Chapter 22 - Sports festival highlights

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To get things clear, the school sports festival arc occurs before the dance party.

3rd person POV :-

The preparations for viewing of the events were done.

A huge white screen was fixed across the room. A high definition projector owned by Kota was used. The couch was already full so everyone was sitting on weird places like on the table, arm rest of the couch. Sero even made a hammock for himself using his tape.

Bakugo was freed from his punishment and was currently making snacks for the whole class after getting ordered by Izuku.

" Kota, I know you are shy. But why do you have such a nice projector? What do you use it for? " a curious Hagaruke asks.

" I use it to view the photos I click of animals " Kota half speaks, half shows the text written on his tablet.

" So you are the photographer of the class. Such a nice talent you have " Tokoyami appreciates his skills.

" Quiet everyone. We are starting the show now " Jiro makes the crowd silent.

After watching the end of Cavalry battle:-

Everyone was discussing about the cavalry battle.

" So, that's how Shinso used his quirk and got those headbands. It was a real surprise when his team got qualified into the next event " Kirishima speaks.

" I need to improve my control on my emotions during battles " Todoroki reminds himself.

" I still can't believe how sneakily Tokoyami stole Todoroki's headband " Shoji compliments his skills.

" Why the hell do I not remember how I got here and why do I become silent when the battle starts " Bakugo screams.

" Shut up Bakugo. I hate people when they start screaming in a show " Jiro scolds him.

" You are the one whose shouting now " Kaminari whispers to himself but Jiro hears him and gets stabbed by her earphone jack.

The video clip flashes the text ' Tournament Battle Round 1:- Izuku Midoriya vs Hitoshi Shinso '

Everybody became silent and started watching the video.

Screen view:-

" On the right, we have the finisher of the race and gaining 10 million points, Izuku Midoriya from hero course Class 1 A " Present Mic, the announcer announces.

" And on the left, we have the mysterious kid, Hitoshi Shinso from general course Class 1 C " he continues.

The two opponents step up on the ground. Midnight, the referee was briefing them the rules of the battle. They were not giving much attention to it as they knew the rules. Before midnight would signal to start the match, Shinso played his first move.

" Have you ever heard of losing a match before it even starts? " he asks.

" What! That's absurd. That could nev... " Midoriya replies but falls in his trap.

" Cause you are going to lose " Shinso speaks smiling knowing that his opponent is under his control.

Midnight signals the start of the match.

" Turn around and walk outside the boundary of the ground " he orders Midoriya.

Being under his quirk, Midoriya starts to walk mindlessly towards the boundary. The viewers were confused at why he was walking towards the boundary.

He was a few steps away from losing the match when he suddenly falls down on his knees and clutches his head.

" Ahhhh! This image and figures " he screams. Everybody surprised at the sudden change in the match. Shinso backed up and took his fighting stance knowing that his opponent is out of his control.

Midoriya comes back to his senses and slowly stand up, analysing what occurred to him.

" What happened to you? Are you fine? " Shinso asks, to try to get him under his control again.

But he gets no response from Midoriya as he had figured out his trick.

" So, you are the quick thinking type of person. Guess, I will have to do it without my quirk " Shinso starts to unwrap the bandage he had wrapped up around both his arm. He unwinds the bandage from one arm and takes a defensive stance using his bandage as a weapon.

" Is it against the rules for using something like that as a weapon? " Present Mic discusses with his partner Aizawa.

" No. If it was against the rules then Midnight would have stopped the match. And besides, he took permission to wear those bandages. It is his intelligence to use it as a weapon " Aizawa replies in his tired voice.

Both the competitors stood there in their defensive stance for a while. Finally, Midoriya took the first move and used his one finger to shoot high pressure air at Shinso. But he dodged it by rolling sideways. He quickly dashed at Midoriya. Midoriya used another finger but instead of shooting at him, he shoots it in the path of his opponent.

The air destroyed that part of the floor and the pieces flew at Shinso which he was not able to dodge. He was knocked back by the pieces. Midoriya took this opportunity and took the offence. He ran at him and threw a punch with his left hand. But Shinso diverged the punch by wrapping his bandage around his arm and yanking it to the side to make him miss. Midoriya used his other hand and was able to hit him in the stomach as Shinso couldn't block it. He felt the strong punch in the gut but kept his control and kicked him on the knee making Midoriya kneel down. He created some distance between him and Midoriya to recover from the punch. 

Both again took a defensive stance waiting for the other to attack. Shinso slung his bandage towards Midoriya's legs and wrapped it around it. He yanked the bandage which made him fall back. At the same time, he ran and threw a hook with his bandaged hand on Midoriya's face as he was falling. The blow was much stronger than Midoriya's as the bandage act as a boxing glove. 

Everybody thought that it was the end of the match judging by the move. Shinso also thought that victory was in his hands. When Midoriya stood up he was surprised. Midoriya had blood in his mouth. His movements were rough and he was barely able to stand. But still, he gestured Shinso to fight him.

Shinso slung his bandage around his chest but he caught it with his hand and wrapped it around his palm. At this, Shinso quickly unwrapped his other arm and slung the other bandage at his legs. Midoriya jumped to dodge the attack and then stomped on the bandage to immobilise Shinso. With all his might he pulled the bandage in his hand. With the bandage, Shinso also got pulled and got head-butted by him. At this point, they were near the boundary. Midoriya pushed the stunned Shinso out of the boundary.

" And the winner of the first match is Izuku Midoriya " Present Mic shouts.

" Can you speak normally and not shout. But I must say that I have not seen such a good hand to hand combat for many years in the tournament. These two boys are really good fighter " Aizawa speaks in the mic.

" I agree with you Mr Aizawa " Principal Nezu speaks who was standing behind the commentators in the room. Both turn around to see the small principal.

" That's why I want you to take responsibility of Hitoshi Shinso as a student in your class. I don't know why that boy was not able to get in the hero course but we definitely need someone like him to become a hero in future " he continues.

Meanwhile in the stadium, Midoriya approached Shinso who was still recovering from the battle.

" It was foolish of me to think that I could win with my weak quirk against someone with a powerful quirk. Now, I have lost my chance of getting into the hero course " Shinso tells Midoriya with regret in his words.

Hearing these words, Midoriya could see the young himself in him. Someone who thought that they could only win if they had power. He too used to believe that he could only become a hero if he got a quirk.

" Someone once told me that it is not the quirk that defines you. It is you who defines your quirk. Just like that, it is not your quirk that makes you a good hero. It is you who makes yourself a good hero even if you don't have a good quirk. So, don't think that you can't become a hero without a powerful quirk " Midoriya told him the words that Uraraka told her when he first met her.

Shinso's regret decreased and a small smile appeared on his face. He starts to move out of the ground. 

" Hope that your philosophy works in this unfair world. And you are the first one to break out of my control. We will meet again Midoriya and next time you will not escape my control " he speaks as he moves out.

Back to normal 3rd person POV:-

" And that is my origin story " Shinso says very proudly.

" Honestly Shinso, I have never seen you this excited before for something. Even when you joined the class for the first time you had your normal emotionless face " Sero teases him.

" That was such a manly fight. I almost thought that Shinso was going to win when he lands the punch on his face " Kirishima speaks.

" The next match is starting. Eyes on the screen " Momo informed.

Timeskip to the last match of the first round of the tournament:-

" Kaminari, your match with Ibara was a replica of the match between Pikachu and bellsprout in the Indigo League of Pokemon. Except, at least Pikachu attacked the bellsprout, but you were just trapped in the vines " Jiro laughs at him.

" Laugh all you want. I will take revenge on you in Rocket League " he challenges his all time gaming rival.

" I was wondering how are things between you and Tetsutetsue now, Kirishima? You two looked like you were bloodthirsty for each other in the match " Ashido asks him.

" Tetsutetsu is a really nice guy. We are on good terms now. We once trained together in the park when we encountered each other " Kirishima replies.

" Hatsume pulled out the most awkward commercial for her inventions. Ida, you got dragged in it and became just a marketing test subject. It was lucky that none of her inventions malfunctioned like the hover boot in the cavalry battle. I feel sorry for you " Ochako shows her sympathy.

" You should be happy Ida. At least you had a clear easy win. I was just instantly frozen into an ice block by Todoroki " Sero remembers his match.

" Final Match. Ochako Uraraka versus Katsuki Bakugo " the sound comes out from the speakers.

" Isn't this the match where Bakugo almost lost the match  " Ojiro speaks.

" What are you saying, big tail boy? I obviously won the match " Bakugo shouts at him.

Hagaruke hits him on the back of his head when he was facing the other way. Bakugo not knowing the attacker suspects everyone and starts shouting.

" Bakugo, go fetch snacks for everyone. I want to see this match with full silence " Izuku orders him.

Bakugo follows the order under Shinso's quirk and goes into the kitchen.

Screen view:-

" On the right, we have the angry boy Katsuki Bakugo. And on the left, we have the confident looking Ochako Uraraka " Present Mic introduces the competitors.

" Long time since we had a fight, Bakugo. Do you think you can win this match? " Uraraka tries to provoke him.

" Huh. As far as I can remember I won the last time we fought in middle school. You and that damn nerd wouldn't just accept defeat. And now I am going to win this round and then win the sports festival " Bakugo keeps his calm.

" Yeah, we will see what will happen " Uraraka speaks.

Midnight signals the start of the match. Bakugo immediately throws his explosion punch at her. Uraraka rolls and dodge it and starts moving around the ground increasing her quirk effect area by keeping contact between the floor and her fingers while running. Bakugo madly chases after her.

" Why are you running away from me? You scared " Bakugo shouts.

Uraraka finally stops and takes her Defensive stance. 

" No, Bakugo. I don't dash into the enemy like you " she says.

Bakugo dash towards her creating a bigger explosion so that she can't escape from the sides. Urarka removes gravity from her and jumps. She was immediately out of the range of the explosion and over Bakugo. She attracts herself to a point behind Bakugo and lands behind him. Before Bakugo could turn, she punches him on his back and moves away from him. The punch was not very effective but it did damage to him. 

" Why are you attacking like a coward? If you are strong then fight me face to face " he shouts.

" Okay, if that's what you want " Uraraka says with a grin on her face.

They both run at each other. This time Bakugo aimed an explosion at her leg. She noticed the move and side stepped to the left. The explosion did not directly hit her legs but burned the side of her leg. She tried to hit him on his face but Bakugo blocked it with his arm. He was aiming for another explosion but she again removed her gravity and jumped and escaped. 

Bakugo remembering the previous move, destroyed most of the floor using a large explosion. 

" What are you going to do now? Now, you can't land on the floor " Bakugo says.

Uraraka who was floating in the air by balancing the amount of gravity did not respond. She was thinking of the next move.

Bakugo was about to use his explosions as a jetpack to reach Uraraka. At this moment the broken pieces of the floor which were under her quirk effect area starts to float. Now, Bakugo's attention was on the floating debris around him. 

" Bakugo, thank you for making a new move for me. And you forgot to destroy the floor on which you are standing. So, I can do this " she says and snaps her fingers.

All the floating debris got shot towards Bakugo as the gravity between the debris and the floor on which he was standing increased up to one and half times of normal gravity. In order to save himself, Bakugo released his biggest explosion. The whole battlefield was encased in the explosion. The heat of the explosion could be felt by the audience. 

The explosion destroyed all the debris flying at him. A strong shockwave accompanied the explosion. Uraraka was not able to withstand the shockwave and got thrown out of the boundary.

" Damn it you extra gravity. You made me overuse my quirk " he weakly murmurs and falls on the ground, now unconscious. 

The audience was waiting for the results of the match.

" Wait, who won the match? One is out of the boundary and the other is knocked unconscious in the field. So, who will be declared the winner? " Present Mic speaks with confusion in his voice.

Midnight looked at the situation and analysed it. She then pointed at Bakugo and declared him the winner. The reaction of the audience was sceptical. Some agreed with the decision while others argued that the other should be the winner.

" To clear the things, let's check the video footages. And in it, it shows that Uraraka was pushed out of the boundary before Bakugo fell on the ground. So, the results are clear. Bakugo has won the match " Aizawa shows the video on the large screen.

" SO, THE Winner is BAKUGO " Present Mic announces again.

Back to normal 3rd person POV:-

" Uraraka, you had many moments when you could have touched him and used your quirk on him to win the match. You could have floated him and then smashed him into the ground with strong gravity. It would be an instant KO move " Izuku points out.

" How could I say this? I knew I could have done that but I got a bit overconfident there. I wanted to take revenge for all our previous battle. So, I toyed with him a bit in that battle " Ochako says awkwardly.

" Shut up extra gravity. I would have won even if you had used a move like that " he shouts.

" Oh, you think you would have beat me. Why don't we have a rematch right now? " Ochako responds, who is ignited now.

" Stop right there guys. How about I offer you a mochi, Uraraka. And for you Bakugo, a flaming hot rice ball with extra mustard and pepper? And for that, you two don't fight " Sato tries to negotiate the two.

" Deal " Ochako and Bakugo agree.

" That was a good move, Sato. Food ultimately wins over anger if you are hungry " Tokoyami speaks.

" Anyone want drinks? " Kaminari asks.

" Yes " multiple replies come from the group.

" So, the next match is between Todoroki and Midoriya. Right? " Momo asks.

" Yes, quite an interesting match. I was not sure who would have won the match but Todoroki's flame flipped the competition " Shoji complements.

" And the match is starting no.. " before Aoyama could finish the sentence, the lights of the room and the projector turns off.

Everyone confused at why the power went out.

And that will be the end of the chapter. 

I had plans for writing some battles of the school festival but I didn't wish to write all of the sports festival arc. So, I thought of writing it in a sort of flashback. Honestly, I don't know what they call this. Is this a flashback or a playback? Let me know. That's why I didn't have an idea what type of POV is considered focusing only on what is on a screen. So, I just used screen view. I hope it was understandable.


I am going to make a lot of changes in the previous chapters. I want to refine the chapters. The basic plot and most of the part would remain the same but some things are going to go away like the whole cancer thing. I am removing it. I will use something else that fits more in the quirk universe to reach Izuku's current situation.

So, I will be working on all of that. That's why the next chapter will come after some time. When I will finish all of the changes in the chapters I will write it in the story description. The chapter's title will also contain '(edited)' for some days after I edit them. So, I hope you all respect my decision. I want to do it so that it is more enjoyable for you.

Anyway, I may take your leave ( *Figuring out how to fix a bulb* )

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