Chapter 11

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The next morning, the trio go outside the castle and get ready to go

"Good luck my son"the king said hugging his son

"Thank you dad"Zane replied, then go to his two new friends

"Greenie grow big"Nya said and the dragon turn into his big self. The three teens climbed on him, waved at everyone and then started flying to the Earth Kingdom. Nya was in the front, Jay behind her and Zane-last

"Hey guys do you want to show you what I learned?"Nya asked turning to Jay and Zane

"Sure"they replied

"Jay come on my place"Nya said and jumped from the dragon

"NYA!?!"Jay and Zane yelled. Jay rode the dragon to her, but then he saw she formed something and flew next to them

"WHOOOOHOOOO"Nya yelled and laughed

"Nya?"Jay asked quietly, when he saw her riding hers water dragon. After a while she jumped back on Greenie

"Nya that was amazing. Where did you learned that?"Zane asked

"My brother told me about the dragons when I was in the fire Kingdom"

"I've never knew the water Masters can unlock their own Dragons"Jay said entering the conversation

"Not only the water Masters. Everyone can unlock his own dragon, just need to feel it"Nya explained

"Interesting. Like I have work when we go back to the Ice Kingdom"Zane said. The whole day they flew and told each other stories

"Guys it's getting dark. Let's stop and rest for the night"Nya said and the two boys agreed. Jay lended Greenie and he turned back to his small self, then hide in Nya's clothes. The trio sat and decided to eat. When they were ready they all lay in their sleeping bags, but Jay didn't fell asleep. He was thinking. Thinking how to tell Nya he like her. Thinking what will happen if Lloyd didn't heal. Thinking for his parents. Thinking for his future. He was scared. For everything he thought now. He just decided to think positive and to forget the bad scenario. He turned to Nya to see her trembling. He stand and gave her another blanked, after that watched her a little, while stroking her hair, then go back asleep, but again, he didn't expected that Nya wasn't asleep. She saw everything. She loved every little thing he do for her. She like him too, but she know that now it's not the time for her to be in relationship, since she is one of the most important people in this war

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