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Requested by -_A_Human_-

The cliche Mistletoe chapter but
Not in its original outline because Price and Kin are extra

Kevin uncomfortably sat at the edge of the circle of missionaries around him who were all whispering excitedly.
Uganda didn't exactly celebrate Halloween, not traditionally at least, so they boys brought what they could with them, something that had the Halloween feeling, that you truly couldn't go anywhere without.


So, here Kevin was, sucking on Elder McKinley's

Lemon drops, he had brought them here for special occasions, a delightful candy for delightful occasions such as this, as Halloween couldn't be Halloween without candy.

There was a pause before Elder McKinley cleared his throat, "Alright! Settle down! Settle down, please!"

The elders slowly grew quiet, except for Elder Cunningham, who was quietly giggling.

"So, as you're quite aware of, every year we pick a new Halloween activity as we can't exactly go trick or treating- not that we could as young-adults anyway- but, that's besides the point! Tonight, we'll be working in teams-" Elder McKinley was cut off by an eruption of voices calling who they wanted, Kevin looking anywhere but at Connor.

"Alright, alright, that's enough!" Connor called, "Now, once you're with your partner, I need you to admit a major fear of yours to them and-"

"Say ridiculous?" Elder Cunningham suggested.

"No, but- now that you mention that- you're not completely far off. No, what you'll then do is work with your partner to conquer that fear, understood? Now,
I don't want this getting out of hand, no means no, okay?" Connor looked around the room and the boys murmured and nodded.

"One last thing!" Connor added, "You can't pair up with who you were with last week!"

There was a disappointed cry before Connor dismissed them.

Elder Cunningham sighed as he looked to Kevin, "Well, I'm sorry, best bud, that means you and I can't be together..." Arnold was on the verge of actual tears as he sniffled.

"A shame." Kevin murmured as he kept his eyes on Connor, trying to make eye-contact like a fifth grader would with the person they wanted as their partner.

"Whatever shall we do." Arnold tried before turning to Naba- she technically was a part of the church, and could therefor participate in these activities with them, and she did enjoy spending their holidays with them, "Hi, Nutella! Wanna' be my partner?"

Kevin looked away from them to look back at Connor and finally caught the boy's eye. Grinning at the ginger, Kevin began to walk over to him and saw Connor give a small smile and wave before Poptarts stepped in between them.

"Heya, Elder McKinley! Seeing as how James and I were partners last week, want to be my partner now since he's off probably ducking around with someone else since I'm not there and I'm completely fine, I'm okay, why would you think I'm not? Partners? Want to be partners?" Poptarts grinned.

Connor blinked, overwhelmed by all the words before looking past Chris at Kevin, swing the taller boy smile before turning away once Poptarts had interjected. Connor then looked back at Chris, "Er...yeah um just go with James this one time."

Poptarts's eyes sparkled and he squealed before turning without a second of hesitation to push Elder Zelder away from James and leap into his arms.

Meanwhile, Connor rushed over to Kevin and grabbed his shoulder, "Elder Price!" He realized how desperate he sounded when Kevin jumped in surprise, turning to Connor.

"Oh- hey, Elder McKinley!" Kevin gave another smile.

Connor felt like he could melt right there and then, he shook his head, "Want to be partners? I mean, only if that's chill with you that is.."

Kevin nodded, "Sounds alright."

Sounds alright? Just alright? Great, yep, great, how am I supposed to hit on a brick wall. Connor thought bitterly, but kept a perky smile on, "Great! Let's head to my room then." He paused to think before grabbing Kevin's hand and skipping off to his own room.

Kevin looked down at their hands and felt his heart swell as he allowed himself to be led to Connor's room.

Upon reaching the door, Connor opened it and let go of Kevin's hand to gesture for him to enter.

Kevin snickered, "Thanks, good sir." He winked before entering.

SHIIIT Connor tried to keep himself together as he closed the door behind him after entering.

Kevin proceeded with sitting down on the edge of the bed in the room, humming before looking at Connor who soon joined him, sitting beside him with a little under a foot of distance between them on the edge of the bed.

"So..." Kevin began, "You first? What are you afraid of?"

You. "Uh...I dunno...spiders, maybe?" Connor tried, despite only being moderately- Okay, no, that was a lie, Kevin might have made Connor nervous beyond repair, but spiders creeped him the heck out.

"Okay...well, I'm going to start with- I sure as hell-"

"Heck-" Connor corrected.

Kevin sighed, "I sure as heck am not touching a spider so you don't have to worry about that."

"Okay, well, reassurance isn't going to help me conquer the fear but it's nice of you to consider that." Connor chuckled.

"Right, well, I'm trying." Kevin huffed, "Okay, close your eyes."

Connor frowned suspiciously.

"What? Don't you trust me?" Kevin smirked.

"Should I?" Conner laughed.

"Yes." Kevin sounded completely serious and Connor simply nodded.

"Okay, I trust you then." Connor closed his eyes.

"Now, tell me, what exactly scares you about spiders?" Kevin inquired.

"Well...they creepy and crawly...they tap on your skin with their like..eight?.. legs and- it's gross-" Connor paused as he felt Kevin's hands on his back, he tensed at the physical contact before screeching as Kevin began to prod back repetitively and lightly, he shuttered, it felt weird.

"Like that?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, like that." Connor said in disgust.

"What else?" Kevin asked.

"Well..." Connor thought, "I don't like that they bite people-" He paused as Kevin stopped with the tapping and felt breath close to his neck, "bUT UM- UH- DON'T??" His eyes shot open and he scooted away from Kevin.

Kevin quickly looked away in embarrassment.

Connor stared at the ground with a red face and almost regretted interjecting Kevin's actions- nOPE- NOPE- CRUSH THE GAY- how can I around Kevin Price of all people?
He tried to mentally and actually change the topic, "Okay, well, now I've got something to be more afraid of than spiders so thanks."

"What would that be-?"

How gay I am for y- "MOVING ON-!" Connor declared, "So, what's the great Kevin Price, afraid of?" Connor smirked at Kevin.

Kevin gave a sheepish grin, "Honestly?"

"As honest as my sexuality." Connor blurted out.

"I saw you tap dance, you're fine." Kevin laughed.

Connor squeaked before continuing, "A-anyway- go on."

"Confrontation." Kevin shrugged, "It's always got my nerves up."

"Confrontation, Huh..." Connie thought about the events that had just taken place and nodded with a devious smile.

"Uh oh, what's that expression?" Kevin asked in amusement.

"Close your eyes." Connor ordered.

"Can I trust you?" Kevin mocked, but his eyes were already closed.

"Adorable dweeb." Connor muttered with a roll of his eyes and smile.

"What was that?" Kevin asked.

"nOtHiNg-" Connor choked before going to his personal chest of items.

Kevin hummed patiently as he heard Connor rustle through his things. He then heard the ginger gasp in triumph and couldn't help but feel his heart warmed by the happy giggles that followed. Left to his own thoughts, Kevin considered what he had tried to do with Connor and winced, feeling instant regret as the definition to Cock Blocked had gone into play. However, as Connor told him to open his eyes, he instantly took back any thoughts he had just had.

Connor grinned at Kevin, red in the face, with a fishing pole wrapped around his waist so the end of it draped over his head and, instead of bait, mistletoe hung from the end of it, dangling between Connor and Kevin.

Kevin instantly felt his heart rate skyrocket and swallowed, his mouth becoming immediately dry.

"C-confrontation, bam." Connor squeaked.

"O-oh- you mean?" Kevin looked at Connor.

Connor seemed to grow serious, "Do you like me, Kevin?"

Kevin gripped the edge of the bed, "U-um..." He knew his answer, he just didn't know if he wanted to say it.
Then he remember the mistletoe- and realized that he didn't have to say it.

Without further hesitation, Kevin grabbed Connor's face gently and pulled him forward, planting a kiss directly on his lips and feeling Connor's lips smile against his before kissing back.

Then, the two boys leaned back, each in a flustered mess.

"Christmas cane early then." Connor grinned from ear to ear.

Kevin did the same, "Merry Halloween."

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