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I've never really like
Written in first person
But because every McPriceley Fic is written in first person-

Kevin P.O.V

I can't stand the district leader. Not one bit. I'll be in the living room, minding my own business, reading a book of some sort and all of a sudden he just bursts in with these twinkle-toe bootie shorts of some sort and starts doing his tap routine in the middle of the living room. He's so...distracting, it gets on my nerves and it's been happening more frequently lately, I'm almost fed up with it at this point. However, if I just...continue to read...maybe he'll go away.

Connor's P.O.V

I can't stand how oblivious Kevin is. I'm literally throwing myself at him and he glares at me. I'm done. If he can't take the meat when it's medium rare, then Dear, he's going to have one chewy bit when I'm through with him. I think he's annoyed with which case, I'll just continue with what I'm doing.

I look up from where I'm dancing in the middle of the living room to see him shooting a glare at me before returning to reading.

Books, books, books, that's all he cares about, reading, when he has a perfectly fine thing to be looking at right here...

He's straight, McKinley, remember?

Ignorant as always...


I'm so gay and it's not even okay with me. Connor is being...distracting...and I need to leave.

I quickly excuse myself from the living room, heading into my room at the church mission and pulling out my laptop.

I hardly think I'd have lasted this long without my laptop- did you know you can buy data for laptops? Did you also know my parents are wealthy? Did you know that means I have a lot of fake friends? Did you know that-

Lord, I'm lonely.

That's why I use chat rooms.
Ah, chat rooms, sweet, sweet chatrooms.

Nobody knows who you are.
Nobody cares.

Well, almost nobody cares.

I had recently discovered a local chat room, including anyone within a hundred mile radius could join- and it was strictly for Mormons.

Most of the people in the chat were Mormons who were here on account of their mission, such as the one person in particular that I had become interested in.

GingerSnap101 was a local Mormon, within the radius, and what had caught my eye was their icon. It was a picture of what looked like a pride parade. Any straight person would brush it off as simply some rainbow aesthetic shit but I knew the order in which the pride flag fell and boy was that it. So, naturally, I slid into the DMs.

I had messaged him a few months back, maybe a month after I had first come here, and we'd been chatting ever since.

I looked at my screen for any new messages and saw none. Frowning, I decided I'd start my own.
Opening up my DM with GingerSnap101, I began to type

Orlandhoe: Hey, are you able to talk?

There was no response and I could feel myself deflate- then-
Dot dot dot- the signal that someone was writing back

GingerSnap101: Mhm^^ What's up?

I grinned at his response, finding three words adorable, I then remembered what had bothered me.

Orlandhoe: My roommate is bugging the hell out of me again.

GingerSnap101: heck*

GingerSnap101: Shoot, I'm sorry about that :( Have you tried talking to him?

Orlandhoe: I don't want to talk to him any more than I have to.

GingerSnap101: Well, I'm glad you've gotten over that phase of you finding him moderately attractive then 😂

Orlandhoe: Oh yeah? You're glad? Why's that ;)

GingerSnap101: You literally started talking to me because I had a gay icon. Are we not completely obvious with each other??

My face flushed red.
I hadn't exactly been confronted with the fact of liking a boy in particular before...

Well, I...had initially had a little crush on McKinley- but I hardly wanted to even give him a chance to prove anything to me after how absolutely annoying he had become and- really clingy, in a negative way I'm sure...

Orlandhoe: What about that guy you were pursuing??

GingerSnap101: He's not giving me the time of day and I'm pre sure he's straight.

OrlandHoe: Oh, sorry about that

GingerSnap101: Nah, it's fine- now I get the chance to ask you out- you said you were close to downtown, right?

OrlandHoe: Oh- my gosh- uh, yeah, I am

My heart pounded and I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing with joy.

GingerSnap101: So you know where Jeremy's Coffee Shop is? Not a lot of people go there so I figure it'd be fine to meet there, nobody would know

I thought about this for a moment...
This was a sin above all sins- I was going to go out with a guy- and it was going to be at a Coffee Shop...alright, well...

OrlandHoe: Yep, I recall it

GingerSnap101: I'll see you there tomorrow at 10 AM?

OrlandHoe: Tomorrow it is :)

GingerSnap101: See you tomorrow ;)

Five minutes texting.
And I had a date.

I forgot any feeling I had had for McKinley in that moment.

GingerSnap101 was perfect, and nothing like Connor.

Connor's P.O.V

I grinned at my computer screen and let out a small giggle. Thank gosh Kevin had kept an open Hot Spot for the last few months.

I would usually feel bad taking advantage of someone, but after the way Kevin had treated me, I sure as heck would mooch off of his internet to text someone who actually appreciated what I had to offer.

OrlandHoe was perfect, and nothing like Kevin.

Timeskip brought to you by how gay I am
3rd Person P.O.V (I tried, really I did, but I can't with first person)

Kevin grinned as his alarm went off the next morning. He got up quickly and shot towards the bathroom, but was met to find it closed. At 9 AM? Most of the elders slept in until 10... who was in th-?

A melodic voice sounded from the bathroom and Kevin found himself in awe as the theme to The Little Mermaid was sung. His heart swooned and he found himself smiling- that is- until the door opened to reveal Connor McKinley with only a towel around his waist.

Kevin and Connor stared at each other, red in the face, for a minute before Connor shrieked loudly, "PERV!" And Kevin slapped a hand over his eyes, "SORRY!" That was the first time he had ever apologized to Connor.

Time skip brought to you by how amazing gingers are

After Kevin got finished with perfecting his hair, it was time to head out and, to Kevin's relief, Connor had already left- for where? Kevin knew not. Who cared though. He had a date. With a guy.

Kevin had a date.
With a guy.

Holy shi-

Timeskip brought to you by the fact that the whole plot of Falsettos was spoiled for me yesterday/at 1 AM earlier today

Connor sat impatiently at the two-person round table, located just inside the coffee shop by a window that looked out at the street outside. It was 10:04 AM and OrlandHoe still hadn't shown their face yet. He was getting worried, he'd waited for someone to call out his username but, so far, there wasn't even another person here. Connor knew this was a secluded place, that's why he had suggested it, but-

Oh no-

Connor grimaced as he saw Kevin outside. He quickly ducked down so that the brunette wouldn't see him here, he didn't want Kevin to ruin his chance at a date with someone. He squeezed his eyes shut but inevitably heard the bell of the door open.

Kevin looked around but only saw the lithe frame of a familiar ginger-


It hit him like cramps.
Kevin felt his blood run cold before his face flashed red and he cleared his throat, " o' one...?" he murmured, looking at the back of Connor.

There was silence.
And then Connor's hand slowly slithered up.

Kevin felt his heart pound as he slowly approached the table, sitting down across from the district leader. He stared down at his feet.

There continued to be silence before a waiter came over and placed two decaf coffees down, then retreated back behind the counter.

That's when Connor cleared his throat and Kevin looked up, "Your...Username makes sense now." Connor mumbled.

Kevin nodded slowly, "So does yours..."

A beat.

"So, you're really...?" Connor made eye contact with Kevin.

"OrlandHoe? Ye-"

"No, I mean- Kevin, you're gay?" Connor looked in disbelief.

Kevin's face grew hotter, "I-I mean, yeah- I thought you knew that- I thought that's why you were making fun of me with all the tap dancing and booty shorts and-"

"I wasn't making fun of you, Kev!" Connor almost laughed, "I was hitting on you!"

Kevin's eyes widened in surprise, "Y-you were?"

"Was I the annoying roommate you were talking about?" Connor sounded like he was trying to decide if he should be amused or offended.

Kevin did a small nod.

Connor thought about this before letting out a small gasp, "Oh...em...gOSH- THAT MEANS YOU USED TO LIKE ME-" He seemed to go redder than Kevin.

Kevin shrank down in his seat, "Mhm."

"Oh my lord, Kevin..." Connor gasped before letting out a small giggle.

Kevin cocked an eyebrow, "You're not...mad?"

"Kevin! I've been pining over your sorry ass for months! I- sorry, I'm not sure how to feel about you right now- I just started to dislike and like you so..."

"I feel like I like you more than I hate you but I'm not sure." Kevin huffed.

There was silence again as the boys thought.

"Connor, you mentioned liking someone when we first started talking- was that me?" Kevin asked.

Connor grinned sheepishly, "Yeah."

Kevin smiled slightly, "You talked about me for an hour, Connor." His smile grew wider.

"W-well that's before you started ignoring me so there was a lot to look at." Connor looked at his lap.

Kevin frowned before sighing, "I didn't know how to deal with my emotions...I didn't- well, you know— didn't want to be gay...but, Gingersnap- you..helped me see that that was okay."

"Yeah?" Connor looked at Kevin.

Kevin nodded, "I didn't want to confront my I just- shoved them away and- well, that obviously didn't work."

Connor chuckled, "Nope..."

"So...should we continue an actual date then?" Kevin grinned.

Connor practically melted, "I'd like that."

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