The Reckoning

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Recently, I had been working on putting a certain bounty droid back together. I torched Zero's leg back to his hip and finally began to work on his cerebral cortex.

After a bit of rewiring and reprogramming, I set my tools down and activated Zero. At first nothing happened so I tapped his head a couple times.

Y/n: Zero, can you hear me?

Still nothing happened, until the droid quickly sat up and looked at his surroundings.

Zero: Where am I? What is this place?

I grab his shoulder calmly.

Y/n: Easy. You've been out for a while. What's the last thing you remember?

Zero looks down for a moment before meeting my visor.

Zero: I believe I was looking something. Though my memory banks are somewhat fragmented as to what it was.

Y/n: You were hunting a baby. I shot you from doing so.

Zero: A baby?

Y/n: Yep.

Zero: Why bring me back then?

Y/n: Because while my Dad probably won't like it, he has to admit that we need all the help we can get keeping the baby safe. I reprogrammed you to follow mine and my father's orders. Do you understand?

Zero: I understand, Master Y/n.

Y/n: Uhh, okay? We can nix the 'Master' thing.

Zero: As you wish, Master Y/n.

Y/n: Zero, I literally just said-

I stop myself and take a deep breath.

Y/n: (to myself) Now I just gotta figure out how to break this to Dad.

Dad: Y/n! Get up here! You need to see this!

I stand up and exit the room. Zero was about to follow, but I hold my hand up.

Y/n: Ah-bup-bup. You're staying here 'till I figure out to explain you to Dad.

I shut the door in front of Zero, keeping him in the bedroom. I climb up to the cockpit and stand behind Dad.

Dad: Who were you talking to?

Y/n: (lying) Talking to someone? I just talking to myself.

Dad: Okay, then? Listen to this.

I lean over Dad's chair and a hologram of Greef appears.

Greef: (transmission) My friend, if you are receiving this transmission, that means you are alive. You might be surprised to hear this, but I am alive too. Your son shot me right in the Beskar. I guess we can call it even.

Y/n: 'Even'? Oh, give me a break.

Dad: Listen.

Greef: (transmission) A lot has happened since we last saw each other. That man who hired you both is still here, and his ranks of ex-Imperial guards have grown. They have imposed despotic rule over my city, which has impeded the livelihood of the Guild. We consider him an enemy, but we cannot get close enough to take him out. If you would consider one last commission, I will very much make it worth your while. You have been successful so far in staving off their hunters, but they will not stop until they have their prize.

I look back at the Child, as he was sleeping in the right seat.

Greef: (transmission) So, here is my proposition: Return to Nevarro. Bring the child as bait. I will arrange an exchange, and provide loyal Guild members as protection. Once we get near the client, you kill him, and we both get what we want. If you succeed, you and your boy keep the child and I will have your names cleared with the Guild, for men of honor should not be forced to live in exile. I await your arrival with optimism.

The transmission cuts off and I look down at Dad.

Y/n: I'm honestly surprised that he even has any members left after the Tribe tore up the city.

Dad: He's right, though. The kid's never gonna be safe until we take out the client.

Y/n: So what do we do?

Dad: We're gonna need backup. Just to be sure Greef doesn't pull a double-cross.

Y/n: Let me guess: a certain ex-shock trooper?

Zero: If I may inquire, what is the name of this shock trooper?

Dad and I whipped around and saw Zero standing in the doorway.

Zero: Did I interrupt something?


Thankfully, Dad wasn't mad. Disappointed, frustrated, perhaps. But, yeah, definitely not mad.

Dad landed the Crest on Sorgan and I told Zero to stay with the ship. Plus I knew would've kept his blaster ready if we brought him with us, so yeah.

We entered the tavern and saw Cara duking it out with a Zabrak. They both had an energized beam-lock on their waists and Cara yanked the Zabrak down, choking him with the beam.

The Zabrak hit the button on his waist, breaking the lock. The crowd cheered for Cara as she raised her fists.

Cara: Pay up, mudscuffers!

I lean to Dad.

Y/n: Yeah, she's definitely your type.

Dad shoves me forward and we make our appearances known.

Dad: Looking for some work?

We then sat at a table, explaining the situation.

Dad: It seems like a straightforward operation. They're providing the plan and firepower. (gestures to me and him) We're the snare.

Cara: With the kid?

Y/n: It's why we came to you.

Cara: I don't know. I've been advised to lay low. If anybody runs my chain code, I'll rot in a cell for the rest of my life.

Dad: I thought you were a veteran.

Cara: I've been a lot of things since. Most of them carry a life sentence. If I so much as book passage on a ship registered to the New Republic, I'm...

Dad: I have a ship. I can bring you there and back with a handsome reward. You can live free of worry.

Cara: I'm already free of worry. And I'm not in the mood to play soldier anymore. Especially fighting some local warlord.

Y/n: We never said he was a warlord.

Dad: He's Imperial.

Cara then raises her glass and smiles.

Cara: I'm in.

I lean back and look at Dad.

Y/n: Should've just said he was Imperial to begin with.


Several hours later, we were flying towards Nevarro with Cara along with us.

Cara: Does your contact need to vet me?

Dad: Doesn't know you're coming.

Cara: Really? That could be a problem.

Dad: It won't. But if it is, that's his problem.

The three of us then head into the cargo bay, leaving the Child in his seat.

Cara: He all right up there alone?

Y/n: He's a baby. What's the worst he can do?

Dad then opens the weapons locker.

Dad: Pick one.

Cara grabs a couple of grenades and looks at us.

Cara: You trust the contact?

Dad: Not particularly.

Y/n: The last time we spoke with him, we were on Guild business. And, let's just say things ended on a heated note.

Cara: So then why are we going?

Dad: We don't have a choice. You saw what happened on Sorgan. They'll keep sending hunters. The kid will never be safe until the Imp is dead.

Cara then grabs the mini-gun and loads it up.

Cara: And you're okay with bringing him back there?

Dad: Not really. That's why we're bringing you.

Suddenly the ship began to rumble and sway back and forth. We climbed back up to the cockpit and saw the Child messing with one of the throttles.

Dad took him off the throttle and handed him to me, before stabilizing the ship.

Cara: We need someone to watch that thing.

Dad: Yeah...

Y/n: We can use Z-

Dad: NO.

Y/n: Fine...

Cara: Who can't we use?

Y/n: My father's a stickler for droids. We have one that I reprogrammed, but he's still hesitant about him.

Dad: 'Hesitant' is the polite word.

Cara: Okay, you got anyone else we can trust?


Dad turned the ship around and eventually made it to Arvala-7. The planet where we first found the Child and a certain Blurrg tamer.

Eventually we made it to the Ugnaught's home, where he greeted us and gestured us all inside. The Ugnaught looks at the Child before back at us.

Ugnaught: It hasn't grown much.

Dad: We think it might be a Strand-Cast.

Ugnaught: I don't think it was engineered. I've worked in the gene farms. This one looks evolved. Too ugly.

Y/n: Hey. He's a baby. He can't help how he looks.

Ugnaught: True. (looks at Cara) This one on the other hand, looks like she was farmed on the Cytocaves of Nora.

Dad: This is Cara Dune. She was a shock trooper for the New Republic.

Ugnaught: You were a Dropper?

Cara: (surprised) Did you serve?

Ugnaught: On the other side, I'm afraid. But I'm proud to say that I paid out my clan's debt, and now I serve no one but myself.

Suddenly we heard metallic thudding and saw IG-11 walk into the hut! Dad, Cara, and I all aim our blasters at him. I slightly lower mine once I saw that he was carrying a tray of drinks.

IG-11: Would anyone care for some tea?

Y/n: Well, that makes two people we've supposedly killed have come back from the dead.

Ugnaught: Please lower your blasters. He will not harm you.

Dad: That thing is programmed to kill the baby.

Y/n: Dad, I don't think he is anymore. I mean his straps are gone, his blasters-

Ugnaught: Your son is correct.

The Ugnaught then explained to us how he found IG-11 among the wreckage of the Nikto settlement and repaired, taught, and trained him.

IG-11 and Dad have a full on staring contest before IG-11 hands a cup to him.

IG-11: Tea?


As the sun was setting, Dad was arguing with the Ugnaught as I watched IG-11 look at the baby.

I approach the droid as he stands to his full height and looks at me.

IG-11: It would appear the Child has not grown much since our last encounter.

I blink several times, amazed that his memory banks were intact. Dad shot him in the fraggin' head!

Y/n: Do you... remember me?

IG-11: Yes. You are Y/n. A Mandalorian and a member of the Guild. As is your father.

Y/n: We're EX-Guild now.

IG-11: I see.

Cara then comes up to us and looks at Dad.

Cara: Has your father ever told you why he hates droids?

Y/n: I think it had something to do with the Separatists back during the Clone Wars. I never really asked him beyond that.

Cara: Hmm. Well, this Zero friend of yours, what is he?

Y/n: He was a bounty droid like IG-11. Tried to kill the baby.

Cara: Then why did you fix him? Even if you knew your Dad hates droids?

I look at IG-11 as his optics twist and turn, before looking at Cara.

Y/n: Honestly? While my Dad disagrees, there's a saying: "If it walks and if it talks, then it's alive."

Cara: That's a good quote. Where'd you hear that from?

I feel something grab at my boot and see the Child cooing at me. I pick him up and start to walk off before glancing back at Cara.

Y/n: My mother.


After now knowing the Ugnaught's name was Kuiil, and herding his Blurrgs into the Crest, we set off towards Nevarro.

I was sitting next to Zero and IG-11, oiling some of there joints for them, while they were powered off. I heard grunting and saw Dad and Cara arm-wrestling on a makeshift table.

Cara: (grunting) I've got you, Mando.

Dad: Care to double the bet?

I shake my head as I continue to oil Zero and IG. I hear someone choking and see Cara clawing at her throat.

Y/n: Cara? Cara?!

I hold her shoulders as she continued to strain to breathe. Dad looked and saw the Child with his arm out at her and grabbed him.

Dad: No! No, no! Stop! We're friends! We're friends! Cara is our friend!

Cara leaned against the table, as she began to breathe normally again. I pat her back a couple times as Dad looks at me.

Dad: Is this what you were talking about?

Y/n: I knew he could lift stuff, but I didn't think he could CHOKE somebody!

Cara: (gasping) That is not okay.

Kuiil looks at the Child, perplexed.

Kuiil: Hmm. Very curious.

Cara: Curious?! It almost killed me!

Kuiil then looks up at me.

Kuiil: The story you told of the Mudhorn now makes more sense.

Dad hands the Child to me as he looks at Kuiil.

Dad: What is it?

Kuiil: What it is, I don't know. But what it does, this... this I've heard rumors of.

Cara: What? When you worked for the Empire?

Kuiil: When I was SOLD to the Empire, in indentured servitude.

Cara stands from her seat.

Cara: Yet somehow, you walk free.

Y/n: Cara!

Kuiil: I bought my freedom through the skill of my hands and the labor of three of your human lifetimes. Do not cast doubt upon that of what I am nor whom I shall serve.

I then break the tension by putting the Child back in his crib.

Y/n: Kuiil, I could use your help. Can you make a more sturdy crib for the baby?

Kuiil: I shall fabricate a better one.

Y/n: Thank you.

Kuiil: (looks at Cara) Then perhaps this Dropper can see how one can win their freedom with the skill of one's hands.

Y/n: Okay, enough! We've all been victims of the Empire! We've lost our homes, our friends, our families, everything to them! But they're gone now! At least the majority of them is gone! Now all that's left are remnants that will never work together.

Cara sits down again as Kuiil crosses his arms.

Y/n: Please, let's remember we've all been brutalized by them. And no one's suffering is above the other.


After fixing up IG and Zero, I helped Kuiil put together a new crib for the baby. Eventually we landed on Nevarro and opened the cargo bay. Cara and Kuiil rode on their own Blurrgs while Dad and I shared one.

Zero and IG remained on the ship as we walked down the ramp and saw Greef with three of his men.

Greef: Sorry for the remote rendezvous, Mando, but things have gotten complicated since you and your son were last here. (looks at Cara and Kuiil) It appears that introductions are in order. It seems we've both provided a security detail. I recommend the shock trooper guards the ship. These lava fields are lousy with Jawas.

Dad: She's coming with us.

Greef: But the town is now run by ex-Empire. If a Rebel Dropper is with us, they'll all get their hackles up.

Dad: ...She's coming.

Greef: Fine. Fine. At least cover your tattoo. No need to flaunt it. Now, where's the little one?

Dad looks back at me and nods, as I tapped my control gauntlet and sent the crib in front of Greef. The crib opened up and Greef looked down at the Child.

Greef: So, this little bogwing is what all the fuss was about.

Greef then picks up the Child, making me keep my hand on my blaster, also making his men battle ready.

Greef: What a precious little creature! I can see why you didn't want to harm a hair on his wrinkled little head.

Greef puts the Child back down in the crib, and I take my hand away from my holster.

Greef: Well, I'm glad this matter will be put to rest once and for all. The sun drops fast on Nevarro. We can walk for a spell, camp out at the riverbank, then make our way into town at first light.

I close the crib and it flies back between ours and Cara's Blurrg.


Night had fallen over the planet and we made camp near the riverbank.

We all sat around a campfire and I fed the Child several small pieces of meat from the animal we'd killed.

Greef: I guess the little bugger's a carnivore. Never seen anything like it. They were ready to pay a king's ransom for that thing. Must be for some kind of highfalutin menagerie.

Dad: Let's go over the plan again.

Greef: You, your son, and I enter the common house. We show the client the bait. We join him at the table and you kill him.

Dad: Tell me about his reinforcements.

Greef: They're all ex-Empire. As soon as they lose their paycheck, poof, they all scatter.

Dad: And what if they don't?

Greef: They will.

Dad: That's not good enough.

Greef: If, for argument's sake, a few of them don't realize that I'm their best path to alternative employment and they elect to react impulsively, then these three fine Guild Hunters, along with that battle hardened shock trooper, will cut down anyone who bucks.

Dad: How many will there be?

Greef: No more than four. He travels with, at most, a Fire Team. Trust me. Nothing can go wrong.

Suddenly a giant Reptavian soared down and narrowly missed Greef, making us all go for our blasters.

One of Greef's men gets taken by a Reptavian, as two more tried to take Kuiil's Blurrgs.

Kuiil: NO! Get away from them!

Kuiil shot them away, but two of the three Blurrgs, died from the clawing of their hides.

Another Reptavian tackled Dad and tried to fly away with him, but I grabbed my rifle and shot it clean through the eyes, making it fall dead. The remaining Reptavians flew away as we collected ourselves.

Greef groaned, fall on the ground and we saw he'd been scratched by the Reptavian's poisonous claws.

Kuiil: He's hurt badly.

Greef: I'm fine, I'm fine. Ow!

Cara grabbed his arm.

Cara: Hold still! They got you good.

Dad: How bad?

Cara: Bad. The poison's spreading fast.

Greef: So, this, is how it happens.

Cara wipes away the blood.

Cara: Don't be so dramatic. I need another medpac! Got any other medpacs? Anyone?

No one responds.

Greef: (groaning) I'm guessing that's a no.

Cara: It's still spreading. This isn't working.

The Child then walks up between Greef and Cara

Cara: Get this thing out of here.

Kuiil: Wait.

The Child then puts his hand on Greef's wound.

Greef: He's trying to eat me.

The wound on Greef's arm then began to miraculously disappear until his arm looked as though he hadn't been hurt at all.

The Child fell down on his bottom as I picked him and stared at Greef's arm along with everyone else. They all turned to the Child as he fell asleep in my arms.

Y/n: I think I'm beginning to see more and more why the Empire wants him.


The next morning, Greef and his men were leading us town while talking amongst each other. The crib flew between me, Dad, and Cara as Kuiil rode behind us on his one remaining Blurrg.

Cara: Think they're having second thoughts?

Dad: Could be. I need your eyes.

Cara: I'm watching.

Eventually we make it to a hill overlooking the town and stop.

Greef: I guess this is it.

Greef then immediately spun around and shot his two men, who had aimed their blasters at us. Dad, Cara, and I aimed our blasters at Greef as he kept his hands raised.

Greef: There's something you should know.

Greef went over to his men's bodies and kicked their weapons out of their hands.

Greef: The plan was to kill you and take the kid. But after what happened last night, I couldn't go through with it.

The three of us keep our blasters trained on him.

Greef: Go on. You can gun me down here and now and it wouldn't violate the Code. But if you do, this child will never be safe.

Cara: We'll take our chances.

Greef: The Imperial client is obsessed with obtaining this asset. You tried to run, but where did it get you?

Cara: This is ridiculous.

Kuiil: Perhaps you should let him speak.

Greef: Listen, we both need the client to be eliminated. Let me take the child to him and then you three-

Y/n: Not happening.

Cara: Let's just kill him and get out of here.

Dad: He's right.

Dad holsters his blaster and I do the same.

Cara: What are you doing?

Dad: As long as the Imp lives, he'll send hunters after the child.

Cara: It's a trap.

Y/n: Bring us.

Greef: (confused) Bring you?

Y/n: Tell him you captured us. Cara can pose as another hunter, with covering your tattoo of course. Get us close to him and we'll kill him.

Greef: That's a good idea. Give me your blasters.

Dad and I hand our blasters to Cara and Greef. Dad turns to Kuiil.

Dad: Kuiil, ride back to the Razor Crest with the child and seal yourself in. When you're inside, engage ground security protocols. Nothing on this planet will breach those doors.

Kuiil then approaches me.

Kuiil: Here's a comlink. (hands the device to me) I will keep the child safe.

I had this weird feeling in the back of my mind. Something I couldn't explain.

Y/n: Kuiil!

Kuiil then turns to me.

Y/n: Thank you... for, everything.

Kuiil nods to me as Cara and Greef cuff us with our binders. Cara covers her stripes as Kuiil takes the Child on his Blurrg and rides off.

Greef and Cara lead us towards the entrance of town where we see dozens of Stormtroopers walking through the city, armed. Two Scout Troopers were guarding the entrance and Greef approaches one of them.

Scout Trooper: Chain code.

Greef: I have gifts for the boss.

Scout Trooper: Chain code.

Greef sighs, taking out his chit and handing it to the trooper.

Scout Trooper: I'll give you 40 credits for their helmets.

Greef: Not a chance. Those are going on my wall.

Dad: (quietly) On your wall?

Greef: Go with it.

Y/n: Oh, brother...

The trooper finishes scanning the chit and hands it back to Greef.

Scout Trooper: Go ahead.

Greef and Cara push us forward and we all walk into town with the empty crib.

Cara: You said four. There are more than four troopers.

Greef: Four guarding the client. Many more here in town. Things got really heated once you boys crashed the safehouse.

Cara: Let's slip them their blasters.

Greef: Not yet.

Greef and Cara shove us in the bar where we always met Greef for our bounties. And sure enough, the client was there sitting in Greef's booth with four Stormtroopers.

Greef: See? Four.

The Client then stood up and looked at us as Greef gestured to us both.

Greef: Look what I brought you. As promised.

The Client brushed his hand across Dad's chestplate.

Client: What exquisite craftsmanship. It is amazing how beautiful beskar can be when forged by its ancestral artisans.

The Client then turns to Greef.

Client: Can I offer you a libation to celebrate the closing of our shared narrative?

Greef: I would be obliged.

The Client gestures us to sit down. I sit in the booth first as Dad comes next then Greef.

Client: It is a shame that your people suffered so. Just as in this situation, it was all avoidable. Why did Mandalore resist our expansion? The Empire improves every system it touches. Judge by any metric. Safety, prosperity, trade, opportunity, peace.

Y/n: The only thing I see is a man being protected by fading resources.

The Stormtroopers and Client look at me.

Y/n: Your leaders are gone. Your Death Star is gone. Most of your damned fleet is gone. The Empire is a thing of the past and all of you are about to become forgotten.

One of the Stormtroopers was about to hit me with his blaster, but the Client raises his hand, stopping him.

Client: Compare Imperial rule to what is happening now. Look outside. Is the world more peaceful since the revolution? I see nothing but death and chaos.

The Client looks at the crib.

Client: I would like to see the baby.

Oh, crap.

Greef: Uh, it's asleep.

Client: We will all be quiet. Open the pram.

A Stormtrooper walks over and whispers something to the Client.

Client: Don't think me to be rude. I must take this call.

As the Client walks over the to bar, Dad and I slip out of our cuffs.

Dad: (to Greef) Give us our blasters.

Cara slips Greef my blaster and Greef hands them both to us.

Cara: This is bad. You said four.

Greef: Well, there are more. What can I tell you?

As the Client conversed with a holo-transmission at the bar, suddenly blaster fire burst through the window and the Client and Stormtroopers fall dead as we all duck to the ground.

All four of us duck behind the pillars and look outside to see a squad of Death Troopers aiming at the tavern.

A Troop Carrier drove in and several dozen more Stormtroopers exit out, aiming at the building.

Cara: (to Greef) Four Stormtroopers?

Y/n: Cara! For the love of Dank Farrik, we can see that there's more than four troopers! Can you stop with the repetition please?!

Dad: Y/n, contact Kuiil.

I pull out the comlink and hold it up to my face.

Y/n: Kuiil, are you there? Kuiil, come in! Kuiil!

Kuiil: (on comm) Yes.

Y/n: Get the baby out of here! Get to the ship and leave! We're pinned down!

Kuiil: (on comm) I copy.

I put the comlink away and grab my blaster. We all hear the familiar engine roar of a TIE Fighter and watch one land in the center of town.

A dark-skinned man around his fifties or sixties in black armor with a cape, exits the Fighter and stands in front of all the Troopers.

Man: You have something I want.

Cara looks at Dad.

Cara: Who's this guy?

Man: You may think you have some idea of what you are in possession of, but you do not.

I pull out my comlink again.

Y/n: Kuiil, are you back at the ship yet? They're onto us!

Man: In a few moments, it will be mine. It means more to me than you will ever know.

Y/n: Kuiil! Are you there? Kuiil!

I suddenly gasp as I see an image of Kuiil dead on the ground.

I drop the comlink in shock and horror. I look to Dad and shake my head as he pulls me to his shoulder and I cried.


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