The first adventure

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The Episode begins with a seagull flying across the sky and to a harbor of ships, in the Cabo San Lucas harbor

Bird: [Caws]

Sailor #1: Hey!

Sailors #2: Eh!

Sailor #3: Go!

Deep in the city of Mexico, In the mascarene Mansion, four adventurous and naughty parrots were causing mischiefs, in their uncles mansion

Gustavo: Ahhhhhh!

A rich raptor in a brown suit was too busy doing some paperwork, then to control his crazy, wild and his only nephews who are the heir to his company

They were playing gun fight with a nerf guns and were jumping around in his office, dropping valuable odjects

José: C'mon! Hold still avunculus Gustavo, you are messing up my aim

José was a Scarlet macaw, he loves adventure and the eldest of his brothers, his egg hatched first

Gustavo: ugh

He was standing on top of his uncle's head, as he was avoiding his brother fritz

Fritz was a Sun Parakeet, he sometime has a bit for a anger problem but is very strong and has a soft spot for cute and innocent things

José: haha, you'll never catch me

Fritz was trying to shot him if only he wasn't using his uncle as a human shield

Fritz: avunculus Gustavo, get out of the way, you're ruining my aim

Gustavo: ugh, José, fritz, Get off of me right now

He picks them both up by their shirts

Gustavo: Wak! Ouch!

Miguel comes jumping into him hitting his head and knocking him down

Miguel: bonum mane, avunculus Gustavo

Miguel was a monk parakeet, very silly, messy, funny, and loves to eat a lot

Pierre comes chasing at him

Pierre was a crimson rosella, he is very smart, likes to read and is a big lover of  science

But what these brothers have in common is that they all love to solve a mystery

Pierre: I got you now Miguel

As he gets ready to shot him, Miguel moves and he accidentally spills his coffee on his suit

Gustavo: My uniform! ANTONELLA

Boys: uh oh

They all backed away as he gets up ready to spank them, a Black-billed Magpie maid with a English accent came in

Antonella: Good morning mr. mascarene

He picks the four parrots by their shirts and hands them to her

Gustavo: please get rid of these abominationem

Antonella: yes sir

He drops the boys and they all run laughing in the hall

Gustavo: ugh, these pueri are going to be the death of me, I should've gotten some girls

Just then his phone ring and it was his advisor  calling

Ring, ring, ring

Gustavo: Huh, ugh what now

Ring, ring, ring

Gustavo: Salve Sebastian

He turns on the tv and a toucan appears

Sebastian: and a hello to you too

Gustavo: whats going on Sebastian, I'm in the middle of something

He looks around to find his office a wreck

Sebastian: I see, I just wanted you to know that we're having a little trouble at the skyline company

He hits his face

Gustavo: ugh, what could be worst then babysitting a bunch of annoying proelia concitantur Kids

He leaned in and gives him a worried look

Sebastian: it's him

Suspense music plays

Gustavo: I'll be there

Sebastian: I'll see you at 3 and you might not want to bring the boys, you know what he is lije with helpless children

Gustavo: well he's not going to like these children

He took the four parrots in his gold limousine, the boys were in the back jumping around as Gustavo drive while talking

Sebastian: so tell me again, why you're bringing the kids

Gustavo: because the babysitter i hired, got the wrong address! Apparently crazy old bird

He looks at Miguel as he gives him a mischievous smile

Michael: hehehe

Gustavo: and Antonella has lots of errands to run, so I have to keep an eye on them

Sebastian: ok well I'll be sure to have security keep an eye on them

Gustavo: don't be these little monstras can take care of themselves

Sebastian: ok well I just alert them just in case

Gustavo: see you there Sebastian

Sebastian: vale Gustavo

He adjusts his mirror to see the boys sitting down

Gustavo: ok since I cannot leave you boys alone for one minute, I have to bring you with me to work, pueri (sighs) we've all got to do things we don't want to do, I have some things to take care at work and I want you versutus parrots to be on your best behavior ok

They all looked at each other and nodded

Boys: ok avunculus Gustavo

Gustavo: good now if you're very good today, maybe later we can all go out for glacies crepito

Boys: (gasp) YES, I'll be behave, we'll be on our best behavior avunculus

They were all jumping around in the car

Gustavo: all Niños settle down, now when we get there, I want you to be very quiescis and do what mr. Aquila tell your ok

Boys: yes Gustavo

Gustavo: stay in the waiting lounge until I come back and don't sneak away or cause any trouble ok

Boys: ok Gustavo

Gustavo: good

They can see skyline company building up ahead

Pierre: (gasp) look skyline inc, the most biggest hi-tech company in the world

Miguel: and the richest, right uncle Gustavo

Gustavo: yes filius

Fritz: it must be nice to be a bajillionaire?!

José: are You're going to finally give us that tour like you promise uncle Gustavo

Gustavo: (chuckles) a hahaha not niño, I just have some business to take care off

Boys: aw

The four gave him a disappointing frown, he reaches over and ruffles José's head

Gustavo: but maybe next time ok liberis

They all gave him a smile

Boys: yes uncle Gustavo

When he parked in his parking spot, the boys rushed over to the front doors


They all smudged their faces against the glass

Gustavo: alright! Take it down a notch! Boys It's only for a couple of hours.

He opens up the doors and their were greeted by Sebastian

They boys looked around to see the building

Pierre: historical research, experimental tech, and deep sea exploration

Fritz: I wonder how much money uncle Gustavo makes

Miguel: probably a lot

Sabastian: ah hello Gustavo

He looks down to see his nephews excited to see skyline inc.

Sebastian: ah these must be your boys, hello kids I'm you uncle advisor Sebastian

They all shook his hands

Gustavo: ok so Sebastian where is the (quote unquote) problem

Sebastian: in the upstairs lab and do be careful (whispers) it's be coming unstable

Suspense music plays

Gustavo: (sarcastically) Fantastic.
I'll see you boys later (sigh) be good

Boys: ok uncle Gustavo

Security Dog Angrily barking as Gustavo walks downstairs

Gustavo: (sigh) Just another day at the office,

Inside the camera room, a security guard was tied up as someone was watching Gustavo heading to the lab

Ricardo: well, well well, looks like the big eagle has landed, well (cracks knuckles) Better not keep him waiting

Back with Sabastian

Sabastian: GAH! You boys are driving me insane

Gustavo only left for one second and the boys were already, climbing the walls, sliding down the floor and running all wild like

He looked around and tried to settle down the boys

Pierre: Hey

He look down to Pierre was pulling on his shirt

Pierre: have read about that crazy snowstorm over at Barrier Reef? I'd love to see the ocean one day, See I'm a bit of a ocean parrot then a land parrot and, uh


He saw that Miguel broke a priceless vase

Sabastian: aw

Miguel: fritz did it


Miguel: AH

he ran after him

José; Hit the breaks, fritz

Sabastian: ugh, I knew i should've hired a babysitter

He sits down grabbing his head

Back with Gustavo, he was riding the elevator to the top floor

When the elevator came to a top in the middle


Gustavo: oh

He lights were shut off and he was stuck, he went to the panel and pressed the help button

Gustavo: Michel aren't we moving!

He heard nothing but static noises

Gustavo: MICHAEL, Open up! I need to get outta here before...


Gustavo: whoa

He felt as an earthquake shook underneath him, he climbed through the escape hatch and saw that the cable wire has be cut and was about ready to break loose

Just as it was about to snap, he quickly climbed out and grabbed on to the wire, just in time as the cable snapped


He looked down and hears the sound of the elevator falling al the way down

Gustavo: hmm, he's getting stronger

He climbs all the way up until he made it to his office, but as he walks towards his office, he pulls out his gun slowly, he opens his door


And as he jumps inside, he saw that his office was empty

Gustavo: huh

He walks in And as he gets to his desk


He hears the door shut close

Ricardo: well, well if it ain't the big top raptor how ya doing ya deadbeat!

He turns around to see a blue crested hoopoe, in a He wears a white suit, blue undershirt, black vest, a black bowtie, black pants, black and white shoes and a gold chain

Gustavo: (Dramatic music plays.) Ricardo bluehoopoe

Ricardo: Gustavo mascarene

The two birds glares at each other, their Clenching fist

Back with Sabastian, he finally got the boys to calm down as he puts on a movie about their uncle's accomplishments

Miguel: (in the background they see their uncle being honored as bird of the year) uncle Gustavo

José, fritz, and Pierre: (cheering)

Sabastian: ugh

Back with Gustavo

Ricardo: So you're looking good, Still a trillionaire, I see

He looks down to see his robotic hand

Gustavo: how's your arm doing (laughs)

He laughs at him as the hoopoe grabbed his robotic arm and glares at him

Gustavo: Still see that you made a few adjustments to the mechanical arm

Ricardo: I wouldn't be like this, if it weren't for you

Gustavo: well, Veronica and Alejandro didn't deserve to die

Ricardo: they had to suffer for your mistakes, ya deadbeat!

Gustavo: ugh Oh here we go, for the last time it wasn't my fault for what happened to your arm, you were unstable and out of control

Ricardo: you did this to you

Gustavo: ugh as much as I would love to finish what I started, but It just so happens I have a family care of

He looks down at his desk and smile sinisterly as he saw a picture frame of his four nephews


Ricardo: hmm, So then why are you up here when you should be down there watching over them

Gustavo knew what he was thinking

Gustavo: (gasp)

Ricardo: it would be a shame if something unfortunately happen to them

He glares at him as he smudges his cigarette against the picture

Gustavo: (grunts) you wouldn't

He throws the picture on the ground

Ricardo: I think it's about time they meet their old uncle don't you (hysterical laughter)

Gustavo snapped as he jumped on him and pins him down

Gustavo: NO

Ricardo: ah


Gustavo: ugh, their the only family i will NOT LET YOU TAKE THEM AWAY FROM ME

Back downstairs, Sabastian was starting to get a distressed call from Gustavo on his phone

Sabastian: huh, yikes

We quickly got up but before he could leave, he just remembered the boys

Sabastian: (gasp) the boys

So he gives Antonella a call and she heads on her way

Sabastian: ok boys I got to go somewhere but Antonella will be here in a few minutes, so no tricks, lies, or trouble, ok

Boys: ok Uncle Sabastian

As he got upstairs and found him, crushing underneath a book shelf

Gustavo: ugh

He rans over the mess that was left in his office and help pushed the shelf off him

Sabastian/Gustavo: ugh

He helps him up as he stares up at him

Gustavo: he's getting stronger

Sabastian: I know

Gustavo: then come on, we have no time to lose, we need to get the boys out of here

Sabastian: wait

He stops him by grabbing his shoulder, he turns to him

Gustavo: what?

He gives him a worried look

Sabastian: I think it's time to tell them, you need to tell your nephews the truth

Gustavo: no! Come on Let's go before he gets to them first

He scowls at him as he runs downstairs, back downstairs Antonella was knitting while she was keeping a eye on the boys as they were already getting board waiting for their uncle

I'll won't let you take them away from me

Fritz: ugh, what's taking him so long?

Miguel: yeah he's taking forever?

José: be patient you guys

Pierre: yeah, uncle Gustavo says that he'll be back soon as he fixes the problem that he's company is having

Fritz: What's the big deal with him and keeping us from seeing the company?

Miguel: yeah what's he's hiding

Pierre: Ooo, what if he's working on a secret project

Antonella was overhearing their conversation

José: you know what the biggest question is

Miguel: How come he never visit, grandma and grandpa

Jose: no, how he says we're his only family when we have a lot of relatives

Fritz: oh yeah

Pierre: hmm

Miguel: Oh

They all agreed and Antonella had a quilt face as she dropped one of her ball of yarns

Pierre: maybe it's because we're his only nephews

Antonella: phew

They saw how she reacted and felt that she knew something

José: hey Antonella, you'll been around with our uncle, right

Antonella: huh-oh-I-

She drops her knitting needle

Antonella: oh uh yes

José: why do you think out uncle is hiding

Antonella try to act as calm and innocent as she can

Antonella: huh what make you think, I know anything about you uncle

Fritz: ya know, cause you're so old and-

She scowls at him as Pierre covers his mouth to keep him from saying thing else offensively

Pierre: cause, you been around since our birthdays

Miguel: Yeah, whats the be a big deal, with him and keeping us from the company

Fritz: Whatever happened to him?

José: why those he say we're his only family

Pierre: what is he hiding

As she was being overwhelmed by their questions, when their uncle came just in time


Antonella: oh thank havens

Boys: (gasp) uncle Gustavo

She breaths in a sigh of relief as the boys ran to their uncle, he carries them

Gustavo: ok we need to get out of here

Boys: huh, why

He eyeballs at Sabastian as he walks to Antonella

Sabastian: Antonella, I need to talk to you

They watched as Sabastian was walking to the maintenance room, they looked up to him see their uncle carrying them to the exit

Jose: uncle Gustavo,where are we going

Pierre: why are we leaving

Fritz: what are you hiding

Miguel: are we gonna get some glacies crepito now


Miguel: OW

Fritz kicked him

Gustavo: we just need to leave right now, before it's too late

José: before what's too late

Just then the power went off, the lights went off and all the doors were locked

They were trapped

Gustavo: uh oh

Sabastian and Antonella walking towards him

Sabastian: Gustavo, he's shut off the power

Jose: he?

The nephews looked up at him in confusion as he was stuck between a hard place and a rock

José: uncle Gustavo who's he

He didn't have time to explain, he ran to the janitor's closet and m throws the boys in the empty room

Gustavo: ok stay right don't move, I'll be right back

He shuts the door and locks it


José: uncle Gustavo wait

The four leaned against the door, confused for what happened

Gustavo walked towards Sabastian and Antonella

Gustavo: be prepared Antonella, he's gotten stronger

He runs upstairs to get some weapons

Antonella: but what about the boys

Gustavo: there're already somewhere safe, that's all you need to know

Sabastian walks up a little to him

Sabastian: you need to tell them

Gustavo: (sigh)

Sabastian: it's the only way to protect them

Gustavo: Sabastian you don't understand, if I told them, they'll never forgive me

Sabastian: there gonna find out eventually

Gustavo: this is the only way to keep them away from him

He runs upstairs

Sabastian: he's gonna get them one way

Back with the boys they were trying to break open the door

Bang, bang, bang

José: uncle Gustavo!!! Open up, ugh

Fritz: Great, now he's really hiding something from us

Pierre: So we're totally ditching this room

Miguel: and I know just know how to do it.

Gustavo ran to his office, pressed a button on the bottom on his desk and behind him, his trophy case went up and showed a case of weapons- such as a Shotgun, Machine gun, Rifle, Pistol, Assault, rifle, AK-47, Revolver, Browning Automatic Rifle, bow & arrow, swords, handgun, spear, artillery, dagger, axe, flamethrower, an old musket, carbine, and lots of bombs and grenades

He takes a few bombs, shot guns and daggers, as he press the button again to hid his weapons, he looks back at the reflection to see a picture of him holding his nephews as hatchlings, he picks it up and smiles

Gustavo: it didn't Used to be such a big deal, I just wanted to protect you from the truth

Back downstairs, Miguel was struggling to unlock the door

Miguel: Hmph! Hah! Hah! Stupid! Doorknob! Come! Off!

He was standing on Jose's shoulders

José: ooh, hurry up Miguel

Fritz: yeah so we can get out of here

Miguel: ah ha, Nailed it!

Miguel/Jose: whoa


They both fell down as they quickly got

Fritz: Huh, I can't believe that worked

José: Come on guys! Let's go see what uncle Gustavo is hiding

Pierre: what wait?   

Miguel/fritz: YEAH

Pierre: so we just gonna disobey uncle Gustavo, ok that's cool

The four parrots ran to the way bottom downstairs lab

José: come on guys let's hurry before uncle Gustavo finds out that we're-


José: oh

He bumped into someone

José: hey why don't you watch where- (gasp)

Miguel, fritz, Pierre: (gasp)

but when they looked, they saw it was a blue crescent hoopoe

He looked down at them

Ricardo: well, well, well what do we have here, baby parrots, (evil chuckles) how cute, now Who sent you

José: uh-uh

They were frightened by him, But when he got a closer look, he recognized them

Ricardo: (gasp) wait a minute, YOU'ER THE NEPHEWS

José: Wait, you know us?

Ricardo: Of course

Boys: (gasp)

Ricardo: not

Boys: oh

Ricardo: but I know you're uncle

Suspense music plays as they try to back away from him

Ricardo: (crackles)

Pierre: uh, h-h-how do you know about our uncle

He gives them a sinister smile as he bends down to them

Ricardo: well, you're uncle and I, go away back

They then noticed his arm

Miguel: What happened to your arm

He smiles at them

Ricardo: that's a really good question, why don't we—

Boys: AH!

He grabs them by their shirt and hoist them up to his face

Ricardo: ask your uncle, he'll love to Tell ya EVERYTHING!

He walks back upstairs

Miguel: ah!!

Fritz: (grunts)

Fritz hit his fist

José: hey let us go our uncle's gonna deal with you when he finds us missing

Pierre: yeah, you'll be lucky enough, he won't end your life

He pulls them closer to his face

Ricardo: HAH! He already done that already

Boys: huh?

Ricardo: I'm surprised he didn't tell you everything

The boys looked at each other in confusion

Back upstairs, Gustavo and Antonella was out on alert looking for a vengeful hoopoe

For over the times Antonella worked for Gustavo and raised his nephews, she didn't like the secrets he was keeping from them

Gustavo: ok, Sabastian says that he saw him in the downstairs lab

Antonella: mr. mascarene, i think you need to tell them

He looks back at her and scolds, he runs off

Antonella: (gasp) you cant just keep this away from them

He turns to face her

Gustavo: their just kids Antonella, their not ready for the truth yet

They continued to walk downstairs

Antonella: the further you keep them from the truth, the more suspicious they'll become

Gustavo: the only thing I need to worry about, is to keep that blue head cocktail maniac away from the boys

Antonella: fine but after this you're going to answer the boys question

Gustavo: like what?

Antonella: for instance, why do you act like their you only family when you have relatives from around the world

But before he could say anything else, he heard his nephews in distressed


he grabs Miguel and Pierre on his right hand and hold José and fritz on his left

He kept them apart as he saw fritz trying to punch him

Fritz: ugh, ugh, wait till I get my hand on you, when I get out, I'm gonna break your beak open, crack your skull, ripe off your feathers

Ricardo: HAH! Oh that's a Good one pip squeak, but how are you gonna do that

Gustavo: like this (grunts)


Ricardo: ah

He charged at him and punched him in the beak, he fell back and let the boys go


the nephews cheered for him, as he glared at Ricardo who was getting up

Ricardo: Gustavo, lets it's not do this in front of the children

Gustavo: you just leave those kids alone

Ricardo: come on, Gustavo violence is never the answer, now is it tico

He glares at him again

Ricardo: besides, wouldn't it sent the wrong message

Gustavo: C'mon you mechanical roster, you won't hurt those boys

Ricardo: Hmmm no

Antonella: boys come on, get away from that blue crescent hoopoe

The boys ran to their nanny, as the two boys ran to each other, punching each other

Gustavo/Ricardo: (grunts) ugh, ah uh ugh, ah ugh

Gustavo: i should've finished you in the Barrier Reef

Ricardo: fifty years, I had to suffer for you mistakes


Gustavo: ah

He punches him hard to the ground, he then looks at the four parrots

Ricardo: apparently so did others

He saw him walking slowly towards the boys

Gustavo: wait, but they don't deserve it

He looks down at him, hoping he would give him pity

Ricardo: these children must mean the world to you

He looks back at them

Ricardo: it would be a shame to take away something that meant to you

As he gets ready to hurt them, Antonella gets in front of them to protect them

Gustavo: (gasp) Ricardo wait

He gets up

Gustavo: please, their the only family I have left

He was still ignoring him, Gustavo became desperate to protect them

Gustavo: please, they done nothing wrong to you, thus is between you and me, leave them out of it

He looks back at him

Ricardo: A week's provisions, an experimental deep-sea sub cost me a lot no thanks to you

Gustavo looks down in shame

Ricardo: And one secretary for, I'm sure this little ones are familiar with

They looked at him in confusion

José: uncle Gustavo, whats he talking about

Ricardo: wow (crackle) they really don't know do they, wow this is so priceless, it seems to your uncle hasn't told you the tale of the forgotten project

He glares at him as he wrapped his large hand around José's small shoulder

Ricardo: So, I take it he didn't tell you what about his past, (crackles) Perhaps we should tell them

He picks up José throws him up in the air, pulls out a dagger

Gustavo: (gasp)

José: AH

and grabs him by his neck and presses it against his neck getting ready to cut his neck open

José: ugh

Ricardo: You have keeping a secret from them for ten years, now it's time to come clean

Gustavo: (gasp) Whoa, Ricardo wait please, they're just kids

Antonella: you harm one feather on that child's head and you'll pay

Ricardo: hmmm, a bit overprotective nanny don't you think but you did want you wanted what was best for you're family

Gustavo: Don't you daré harm, my nephew

Ricardo: yeah, harming would be the last mistake you had, letting your (quote unquote) one family suffering for your mistake, you sellout


he walks closer to him

Ricardo: uh-Uh, One more step and jr. Here will suffer the same terrible fate Erica had

José: What could be worse than hearing you yap

He glares at José and clutches his fist deeper in his throat

José: ugh

Ricardo: then that means you be the perfect sample to these hatchlings your uncle's mistake

He takes the dagger out and gets ready to take him out

Gustavo: (gasp) NO

Gustavo ran towards him and pins him down and starts punching him rapidly

Thud, thud, thud, thud

Gustavo: you took away their parents but I won't let you hurt them too

The boys were shocked for what they just head

José: what

Gustavo stopped to turn to see his nephews terrified, Ricardo was laughing while he was bleeding

Jose: is (bitterly) that why you never took us to see the company

Gustavo gets up

Gustavo: i was only trying to protect you boys from the truth

They all looked about ready to cry when

Gustavo: look i-


Gustavo: ugh

Boys: (gasp)

José: uncle Gustavo

Ricardo got back up and punched him hard in the face

Ricardo: It'll take more than a bruised spine to bring me down

He punched him hard in the chest with his steel arm


Boys: (gasp)

Gustavo: ah

The boys watched their uncle getting beaten up by the blue crescent hoopoe but he also saw that he was trying to keep him away from them

José: come on we need to help him

The boys ran to save their uncle only to get a pushed away by Ricardo's tail

Gustavo saw and had no choice, he pulls out a remote and actives a button that says bomb

A timer shows and countdown to 1-minute

He choked-hold Ricardo and pinned him down

Gustavo: Sabastian, Antonella, get the boys out of here

Boys: WHAT

Antonella: yes sir

Antonella grabbed Miguel and Pierre Sabastian grabbed fritz asks as he tries to grab José he gets away and tries to run to his uncle



José started to cry

José: no i I'm not gonna lose you too

Gustavo: son, it's going to be okay, you go and live your life, I will always be there for you

As José refused to leave Sabastian quickly grabbed them

Gustavo: Sabastian

Sabastian: yes

He turns to face him

Gustavo: promise me you'll take care of the boys

He give him a nod and a smile as he runs out, José gets out of his grips and tries to run out to save his uncle but....

José: NO!!


He looked up and saw that he was already to late, the brother all gather around and saw the building on fire

José: (sobbing)

Sabastian: (sigh)

Sabastian watched the boys upset for the lost of their uncle

The next day, after their uncle's funeral, Sabastian collect the insurance money and as he read through the will, he was named their legal guardian, in case something bad happened to him, he would watch over them and take over the company

He went inside the mascarene mansion to tell the boys the news only to find them, mourning over their uncle's death

José sat by the bay window, Miguel tried to down his sorrow in ice cream but didn't work, fritz was so angry at the bird that killed their uncle he was punching the wall, Pierre just sat down below the small chair sofa

Sabastian: ahem, hey guys

They still stayed quite

Sabastian: (sigh) look, i know you're still upset for what happened to your uncle but he would've want you to move on

Miguel: I miss uncle Gustavo, not even ice cream will make it better

He throws the cup into the rest of the pile of them

Antonella came in

Antonella: (sigh) boys I know that you're in pain but just know that what you're uncle did, he did it to protect you that man you saw was a very bad man would had been hunting you down since you were just hatchling



He slams his fist hard in the wall

Antonella: fritz I know that you're upset but just know we wanted to keep you safe like he wanted for you parents, long ago he made a promise to your parents that he would protect you no matter what

Pierre gets up and walks to her

Pierre: but what happened to them what has Ricardo talking about and how did they did and how did he know about us

Antonella: those are good questions for another day but until then wait

José gets up

José: Antonella and Pierre is right, we need to stay strong for uncle Gustavo, he would've done that

The rest joined in

José: tomorrow we start on the out mystery on what happened to mom and dad

He pulls out a jug of milk and pours a glass for his brothers

José: to uncle Gustavo

Pierre, Miguel, fritz: to uncle Gustavo


They click their glasses together and take a slip

Knock, knock

They heard a knock on the door, Antonella goes to open it and finds a pink flamingo in a gray suit with a matching fedora

He tips his hat

Mr. Sanchez: good evening mame, is mr. mascarene here

She gives him a sorrow look

Antonella: I'm sorry, but he's gone

Mr. Sanchez: oh well when can I expect him to be back

Antonella: oh no sir you missed heard me, he's gone

He then realized what she was talking

Mr. Sanchez : oh , I'm terrible sorry

Antonella: oh it okay

Mr. Sanchez: i wanted to tell him that his paperwork has been put though

Sabastian: what paperwork

Mr. Sanchez: oh excuse me, my name is mr. Sanchez, I'm from the hatchlings adoption agency

Sabastian/Antonella: adoption agency

Mr. Sanchez: yes, you see he filed a paperwork for adopting a hatching at our orphanage weeks ago when he visit us on a business

Sabastian: what are you saying that he-

Antonella: adopted a child

Mr. Sanchez: yes

They both looked at each other in confusion

Sabastian: he never mentioned this before

Mr. Sanchez: shall I burn the paperwork since he's gone

Antonella/Sabastian: NO, no no no no no

Sabastian: I'm sure having another child with be great to have around the mansion, it would be nice for the boys to have another sibling to play with and to get them to forget their sadness

Antonella: yes, please let us see the young hatchling

The flamingo's  face lit up

Mr. Sanchez: oh good, you're going to love her

He walks to his car

Sabastian: oh it a she

He smiles

Antonella: well it would be nice to have a girl in the mansion

Inside the mansion, the boys were talking about what could be at the door, when they overheard them talking

Antonella: aw why isn't she just the most precious thing you ever saw

Sabastian: yeah, i just hope the boys will get along with her fine

Antonella: oh I'm sure she'll fit in just fine

They all tried to see what was going on

Mr. Sanchez: ok, I'll leave her hear for a week and see how well you like having her

Sabastian: why not just let us have her, I already like her already  (chuckles)

Mr. Sanchez: (laughs) yeah, we'll see, so I'll come back in a week to give you a few papers to sign and she'll be yours

Antonella: until then our home is your home darling, come in

Mr. Sanchez: bye have fun

As they shut the door, the boys saw Sabastian and Antonella hiding something behind their back

The boys were anguished to see what was happening

José: Antonella who was that

They just saw them making a excited face as each other

Antonella: boys that was someone from the adoption agency

Boys: adoption agency?

Antonella: boys, meet your new sister...

Sabastian moves out of the way as Antonella pulls a small gothic purple honeycreeper

Antonella: catrina


they boys were shocked to meet their new sister

She was wearing black sneakers, grey shorts, leggings, and a blue turtleneck, she had short hair and her eyes were purple

The boys may have lost their uncle but they gained something much better

....a sister

To be continued

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