Chapter 12

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The next morning the three packed and continue their journey to the nearest village. When they arrived they looked at the name

Welcome to Jamanakai

"We are not sure if the flower is here, right"Jay asked Nya

"Nope, but I am sure someone will know"Nya said and started walking towards the village. They entered and started looking around. Nya was looking for food, while Zane and Jay were looking around. Suddenly something hit Zane

"Guys! I have a friend here. We can go to him!"Zane said taking Nya and Jay's attention

"And you get to tell us now?"Jay asked

"I am sorry. I remembered now"Zane said"C'mon let's go to him"he added and started walking to his old friend's house with his new one. After a while they arrived in front of a big house

"Whoah Zane! How big is his family?"Nya asked

"Actually it's only him and his dad, along with some servants"Zane said, then knocked on the door. After a while a servant opened the door

"Oh, hello prince Zane! It's pleasure to see you again! Please come in"the servant said

"Hello, but can my friends come in too? We want to talk with Cole for something"Zane said

"Oh, of course. Come in you two"the servant said now noticing Jay and Nya staying behind him. She let them in the living room

"I am going to call Mr. Cole, you can just sit on the coaches"she said and ran away. After a while Cole entered the room

"Hey buddy! I didn't saw you in ages!"Cole said hugging his old friend

"Nice to see you again Cole"Zane said and when they pulled, Cole looked at Jay and Nya who were standing to meet with him

"Hello! My name is Cole"he introduced himself

"I am Nya"Nya said and Cole went to her. He suggested her his hand to shake and she accepted it

"Nice to meet you! And you are?"Cole asked looking at Jay

"And I am Jay"Jay said shaking his hand too

"So what are you doing here, bud? I suggest you are not here for a visit"Cole said after a while when they were sitting on the coach

"We need help. We found the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master-"

"WHAT!?! YOU FOUND HIM!?!"Cole yelled standing

"Yes, but we have a little problem. He was burned very bad and don't want to wake up. Nya found that we need a flower called now we need to find a flower called "The Fire Blossom"Zane explained

"Hmmm...I've heard of it, but I am not sure where I can find it. Good thing is that I know someone who can help us"Cole said, then the four heard yelling from the corridor

"Cole! Where are you son?"Cole's father-Lou-yelled

"In the living room dad!"Cole yelled and after that they saw Lou entering the living room

"Hello prince Zane! I am very happy to see you"Lou said

"Thank you very much Mr. Brookstone. It's nice to see you too"Zane said

"So, what are you doing?"he asked

"We will go to talk to Mr. Wu for something"Cole said

"Ok! Wait a minute to tell the guards to go with you"Lou said

"Dad no! I am 17 years old and master of Earth..."when they heard that, Jay and Nya looked at each other with the same thoughts"...I can protect myself"Cole finished

"No Cole. They will come with you and that's it!"Lou yelled and left the room

"Geez, sorry for that guys, my dad is kinda...protective"Cole said and Nya and Jay kinda laughed

"I can see it! My dad was the same after the...incident"Nya said and looked down

"What incident?"Cole asked curios

"It's not important right now. We have to talk with this Mr. Wu and to find the Fire Blossom fast"Nya said and they all agreed with her

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