In the heart of the sea

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In the mascarne mansion, catrina was sitting on a bed, moving her eyeballs left and right as the screen zooms out or Miguel and fritz looking at her.

Miguel was still puzzled about yesterday as he examines catrina.

Miguel: so she's a demon

Fritz: NO!!! (Sigh) we discuss this already, she's just magical and special

Miguel: oh, hmm and you say her magic is triggered by her emotions

Fritz: yes

Miguel: oh so what happens if you're sad

Catrina: a storm of bad memories, also it rains

Miguel: oh well what happens when you're angry

Catrina: i transform into a demon and a demon emerges inside me and attacks

Miguel: ok so what happens when you get scared

Catrina: a demon is summoned by my shadow

Miguel: wow

Catrina: but sometimes I have trouble with controlling my powers

Miguel felt bad about her when he sat down to comfort her.

Miguel: it must be hard to control your powers

Fritz: that is why we're here to help and hide her from the others Right

Miguel: right

Just then Jose and Pierre came in, scaring the three.

Miguel/fritz: AH

Jose: guys we're needed somewhere

Fritz: what's wrong

Pierre: it's cousin Arthur, he needs us

[Theme song plays.]

They all were in the family submarine, Gunter was driving them, the boys were looking out the window admiring the ocean.

Catrina: ok so who is Arthur

The boys looked at catrina, forgetting that catrina came along.

Fritz: oh catrina forgot that you were new to the family, Arthur is out cousin and he's uncle Gustavo's head of research and development and nephew

Gunter: ok guys we're here

They all turned to see a octopus shaped underwater lab.

Catrina: wow

Once they entered inside, catrina looks around amazed by it.

Catrina: your cousin Arthur must be the smartest scientist in the world

Fritz: he is but he's Also-well he's bit

She wanders off then when she turns around a red hair woodpecker popped out in front of her, hanging upside down.

Arthur: hi there

Catrina: AH

she was startled by him as he smiled at her.

Fritz: weird and strange

Arthur: hi-whoa

He then fell on the floor in front of her.

Arthur: (groans) sorry about that I was just testing out my new robotics boots

She looks up as he points to two orange futuristic robotic boots stuck on the ceiling.

The woodpecker wore a blue turtleneck, glasses, white lab coat, black slacks and brown shoes.

Fritz: catrina this is cousin Arthur

As Arthur dust himself off, he glanced at catrina then he bend down to get a closer look at her, then adjusted his glasses when he examined her.

Arthur: who's this, new friend boys

Everyone gathered around catrina, grabbing her shoulders.

Jose: Arthur thud is catrina our new sister, she's a new member of the family

Arthur: oh well nice to meet you catrina

He shakes her hand rapidly then he reaches to his pocket and takes out a candy and hands it to her.

Arthur: candy

Fritz and Miguel made a panic look as they pulled her away.

Fritz/Miguel: NO!!!!

It startled Arthur then he eats the candy.

Arthur: ohh ok

He then turns around to go to the downstairs lab.

Arthur: come key me show you around

Catrina: so what we're you doing up on the celling

Arthur: oh besides testing my robotic boots, I was trying out my new theory

Catrina: what was that

Arthur: head rush

Catrina made a confusing look when fritz leaned in to whisper,

Fritz: (whispering) he was dropped on his head when he was a baby

Miguel: don't ask

Downstairs catrina saw mechanical animals flying around, she saw a mechanic jellyfish, steam engine Rabbit and a majestic robotic blue macaw.

Catrina: wow

She then saw him tinkering with another gimmick.

Arthur: if you think that's amazing, check this out

She was him using the screwdriver and then he Carrie's something and throws it in the air, it was a Turaco bird.

While catrina, fritz and Miguel were busy watching the bird fly, Jose and Pierre sneaks out and quickly ran upstairs into Gustavo's old study room.

Inside Jose opens some cabinets and starts flipping through some files.

Pierre: are you sure we're supposed to be in here, I mean isn't this breaking in

Jose: we're not breaking in, we're just looking around and besides we need to find more information about our family

Pierre: but didn't uncle Gustavo tell us not to come in here

Jose: well uncle Gustavo is gone and I think it's about time we find knew about mom and don't you want to know what happened to our parents

Pierre: Well, sure, but...I just think it's wrong and we'll shouldn't we tell the others

Pierre: besides what could we possibly want to know? Shoe sizes or horrible dark secrets known only to our Uncle that could change the fate of the world as we know it?

Jose: look we know nothing about our mom and the only person who know about mom, was uncle Gustavo and he's gone now? And our only chance is to find any files about here and the only files uncle Gustavo keeps is in his study room in an underwater lab

Pierre: how do we even know that he's even have a whole file on mom?

Jose: well we got to try, I've been looking into our family's past for years now but there's nothing, have it ever accrued to you that there was no one amount of evidence of her No photos, no records. How uncle Gustavo never talks about her when we bring it up, or anything about her existence

Pierre: Maybe he's trying to protect us? So who can we ask that knows a lot about our family

He smiled as he got a idea.

Jose: come follow me, I know where to look

Back downstairs, catrina was admiring the wacky scientist as he was playing with his inventions.

Arthur: you know I been in a lot of adventures with your uncle, El Dorado, Peru, the Amazon jungle, has uncle Gustavo ever told you about me

Catrina then makes a sad look.

Catrina: no I barely even meet him

Arthur: oh well you know how he is with work and stuff

Fritz and Miguel stand next to her, hugging her shoulders as she continues to look down.

Fritz: didn't you hear, uncle Gustavo's dead

Arthur mouth opened Ashe was shocked in fear and sadness.

Arthur: oh no I'm sorry to hear about that

The moment was silence as sadness then Arthur tried to lighten the mode.

Arthur: say you want to something really cool

Catrina: sure

Arthur: then follow me

He skips happily to an elevator while the brothers went to have moment with each other.

Once they were in the elevator, she sees how excited he is when he jumps up and down then he pulls on a lever.

Arthur: hang on

The elevator went to super sonic speed as it had gravity lifting them up.

Catrina: AH

he then stops to a strange room, the door opens, catrina was on the floor as Arthur rushes inside excitedly.


Catrina: ugh, huh

When she walks in the room, she sees a picture of a giant shark's fin, anatomy facts and pictures of a large shark, a 7.48 shark tooth.

Catrina: is that-

Arthur: (squealing) yes (normal) the megalodon, the largest shark in the world that lived up to two million years ago

Catrina: but aren't they-haven't they gone extinct

Arthur: all but this one, you see it happened last night when I was doing some late night experiments

(Flashback plays to Arthur writing on a clipboard)

When all of a sudden. There was this loud crash.

Arthur: whoa

I went to the window to see what it was, and there I saw it.

Arthur: (gasp)

The megalodon attacking one of my computer controlling submarines.

The giant shark swam off in a hurry.

(Flashback ends to Arthur holding to its tooth that it left behind).

Arthur: I been researching it, hunting it down so I can get proof of it,  and you're gonna help me

Catrina: me but how

Arthur: oh I'll show you, come

He runs downstairs, Back with Jose, He had lead Pierre to the downstairs basement.

Pierre: What is this place?

Jose: the forbidden basement of the lab and like a private library to uncle Gustavo If there's info about our family, it's in here.

Pierre: maybe it's forbidden for a reason

Jose: oh Pierre relax, if it was forbidden someone would've stopped us

Back in the lab, Arthur was typing on some keyboards and outside the lab, whale music was playing, sending vibrations to the ocean.

Catrina: ok so what are we doing

Arthur: well a megalodon's favorite food is a whale, we uses the whale sounds to bring it over here

Catrina: ok and then what

Arthur: then you'll used your magic to trap

Catrina made a terrifying look as she realized I'm horror that he knew about her powers.

Carina: wha-I

Arthur: don't worry I'm sure you'll do great

He then grabs her shoulders and walks her to the window.

Arthur: now you stand here and keep watch and remember the megalodon is the size of a school bus so it shouldn't be too hard to find

Nervously, catrina looks through the glass while back in the basement.

The boys were pulling out cobweb cabinets and sorting through files.

Pierre: So what do you think really happened to mom and dad? Do you think mom was really an adventurer? Or a explorer

Jose: don't know but there's got to be something in here that'll tell us more about her or dad, ok Pierre let's just focus on finding more about them, you start with the family history while I try to find out parents birth certificate or any crucial evidence about them

While the brothers searched through file right behind them was danger.

A shadowy figure rises up then disappeared.

Meanwhile, in the lab, catrina was getting board with waiting on the megalodon.

She and Arthur were waiting patiently when she decided to break the ice, still puzzled about how he knew about her magic.

Carina: so Arthur

Arthur: yeah

Catrina: how do you know about my magic

Arthur: well yesterday when I was off from work, I went to get an ice cream cone when I saw you in that demon form, I knew you were magic so that's why I had called you

Catrina: but doesn't it bother you that I'm magic

Arthur: (ptth) what no, I think what you have is a gift

Catrina: (mumbles) or a curse

Things started to get awkward.

Catrina: (ahem) so tell me about yourself, what did I you do for uncle Gustavo

Arthur: well I made a quick discovery of how to communicate with sea creatures, got a novel prize for writing this piece on blowfishes and I have another lab at the lighthouse, you know that lighthouse by the seashores

Catrina: yeah

Arthur: yep that's me, I've such amazing

Arthur was smiling as ge though about his accomplishments but then he frowns sadly.

Arthur: but it can be hard for me to interact with other people when all they see as-

Catrina: strange

He was stunned as he knew catrina understood him.

Arthur: yeah

Catrina: well believe it or not I know what it's like to feel like outcome to others

Arthur: I wish uncle Gustavo was here

Catrina walks up to him and touches his hand to comfort him.

Catrina: me too

The two were having a tender moment as Arthur smiled then he got up.

Arthur: well we got a shark to find

Down in the basement, things were turning fir the worst.

Jose: ugh there's got to be some tiny piece of information on our parents?

Pierre: maybe Gustavo is trying to protect us from the truth

Jose: what could he be hiding

Pierre: maybe he thought we might not be ready to handle the truth, maybe we're not strong enough, It is not for us to understand the truth but to...

Jose: handle it well

Pierre: look let's just go, we already tried and found nothing

Jose: whoa gonna stop us, the ghost of uncle Gustavo, cousin Arthur

Jose continues to look through the files when Pierre touches his shoulders to comfort him, then he looks up and makes a terrifying face.

Pierre: uh no but he might

Jose: huh?(gasp)

Jose looks to see a alluring blue neon glow, it was shaped like eel without any electricity, had the face on an anglerfish and had a vicious face glaring at them.

the two boys got up slowly, trying to get away from it without alerting it.

Sea demon: (roaring)

Jose/Pierre: AH

The demon charged at them, while downstairs Miguel and fritz were holding on to each other mourning over Gustavo when something swam outside the glass, then it happened again.

Miguel: huh

Miguel hit up to the glass, he looked deep outside then a large mouth rammed into the glass causing the octo-lab to shake.


Miguel: AH

fritz: whoa

Catrina looks up as she saw the lab shake.

Catrina: (gasp)

Arthur turns around and smiles.

Arthur: it's here

He quickly rubs into the other side of the lab where the boys were.

Boys: (screaming)

They were holding on to each other when they saw him come in.

Fritz: it's a giant shark

Arthur: (hysterical) I know (laughing) the megalodon

Fritz: what? But haven't those gone extinct

Arthur: all but this one and I'm going to catch it

Boys: what?


Arthur turns around smiling at him, giving them a answer.

Miguel: he's cousin Arthur what did you expect

In the basement, Jose and Pierre tried to get away from the demon that was chasing them.

Boys: AH!!!

Sea demon: (hissing)

Jose: what is that thing

A book marked rare and magical creatures fell on Pierre's face, he opened it and found a character about the beast that was chasing them.

Pierre: it's a rare blue Konra, a preying assassin fiend, a sea demon if you will Williston guard anything for anyone who ever manages to master its stare

Jose: oh great so you're saying we're dead

Pierre: now I can see why this place is forbidden

In the main lab, the megalodon was attacking the octo-lab tearing it to shreds.

Fritz: Are you insane? Arthur, that shark is one of the deadliest and dangerous predators in the ocean

Arthur: to prove that it exists, I just need some prove

He pulls out a camera then he takes out a walkie-talkie.

Arthur: No catrina

Upstairs catrina stared at the glass.

Catrina: (gasp)

Then she pulls out the walkie-talkie as she was listening to Arthur.

Arthur: (over walkie-talkie) we'll distract it while you conjure a net and catch it

Catrina ended up the call when she looked down at the gigantic shark, she hands shakes in fear as she felt that same fear from when fritz was yelling at her.

Catrina: (shivering)

While In the basement, the boys hid behind a tall bookshelf, they thought they got away from the beast.

Jose: (pasting) I think we lost it

But then it popped out of the shelves, knocking down more books.

Sea demon: (growling)

Boys: (screaming) AH

Pierre: GUESS NOT!!!!

Pierre grabbed his brother's hand and ran in a different direction, while Arthur, fritz and Miguel were keeping the megalodon distracted.

It was starting to break the glass, Arthur tries to keep it in one place by getting its attention while catrina makes a net.

But up the stairs, catrina held her hands up and as she tries to focus and create a net with her mind, she was having trouble summoning her magic.

Arthur: whoa

Catrina: (grunts)

Arthur: catrina hurry

Catrina: I'm trying, ugh the only time I need my magic

Back with Jose, they then came across a wall.

Jose: this way Over here!

Pierre: (pasting)

Boys: (gasp)

They turned back but saw that the demon was trapping them.

Pierre: looks like this is a dead end

Catrina uses her strength to make some kind of net but nothing happened, she then gave up.

Catrina: i can't do it

Then at the same time, when Jose and Pierre backed up away from the best, catrina looks down to see the megalodon breaking the glass more and her brothers were scared and in danger.

Sea demon: (hissing)

Boys: (shivering)

Catrina: (gasp)

Then something inside her sparked, Jose and Pierre then both fell into a large hole in the floor.

Pierre: whoa

Jose: ah

When Pierre fell, he pulled on José's arm, dragging him down.

Boys: AH

catrina felt angry for the giant prehistoric shark for threatening her family, her pupils turned blue, she levitated up in the air, a strange blue light glowed around her and at the top of her lungs.


she sent a purple wave at the megalodon.

Arthur: whoa

Boys: (gasping) the three watched as the blast came form catrina flew at the shark, eradicating it, until it was bones.

After the shark was turned into bones, catrina levitated back down and she was harmed by her own powers, she laid unconscious on the ground.

Fritz: catrina!!

Fritz and Miguel ran to catrina, fritz bend down and placed her hand on his lad and he gently rubs her forehead.

Arthur walks next to him after witnessing her magic, fritz and Miguel realized in horror that Arthur knew.

Arthur: wow that was amazing

Fritz/Miguel: (gasp)

Arthur: but that was different from what I saw yesterday

Fritz: wait you knew about her powers

Catrina: (groans)

Catrina woke up from her comma as she flutters her eyes open.

Arthur: but don't worry I won't tell anyone

He zips his lips and covers his mouth teasing, catrina smiles but then she realized she evaporated the shark.

Carina: (gasp) the shark? I am so sorry that I destroyed the Meg

Arthur: ah it's okay, thanks to you I have enough proof to the world that it exist, thank you

He smiles at her, she smiles back then Fritz turns to catrina and picks her up.

Fritz: come on let's go home

So they headed to the main entrance where Gunter was waiting for them.

Meanwhile with Jose and Pierre, they were riding down the strange tunnel.

Boys: (screaming) ah!!!

Until it got them to a strange place, they landed out of there hole and on to a strange floor.


Jose: oh

Pierre: ugh

When they got up, they were surprised to see that they were in the secret library.

Jose: (gasp)

Pierre: (adjusted his glasses) whoa, is that what I think it is

Jose: yep uncle Gustavo's secret library

Pierre: that explains why he's always going to the basement

Jose: yep, it was a secret entrance to the secret library, thus must be where he keeps our family's history

In the submarine, as Gunter drove them home, fritz had leaned catrina against his shoulders for her to comfort.

Then she realized that they forgot Jose and Pierre.

Catrina: Wait, what about Jose and Pierre

Fritz: oh don't worry about them, I'm sure cousin Arthur will give them a ride home

Jose and Pierre were wandered together in the library, Pierre was excited to be surrounded by knowledge of books written by their uncle and things he wrote about his adventures.

He started taking books.

Pierre: The collective mysteries of el dorado ! A oceanology sea creature studies of Atlantis!

Jose: Pierre we need to dove, we need to find anything about our family history

Pierre: well how do we know it's even here

Jose: well this is the secret library and if anyone knows about out family it would be uncle Gustavo and he mainly spends his time in here

Sabastian: you're correct

Boys: huh?

They turned to see that Sabastian was sitting on a chair reading a personal journal about Gustavo.

Jose: Sabastian, you must know something about our parents

He puts down the book as he looks down at the two boys.

Sabastian: What do you know about your mom?

Jose: uhh nothing much but that she died from cancer and uncle Gustavo never talks about her anymore

Sabastian: what would you two like to know about your family

Jose/Pierre: anything

He smiles as the boys were determined to learn the truth.

Then they see him, opening up a night stand and takes out a red book.

Sabastian: I think it's time you boys need to know the truth about your family

He hands them the book, Jose takes it.

Sabastian: this is your mom's diary

When Jose opens the book, he sees a picture of Erica wearing a explorer expedition outfit standing on a rock smiling.

Jose/Pierre: Mom

The boys looked at each other then started flipping through the pages.

Jose: dear diary today we crushed Mount Everest, our client is going to glad to hear that we got the gem, Why would uncle Gustavo keep this from us?

Pierre: look

He points out to the date on the top right corner.

Pierre: this happened on the day when we were born, we need to tell this to fritz and Miguel

Pierre ran to get their brothers but then Jose grabbed his arm stopping him as something caught his eye.

Jose: Wait. What's this?

They both look to see another page.

Jose: he's getting stronger, smarter and more dangerous, and Gustavo won't do anything about it, I have to take charge now, I'm sorry Gustavo but it's what's best for you, the boys, our family, our client and I'm sorry but I've gone to protect open ocean

Pierre: Wait, who was getting stronger and she seemed worried about something and what was project open ocean? Do you think that's the project Ricardo was taking about, did mom and uncle Gustavo get into trouble

Jose didn't want to read anymore, he closed the book.

Jose: We can't tell the others about this until we find more about the truth

Pierre: but what about the fritz and Miguel

Jose: Pierre you have to promise that you will not speak a word to this to them

Pierre: not even catrina

Jose: especially catrina, I don't want her to feel any worst then she already has

Pierre saw how concerned Jose was.

Pierre: (sigh) alright I won't tell

Jose: good let's go

They went to find the exit while back at the long ride home, fritz was still thinking about what happened to catrina back there.

Fritz: hey catrina


She was sleeping against his shoulders.

Fritz: what happened back there

She opened her eyes in realization then gets up.

Catrina: sometimes when I use my powers I can have a hard summoning then but then when I get overwhelmed by my emotions, they end getting out of control and my powers can hurt me sometimes

Fritz: why?

Catrina: i don't know

She went to back to sleeping on his shoulders, fritz held on to her, feeling her warmth but he then felt that when she goes on their adventures together, he's only putting her in danger, if having unstable powers wasn't good enough, he had to keep her hidden from the town.

He looks up at Miguel as he was giving him a worried.

So that's what ge was going to do, he was going to keep her a home where it was safe.

Meanwhile at the old skyline building, in the ruble, a hand popped out.


Like a zombie rising from the dead, an old foe was rising out from the ruble.

It was Ricardo, he was back and ready for revenge, he was angry, thirsty for bloody revenge, his clothes burned and tore from the collapsing building.

Ricardo: (wheezing) (pasting) (grunts)

he then looks up at the mascarne mansion that was miles and miles away, he walks up mindlessly towards the mascarane brothers.

He had unfinished business to attend.

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