The Tragedy

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Several days had passed since we helped Ahsoka on Corvus and I told Dad the truth about Mom.

Down below in the cargo bay, I watched as Grogu was sitting next to me holding the ball.

Y/n: Grogu.

Grogu looks up at me, making me chuckle. He then looks down at the ball again.

Y/n: Grogu?

Grogu looks up at me again, making me smile. I then reach my hand to him.

Y/n: Give me the ball.

Grogu looks at my hand and slightly turns the ball away from me.

Y/n: Grogu. Give me the ball. Come on.

Grogu slowly turns and hands me the ball. I then hold it high and look at him.

Y/n: Okay, buddy. Let's do this again.

Grogu just stares at me.

Y/n: Grogu. Come on. You know what to do.

I watch as he squints his eyes and reaches with both his hands.

Y/n: You can have it. Come on.

The ball gets ripped from my fingers and shoots to Grogu's hands.

Y/n: Dank Farrik!

I slap my leg, making Grogu drop the ball and look at me fearfully.

Y/n: No! No, no. Hey, hey, I'm not mad at you.

I grab Grogu and sit him on my lap.

Y/n: You did good. I just- (sigh) You're very talented, Grogu. We're gonna find your people and they'll take great care of you.

Grogu looks at me sadly, his ears slightly dropping.

Y/n: Don't give me that look. You think we wanna give you up? It's not up to us. By the time you're five-hundred mine and Dad's bodies will probably have turned to ash. And you'll still probably have at least another five-hundred to top that.

Grogu babbles and grabs at my fingers. I smile, rubbing his right ear.

Y/n: It'll be okay. Besides, if I'm truly Force-sensitive, you'll probably see me up there.

I then point up, making Grogu look up at the ceiling.

Dad: (over speaker) Y/n, we're coming up on Tython. Better bring the kid up here.

Y/n: I'll be right up.

I look down at Grogu as he continues to play with my fingers. I smirk, picking him up and heading to the cockpit.


I sat Grogu down in his seat as I stand behind Dad and see Tython.

As we make it through the atmosphere, I see what looks like the ruins Ahsoka described.

Y/n: There. That has to be it.

Dad: Can't land on the top. It's too small. We're gonna have to travel the last stretch with the windows down.


Dad and I were side-by-side jettisoning towards the mountain. I held Grogu close as we make it to the top and take a look around the ruins.

Dad: Well, I guess this is it.

I look down at Grogu.

Y/n: Does any of this look Jedi to you, buddy?

I walk towards the rock in the center and set him down on it.

Y/n: Do you... feel anything?

Grogu just sits there, looking around at the sky.

Y/n: Do you see anything? (looks up) Or are they supposed to see you?

Dad then taps the side of his helmet.

Dad: Maybe there's some kind of control switch or something.

Dad looks around the rock and I just cross my arms as Grogu reaches for a butterfly flying around him.

Y/n: Come on, Grogu. Focus. Ahsoka we had to put you on the seeing stone and you'd do the rest.

Suddenly we hear an engine roar and look up.

We run to the edge and watch the ship land a ways down.

Y/n: Don't suppose you know that ship?

Dad: No.

Y/n: Okay, Grogu. We gotta-

We turn around and see Grogu with his eyes closed and surrounded by some kind of energy field.

Y/n: Grogu! Come on, we gotta-AGH!

I tried to reach for him, but the field blew me back at Dad's feet. He helped me up and I shook my head.

Dad: Hey! Snap out of it, kid! We've gotta get out of here!

Grogu doesn't respond or open his eyes as he remains still and quiet.

Y/n: Grogu!

He still doesn't respond or do anything. Dad looks down at where the ship landed and turns me.

Dad: He's coming out of the ship.

I grab my blaster out of my holster.

Y/n: We're just gonna have to stall. (to Grogu) Grogu! If you can hear us, we're gonna buy you some time!

Dad and I start making our down the mountain and several blaster bolts hit the ground, making us duck behind several rocks.

I turn on my comm.

Y/n: Zero. If you can hear me, grab my sniper rifle and Koran get out here. We've got trouble.

Zero: (on comm) I will be there as soon as I can.

I deactivate my comm and Dad and I peek out to see a hooded-man stand above us on a boulder.

Hooded-Man: I've been tracking you, Mandalorians.

The both of stand out of cover, but keep our weapons ready.

Dad: Are you Jedi?

Y/n: Or are you after the child?

The hooded-man pulls his hood down and shows his bald features and scarred face.

Man: I'm here for the armor.

Dad: If you want mine or my son's armor, you'll have to peel them off our dead bodies.

The man walks down from the ledge and glares at us.

Man: I don't want your armors. I want MY armor. That you got from Cobb Vanth back on Tatooine. It belongs to me.

Y/n: You're a Mandalorian?

Man: I'm a simple man making his way through the galaxy, little one. Like my father before me.

Dad: Did you take the Creed?

Man: I give my allegiance to no one.

Dad: The beskar belongs to the Mandalorians. It was looted from us during the Purge.

Man: The armor was my father's. Now it's mine.

Y/n: Give us one good reason we don't blast you to hell?

Man: Because I have a sharpshooter up on that ridge with a locked scope that will unload by the time my body hits the ground.

Dad: We're the ones wearing beskar.

Y/n: As soon as we see that muzzle flash, you're both six feet in the ground.

Man: (smirks) I didn't mean she was going to shoot either of you. My friend's locked onto that little companion of yours up on that ledge.

???: And if you remember, I don't miss.

Dad and I looked up and saw a woman laying on her stomach on a large rock, but it was her voice that seemed shocked Dad and I.

Dad: Fennec?!

Y/n: How the hell are you alive?!

Suddenly a click is heard and we see Zero with Koran at his feet, growling at Fennec. Zero has my sniper rifle trained directly behind Fennec's head.

Zero: You would be wise to drop your weapon. Or I will be forced to terminate you.

Y/n: Tell her to come down and drop the rifle, and she won't be my massiff's next meal.

Man: Couldn't agree more. Let's ALL put down our weapons. Have a chat. There's no need for bloodshed.

Dad: Tell her to drop the gun.

Man: After you put down your jetpacks.

Y/n: You've got to the count of one to tell her to put it down before my droid makes sure she STAYS dead this time.

The Man stares at me before nodding and looking up at Fennec.

Man: Stand down.

Dad and I holster our blasters as I nod at Zero to back away. We set our packs down as Fennec comes down and stands at the Man's right side as Zero and Koran come at our sides.

Fennec: You boys look like you've just seen a ghost.

Y/n: Wouldn't be the first time. How ARE you alive? We saw you laying there motionless.

Man: She was left for dead on the sands of Taooine, as was I. But fate sometimes steps in to rescue the wretched.

Fennec: In my case, Boba Fett was that fate.

Fennec opens a part of armor and shows machinery had been placed in her stomach. 

Fennec: (seals armor) And I am now in his service.

Boba: I want my armor back.

Dad: It goes against the Mandalorian Creed.

Boba: The armor was given to my father, Jango, by your forebears. In exchange, I guarantee the safety of the child as well as your own.

Fennec: The bounty on your little friend has risen significantly. You could buy ten suits of armor with the price on his head.

Y/n: And yet he's still alive. The Empire underestimates, and that's what cost them the war.

Boba: Even so, little one, I'd say we're offering a fair deal under the circumstances.

Suddenly we hear more engines roar and see an Imperial transport ship fly in.

Y/n: Oh, no.

Dad: I'll get the kid! Help them hold them off!

Dad rushes up the mountain as the rest of us start heading down and taking cover.

It wasn't long before Stormtroopers start running out and firing at us. Boba, Fennec, and Zero all started sniping them down as I jump off a rock and crash on top of one, stabbing him repeatedly in the neck with my mother's wrist-blade.

Koran jumps off my back tackles another Trooper, gnawing at his arm before tearing his throat out.

Boba then joins the fray, taking the pole off his back and whacking Stormtroopers left and right, breaking their helmet and stabbing them without remorse.

I hear rapid blaster fire and see a Stormtrooper firing an E-Web at Fennec and Zero as they run, avoiding the blasts.

Y/n: No you don't!

I fire my fibercord and yank the Trooper all the way to me before clothe-lining him to the ground, making the brunt of it flip him on his stomach. I blast him in the head as I see a Mortar-Trooper aim at me.

Y/n: (deadpan) Blast it.

The mortar shot barely misses me, but I get blown back and hit the back of a boulder. I dizzily look up and see a Captain and four more Troopers surround me, as I was still on the ground.

Captain: Surrender, Mandalorian. You're outnumbered.

Y/n: If I had a credit for every time somebody's said that to me.

I fire my flamethrower at their feet, blowing them back as I stand up and throw my knife at the Captain's throat, killing him instantly. I shoot several whistling birds that kill three of the four Troopers before I walk over to the last one and grab him by the neck.

Y/n: The Empire is dead. Time for you shit-sticks to accept it.

I extend my wrist blade, stabbing the Trooper in throat while he was still in my grasp, making his hands fall from my arm and he slides off my blade.

I see the Mortar-Trooper aim at me again, but this time Koran had tackled him and ripped his throat out before he could fire again.

Y/n: Hmph. Good boy.

Koran runs up as I hear another engine roar and see another transport ship land down and more Troopers come out.

Y/n: These guys just love signing their death warrants, don't they?

I look and see Fennec and Zero were starting to get overrun and I rush up, jumping off a rock and blasting two more down.

Stormtrooper #1: Give yourselves up!

Stormtrooper #2: We don't want you, we want the child!

Y/n: You gotta go through us to get him!

Suddenly more whistling birds hit several Troopers and Dad jumps down next to me.

Dad: Okay, let's move in!

Y/n: Right behind you!

Dad, Fennec, Zero, and I were practically had our backs against each other as Stormtroopers just kept coming.

Fennec: (shoots under Y/n's arm) This isn't looking good.

Dad: We've seen worse.

Y/n: Get yourself out of here. We owe you from Tatooine.

Fennec: We had a deal, kid.

The Stormtroopers were beginning to pin us down, until a mine lands between them and kills several of them and dispersing the others.

Suddenly a green figure lands down and stands over a fallen Trooper.

Boba starts making quick work of the Stormtroopers, eradicating them with his now reclaimed armor.

We watch as the transport ships crash into the far mountain.

Dad: Nice shot.

Boba: I was aiming for the other one.

Suddenly a giant missile fired from the sky and completely destroyed the Razor Crest.

Y/n: NO!

Fennec: (to Boba) Better get to your ship.

Boba blasted off as I then realized something.

Y/n: Dad, where's Grogu?

Dad: The field was still around him when I went to get him. Let's hope it's down by now. Come on!

Dad, Fennec, Zero, and I started running to the top of the mountain. We then hear what sound like jets and look up to see black-armored Imperials flying down towards the mountain.

Y/n: We gotta hurry!

We keep running as fast as we could to the top, but were too late as one of the Troopers grabbed Grogu and they all blasted off.


I screamed as the Troopers took off towards the sky.

We hear an engine roar and see Boba flying his ship after them.

Fennec: (taps her comm) They've got the baby. Don't let them get away!

Boba: (on comm) Affirmative. I have a lock.

Y/n: No, NO! Stop him! He could kill the baby!

Fennec: Abort pursuit. Disengage. Do not harm the child.

Boba: (on comm) Copy. I'll do a loose follow, see where they're headed.

We waited several seconds as Boba's ship disappeared through the clouds and responded, almost with shock in his voice.

Boba: (on comm) They're back.

Fennec: Who?

Boba: (on comm) The Empire. They're back.

Dad, Fennec, and I look at each in other worry.

Fennec: That can't be. The Outer Rim is under the jurisdiction of the New Republic.

Boba: (on comm) This isn't a spice dream. I can see the Imperial cruiser with my own eyes. Heading down.

I activate the scope on my visor and zoom in and was shocked at what was above the clouds.

Y/n: (growls) Gideon.

The cruiser goes into hyperspace as I fall to my knees. I breathe deeply before I yell and punch the ground, leaving a small crater where my fist was.

I feel Dad hold my shoulder as Koran comes up and presses his head against my chest, comfortingly.


Later, Dad and I scrounged around the wreckage of the Razor Crest. It pained me, scavenging what was left of our home. The Crest was the best ship in the galaxy to Dad and I.

I see something poking out of the dirt and find my beskar sword.

Dad: Y/n.

I turn to Dad, as he'd found his spear and he takes my hand, putting something in it.

I look and see it was the ball Grogu was always obsessed with and held it in my palm, holding it tight.

Dad brings me to his chest as I cling to him, breathing shakily.

Dad: We're gonna get him back. I swear it.

Y/n: I know we will.

We walk out of the crater that was once our ship, and approach Boba, Fennec, Zero, and Koran.

Dad: Our weapons were all that survived.

Boba: (looks at the sword and spear) Beskar. I want you take a look at something.

Boba taps his left gauntlet and a holographic chain-code displays above his arm.

Boba: My chain code has been encoded in this armor for twenty-five years. You see, (points at the display) this is me. Boba Fett. And this is my father Jango Fett.

Dad: Your father was a foundling.

Boba: Yes. (deactivates display) He even in fought in the Mandalorian Civil Wars.

Dad: Then that armor belongs to you.

Boba: (nods) I appreciate it's return.

Y/n: Then I guess our deal is complete.

Boba: Not quite, little one.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Boba and Fennec exchange glances before looking back at us.

Boba: We agreed in exchange for the return of my armor, we would ensure the safety of the child.

Y/n: He's gone now.

Boba then places his hand on my shoulder.

Boba: Until he is returned to you and your father safely, we are in you debt.

I look at Fennec as she smiles and nods as I then place my hand over Boba's.

Y/n: Thank you.


We take Boba's ship, Slave 1, to Nevarro to pick up an old friend.

In her office, we see some new things had happened to Cara recently.

Dad: Cara Dune. Marshal of the New Republic. We heard rumors you might've gone legit.

Cara: I wouldn't go that far.

Y/n: Cara, we need your help.

Cara: Name it.

Dad: I need you to locate someone in the prison registry.

Cara: Let's see what I can do.

Cara sits at her computer as Dad tells her the name.

Dad: Ex-Imperial sharpshooter, last name Mayfeld. Apprehended near the Dilestri system on a derelict prison ship.

Cara: (finds him) Miggs Mayfeld. Serving fifty years in the Karthon Chop Fields for springing a prisoner himself. Accessory to the death of a New Republic officer. Sounds like a real piece of work. What do you want with him?

Y/n: We have to spring him to help us locate Moff Gideon's light cruiser.

Cara: You know how I feel about the Empire. But these stripes (points to her badge) mean there are rules I need to follow.

I sigh as I look her dead in the eyes.

Y/n: They took the baby.

Cara's eyes widen as she then stands.

Cara: Count me in.


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