Chapter 21

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2 weeks have passed and the Elemental Masters were ok living with Jay's parents, but one day Jay's dad came home very late. Jay asked him why he came that late and he answered with that he had to take double shift, because he has to pay for 10 people now. Nya asked Jay why his dad came that late and he explained her. After that they decided to tell the others to try to find a job. Since this afternoon they are alone, Jay and Nya decided to tell them

"Guys don't you think we have to find a job?"Nya started the conversation

"Why?"Skylor asked

"Because we are too much people and Ed and Edna can't pay for us. They give too much for us and we gave too little for them"Nya explained

"Nya have a point. We are 8 teenagers!"Seliel said

"Ok then. We are starting finding a job!"Lloyd said standing

"Lloyd you won't. You are only 12 and you have to train"Cole said and Lloyd sat back and sighed

"Okay..."Lloyd said

"Okay guys let's go to find jobs!"Jay said and everyone stand and started walking around the town. Zane went into one restaurant, where he saw they are searching for cooks. He entered and asked one of the workers where is the office of the boss. When he found it he knocked and entered

"Hello sir"Zane said politely

"Hello. How can I help you?"the boss said

"I saw you are searching for cook and I wanted to try for the job!"Zane said excited

"Ok then. Can you show me your skills?"the man said

"Of course"Zane said. They headed to the kitchen and Zane started making Ratatouille. When he was ready he served it to the chief. He tried it and his smile grow super big

"This is brilliant! Where do you learned to do it?"he asked

"From the books, Mr...."

"Antonio. My name is Chef Antonio"

"Nice to meet you Chef Antonio"

"Me too my boy"he said shooting hands with Zane, then gave him a cook's hat"Can you start now?"

"Of course!"

In this time Nya and Seliel went to try in one cafeteria. They talked with the manager and get the job. The bad for them was since they are new they have to get the bad work. They had to wash the floors and the dishes. They decided to not do it in a boring way. They but brushes on their feet and started washing, then Nya washed the dishes with her powers, while Seliel dried them

Skylor went with Kai to one shop. They get the job and had to be sellers and to clean and sort the shop

Cole went on the docks, where he heard they need Masters of earth so they can lift the heavy things. He got the job and had to start today-how the others

Jay on the other hand decided to try in his father's workshop, who was also searching for helpers. He entered and saw his dad fixing something

"Hey dad!"Jay said entering and grabbing his old man's attention. Ed turned and smiled at his son

"Hello Jay. What are you doing here?"Ed asked

"I think I found you a helper"Jay said and Ed smiled

"Oh Jay. You have too much better things to do. Thank you anyways. Who is he?"Ed asked

"He is standing in front of you"Jay said

"Oh, my boy, why do you want to help me? You have to train Lloyd"Ed said

"Yes, but we all decided to find jobs, so you and mom don't have to pay for everything"Jay said

"Oh Jay..."Ed said"Thank you my boy"

"Always dad"Jay said and they hugged

The teens talked when they finished work to go and buy some food, so when it was evening, they all met in front of the shops. They all went to buy some things and then went back home and make dinner. When Ed and Edna get back home they were surprised by the dinner

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