Chapter 22

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Some days had passed and everything was perfect for everyone. Everyone were at work, when suddenly they heard screams. Everyone ran out to see the fire army attacking. They all went to help the people to hide. Nya was near the Walkers house and saw that one man of the Fire Army was entering the house. Nya momentally ran towards the house. She saw Ed and Edna staying in one spot, not daring to move and the man walking around them

"Soooo...what can I do with you two?"he said putting his sword near Edna's head, but then fast removed it. He noticed someone was watching them and turned to see Nya on the door. When he turned Nya gasped. She knew this man. The same man who killed her parents

"Don't dare to touch them"Nya said making water in her wrists

"Ohhh...Fire against Water? This will be interesting"he said. He started trowing fire balls at Nya, who dodged them

In this time Jay was running towards his home to check on his parents. When he entered he saw Nya against the fire army warrior

"Why did you do that?"Nya asked tears streaming down her cheeks"Why did you killed two innocent people?"

"Who do you mean? I killed very much in my live"he said and laughed. Nya was so hurt and furious. Suddenly she felt strong power inside her body. She was lifted and was glowing blue. She looked at Jay signaling to him to get his parents away. He understand this and signaled to them to follow him. They ran to their son and he let them go outside, while he stayed with Nya, who had the fire warrior into a water ball, with no chances for escaping. Suddenly her clothes changed into something like armor. Nya was watching the fire warrior, but then let him. She fall on the ground and Jay momentally ran by her side, while the man was coaching for air. Jay helped Nya to stand and and held her

"Why did you let him?"Jay asked

"Because I don't want to kill anyone. Even if he killed my parents, I can't do this"Nya said. The warrior stand and tried to attack Nya, with his sword this time, but Jay shook him with lightning and he fall unconscious. After a while some guards came and took him

In this time Cole and Seliel were fighting together. Suddenly Cole noticed black smoke surrounding her wrists. When they beat all the warriors Cole looked a her wrist again-the smoke was still there

"Seliel? What happened with your hands?"Cole asked. Seliel lifted them and saw the smoke, then screamed

"Cole please help me!"she said. Cole went to her and took her wrists

"Seliel don't worry. It's ok. I-I think you have Elemental power, but this is absolutely new power. I've never saw it before"Cole said

"I-I have a power?"she asked

"Yes Seliel! Now, try to stop it"Cole said and she nodded and closed her eyes and focused, after that her wrists stoped smoking. She opened her eyes to see her normal hands

"We have to tell the others"Cole said and she nodded. He wrap his hand around her wrist and they started walking towards the house

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