y/n!

Mayfeld: Attack's on the way, they're already dead meat! Let's go!

Xi'an: You deserve this!

I hit the ground in anger as Dad helps me up.

Y/n: Why didn't we see this coming?

Dad: Are you okay?

Y/n: I'm fine. How do we get out of here?

We hear metallic clanking and Dad motions me behind him as he fires his fibercord and yanks a security droid to the door.

The droid tries to fire inside the cell, but I grab it's arm and break it off, leaving the droid without an arm. Dad grabs it's blaster and shoots it in the head.

I mess with it's arm and activate it's installed key, putting it in the door and opening it up. Dad and I look around and start moving.

Y/n: Where are we going? The ship's the other way!

Dad: We gotta keep them here! We'll seal them off from the ship.

We enter the control room and we see them all running on the monitors.

Dad starts shutting the doors and I turn on the ship's jammer, keeping Zero from communicating with the others.

Y/n: Okay, now what?

Dad: You get back to the ship and take care of that droid. I'll make sure they don't follow you.

Y/n: What?! I'm not gonna leave you here to fight them by yourself-

Dad: Y/n...

Dad grabs my shoulders and grips them tight.

Dad: Trust me.

I sigh begrudgingly and hug Dad for several seconds before letting go and nodding.

Dad shuts the door behind me as I make my way back to the Crest. I keep my blaster handy as Dad seals the walls around me, keeping me in the right direction.

I see the ladder up and rush forward, climbing upward. As I enter the cargo bay, I see Zero aiming at the Child.

I whistle at the droid as he turns and I shoot him, square in the chest. As Zero falls, I see the Child giggling and smirk walking to him.

Y/n: You okay?

The Child coos at me and I smile, keeping him in one arm and climbing up into the cockpit. I set the Child down on the console as I prep the engines for when Dad shows up.

I grab the Child and slide down into the bay again and set him on the floor, grabbing Zero's remains and tossing them in the bedroom.

I then hear voices below and quietly walk towards the hatch. I silently look down and see Dad aiming at Qin without any of the others in sight.

Way to go, Dad.

I grab my blaster, hold it by the barrel and hang upside down, hitting Qin on the back of the head.

Dad watches Qin hit the floor unconscious and looks at me as I was still upside, with my arms crossed.

Y/n: How's it 'hanging'?

Dad shakes his head as he grabs Qin and I climb up, helping him put Qin on the ground. I pull Dad up and he heads to the cockpit as I drag Qin against the wall.


Eventually we make it back to Roost Station and land in the docking bay. The door opens and I push Qin forward as he walks down and hugs Ranzar, who'd been waiting for us at the bottom of the ramp.

Ranzar looks at Dad as he walks up to them.

Ranzar: Where are the others?

Dad: No questions asked. That's the policy, right?

Ranzar: Yep. That is the policy.

Dad: We did the job.

Ranzar: Yeah, you did.

Ranzar takes a bag of credits out of his jacket and tosses them to Dad.

Dad: Just like the good old days.

Ranzar: Yeah, just like the good old days.

Dad walks back up the ramp and I salute them goodbye as I shut the ramp.

Dad and I head back up to the cockpit, where the Child was sitting in the right seat.

Dad takes the controls as I sit on the left and he flies us out.

Y/n: Dad, what's to stop them from firing at us?

Dad: They'll be a bit busy.

Y/n: With what?

My question is answered as several New Republic X-Wings exit out of hyperspace and fly towards the station, firing at them.

Y/n: You snagged the beacon and put it in his pocket, didn't you?

Dad just looks back at me, and I can tell he was smirking. I lean against my seat laughing as he then grabs the ball off the lever and hands it to the Child.

Dad: I told you that was a bad idea.

The Child takes the ball, chewing on it as I laugh again. Dad then sends us into hyperspace and I exhale, leaning back and deciding to rest for a while.


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