The demon and the rebel

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Jose: ok do we got everything

Pierre: Compass, radio, check.

Miguel: food (munching)

Miguel walked in eating a bag of chips then realized he finished it.

Miguel: well we did

The boys looked at Miguel with annoyance look then catrina walks up towards them.

The boys were near the submarine in the ocean, getting ready for their next adventure.

Catrina: I'm sorry where are you guys going again

Jose: to discover Atlantis

Pierre: it's all part of uncle Gustavo's discovery

He takes out a book of Atlantis maps written by Gustavo.

Catrina: ok and why am i not coming

Fritz: because we need some some to guard the fort while we gone

Jose: oh come, let her come along

Pierre: she could see the Atlantic City of the sea

Miguel: no way it's too dangerous for a little girl

While Miguel fights with the others, fritz pulls catrina away so he can talk to her privately.

Fritz: and I don't want you to get hurt not after what happened yesterday and besides I don't want the guys to see your power

Catrina: don't you think they should know

Fritz: they wouldn't understand, I'll be back I promise (he cups her hand) just stay here and wait for us to come back

Catrina: (sigh) okay

Fritz smiles then he grabs her shoulders, pulls her towards him and kisses her forehead.

Jose: (yells to fritz) hurry up fritz, let's Onward to adventure!

The three jump into the submarine and fritz looks at catrina and runs, not before waving at her.

As catrina watch the submarine leave, she sits quietly then when she decided to go back home, she started hearing music.

(Cool guitar riff playing)

Catrina: Huh?

She follows where the sound was coming from then as she hears the music getting louder, she follows it behind two bushes and lead her to a old abandoned kids pizza place and as she walks inside, on the strange she sees a teenage blue jay, his hair was in a ponytail and he had a goatee, he had a black leather jacket, white plain t-shirt, skinny jeans and brown boots. He was playing a red and black guitar.

He stopped playing when he saw catrina approaching him.

Catrina: hi I'm sorry, i thought I heard a concert playing in here   

Hector: this is a concert, can't you see my fans

He points over to a small table with a bucket and the mop top to look like it has hair, paper cups with drawn smiles on them, one of them tips over and falls down.

Catrina: oh yeah i see that

She looks back at him, seeing him adjusting his guitar as he plays a different tune.

Catrina: are you in a band

Hector: I am the band

Catrina: oh

He looks around to see that he was by himself

Catrina: where's everyone else

Hector: it's just me today, I thought I could stay and practice early

Catrina: so are you a real band or are you just make believe

Hector: hey we're a real babe, we're called the cot Revolution

Catrina: oh ok, so what time does the concert starts

Hector: in a hour or when the rest of the band gets here, you can stay and wait for a bit if you want, uh

Catrina: catrina

Hector: Hector, so tweety

Catrina: catrina

Hector: what brings you out in the city, I'm afraid I never seen you around these parts

Catrina: I'm-new here, yeah just moved and I'm still try to get used around here

Hector: alright, say there's no point for us to wait here like frogs on a log how would you like come with me to a night on the town? It'll be super cool

Catrina: i don't know, I'm supposed to be waiting for my brothers to return and wouldn't we get in trouble, i mean I was told not to talk to strangers

Hector: oh come on, we're not strangers, we Already know each other and besides think of it as

Catrina: I'm not so sure

Hector: ugh look it will be just a quick painting the town red, we'll be back as soon as you know it ok

He walks outside at the back of the restaurant, she follows him, next to an old dumpster, was something big hidden underneath a red rag. He removes it to reveal a black motorcycle with flames on the front.

He gets on, looks back at her and holds his hand out to her.

Hector: can you trust me

She tries to hesitated at first then realize that riding with a older kid could be worst then waiting for her brothers return.

So she takes it and jumps on the back. He takes a helmet and puts it on her.

Hector: hang on

She holds on tight to him, wrapping her arms around his waist as he drove really fast, her heart was racing fast but she liked it, she then popped her head off from his back and was amazed to see how beautiful the city was.

Catrina: wow

Hector: see what your missing out on

She then gets on his back to get a bigger look and sees bright lights, a water fountain display and people having a great time, she never felt happier like this before.

They then went into a wall, he grabbed spray paint and together they drew some graffiti on the wall, he drew a bird skull and catrina drew a beautiful picture of a blue bird with a ribbon, spreading its wing beautifully, he was impressed.

Hector: whoa you can draw

Catrina: yep

He smiles then they took off again, he took her to a ice cream parlor when she had the biggest one and ate it really fast, they sneak in to see a horror movie, then he drove to a piece of board and they felt in the air, catrina like the felt of breeze blowing through her hair and when they landed, he drift next to a junkyard.

Catrina: woo ok that was amazing

Hector: you don't get out much do ya

She gets this rushed feeling from the excitement like her powers were in control, the blue jay then gets off.

Hector: well I'm glad you're having fun cause we got one more party to go to

Catrina: what's that

He turns his head and they both see a junkyard.

They walk up to the entrance to a junkyard, it was nightfall.

Once they we're inside, catrina was not all impressed when she saw that it was just an empty junkyard filled with tires and broken down cars.

Catrina: so where's the party

Hector: this is the party

Catrina: this is the party?

Hector: yep

Catrina: so when those it start

Hector: come on, you meant to tell me that you never been to a junkyard party before

Catrina: I've never been anywhere before

Hector: oh well don't you think it's about time you did, I could show you around

He puts his hand out in front of her like he did the first time, her tail twitch as it was a sign of her magic self telling her not to trust him.

But then when she saw the glimpsing moonlight reflecting on his eyes, she knew she could trust him
So she takes his hand again.

Catrina: ok

And for the first time, catrina felt that she could be normal around someone until...

They started party music playing in the background and on the other side of the junkyard, they saw a light glowing.

Catrina: Huh, what is that

Catrina let's go of his hand and walks towards the strange light, the blue jay heads first.

Hector: don't know let's check it out shall we me lady

He does a little curtsy and walks towards the strange sound, catrina follows and her tail starts to twitch even more as she felt a illness in her stomach.

Then she saw something, she saw on a rusty broken down car, a strange symbol: it was a cat's paw print and in the middle of the palm was a cat's eye.

She went over to touched as she felt that she's seen that symbol.

Catrina: Huh hey I've seen that symbol before, why those that symbol look familiar

Then all over done other cars with nine tally marks...then what she saw next spooked her.

Catrina: (gasp)

She saw that bear the light was a bonfire and lots of ally cat's dancing, yelling, screaming and laughing.

Some were rocking to the music and some were roughhousing each other, fighting each other, arm wrestling.

It didn't take long for catrina to realize who they were, when the leader climbed on to of them hood of a old 50s car.

Catrina: (gasp) it's the nine lives gang

The nine live gang were ally cats that were known for eating birds that cross their territory and just got the fun of it, they were once too crime boss of the city until Gustavo stopped them and put them in their place.

The leader was named killer, he was a orange striped stray cat he wore a red leather jacket, black shirt, brown trousers with boots

And a three scar on his right eye as he faced his gang when he whistle to get their attention.


Killer: gentlemen, today we gather around as we celebrate our takeover battle on this wretched town

Catrina felt her fear rising when she saw that they were surrounded by an army of cats.

Catrina: (whimpering)

She bumps into Hector who seemed calm about it, she grabbed his arm and he looks down at her to see his scared she was.

Catrina: this is the nine live territory

Hector: (snickering) I know right isn't this awesome

Catrina: no these guys are the most dangerous criminals in town, they eat anyone who gets caught in their territory, we need to get out of here now

Hector: oh relax cat, nothing bad is gonna happen to us

Killer: for years they torment us, mocked us, treated our kind like savage animals

(Yelling, arguing)

Killer: but not anymore, the time has gone got the blue moon to rise, the year of the cats will rise, today it's just the small neighborhood then tomorrow THE CITY

Everyone cheered as catrina felt her magic activating.

And she didn't wanted to stay around to scare her new friend away by her magic.

Catrina: ok we need to get out of here now

She quickly ran but then bumped into a big black grayish furry and wore a brow coat and he looked furious when looked down at catrina.

Bruiser: (growling)

Catrina: (whimpering)

Then when she backed away, the leader came behind her and grabbed her by her shirt, hosting her up.

Catrina: AH

killer: well well well, what g do I we have here someone's here for dinner

Catrina: (gasp)

Hector: uh oh

The rest of the cars gathered around as the leader held up catrina, not focusing on Hector as he tried to back away.

Catrina felt terrified when she knew what was going to happen next.

Killer: looks like we're having dinner tonight boys (evil laughing)

Nine live gang: (evil laughing)

As the leader and his gang closed in around catrina, having their claws and teeth out, getting ready to eat her.

Catrina: (screaming) AH

she felt her magic growing but before they could hurt her, a rock hit the back of the leader's head.

Killer: (thud) AH, what the-

They all turned around to see Hector on top of a pile of tires holding a old hockey stick, hiding in the shadows from them.

Hector: leave the lady alone

He threw more rocks at them as the leader dropped catrina.


Catrina: ugh

She got up to see him pointing the ext for her.


Killer: get him

Half of the nine lives ran after Hector as on gray butcher cat saw catrina running away.

Butcher: hey our dinner's getting away

Killer: get her two, Get 'em both!

As catrina run, she turned to see more ally cats gaining after her.

Catrina: (pasting) AH!!!

but as she ran for her live, her fear ignited her power, causing the ground to shake and a pile of tires to tumble and fall on the ally cats.

Ally cats: ah!!!

when she finally escaped, she turned around and was petrified to see her magic growing stronger.

Catrina: (screams) AH

she tried to take calming breaths to ease her magic down, hoping her new friend didn't see.

Hector: whoa

Catrina: (screams) AH!!!

she turned around to see him standing behind her, she hopped he didn't see her.

Catrina: I'm so sorry, I can explain

Hector: that was so cool, pushing those tires down was the perfect escape plan

Catrina: i-really

Hector: yeah, maybe your not as little as you think kit, you're smarter then you look

She calmed down as she realized he didn't know.

Catrina: thanks can we get out of here before something bad happens, it's getting late and I need to get home bec-

Hector: home but why the night is young, come follow me

Catrina: ugh

Meanwhile back with the boys, they were exploring the sea, searching for Atlantis, while everyone was occupied, fritz was distraught as he thought about catrina.

Fritz: (sigh)

Jose: you okay fritz

Fritz: (sigh) I'm just worried about catrina

Pierre: she's a tough girl, I'm sure she can take care of herself

Fritz: I just hope she's going ok

In a playground, Hector was swinging up and down while next to him, catrina was looking down with the blues.

Hector: You totally made a clown out of those cats,

Catrina: yeah thanks

Hector: hey why the king face we got away from them

Catrina: we could've got killed

Hector: but did we, no no we didn't

Catrina: look i just want to go home, my brothers are probably worried about me

Hector: ugh, ok what is the deal with your brothers, you act like they're your own family

Catrina: well they can be overprotective around me, including fritz

Hector: he sounds like a stubborn guy

Catrina: he is, but he loves me and they just want to keep me safe

She got up and walked over to the teeter-totter and sits down.

Catrina: they just want to protect me from people

Hector then walks over and sits down next to her.

Hector: your not like all other girls are you

Catrina:....(sigh) no you can say that...I'm different

Hector: well I like different

She looks up at him then smiles, he returns the smile back but then she smile faded when she remembered her powers.

And the last time she talked to someone who was nice to her.

Catrina: look there's something you should know about me

Hector: sure what is it

But before she could tell him, they suddenly heard a noise.


Catrina/Hector: (gasp)

Catrina: what was that

Hector: don't kniw follow me, they climbed up a slide and lower their heads, they slowly took a peek to see the nine live gang returning.

Catrina: (gasp)

Hector: shh

Then the leader came out, looking fierce.

Killer: come on, they ran to here, they could've gone far, I want my dinner

Catrina backed away as she started to shake in fear, Hector saw how scared she was. So he grabbed her hand, she looks down and it calmed her waves.

Hector: ok Wait right here.

He carefully sneaks out, sneaks behind them and throws a stick to a different direction, drawing their attention.

Blitzer: quickly I heard them, they went this way

The group make their way to the bait, while Hector smiled at his accomplishment and quickly climbed back up to catrina.

Hector: did you see that tweety, you don't need brothers when you got friends like me

Catrina: (giggling)

They were having a moment when they smiled at each other then catrina looked and her smiled turned to a distraught scream.


Hector: huh (thud) ugh

He turned around only to get knower by a large cat's hand, while he was knocked out, one cat with a part of his ear missing and and one with a bandaged tail gagged catrina and tied her.

Catrina: (muffling)

Moments later, Hector woke up to find himself back at the nine lives territory, tied up.

Hector: (moaning) huh (grunts)

He tries to struggle himself free.

Killer: well look who finally woke up

He saw the gang of cats surrounding him, then he saw the leader hiding in the shadows then he saw catrina tied next to the butcher cat.

Killer: (evil chuckles) you know, you know gave us quiet a trouble night

He walks up to catrina and lifts her beak with his two furry fingers.

Killer: I mean all we wanted to do was to have you for dinner, and since you two aren't going anywhere, you're both on the menu tonight

Catrina: (gasp) AH

catrina felt her power begin to rise then the leader turned to Hector.

Killer: and since you won't let us eat you, we'll eat your friend first

Catrina: no!

Killer: yes

Then her fear turned to anger, as her felt scared for the leader getting close to Hector, pawing his claws up at his chin.

Catrina: no!

Killer: yes (slicks lips)

Then then he was about to scratch his face, catrina clutches her fist, a violet glows around her fist, her anger boiled through her veins.

Catrina: NO!!!

The ally cats then felt true ground starting to shake, her hair flew in the air and she started to levitated.

Cat 1: huh

Cat 6: whoa

Butcher: huh boss

Killer: huh

They turned around to see her flying in the air, her eyes glared and turned blue and her pupils turned all the way white.

The cats were terrified by her storm as Hector look up by his surprised, mazed by her unique power.

Hector: huh

Then her anger made her create a giant blue ball.

Catrina: LEAVE...HIM....ALONE!!!!! (Banshee scream)

She then screamed at them, throwing the blue ball at them, it hit them like a windy storm.

After that all the cats ran, killer fell back then quickly got on his feet and pounced away.

After the storm cleared, she stopped being angry and calmed down, she levitated back down and her eyes turned back to normal.

Hector was surprised by her magic by the time, she got back to normal, she realized that Hector saw her magic.

She saw the look in his eyes when the storm cut himself free, the look that one look in his eyes, it had her feel scared but then....

Hector: oh kit

She looks down in shame when ge approached her.

Catrina: Héctor i can explain

Hector: why didn't you tell me, that was...

She was getting ready for him to attack her but instead got something else.

Hector: that was amazing

Catrina: i-really

She looked at him, surprised that he wasn't scared of her power.

Hector: yeah are you magical or some sort of sorcerer

Catrina: no-i-I'm-im a demon

She looked away so she wouldn't see the panic look on his face.

Hector: really that's so cool

Catrina: really you don't think I'm some sort of freak

Hector: are you kidding

He crosses his arms and smirks at her.

Hector: if it weren't for your magic we would've been dinner for that-that pussy cat, your magic saved us

She smiled for she finally found someone who wasn't afraid of her or understood her magic.

Hector: how did you do that

Catrina: well my magic is caused by my emotions, when someone I care is in danger, my angry creates a storm

Hector: wow that's so cool, your pretty amazing then I thought

She smiled at him, and when they were having a moment....

Fritz: catrina!!!!

She heard her brothers calling out for her. She looks back then to Hector as she ran.

Catrina: i got to go now, it was nice meeting you and thanks for the great night

Hector: sure thing but hey

Catrina: yeah

Hector: will you take on my offer of taking you out

She thought about it and she thought now that he isn't afraid of her true self, and accepts her for who she is, she trusts him.

Catrina: i Love too

Hector: (he smiles) will I see you again

Catrina: i live in the mascarne mansion

She rubs off as he was shocked.

Hector: so what your a billionaire

She runs out of the junkyard and found her brothers looking for her, it started to turn dawn.

Fritz: catrina?

Catrina: hey guys

She waves at them, fritz ran to her and hugs her tightly, then he lets go as he holds her shoulders.

Fritz: where were you

Catrina: oh i just made a new friend

She looks back at the junkyard, it had her think of Hector.

Fritz: well whoever they are, they better be good to you, come on

He wraps his arm around her shoulder and they walk her back to the mansion.

Jose: we'll tell you all about our adventure today in the Atlantis city

Back at the junkyard, Hector looks outside, thinking about catrina, then he turns around.

Hector: she's gone you can come out now

Killer: (evil chuckles) aw what's the matter, going soft on us

The nine lives returned, crawling out of the shadows and surrounding Hector.

Hector: oh shut up, I had to do something to get her to like me and besides I did what you wanted me to do, I'm in

Killer: good now on to phase 2 (evil laughter)

The other cats laughing along. As the blue bird smiles sinisterly.

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