The Siege

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Even WITH the repairs the Mon Calamari did, it wasn't long before the Crest started falling apart. Dad and I were desperately trying to keep the ship stabilized.

Dad: Okay, let's try this again. Does he have the wire?

I was kneeled in front of an open bulkhead and looked back at him.

Y/n: Think so! (mutters) I hope so. Little buddy? D'you get it?

I look in and see the Child showing me a wire.

Y/n: No, no, that's blue. Show me the red.

The Child then holds up the red wire.

Y/n: That's it. Now, plug the red one where the blue one goes.

The Child just stares at me.

Y/n: Put the red one where the blue one goes.

The Child then starts to put the blue wire back in.

Y/n: No. Listen to me, the blue goes to red and the red goes to blue. Come on, little buddy.

The Child then looks at the wires and starts to put them together.

Y/n: Nononono-

The Child puts the wires together and they spark, shaking him and making smoke come out of the bulkhead.

Y/n: (sighs quietly) Son of a nerf-herder. Are you okay?

The Child coughs, blowing some of the smoke away and looks at me.

Y/n: (motions him out) Come on.

Later, Dad, the Child, and I were drinking broth. Koran was sleeping at my feet as Zero was powered down.

Dad: We're never gonna make it to Corvus in this shape.

Y/n: You're telling me.

I lift my helmet slightly and sip some broth.

Dad: I think we'll have to visit some friends for repairs.

I smirk and look down at the Child as he looks up at me.

Y/n: Hear that, little buddy? We're going back to Nevarro.

The Child giggles and I smile as all three of us take a sip of broth.


Dad sets the ship down outside of town and I step out holding the Child in my satchel with Koran at my side. Dad comes up and the ramp lowers only halfway.

Y/n: I'm honestly surprised it lowered at all.

Dad: (pats my back) Come on.

As we hop down, Cara and Greef walk up to us, Greef dressed in red and black robing and Cara still in her old armor.

Greef: Looks like someone could use some repairs.

Dad and Greef grip forearms.

Dad: How's our credit around here?

Greef: I think something can be arranged. Isn't that right, Marshal?

Greef says looking Cara, as she smiles. She then rubs the Child's ear.

Cara: I'm sure we can work something out.

Y/n: It's great to see you guys.

Greef: You too, my boy. You look taller than the last time I saw you.

Y/n: (shrugs) Growth spurts hit harder than a blaster bolt ever does.

Cara and I hug as Greef turns to his men.

Greef: Hey, fellas! Let's fix these guys' ship. I want it as good as new.

Greef then looks at the Child and chuckles.

Greef: And you. Come here, little one. (laughs) Have Mando and Y/n been taking good care of you? (to us) Have you been takin' good care of him?

Greef continues to laugh and baby talk to the Child as we begin to enter town. We look around and see that a lot has changed. Not a lot of people with blasters, especially.

Dad: Looks like you two have been busy.

Greef: I've been steeped in clerical work. Marshal Dune here is to be thanked for cleaning up the town.

Cara: Your ship's not looking too good.

Y/n: That's the New Republic's way of saying "Turn on your beacon."

Greef: They should leave the Outer Rim alone. If the Empire couldn't settle it, what makes them think they can?

Y/n: They're tenacious. Gotta give 'em that at least.

We then arrive at the tavern, surprisingly fixed and repainted.

Dad: I'm surprised this place is still standing.

Cara: Wait till you see inside.

Dad and I follow them in and see children sitting at desks and being taught by a protocol droid.

Dad: A school?

Cara: Things have changed a lot around here.

Y/n: That's the understatement of century.

Greef: We'll leave the little one here so we can talk business.

Y/n: Wait, wherever we go, he goes.

Greef: Y/n, please. Where we're going, you don't wanna take a child. Trust me.

Cara holds my shoulder.

Cara: He'll be fine here. You have my word.

Greef sits the Child at an empty desk and we head out. Cara then stops me as Dad and Greef continue walking.

Y/n: Cara, what is it?

Cara: See that blacksmith shop?

Cara points behind me and I see the shop she directed me towards.

Y/n: What about it?

Cara: Go take a look there. There's a surprise for you.

Y/n: What kind of "surprise"?

Cara just nods at me to go take a look as she catches up to my father and Greef. I then walk over to the shop with Koran and I enter the room.

Y/n: Hello? Anyone here?

???: As I promised you long ago...

I raised my blaster at the direction the voice came from, but lower my arm in shock as the person revealed herself.

Armorer: would see me again.

I rush towards her and hugged her, as she chuckled and embracing me back.

Y/n: I didn't... I didn't think that...

Armorer: Hush, Y/n. Hush.

I shake in her arms and she soothingly rubs my back. As we pull away, she gestures me to the stools and we sit down.

I tell her everything that had happened ever since we left Nevarro. Cobb Vanth and the krayt dragon, being chased by the New Republic and nearly getting eaten by spiders. I then tell her of Bo-Katan and her comrades and what she had told me of my mother.

Y/n: I just... couldn't believe that my mother lied to us. She lied to the Creed, to YOU. And I haven't even told my father. It would probably shatter him.

Armorer: .... I had hoped you would learn the truth when you'd gotten older, but the truth is rarely to be accepted no matter one's age.

I freeze. What did she say?

Y/n: (getting angry) What?

Armorer: Y/n-

Y/n: You KNEW?!

I stand up, my anger beginning to fume.


Armorer: Y/n, your mother never acted without reason. She knew she'd be giving up so many things joining our Tribe, but she did so anyway.


The Armorer doesn't respond as she merely stands and walks over to one of her work tables. What she did next shocked me and diminished my anger... she took off her helmet and set it on the table, she turned and showed me her face.

Armorer: Y/n, do you know why Mandalore is a wasteland now?

Y/n: (shocked) You just... you just...

Armorer: Y/n, I have had much time to think and reflect on the ways of our Tribe. And I have to come realize... it is time for the old ways to die and for a new Mandalore to rise.

I just stood there, speechless.

Armorer: Now I will ask again, do you know why our home planet is a wasteland?

Y/n: Because of the Empire.

Armorer: No. The Empire may have decimated our planet, but it was the division of our people that allowed them to overpower us.

Y/n: What?

Armorer: Bo-Katan and your mother were both apart of division of Mandalore called "Deathwatch". The served under a man called Pre Viszla, who was the leader of Deathwatch until he was killed by a Zabrak named Maul. He corrupted the throne of Mandalore and it's people by ruling over them through fear and bloodshed. He even killed the Duchess of Mandalore, Satine Kryze.

I just listened in awe and sat down on the stool again before my legs had a chance to give out.

Armorer: Bo-Katan and your mother fled with the Mandalorians that didn't follow Maul and cried out for help to the Jedi and the Grand Republic. Once Maul had been captured and forced off of Mandalore along with his followers, it was not long before the Empire rose up from the underground and forced all Mandalorians, whatever their affiliation, out of our planet.

I just looked down, not knowing what to do with this information.

Armorer: Now do you see, Y/n? The Empire was not the true reason we lost our home. It was because of our divisions and separate views that weakened us and allowed the Empire to destroy our planet. Your mother, as you well know, was a survivor of the Purge. And she confided to me many things. Things that she hoped would never come to be revealed or things that she wanted you to learn when the time was right.

I just continued to listen.

Armorer: Y/n, your mother said the reason that she wanted to bring you into the world was because she wanted to bring a rebirth to Mandalore. She said that through a vision, she saw you on the throne, justly bringing a new era of honor and strength to the Mandalorians.

Y/n: But why me?! How could she have even seen something like or that?! Or want me, ME, to start a rebirth of Mandalore?

Armorer: Your mother... was a member of the house of Viszla.

Y/n: .... That can't be.

Armorer: I am not lying to you. It was one of the things she despised about herself because of her brother and how he ruled Deathwatch. And it was his mistake of trusting Maul that lead to the downfall and corruption of our people. But she knew that she couldn't take control even if it WAS her place. She said she wanted someone who could rule our people swiftly and with compassion. You are a descendant of Tar Viszla, the first Mandalorian Jedi ever to be born.

I understand now... why I saw that vision of Kuiil dead on the ground.

Y/n: What am I supposed to do with this? If you really think it's time for the old ways to die, then was this task of bringing the Child back to the Jedi pointless?

Armorer: That... I leave for you to decide. But your destiny is clear, Y/n Djarin. And I swear to you, on your mother's grave, that everything I have spoken is the truth.

Y/n: .... Who am I?

Armorer: You are Y/n Djarin. Always have been. You are a Mandalorian and the reuniter of our people.

Y/n: How am I supposed to reunite Mandalore?

Armorer: You will need help. And I have a feeling you won't be looking too far.


Y/n: But... there's no way Katan will hand the throne to me. She told me herself that she would rule Mandalore.

Armorer: Trust in your lineage, Y/n. Follow the path your heart tells you to walk down, and you will know.

Y/n: .... This is the Way.

Armorer: This is the Way.

I stand to my feet and walk up to her.

Y/n: I don't forgive you, for keeping this from me. I don't care how old I should've become before I learned this, I should've been told the day I was able to speak.

Armorer: ....

Y/n: And I still can't even figure how I'm supposed to tell my own father, whose wife has lied and kept so many things from him. But.... I will try. Try to find the way to tell him the truth. But ruling Mandalore is another story.

Armorer: One which I've no doubt that in time, you will understand how to reunite our people.

As I begin to head, the Armorer calls my name.

Armorer: Y/n!

I look over my shoulder at her.

Armorer: May the Force be with you.


After finding Dad and the others, I was brought up to speed. Turns out there was an old Imperial base on the far side of the planet and we needed to take it out if we were to make Nevarro completely safe.

The Mythrol (who both Dad and I were surprised to see), was driving driving us all in his speeder towards the base. Greef was explaining to us more details.

Greef: The whole base is powered by a reactor.

Cara: We sneak in, overload the reactor, and get the hell out of there.

Y/n: Sounds so easy in hindsight, doesn't it?

Dad: Let's be fast. And keep the speeder running.

Greef: There it is, right up there.

Greef points and we see the base embedded in the side of the canyon.

Mythrol: How close do you want me to drop you off?

Greef: How 'bout the front door?

Mythrol: It's a little close for a civilian, isn't it?

Greef: I got two choices for you. You take us in and I knock a hundred years off your debt.

Mythrol: Or?

Greef: Or I leave you out here in the lava flats to walk home with whatever's left in your humidity vest.

Mythrol: It's not much of a choice, is it?

Mythrol parks the speeder in front of the door.

Mythrol: All right. We can't go any further than this.

Greef: Let's go.

The four of us hop out and Dad taps the controls, but the elevator doesn't open.

Dad: Controls are useless. They're melted.

Greef: Well, it's probably not rated for lava.

Cara: Imperial trash.

Y/n: It's a wonder how they're even an EMPIRE, if half of their equipment is busted to hell half the time.

Mythrol: All right, I'm headed back. Hit me up on the comm, we could set up a rendezvous time.

Greef: You park your gills right there until I say otherwise.

Mythrol: I'm starting to dehydrate, boss.

Greef: Okay, how does thirty more years off your debt sound?

Mythrol: ... Can you at least be quick about it?

Greef: You wanna be quick? Grab the flange cutter and help us out.

Mythrol: Okay, fine. (mutters) I don't like leaving my speeder like this, just so you know.

Greef: Come on, hurry it up.

Mythrol: All right, I'm coming.

As Mythrol begins torching at the door, Dad looks up and then looks at us.

Dad: Hold tight.

Dad then jettisons up to the landing platform. Cara huffs at Mythrol as he continues torching at the controls.

Cara: How long is this gonna take?

Mythrol: Look lady, this is rated for light plumbing and such. You're lucky I even packed it all.

Cara: (rolls eyes) Dank Farrik.

Suddenly a Stormtrooper crashed to the ground in front of us and the elevator opened.

Y/n: Way to go, Dad.

The three of us got in except for Mythrol.

Greef: Are you comin' in or what?

Mythrol: I'll take my chances here, but thank you.

Cara: Well, when the lava tide comes in, give us a holler. We'll drop you a rope.

Mythrol was about to respond, but shuts up and gets in the elevator. The door opens and we see Dad standing over several dead Stormtroopers.

Dad: Empty base, huh?

Greef: The reactor should be set in the heat shaft. If we drain the cooling lines, this whole base will go up in a matter of minutes.

Mythrol: Look. It's a mint Trexler Marauder.

Mythrol: You know how much we can get for this on the black market?

Y/n: And it's gonna wind up being scrap, like the rest of this base. Let's go.

Mythrol: Such a waste.


We head to the bridge and Cara choke-holds the Officer until he falls unconscious. Greef takes the code cylinder from him and Mythrol takes his blaster.

Dad starts shutting down all the security feeds so we can't be seen once we enter further into the base.

Dad: I found the heat shaft. Let's go.

We make our down several corridors, avoiding a couple squads of Stormtroopers along the way and finally make it to the reactor.

Y/n: Mythrol, slice the door.

Greef: Use the code cylinder.

Greef hands it to Mythrol and he locks it in the wall, opening the door. A heat wave hits and we look down, seeing huge lava pit at the bottom.

Mythrol: Whoa!

Greef: Yeah, "Whoa!" is right. That's it. Get on the reactor controls and drain the coolant lines. We'll watch the doors.

Mythrol points at himself.

Mythrol: Me?

Greef: Yes, you!

Mythrol: I'm afraid of heights. And heat. And lava.

Greef: How 'bout I put ya back in carbonite? Get over there!

Mythrol mutters more complaints as he slides over to the controls and starts fumbling with buttons and switches. We hear the reactor power down and he starts coming back.

Mythrol: All right, she's gonna blow! Let's get out of here!

We start booking it back to the landing platform.

Cara: How long do we have?

Greef: Ten minutes at most.

We avoid several squads and come to a room where two technicians are at a console and see us.

Technician #1: Destroy it!

One technician fires at us while the other starts shooting the console. We kill them both and see a horrifying site.

Greef: What the...?

Y/n: Please tell me I'm not the only one goosebumps.

Cara: (to Greef) I thought you said this was a forward operating base?

Greef: I thought it was.

Cara: No, this isn't a military operation. This is a lab. We need to get into the system and figure out what's going on.

Mythrol: What about the reactor-

Cara: Do it!

Mythrol shrinks away and pulls the body of a dead technician off the console.

Dad: I don't like this.

Mythrol taps away at the console and holo-recording appears of an all-too-familiar Imperial scientist.

Dr. Pershing: (recording) Replicated the results of the subsequent trials, which also resulted in catastrophic failure.

Y/n: That's Dr. Pershing. The scientist that was with the Client when we were given the job to find the baby.

Dr. Pershing: (recording) There were promising effects for an entire fortnight, but then, sadly, the body rejected the blood. I highly doubt we'll find a donor with a higher M count, though. I recommend that we suspend all experimentation. I fear that the volunteer will meet the same regrettable fate if we proceed with the transfusion. Unfortunately, we have exhausted our initial supply of blood. The Child is small and I was only able to harvest a limited amount without killing it.

Dad and I look at each other in worry.

Dr. Pershing: (recording) If the experiments are to continue as requested, we would again require access to the donor. I will not disappoint you again, Moff Gideon.

The holo-recording freezes.

Dad: This must be an old transmission. Moff Gideon is dead.

Mythrol: No. This recording's three days old.

Y/n: If Gideon is alive, then-

Suddenly Stormtroopers enter the lab and start firing at us. After killing all of them, we get out of cover.

Dad: We need to get the kid.

Y/n: Dad, you go. I'll make sure they all get out.

Cara: Jet back, you're faster that way. We'll head to the speeder and meet you in town!

Greef: Come on, let's go!

Mythrol: When did you say this place was gonna blow again?!


We kill several squads along the way and eventually make it back to the landing platform, only to get pinned by Stormtroopers coming out of the elevator.

Mythrol: We're trapped!

Cara: Is that so? Cover me!

Cara starts running for the Marauder.

Y/n: Cara, what are you doing?

Cara hops in the vehicle and drives it straight next to us, opening the hatch.

Cara: What are you guys waiting for, an invitation? Let's move!

Y/n: Come on, Fish-Boy!

I shove Mythrol in and yank Greef in before shutting the hatch.

Y/n: Punch it!

Cara steers the Marauder towards the door, but seals shut. Cara does a one-eighty and levels us at the landing platform.

Mythrol: You're not seriously considering going over a-?!

Cara: Hang on!

Cara puts in overdrive and we head right over the edge, with Mythrol and Greef screaming. Mythrol's landspeeder cushions the fall and Cara takes off.

Mythrol: Wait, was that my speed-AGH!

Mythrol falls back as Cara hits the gas. I hear engines roaring and look out.

Y/n: We got Scout Troopers on our tail!

Cara: Man the guns.

Greef: Copy that.

Greef sits in the gunner seat and starts firing at the Troopers, blasting one. The other two get around the sides, out of fire.

Greef: I've lost them!

I look and see one of the Troopers aim at Cara.

Y/n: CARA!

I lean over the controls, blocking her and take the shots in the back. Cara steers the Marauder and smashes the Trooper against the canyon gorge.

Cara: Whooo! You okay, Y/n?

Y/n: Fine!

I hear thumping and don't see the other speeder bike, making me realize where he went.

Y/n: He's on the roof!

Greef: I got him!

Greef turns the turret around and blasts the Trooper to hell, chuckling.

Mythrol: We did it!

Cara: Headed home, boss.

I sit down, exhaling, but all too soon. I hear another all too familiar engine roar and open the hatch looking up.

Y/n: We got TIE Fighters!

Greef starts firing as Cara steers and evades the blaster fire. One makes them shake and head straight through a boulder.

Cara: What is going ON back there?!

Greef: You wanna come back here and try this? Be my guest!

Y/n: My pleasure! Move, old man!

Greef gets out and I take the gunner seat.

Y/n: Let me show you how to blast shit!

I start repeatedly firing, not giving any of the fighters a chance to lock on. I blast one that comes crashing down and destroys the turret, making me fall back.

Y/n: So much for that!

We make it out of the gorge and see the town.

Mythrol: We're almost there!

The Fighters were closing in until the middle one explodes and the Razor Crest flies overhead.

Y/n: Woo-hoo! Nice shot, Dad!

Greef: Yes, yes!

Cara stops the Marauder outside of town and we all rush out, seeing Dad shoot down the remaining Fighters.

The four of us cheer and whoop as Dad comes through the clouds.

Greef: That was some pretty impressive flying, Mando. What do I owe ya?

Dad: (on comm) With the repairs, let's call it even.

Greef: Can I at least buy ya a drink?

Dad: (on comm) Sorry, I have some onboard maintenance I gotta take care of. Then we gotta hit the road before Gideon catches wise. Y/n, get up here.

Y/n: Heard ya loud and clear. (turns to the group) Been fun guys. See you soon.

Greef: Take care of yourselves!

Cara: And good luck!

I nod and blast off towards the Crest, seeing the hatch open and set inside. I pat Koran as he ran up to me, before heading up to the cockpit.

Y/n: (sits down) So, Corvus?

Dad: (nods) Corvus. Let's see if Katan's info was solid.

I look and see the Child giggling at me, making me grab him and hold him in my lap. I then see his scarf slightly damp in blue liquid.

Y/n: What happened here?

Dad: He threw up.

Y/n: Aw, geez. Come on, little buddy. Eating while flying?

The Child giggles again, before yawning and falling asleep against my stomach. I smile, before looking down and remembering what the Armorer told me.

Y/n: (quietly) It's time for the old ways to die. But, how?


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