Chapter 21- Birthday Party

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3rd person POV:-

" Happy Birthday and Welcome Back Midoriya "

The common area was lightly decorated with coloured balloons and ribbons. A huge white banner was hung across the room. ' Happy Birthday Midoriya ' was written on it with capital black letters.

The residents of the dorms were standing in front of the door. Ida and Kirishima were holding a burst party popper. Everyone had party horns in their mouth. Both Izuku and Ochako didn't show any expression due to the shock. One doesn't even know that it was his birthday and the other was surprised that she forgot his birthday.

Almost everyone surrounded Izuku wishing him and asking him about his whereabouts.

" Good to see you back here Midoriya "

" You have missed a lot in all these days. You will need to do a lot of work "

" You look cool in those black hair. When did you dye those? "

" You scared us when you were taken to the hospital. What happened to you? "

" Why are you wearing those eye colour changing lens? "

" What happened to you that night? "

" Why were you admitted for so long? "

Izuku was dumbstruck by the sudden questions from his classmates.

" Let him at least breathe. He had just arrived and all of you are interrogation him like a detective " Ashido drags him out of the group.

" Thanks, Ashido for saving me " he thanks her.

" I didn't pull you out from the interrogation because I wanted to save you. I want you to quickly cut the cake so that I can eat a delicacy made by Sato " she pushes him to the table.

" I think we have a problem here Ashido " Jiro informs.

" Is it that we don't have enough candles for the cake? " she asks.

" No. The whole cake is missing "

" What are you trying to imply here? There is someone who is more hungry than me and they stole the whole cake for themselves "

" That's really bad to steal someone's birthday cake. Don't everybody get a piece of cake? Then why the need for stealing it " Ojiro chimes in.

" The cake was on the table before the lights were switched off. That means that the thief stole it when the lights were off and the room was dark. The best time to steal it " Tokoyami points the facts.

" And the culprit can't go out of the room while handling the cake in such a short time. That means the culprit is still in this room " Shinso deducts.

" And the culprit would be that person who is currently not in sight. So the person is... " Todoroki concludes the deduction.

Before they can look around to figure out who is the missing person, the culprit executes his plan. Bakugo who was hiding behind the kitchen counter jumps from his hiding place and launches himself towards Izuku with the cake in his hand. He smashes the cake in Izuku's face.

" Happy Birthday Nerd " he roared.

Everybody was shocked at the event. But before they could scold Bakugo, the cake slid down from Izuku's face revealing his blood red eyes which gave a death glare that sent chills in everyone's spine. Even Bakugo who was laughing, flinched and became silent. Instead of being angry, Izuku had a smile on his face.

" Not a good move Bakugo. As far as I could remember someone's birthday is coming next month. But you will not get a present on your birthday. You will get it anytime without warning. So prepare yourself " he warns Bakugo.

Before the situation could get any worse a ping noise saved the common room from turning into a battlefield.

" Good thing I prepared another cake in case something like this would happen " Sato takes out the cake from the oven.

Before cutting the new cake as per class 1A tradition, Bakugo was mummified and was hung up from the roof for ruining the party and as an extra treat his gravity was removed.

After cutting the cake, it was time for the presents. Everyone had brought gifts for him. He was receiving the last few presents from his classmates.

" Thanks, Ida for the gift. I know its rude to ask but can you reveal the suspense of what is in the box? " Izuku asks Ida.

" I most probably wouldn't have told you but as a close friend, I will tell you. It is a keychain with a figure of All Might. More accurately the 4th model in the gold series " he replies.

" That's an amazing gift. I will attach it to my backpack " he appreciates the gift from his friend.

The least expected person, Mineta gave a present which resembled the shape of a book.

" Mineta, I know this is a book judging by the shape but I am afraid by the type of book you might give. Is it that type of book? " Izuku asks scaredly.

" I may be a pervert but I am not that much of a pervert that I would give you a book like that. I still have some dignity left inside me " Mineta defences himself.

" He's a clear liar. When we went to the bookstore to buy a present, he immediately moved towards that section but luckily the shopkeeper saw him and did not allow him to enter " Ojiro reveals the truth.

" Fine. I don't have that much dignity but I swear it is not that type of book. If you don't believe me open it yourself " Mineta argues.

Izuku opens the wrapping to reveal a book titled ' Why it is cool to be a pervert '.

" How did you find a book like this? Why do you expect me to read such a trash book? " Izuku questions the choice of the pervert.

" Its because if you become a pervert after reading the book then I wouldn't be the only pervert in the class. You might even become a bigger pervert than me and then I wouldn't be tortured that much " Mineta explains his failure plan.

" Ashido, can you take care of this trash for me " Izuku tosses her the book which melts instantly due to the acid.

" Nooo. My money. At least you could have returned the book back to me " he whines.

The next person, Kaminari hands him a reasonably big box.

" Thanks, Kaminari. This is a pretty huge box. But it feels very light. Is it the box only for gift prank? " Izuku asks, expecting another weird gift.

" Yes but actually no. Why don't you just open it? " he replies.

Izuku opens the box. Inside it was a few slips of cardboard. On the cardboard was printed ' Game Pass for Kamianri's Gaming PC '.

" It grants you free access to all games in my awesome gaming pc for a whole day. Took some time to get such an awesome setup " Kaminari flexes.

" Midoriya, I would say that's a pretty amazing gift. Kaminari owns probably more than 50 games and all of them run at a smooth 60 fps at high settings. I am kinda jealous of you " Sero speaks.

" That's a pretty good gift. I think gaming could be a good hobby. Thanks, Kaminari " Izuku thanks him.

Shinso comes near Midoriya and whispers something in his ear.

" I have controlled Bakugo using my quirk. He will act normal but if anyone commands him he will follow the orders and he will not remember anything. Don't tell others about this. He will stay like this till tomorrow night, so have fun with him being your servant. This is my present for you " Shinso whispers in his ear.

A smile appears on their faces.

" Thanks, Shinso for the tip " Izuku says winking at him.

" What did he tell you? " Shoji asks.

" Nothing. Just a different type of present " Izuku says giving a smile.

While Izuku was getting his presents, Ochako was panicking as she doesn't have a gift for Izuku. Luckily, Ashido hands her a pink coloured wrapped present with a lid.

" Here, don't worry, I somewhat thought that you would forget to bring a present in such short notice. It's a lovely present for both of you " she winks at her.

Ochako afraid of what might be present in the box opens up the lid. Inside the box, there was a  metallic round locket with a heart engraved on it.

" And the best part is the locket splits into two halves and reveal a photograph in each half. A romantic gift for you two " Ashido whispers to her.

Ochako takes the locket in her hand. The two halves kept together by magnets splits apart on pulling. In each half, there was a photo of them dancing from the dance night. Holding each other's hand and staring into each other's eye. Her heart slows down remembering the night.

' I can't give him this right now. I will give this later when we are alone '

" Hey, is that my gift Uraraka? " Izuku asks pointing at the box.

Due to the sudden question from him, Ochako threw the empty box in panic. The box fell victim of Todoroki's flame who was blow torching the deserts on Sato's request. The box gets instantly incinerated by the flames.

" Oh no! The gift got destroyed by the flames. Don't worry Uraraka, you can give me another one any time. It's not like I need a gift from you " Izuku tells her not knowing that the present is her hands.

Ochako who was still having the locket in her hand hid it in her pocket. She didn't want to give him the locket in front of everyone.

" No, I will definitely give you something later " she assures him.

" All the presents are done, so it is time for the birthday boy to play some games " Hagaruke announces very excitedly.

Izuku got worried at the word games, as he knew he might get pranked by his classmates. Luckily his phone rings and saves him for some time. He answers the call.

" My sweetheart. I almost forgot that today is your birthday. I tried to convince your father to go back to school but he won't listen. Saying he is probably having a party with his classmates " Izuku moves the phone away from his ear due to her mother's high pitched scream.

" Mom, it's okay. Besides Dad is right. My classmates arranged a party for me and I am having fun. Don't worry about me " Izuku informs her.

" Hey Izu, Happy birthday. Sorry for not coming but I know you are enjoying there. And what do you want for present? " Hisashi asks.

" I don't know what I want right now but when I know I will tell you " 

" Okay, bye Izuku but you will have to come home when you will get a leave from school " Inko orders her.

" Yes, Mom I will " Izuku agrees and hung the call.

Sudden commotion occurs in the room.

" We got the school sports festival recordings today in the dorm mail " Momo announces.

Everybody cheers at this information.

" Let's watch it now. I wanna see how cool I look " Kaminari speaks pumped up with excitement.

" But shouldn't we first ask Midoriya if he is interested. After all, it is his birthday party today *ribbit* " Tsu suggests.

" Don't worry about me. I am excited to see it too. I can't seem to remember the events very clearly. So, I am very excited to see it  " Izuku shows his curiosity.

"Let's roll out the projector " Sero cheered.

I am really sorry for making you wait so long. It's almost a whole week and 3 days. Whenever I promise you guys that I would release a chapter, life just rolls its dice. The school time got extended, plus I can't seem to stay awake at night.

I am also a reader. I eagerly wait for the next part of the books I read. So, I really appreciate those who wait for the next chapter to come. I feel that it is my duty to give you a different and good story at the right time. That's why I will try my best to get the chapter at a reasonable rate and have good content.

Also, I really think some characters are good in the anime but they are not appreciated very much by most fans. For example Shoji, he is a really good character with a good quirk and personality and in my personal opinion, he looks badass with his mask. That's why I try to give some role and develop those characters in my story. I hope some of you also think like that.

Anyway, see ya. ( Puts on the ninja mask )

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