Chapter 8

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The next morning Lloyd was going to meet Jay and Nya with his teacher. Now they were outside watching for him to come. After some minutes they saw him coming. A boy with blond hair into army cut and icy blue eyes

"Hello Mr. Jay, hello Miss Nya. It's pleasure to meet Masters of other elements. I am Zane, by the way"the boy said

"Nice to meet you too Zane"Nya said shaking his hand

"Yeah, nice to meet you"Jay said this time shaking his hand

"So Lloyd told me you need practice too Nya"Zane said


"Then let's see your skills"Zane said and the three walked away, while Jay was left alone. Zane, Lloyd and Nya went kinda away from him and next to a river

"Ok Nya show me what you can"Zane said. Nya took some water and started controlling it, making shapes and so on, then put it back and turned to Zane"You have excellent skills Nya. You can train Lloyd of your Element without worry"Zane said matter-of-fancy

"Ok. Thank you so much Zane"Nya said and smiled, then walked away back to Jay, while Lloyd and Zane stayed on the river

"Ok now Lloyd, try to freeze the water"Zane said starring today's lesson. Nya went back to her room and laid on the bed to think how she is going to save her brother. Suddenly someone knocked on her door

"Come in"she said and then Jay entered

"Hey"he said and walked to her bed, then saw her expression

"You ok?"he asked

"Yeah, just thinking"Nya said sitting making him space to sit

"For?"Jay asked sitting in front of her

"I want somehow to save my brother"Nya said hugging her knees

"We will save him. I promise you, but for now we have to train Lloyd first"Jay said putting his hand and top of hers. They both blushed again and looked at each other's eyes. They again started getting closer, and closer and closer, until they heard a big BOOM from outside. They looked out of the window to see the fire army's ships. They both stand from the bed and hand-in-hand, without even noticing that, they ran outside where the others are to see everyone fighting with the fire army. They started running to help the others. They fought, but suddenly Nya go distracted by someone. Her brother. Her was there. She ran to him and pretended to want to fight with him

"Fast. Start chasing me and follow me"Nya said to him and he nod. They started running away, but Jay saw them and thought that Nya was chased for real, so he ran after them. Nya and Kai went to Nya's room, where Nya hugged him and cried from joy she has her brother back

"Please don't go again"Nya sobbed on his shoulder

"I am sorry Nya. I have to"Kai said

"No. Please"Nya sobbed again, this time looking into his eyes"You are the only one who's left. Please Kai"she added and Kai sighed

"Nya I am sorry. I can't. I will help you from there somehow, but for now I can't. It hurts me too, but I promise you soon, we will be together again"Kai said and Nya nodded, after that Jay burst into the room

"LEAVE HER ALONE!"Jay yelled and tried to hit him, but Nya stopped him

"JAY NO!"Nya yelled protecting her brother and instead of him, he hit her on the head very bad"Ow"Nya said tubbing her head

"Nya I am so, so, so, so, so sorry"Jay apologized and looked st Kai"Who's this?"Jay asked pointing at him

"I can ask the same question"Kai said looking at Jay with a glare

"Jay this is my brother Kai, and Kai this is Jay, my...friend"Nya said, but she knew that now they are something more than a friends

"Ok nice to meet you, but now we have to help the others"Jay said taking Nya's hand and ran outside with her again. Kai was full in anger. Yes he may not be in her live very long time, but still, like when they were kids, he want to protect her from everything and everyone. He followed them and go to his group

Lloyd was fighting and hopefully nobody recognized him for now. Suddenly he felt his skin get hotter and saw that he was burned. Nya noticed that too and ran to him. She spray water on his back, so the flames stopped, but Lloyd was gutted very bad. The Fire army gave up and go away. Very much people were injured, but not as bad as Lloyd. Nya stayed with him the whole time using water on his back hoping he will get better

"Is he going to be ok?"Jay asked

"I hope so. He is our last hope"Nya said looking at Lloyd's burned back

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