Chapter 9

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Some days passed and Lloyd still didn't woke up. Nya didn't slept much so she can treat Lloyd's back. Jay started getting worried for her. Zane asked her few times to change her, but she always say that she is ok and he don't have the same powers as her. Zane didn't argue with her. Today Jay went to see what is happening with Lloyd and Nya. When he went he saw the same thing as everyday-Nya treating Lloyd's back. Jay walked to her and looked at Lloyd's back

"How is he?"Jay asked

"I don't know. He still didn't woke up. I hope he will soon"Nya said looking at Jay

"Why you don't get some sleep. You didn't slept much these days"Jay said and Nya sighed

"I know, but Lloyd needs me"Nya said looking at Lloyd

"I think he is better now. You can rest and Zane will look after him"Jay said and Nya started thinking

"No I will stay here"Nya said, but Jay didn't listened her. He took her bridal style and started walking out of the room

"No Jay*yawn*. I have to stay with Lloyd"Nya said closing her eyes

"See? You need rest Nya. You are not helping him like that"Jay said to Nya who's eyes were closed and was half asleep. She just nod at him and snuggled closer to his warm chest. When he arrived he put her under the blankets and kissed her forehead

"Have a good nap, my angel"Jay whispered, but didn't expected that she wasn't full asleep and she heard him. He then he go to his own room who was right next to Nya's

In this time Zane was with his father in Lloyd's room

"Dad is he going to be ok?"Zane asked

"I hope son. If he didn't everything ends"The king said walking out of the room and leaving Zane to take care of the burned master

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