Birds of a feather, brothers forever

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The episode starts with the sun shining on a dandelion, then turned to the sound of two child's laughter and running.

Kids: (laughing)

Sabastian: hurry up

Diego: slowly down

A pair of sneakers ran towards the dandelion and petals started flying on the air.

(Theme song plays)

Flying over Tokyo at night, everyone was taking a trip Tokyo to visit a old friend of Sabastian.

Pierre: wow guys looks it's The Temple of the Golden Cricket

Miguel: Wait, look it's a candy shop?

All: wow, so cool. I'm hungry.

Sabastian: Yes, yes the city of Macau is exciting to look at

Fritz: okay but why did we have to bring catrina along

Fritz points out to catrina who was reading a book about ancient historical times of Macau.

Fritz: I told you we can't bring her along our adventures

Jose: aw come on fritz we can't just leave her alone in a empty mansion, let her have some fun

Jose takes the book catrina was reading and throws it.

Jose: let her have some fun for a change

Fritz catches the book and gives it back to her.

Fritz: why can't you just let her do what she wants

As the two brothers argue, catrina walk to Sabastian.

Catrina: so what are we doing in Macau

Sabastian: to visit an old friend of mines

Sabastian starts to have a flashback of him and a flamingo.

He and the flamingo were running when they came across a young falcon.

It was Gustavo, he was standing on the stumb of a tree, looking towards a dark part of the forest.

Young Gustavo: you guys ready

Young Sabastian: yes

Diego: I don't know Gustavo, wouldn't it be dangerous

Young Gustavo: (laughing) oh come on Diego, where's your sense of adventure

Young Gustavo jumps and the other two followed him, Sabastian looks back to see the shy flamingo still looking terrified, so he offers his hand.

Young Sabastian: come on everything will be okay I promise

The flamingo then takes his hand and the flashback ends.

Catrina: is he in trouble

Sabastian: huh, It's just a cry for help

Miguel: but it's like uncle Gustavo always says, family always helps family.

Pierre: Plus, this is our only chance to explore Macau

Gunter: hey guys we're about to land in 10, so buckle up, the ride will get bumpy

When they landed, everyone got off.

Sabastian: okay gunter we'll be back in one hour

Gunter: sure I'll just wait here when you guys are done

When catrina gets off, fritz grabs her hand, pulling her close.

Fritz: ok you guys can go explore all of the city while me and catrina stay with Sabastian until we leave

Jose: oh come on fritz, Take it easy, let her have fun for awhile

As the two boys fought over catrina, they heard screaming.

Diego: oh no, no, you won't get the diamonds from me

They burst through the doors to find a blue dressed suit wearing flamingo fighting a jumbo panda.

Boys: DIEGO!

He looks at the kids and waves.

Diego: oh, hey kids, give me one second

The boys watched as the flamingo beat down the panda, taking back the briefcase and picking up the umbrella.

Diego: Sorry about that, that will be all Chen

The large panda gets up and leaves the room.

Diego: a little workout is always good for the body

Sabastian: Diego

Diego: Sabastian

The toucan and flamingo hugged then let's go to see the kids.

Diego: welcome to Macau. Help yourself to everything-

As he saw the kids entering the room, he noticed catrina.

Diego: oh hey little girl

He bends down to her

Diego: are you lost

Catrina felt nervously as she back away then the boys stand by her side.

Miguel: no Diego this is our new sister Catrina

Diego: ohh (he whispers to Sabastian) did he adopted another kid

Sabastian: catrina this is Diego, Diego this Is catrina

Diego: well it is very nice to meet you, come enjoy Macau

Jose takes catrina's hand, and they all head out the penthouse.

Jose: thankswell we're just going to go explore around

Jose runs with fritz running after him, which left Diego with Sabastian.

He poured a drink for himself and Sabastian as he glaze outside the window.

Diego: so tell me, how's he doing

Then Sabastian makes a sad look as he takes off his hat.

Sabastian: I hate to tell you this but I don't know if you heard but....Gustavo's dead

This news shocked him as he looks down in sadness, turning towards him.

Diego: oh I am so sorry to hear that, this must be hard for the boys

Sabastian: well not really, they moved on when they got their sister

Diego: well it is a shame, I really did needed Gustavo here

Sabastian: So, you said you needed help, what's going on

Then suddenly Diego takes Sabastian to a closet, looking around for cameras.

Diego: it's happening again

This shocks Sabastian as a old past comes back to haunt them.

Meanwhile back with the Kids, they were at a museum much to fritz warning about bringing Catrina.

As the boys looked around amazed at the ancient artifacts, fritz was looking terrified at the creepy and forbidden ones.

Each one could be a trigger to set catrina's powers on or turn her into a demon.

So he kept her close, Jose goes up to the weapons as Pierre reads facts.

Pierre: did you know that Macau was Europe's first and last colony in China

Fritz: why did you agree to bring her here

Pierre: Macau is home to a remarkable skyscraper

Then Miguel went up to fritz pulling on his shirt.

Miguel: we need to get her out of here before these things attack


Then Jose starts to get annoyed as he snatches the brochure away.

Jose: no body wants to hear dumb facts

Then fritz grabs Jose's shirt

Fritz: why did you bring catrina here, this place is freaking us out, I'm taking her back to the hotel

Jose: you need to let her have some fun for once

Fritz: she doesn't want to have fun, she just wants to read

He points out to catrina reading a book about samurai ghosts.

Jose: you don't know what she wants

Miguel: oh and you know better

Pierre: better then you

Fritz: she's my sister

Jose: don't you mean put sister

Fritz: at least I care about here

As the boys continues to fight, it started to stress catrina out then something started to glow inside her.

Fritz: did it ever acquired to you that maybe you could think what catrina wants

Jose: fine we'll ask her then

Fritz/Jose: catrina

Catrina: ENOUGH

Then catrina got ready scared from the fight, a ultraviolet came from her finger and blasted at the mannequin of Miyamotoad Musashi armor.

Luckily Jose and Pierre didn't see when she caused a blackout.

But when the lights turned out, a shadow of the ultraviolet went in Miyamotoad Musashi's eyes and he begin to move.

Jose: whoa

Pierre: what was that

Miguel: I don't know, maybe a blackout

Fritz goes to catrina as she shakes with worry then the lights came on.

Fritz: are you ok

Catrina: I'm fine

Then suddenly, they heard a low growl, the Miyamotoad Musashi mannequin moved and slices between with his sword.

Miyamotoad Musashi: (warrior scream)

Kids: AH!


Pierre: RUN

the boys ran as fritz grabbed catrina's hand and took her somewhere safe.

Meanwhile with Sabastian and Diego, Diego opens the case revealing a teal diamond.

Diego: it's coming for the zimdingo diamond, we only have midnight til-

Just then the clock struck midnight and they turned to see the clock.

Diego: OH NO

They both making terrified faces and turn to the doors making banging noises as something was trying to burst in.

Diego: we're already too late

Diego takes the suitcase and they both ran when bursting through the doors, a giant golden dragon.

He roared at them as he ran after them.

Sabastian: we need to get it to the golden temple to end this

Diego: ohh, why did Gustavo had to take the diamond

(Flashback to young Diego and Sabastian following young Gustavo to a very old and ancient tree)

Boys: wow

The boys were impressed at it as Gustavo stands heroically, looking at it, he turns around.

Gustavo: impressive, huh guys, now next is to get the zimdingo diamond

He kicks in the bottom of the tree to make a hole.

Gustavo: come on to the forbidden temple

The two boys looked terrified and look at each other, fast forwarding to them tracing in the evergreens temple below and inside the tree.

Then at the end, Gustavo stops then to see up ahead in a dragon's mouth was the zimdingo diamond.

Gustavo: there it is

He rubs his hands greedily as he approaches the diamond, Diego and Sabastian sees a ancient subscription, a warning about taking the zimdingo diamond.

And before he could...

Sabastian: wait! Gustavo i don't think that's a good idea

Gustavo rolls his eyes annoyed.

Gustavo: come on sabby whats the worst that could happen

Sabastian: WAIT!

But he was already too late, Gustavo takes the diamond, holding it as he admires it then something happened...

Gustavo: see what I told you nothing...

Then he heard rumbling as they looked up to see the temple shaking.

Gustavo: happened

And the dragon started ti turn golden and rises up, Diego makes a scared face as he points.


Gustavo and Sabastian turn around to see the dragon roaring at them.

Meanwhile with the kids, they were hiding from the ghost of Miyamotoad Musashi rampage.

He was tearing through the streets looking for them, scaring citizens.

The kids were all hiding in a candy store, as they peeked through the blinds to see if he was still out there.

He slowly turns his head and they went back to hiding.

Fritz: I hope you know this is your fault

Jose: my fault

Fritz: you just had to force her to have fun

Jose: look I just wanted to show my little sister a good, you're the problem, you just wanna keep her from the world when she wants to explore it

Fritz: hey I'm just trying to protect her like a good brother shout

And before the fight could continue any longer, catrina had it.

Catrina: stop it both of you

They both turned their attention to her

Catrina: (sighs)look all I wanted to do was to just read

Fritz: see

Catrina: and i also wanted to spending time with my brothers

They all looked down, feeling guilty

Catrina: look I'm new to this whole sister thing but did both of guys ever think to ask what I want, look if we're going to make it out you need to away your childish competition and work together

Jose/fritz: sorry catrina

Catrina: now we need to find away to get rid of him

Pierre: we could get him to go to the golden temple, the temple is the only place to vanished  spirits

The boys then got together to form a plan while Sabastian was dealing with his own demons.

He and Diego were struggling to get away from the golden dragon.

As it tore holes in the building.

Sabastian/Diego: AH

Then just up ahead, they saw a open elevator.

Sabastian: look...we're gonna make it

Diego smile as his hope goes up then the dragon attacked, Sabastian grabbed on his back.


He sees then flying outside.

Sabastian: DIEGO

Diego tries to save him but the dragon hits him with his tail, slamming him inside the elevator, cutting one of the wire.

Diego gets a flashback of a situation like this.

He Gustavo and Sabastian ran from the dragon but when they see the rope up to the hole to the exit, young Diego smiles but then as he has his hopes up.

The dragon breaks the bridge they were walking on when Gustavo and Sabastian climbed the rope, Diego's eyes open wide in fear as he fell down.

In his POV, Sabastian was calling out his name as Diego reaches out to him as he fell.

Sabastian: DIEGO

Meanwhile back with the kids, they were already luring the ghost.

As Miyamotoad Musashi stealth carefully wandered around for the kids, when behind him was Jose.

Jose: HEY UGLY, over here

Miyamotoad turns around, he roses and chases after Jose.

Each boy takes a turn getting Miyamotoad to chase after them to the temple.

Catrina was about to join when fritz pulls her arm and takes her to a quiet empty building.

Fritz: hey, so how did you..made that monster

Catrina looked guilty when she finally spoke.

Catrina: my powers ignite when I'm scared or stressed

Fritz: so when me and Jose were fighting, you got...

Catrina: scared

Fritz: ok catrina, I didn't know, I'm promise (he takes her hand)

The two were having another family moment when they heard Miyamotoad roe getting louder.

Fritz: come on, we got to go

The two ran when they ran into Miyamotoad.

Fritz/catrina: ah

They screamed when Miyamotoad roared and tries to slice them with his sword.

Fritz: COME ON!

Meanwhile with Diego, he was about to give up when as another flashback plays in his head one where he and is on the ground, 55 feet away from the rope, he could hear Sabastian calling out to him.

Sabastian: Diego (he heard muffle voices) DIEGO, come get up

He goes to see a pile of rocks for him to climb on, they lead up to the rope.

He goes to the wall, he hesitates to climb when...

Sabastian: come on I know you can do it

He gets scared but starts climbing but as he does, he hears the dragon roaring, it was heading his way, so he climbs fast.

He was so scared that he slipped and end up falling.

Diego: (sobs) I can't do it

Sabastian: Diego

Diego looks up at Sabastian.

Sabastian: I know you can do it, you can do it little bro, I believe in you

So Diego climbs again and when the dragon gets closer, he breaks up a rock and hits the dragon's face then he kicks up as digo climbs up to the rope, Sabastian grabs his hand and pulls him out or the tree where the dragon flies up to them only to get hit by a large boulder by Gustavo as he blocks the door.

Sabastian held on tight to Diego as the flamingo shakes in fear.

Gustavo: in a few years it'll return, we have to be prepared when it does

Sabastian: are you kidding me, Diego is traumatized because of you, he could've gotten hurt

Gustavo: come on where's your sense of-

Sabastian: don't even say it! Come on Diego, I'm taking him home and telling mom what you happened

Gustavo: whatever (Gustavo looks at the diamond)

The flashback ended with Diego waking up, he looks around and jumps out for the elevator as the last cable snapped and broke.

He looks outside to see his brother flying on the dragon.

Diego: don't worry Sabastian, I won't let you down

While back with catrina and fritz, they ran inside the temple.

Fritz: there I think we lost him

Just then they heard screaming, they saw it was Miguel's

He ran in the temple.

Fritz: Miguel?, where are the others?

Miguel: they went to the wrong golden temple

On the other side of the city, Jose and Pierre were at the playground that looks like the golden temple.

Jose: this is the golden temple...lame

Fritz: then that must mean Miyamotoad is heading this way

They tried to exit the temple but Miyamotoad was blocking the exit.

Meanwhile with Diego, he was on the tallest skyscraper, waiting for the golden dragon to head his way.

And once he got closer.

He was watching the dragon through some binoculars,

Diego: that's it (whispers) just a little bit closer, NOW

he takes a big leap and jumps on it back, closer to his head.

Sabastian: Diego?

Sabastian looked up at his brother and smiles.

Diego: don't worry Sabastian, I got this

He then grabs on the dragon's mane and pulls it, forcing the dragon to go wherever he wanted.

Diego: time to end this

While with the kids, they were avoiding getting sliced in half by Miyamotoad.

They ran and then Miguel tripped.

Miguel: AH

he looks back to see Miyamotoad slowly heading towards him and raising his sword up.

Miguel flinched and fritz got in front of Miguel to protect him from the hit.

Catrina saw, her fear rises up and something inside her sparked.

Catrina: NO!!

She screamed so loud, she make a sonic raven call.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

and at the same time, Sabastian and Diego were heading to the temple.

Diego: this is it Sabastian

Just as they were about to crash in the temple.

Sabastian: I think this is our stop

They jumped off when Blasting at Miyamotoad vaporizing both the ghost and dragon.

Then after that Catrina fell on the floor, fritz and Miguel were shocked by her power and ran to her.

Fritz: catrina!

They then helped her up as she quickly recovered.

Fritz: how did you do that

Catrina: i don't know

She looks at her brothers as they were smiling at her.

While outside Sabastian and Diego were on the ground, they got up, in shocked of what happened then they both laughed hysterically.

Sabastian: WE DID IT


and on that time, Jose and Pierre came in the temple, they looked around.

Jose: where's the samurai

They see catrina, fritz and Miguel looking at each smiling.

Fritz: he got destroyed at the temple

Jose: woo-hoo

Pierre: we did it

The boys cheered as fritz smiles and looks at catrina.

Fritz: we sure did it

It became dawn, the boys were climbing on the plane to leave.

Fritz was watching catrina read.

Jose: I can't wait till we visit here next time

Pierre: yeah maybe next time, we shouldn't bring catrina, you know for her safety

Just as Sabastian was about to get on, he faces Diego while carrying the case with the zimdingo diamond and they shake hands.

Sabastian: well thanks again for getting the diamond

Diego: thanks....for you know believing in me for all those years supporting me, building me up, thank you for everything

Sabastian: come with me

Diego: what? Oh I don't know Sabastian

Sabastian: I need you with me, to help guide the company

This makes Diego look up with joy.

Sabastian: and besides I could use your help raising the boys

The boys peek out at him, Diego took awhile to think then he takes Sabastian's hand as he hops on board.

Diego: brothers of a feather

Sabastian/Diego: stick together

As they hopped on board, one more flashback plays.

It starts with a young Diego shivering underneath a blanket, next to the fireplace.

Next to him, he sees Sabastian smiling sincerely and sitting besides him while holding two cups of coco.

Sabastian: how you feeling

Diego: I'm sorry Sabastian

Sabastian: hey no sweat little bro accidents happen-

Diego: I mean for what happened at the temple, I'm not brave I wish I was brave like you and Gustavo

He buries his head Sabastian looks worried then he smiles as he pulls him closer, causing Diego to look up.

Sabastian: but you were brave today, you climbed that mountain and kicked that monster in the face, your stripes with come one day, you just have to believe in yourself

This cause to Diego to sit and up and smiles.

Diego: you really think I could be adventurer like Gustavo

Sabastian: of course I do, you just have to believe in yourself little bro

The two have a brother moment when Sabastian puts his fist up.

Sabastian: brothers of a feather

Diego: stick together

Diego pressed his fist against Sabastian's.

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