Chapter 20

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The 8 masters got ready and went outside. They said goodbye to everyone and thanked the king for the help, then Lloyd ordered to Greenie to grow big

"Hey guys don't you think we will be too much for Greenie?"Nya asked

"I dunno"Jay said

"We will really be. Especially with all the stuff we took"Lloyd said

"So now what?"Cole asked

"I and Kai can use our dragons"Nya said

"You have dragons?"Seliel asked

"Yes. Now let's go!"Nya said activating her dragon and started flying. The others followed her and started their journey to the Lightning Kingdom

When they arrived Jay knocked on the door. After a while, Edna came and opened the door

"Ohh...Jay bear we missed you so much!"Edna said hugging her son

"Mom! I was here yesterday!"Jay said

"Oh I know sweetie, but I missed you"Edna said, then let Jay

"Come in, come in"Edna said and everyone enters placing the stuff on the ground

"So now. I and the guys will share my room, while the girls will share the guest room"Jay said and everyone agreed with this. They put their things in the rooms and started unpacking, while Kai and Lloyd went to train

In the evening someone had to cook. The three girls decided to take the task. They went to the kitchen and took one recipe

"Ok so what are we doing?"Seliel asked

"Chicken with rise and noodles"Nya said

"Ok let's get start with the work!"Skylor said fist pumping in the air, while Nya and Seliel looked at her

"You can cook?"Nya asked

"Why do you ask?"Skylor asked

"Because you are a princess and you have cooks, I guess"Nya said

"Yeah and we don't think you can cook"Seliel said

"I can cook, don't worry. When I was young I went to the cooks and helped them for the food, sometimes"Skylor said

"Ok then. Let's get to work"Nya said taking the rise

After three hours everything was ready and served. The guys, Ed and Edna entered the dining room, amazed by the decorations

"Did you decorated?"Cole asked looking at Seliel

"Nope. The decorations are made only by Skylor"Seliel said and everyone looked at Skylor, who was scratching her neck

"Well, when you spend time with cooks and maids you learn one or two things"Skylor said and everyone laughed and sat to eat

"'s amazing"Jay said looking at Nya who was right across from him. She was smiling for that he liked the food

When everyone were ready and went somewhere, Edna started cleaning the dishes. Nya went back and saw that Edna was cleaning alone. She went to the table and started picking some of the dishes

"Let me help you Mrs. Walker"Nya said and Edna looked at her

"Oh don't worry dear. I can do it by myself and tell me just Edna"Edna said

"No I want to help you, Edna"Nya said outing everything in the sink

"Thank you very much Nya"Edna said

Jay entered and saw that his girlfriend and mother were talking and laughing. He went to them and Nya turned to him

"What are you talking about?"Jay asked

"Oh nothing sweetie, just telling Nya some of your childhood stories, like when I caught you kissing the pillow"Edna said and Nya started laughing very hard

"Mom why don't you go to take rest? I will help Nya for the rest"Jay said

"Oh, ok dear"Edna said knowing Jay wanted to be alone with Nya"Good night"she said and walked out of the room

"Sorry for my mom. She talks a lot"Jay said

"No it's ok. She is cool"Nya said

"Ooookay?"Jay said surprised

"What was that?"Nya asked

"What was what?"

"You acted surprised when I told you your mother is cool"

"Well, you are my first girlfriend who say it"Jay said and Nya rises an eyebrow

"What? Really?"Nya asked

"Yes! You are the first they really like, and the first that I liked so much"Jay said making Nya to blush

"O-Oh"Nya said shyly

"And I though I was more shy"Jay said rolling his eyes, but Nya saw this and sprayed him with water"Hey!"Jay complained and sprayed her too, but then realized it was a mistake. Nya formed two water balls in her hands and stand in front of Jay

"No Nya please don't-"Jay was cut off by Nya, splashing the two orbs in him. Nya started laughing, while Jay was looking into his wet clothes

"You better go to change, you can catch a cold"Nya said"Also sorry"she added

"It's ok, but what about the dishes?"Jay asked

"I will finish them. They are not that much"Nya said and Jay nod and went to change. When he entered the room, Cole was there reading a book

"Bro what happened with you?"he asked when he saw Jay

"You won't ask if your girlfriend was master of water"Jay said and they laughed

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