The Jedi

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It had been several days since our repairs on Nevarro and now we had reached the planet where we would find Ahsoka Tano.


Dad: This is the place. I've detected a beacon. I'm gonna start the landing cycle.

I looked down. I hadn't stopped thinking about my true reason for being born. Reuniting and restoring Mandalore. But how?

That question rang in my mind for this entire trip. And not only that, but how am I supposed to tell Dad about his wife not being a true member of the Creed?

Dad: Y/N!

Y/n: (startled) What?! What?

Dad: Are you okay?

Y/n: F-Fine. Fine.

Dad: Well, I was asking you to take the kid and put him in his seat.

Y/n: Right. Sorry, Dad.

Dad watches me put the Child in the right seat behind him and I sat back down in the left.

Dad: Y/n, what's going on?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Dad: Don't play the "oblivious" card. Ever since we left Nevarro, I've been seeing you blankly stare out at the wall or the viewport. What's on your mind?

Y/n: Dad, I-

Dad: Y/n. Tell me the truth.

Y/n: I promise to. But for now, we should focus on (gestures to the Child) getting him to the Jedi.

Dad looks at the Child, then back at me.

Dad: Once we've returned him to his kind, no more stalling. Understand?

Y/n: Yes, sir.

Dad: Good.

Dad turns his chair around and flies the Crest through the atmosphere and I stand over Dad, staring in disgust at the planet's lack of life.

All the trees were dead and stood up like random sticks in the ground.

Y/n: This is where a Jedi is?

Dad: I'm having a hard time believing it myself.

Dad lands the Crest down, and slide down to the cargo bay.

Y/n: Zero, you know the drill. Watch the ship 'till we get back.

Zero: Of course, Master Y/n.

Koran runs down the ramp and starts sniffing the ground, before he lays down and covers his nose.

Y/n: I'm guessing Koran doesn't like this place either.

I hear babbling and see the Child sitting on the ramp, holding the metal ball.

Y/n: Hey. What have we told you? THAT, stays on the ship.

I take the ball from the Child and put it in one of my pouches. I grab the Child and put him in my satchel.

Dad: We've never had dealings with Jedi before.

Y/n: Well, hopefully she's in good spirits and doesn't kill us the second she sees us.

Dad: Let's head to town. See if we can pick up a trail.

Dad, Koran, and I start making our way towards the town we'd passed overhead and eventually stop by the front gate, where a man looks down at us with several guards.

Man: State your business.

Dad: We've been tracking for a few days. Looking for a layover.

Man: Nice armors.

Y/n: Thanks.

Man: You're hunters, then?

Dad: That's right.

Man: Guild?

Dad: Last we checked.

Man: .... (to one of the guards) Open the gate.

The gate doors open and we start making our way in. As enter town, we see many mercenaries and guards up on the roofs of houses.

Dad approaches one of the vendors.

Dad: Pardon me, vendor, have you heard of anyone-

The vendor doesn't reply and walks away from her stand.

Y/n: Rude.

Dad: Hmm.

Dad and I then see an elder man, talking with his children.

Dad: You there. We need some information.

Y/n: My father and I are looking for someone.

The elder man motions the children away and stands in front of us.

Elder Man: (fearfully) Please, do not speak to them or any of us.

Y/n: Sir, we're not going to hurt anyone here. We just need-

Two guards walk up behind us, gaining our attention.

Guard #1: The Magistrate wants to see you both.

Dad and I look at each other before nodding and following the guards. As we approach a second set of gates, we see several townsmen trapped in electrocution poles.

They begged us to help them, but we only watched as they cried out in pain while we walked past. The gates open and we walked in, seeing a woman in her forties or fifties watering a bush.

She must be the Magistrate. Compared to the rest of the town, this garden spot seemed very beautiful.

Magistrate: Come forward.

I look back at Koran.

Y/n: (quietly) Stay.

Koran lays down as Dad and I approach the Magistrate.

Magistrate: You are Mandalorians?

Dad: Yes.

Magistrate: I have a proposition that may interest the two of you.

Dad: Our price is high.

The Magistrate faces us.

Magistrate: This target is priceless. A Jedi plagues me. I want you to kill her.

Dad: That's a difficult task.

Magistrate: One that you and your son are well suited for. The Jedi are the ancient enemy of Mandalore.

Y/n: As my father stated, our price is high.

The Magistrate smirks before gesturing to her bot. It walked over to handed her a spear, which held out for my father.

Magistrate: Tell me, what do you make of this?

Dad walks forward and inspects the spear before hitting it against his right gauntlet, making a loud clang that echoed through the garden.

Dad: Beskar.

Magistrate: Pure beskar. Much like your armors.

Dad: And what does my son receive?

The Magistrate smiles before dropping her cape and showing the handle of a sword on her back. She takes the sword from the scabbard on her back and holds it out for me.


I take the blade and scrape the sharp-end against my left gauntlet.

Y/n: A beskar sword?

Magistrate: Indeed. Kill the Jedi, and spear and sword are yours.

I hand the sword back to her, which she slides back in the scabbard and Dad hands the spear back to her.

Dad: Where do we find this Jedi?


The man we'd previously met above the gate entrance, now known as Lang, walks out and directs towards the dead forest.

He looks down at the Child in my satchel.

Lang: What is that thing?

Y/n: He's a... good luck charm.

Lang: Well, you're gonna need it where your headed.

Dad, Koran, and I then head into the forest.


After and hour of traveling, we reached the coordinates.

Dad: Keep your eyes open. We must be close.

Y/n: Right.

I take the Child out of my satchel and set him down on a rock.

Y/n: Stay right here, little buddy. We're gonna see what's out there.

Dad takes out his scope and scans the area, he then sees two large animals grazing on the dead trees and sighs.

Dad: False alarm.

Suddenly we hear a noise above us and an orange-skinned woman with swords of white energy drops down and attacks Dad.

Koran jumps at her, tackling her to the ground and tearing at her cowl, only to get thrown away and hits a tree, falling unconscious.

Y/n: Koran!

I fire my flamethrower, making the woman backflip away and drops her cowl that was now in flames.

Dad fires his fibercord, ensnaring her, but she jumps and yanks Dad with her over a dead tree branch. I shot Dad's gauntlet and disconnect the cord, as the woman cuts her self free with her beam-swords.

I jump in front of my father and hold my hands out to the woman as she stands ready.

Y/n: Ahsoka Tano!

The woman doesn't move or respond as I said her name.

Y/n: Bo-Katan sent us. We need to talk.

Ahsoka looks past me and deactivates her beam-swords, standing to her full height.

Ahsoka: I hope it's about him.

I look behind me and see the Child look at all of us. I help Dad to his feet and we all walk over to the Child as he cocks his head at us.


Night had fallen over Corvus and we set up a small camp. Dad and I watched from a distance as Ahsoka sat in front of the Child, both of them staring at one another, but not speaking a word.

Eventually, she picks the Child and the lamp up and motions us to follow her. She sets the lamp down and puts the Child on a rock between us. Ahsoka sits herself down as I sit next to the Child, while Dad continues to stand.

Both Ahsoka and the Child continue to look at each other, confusing Dad and myself.

Dad: Is he speaking? Do you... understand him?

Ahsoka puts her hands in her cowl.

Ahsoka: In a way. Grogu and I can feel each other's thoughts.

I'm taken back by the name she said.

Y/n: "Grogu"?

The Child instantly looks up at me.

Ahsoka: Yes. That's his name.

I look down at the Child.

Y/n: Grogu.

"Grogu" looks up at me and babbles.

Ahsoka: He was raised at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Many Masters trained him over the years. At the end of the Clone Wars when the Empire rose to power, he was hidden. Someone took him from the Temple. Then his memory becomes... dark. He seemed lost. Alone.

Dad sat down as I feel Grogu lean against my leg, and I rub his back.

Ahsoka: I've only known one other being like this. A wise Jedi Master named Yoda. Can he still wield the Force?

Dad: You mean his powers?

Ahsoka: The Force is what gives him his powers. It is an energy field, created by all living things. To wield it takes a great deal of training and discipline.

Y/n: We've seen him do things that... neither of us can explain. He's saved our lives. Twice, as a matter of fact.

Dad: Our task was to bring him to a Jedi.

Ahsoka: The Jedi Order fell a long time ago.

Y/n: So did the Empire and yet it still hunts him.

Ahsoka: I'm astonished that they haven't come after you.

Ahsoka looks directly at me.

Y/n: They have. The Empire has hunted us ever since we rescued Grogu from being an experimentation.

Ahsoka: Not just that. I sense much of the Force in you, young one.

Dad looks at me and then back at Ahsoka.

Dad: What are you talking about?

Ahsoka: Was his mother a Jedi?

Dad: My wife was a Mandalorian. One of the strongest of our Tribe.

Ahsoka: And yet I sense that there is so much more to this.

I can feel Dad's intense gaze at me.

Dad: Y/n... is there something you haven't told me?

I sigh. It's time to tell him the truth.

Y/n: (to Ahsoka) Can you give us a minute?

Ahsoka nods and stands, heading off into the forest. I look back at Dad as he hadn't taken his eyes off me.

Y/n: Dad... Mom wasn't just a Mandalorian.

Dad: What?

Y/n: (sigh) Back on Trask, when we were preparing to raid the Imperial cargo ship, Bo-Katan came up and spoke with me. I told her about Mom and she was shocked about who she was. Apparently the both of them had been long-childhood friends.

Dad slightly leans back in surprise.

Dad: But if that's true, then-

Y/n: Mom wasn't a true member of the Creed.

Dad doesn't say anything, but I can see his fingers trembling.

Y/n: Then, once we had dropped Grogu off at the school on Nevarro, Cara directed to a blacksmith shop and I saw the Armorer.

Dad's fingers tremble more.

Y/n: I told her about everything we'd been through since we were last there. She then told me about how she'd always known about Mom not being a true member of the Creed. And yet she still let her in.

Dad stands faces his back to me, curling his fingers into fists.

Y/n: Then the Armorer also told me about Mom's heritage. She was the sister of the Leader to Clan Viszla.

Dad: That's not po-

Y/n: (voice breaking) Dad, let me finish.

Dad remained silent as I continued.

Y/n: (sniffs) The Armorer told me Mom hated how her brother Pre Viszla, allowed an outsider into Deathwatch, the clan they were both apart of. The outsider, was a Zabrak named Maul, and he killed Pre, corrupting and dividing our people more so. The Armorer said that our divisions and separate views allowed Mandalore to fall to the hands of the Empire. She also said that, I'm a descendant of Tar Viszla. The first Mandalorian Jedi in existence.

I feel the tears leak from my face and hit my legs.

Y/n: She said that the reason Mom wanted to have me was because she said she wanted a new Mandalorian to lead our people a new way. And that the old ways of Mandalore needed to die if we were to ever prosper again.

I sobbed as Dad still kept his back to me.

Dad: Why didn't you tell me any of this?

Y/n: How could I?! When you held the traditions of our Tribe so close. And steadfast. (sniffles) I was so afraid that if I told you the truth, you'd probably think that I was a mistake and a disgrace to our family and our people.

Koran came up and sat on my foot, whining.

Y/n: But now you know.... and I'm so sorry, Dad.

Dad doesn't say anything and begins to walk. I stand up and shout after him.

Y/n: Where are you going?

Dad: Back to the ship. I need to grab something.

Dad continues walking as I sat back down. I continued sobbing as I felt Grogu hug my leg.

Ahsoka: How long have you been waiting to tell him?

I look up and see Ahsoka walking over.

Y/n: A few weeks at most.

Ahsoka: And do you resent it?

Y/n: Resent what?

Ahsoka: Who you really are?

Y/n: I don't know.

Ahsoka: Do you resent your father?

Y/n: I don't know!

Ahsoka: Your people?


I screamed at her, standing up.


Ahsoka says nothing and continues to listen.


I take several deep breaths and eventually fall to my knees.

Y/n: I just don't know anything anymore.

Ahsoka kneels in front of me.

Ahsoka: Take off your helmet.

Y/n: What?

Ahsoka: I wish to show you something.

Y/n: I can't-

Ahsoka: You said that it was time for the old ways to die. This is the first step.

I look in the direction that Dad had left and I sigh. I'm already a disgrace, so why not?

I take off my helmet and show my short (H/C) hair. Ahsoka looked at my (E/C) eyes as I looked at her blue ones.

Ahsoka then raises her hands and places them on either side of my head.

Ahsoka: This is going to feel a little weird. But I promise you'll feel no pain.

I gasp as I feel myself get sucked into someplace else and breathe. I look around and see we're in some kind of white expanse.

Y/n: What.... is this?

Ahsoka: Your mindscape. Someone wants to speak with you.

Y/n: Who?

???: I did.

I whip around and instantly find it hard to breathe at who stood a few feet away from me.

Marianna: Hello, Y/n.

Y/n: Mom.

Mom looks to Ahsoka.

Marianna: Thank you, Ahsoka.

Ahsoka: (to me) Let me know when you're done. I'll take you back.

Ahsoka then fades away as I look back at Mom.

Y/n: I honestly don't know whether to hug you or shoot you.

Marianna: Y/n...

Y/n: Dad is devastated, Mom! You kept so much from the both of us, especially him! Your own husband! And now he probably thinks I'm the biggest mistake of his life!

Marianna: Y/n, I wanted so much to tell you all things I had kept from you and Din. But, when I became sick.... I had so many things that I wanted to tell you both.

Y/n: Like the only reason you had me was because you didn't want the throne?

Marianna: (sternly) Now that's not fair.

Y/n: It's the "truth", isn't it?! And from everything the Armorer told me, I'm beginning to think living in deceit wasn't so bad!

Marianna: Y/n, I loved your father. That was never a lie.

She came up to me and cupped my face.

Marianna: And having you was the greatest treasure in my life. Wanting you to claim the throne wasn't the only reason I had you.

Mom then brought my head to her chest.

Marianna: I had you because I loved you. I wanted to have a child to love and show him to love in return. Mandalore needs a leader not of vengeance, not of anger, but of love.

I pull my head away from her chest, but held her waist.

Y/n: But I'm just... me. How can I restore and unify our home and people?

Marianna: Trust in the man who raised you. Your father. Trust in the women who have helped and fought alongside you. Carasynthia and Bo-Katan. And trust in your bond to the Force.

Y/n: But I don't know how to use the Force! I'm not a Jedi!

Marianna: Exactly. You're not a Jedi. And you must be better. Use the Force to help you on your path. And you will know how to reunite our people.

Y/n: Mom, who am I?

Marianna: .... You're my son, Y/n. And Din's son as well. Not a mistake. Not a disgrace. You are Mandalorian, just like us. Now go. And be the man I know you to be.

Y/n: But what about Dad?

Marianna: He doesn't think you a disgrace, Y/n.

Y/n: But the way he left-

Marianna: He'll come back. There was something I gave him that I wanted him to give to you when the time was right. You'll see. Now, it's time for you to go. Go. And be the Mandalorian your father raised.

Y/n: I love you, Mom.

Mom kisses my forehead.

Marianna: And I love you, my son.

I step away from her and look up.

Y/n: Ahsoka, I'm ready.

Marianna: Y/n... the Force will be with you. Always. And so will I.

I smile as everything becomes black and I wake up back in the dead forest. Ahsoka removes her hands from my head and stands, offering her right hand to me.

I take her hand and stand to my feet, grabbing my helmet. I dragged my finger across the visor of my helmet and sigh, putting it back on.

???: Y/n.

Ahsoka and I turn and see Dad walking up. I instantly run to him and stop until we were inches apart.

Y/n: Dad, I-

Dad: No, Y/n. I am sorry. It's true, I always held our way dear. But I'm sorry that I made you feel that if you told me I'd think you were a mistake. You're my son. And I will never make you feel afraid of me again. I promise.

Dad and I hug, feeling the warmth of the sun beginning to rise. We break away and Dad holds my shoulders.

Dad: I have something for you. It belonged to your mother.

Dad attaches something to my right gauntlet.

Dad: Try it out.

I extend the blade and look at it in amazement.

Y/n: Wow.

Ahsoka comes over and smiles at us.

Ahsoka: Family is all one can have and ever wish for in this galaxy.

Grogu babbles and we look at him.

Ahsoka: It's time I test him.

I nod and deactivate my blade.


Ahsoka takes us to a part of the forest that has very little greenery, but is a paradise compared to the rest of Corvus.

Ahsoka walks to me, as I was carrying Grogu and taps his nose.

Ahsoka: Let's see what knowledge is lurking inside that little mind.

Ahsoka gestures me to set Grogu down on the stump. I do so and rub his back.

Y/n: You got this, little buddy.

I stand back at Dad's side and watch as Ahsoka sends slowly floats a rock towards Grogu, which he takes in his hands.

Ahsoka extends her palm towards him.

Ahsoka: Now, return the stone to me, Grogu.

Grogu just tilts his head.

Dad: I don't think he understands.

Ahsoka: He does.

Grogu looks at the rock, then back at Ahsoka.

Ahsoka: It's okay. The stone, Grogu.

Grogu looks at Dad and me. I nod for him to give the rock back to her, but Grogu just drops the rock.

Ahsoka lowers her arm and walks to him. She kneels and holds his hand.

Ahsoka: I sense much fear in you.

She then stands and looks at us.

Ahsoka: He's hidden his abilities to survive over the years. Y/n, you try.

I point at myself.

Y/n: Me?

Ahsoka: In Grogu's thoughts, I sensed much love for you from him. I want to see if he'll listen to you.

I scoff, walking over.

Y/n: If he does, that'll be a first.

Ahsoka: I like firsts. Good or bad, they're always memorable.

I take the rock from Ahsoka and hold it out for Grogu.

Y/n: Okay, Grogu. Lift the stone.

Grogu stares at me.

Y/n: Come on, Grogu. I know you can do it.

Grogu just purrs and looks around. I sigh and drop the rock.

Y/n: Told you he wouldn't listen.

Ahsoka: Try to connect with him.

I look at Dad and he nods to me, crossing his arms. I reach into one of my pouches and grab the metal ball. Grogu sees it and immediately stares at it.

Y/n: Grogu. You want this?

Grogu reaches out with his hand.

Y/n: Come on. You can have it. Come on.

Grogu closes his eyes and rips the ball from my fingers, summoning it to his hand.

Y/n: Haha! Nice job, little buddy!

I run and rub his back, taking the ball.

Y/n: I knew you could do it, Grogu.

Ahsoka: He's formed a strong attachment to you.... I cannot train him.

Dad and I look at her in surprise.

Dad: What? Why not?

Y/n: He took the ball from me.

Ahsoka: His attachment to you both, to Y/n, makes him vulnerable to his fears. His anger.

Y/n: Shouldn't that be the reason to train him, then?

Ahsoka: No. I've seen what such feelings can do to a fully trained Jedi Knight. To the best of us. I will not start this child down that path. Better to let his abilities fade. I've delayed too long, I must get back to the village.

Dad: The Magistrate sent us to kill you.

Ahsoka stops and turns to us.

Dad: But never agreed to anything.

Y/n: If we help you free the village.... will you train Grogu?

Ahsoka looks at Grogu then back at us.


We travel back to the village, informing Ahsoka of what we saw inside.

Dad: She has a small army of guards armed with A-350 blaster rifles, two HK-87 assassin droids, and a hired gunfighter. He reads ex-military.

Y/n: No offense, Ahsoka, but that much firepower would be too much for you. Even with your laser-swords.

Ahsoka: True. But don't underestimate the Magistrate either.

Y/n: Who is she? She offered my father and I a spear and sword made of pure beskar to kill you.

Ahsoka crosses her arms.

Ahsoka: Morgan Elsbeth. During the Clone Wars, her people were massacred. She survived and let her anger fuel an industry which helped build the Imperial Starfleet. She plundered worlds, destroying them in the process.

Dad rests his hand on one of the dead trees.

Dad: Looks like she's still in business.

Ahsoka: When you were in the city, did you see any prisoners?

Dad: We saw three villagers strung up just outside the inner gate.

Ahsoka: We must find a way to free them.

Y/n: Two Mandalorians and a Jedi? I doubt even the Magistrate would expect it.

Ahsoka smiles and Dad holds my shoulder.


The fog hid Dad and I, as Ahsoka ran at the gate and eliminated the guards overtop.

Y/n: We meet a lot of women with skills, don't we?

Dad: (chuckles) Won't argue there.

Y/n: Still any chance of you and Cara being a thing?

Dad: (shoves me forward) Get moving.

Y/n: You still didn't say "no".

We both ran up the far side of the wall and took cover, watching Ahsoka walk towards the Magistrate, Lang, and the guards she had left.

She stopped at least twenty feet in front of them and threw our pauldrons at their feet. We gave them to her, to make it appear as though she'd killed us.

Ahsoka: Your bounty hunters failed. Tell me what I want to know. Where is your master?

Dad and I watch in wonder as to what her response would be.

Magistrate: Kill her.

Lang: Love to.

Figured as much. Ahsoka jumped up on one of the house and deflected multiple shots before jumping down and out of sight.

The Magistrate looks to her remaining two guards that hadn't gone to hunt for the Togruta Jedi.

Magistrate: Execute them. The go door to door.

Not on our watch, lady. Dad and I immediately jettison down and kick the guards to the ground before shooting them dead.

We hear footsteps and see the Elder Man from before, with his hands up. We lower our blasters.

Y/n: Told you we weren't here to hurt anyone. Well, if you're excluding these guys, that is.

The Elder Man smiles and gestures to the prisoners, which we help him cut them down.

Dad: Get inside. Go.

We look back and see Lang run into the main courtyard, and looks at us.

He looks at something behind us and I see Ahsoka atop the left side of the inner gate. She hops down and I look back at Lang.

Lang: So you threw in with Jedi, huh?

Dad: Looks that way.

Y/n: What can we say? She's a lot nicer. And isn't a plunderer of worlds, like your Magistrate.

We then begin to hear clashing from the other side.

Lang: Who do you think's gonna win? Could be your side, then again, could be my side.

Dad: Help her out.

Y/n: You sure?

Dad: Go. I got this.

I jettison to the top of the gate and see the Magistrate knock one of Ahsoka's laser-swords out of her grasp and into the water.

As she was forcing Ahsoka to her knees, I hop down and run at her, firing my fibercord and yanking the beskar sword off her back.

The Magistrate turns and blocks my attacks with the sword before I back-kick her over Ahsoka and she hits the doors of her base.

I extend my hand to Ahsoka and she takes it, standing up. We both walk to the Magistrate and I kick the spear away from her reach before dropping the sword on the ground.

Ahsoka yanks her up and levels her remaining laser-sword at the Magistrate's throat.

Ahsoka: Now, tell me. Where is your master? Where is Grand Admiral Thrawn?


Morning came again and the village were in celebration of having been freed.

Ahsoka, Dad, and I walked out to the entrance. In her hands, Ahsoka had the spear and sword.

Ahsoka: (looks at the weapons) I believe these... were to be your payments.

Dad: No. We can't accept. We didn't finish the job.

Y/n: And we'd gladly leave this one unfinished.

Ahsoka chuckles.

Ahsoka: No. But these... belong with the Mandalorians.

Dad and I take our respective weapons and attach them to our packs.

Ahsoka: Where is your little friend?

Y/n: Sleeping on the ship.

Dad: Wait here. We'll go get him.

Dad and I start making our way back to the Crest. I look at Dad, as we continue to walk.

Y/n: Is it bad, that I don't think I'm ready to give him up yet?

Dad: Not at all. But, it's not about us. It's about him. And if you're going to restore Mandalore, the last thing either of us would want is for him to be collateral damage.

Y/n: True enough.

We open the bay of the ship, and Koran runs to me as I kneel and scratch his neck.

Zero was gently rocking Grogu in the miniature sling-bed and sees us.

Zero: Ah! Master Y/n and Master Din. Was your mission successful?

Y/n: We freed the town, Zero.

Zero: So wonderful to hear. And Lady Tano? Will she be taking the Child?

I walk over to Grogu and gently take him out of the sling. He begins to wake up and smiles, purring in my arms.

Y/n: I hope so.

Dad and I walk out, and Ahsoka was standing there at the bottom of the ramp.

Ahsoka: You're like family to him.... I cannot train him.

Dad: You made us a promise and we held up our end.

Y/n: You've also seen what we have to do. Where we're going... is no place for him. And it won't be safe for him. Ever.

Ahsoka walks up to me and holds Grogu's hand.

Ahsoka: There is one possibility. Go to the planet Tython. There, you will find the ancient ruins temple that has a strong connection to the Force. Place Grogu on the seeing stone at the top of the mountain.

Y/n: Then what?

Ahsoka: Then Grogu may choose his path. If he reaches out through the Force, there's a chance a Jedi may sense his presence and come searching for him. Then again, there aren't many Jedi left.

I look at Grogu as he looks up at me.

Dad: Thank you.

Ahsoka: May the Force be with you.

Y/n: .... May the Force be with you.

Dad and I walk up the ramp and I look back at Ahsoka one last time before shutting the ramp behind me.


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